• Published 22nd Jun 2014
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A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

  • ...

Twenty Ninth Move P- II

Twenty Ninth Move
Part II

Still on the past
Kalos Region

“I ran out the infirmary, not caring for Shredder, my revenge, or even the shadow standing beside us,” Roll recalled. “I should have know he hadn’t left for real. I did see his stealth skills first hand after all.”

The Lopunny took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as to remember the events of that time.

“I was so naive…”

Almost a minute passed, yet no one dared to said a word in fear of making her stop, until someone finally had the courage to do so.

“So, what happened then?” Victoria asked.

“Your highness, there is something called dramatic pauses,” Grizelda scold her. “Not to mention she may need a moment to get her mind in order.”

The empress looked embarrassed for a moment, but then Roll spoke.

“It’s ok,” she said. “It’s a troublesome moment of my past… but one I would never change.”

A warm smile come with those words as well as her hand gripped on her mate’s as she continued.

I was fully aware of it now. I always knew. I only lied to myself to be able to keep going.

I tried to deny it once more, to tell myself it was a lie, to shift my blame of it once more.

It was pointless.

It was my fault, my doing, that my mother had died.

Not the night we parted ways, but many nights before. The night my mother snuck me out of that cursed place and yet I crushed her only chance of surviving.

‘I want to go back!’ I recalled my younger self saying with the voice of a spoiled brat. ‘My feet are hurting me, I don’t see where we are going, and there are branches pulling my fur!’

My voice of years past haunted me that night, no matter how much I cried for it to stop to the point I deny it as my own but someone else’s.

‘It’s okay dear. Just hang on for now,’ I heard my mother said that night. ‘I will make up for it, I promise. For now we have to hurry.’

Her voice was out of breath and filled with anxiety, yet she managed to keep her words kind and her smile up so the brat could behave and comply.

She didn’t.

‘But I am tired! Can’t we go tomorrow?’ the brat whined again. ‘We can even go in the car.’

‘There is no time for it sweetie,’ my mother explained, the tension on her voice raising. ‘We have to do this now… or there will be no other chance.’

FInally, the brat snapped.

‘I don’t wanna go!’ she shouted, loud enough to be heard around. ‘I am tired and I want to go back to sleep!’

My mother kneeled down before the child, urging her to stay quiet with the hints of a voice.

‘Please dear!’ She whispered while frantically looking around. ‘You have to trust me on this. It’s just a little further, so please?’

The brat nodded not to happy and then her mother janked her, now urging her to go faster.

Noises could be heard at the distance.

My mother keep running with while carrying the brat for a couple of minutes until she found a brick wall appear. They had finally reached the state’s limit.

She beamed a large smile as she picked the child up and hurried for the wall.

It was tall, far too tall for her to jump over it.

She cursed her lack of actual training as she look for a way to climb over it.

The noise grow closer.

She panicked, they were close of getting freedom, but so were their pursuers.

Finally, she stop thinking and acted, she threw the child over the wall.

‘I am sorry dear,’ she apologized. ‘But we really have no other choice. Now please, lend mommy a hand so I can climb up as well.’

The brat only looked back at her with tired eyes, tired, confused and annoyed eyes.

‘Why did you throw me like that?’ she whined once more, ‘I could have fallen!’

‘Roll please!’ She pleaded. ‘Just help me up! We have to get out of here!’

The brat keep her annoyed expression, she didn’t knew what was happening and she didn’t care about it.

All she knew was that she had been pampered ever since her arrival to this mansion. She ate whatever she wanted. She didn't have to go to those tiring classes all week. Her life was perfect there. And then she was abruptly pulled from her sleep and sentto stroll in the forest like some wild Pokemon to leave.

She looked at the forest with disgust, then she noticed some lights on the distance.

‘Roll, please help me!’ Her mother called for her while desperately trying to climb over the wall.

But she refused.

‘Why would I want to leave?’ She said and then began to shout at the torches at the distance, waving her body to get extra attention.

The ones carrying the lights caught on shortly after.

I didn’t knew how many times the same memory repeated on my head, over and over, reminding me of my sin and filling me with guilt. Before I noticed it, there was sunlight and there was someone with me.

Rouge was there too. she slowly caressed my head as I slowly took notice of my surroundings.

I looked around. It was my room, or so I figured out after looking at the mess around me.

The place was destroyed. Everything not bolted to the walls had been thrown around and torn to pieces; furniture, clothes, ornaments– everything was fair game for my franatic self in the the fight to keep those memories away.

Even Rouge seemed to have some of it as well. Her petals and leaves were scattered here and there.

She, however, didn’t show the slightest bit of worry once she noticed I was conscious.

“Good morning dear,” she said with a calm smile. “How do you feel?”

“My head hurts…” I replied.

And boy, was that an understatement. Not only my head was killing me, my throat was sore, my eyes burned, my mouth was sour, my stomach felt like fire, and every single part of my body hurt.

Needless to say, I was dead tired that morning.

Yet, I didn’t care. It was annoying and painful for sure, but I didn’t care about any of it. I couldn't.

Carefully, Rouge took me to the dining room. On the way there, I could see the sun shining high up in the sky. It was past noon. She give me some bland oats and waited for me to eat.

I saw a couple of the mercenaries walk in, feel awkward, and then leave.

The only ones who acted normally were the always cold tactician, the remissive leader, and Doc, who was there mostly to look at Rouge’s injuries.

“It’s okay darling, I will be fine as long I can have some sunlight,” she reassured her.

“If you say so then,” Doc said as she left, only to spare second to look at me and say, “I wish I could heal you too, but I never studied how to heal a mind. I am sorry, kid.”

She left.

My whole body was too tired for any sort of fast movements, and my stomach stirred every time some of the food landed on it. But I was hungry nonetheless, so I ate at a very slow pace. It took me almost an hour to finish the oats with milk.

Rouge stood with me until I finished, she pick up the bowl and drop it on the sink.

She took a chair and sat beside me, placed one of her bouquets over my head and asked once more.

“How do you feel?”

I slowly turned to her, look directly into her eyes... Then began to bawl. I instinctively hold on to her as I let my tears flow, wailing loudly as my emotions dripped out of me.

More time passed, I finally felt like my eyes were dry and let go of Rogue's arms.

“Better now?” She asked.

I nodded while whipping my snout.

“I… I am sorry about last night,” I said with a raspy voice while looking at the numerous scratches on her.

“It’s okay darling. As I said: sunlight and some good nutrients are all I need to geed better,” she replied with a calm voice. “Besides, you weren't exactly you last night.”

I still felt guilty though.

“No, I… I think I was more myself than ever last night,” I said to myself. “But, I can hardly remember it, what did I did last night?”

“Well…” Rouge started, looking for the right words.

“You went all histerica shouting like a lunatica and running around like a madmon,” said a chirping voice from the window. “What!? She did!” Pancha pointed out as Rouge stared at her.

“You went a bit... confused,” she said the last word to Pancha, “last night, so we decided it was safer to place you in your room until you got better.”

“I can tell that much,” I replied with the same sore tone.

“As such, I decided to stay with you so you wouldn’t end hurting yourself during such delicate mental state.”

“I wanted to help too you know,” Pancha added yet again. “But they said I would cause even more damage.”

I suddenly had the mental image of her suplexing me to calm down.

It made me chuckle.

“Ah! se río!” Pancha quickly pointed out.

“And here I was worrying about you,” said an incoming third voice. “It’s good to know that we won’t be needing a straightjacket.”

“Charming and subtle as always Alice,” greeted Rouge with a sarcastic tone.

“I do my best.” Alice replied without looking at her, instead she looked at me. “So, what now?”

“Smooth,” Rouge said with the same tone. “Really smooth.”

I however, didn’t mind, I could, but I didn’t.

“What now?” I asked back, while thinking on the time I had passed with the mercenaries. The things I have learned, the hours of training, the time lost on hatred and lies. All of it was pointless now.

And there I was, wondering what to do next.

I obviously didn’t know what to do, but I did noticed something else.

“You all seem kind of calm, despite my sudden episode, not to mention that I tried to… you know.”

“Kill Shredder?”

“Yeah, that. Thank you, Pancha.”

“Any time.”

“Why are you so calm despite all of this?” I inquired, if only to keep my mind away of my guilt.

They seemed surprised and uncomfortable, not for the question but because they had to answer. With a sigh Rouge placed a bouquet on my shoulder and then answered.

“We put you on your room, but we didn’t know what had happened, nor what to do, only that you began to trash anything on sight as you shouted at the top of your lungs.”

“Loudly,” added Alice.

Rouge give her a ‘seriously?’ look and then continued.

“Shredder then explain to us what happened.”

“Well, she actually told Weiss, who in turn told Xavier, who in turn told all of us,” added Pancha this time.

With a deep breath, Rouge continued.

“They told us what had happened, how she asked Weiss to let you sneak in so…”

“So she set me up?” I cut in.

“No…! I mean yes, I mean… that is not why she did that!” Rouge sputtered.

“I understand,” I added, while telling her to go on.

“She told us the last words you told her before going into a rampage.”

“Something about your fault.”

“And people say I get brutal with my words.”

“CAN I FINISH EXPLAINING THIS TO HER!?” Rouge bellowed, the other two remained silent.

“Thank you. As I was saying; we knew something was going on, but we couldn’t act without knowing more, so Xavier decided to help. He looked into your mind and told us what you were feeling at the moment. What you were remembering,” she said with some shame, but she never stopped looking at me directly. “We know what happened dear, what you felt. That is why I decided to keep you company.”

I keep looking at her as well, asking with my eyes just how much did they know. It wasn’t hard to understand her answer. They saw it. All of it.

That, however, made a bit calmer. I at least had no need to keep it a secret to them. That itself was incredibly liberating.

I sigh relieved and then asked a bit more worried, “But what will you do about me?”

“Is that really the most worrying thing you can think of right now?” Alice asked with sarcasm.

“It keeps me distracted.” I answered, matter of factly.


“Well,” Rouge continued. “Is not like you are much of a threat. No offence, dear.” I wasn’t offended. “Since she let you get close and Weiss was there to look after both of you...”

“I doubt our dear leader will do anything. He isn’t that kind of human.” Alice admitted.

“So you don’t have to worry. We will not take any sort of action against you, nor do we hold any sort of grudge against you,” Rouge finished explaining.

Niña, you had already been through some rough stuff already,” said Pancha.

“You could say we know the feeling,” finished Alice.

I smiled at them. I felt glad to had such nice friends and I felt terrible for having to make them go through such troublesome night, specially Rouge. But still I couldn't shake off the feeling that lingered on me, the guilt.

“But then, what should I do now?” I asked once more, the girls couldn’t reply.

“We can’t answer that,” said yet another voice. “That is for you to work out. After all, it’s a man’s way to reach his own happiness.” Simon then sat across the table, as if waiting for my reply.

Meanwhile, Pancha whispered, “But isn’t she a girl?”

“Go and tell him,” whispered back Alice, neither of them said anything else.

Rouge noticed what Simon what waiting for and then said, “You can’t possibly think she can answer you right away. She just been through that terrible experience.”

“Haven’t all of us?” he inquired back.

“But she isn’t one of us…!” Rouge shout back, only to cover her mouth right after.

Again, I didn’t mind yet I couldn’t deny she was right, both of them in fact.

I was the only one who could fix my problem and I wasn’t one of them. I was ‘only there’, but I was a part of it.

I couldn’t think clearly and I knew I would never be able to with everyone there. Even when they had show no signs of distrust towards me and had in fact told me how they understood me, I was still too ashamed with and by myself.

So I looked directly at the recently evolved Excadrill and then answered him.

“I will be going back home.”

The girls tried to convince me otherwise, even Alice, but I had made up my mind. Simon supported me on that decision. I knew he would. Weiss didn’t seem to mind, as always, and had everything arranged for me to fly back home.

In less than five days, he had secured a plane for me to go to Unova. To finally go back home.

He was waiting for the rented car to arrive. They would take me to the airport the,n I would be out of their lives forever.

“So you are really going then?” Pancha said, still unable to believe it, even when she was actually looking at me as I made my own bags. Not that I had that much left after that night though.

“I had to,” I drily replied as I finished. “I can’t stay here. All of the revenge thing is over anyway and I can’t even look at you guys properly. ‘Specially her.”

During the past five days, Shredder had been given permission to move freely, yet whenever we crossed paths, she abruptly turned around and left. I couldn’t blame her. At first I tried to reignite the hate I once had for her, but it swiftly turn into guilt. I couldn’t blame her any longer, but I at least wanted to apologize for my actions.

Yet I was unable to, which only added to my uneasiness at the moment, so leaving look more and more promising for me.

“Ok then, I am going to miss you niña,” Pancha said defeated as she leave the room.

“You tried,” I heard Alice said as she enter in exchange.

“Here to insult me one last time?” I joked.

“I don’t feel like it, yet,” she replied as she looked at the now empty room. “You know… I didn’t like you at first.”

“Really? I couldn’t tell.”

“Child, I am being serious here,” she said with a matching tone, that was a first. Before I could ask anything, she continued. “I really hated you, being a rich brat who had it all and who never had to suffer to get something. That is how I saw you when you arrived. But as time went on, I could see past those pretensions of mine and discover just how nice you can be. Even when you were a rich bratty at first.”

I smiled at her words. I never expected for something so nice to come out from her. If anything, I never expect her to actually do something nice. I was about to say something back, but she stopped me. She wasn’t done.

“I got to see how stubborn and strong you are and how much far you got, not to mention that now I know for sure that you aren’t a regular bratty. You have been through something not anyone can relate to anyone but very insane, mad, insane driven individuals, A.K.A. us.”

I thought over a moment what she meant, she continued.

“Sonya told you once didn’t she? That we aren’t the killing machines we are now from the start. We had to become strong. We had to grow. But there had to be something to impulse that growth, something to nourish our determination. All of us had our dark pasts and reasons. That night with your mother is yours child, so it's up to you to choose if it will crush you or if it will feed you.”

I continued to think over those words as she continued.

“I know you have what it takes to be one of our kind, for good or bad. That is up to you, but I have hope you will come out on top just fine.” She then offer me her claw, slowly but without hesitation. I took it. “I am glad I had meet you child. You are a nice mon on my list.”

We shook and let go.

“But if you ever need a bodyguard, you only need to call. I will fly over you to guard you and your millions right away.”

“I don’t know why I am not surprised.”

I truly wasn’t.

We chuckled and then Alice turned to leave, only to add right at the door frame.

“I guess I have to thank her as well.”

“Who?” I asked instinctively, not really caring for the answer.

“Shredder,” Alice calmly replied.

I dropped whatever I had on my paws.

Either Alice didn’t hear that or she didn’t care as she continued.

“She paid me to keep an eye over you and keep you company. You want it or not.”

“Why would she…?” I asked confused.

“I don’t know. I never asked her,” She replied with the same tone. “She paid me, I did my job as any good professional should do. But now that you're leaving, there is nothing else to keep me from telling you that.”

And so with a wave of her claw, she left without looking back.

I was called shortly after. The car would arrive on a few minutes.

The base was located on a rural village an hour away from Lumiose City, yet the guild didn't had a car. Weiss didn’t knew how to drive, as he always move on top of Xavier’s head. Since we had to go to the city within a certain time and with what little luggage I had with me, a rental was needed.

So there I was, a couple of the mercenaries waiting as well. Yet I was completely focused on something else, so focused that I even failed to look at my friends as they give me their farewells.

“It seems this is it, huh?” another female voice I knew well said to my left. My concentration stopped as I replyed to her.

“Yeah,” I said, not knowing what else to say.

“Look, you know what I think about what happened, about how you felt about me, so I don’t mind if you still resent me even a little, but I wanted to be trough and true with my words: I am sorry for what I did.”

That was the best moment to apologize myself, to tell her how much of that was my fault as well if not more. No, it wasn’t even more. It was totally my fault and I had to apologize for it, as well as I had to ask her for Alice. Or was it to thank her about it, but what about the reasons behind her actions? Why was she so worried about me? She had told me it had to do with her honor. Was that why?

My head was so lost on those thoughts that I didn’t notice the black car approaching us until it was just a couple of blocks away. In the end, I was unable to say anything.

The car stopped right before me. It was too late to do anything.

‘No.’ I thought to myself as Weiss tried to look at the driver. ‘I can’t leave like this. I must thank her for her care, or at least apologize for my actions.’

With awkward determination, I turned to her and start.




Time went into slow motion.

An explosion occurred not too far from us, yet not close to be dangerous for any of us. Since I was already looking towards it, I saw it first; a large pillar of fire licking over one of the base/villa’s outer walls, as well how everyone turned to it by instinct, only to draw knifes, claws and energy attacks back at the front. They knew they had been set up and that they just fell for a distraction.

I turned as well, only to see a black bag thrown over my head.

Then, my body was janked, not towards the car, but away of it, to the right.

I looked down and found a small and shiny body pushing me away as it’s owner’s head looked up at me with a kind smile. I raised my paw to help her, but before I knew it, time move normally once more.

The bag covered Shredder entirely and with a rope was pulled towards the car which was already accelerating away while one of the tripulants open a window. It was Weiss’ body who covered me from a quick shower of bullets.

None were properly aimed so no one was hurt. Its objective was to give the snatchers some time.

“Sonya!” Weiss shout as soon as he give me a quick check.

“We’re on it!” Sonya said as she and her apprentice flew right after the car.

However they had enough time to throw a smile cylinder at them.

With a deafening bang and a blinding light, the explosive covered their tracks as they drove into the distance. When we finally had our sight back, the car was no longer in sight.

The room was once more dead silent, not even Grizelda dared to say a word.

“I see I am doing a proper job with this story of mine,” Roll sadisticly said as she looked at her friends, plus one.

Said friends didn’t reply anything, they only plead with her eyes for her to continue.

All of them save Shredder, who no longer seemed a bit stressed but greatly worried, Roll smiled at this and continued with her story.

“Gizmo, into the net, now!” Weiss commanded to the team’s… ‘information gatterer’ while carefully but hastily taking me back inside. “Xavier, you go up. Try to see if you can break into their minds.”

On command, both Pokemon went to their respective spaces, meanwhile some of them move around, gathering supplies, information and alike. They had been surprised but that didn’t meant they wouldn’t retaliate, the problem was knowing who where they going to retaliate.

Meanwhile, Doc quickly checked if I was injured. “Ok, you are unscratched. Is everyone else whole?” She asked the rest.

They were all fine.

Xavier had his mind blocked, said something about it not being a natural cause while Gizmo found some info about the kidnappers, they were contracted to declare me ‘officially’ dead for some people on Pokéwood. I couldn’t hear it well. I was too lost in thought.

Before I know it, I was been guided back to my room, which was empty.

“Oh, right. Sorry Dear, force of habit. Let's go somewhere better.”

“Why…?” I asked.

“Because we can’t stay in such a dull room.”

“Why are we still here?”

Rouge seemed to be expecting other sort of question.

“Shouldn't we be heading for the airport?” I asked again with dismay.

“I thought you would be worried about someone else,” she said to herself with a sigh, she then shifted to a more serious tone. “We aren’t exactly on the best of moments for you to go out.”

“Then when will be going?” I asked again, a hint of anger on it.

Rouge looked at me and replied with the same voice, “When we can solve this problem and save our comrade. Don’t worry though, I am sure we won’t be taking that long.”

“Can’t we go any sooner?” I exclaimed.

Rouge continued to stare at me with a severe expression, however and unlike me, she didn’t show any sign of anger, on the contrary she looked worried. She, however, kept a serious expression and tone.

“So you can run away of your guilt?” She asked with no concern.

I was angry, furious even. Not because of not been able to leave.

“And what about it?” I shout while tears filled my eyes. “Even when I knew I am at fault and tried to make things right, I only end up causing misery!”

“It wasn’t your doing this happened. And even if it were, what good will leaving do?” she asked back, same tone. “You run back home. Will your feelings stay here?”

“What else can I do then?” I cried back.

“How about having some patience and faith?” she asked. “Wait for us to get our friend back.”

“Do you think you will be able to save her in time?” I asked back, desperation filling my voice. “They must know they screwed up their mark by now. Do you really believe you can find them before they see her as a liability!?”

Rouge was unable to reply. Even as strong as they were, she knew they were no prophets. There was no way they could find her in time.

“You can’t,” I gloated. Pathetically, may I say myself. “You can’t know how much I have screwed things up for you all. Not even she could. So please, while you still can: hurry the hell up and take me out of your lives as soon as possible-!”

And then: slap.

It was quite impressive how hard those bouquet hand of hers are when she use them in a violent manner.

“Little lady, I thought you were more than this,” she said as she look at me. “She saved you for a reason. And for good or bad, you are here thanks to her. I thought that could you at least appreciate that much. But if you prefer to brood and whine instead, I clearly overestimated you.”

And with that said, she hug me, tight.

“We have spend years together. You may not be one of us, but there is no way we will see you in such way. You are our friend of us as much as Shredder.” She let go and said, “Please, believe in your friends.” And she left.

I stood there, thinking on my own. Reflecting over her words, properly organizing my thoughts and prioritizing what I knew.

They wanted me, that was a given.

They had no need of Shredder so time was limited.

Their whereabouts were unknown. Even if we managed to find their location, there was no guarantee of finding them fast enough.

We, however, had the strength advantage, that was obvious. They avoided any sort of direct confrontation. The difference in strength had to be large.

Finally, they knew the guild well enough to perform a hit and run tactic, thus they had to be close enough to spy on us. They had to be close.

Slowly, all pieces fell into place on my head and again, after two years, I knew what to do. I left my room and went straight to the noise the mercenaries were making. They were still trying to figure out Shredder whereabouts.

I walked straight at Weiss and told him I had a plan. He didn’t heard me over the noise. I doubt he was even aware of my presence.

I tried again, he didn’t even turn to see me.

Then I shouted, “Take me to the airport!”

This time, I got their attention.

Rouge walked towards me, in an attempt to stop me as she thought I was repeating my tantrum of before, but she stopped as soon as she look at me in the eyes.

“Those are some pretty nice eyes,” Simon pointed out behind her. “So you have some sort of plan then?”

I nodded.

“I am listening,” Weiss said and waited for me to answer.

“Those guys must have discovered Shredder by now, and I am sure they aren’t too glad that they miss their mark.”

“Your point?” Weiss inquired, a bit hasty.

I turned to Gizmo and asked him, “They already used the money they were given right?”

The hacker nodded.

“Almost all of it in fact.”

“Good,” I continued.” Then they must be desperate at this point, especially if they already informed them about their success.”

“So they will make a mistake if they see you on the open then. That is your idea?” Weiss figured out, I nodded again. “It’s a bit of a stretch to plan on a hunch.”

I was unable to give any other suggestion. However, I didn’t need to.

“She is right though,” Gizmo then said. “I bugged their contractors. They received a notification about having ‘finished the job’ just recently. Quite cliche if you ask me. Point is, they screwed up on that.”

“Their location?” Weiss inquired.

“Another ghost account, as mediocre as they are, they at least know how to cover their tracks.”

“Then her bait strategy is our best option,” suggested Xavier.

Weiss was still not convinced. “We will lose both of you if they manage to get you.”

I thought over his words. Pros or noobs, those were kidnappers and they were bound to know how to fight. But I knew I was no pushover either.

“I am not a bratty rich girl,” I cleared out. “I am sure I can give them a fight if I have to.”

They deliberated my plan. With no other option left and time been against them, they reluctantly agreed to it.

“Are you sure this is a good idea manta?”

“No,” I admitted, “but I want to believe.”

Weiss call another rental service, as obviously as possible, and head towards the airport.

It was only him and me, as any more members will only make them wearier to act.

Nothing happened during our way, which we expected to be the best moment for they to attack.

‘Xavier, keep a good hold of our minds, ok?’ Weiss commanded through the mental link as he guided me across the large air terminal. I, on my end, was constantly looking down. I tried to look around for any suspicious individual, but soon found out I was too unease by the large amount of people walking everywhere.

‘You don’t think they will try to hijack the plane, won’t you?’ Weiss thought for a moment.

‘Improbable, a stealthier approach would be the more rational choice.’ Xavier replied.

“Then again they attacked us on bright daylight,” Weiss replied. “Less than three hours ago.”

We filled up our paperwork and wait for the passengers to board. Still nothing.

‘Stay sharp!’ Weiss told mentally as the room become less and less crowded, only a few passengers and a janitor remaining.

If they were going to make a move, it was right now.

On que, a daffing crash could be heard, as if something large had hit the ground, filling the room with the expected screams and noise caused by the bystanders.

However, Weiss didn’t look towards the noise. Instead, he turned towards the exact opposite direction, fist raised.

“Fool me once,” Weiss said as he knocked the janitor out cold, who was silently approaching us from behind and was about to abduct me. “Xavier, scan him!”

He commanded as he was about to restrain the kidnapper, only to see a cylinder roll from his sleeve.

“Son of a…!”


Another flash grenade.

We were able to cover our eyes just in time, but the explosion still stunned us good, not to mention the pain on the ears for the time being. We looked around us and noticed that the janitor wasn’t alone.

That was expected. What we didn’t expect was the amount of company he had around five men and their pokemon. None gave a friendly vibe nor did they share a friendly look to us.

I turned and saw some knifes flowing around as soon as Weiss drew them, swiftly taking down half of the humans and a Pokemon. However, the rest reacted to their fallen comrades and dodged their respective knifes.

The Pokemon charged at Weiss, and even when he was able to keep his ground, he was unable to deal with them and look after me at the same time.

This give the other humans time to go after their prey.

I took notice of them right away, but I was decided to don’t make it easy for them. I readied my stance, prepared a move and channeled the energy needed to give those humans the beating of their lives.

Then I properly look at them and froze in place.

Even when I knew I was strong, even when I knew I could deal with them, I was stiff.

The way they looked at me, how they charged at me as if I were nothing but merchandise: a thing. It made me think on that human, the one who once claimed to love my mother and had gave her such a tragic end. An end I had helped to achieve.

Fear and regret stop me from acting.

“Roll!” I heard Weiss shout, “What are you doing!? Move!”

He wanted me to fend myself, but I was unable to. I couldn’t fight the humans, let alone stop them from throwing me into a bag with less effort than placing a doll in a bag, they took me away and I did nothing to stop them.

Once the visual contact was over, the stress ended and I was able to move again. I tried to break the bag and make a run for it, to help Weiss capture one, to found Shredder, only to find a small ball of wool with a funny smell. Shortly I was somnolent and powerless. Soon, I fall unconscious while hearing Weiss’ shouts getting further and further away.


My plan had failed.

I lost track of time. I think that was a bad habit of mine back then.

I slowly looked around: darkness. I couldn't see a thing. All I knew was that I was tied up in some dark, large room; a warehouse maybe. I could tell because of how the place echoed with our breathing.

Then I noticed that there was another person close.

It could be one of my captors, but still I raised my voice.

I-is anyone there?” I called with a low tone.

I knew there was no way the humans could understand me without a Psychic. But I wasn’t going to give them a reason to knock me unconscious once more.

“H-hello?” I called again.

Wh-what...” I heard a faint voice reply not far away. “What are you doing here!?”

I recognised the voice, and I was so surprised to be so glad of hearing her.

“Shredder!” I shouted, only to whisper again. “Where are you?”

“Feeling relieved about having atone for my sins until you showed up!” she answered, understandably angry. “How did you end up here? Where are the others? Why-*cough*!”

It was then that I noticed something beside the anger in her voice. She sound tired, beaten.

“Are… are you okay?” I ventured. “You don’t sound that good.”

“They wasn’t too pleased to find me in your bag,” she replied once her cough stopped. “It didn’t helped I give them a few cuts. I was unable to take down any of them though.”

She was already in recovery from her last time on the infirmary. It was obvious she wasn’t at her best. But still, I was glad to know she was still alive, as surprising and new the idea was for me.

“Can you move?” I asked.

“A little… but they put chains on me. I won’t be able to move much,” she replied. For some reason, she was no longer angry. “Why… why did you come back?”

I was caught off guard by her question.

“... I, I just couldn’t let you save me like that and do nothing. Not after all I made you go through.” I honestly replied. I didn’t see the point of being ambiguous at such moment. “What… what about you? Why did you save me again?”

“Again...” she said with a nostalgic tone. “The time with the explosives… I was looking at you, so I could tell what they where planning.”

“That… wasn’t what I asked…” I pointed out while feeling a bit confused for the heat on my face.

“I… I don’t t-think that my r-reasons are of any i-importance…” she babbled out.

It was the first time on my life I ever heard her use such voice, I found it adorable right away, despite the situation we were into.

“What’s with this interest, all of the sudden?” she asked, confused but also interested.

“I just realized how much of a burden I must had been for you all this time, and still you kept helping me, despite how I felt about you. I am sorry for how I treated you until now,” I said wholeheartedly. “You have been saving me time and time again, even when I treated you so terribly, even when I blamed you for what was my doing.”

“I won’t say it was my whole fault,” she said sternly. “But I still share some responsibility on what happened that night. It’s not a burden you should carry entirely on your own.”

“Shredder, thank you,” I said with a couple of tears, “I don’t know why you have been so kind with me. And even when I ignored your reasons, I only wanted to tell you that I am sorry. I truly am.”

The distant echo seem to disappear for a moment, and even when we couldn’t see one another, I knew she had acknowledge my apology, or at least that was what I wanted to believe. That was all that matter.

I felt at peace.

If anything, I regret how I couldn’t save Shredder.

‘All I have left is to atone for you mother, and so, we can meet again.’ I thought.

“Y-you… you know?” Shredder said, stuttering once more. “The, t-the reason why I… the reason is… that… well… I…!”

Then there was light, bright and blinding light.

“Ok, time to make some money!” A human shout as he enter the place.

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see where we were. First, I noticed the bars before me as well as the ones surrounding Shredder. We were in small cages; cages in a very large place. It was a warehouse, with large containers filled the whole place. I could tell the latter as I was abruptly taken out of my cage, and dropped before a table where one of the kidnappers kept me down.

Again, I was trembling because of their presence, I could see at least around fifteen humans walking around, three of the where currently dealing with me.

One kept a camera pointed at me while other made some sort of speech, the third was the one pinning me down.

“Dear mister Adrew, we managed to acquire the Buneary you and your board had been so frantically looking for. However we haven’t done that specific part of the deal you are so eager for us to do as you failed to mention that those guardians she had were so damn trained!”

He pointed at a group of humans: comrades of his, no doubt. They had bandages all over, one seemingly missing a hand entirely.

“This was done by only one of them! A freaking human at that! So I guess we really earn a little bit of a raise in our contract!” He shout to the camera, tapping the lent a couple of times as if that would help to his argument. “We are talking at least the double of what you offer us, first payment included!”

He went on and on about how much they deserved their money. I didn’t care. All I knew was that my body didn’t stop trembling, which in turn made the goon holding me increase the strength of his grip. I couldn’t stop it. It make me felt so helpless and useless.

“... we will be waiting.” Finished the kidnapper with a dramatic tone.

“I am sure that will teach them boss,” said the one with the camera as he stopped his recording.

“Those fat bastards always need a little reminder of how things are done here. It’s all about demanding respect!” The ‘boss’ said arrogantly.

I couldn’t stop a laugh to go out from me. He, a kidnapper, someone who literally steal living beings, was talking about respect. It was laughable, even for my stressed self.

It may had been because of this stress than my laugh come out quite loud.

“Do you think this funny?” The ‘boss’ question, apparently been able to discern a laugh, even from a Pokemon. “Do you think you are on a position to laugh like this?”

He grab me from the ear and pull me close to his face.

“I think you may need a good lesson then,” he taunted, his face just millimeters from mine.

He then walked back to my cage, he was about to throw me back to it when someone else got his attention.

“You fiend!” Shredder shout from within her cage and bounds. “Don’t you dare to hurt her! Or better come and try to try your luck with me! I swear that if you dare to hurt a single hair of her I will end you where you stand!”

The human turn toward her with a superior smugg on his face, laughing at her threats.

“What? You worried about your little friend?” he taunted again while kneeling down. “Don’t tell me she is special to you?”

Shredder stared at the human, harshly, while trying to break her chains.

They cracked and bend, but didn’t budge just yet.

The human gloated at her fail attempts.

“I just had a good idea,” he proclaimed while pressing me against the bars. “Why don’t I show you how I teach this rascal here some manners? I am sure you can learn a thing or two.”

And so he started to laugh, maniacally.

I was scared.

And then.


Something squishy hit the ground hard.

Everyone turned to find one of their sentries laying on the ground, a hole where he used to have one of his eyes. Another sentry turned back to the window he was guarding and then, as suddenly as his comrade, he hit the ground with a new whole on his head.

“SNIPER!” someone finally acknowledged the danger.

The goons move away from the windows and made haste to cover them with whatever they could find. They were so focused on that, that they forget about barricade their main door. With an explosion, the large metallic door jumped back and fe’l to the ground, causing a large cloud of dirt to cover the place.

“What the hell is going on?” The boss demanded as he kept close to the cage, only to be stabbed from within it.

‘You are in no position to ignore your surroundings, fiend!’ Shredder said while blood dripped from her head.

The human let go of me instantly, and even when I was as lost and confused as everyone around, I still had enough common sense to get away from him and closer to Shredder.

“Here, let me get those for you,” she said while offering me the blade to cut my ropes, which I let her do as fast as I could.

I then removed the locks on her own cage and offer her a paw to help her out, I was able to take a off one of the chains wrapped around her when I could feel someone grabbing me from behind.

I instantly threw my paw in search of a hold when I find out that Shredder had done the same with her blade of a hand. She cut deep into my paw, and yet I didn’t let go of her. I kept my holding to her until something broke inside the cage, causing her to lose her balance and me to lose my grip.

As a result, I was pulled out by the human boss, who promptly throw me to the ground, followed suit by a stomp.

“You are not going anywhere!” He shout as he tried to stop the bleeding on his other hand. “I told you that I was going to teach you some manners, and I go trough my word!”

“So am I!” said Shredder as she jumped out of the cage, tackling and stabbing the boss on a tight.

Being unable to stand, the human fell to the ground in a mess of screams and blood, I couldn’t care less for him on that moment. In fact, I was more worried about getting some oxygen back.

“Are you okay?” Shredder asked as she removed the remaining chains off her.

I nodded as stand back up.

The place was a mess. There was more smoke covering the place, probably used by the kidnappers to cover their numbers.

“We have to get out of here!” Shredder said as she offered me a blade.

Again, I took the blade without a doubt as we both left the place and run.

But when I mean left the place, I sadly mean that we only ran away from the bleeding human. The place was still a mess, with gunfire, screams, and more gunfire filling the place. At some moment though, the kidnappers remembered that they had Pokemon as well, and soon the place was even more of a mess.

I, however, was able to follow Shredder just fine, not only because I was holding her blade, but because I was able to see her clear as day despite the dust covering everything, as if she was glowing.

“What’s happening?” I asked in confusion while following Shredder.

“Must be Weiss and the others, but I can’t even tell if they know where are we,” she replied while avoiding anything that moved. “Our best option right now is to get out of the fray and head outside, then try to locate our comrades.”

“Did you always talk this much?” I asked. I am not sure why. Maybe because I hardly spoke to her, but I found very surprising and a bit annoying to hear her explain things so detailed with such large words.

“Right now is not the moment to talk about my speaking patterns,” she retorted back as she push me behind some boxes and hide with me.

A group of Pokemon and humans passed by without noticing us.

But just to be careful, we stood there for a moment.

“Alright then, if you don't tell me that, how about finishing what you were about to tell me a moment ago?” I asked, remembering how she was about to say something.

I could see how she halted up at the question as well as how she began to sweat all of the sudden.

“T-that isn’t important right now!” She shout in response.

“Who’s there!?” A had human spot us.

“Tch!” Shredder push me further behind the box while commanding, “Stay here!”

She left right after shouting something like ‘Those with a dying wish, try to push forward!’

I could hear the sound of battle right outside my hiding spot, as well as I could hear Shredder’s voice moving around, progressively getting more and more tired as time went on. She was in no shape to fight properly.

I couldn’t leave things like that. I couldn’t just hide and wait to be saved yet again, but I knew I couldn’t be of help either, I would only be a liability to her, but still I didn’t feel right about it.

I was debating about help her or not when I heard the boxes around me being crushed by something, the small hiding place beginning to fall apart. Instinctively, I dashed out of it, only to land right outside of Shredder’s fight.

I landed right before a fallen human, which triggered my fear instantly. I looked away of him and find Shredder exchanging blows with other two humans and three Pokemon; a Gligar, a Hariyama and a Scrafty.

She didn’t had any sort of advantage and still she was keeping her ground just nice, if it wasn’t for her current tiredness and the new liability which just join the party.

“Roll!” She shout with worry as she looked at me, only to block an incoming barrage of Arm Thrusts from the Hariyama.

“Isn’t that our mark?” one of the remaining humans said while also noticing me.

“Gligar!” The other one commanded.

‘On it!’ his partner replied as he fly towards me.

Only to be stopped by the flung body of the Hariyama.

“Who give you permission to look away from me?” Shredder said with a heavy breathing.

‘I can tell you the same!’ the Scrafty shout back as he threw a Brick Brake to her back.

Shredder was barely able to block the attack, but she was still send flying away, or rather beside me as she land with a metallic thud.

Shredder!’ I crawled towards her. ‘Get up! You have to get up! Please!’

“I guess that is that, Will, go grab our money,” one of the humans ordered.

‘With pleasure,’ the Scrafty replied as he cracked his knuckles and moved toward us. ‘Nothing personal kid, but a mon has to eat.’

He reached to me but then jumped back as a blade swung his way, just barely missing its mark.

“You have some nerve, to attack me from behind and take me for dead,” Shredder said as she slowly stood back up. “Who told you our fight was over?”

“Why doesn't he just die!” the other human shout.

“I am a girl!” She shot back while charging at the Scrafty.

The fight resumed, but it was bent to be short. Shredder was tired and injured far too much at this point. She know this, and yet she didn’t try to run.

‘Please, stop…’ I said, losing what little hope our escape had provided us with. ‘There is no need for you to do this! Just let them take me with them, you can reunite with the others, please!’

I knew I was of no use for the fight, but I couldn’t stand to let someone else die for me, not again.

‘I don’t want you to die, not for me. Not for someone as unworthy as me.’

The Scrafty took the chance to use a Faint Attack on her, causing Shredder to take a step back, but not a single one more.

“Unworthy you say?” she asked while retaking her stance. “I am afraid I have to disagree.”

Seeing this as another chance, the Scrafty lunged at her with another Brick Break, which Shredder countered with ease.

“I have seen just how worthy you are,” she continued while taking a step forward, countering every punch the Scrafty threw at her. “I always keep an eye on you, look at you, seeing how decisive and passionate you can be and how much you can achieve by pure determination.”

At each word she said, Shredder too a step forward, not stopping or moving to the side, always forward.

“What the hell is she talking about!” the human questioned, “Will, hurry up and finish her off!”

‘That’s easier said than done!’

“At first I was worried about you, afraid that you may lose your will to live, afraid that you would want to join your mother because of my actions. I feel guilty and responsible for it. But as time went on, I saw how far away you where from that thought, how willing you were to live on, to achieve something, even when it was revenge.”

Suddenly, Shredder’s body began to be easier and easier to see among the smoke and shadows.

She was glowing.

The humans knew what this meant, and step in to fight Shredder as well. In an attempt to stop her.

Yet she simply evade their hits as she held her ground and continued.

“You showed me how strong you become each time you challenged me and how much you were willing to push even further. I felt happy to know my actions have give you a reason to live.”

She shone brighter and brighter.

Yet I didn’t notice it, my focus was totally on her words.

‘Then, if you worried for me this much, why did you got injured? How did I made you lose your will?’ I asked.

“Looking after you was because of my honor, at first at least,” she admitted. “Yet my feelings changed as time went on. I was looking at you not because of worry. I was worried of you constantly but no longer because of my sense of duty. I suddenly found myself constantly thinking about you.”

“Why do I feel this is only getting worse?” The human said after who knows how many missed punches and kicks.

“I know what my feelings had turned into, and it hurt me, because… I… I…”

The light she was emanating exploded all of the sudden, making it impossible to see how her body change from the little and chubby Pawniard into the gorgeous and deadly Bisharp.

And so, Shredder evolve while shouting, “Because I fell in love with you!”

As been empowered by her words alone, her whole body was engulfed on wind, which roared against the humans and Scrafty as she delivered as single Aerial Ace to them, knocking them all unconscious on the spot.

All three aggressors hit the ground like bags of potatoes.

Yet all I could see was Shredder’s now large back.

“It hurt me," she continued. "I knew my feelings were unwelcome, undesired and most likely unneeded.” She then turned to me. “But I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Despite all odds, I couldn’t. That became my downfall.”

I was speechless.

Of all the things she could have said, she went and give me yet again, the most cheesy and cliche reason one could have ever expected. And yet, I feel happy about it, I feel warm, I feel strong.

‘You wench! You will pay for this!’ Shout the Gligar, who finally got free from the Hariyama. ‘Get a load of this: Sky Uppercut!’

The Gligar was faster than Shredder’s previous foes, not to mention that she was distracted, she wouldn’t be able to counter him in time. She didn’t needed to.

I was faster, stronger and larger now.

Just before he could touch Shredder, my Ice Punch hit him right on the face, and turning into a small ice meteor.

He hit a wall with enough strength to blow it to smithereens, and finally let the sun’s light into the battleground that was the where house.

“Good job,” Shredder admitted. “We can get out through there-!”

Then hit her, hard. It didn’t hurt that time.

“You idiot!” I shout. “Why would you go and do something as stupid as confessing in the middle of a fight!?”

More than hurt, Shredder seemed to be confused.

“I-I thought I had little chances of victory, so I wanted to at least depart this world with my mind in peace!”

“And what about me?” I asked with an annoyed tone, “do you think that would be the best way to send me off? Confused about your last words? Not to mention in the middle of a battle field!”

She turned red as she added, “Well… I-I also wanted to look c-cool to you for once…”

“And to think I wanted you dead,” I said with a sigh as I offer her a paw. “Let's get out of here.”

“Yes… lets.”

“It was in that moment than I finally noticed that, I too, had evolved.” Roll explained with a ashamed smile, “That was a bit awkward but ignore it, we still needed to make it out of there alive.”

“I have heard a bit about that,” the Gothorita cut in, much for the Griffins’ annoyance. “Pokemons are said to evolve when they reach a certain level of power. But how was it that you felt awkward about it?”

Roll, for once, looked surprised and ashamed for this question.

“You see, my kind doesn’t evolve in that way,” she explained. “Strictly speaking, my kind evolves when enough friendship is given to us. The more we share with others the more our power grows, the more love we receive the stronger we became.”

She then lean over her mate and added, “And I just happened to receive large amounts of love that day.”

The Griffins change their minds, they were glad the Equestrian translator had made that question.

“So, that is why you had been so tense all this time?” Grizelda asked the Bisharp. “You were embarrassed of your confession?”

“Well, I know now that wasn’t the place not time for such thing, but I did thought I was going to die, besides…”

“That isn’t why she is tense.” Roll cut in, much for her mate’s shock.

We walked out of the warehouse and discovered we were still on the airport, the kidnappers were using one of the abandoned hangars as a hideout.

“So this is why they didn’t showed up on our way here,” I pointed out.

As we were walking out, Shredder’s newfound powers vanished and had problems to walk.

“Here, let me help you,” I said as I let her lean on me. “You sure had some odd ways to show your feelings,” I teased.

“Are we really doing this right now?” She inquired back.

“You are the one who thought that the middle of a battle was a good place for it.”

“I-I told you my reasons already!”

“Yes, yes you did.” I then took a moment to look at her, she was right beside me and yet I couldn’t feel any sort of discomfort, even when the memory of her younger face covered in blood crossed my mind.

“Shredder?” I said after a few moments.


“Thank you… for looking after me, worrying about me, loving me. Thank you, for all of that.”

“D-don’t mention it…” She stuttered.

“But I think you should use some training as well.”

“... huh?”

“I mean, how much do you weight? A ton? Carring you is quite the task! You really need to lose some weight, especially on that big butt of yours.”

“MY BOTTOM IS NOT BIG!” She shout back, “... isn’t it?”

“Is a bit hard to miss, you know?” I teased back.

She then tried to cover her rear the best she could with her free hand, much to my delight.

Shortly after, another human walked out the smoke, casually looking at a machine gun.

“So uncivilized,” he said as he was about to throw it away, until he saw us, and then point at us. “Hands in the air please,” Weiss said.

“We tried to convince him of who we were to little success until Xavier stepped in.” Roll said with a smile, “I am pretty sure that of all things, he never expected both of us to evolve at the same time.”

Everyone smiled, but not at the last part of Roll’s tale, but at the expression the mon sitting beside her was doing.

“So… you are a ‘heavy height’ then?” asked Grizelda with little care.

“I don’t have a big buttom!” Shredder shout with embarrassment.

“It’s really cute and nice you know,” Roll added.

“Don’t tell them what they don’t need to know!” Shredder shout again, even more embarrassed.

“So you're the reason behind her sense of fashion then?” Inquired Victoria.

“CAN WE PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT MY ASS!?” Shredder finally screamed.

“Dear, please. That is such a not proper word!” Roll pointed out with a voice similar to that of Rouge’s. “Besides, we were talking about your dress, not your beautiful ass.”

“I give up…” Shredder said as she simply lay down on the couch.

“So that’s it then, that is when you two become an item?” Grizelda asked.

“Oh no, that is how she declared to me.” Roll replied.

“There is even more?” Asked the Gothorita with surprice.

“Is not that much left, but I think it deserves its part on the story as well.”

Once we finally proved to Weiss it was us, he went to explain how he and the others had arrived there. It was rather simple, really.

One of the knives he struck the kidnappers with had a tracker, a small one, but strong enough to locate with the proper guidance, which was provided by one of the kidnapper's hand. They used its fingerprints to know where the owner worked at: the airport, as a night watchman of the abandoned hangars. All they had to do was storm the place.

We made a quick exit, as the place caught the attention of firefighters and police alike.

Weiss lamented letting the kidnappers there, their bounties could have been a great income. But at least he could use the events and information to blackmail their contractors.

Short story long, he made sure they will never go after me ever again.

Yet, what I remember the most was the surprise on everyone’s faces when they look at our evolved selves.

A month passed with nothing much to comment on, the authorities took care of the kidnappers, making sure that their victims testified against them. The news call it a suppressive act of their police department while the showbiz gossip about the sudden dismembering of one of the biggest filming companies in Pokéwoods.

And nothing else of importance happen.


There was something.

Every time I looked at the mirror, I had a good look at my mother, as I happen to be identical to her, albeit a bit more muscular. A constant reminder of what I did.

I couldn’t let things like that.

“So you are leaving?” asked Pancha with the same tone she once asked me with just a month prior. “For real this time?”

“I am sorry Francisca, but I can’t stay here,” I replied. “I don’t feel right. I need to solve this on my own. Not because of you or anyone!” I quickly clarified.

“Not even her?” she inquired.

“... yeah, not even her.” I lied.

This time, we wait for the car to properly park in front of the villa before going outside.

“Well, we had a more proper time to say good bye dear,” said Rouge as she hug me goodbye. “Be sure to have a happy life.”

“My offer is still standing,” said Alice on her turn. “Really, call me okay?”

“I am going to miss you niña!” Pancha shout while almost crushing my bones.

I share a few kind words with each of them, as well as thanking everyone for their help and support, but above all, I thank them for their love.

All of them save for one mon.

“I guess she couldn’t bring herself to say goodbye,” Weiss said as the car left.

“I can’t blame her,” I said as I looked at the window.

And I really was unable to blame her. After all that had happened and the time we had, I was unable to give her a proper answer. Even when we spend a more proper time together during the last month.

We reached the airport, have our luggage checked and wait for the plane to arrive.

“I forgot,” Weiss said after Arceus knows how long. “Your dad sent this to you. Told me to give it to you so you two can meet fast.”

It was a cellphone.

Some people stared at us because of it. It was rare to see a Pokemon using such tool.

I held the device. It already had a number recorded; my dad’s.

“I guess you can make time go faster if you give him a call,” he suggested, and then return to the silence.

I supposed it wasn’t a bad idea and give him a call.

He pick up right away.

“Hello! Hello?” he greeted me with a deep and heavy voice. “Roll, is that you?”

He sound nervous, very nervous. But also excited and happy.

“H-hi… dad?” I replied, a bit anxious myself.

“Hi! Hi… it’s so good to hear you are okay,” he said with more excitement. “It’s also good to hear your voice for the first time.”

My dad and me had been communicating through letters this far, so this was in fact the first time we actually hear one another.

“Y-yeah, you have quite a loud voice.”

“Oh, sorry, I guess I have the volume too high, or am I shouting too?”

“No, it’s okay dad. Is okay.”

We talk about all and nothing, I explain him what had happened and how I feel about going home. Of course, I skipped the more dark and private parts.

“I look forward to meeting you.”

“I look forward to it too babe…” he said, not too convinced. “But I know you are lying.”

He surprised me.

“Wha… why would you say that?”

“Dear, did your mom ever told you why we ended apart?”


“We meet in one of her studio’s parties, she was a racing star and I a promising boxer, we talk, feel Butterfrees and all that stuff. We feel like we couldn’t be any happier when together.”

“Dad, what is your point with this?” I asked, he continued his story.

“We had the full cheesy movie plot, our managers didn’t liked the idea of us together yet we fought for our love to the point they finally let us be together. And so you were born. But then my carrier started to plummet a little. I was still strong, but people was forgetting about me.”

“So one of my managers said it would be a good publicity stunt to break up with your mother. Of course we denied at first, going as far as to say we would rather be happier as a poor family than as wealthy and separated. But then my bad fame began to affect her as well. People began to say that I would drag her down with me and stuff. Finally, I decided to go with the stunt. Of course I talked with your mother about it. I told her that I wasn’t really forgetting about her and you, that I would be back some time.”

I was about to ask ‘but then what happened?’ but he did it before me.

“I couldn’t see her while my reputation was in such bad shape. It would make people aware of the ruse and get shouted as a result. In the end, it took me too long to actually get my reputation back. Before I knew it, we were apart for so long that the fire was gone. We were wealthy and alone.”

“Dad, what does this has to do with me right now?” I asked again.

“The last time your mom and I talked, we promised each other that things would be temporarily, that we will find the way to be back together, that we would be happy.”

I waited for him to explain.

“Your tone now is exactly as the one we were using back then,” he said. “We knew it was a terrible idea. We knew we were doing the wrong thing and we knew how much we wanted to be together, yet we couldn’t admit it. All we could do was to lie to ourselves.”

“So, I am lying right now?” I said more than asked.

“Pretty much, babe,” he replied. “I don’t know who this guy is or how he is so important for you to get like this, but he better be worth it.”

“What do you mean..?”

“Babe, you are better than me. I am sure of that. Don’t go and repeat the same mistakes we old folks did. I know how you feel about your mom, but right now I am not the person meant to help you to get over that.”

... are…. are you sure of this?

“Hell no! But this isn’t about me,” he explained, “this is for you. This is your happiness. So go and take it girl! For us.”

“Thank you dad,” I said at the verge of tears. “I love you.”

“And I love you too, babe.”

“I am sure you will love her too!” I said in the end.

“Wait! What? HER!?” Was the last thing I heard him saying before I threw the phone to Weiss and ran the heck away from him.

I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could, jumping over vehicles, cars and even houses as I put my everything to go return. To go back home.

I arrived at noon. The sun was setting as I reached the villa the mercenaries used as a base.

I stormed the place, not caring for the ones who I crossed paths with and ignoring whatever questions they made.

All but one.

“On the cape!” said Rouge.

I didn’t turned back to thank her. All I did was run.

There, I found her, staring at the ocean while a piece of fabric waved at the wind from her waist.

“So, you do realize the size of your butt then?” I shouted.

I clearly noticed how she tensed at the sound of my voice, yet she turned around as slowly as possible.

“You missed your plane?” Shredder asked.

“It was worth it,” I replied as I moved towards her. “I would have missed something else otherwise.”

“And what may that be?” she asked as she walked toward me as well.

“I am not sure yet,” I said sincerely. “All I know is that I hate it at first, but that hate help me move forward, helped me to have a goal as well as it helped me to realize how much have I achieved. Even when it's so annoying, thick-headed, and straightforward as something can be!”

“That sounds like a troublesome thing to return to,” she said.

“It is, but I trust it,” we finally stopped, one right in front of the other. “I trust it will be worth it.”

For my surprise, it was she who made the first move, as she placed her hand over my cheek. It didn’t felt cold. It was warm, soft and loving.

“I swear, if you allow me to it, that I will forever look after you, help you, and fight so you can be the happiest mon in the world.”

Then I made the next move.

“You talk too much,” and grab her from the neck and pull her towards me so I could kiss her. “And you better make me happy!”

I said as our lips parted, only for her to kiss me back way passionately.

We stood there for who knows how much, only to be annoyed.

“I didn’t see that coming.” Weiss said while carrying our bags.

We turn to find everyone looking at us.

“I say it was about time,” Rouge declared while the rest simply applauded.

Shredder on the other side, got all sweaty and nervous all of the sudden.

“D-d-d-did you all see that?” she asked in disbelief.

“I guess we heard a bit more than just that,” joked the little Noibat that was Edge back then. For everyone's amusement, everyone's save Shredder’s of course.

Everyone on the room share the same expression, the expression everyone with a heart does when hearing a story so ridiculously cheesy yet heartwarming than one can’t stop smiling, as if wishing for a good future to those having such a lovey-dovey story.

“That was our first kiss, our first time having a public moment, our first moment as a couple.” Roll said with a broad smile. “And it has been like that ever since.”

“Well, it was only fair to be you the one to kiss first, after her interesting confession,” pointed Victoria out.

Shredder was, true to her word, no longer trying to defend herself in any way, she was simply steaming like a train.

“So, what happened next?” Grizelda asked.

“What else could happen?” Roll asked back,. “We become a couple and started to do couple things. Like getting to know each other better, getting into one another nerves, argue and make up over the most silly of things, train and compete together to the point we both reach the highest position within our organization, kick all sort of butts in the battlefield or in the bedroom!”

“Could you please keep that part out of the Empress’ ears?” Shredder asked with a defeated tone.

“Oh come on, you know you like those stories.” Roll tease back. “It’s where you shine the most.”

“One doubt though,” inquire now the Gothorita. “You mention some sort of PTSD of yours regarding males, but you don’t look the part of someone getting frozen so often. Was that real or just added for impact on the story? I am sorry but I found it hard to believe you get over such a thing by your own with only the power of love.”

“Who said I ever got over it?” Roll retorted back. “Girl, I showed you my memories didn't I? I froze whenever there was too many males in one place. And even when I no longer get paralyzed, I can feel the pressure on the back on my head building up.”

“Wait, you still suffer from that?”inquired Grizelda.

“But you never show any sign of it!” added the Empress.

“Oh, that is simple,” Roll said as she clinged onto Shredder’s arm. “I know I will be fine, because I know she will be there to help me out, won’t you dear?”

For everyone’s surprise, Shredder’s face stop steaming for a moment as she looked back at her mate.

“I promise I will,” she said sternly yet lovingly. “And I will keep my word till the end.”

“Wow… suddenly, I feel like I am meddling something.” Grizelda joked.

The girls continued to joke and laugh and tell stories to one another till the horizon turn dark and the stars filled the sky.

Meanwhile, a grey pegasus awaited outside the door, a bunch of papers been perfectly hold on both of his wings and ready to report that his inspection had finally ended.

However he couldn’t bring himself to interrupt such a warm moment between friends.

Author's Note:

And thats it. This is the end of Roll's background.

Was it what you expected? I hope so, or else I killed myself over this deadline for nothing.

Still, thank you for going through this behamonth of a chapter and look forward for the next one.

See you next year!

Editors Notes:
Coming soon!

Who is that Pokemon!?

Meet the team!