• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

  • ...

Past Move 2

Part 2/3 of a prologue of Evo's work.

An old conflict, an old game
A Past Commander

“I am sure it’s shocking to see me in such humble form.” Said the supreme commander of the PLA forces with a melodic and gentle tone. “But I assure you, I am here on behalf of our father.”

For the past minute, the one known as the ruler of the skies couldn’t find something, anything, to say to his captor.

It wasn’t because of its oddly large body, Rayquaza was still larger, neither its different coloration, as strange as it was it wasn’t unique. What keep the legendary’s tongue still was Viper’s eyes. They were cold and calculative, but they were also… gentle and soft, he showed no trace of regret for having him imprisoned but neither did he show pride or arrogance before him.

The only thing those eyes show, as Rayquaza could only compare them to, was love.

That thought alone perturbed the Sky High pokemon to no end.

He thought the leader of the PLA was another power hungry maniac with an evil speech prepared for the meeting, not a calm and collected Seviper who appeared to be looking at his child.

With a deep breath, the captive Pokemon looked at his captor’s eyes and find the first words to share with him.

“You make me sick…”

To his shock, the commander appeared surprised for a moment and then began to chuckle as if he had heard a good and well intended joke, Voira chuckled heartly behind him.

“My apologizes brother.” Viper said as he cleaned a joyful tear from the corner of his eye. “I did expect you to find me as some sort of fiend, but I never expect you to be so direct with me.”

“It’s hard to be subtle in my current state.” Pointed out Rayquaza with a growling tone. “Trust me.”

“I am deeply sorry about your predicament brother.” Apologized Viper with a sincere and matching tone. “But I am afraid this is necessary in order for you to understand our holy mission.”

“Holy you say?” Asked the mighty dragon in disbelief. “Not only do you have me prisoner here, but you have slaughtered thousands of humans and their Pokemons with not even a warning and you dare to call yourself holy!?”

The chains restraining Rayquaza’s body trembled as the Legendary did its best to just float closer to the commander.

“Forget about you’ve done to me!” Rayquaza continued. “What part of this massacre… this mad carnival of yours, has anything of holiness!?”

Viper didn’t flinched nor did he show any other emotion but condescending, the only expression his face gave was a small smile.

“Brother, I know this must look bad for you, specially having grown attached to most of those creatures.” At the last line, Viper’s blade made a single and fast dismissive gesture. “But you have been revered by them for generations, it is obvious for you to see them as anything but as what they truly are.”

“And what could that possibly be?” Asked Rayquaza.

“Vermins.” Answered Viper right away. “Pests, weed, plagues, things that only corrupt and stain the pure essence of this wonderful word and its once pure inhabitants conceived by our all rightful father.”

Viper then moved a bit closer to the Legendary, which in return fought more to do the same.

“I am sure that, despite the distance of your kingdom, you have heard of the horrors humans have caused.” Viper continued. “Not only have they enslaved us for eons, but they have also turned us into something less than a slave: a toy. A distraction for their amusement and entertainment. Not to mentions those who haven’t been lucky enough to be treated even as such: lab-rats.”

For a moment, the commander’s eyes looked into his memories and shivered at them.

“Those of us who have been cut open again and again to satisfy their curiosity, not even giving our brethren a proper place to have a final rest as they are simply throw away like useless trash!”

Viper looked away as if he had remembered something too horrible to describe, beside him, Voira placed a hand on his side and comforted him.

“Thank you Voira.” He complimented her with a gentle tone and then returned to his ‘sibling.’ “I know that what I am doing can’t be called pretty or subtle. But I know our father brought me to this world for a reason, and I have been carrying out his will in order to save my kind, our kind, our family. Can you still say my work isn’t good for this land?”

“Well I am sorry if you had a crappy childhood!” Mocked back Rayquaza as he keep pulling at his restrains. “But that never gave you the right to commit such holocaust or call yourself a son of Arceus! Even when some humans are evil, not all of them sin in such way.”

“Yet they never stop sinning!” Pointed out Viper, with a firm voice. “For how long have our kind been helping them and yet look at how they treat us! Less than pets at best. And their greed doesn’t stops there, I am quite sure you do know about that.”

Viper and Rayquaza stare at each other, then the latter wavered for an instant.

As much as he completely hated the Pokemon before him and all of his subordinates, he couldn’t say humankind was entirely free of guilt as well. If things had ended in such a way, it was all because of how prideful and arrogant humans have become.

All of that doubt crossed the Legendary’s eyes for less than a second, but that was all Viper needed to see.

“How about our brothers?” The commander continued. “Have they been spared by them?”

Rayquaza’s restrains rustled more, yet nothing come from his mouth.

He couldn’t say they have.

“Haven’t they hunted us relentlessly over millennia?” Viper continued. “They don’t rever us anymore, they have imprisoned our family because of stupid reasons like fear or as banal as greed.”

The image of the Colossal Pokemon been imprisoned by his own sons and the Wish Pokemon been forced to sleep to grant wishes to humans crossed on Rayquaza’s mind at each example.

“No matter what region it is, there are humans hunting our brothers and sisters for their own selfish ambitions, or even worse: for mere ‘sport.’”

The not so distant memory of him having to stop the Continent and Sea Basin Pokemon from the clutches of some humans crossed Rayquaza’s mind once more.

“I know is hard to understand or even to acknowledge.” Said Viper with a soft tone. “But by Arceus’ blessing, I have, and now I see humans as they truly are: things that have to be taken out of our world one way or another.”

Rayquaza wanted to retort Viper’s logic with anything, yet nothing came forth from him at first.

‘Am I… doubting?’ The mighty dragon crushed that thought right away and then shouted. “Then what about the slaughter of our ‘family?’ Did any of those Pokemon have any guilt?”

“Sacrifices are needed in order to clean the mighty garden our father has given us.” Explained Viper with a calm tone. “And even when it pains me to see my kind die, I know they are way too contaiged to be helped. They have become used to the human slavery and can’t see the truth of my words. In the end, is for the best of all of us for everything associated with the humans to be burn to the ground, so a new, prosperous world can rise from its ashes, stronger, peaceful, pure.”

Rayquaza couldn’t believe what was happening.

Not only was Viper been one hundred percent sincere and true about his beliefs, but he was starting to consider them as possible.

Then, the Legendary Dragon-type roared.

“No-no-no-no-NO!” He couldn’t believe such amount of lies, there was no way he could. The mere idea of him being right switched the brute in him, with this wrath, he struggled and managed to release one of his claws and grab the commander with it. “There is no way a monster like you can be right!” He roared directly into Viper’s face. “YOU CAN’T!”

Voira covered her son as she motioned to help her commander, yet he stopped her with a simple wave of his tail.

“M-my commander?” She asked with confusion as she kept Gard behind her and an arm pointed at the enraged dragon.

“Do not interfere Voira.” He said with a resolution voice. “This is between us brothers. Besides.” He looked back to give her and her soon a reassuring gaze. “You have something more important to protect right now.”

Voira nodded

Rayquaza’s rage only grew at the scene. ‘He does have compassion…’ He thought again, but with another roar he removed the thought. Viper may be almost as large as himself, but he was still able to snap his neck like a twig if he needed to.

Yet he didn’t.

“I know you can’t trust me now brother.” Continued Viper with the same voice, not a trace of fear on it. “That you hate me and my soldiers. Then so be it.” He commanded as he keep looking at Rayquaza right on the eyes.

The Legendary continued to roar, yet his grip didn’t complete to a close around the Seviper’s neck.

“If taking me down will calm your anger then do it.” Viper said. “But you know that will only give the humans more excuses to hunt US down.”

‘This is it!’ Rayquaza thought. ‘All I have to do is to snap his neck, and this will be over. The war will end and this hell will vanish!’

But still, his claw didn't finished the job.

‘But… but what if…?’ Another voice of him said in his head. ‘He is wrong… but what if his death causes a bigger conflict?’

Out of doubt, the Sky High Pokemon began to loosen up his grip.

‘What will be of the Pokemon Lord Arceus commissions us to protect?’ The voice continued. ‘I would be throwing them into the fray of those wanting revenge on us.’

His claws were still around the commander’s neck, but they were doing no pressure by now.

‘I would… I would be just like him!’ Rayquaza mentally proclaimed.

Finally, the claw let go of its prey.

“See?” Asked Viper with a reassuring tone while his bade patted the legendary’s head. “You can believe, all you need is the will to do it.”

As if snapping out of a Hypnosis, the legendary roared once again, trying to reach for thee commander, yet the Seviper was no longer at his reach.

With nothing else to say, the commander turned around and leave, a now way calmer Voira and her son following closely behind as the blast door returned the enraged Legendary Pokemon to his confinement.

“I will let you think over it, brother.”

Viper left the cell with a calm pace and a smile on his face.

“Soon!” He proclaimed. “Soon we will be able to make my brother see the truth of this world and thus we will be one step closer to our goal!”

“Is a marvelous event.” Agreed Voira behind him as the both of them, and Gard, reached the living quarters.

“Truly it is.” Viper said with comfort then he turned around to face the young Kirlia. “You show good determination and will young man.” Prized Viper with a gentle and prideful tone. “Not only you stand your ground before one of Lord Arceus’ most imposing sons, but you also tried to help your mother.”

The Kirlia blushed at the commander’s words.

“You didn’t thought I would miss it don’t you?” He asked with a smile.

“I d-didn’t wanted to fault your respect c-commander.” Gard replied with an embarrassed, yet happy, voice. “But there was no way I wouldn’t protect you!”

“You are a brave boy Gard.” Viper prised again as he placed a coil on his shoulder. “There is no way I would feel ashamed of your courage. You will be an exemplar member of the PLA one day, be proud of that.”

Gard smiled brightly at the commander’s words.

“Listen to the commander, dear.” Added his mother. “He has Arceus’ blessing after all.” And with a tap on the back, she send him to his room, where a young and slightly beaten Seviper would greet him while giving the commander a cold look as he slammed the door.

Voira sighed at the scene.

“That kid must show more respect to you my commander.” She said tired tone.

“He will learn.” Replied Viper with a more tired tone. “One way or another.”

They continued their way as the kids share some stories.

“It Is sad to know he will have your place one day.” Voira continued as she followed her commander.

“He is too soft and weak to even dream about it.” Viper said with slight disdain. “I have to be more strict or else he will be of no use for our holy mission.”

Voira doubted for a second and then proposed.

“Y-you know I can be of help with that. I can remind him of the greatness of his destiny just as I do with our honorable guest, I am sure he will learn soon enough…”

“No!” Commanded the commander, yet he wasn’t rude only definitive. “If I can’t command my own son, then I am not fit to command at all.”

“My apologies my commander!” Voira excused herself with a regretful tone. “I never meant to diminish your self.”

“You did not Voira, you did not.” The commander reassure her. “And I thank your efforts on treating the blindness of my brother, I know it must be tiresome for you to do that among the rest of your deeds.”

The Gardevoir smile couldn’t fit in her face at the sound of Viper’s pride.

“I only exist to serve you my commander, you and the glorious path you will make for all of us.”

Viper turned around and looked at his more faithful servant. He held all of his generals on high regard, they knew better than not to fail him after all. But he knew his trust on Voira was beyond questioning. She was blindly loyal to him and he had to admit her beauty was a glorious plus.

The commander then sighed.

“If only you were born on a different egg group.” And continued his way. “We could have given the PLA the greatest leader there could be.”

“That is inexcusable from my part.” Admitted Voira as she followed him into his own chambers.

“For now focus on helping my brother.” Said Viper as he let the door open for her to walk in, which she did more than gladly.

“Worry not my commander, I am sure there is already a voice in his head making him doubt his false beliefs.”

Viper nodded as he closed the door behind them.

He had taken the room of the once chief of the facility, as such, his room was the more elegant and comfortable in the whole island, more so with the new trophies decorating its interiors.

“I presume our daily routine is in order then?” He calmly asked as he then guided the Gardevoir to the large bed in the middle of it.

“You know I am here to serve you.” Said Voira with a warm voice. “Viper.”

The sergeant couldn't begin to figure out what was going on. Though, it could have been his head a hitting the tree from a minute ago. Before him was an Audino doing as a shield would, a formerly mad but now headless Scyther, the recruit untangling a metal wire from said corpse and Ramirez being patched up by Joy.

“Will you help me then sir?” Asked again the recruit as he finished.

“Hang on a second kid…” Said Sarge with confusion, though his head was finally starting to process things up. “So you are telling me there is some important Pokemon under the PLA’s control and you want us to help you rescue it?”

“Is not yet under their control.” Said the recruit calmly as he stand before the soldier. “Or so say my contacts before they were caught. And it is a he.”

The sergeant took a deep breath and then replied.

“I can see you are not bluffing or hallucinating, that Bug-type there tells me that alright. Neither am I since the ‘nurse’ is looking after me.” He give the Audino a thankful nod as she used Heal Bell on him. “But still, I have my orders kid.”

The sergeant stood up once his treatment was done.

“So I’m afraid I can’t say yes.”

“Even when we have the same orders sir?” The recruit asked calmly.

“... say what now?” Asked back Sarge in confusion.

“Don’t you think it’s strange sir?” Asked, yet again, the recruit.

“That what?” Asked Sarge confused and a bit annoyed by now.

“The higher ups send not one but three platoons deep into enemy territory only so they could know what was happening in some abandoned facility? Not to mention the use of an armored fleet and air units to serve as distractions and cover.”

The sergeant did consider the whole operation to be a bit too much for just some spying and sabotage.

“So you are telling me, that we were sent here to release this captive Pokemon?” Asked Sarge with doubt.

“Yes sir, that is what I am saying.” Answered the recruit.

“And what could possibly be worth the lives of so many?” Asked Sarge again with anger.

“Rayquaza.” Again, replied the recruit with calm.

The name didn’t shock Sarge alone, but the entire platoon as well, even Ramirez stop complaining about his pain for a moment.

“Ray… Ra-Rayquaza?” Repeated Sarge as he looked back at the recruit in disbelieve. “The Sky High Pokemon? Lord of the Ozone layer? King of all Dragons and ultimate powerhouse of the Legendaries, THAT Rayquaza?”

“Yes sir.”

The rest of the soldiers didn’t know to laugh at the news or not. They would definitely have take such information as complete Tauros’ shit if it wasn’t for how dead serious and calm the recruit have say it. The part when they had taken him for dead and then have come to save their lives helped too.

“But… how?” Inquired one of the soldiers in disbelief. “Rayquaza is the strongest Pokemon in history!”

“She has a point kid.” Acknowledged Sarge. “How did the PLA managed to get their hands on such legend among legends?”

“I can only give you an abridged version sir.” Said the recruit with just a tad of annoyance.

“I am all ears then!”

‘Sigh’ The recruit then pointed at the mainland. “Somehow, they managed to lure Rayquaza down from the ozonosphere and guide him into the city. From there, they used the buildings and some hostages for cover while they attacked him relentlessly. Only one of the original attackers was able to give him actual trouble though. An Beedrill. It was the only one on the air who wasn’t defeated.”

The expression on sarge’s face explained he still understood little.

“There were forces on the ground as well.” The recruit continued. “Alongside the Beedrill, they managed to wear him off just enough for them to use some unknown weapon on him. Finishing the fight on the spot.”

The sarge waited for more.

Yet nothing come.

“And that’s it?” He asked in confusion.

“Yes sir.”

“You are expecting me to believe that those beasts, somehow, managed to use some ‘unknown weapon’ to bring down one of the strongest Pokemon out there?” The sergeant asked with a shout.

“Yes sir.” Replied the recruit. “They do have said Pokemon after all.”

“And what kind of weapon could they use for that?” The sergeant pressed on.

“That is classified.” Said the recruit. “All I can say is that said weapon can ‘freeze’ Pokemon on the spot. However, it seems Rayquaza was strong enough to shrug the thing off at first, hence the need to exhaust him.”

“And why would there be such a weapon to begin with!?” Asked Sarge with desperation.

“The prototype's specifications are classified sir.” Replied the recruit.

Sarge’s skin turned red for a moment, until he noticed the word ‘prototype.’ It figured a bit more.

“And what about you then?” He inquired, “How come you know all of this while we were left on the dark? How do you fit in all of this?”

At this questions, most of the soldiers drew their guns close, as they realized the same thing as well.

“You are obviously not one of us, your training and gear told me that much already.” He couldn’t believe he was fooled so easily at first. “So why are you with us?”

“What I can say is this, sir: Me, my team were the backup plan, meant to help the main team in case the platoons didn’t succeed.” He began. “But the others were caught, questioned and executed just recently. So right now to keep you and your men alive is our current objective.”

“So the higher ups send you to babysit us then?” Asked the sergeant.

“That is...”

“Classified, I got it already.” Cut Sarge down. “So what do you want us to do?”

“Sir!” One of the soldiers proclaimed. “You can’t be serious!”

“Why should we trust him?” Added another of them.

“Because he just saved our necks, remember?” Sarge shout back, bringing the soldiers back to their places. “Besides…” He then turned back at the recruit. “He is the only option we have.

The men didn’t question their leader any further, but they clearly show no sign of trust over the recruit.

“Your man are right on distrusting me.” Said the recruit as he pulled a small device from a pocket, said device then grew larger and displayed a map which he showed to the sergeant. “This is our current position.” Then pointed at another location. “Here is where the VIP is been held.”

“I presume you want us to depart right away then?” Ventured the sergeant.

“Indeed.” Replied the recruit. “The more time we delay, the more time they have to turn him into their ally.”

Sarge let out a tired sigh and then turned to his men and women.

“You hear the guy, take your butts off the ground and get ready to leave in five!”

Grumbling, the soldiers accepted.

“I thank you for your cooperation.” The recruit said.

“Just don’t make me regret it kid.” Replied the young adult.

Inside his cold cell, Rayquaza continued to fight the small voice arguing with him.

‘I had him, but I let him escape!’ He cursed himself. ‘How could I been so stupid?’

‘You did what you thought was right.’ His voice pointed out.

‘How could that be the right choice? There is no way letting him live could be a right choice!’

‘You would have imposed your beliefs over them.’

‘At least I would be doing it for the greater good! That madmon didn’t even give a warning to the inhabitants of this island!’

‘He does it for his own beliefs too.’

‘He is insane!’

‘Then why did you let him go?’

‘Because… because...’

‘You can’t deny he has a point.’

‘NO! That can’t be the reason!’

‘You weren’t able to refute his logic in his face.’

‘That doesn’t excuse mass murder!’

‘Have humans fared differently?’

The mind was silent for a moment, then the voice continued.

‘You know they haven't, if you compare the lives lost here with the ones the humans have taken over the course of history, it is nothing more than a drop in the sea.’

‘No… no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no!’ The Sky High Pokemon repeated to himself. “Al life is important no matter how small!”

“You are wisely correct my lord…” Said a new voice, albeit this one come from a different source than Rayquaza's head.

The Legendary was surprised at first by the sudden intromission, but he relaxed quickly once he noticed who came from.

“Is good to have someone sane to talk with for a change.” Rayquaza greeted. “General Zard.”

The blast door opened once more, revealing a different figure than that of the commander.

“Is good to see that, despite the well deserved fame about your strength, your highness can still appreciate the worth of a mortal life.” Said a Charizard known as Zard, High Priest of the PLA. “But please, Zard is enough, I never been in a battlefield, let alone have lead someone on it.”

“I still can’t see what is doing a guy like you in a place like this…” Said the Legendary.

Of all the Pokemon in the PLA, Zard was an entirely contrasting individual as he cared more for the well being of the soldiers and their spirits than about killing humans. The Charizard was a an important face among the PLA, and one of their primordial sources of recruitment. Yet he had even helped some to escape the hell Tsushima has turned into. However, he never went against the commander’s wishes, as he saw him as Arceus’ knight destined to deliver the Pokemon kind to paradise. He only disagreed with his way of action.

“The commander can be… rash, but I firmly believe he seeks out the best for all of us.” Replied the Charizard as he pressed some buttons on the cell’s console for a small tray to appear before the legendary filled with food. “But enough about that. Let us enjoy something more relaxing instead, is sad to eat alone after all.” He said while showing his own tray with food.

Both Pokemon proceeded to have a relatively pleasant meal.

Given the circumstances, it was something the Sky High Pokemon was more than welcome to receive.

“I apologize for the quantity of your meal, but I assure you it is of the best quality.” Said Zard once the food was finished. “I been trying to convince them about giving you a bigger ration. But general Voira will always say that…”

“Is better to keep me in low energies so I don’t try to escape?” Ventured Rayquaza.

“I was going to say ‘preventing you from doing something inappropriate,’ but I presume that is just a fancy way to say it.”

Both experienced mons shared a good laugh.

“I envy you Zard.” Said Rayquaza. “You can keep such a friendly and gentle personality, despite the situation this place is in.”

“To love the bloodshed is something I have to fight everyday my lord, having a smile on my face and the Holy Father in my heart helps on said endeavor.”

“Even whet your commander see humans as nothing else but something that need to be eradicated?” Asked Rayquaza.

Zard didn’t seemed to want to reply, so the great dragon continued.

“You are better than him Zard.” Continued Rayquaza, happy to have someone to properly talk to as well as to have somemon to distract him of that new voice of his. “Why do you keep following him?”

“I know we have done unforgiving things, but I am sure Viper will make it up for the humans once they let us be.” He tried to excuse his commander, even though he wasn’t fully buying it himself.

“Do you think this...” The legendary moved his still free claw before Zard so he could see the chains. “Is a way for that? Besides, the humans will not forgive this… they are too...”


“... resentful for that.”

“But… but if the commander isn’t right.” Said Zard at the brink of tears, something quite contrasting with his dragon like appearance. “Then what have we been fighting for?”

“That is something you already know Zard.” Pointed Rayquaza out. “And is something you know it has to be stopped.”

Both of them made silence as Zard think over the legendary’s words, finally he said.

“N-no… he can’t be wrong, he IS Arceus’ chosen warrior… he isn’t wrong.” Rayquaza could only sigh. “It must be me, my weak and meek demeanor keeps me from the path he has taken.”

“If that is what you believe then…” Replied Rayquaza. “Then I’m afraid there is nothing else to talk for now.”

Not saying another word, Zard give the legendary a respectful bow and then left the cell.

Yet as the blast door sealed behind him, Rayquaza couldn’t stop to think one thing.

‘He sees Viper as a saviour. Why can’t you?’

“Can I know again why are we taking this route?” Asked one of the soldiers as the platoon moved around some forgotten hill’s lane.

“Despite their numbers, the PLA’s forces rarely go out of their customary patrolling paths.” Replied the recruit at the top of the comitive.

It has been almost five hours since the team had continued with their mission and the only thing lighting their path were nothing but the stars. Luckily for them there was no full moon, so there was little chance for them to be found.

On the other hand, however, they had troubles moving around as most of the soldiers had to be found repeatedly.

“So how long before we get to that place then?” Asked another soldier.

“We need to reach a supply point near the top, then we will head for the facilities.” Coldly replied the recruit.

He received some tired but silent complains about this.


“So you mean we have been losing our time all this time?”

“How did you even manage to get supplies here?”

The soldiers asked.

“Cut it!” Ordered Sarge in a hushed tone. “I am sure he wouldn’t reply anyway. He would just come out with something like ‘Is classified’ or some stuff like that.”

“I am glad you understand the situation, sir.” Said the recruit.

Nor the soldiers or the sergeant could tell if he was being sarcastic.

“But don’t worry, is not far away.” He promised.

An hour later.

“What do you exactly understand as not far away?” Asked the sergeant as the road has suddenly become very inclined.

“Going up and down Mount Chimney.” Calmly replied their guide. “We are here.”

Whatever course the soldiers wanted to say disappeared at the good news.


“Do not sit down, I will be back in a moment.” Said the recruit as he left the soldiers cursing him on the low.

The youngster walked up towards an old tree, nothing seeming to make it different from the rest, save a small cut in its bark.

“Subtle.” Said Sarge at the sight. Only to notice the recruit didn’t expect to be followed.

“... the simplest things are the more effective.” The recruit coldly replied as he put his knife back on his sheath.

The young man let out a relieved sigh and then continued. “You have been in this business for a long time huh?”

“Enough to know how to keep myself alive and paid.” Replied the recruit as he looked around the tree.

“And you like this life kid?” Asked the sergeant with curiosity as he sat on a comfortable looking rock.

“I don’t see what does my personal preferences have to do with my performance.” Replied again the boy with a cold tone.

“Don’t you miss your innocence?” Pressed on Sarge.

“I don’t even remember having one.” Said the boy matter-of-factly. “Found it.”

Almost buried between the tree’s roots lied a small tattered cardboard box, it seemed to have been there for ages. Yet as soon as it was open, it revealed how that was nothing but a disguise.

“So you were lacking your whole gear?” Pointed Sarge out as he looked over at the box’s contents.

A multifunctional pair of goggles, a pair of binoculars, some light armor, a short and long range radio, a grappling hook, a silenced handgun, a sniper rifle, some cartridges and more knifes.

“No offence sir.” Said the recruit as he tested the swordbreakers on his forearm armor. “But any one of your men would die in five seconds if left on his own.”

“You are not planning on using us as cannon fodder, are you kid?” Asked the Sergeant with a harsh tone.

“As long as all of you stay together, follow my orders and don’t screw the mission.” Answered the boy without any sign of worry.

Then he placed the short radio around his neck and ear, then he tested it.

“I received my present.” He remained silent for a moment and continued. “I have to told them about the V.I.P. over. ”

‘Talking with his team huh?’ Thought the sergeant as he let him explain the situation to whoever was on the other side.

“Over and out” The recruit said as he cut the conversation and then turned to the sergeant. “We can go now.”

“Just when I was getting comfortable.” Said the soldier as he stood up. “But at least it is good to see you have a little bit of human in you after all.”

The recruit give Sarge a confused look, that was the first time he show something since reintroducing into his unit.

“Your partner, whoever may be, seemed to make you feel annoyed.” Sarge explained. “You may keep your Cryogonal face on, but someone tries to make you break it, that means someone worries about you, good for you.”

“Irrelevant.” Continued the recruit as both of them reunited with the platoon and resumed their walk. Yet the sergeant could hear some low mumbling about someone having a big mouth.

The cold air was reaching its more freezing point, the daybreak wasn’t far away as the group finally could see the outline of the Silph facility against the starry sky.

“Just a couple of minutes left.” The recruit said. “Maybe 40 or less.”

“Sorry sir!” Exclaimed Joy, much to the recruit’s annoyance. “But this men need to rest.”

The recruit looked at the war doctor as if she had just told him the sun and moon were moved by a couple of winged Rapidash.

“We are about to reach the complex, and you want us to stop and rest?” He asked.

“Yes, more the reason for that.” She pressed on. “They have been doing nothing but run for their lives since yesterday, you can’t expect them to go and risk their life even further in such state.”

The boy was about to argue back, yet he was silenced by a stern look from Joy.

“... fine…” He said with an even more annoyed tone as he looked away of her. “But make it quick.”

The men then proceeded to plunge to the ground, few cared to fall properly.

“Thanks doc.” Some of them said as they took their canteens and rations out.

Joy’s nurses then proceeded to give the soldiers a quick check, making sure everything was okay on them before the mission started.

“... this is ridiculous.” Said the recruit to himself. “And this is the group of women and men entrusted with their regions’ safety?”

“What is wrong about it?” Asked Joy as she meddled into his monologue, or at least that is how he felt it. “This world is very peaceful to begin with.”

The boy gave Joy a look it clearly described how he disliked to talk to her, yet he didn’t keep quiet.

“This world is as peaceful as these islands.” He said. “Trust me, I know how violent it can be away of the pretty lies of your ‘civilized’ life.”

Joy seemed surprised by the stern tone such a ‘kid’ used with her. Yet she wasn’t the kind of person to stay quiet either.

“And what is wrong about it?” She said. “Violence may be anywhere, but it doesn't make up the whole word. We can guide it to a path of peace and I tell you, that is what we must do.”

“Yeah.” Sorted back the recruit. “Because that is what the people who send everyone of you is after, not the power they could get from it…”

The recruit didn’t knew why, but he felt very uncomfortable around this Joy, as if something on his head told him to listen to her. He disliked that. Specially since it make him spill something he wasn’t supposed to.

“What?” Joy asked.

“Why do you think you are here and your leaders are not?” He save it. “Because they prefer to risk the skin of others instead that their own.”

Joy was taken aback by this reply. Yes, most of the time those in power sacrificed countless of others to gain even more power, but that was something she couldn’t agree to, specially since so many were there in just that situation.

The last thing they needed was such a blow on their morale.

“Leaders are needed kid.” She said. “Not everyone can be on the battlefields, it would be chaos. But I am sure they still have a hard time sending people here to…” She stoped herself before finishing her sentence.

“You can believe that if you want.” The recruit continued. “But looking for peace with a gun in hand is not only paradogical, it is stupid. We are violent, Pokemon are violent, this world is violent. No matter how peaceful you or anyone want it to look like. If you ignore that, you will die. Simple as that.”

Joy couldn’t reply anymore, not that she agreed with the recruit, but because of the coldness on his tone. Not only it told her how dead serious he was about those words, but by the mere wonder of what kind of life could a boy so young could have been through to reach such level of harshness on his heart.

On his side, the sergeant decided as well that this talk had gone too far.

“Okay everyone, get up and get set.” He commanded as loudly and low as possible.

The recruit sigh in relief, but he was told one final line.

“I don’t know what life you have been through, but I would rather die saving someone, human or Pokemon, than having to embrace a life such as yours.” And then she left him.

“I guess she got that from her mother.” Said Sarge beside him. “That Audino of hers really seems to go by the same way.

“A fair way to live by is a good way to get killed.” Was the recruit’s reply.

Taking in consideration said Audino, and himself, would have died because of it, the words of the recruit weren’t fully wrong.

They continued their path in silence.

Both of them, the recruit and Sarge, at the head of the formation, the soldiers with the heavier guns at the rear with a couple of scouts and the rest on the middle protecting the injured ones and their medics.

Everything seemed to go according to plan, almost too easy.

Then, the jinx strike.

From above them a couple of rocks began to crumble.

Sarge give a signal for everyone to stop and get into position, which the soldiers didn’t dare to ignore.

From up the hill before them came a couple of Bastiodon closing the path and marching towards them.

The ones in the front didn’t waste time to began shooting at the Shield Pokemon.

Then someone shouted from the rear.


And more shots were heard.

From behind them a group of Sneasel dashed towards the humans, their quick feet making aiming at them almost impossible. Luckily for the humans, they turned around and left as soon a bullet hit close enough to them.

The problem was the rather large number they had.

“Shit!” Cursed Sarge. “This will be a slaughter if we don’t get a pass though those damn fossils!” And then unloaded his rifle on the fossil Pokemon before him, not making much of a difference.

Then, and out of nowhere, a Focus Blast passed just beside him, smashing one of the Bastiodon’s heads and knocking it unconscious right away.

Just behind the sergeant was Joy’s Audino, promptly standing beside the humans and charging another super effective attack. However, since she was a medic Pokemon and not a fighting one, she was taking a considerably long time to charge and aim.

At the sight of this, the remaining Bastiodon increased his speed, aiming directly at the Healing Pokemon.

“Aim at the eyes!” Shout the recruit as he give the Audino as much time as possible, however he missed most of his shots. Luckily for all of them, sarge happened to have better aim.

The bulky Pokemon slammed his head against the hill’s wall with fury and pain as it cried over the lose of one of his eyes. Then it looked back at the humans with a blood filled wrath, ready to smash their bones flat, yet as it did this, a second Fighting-type attack slammed right on his face and taking him out for good.

“Good one nurse!” Prized Sarge as he patted the Audino on the back.

“Told you you could count on us!” Proclaimed Joy from behind them.

Sarge chuckled and was about to order their men to start retreating when something else dashed out from behind the Sneasels. A sort of ball spinning at a blinding speed and ignoring the bullets bouncing against its metallic exterior.

“By the plates…” One of the soldiers said in fear as the ‘ball continued its charge.

The Electrode then began to shine brightly, they all knew what that meant and increased their assault because of it. Yet it didn’t stop.

The Ball Pokemon was about to impact the rear line and leave the rest of the platoon exposed to the PLA’s ambush, yet something unexpected happened: the incoming sphere jumped.

It could have been intentional or a pebble on the ground give the spinning Pokemon a change of trajectory. Whatever the reason, no one thought much of it as the electromagnetic charge on it was reaching its critical point.

Everyone jumped out of the incoming Explosion.

At least those who could move.

The shockwave left everyone daft for a moment, and one by one, the men began to raise up and looking around, disoriented and lost. Almost as if they have just woke up from some long dream. Slowly remembering they were still in the middle of a nightmare as the Sneasels didn’t lose time to catch the still confused soldiers. Those unlucky to still be lost could only feel something jump on their backs before having their throats cut open in one swift move and then fall back to the ground.

Finally, some soldiers from the front began to return the fire and take down the Sharp Claw Pokemon, giving the rear time enough to run into safety while the front provided cover.

Sarge been one of the first ones to do so.

“Get behind the Bastiodon!” He shouted out, not to be heard but because he couldn’t hear himself. “Take cover over there!”

As most of the men were taken back, Sarge began to retreat himself, only to spot some still in the ground and pretty much alive.

“Ramirez!” He shout. “What the hell are you doing? Go and get cover!”

The soldier was on his knees, crying.

“Sh-she pushed me out…” He sobbed.

“What...who…?” Sarge began to ask as he turned around to where the solder was looking at, only to find the unconscious Electrode covered on the scorched remains of what once was Joy and her Blissie.

Gritting his teeth as much as he could, Sarge grabbed Ramirez from the neck and throw him towards the rest of his men, not before giving him a proper punch on the face to wake him up.

“Snap out of it and get your ass into safety!” Sarge commanded. “Don’t waste the life she just saved!”

The soldier didn’t stop crying, yet he did as told and leave. Sarge closely following behind him.

As they reached the protection of the unconscious foes, Sarge noticed yet someone else crying over their new found lost. Or rather somemon.

The Audino just looked out at the crater that used to be her human and friend, still trying to process what just happened. She slowly stood up and seemed to walk towards it, but was stopped before she could get killed.

It wasn’t Sarge who stop her though.

The recruit grabbed the Audino by the arm and pulled her away from the remains, ignoring the crying and screaming she was making.

Then he threw her to the ground behind him and pushed her down with an arm.

“YOU SEE THAT!?” He shouted while pointing at the remaining soldiers. “THIS IS WAR! NOW GET USE TO IT!” He then raised her up and pushed her again further away. “Because you are the only one who can keep this soldiers alive Doc. Now MOVE IT!”

The Audino give the kid a look filled with hatred, yet she too came to follow reason and leave for a safer place.

Then he turned around and continued to suppress the incoming Sneasels who didn’t seemed to be stopping anytime soon. “We aren’t going to last much longer here” He said, yet Sarge didn’t think it was meant for him.

He was proved right a moment later when the hill literally began to fall over the PLA.

With a sonorous rumble and a big cloud of dust, the skirmish was finally over.

“Next time try to be faster, over.” Said the recruit to his radio.

“You are welcome.” A short looking figure shouted from atop the hill besides a larger and bulkier one. A moment later they were gone, not saying anything else.

With a tired sigh, the sergeant looked at his team.

Despite the abruptness of the fight, there were few loses, almost all of the injured soldiers survived thanks to Joy’s quick action, albeit that was her very last action on this world.

“This is good.” Said the recruit calmly as he examined the collapsed stone and ground. “The rocks cover our track and the bodies.”

“What the hell did you just say?” Exclaimed one of the survivors, his mouth still dripping with the fluids he just let out. “Those ‘bodies’ were our comrades you asshole!”

“Those bodies could have tell more scouts about our position.” Replied the recruit with no care.

“Cut it out!” Barged Sarge in. “We need to move fast, discovered or not, that avalanche will bring others here.”

Still giving the recruit an evil eye, the rest of the platoon continued their way.

“Thank you for keeping your men in line.” Said the recruit, only to receive a punch right on the jaw with enough strength to put him on the ground.

“Shut the fuck up!” Sarge demanded. “Just shut up…! I don’t know what exactly you ARE, but right now we just lost a lot of good lives. So some consideration from your part would be welcomed. And if you have none to give then don’t say anything at ALL!”

The recruit didn’t seemed bothered, despite the pain he was in of course.

He spit some blood to the ground and then looked up to the sergeant.

“You feel better?” He asked.

“Don’t push your luck kid!”

“If you want to mourn your dead that is fine by me, but do it once this is over.” Continued the recruit as he stand back up. “For now we must focus on keeping the rest of your soldiers alive.

Sarge simply grinded his jaw to the point his teeth hurt him.

“You better keep those words kid!” He pointed out as he joined his men,

The recruit didn’t say a thing, he simply followed the rest as he looked at the complex’s silhouette contrasting with the morning sun.

Their goal was just before them, the question now been how many of them will be there to claim it.

And who will finally claim it.

Author's Note:

Second part of my crossover with Evowizard25.
Go read his sotry A New World, A New Conflict right now!

All comments are welcome.

Evo: It's getting better and better as it goes along. I'm greatful for V for taking the time to work on this and to being able to get a sneak peak before it's release.