• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

  • ...

Twenty-second Move

Twenty Second Move
Memento Mori III

City of Manehatten

A large number of royal guards populated the scene. They were trying to piece together what had happened. The Pegasi were flying all over the place, while some Earth Ponies asked around and Unicorns examined the crater which now adorned the middle of the street. All the guards were on the lookout for clues that could shed some light on the matter.

Needless to say that Daring only had to take a glance over at the resulting chaos to know who was behind it.

“Xavier!” the explorer exclaimed as she walked away with the authorities and the rest of her group in tow, not seeming to care for the odd looks her actions were attracting to them. “I know you can hear me, and you better answer, what the hay happened here!?”

The only response was silence for ten seconds.

And then.

‘You do know that any of our kind could have caused a hole of that size, right?’ came the mental response from somewhere else in the city.

“I will think about it when you guys can stay in one place without things like this happening.” Coldly replied Daring before adding, “and I don’t remember saying anything about a ‘hole.’”

Again, there was only silence for a few seconds.

‘I will fill you in on the way...’ said the Metagross in his usual monotone. ‘This is our current location.’

And with a small download of information, Daring turned around a street and guided the group towards the beach. Meanwhile she continued her argument with the Leg Pokemon.

“So what happened this time, more rival guilds?”

‘Not quite, but something like that’ Replied Xavier.


‘We found some individuals with a dark past. A past which tangles with our own, even if they don’t know it.’

“Okay, that isn’t ominous at all.” Joked Gold at the end of the group.

“I hate to agree with duck face here. Why the sudden criticism?” Daring had to admit that the Metagross had moments when he liked to talk a lot yet saying nothing at the same time, but this time he was hiding something.

‘They have to do with an old job we did back on Earth, I am sure Weiss will fill you in once he has the time.’

“Could it be a… ‘wiping’ contract?” inquired Sylveon with a bit of dramatic tone, although some of the members thought of the same possibility.

‘We didn’t assassinate anyone related to them.’ Calmly replied Xavier, but then added. ‘Although it could be counted as such.’

“Okay, you’re really getting me lost here, just who did you find?” finally asked Daring with exasperation.

‘We have made ourselves acquaintances with none other than the son of Doctor Nurem and three of his test subjects.’

“...who?” This name obviously meant nothing to Daring, but it wasn’t the same for the rest of her group.

“By Lord Arceus’ innombrables…” said Gold with shock, Valerie and Sylveon shared a similar expression while Roa was suddenly hugging herself, almost as if she felt dirty all of a sudden.

‘I am needed here, so I would suggest you ask them what that name means. But fear not, there is no risk of any further violence, now if you’ll excuse me.’

And so the mental link became silent.

“Okay, that didn’t answer anything.” Said Daring to herself. “So who is this Nurem guy again?” She then turned to the others, only to find their current expressions those of disgust and sorrow.

No one said a thing, until finally Valerie began “... To the general public, he was a revolutionary scientist in Pokemon research, his main field being genetics and reconstructive surgery. That is what most people will tell you.”

And her husband added, “That and the fact that one day he just vanished from public view.”

“That doesn’t sound bad at all, what’s the catch?” asked Daring as the view of Celestia’s sunlight being reflected over the ocean became visible in the distance. “Was he a closet mad scientist?” Teased the explorer.

“If only he kept it in the closet, we wouldn’t be this disgusted.” Clarified Gold with a distasteful tone.

“Wait… are you serious!?” Inquired Daring with disbelief, she was merely joking after all.

“The one who raised me knew the ‘good’ Doktor” Added Roa, “said it was thanks to him he came up with the technique to make the ultimate Dark-type… you know… me.”

Daring was now both surprised and confused. “Wow! Wait, but wasn’t he supposed to be a Pokemon professor or something? Helping make life better and all that egghead stuff? Why help with something like that?”

“Like we said, he is known as such by the general public.” Clarified Gold, “few knew him to be a madman who made many unethical ‘treatments’ to Pokemon in order to make them stronger. Even fewer know what drove him to such extents though. He went to the point where some of his patients didn’t make it through.”

“That poor, poor child…” said Valerie with a small sob, a few tears ran down her cheek as her husband comforted her.

“I can’t imagine what kind of a life that kid and his companions went through,” He said.

“If you can call that a life.” added Gold. “There were even some reports of him ‘acquiring’ Pokemon for yet more private experiments of his own. I presume that is where this group came from.”

“Okay, this guy was a sort of Doctor Flankenstein, I get that much, and apparently had a knack for kidnapping as well. So how come he was able to do that in the first place?” inquired Daring as they kept walking. “Wasn’t there some sort of police on your word?”

“We gym leaders also heard about said reports,” admitted Valerie in a very shameful tone, ”but the police, the Ranger Union, or even us weren’t able to go after him and do something, since many organizations had interests in his projects and thus forced us to look the other way.” Valerie was at the verge of unleashing the floodgates at this point.

“The villain didn’t have to bother about covering his tracks if he wanted to, since many people in high places already would have do it for him.” Concluded Sylveon.

Daring didn’t know what to say, she was beyond shocked.

“On the PLA’s case, we just couldn’t find the time for the guy. We had another crazy madman keeping us busy.” Explained Gold as he patted Roa’s head.

As pacifistic as Equus was in comparison with Earth, Daring did know of many individuals who lived a respected life despite doing some shady business. She remembered her once rival, Doctor Caballeron.

The once acclaimed archaeologist and explorer who turned out to be nothing more than a tomb raider and smuggler who could still be considered an elite member of Pony society, if it wasn’t for her actions years ago.

But even he wouldn’t go to such lengths as to go and steal someone from their family just for his own nefarious motives. Or at least, she liked to think he hadn’t stooped so low just yet.

“But... “ Began the shivering voice of Roa, there was a slight hint of hope in her tone, “but they are now free, aren’t they?” she inquired, and noticing how everyone was looking at her she continued. “I-I mean, if they had a life similar to… mine…” There was a slight moment of awkward silence before she continued, “they most likely wouldn’t want to go back to that. That would explain why they become so aggressive with Herr Weiss and the rest.”

“Point taken.” Admitted Do, “but why do you sound so happy about it?”

“Well… you know… when I was saved by der Kommandant, I felt something I hadn’t felt in most of my life: joy.” She looked up to the sky for a moment before continuing, “if they are together, then that means they knew one another, if I would have the same luck, I think… I think I would have taken the opportunity to let go of my past and enjoy freedom. Unlike me, who preferred to stick to what I knew all my life… makes me… almost jealous of them.” Roa admitted, feeling a bit depressed.

Then Roa was suddenly hugged by a still crying Togekiss, although this time the tears were for her.

“Oh my dear child, you made that choice yourself and carried on with it. There is nothing to be ashamed about it.”

“On the contrary, I think you should feel proud.” Added Sylveon as he joined the hug.

Roa didn’t say anything as she enjoyed the sudden show of affection towards her. A small teardrop left her eye.

‘If only she knew what that choice had meant for her future...’ Gold thought while chuckling awkwardly.

Daring on her side smiled a bit more calmly now.

Roa was right.

The Doctor wasn’t on this world, those children were free and that was all that mattered. There was no point to bring the past back for them. However, this still left her thinking on something else as they kept walking.

‘Then… why do they have a past with Weiss?’ Daring wondered.

Griffin Empire
Training grounds.

Shredder looked at the best members of her troops with a very analytic eye to inspect each one of them, after all the current situation demand her to do so, she had to leave someone in charge for the time she would be away for the world summit, and of course every other time she needed to be elsewhere.

She wasn’t too surprised when the Empress informed about the upcoming meeting, it was bound to happen since day one. What did surprise her was the fact that Victoria herself asked for her to be her counselor for the event.

“Why me?” She remembered asking, “don’t take this the wrong way your highness, I am very honored, but I don’t see why I should go when you must already have good strategists and politicians among your own court.”

Victoria smiled at her question as she replied. “Yes, I do have a couple of those. Grizelda herself is great analyzing things no matter how chaotic they may be, as you may remember from the day we all got acquaintanced with each other. But as smart as she and everyone in my court is, they all know as much as I do regarding your kind and your world. I have trust in you Lady Shredder, thus I will be bringing you as my advisor.” Finished Victoria. Her tone would make one wonder if she was still offering or demanding.

“So it shall be done.” Was the female Bisharp’s reply.

“I am pleased to know that, I hope you have everything settled up over here before we leave.” Was the last thing the Empress informed her about. “And be sure to bring your mate along, I would hate to split you love birds for too long.” She added at the end with a joyful tone.

“Since when did I become her personal source of amusement…?” Shredder wondered to herself, back in the present.

“You said something my lady?” Inquired Linza beside her.

“Nothing…” Replied the Sword Blade Pokemon while trying to hide her blushing face.

“Very well then.” Said the clawmaiden as she dropped the topic. “Has my lady chosen who will be your remplacement?”

Shredder let out a deep sigh as she looked at her candidates.

On one hand she had Ulfric, the veteran from the elite guard who had enough knowledge, experience and strength to match his once deserved position of authority, but still he knew little about Pokemon and lacked interest to learn about them. Not that he was reluctant or unwilling, but most of the times when she inquired him about this, he replied something between the lines of ‘all I need to know is what kind of hits work on them.’

It was a straightforward attitude Simon would be proud of, she thought, but not something that should be found in a leader. At least not in this situation.

Next was Jackie the Ranger. On the contrary, Jackie knew much about Pokemon thanks to his previous training as a Ranger, not to mention that unlike Ulfric, Jackie wanted to know more about Griffins and the others creatures on Equus. The downside was that he was more of a solo player, not to mention that his first impression with the troops didn’t help in the slightest. His cookie attitude had most of the Griffins on their nerves.

He was a good member of the team. There was no question about that, but he would be more fitting as a free agent rather than as a leader.

Then Shredder looked to her side. According to some reports, Linza was surprisingly good at keeping the troops in line whenever she had to attend something away from the training grounds. She currently had the respect and admiration of most of the Griffins, and apparently one Lucario as well. The problem, however, lied in her inexperience in combat. She was a maiden after all.

No matter how much she took care of the soldiers, a training field wasn’t the same as a battlefield.

Thus she had one final option, an option she didn’t fully like because of an obvious point; inexperience. But at the same time, said option looked promising in her eyes, and thus was deserving to give him a trial run. And what better moment than the current peace.

With a deep breath, Shredder looked at her troops and candidates. Finally, she spoke.

“Sergeant Ulfric, one step forward!”

The veteran did as he was told right away. A serious look in his eyes.

“Sergeant, you possess enough experience to be an excellent leader, as you once were. But you lack the knowledge to deal with Pokemon related threats. Thus I am unable to promote you to leader of these troops. However, I hope that you can still be the voice of reason and experience for the one I will choose.”

The old Griffin looked a bit disappointed for a second, but returned to his regular expression shortly after as he simply gave his commander a strong “Ma’am!” in response.

Shredder nodded in gratitude and then proceeded with her next candidate.

“Specialist Jack, one step forward!” she commanded.

The shiny human-turned-pokemon did as told, a cocky grin on his snout.

“Mister Ranger, I have no doubts regarding your performance on the training field, plus you already possess vast knowledge of pokemon. However you lack something very important to be a leader, the most important thing I would dare to say: team spirit.”

The Lucario didn’t seemed surprised, in fact his grin only grew.

“Thus I am not able to promote you either. But I expect you to follow orders, be them from me or my second in command.”

The Lucario’s smile grew even more as he cheerfully replied, “I wouldn’t have it any other way ma’am, after all, the Union needs me more.” And so he returned to his position.

Shredder then looked to her right.

“Linza, I know you can deal with the troops just as fine as I do, but as far I know, you possess no military training and lack sufficient knowledge about Pokemon. Not to mention you aren’t a real member of these troops.” Linza only nodded in acknowledgement. “But I still wish you to support this bunch of brutes the best you can.”

“I have no other wishes but to please my mistress.” Replied the clawmaiden with her gentle tone and elegant demeanor, “if that is what you want me to do, I will do it gladly.”

And so Shredder ran out of candidates, and thus she faced the one she had decided to bestow the position as her second in command.

“Corporal Alberich, one step forward!”

The young Griffin did as told a bit clumsily, a slightly confused look on his eyes.

“Corporal, you have shown to be a promising soldier from the very start. You were the first one to challenge me directly, albeit a bit unprepared. Yet you have proven to be willing to surpass your limits again and again during training, combat and class. Something Specialist Jack will agree with.” She give a quick glance to the Lucario, who only chuckled in return. “You have still much to learn and also have a strong will to do so. Both traits of a good leader, even though you may be still too young for the position. But I do believe you can prove your worth when the time is right. Therefore I now grant you the rank of Sergeant and hereby name you leader of the Imperial Pokemon Troops whenever I happen to be absent.”

The silence Shredder left was quickly filled with murmurs from the troops. It was expected for her choice to cause some confusion and dissatisfaction among the troops, but she also expected for Alberich to show his value dealing with these hardships, in due time.

“Ehm… ma’am… are you sure about this?” Asked the very confused Alberich. “I am not the strongest or smartest of my comrades. I am sure you can make an even better choice.”

“Are you questioning my decision Sergeant?” Shredder coldly asked back.

“Maybe… I mean yes… I mean no!” Alberich stuttered at each answer. “Is just, too sudden… ma’am.”

“Are you nervous then?”

“... I think that is a bit of an understatement, ma’am…”

“I can understand you.” Replied Shredder with a calmer tone as she took a step closer to the young Griffin. “I was in a similar position when I was granted the same responsibility among my guild. I hadn’t even evolved yet.” She seemed to smile at the memory as she placed a hand over Alberich’s shoulder. “But that is why I know you are the best suited for this role. I trust you son.”

“...” Alberich was still very confused about his sudden promotion and responsibility, but somehow at the same time he felt he had to repay his instructor’s confidence. ‘It’s not like I will have to take command right away,’ he thought as he give Shredder a stern look and proudly replied. “Yes ma’am, I will do my best!”

“I know you will.” Replied Shredder with a kind tone.

She then walked back to her position and shout out.

“Okay, enough formalities. I hope you bunch give Sargent Alberich the respect he deserves and follow his orders whenever I am not around, is that clear!?”

“Ma’am, yes ma’am!” was the unanimous reply.

“Good, because he will be in charge once I leave with her Highness for the World Summit.” She calmly added, somehow making Alberich’s face a few tones paler.

“Now move your rears to the classroom, today we have lessons on typings!”

And so the troops moved into a classroom, leaving a very scared second in command behind.

“... help…”

Somewhere else

The colossal quartz that filled the forgotten cave continued to show the innumerable amount of possible futures Equus had in store. From all of them, only one will become a reality, thus finding out which story would eventually be written was harder than finding a world able to sustain life besides Equus in the immensity of the cosmos.

Yet that mattered not to Tlaloque, who continued to look at Arceus’ past with utmost diligence. It cared not for the chaos that was the future, it was interested in the order which lied in the past.

To witness all the said God was capable of, was it’s mission, to see what he was afraid of, to know every aspect of his immortal existence to the point it could know him on a personal level.

Of course, such thing would need an amount of time just as long as the God itself.

Yet Tlaloque knew how immortals saw time, being an immortal itself.

Years were mere seconds for them, and thus it only focused on the events when history was written. The moments when history shaped the world and no force could ever change; the fixed points in time. These were the moments Tlaloque had to focus on. And so far, they had told much about Arceus already.

Tlaloque now knew Arceus was no longer a whole being, as the creation of his sons and daughters had diminished him from such position. Or at least that was how Tlaloque saw it.

It saw how his lineage had literally shaped the world.

How he was worshiped as a God, something Tlaloque would feel nostalgic about, how he grew confident of his power over his world, something it knew how would it end, and how he was eventually overthrown by those who he thought only lived to adore him.

“It stings doesn’t it?” Asked the hooded voice to the Arceus once trapped in an isolated dimension. “To have been betrayed by those you gave flesh and bone and life. But where you fail to punish, I will deliver judgement.”

And so Tlaloque continued his observations while making another pillar show him the past of Earth, but no longer was it only interested about the Pokemon God, it was now interested about something else, something new. Something so different from Gods yet capable of challenging their power. The magic humankind had developed entirely for this reason by themselves.

Tlaloque began to study human technology.

“This seems promising…”

City of Manehatten
On a lonely beach

It was surprising to learn out how calm things had actually turned out for the mercenaries and the once test subjects. The formers decided to admit their part of the blame and allowed the latter to get even on their own terms. Which meant an Aura Sphere to the face. Two for Weiss.

But once all that was done, each side found themselves enjoying the company of the other.

Particularly the young Kadabra and the blind Noivern, who hadn’t had a reason to fight each other to begin with, mostly because they didn’t fight one another. Besides of course, the little event they had with the teleportation, but still that seemed to bring them a bit closer on friendly terms. So once Vincent had mentioned how he was able to share his siblings’ sight, Edge was more than eager to be a test subject for the other way around.

Although reluctant at first, since it could cause some headache in a long run, Vincent agreed to grant the dragoness her wish as he and his family wanted to apologize for what had happened.

Needless to say, Edge was beyond thankful.

The Sound Wave Pokemon was unable to look around freely since she was looking through Vincent’s eyes, that didn’t stop her for trying though. Although truth be told, this wasn’t the first time she was able to see in such way, as Latias had shared her eyes with her a few times in the past. However that didn’t diminish the joy she was feeling at the moment.

"By Rayquaza's awesomeness, I missed how colors were," she proclaimed almost at the verge of tears.

“Yeah, just, y’know, stop trying to look around? Gives me a dizzy sensation to the point of feeling nauseous. Let me know if you want to see something different, and I’ll oblige.” Vincent put one hand to his head in an effort to steady it from some unseen malice. “Um...if it isn’t too offensive? I’m...pretty sure Noivern aren’t...normally sight-impaired…”

Edge moved her long neck and placed her face right before Vincent, "well most Noivern don't have these on their eyes," she pointed at her scars with a wing. "And I can't promise much," she returned her head to her previous position, "I am able to see after years, I think you can understand my feelings, freedom boy."

Vincent gulped before poking the dragon again. “Yeah, I get that, I really do. And hey, at least I’m getting experience in linking with others, I think I’d gotten complacent about that…but...how, if you don’t mind me asking, did it happen, Edge? Please tell me it wasn’t father…”

Edge chuckled as she patted Vincent on the head with her tail. "Kid, your dad wasn't the only demon back there. But it wasn't such a bad thing now that I think about it." She commented. "But if you want to know..."

The past
Kalos region

I presume you know a thing or two about Kalos right? Beautiful gardens, deep forests, clean skies and gorgeous sunsets. I can assure you they are indeed real, and it’s a shame all of that was left back home. But this world doesn’t fall far behind.

Now, how can I know these when I blind? Well if you had heard me before you would understand I wasn’t always like this, not to mention the scars all over my eyes. So how about I tell you of the Edge from back then, the Edge who was still able to see.

It was many years ago, I am not telling how long exactly though, why?
You never ask a lady’s age, that’s why!

Anyway, back to my story: back then I was a young Noibat, small, fluffy, adorable, all that good stuff.

But I wasn’t just a small little Noibat, I also happened to be a member of the greatest colonies of the Terminus Cave, if not of all Kalos. I had a family of a few thousands, and mine was considered small.

But we weren’t precisely an united family.

One day, when roaming the many caves among some of my siblings we stumbled across some nasty Durants. Those bugs are nasty to anyone who gets on their turf, but they had an special hate towards us, since we constantly managed to get the best fruits from the zone.

I presume you are imagining what happened then, I mean, I do have the evidence right on my face after all. But at least I was able to keep those bugs busy while my family escaped, the last image my eyes saw were of my family getting away and safe.

That was all that matter to me as the light was suddenly snatched from me.

Yet, as you may have also notice, I did not die. I am sure my aggressors would have finished the job, if it wasn’t for some one walking into the scene. Or rather slither in.

At first the Durants stopped focusing on me as they focused their menacing maws to something else. I couldn’t see what it was of course, but I definitely could hear how threatening they tried to sound. They were obviously afraid of whatever was coming their way.

They finally gave up though, as they leave back to wherever they came from, while whatever it seemed to have been that drove them away continued to approach me. I was too tired and disoriented to even try to stand, let alone defend for myself. Yet I did the best I could to sneer at whatever was approaching me.

Yet the being didn’t seem that surprised.

“I would be interesssted on your effortsss if you at leassst look my way.” Said a rather serious but funny voice.

“Well ‘scuse me for being so disappointing, but you know I just happened to lose my eyes!” I shouted out. “Sorry for doing what I can…”

“... You are quite calm and collected dessspite what jussst happened to you.” Pointed out the voice.

“And you seem as interested in me as if you were looking at some pebble on the road…” I replied as I tried to move around.

It was a total failure, not to mention my face hitting the cave’s walls made my eyes bleed and made me start to lose a dangerous amount of blood.

“And thank you for the help with those damn bugs a few minutes ago, it’s not like I need my eyes or anything….” I snarled back as I started to feel sleepier by the minute. However I didn’t get any kind of a reply.


“What’s the matter…? Are you afraid about staining your skin with some blood?” I teased back as the tiredness grew on me.

“Thisss isss the natural order of thingsss, there wasss no reassson for me to meddle in it.” Explained the voice with a bit of remorse. “You chossse to give your life ssso your family could live. That was a very ssselflessss sssacrifice.”

“Well woop-de… do…” I replied with as much strength as I could, which wasn’t much. “I deserve a... freaking... me-medal…”

I knew I wasn’t going to last long, and yet. I couldn’t feel angry at the voice making me company. As cold as it sounded, it was logical. The circle of life as some call it. One dies so more can live on.

However, that voice seemed to had found ways to work around this rule.

“Perhapsss you do.” It said. “Or perhapsss you dessserve to be kept conssscious enough while our noisssy talk bringsss sssomeone here.”

As I managed to react to what it was talking about, I could faintly hear the noise of something slowly slithering away.

“Wh-what…. what are you… whe-where are you going…?”

“Good luck on your next chance…” Was the last thing it said. “...choossse well…”

But it was not the last I heard that night.

“How come we can’t find it?” Exclaimed a voice walking down the cave, by the tone of it and its sonorous steps it was easy to recognize it as a human.

“It’s a ten or more meter long Dragon! How hard can it be for you to locate it? … because the mountain is too thick… well isn’t that convenient?”

By the sound of it, he was talking with someone else, even when there was no one else.

Judging by the sound of his voice, he seemed to be too focused on whatever he was doing, not to mention he seemed to be looking for something else. There was no way he would turn down to see me.

Then I finally felt something I should have felt since the start: desperation.

I was okay with giving myself away so my family would live. I didn’t mind that voice didn’t save me as it did scare those Durants away. I didn’t bother to overthink the poor excuse said voice gave me, it made sense to me at the time. But there was no way in hell I would let go of myself a third time.

I gathered all the strength I had left. I raised my head and then screamed as loud as I could.

It wasn’t strong or dramatic, in fact it was quite a pathetic cry for help. Which in a way was a good thing since the human could hear it, otherwise it would have bypassed his hearing range.

It appeared to have worked as I heard him stop walking, there was only silences. This in turn made me renew my efforts.

“... give a minute…” The human said as I continued to cry out loud gibberish. I knew he couldn’t understand me, but I cared not for that, I had something else to worry about.

I was unaware if he had actually found me or if he had turned the wrong way, all I could do was continue to exhale as much air I could from my tiny lungs, then replenish them with more and then burst them out again.

Rinse and repeat.

Finally I heard something. A couple of steps echoing right before me, or at least I thought it was before me, as far I knew, it could have been from my sides or even from behind me.

“... no, just a beaten Noibat.” The voice said to no one as he picked me up. “It’s in really bad shape.”

I could feel how my head was being moved around, so I supposed he was looking at how bad the damage was.

“It’s a miracle that it’s still alive... maybe it’s because it’s bigger than your average Noibat.” The man continued with his talk, yet I couldn’t feel him moving beyond his arms. He was still standing where he had found me.

“They really took it against it’s eyes…” The tone of his voice wasn’t too promising for me at this point. “I could use a potion on it but it would need much more than that… yes I know Doc can be of help, but I don’t think it will make it, not to mention we have a Legendary to catch.”

If I was desperate back then, now I was feeling like I was at the edge of a bottomless pit.

“... yes I know she wouldn’t like me to catch one of her friends but what can I do…”

The man seemed to began to lose interest in me. I had to do something, anything. Even if it meant getting squashed as a result, I wasn’t just going to let fate tell me to go into the quiet darkness.

Again I brought forth the very last ounce of energy I had left and brought my head up, only to land on the human’s hand. Hard.

“We still-AH!!” The human yelled as I dug my fangs into his flesh, sucking out his blood in a last attempt to Leech as much Life as I could out of him.

Of course it was just a short term solution.

The little adrenaline I used for that last move was all I had left, and now I could feel my body go completely limp in the human’s hands. Then I could feel it, his blood vessels pulsating under my fangs, how the blood poured from the small punctuations I had made, how it came from up his arm, how it was pumped by his heart, and how it reached the rest of his body. His chest, arms, legs and head.

I was, for a moment, able to see his entire self through his bloodstream.

I could hear him.

With the head located, I painfully raised my head to face him and gave him one single line.

“... I… wa-nt to… to live!”

I could feel tears running down my cheeks.

I don’t remember if it was because of my own desperation or the pain what brought them out, all I was focused on was to deliver that final message, even when he was just a human who wouldn’t understand them.

However, he seemed surprised. Which wasn’t how I expect him to react. Something more on the lines of threw me against the wall seemed more likely. But no, what he did was all the contrary.

“Xavier, call Simon and Char back and come pick us up. We are going back, and tell Doc to be on standby!”

As he said this I could finally feel that he was moving, fast. As well as something cold was being sprayed over my face, it stung for a while but I could felt the scars were quickly closing on my face.

“Hang on there, you will live…” was the last thing I remembered hearing as I finally passed out.

“... I promise…”

You choossse wisssely.

“This all sounds very mystical and stuff but as I later found out, it was thanks to Xavier’s mental link that Weiss was able to hear my plea. Now that I think about it, I could’ve saved a lot of time if I had just asked for help to begin with instead of screaming gibberish first. Although, I still don’t know who was the owner of that serpentine voice.”

Edge chuckled at her discovery.

“But still, that wasn’t the end of my story, as you see young Kadabra, it was just the beginning of my life with the mercenaries.”

I woke up a few months later, of course I had absolutely no idea of where but I care little. I was still breathing and whole, almost at least.

“So you are finally awake huh?” Said a feminine but old voice somewhere close to me, “I must admit I am surprised. You shouldn’t have been able to make outside that cave, let alone all the way over here.”

I was going to ask something when suddenly a wooden spatula was pressed against my tongue as soon as I open my mouth. As well a couple of tentacle-like limbs been pressed against my chest.

“I don't see anything bad here… and your insides sound okay.” The old female said as she let go of me. “I doubt you will be able to fly though, that will take some time.” Although she left the spatula in my mouth.

I bit the cursed thing and spat it to the side, then I finally asked.

“Just who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing!?” I politely asked.

In case you didn’t get it, I was being sarcastic.

“Well, I just happen to be the one who stood up all night and part of the day when you arrived and patched you up, as well as the one who has been keeping a constant eye on you to keep your vitals stable. I’m the person your very concept of life is now in debt to.”

I couldn’t say I saw it coming, besides being highly ironic, since I didn’t expect to receive an actual answer for my question. And what an answer it was.

“I-I’m sorry ma’am…” I finally replied with a very defeated tone.

It seemed to be enough though.

“Your thanks won’t refill the equipment and supplies we had to use on you to bring you back to the land of the living…” was the sour reply I got. Yet, she wasn’t over.

“If you want to repay me you better work hard from now on,” at that moment, I could ‘see’ through my ears a chubby but small hand pointing at me, “understand?”

“Yes ma’am!”

I didn't know where I was, nor who I was with. But frankly I did not care. I was alive and that was all that mattered.

“But ma’am…?” I asked.

“What is it?” Asked back the old one.

“How am I going to work back the favor?”

“Heck do I know? That’s up to my boss to decide.” She said dryly. “Which reminds me, I should be telling him about you by now… gah! Why I don’t have an assistant like everyone else? Don’t move while I go, understand?” She commanded.

“Y-yes ma’am…”

And so I could hear her walking away, leaving me alone again.

All I was left with was the sound of some machines buzzing in the room, which slowly began to take form in my head. They slowly formed into things, I could swear I knew where they were, almost as if I could see them-

“So you did survive.” And then I lose my line of thought as I heard a new female voice.

The surprising thing was that I never heard her getting in.

“Everyone seems too impressed by that fact.” I replied, not feeling too comfortable about it. “So what, now that you all brought me back I am in debt with you all?”

I was thankful, yes, but that didn’t mean I liked how they referred to me as some sort of a thing.

“More or less.” Was the de-facto answer I got from this woman.

“W-well, I am in debt with the woman of before… and that man which brought me here. But I don’t see why I should be in debt with you!” I retorted back.

“Sort of have a point there huh, well don’t worry, I will make sure you own me big time.” She again replied as if was a sure fact just waiting to happen.

And again there was only silence.

“If you are trying to be intimidating I will let you know that the silent treatment is quite childish!” I proclaimed.

“What is childish again?” asked another voice with confusion.

I turned towards its source, which I happened to recognize, albeit just a little.

“That obnoxious woman.”



“... there is no one else here right?” I asked in defeat.

“Don’t worry, it happens a lot in this place.” Replied the man. “My name is Weiss and you could say I am the leader here.”

“If I were human I would be the leader instead.” Snorted the old woman from before as she moved away to her machines.

“The Doc is nice once you get used to her.” The human, Weiss, tried to assure me.

“By the way, you still need to repay all the money invested on her.” The ‘Doc’ said.

“It just takes a really long time…”

He then proceeded to explain me what had happen, how he had drop his current bounty to bring me to his base and give me the treatment I needed. And that, of course, I would have to work back for it.

“... and that is pretty much all. So what do you say?” he asked.

“Well, I am alive, so I don’t see how can I say no to help your group. But I have two questions.”


“First, why did you help me…?” odd question right?

“Why would I not? You wanted to live.” Weiss replied right away. “I don’t know how you ended up like you did, but you didn’t want to leave this world. That’s a good enough reason for me to help you.”

I had to do my best not to break into tears at that moment, I really didn’t expected such an answer after all.

“.. t-thanks…” I said dryly.

“Don’t be, show it.” He said before adding. “And your other question is?”

I took a deep breath and asked again, “How am I going to repay you? I mean, I’m pretty much a crippled mon now.”

I was unable to see it, but I’m sure Weiss smiled at that point.

“First lets get you over rehab and then we will see, okay?”

“He then proceeded to introduce me to everyone, a crazy bunch. Of course you know this by now. But the strangest meeting I got that day, and that I still remember was meeting the Mercenary Queen.”

“And this here is Shredder.” Weiss proudly commented as he placed me before somemon I couldn’t see, but damn could I feel her seriousness.

“Welcome to the team.” She said flatly as I head some metallic noise coming from her. “And sorry if we end up killing you, is not intentional.” She solemnly added.

“Thank you- Wait! What!?” I asked with understandable surprise. “What do you mean by that!?”

Sometimes our practice sessions get out of hand… began the voice on my head.

“Or our jokes can be a bit too harsh…” continued Weiss as if was nothing.

“Or we could just happen to hold a death grudge against each other.” Finished Shredder nonchalantly as she added, “which reminds me, if you’ll just excuse me…”


My question was abruptly interrupted as giant boulder landed right before us with enough strength for me to see how a tiny Paniard jumped out of its way.

“WHAT THE FLAPPING FUCK WAS THAT!?” I properly inquired.

“She is getting better.” Weiss calmly prized. “I didn’t become collateral this time.”

“Indeed, her aim and trap placing has improved.” Shredder said in a similar tone, not seeming to mind the giant boulder which almost turned her into tin foil.

“So is this normal for you!?” I asked again, more confused than before.

“Sometimes we get a bit… lets say physical with our discomfort.” Weiss explained. “Mostly when a joke goes a bit too far.”

“In my case, it has been like this for almost two years now… so I would suggest you to keep your distance from me.” And with nothing else to said, she left.

“Now I have to move this from the front yard.” Was all the human said with slight annoyance.

Meanwhile I could only think one thing: ‘Where the heck did I end up?’

We, or rather Weiss and Tomino, mostly Tomino, moved the rock out of the way and continued our tour. I couldn’t enjoy it much because of how shocked I was from the last encounter, not to mention I was blind.

“And that is most of it, what do you think?” Weiss asked calmly.

“It seems big... “ was all I could reply back. “But I still don’t see how anyone from your team will be able to help me.”

“Welp, there is still one person you have to meet.” He said calmly as he placed me on some table or crate and left looking for said mon. “Now, she should be here somewhere…”

Yet again I was left alone, and yet again was I caught off guard by a very obnoxious voice.

“Well, well. But if isn’t the new girl. Are you ready to owe me that life of yours yet?” she inquired.

“I knew there was something I was missing…” I replied while trying to turn at the source of the noise. “And the last time I checked, I still don’t see how you could be of any good for me.”

“But girl, that is the point!” Come her cheeky voice from beside me, a place I was sure she wasn’t at a second ago. “You can’t see a damn thing.”

“... now I understand why jokes can become lethal here.” I dryly replied. “So this is your idea of helping me? Mocking a blind bat!? Well congratu-freaking-lations, you just hit a new low on my deep guano list.”

“Don’t go thinking everyone is born the same, child.” She snapped back at me, although I must admit I felt happy about finally getting to her. “Neither go thinking you are oh so special because you have lost your eyes. I was born without them and here I stand, looking down on you.”

“... wait what?” I was, again, confused. But before we could continue bickering at each other, a certain human came back.

“Huh, there you are Sonya, I see you just made yourself acquaintanced with our newest addition.”

“You can say that…” she coldly replied.

“Good!” Weiss replied, faking ignorance to the female Sonya’s tone as he then talked to me, “This one here is Sonya, our team’s spy and infiltrator Crobat. If there is someone able to help you out is none other than her.”

“Indeed, you could say you will be in debt with me.” She sarcastically said.

“... fuck you…” I wisely finished.

“If you thought meeting my boss was rough, you should have seen me and miss prideful back then. She expected me to learn on the fly, literally, or suffer the very painful consequences if I didn’t, which believe me was a lot. I think I ended up owing Doc a lot more because of her than my original state ever did.”

“What part of making her fly over a mile of thorn bushes was exactly a good idea for you!?” exclaimed an angry Doc after the latest of my failures. “I am expecting her to live to pay off the bills you so kindly keep making her increase, Sonya!”

“Hey, you fly or you die, simple as that.” The spy replied on her defence. “Besides, it’s not my fault she wasn’t able to fly past those bushes. She still needs more practice.”

“She failed to get through a pass barely the size of her head! How can you expect her to do so, in her state, when you can hardly pull that off yourself!”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence Doc…” I said from the bed.

“Shut it, you are willingly going into this woman’s death traps she claims to be training, so you are as guilty as she is.” She said in a cold tone and added, “You two are too bloody similar, I’ll be damned when the two you get over your issues and become an actual team.”

“She still needs to impress me before to even daring to think about working with me.” Sonya said disapprovingly.

“As if I need your permission for anything, I can do all that you can with just a wing, let alone work with you...!” I shouted back, only to receive a shot of anesthetic to one of my legs and then passing out.

“Finally, silence!” Doc said.

“I presume you may have noticed it by now, but my relationship with Sonya wasn't exactly normal but it was far from strained as well. She was surprisingly good at teaching me how to use my sonar, and I was able to move around thanks to that. But she constantly made fun of my inferiority in comparison to her, so how did I return the favor? I worked harder and harder in order to finally impress her.”

“However she never seemed to do so. No matter how well I performed a move, she could do it just as well if not better on the first try. But that just fueled my will to get back at her, it became a vicious cycle both of us enjoyed.”

“Bit after my first year with the team I was capable of moving around perfectly. I was totally aware of everything around me and could move better than ever before thanks to it. But of course, I was still unable to catch up with Sonya. So of course I continued to train whenever she happened to be taken for a mission, so I could challenge her right away whenever she returned.”

“It was one of those moments when I realized what she had become for me.”

“We’re back…” said a tired Weiss as he and the small team he took for the job plumbered all over the living room. “Anyone asking ‘how it went?’ receives a smack, got it?”

“I presume it wasn’t that good then.” Inquired Doc as he gave each member a quick check.

“I guess that counts…” replied Weiss as he stayed true to his words and smacked Doc.

I chuckled at the scene.

I wasn’t yet a fully fleshed member of the team, since I had yet to be on a mission, but I had grown attached to everyone’s antics. Especially Weiss’ with those wiser than him, namely Doc, Ness, Char, King and Burton. It was like a dad meddling with the grandparents.

“Does that makes us the children?” I wondered out loud.

“Child?” Come a sarcastic but tired tone, “You can be considered lucky to be the pet.”

“Ha-ha, so funny Sonya. But what would that make you then? The spinster aunt?” I properly replied, and properly get smacked by a wing. “auch!”

“Shut up Fido.” And then we laughed.

“So you are up for a rematch!?” I excitedly asked.

“Sorry kid, but not today, today’s job left me quite wasted.” She apologized.

“Was it that bad?” I asked, only for a pebble to hit me on the back of the head while Weiss mumbled something.

“Hehe, yeah. We did get paid in the end thought, but I’m still not sure if it was worth it.” We then began to have idle talk about how the mission went, how troublesome it was, and how bland was the pay for it.

“Aw, I wish I could have been there too.” I pouted. “I would totally have pulled it out in ten seconds flat!”

“Sure kid, sure. But I see that being rather difficult since you still have trouble with Spinarak’s webs.” She teased.

“... those are a work in progress.” I tried to defend myself, before adding with a slight blush “but… I think I could learn more if you teach me another trick of yours…”

I could hear Sonya chuckle, albeit I felt it a bit awkward, as well as happy.

“Y-yeah, I will see if my schedule allows it.” She joked.

Then remembering something, “By the way, I’ve been wondering for some time now: how come you can teach me so much about flying blind when you have a good pair of eyes?”

“You are joking right?” She asked. “My kind may have eyes, my pre-evolution does as well, but every single Zubat is born with nothing both a big mouth and a couple of sharp ears.”

“So you weren’t joking when you said you were blind then?” I genuinely asked.

“True as how I enjoy to soar the sky. We all know we will be able to see if we can evolve, and the safest way to do so is by getting caught by a trainer. That is why every Zubat glomps to every trainer who crosses paths with them, we just want to see what is the world like.”

“I can relate to that…” I said a bit sad.

“That’s also why I knew how it’s to fly in complete darkness, and thus, be able to teach about it. At least, I can do so to somemon with an ear as good as mine.” She said pridefully. “And so far, you are the only one who’s been able to follow my every move kid, you have truly earned my acknowledgement long ago… crap!” She shut in the end.

“Wait… so you… you have been impressed by me before?” I asked in doubtfulness.

“I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud…” Sonya admitted, “But yes. You are one awesome kid. And I am proud to call my prodigee… now don’t go and get any funny ideas okay, I still need to call you worth-!!”

This time, Sonya was cut short of her speech as a purple blur glomped her, that purple blur being of course, me.

“O-oi… I don’t see the need for being overly affectionate.” She said with a bit of annoyance, although she didn’t move me away.

“I know… but…” I couldn’t explain it either. I felt extremely happy at that moment. I felt accepted, loved and cared all of the sudden, and that make me the most happy ball of fluff in the world. “Just… just let me be okay?” I slammed back as I keep hugging her.

“Okay kid,” she replied with a chuckle as she returned the hug.

“Huh,” Vincent said, idly twirling one spoon. “Reminds me of the day when I told the others what I saw them as. Thought the hugging would never end.”

Edge chuckled at the coment. “Same here kid. Yet... I must tell you one thing, there is no Crobat in our team, at least not anymore.”

Another year had passed and I continued my training rigorously, as Weiss had left with a small group formed of Froakie, Ganger, Sonya and himself. A simple mission of espionage, so they would be back in a couple of days. However, I no longer had to train on my own as I had befriended everyone around, so it wasn’t rare for some other mon to give me a hand from time to time.

“Well I am impressed, you can move quite fast now, almost as fast as me.” A prideful Lopunny said as I continually avoided her Ice Punches.

“You sure… because I feel strange…” I replied.

“Huh? what do you mean?” Roll asked.

“Well, I feel like I could be faster than this… almost as if something if this body is restraining me.”

“Oh my!” Come Rouge voice from nearby. “So you are finally getting there.”

“Getting where now?” I asked with confusion.

“Evolution darling, you are just one step from evolving.” She explained.

“Really!?” I asked with very comprehensible excitement. “THAT IS AWESOME!! But wait… how am I give that final step, do I need of some stone for it? No wait, we don’t use those. Do I have to beat someone in a battle? Because I can totally go against Roll right now!”

“You wish!”

“Darling, darling, calm down.” Rouge said as she took me between her bouquets. “Not everyone evolves the same. True, some of us make use of stones while others make use of the experience they gain from a battle. But there are also some cases when one unleashes its hidden potential when letting the feeling they love the most flow free from them.”

“So… should I go and gorge myself on berries?” I inquired.

“That could work, but how about the next thing you like to do the most, that thing which makes your blood boil?”

I thought only for a second and grinned right after it.

“GOT IT!” I proclaimed as I flapped my wings away from the Roserade and simply took off to the sky, faster and faster at each flap I give.

According to Rouge and Roll, I was already shining as soon I left the ground.

I could feel joy and freedom only the sky could give, and how my body began to grew more and more the faster I get. Finally I lose connection with all as my own self exploded in a burst of light, or so I heard, as well a burst of growth. In less than a minute I had become into the majestic, and sexy, Noivern you have the honor to see today.

To say I was excited was an understatement.

I couldn’t restrain my enthusiasm so I decided to do the only thing I could to celebrate; fly!

“Look at her going.” Pointed Rouge out. “I would dare to say she is almost dancing up there.”

“... how long do you think she will be up there?” Asked Roll with little enthusiasm.

A few hours later.

“Darling, please, I want to go to sleep!” protested my poisonous friend as she keep waiting for me to come down. Roll on her side had gone long ago.

“Oh come on! Just another round to the city?” I begged.

“Dear, I know you are excited and all, but you must have some… self… con… that isn’t good.” Rouge said as a lot of noise began to come from the building we live in.

Which wasn’t the chaotic noise we were used to. It was the sound of desperation.


Without thinking Rouge jumped onto my back as I flew into the house. We were greeted by a very unpleasant scene.

“We were ambushed,” we heard Weiss explain to Shredder as we reached the source of the noise, he sounded very stressed and tired, yet he seemed to be worried about something else. “Those bastards wanted to have a free job, damn cheap sakes.”

“Dear, your ear!” Said Rouge as she seemed to notice something on the human, which in turn appeared to just notice it as well.

“Just a flesh wound…” he lied. He reeked of blood. Most of which was from others, but still some of it was his, and was fresh.

“You need to rest, or else you are going to pass out.” Commanded Shredder as she too noticed the state our leader was in.

“As soon as I know she is okay…” He exclaimed, then he realized his mistake as he finally noticed me. “... you evolved…” He said more as a statement than a praise.

“Where is she?” I coldly asked as I have also noticed what he had said, there was only one female on the job. “Where is Sonya!?”

He kept silent for a few seconds and finally spoke.

“She is with Doc right now… You can’t get there!” He exclaimed as soon I motioned toward the surgery room. “You won’t be able to be help… none of us can. All we can do is wait, okay?”

“...what happened?” I asked with a trembling voice.

Weiss took a deep breath and began his explanation “The mission was a success, but instead of finding our contractors we found their PMCs.”

The problem of being a mercenary, kid, is that there will always be some people who think they can outsmart you and get things for free. It’s not rare for us to get betrayed and doublecrossed just to save a few bucks.

“We fought our way out, but one of them, Psychic-type… we didn’t see when it threw its Future Sight, let alone react at it. Save for Sonya. She covered us from the blast. That’s what happened.”

“What about the rest?” Asked Shredder.

Weiss said something about them being okay, but I couldn’t hear much of it. I was worried for somemon else. He and I, and most of the team actually, passed the rest of the night in front of Doc’s room. Even Froakie and Ganger where there, despite their own injuries, and Roll seemed to withstand being in the same room as Shredder for that night. Rouge was the only one allowed to get in and help while the rest of us could only watch.

Ironic, isn’t it?

I can’t remember how long we waited, nor who of us were able to stay awake, all I remember was that it was past morning when Doc finally came out. I couldn’t see her face, of course, but I could hear her breathing; it was tired and sad.

“I did all I could…” She began with an uncharacteristic soothing voice, “but Psychic damage isn’t easy to fix, especially in her case. All we can do now is wait and hope she is strong enough to pull through.”

One by one, we were allowed to see her. Weiss was first of course, then was Shredder, Xavier, etc. I was last. Not that I didn’t mind, I am sure you know that can’t be the case by now. I just didn’t knew what to think.

“Niña… te toca…”

I snapped out of my trance as I was told I was next.

I mildly nodded and went into the noisy room. It was hard for me to ‘see’ properly, not because of the constant beeping and humming from most of the equipment around Sonya, but because of how little noise she made.

“Hey kid…” she tirely began, “you look different… did you get your mane cut?”

I couldn’t stop a small chuckle to escape from me at her words.

“Hey there…” I replied with a wavering voice, “you seem quite beaten…”

“I’ve had worse days” She joked again, only to brake on coughs. “Damn it… of all the ways one can go in this profession… laying on a bed wasn’t the one I was expecting.”

“Don’t say that!” I shout, tears already dripping from my eyes. “You can get through this… you must get through this… please!”

“... Kid… Clean that huge nose of yours, you are making a mess out of yourself.” she said nonchalantly.


“That’s better... There’s no point to fight a losing battle kid. I know that much. But I have no regrets…”

Those words made something snap in my memory.

“... Why…?” I asked. “Why are you giving up like this?”

“... What makes you think I am giving up?” she asked back.

“... eh?”

“I am not letting this damaged body take me away… I chose to get this beaten.”

“But why!?”

“So my family can live…” I froze at those words “those three made it back didn’t they? So it’s my win.”

I remembered that moment back on the cave, back when I got to know Weiss and everyone else, the night which became eternal for me. And the voice I heard that night.

You choossse wissely.

“We choose what to do with our lives kid… I choose to give my life for them, I choose to go with them on the first place, I choose to join this team… and I chose to raise a bratty girl like you as my own.”

If I wasn’t crying before, I had become a waterfall by then.

“I don’t have any regrets with my life… save perhaps just one.”

I ‘looked’ up at her, hoping to help.

“But I think you may be able to change that…”

She hadn’t told me what she wanted, but I just acted as soon as she finished. I carefully grabbed her and snapped the cables and tubes restraining her and before anyone outside could react, we were already out and high into the air.

“I was going to ask for some berry juice, but this should work.” She joked again. “...how did you know?”

“I… just… I just thought if I could choose, how would I like to go… and it came naturally to me: flying.”

“Good choice…kid… good choice...” she tiredly admitted.

“You know… we mercenaries live our lives at the edge… always at the edge… one misstep and our life just ends… but sometimes… is worth to take the jump for someone else… and trust they will… live more properly… on that… edge...”

She kept herself holding against my neck for a few minutes. I was about to ask if she was still alive when I felt her let go. I snapped my neck back, only to find her gliding the wind.

I couldn’t see her face, but I am sure… no, I know, she had a bright smile on her face as she soared the sky one last time.

Then, her whole self become silent for ever.

“H-hey… Sonya…?” I asked, hoping she would reply, even when I knew she wouldn’t. “You okay there… ma’am? Ma’am!?”

She drifted further away little by little. Her body didn’t flinch or drop. Her body refused to plumber down.

“Ma’am… say something… ma’am…!” I shout out, as I finally admitted the truth before me.

She was gone.


And thus there was one last thing to say.

“... good bye… ma’- … mom….”

I returned to our base. Weiss and the rest were there waiting for us, but they weren’t surprised to see only me making it back. Then something odd happened, odd for mercs anyway, they hugged me.

From that moment on I knew it, this was my familly.

You know how in some movies, that marks the end of the story? Lesson learned, live and forget and all that cheesy stuff that only happens in fiction? Normally that is when the ‘End’ logo pops out.

But that story wasn’t yet over.

“… We lost someone dear to us…” Said Weiss as he let go of the group hug, it was then that I noticed he was wearing his full combat gear. Blades thinkled all over his body. “So I say… how about we get even?”

Suddenly a killer intent filled the entire compound as the whole team prepared themselves for a small war, none of them seemed to mind what they were about to do, nor did any of them regret it.

“... This would be your first deploy, are you sure you want to go?” asked Weiss.

I didn’t have to answer his question, I was going whether he wanted it or not.



“You haven’t given me a name… I want to be called Edge.”

“Very well then. Edge, we deploy: now!”

I would like to give the details of how that first mission was, but to leave it simple I will just say that things turned ugly.

Back in the present
City of Manehatten

“And that is the story of how I joined this gang, kid. Yes I am a mercenary, yes I have killed. But I am still a female Noivern, I have a family within my team and I would do whatever is needed for them.”

Then Edge turned her face towards Vincent and stare at him with her blind gaze.

“So I think is safe to say, yours isn’t the only crazy family in this world. So what do you think?”

As she asked this, the rest of both groups began to discuss about what will they eat, and then they heard the sound of several other stomachs rumbling, Vincent looked up at Edge and smiled. “Yeah, I know what you’re saying. Family isn’t defined by blood. Although yours seems to be defined by their stomachs.”

The dragoness smiled as she thought 'At least while we are not at the edge kid, at least while we are not at the edge.'

Author's Note:

Last chapter was too short? have a wall of text to make up for it! I must admit that writing the Memento Moris are my favorite part from this fic so far. I hope everyone likes this. I must admit I really liked expanding more and more about the rest of my characters. Or what do you all think?

Who is that Pokemon:
Crobat (Sonya)

Editors comments:

SK789: Interesting to see another flashback/ origin story from the Merc’s. Also, Tlaloque had better not be planning to do what I think he’s planning to do, because Arceus is gonna go all Sodom & Gomorrah on his semi-divine ass if he tries to pull what I think he’s gonna try and pull.

Evo: An overall good chapter and I loved reading every line.:twilightsmile:

And introducing a whole new editor, give a big applause to!

Goggari: Yo! I’m the new editor/proofreader guy on the team! Have to say that it’s been an honour to work on making this fic look as good as it can. I’m sure there are some things that I missed while going through this chapter, but if there’s something that I’ve learned, it’s that proofreading is a good way to pass time when you have a hangover. And that too many whiskey cokes makes your night end badly… Moving on! I’m looking forward to what’s going to happen in the future with this and the other NW fics. If someone else needs help with making their fics look tiptop, I’m more than happy to help.

Meet the team!