• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

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Fourteenth Move

Fourteenth Move

Hall of Legends
Weiss' location

The legendary dragoness and the mercenary continued to catch up with one another just like they used to do back on Earth, though ironically most of the talk was about Earth since they hadn't been on Equus for all that long. They took turns telling each other stories, for even though Latias had looked through Weiss' memories, she liked to hear some parts coming from him as if he were selecting what he considered the best of his experiences.

Weiss in turn got to see segments of Latias' memories as she added her portion of her story.

They were aimlessly moving around the Balcony Garden and it was Weiss' turn to talk about one of his and his teams’ adventures.

"... and then Simon cuts their path by surfacing out the earth before them, yet the Eelectross sent him flying away with a Dragon Tail." The mercenary was on the verge of laughing at this point. "He never said he disliked the experience though and he even went to say that he 'almost pierced the heavens for good this time!' with his usual extravagance."

The Eon Pokemon chuckled at his words while mentally replaying the scene from Weiss' perspective. "It’s good to see that Simon still has that 'over the top' attitude." A small snort escaped her mouth as she noticed something. "Quite literally this time!"

Weiss smiled at this. "Yeah, same old same old. The team hasn't changed much since last time we meet and they all send their regards by the way!" he quickly added as he remembered his teams’ constant teasing. Latias simply nodded in thanks. “At least before the whole 'jump' thing."

Latias turned to the landscape beyond the Hall's walls and sighed. "I hope they’re all okay."

The Bisharp in turn smiled. "They sure are. We aren't mercenaries for nothing!" He proclaimed, mostly to calm his friend than to boast. "They sure know how to take care of themselves, so don't worry, the team will be whole again," he calmly said and gently added, "thank you for your concern though."

The legendary dragon hit him on the shoulder playfully. "Hey! What is it with this sudden melancholy? That doesn't fit you at all."

He merely chuckled, "Does it now? It’s just that I’ve been wondering what we will do once we're all reunited again. We have this contract with Empress Victoria, but our old way of living is done for. Many of these Pokemon have no reason to remain with us now..."

Weiss turned too towards the horizon, his friend catching on to his worries.

"And what will you do then? Stop them?"

"Of course not," Weiss calmly said. “They are free to do with their lives as they see fit. If they want to go and make a new and better life in this new world then they have all the right in this world to do so, although that doesn't mean I have to like the idea." With a sigh he added, "Not to mention I may really have no right whatsoever. After all, me being here could be an accident, I wasn't exactly the holiest of humans back there."

Latias looked at the Bisharp with knowing eyes. Having seen his entire self years ago had taught her how he felt about his team and the place each of its members had in his heart. In fact, she would have been envious of them had she not already known the place she had in his heart as well.

"You are an interesting human, Weiss," complemented Latias while delicately placing a hand on her friend's back.

"WAS a human," he corrected her with a chuckle.

"The point remains," she cheerfully retorted. "You never saw your team as other mercenaries, evil organizations or even good organizations did." She then hovered before him while looking him in the eye, a hand resting on his shoulder as she proceeded. "You never saw them as mere tools, but as your irreplaceable friends and companions. That is what makes you so different from others back on the old world and surely that is what granted you your place on this new one."

Weiss kept his eyes on his friend's as he listened to her speak, slowly raising a hand and placing it at Latias' face as he replied, "You always know what to say, now don't you?"

They kept looking at each other for what seemed to be minutes, the soft afternoon light showing a bronze light all around them while a gentle breeze made the plants of the garden quiver as the windmills resonated with tranquil repetition.

Then Weiss spoke, "We have talked a lot about me though. Let's hear more of you!" He gently patted Latias on the back of the head.

The Dragon-type smiled and happily replied, "What would you want to hear then?"

"Well, you mentioned Arceus called every Legendary to his presence before moving here. How was it?" the Bisharp asked curiously. "To see all of them all of the sudden?"

"It wasn't that bad. I got to see many familiar faces like my teachers," Latias cheerfully commented while thinking on the Lake Trio, but cocksurely added, "and you will do well to remember I am also stuff of legends too!"

"My apologies then, oh mighty one," joked the Dark-type. "So it was like a school reunion?"

"Almost," Latias pondered. "With the added part of a god deliberating whether or not if he would wipe out mankind next door."

"We kind of deserve it," shrugged Weiss.

His friend chuckled at his carefree look on the past possibility of his race being exterminated, him included.

"Did you reunite with some old friends then?" He casually asked.

Latias perked up at his words and blissfully smiled in the instant, "I certainly did! In fact I would love to introduce you two."

Weiss arched an eyebrow, or the closest thing to it a Bisharp had, and replied, "I already know your 'dad', but I think he hasn't the best opinion of me," joked the mercenary.

"No you dofus!" she cheerfully scold him, "and it’s someone more special to me than Lord Arceus!"

Now Weiss was truly surprised and intrigued. He was about to ask who when he felt a presence right behind him alongside the worst case of déjà vu he had ever felt in his entire life.

"She is referring to me," said a calm and cool voice Weiss has never heard before, yet somehow he found it familiar.

He turned around and met the owner, a being identical to his friend stood before him, the only differences being his bigger size, sharper appearance and his blue tone–not to mention the deathly seriousness his eyes emanated, a polar opposite to his cheerful friend.

"..." Weiss found himself at a loss of words before the male half of the Eon duo, Latios.

The legendary seemed to catch this and proceeded to smooth things a little by offering him a claw, although his expression didn't change in the slightest, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you mister Weiss, I have heard A LOT about you."

Weiss composed himself as he firmly took the claw Latios had offer him, and with utmost politeness replied, "No offence good sir, but weren't you supposed to be dead?"

Weiss and the Eon duo walked back to the dining room where he left everyone.

"And that's how my brother was remade!" Jokingly finished Latias, her explanation regarding the return of her brother, Latios, who floated at the other side of the clothed Bisharp.

"I am sure you can show me the memories of the event and still I would hardly believe it," he then turned to the resurrected in question and added, "but then again your mere presence is a proof blunt enough to see its truth."

Latios nodded. "Lord Arceus’ place as a god is well deserved."

"He sure does, doesn't he?" dryly replied the Bisharp, enacting a confused look from his friend and a weary glare from her brother.

"I thought you were the religious type mister Weiss," commented Latios as he kept his tone as courteous as possible.

"Oh I am!" Quickly answered the former human. "It’s just that I didn't expect god to make such a childish thing as taking all of his stuff and leaving just because the neighborhood wasn't of his liking. Then again, I do know how bad said neighborhood was."

"Lord Arceus’ plan was... rushed," replied back Latios. "But I am sure this was the best course of action."

Weiss wanted–really wanted–to retort Latios’ point, but having known the male legendary from many stories from his friend, plus the fact he always saw him as a great hero back when he was nothing but a jewel, the mercenary decided to let it be–for now at least.

'Meh, he deserves that much,' he thought.
"I wish you are right as well brother," the female legendary replied instead, although not as convinced as her brother, "But I think we could have been able to restore some balance back on earth instead of throwing more chaos to it with our leaving."

"I am officially surprised!" commented the Bisharp before Latios could retort his sister. "Of all Pokemon, specially the legendaries, you would be the last one I would have expected to root for the humans!"

Latios nodded. "I know you can be gentle and kind, sister, but to get to that extent of kindness..."

"You can't blame an entire race for the sins of a few," wisely, yet coolly, replied Latias. "Besides, it was a human who helped us solve the chaos those two thieves created, don't you remember that?"

"True, more lives than mine would have been lost if it wasn't for that boy's selfless bravery."

"You mean that kid with a condiment for a name?" added Weiss. "I wondered what he was all about."

"I heard he continued to travel all over the world. Some fellow Legendaries seem to have met him as well!" explained Latias with amazement. "Lord Ho-oh theorised once it may be his doing."

"That would make him a lucky human then. I suppose he made it here as your friend."

They continued to talk of all and nothing as they made their way back to the dining room, but before entering, the Bisharp warned them.

"There is something I must say to Lord Arceus." Both Eon Pokemon looked at him with worry–one for him while the other for what would he say.

"Will it end with you being willed out of this world," Slightly jokingly, slightly worriedly, asked Latias.

"Will it give him a reason to do that?" seriously asked Latios.

"A bit of both perhaps," nonchalantly replied Weiss. "Its something I have to tell him though, even when my own personal feelings may be involved on it."

"Correct me if I'm wrong then," cut Latios, "but didn't you say you had nothing to discuss with Lord Arceus just an hour ago?"

"So that's where you went!" Concluded Latias, her brother merely keeping his eyes on Weiss, not to force him to talk but to avoid his sister's gaze.

Weiss on his end chuckled, but properly replied, "I didn't quite mean that, he asked me if something troubled my mind, which nothing does. What I have to say isn't a trouble at all, but a warning." Both Legendaries gave him another share of weary looks, only for the Bisharp to add, "besides, I had other priorities."

Latias chuckled at his comments while Latios rolled his eyes.

"Point is, guys, things may get ugly, and if I happen to be willed out of existence, I want you both to know I did what I felt was right, but that I am sorry for whatever may happen; I do not look to offend Lord Arceus."

"You should think better on our lord," commented Latios. "He would never do harm to someone expressing their thoughts."

"I suppose we need to find out then," finished Weiss as he and the Eon duo made their way into the room Regigigas was still guarding.

The three of them entered the dining room where Daring was avidly writing something on a small notebook while listening to some story from Arceus. Valerie on her end was cheerfully chatting with Mew a good distance off the ground, while Greninja was calmly waiting upside down on the ceiling. The rest of the Legendaries from before were nowhere to be seen.

Yet once the Togekiss noticed the new arrivals, she flew down to their height and gave Weiss a gentle smile.

"I think I owe you a big thank you, mister Weiss, as well an apology for my strange conduct as of late." She then offered him one of her feet. "But first I would like to properly introduce myself this time; hello, my name is Valerie, former gym leader from Laverre city."

Weiss didn't knew what could happen to kick the Fairy-type back on gear, but he firmly took her offered limb. "It is good finally knowing the real you, ma'am."

Valerie smiled at his comment.

"And what is our friend up to?" he casually asked while looking at Daring, "and from where did she get that notebook?"

"Lord Arceus created it for her, as she mentioned him how she would like to write about his reasons behind our travel and his future plans about it."

"Isn't that a journalist's job?" wondered Weiss out loud.

"She mentioned something about having a great opportunity for a best seller and she wasn't planning on letting it go."

"Mhm..." The mercenary then remembered her mention something about her writing down her adventures, however he still wasn’t in the mood to be patient. "Lord Arceus!" he exclaimed, "I am sorry to interrupt, but I would like to take a moment of your time, it won't be long though, I promise."

Daring glared at his 'employee' as she finished to write down the last bits of information she had received from the Pokemon god, but nevertheless, she awaited for Arceus to answer.

"If it will only be a few minutes, then I don't see why not," he elegantly replied while turning to Daring. "I am sorry to make such a sudden hold to our conversation, Miss Do, but I promise we will continue where we left."

"Fine..." snarled back Daring as calmly as possible, "but you definitely have to explain to me more about these egg groups, okay!" And so she flew away, using the meantime to look at her notes.

"She truly is an avid writer. Now"–he landed before Weiss, the size difference making the later seem insignificant, yet as before, he hold his ground–“what is it that’s so important that you interrupted our session, young man?"

"It’s not much, but"–he removed all emotion from his tone and proceeded to talk as coldly but elegant his mind allow–"I would thank you to remember it clearly."

"That would depend," replied Arceus with his own emotionless gentleness, "on what you have to say to me."

The temperature of the room seemed to drain as the god and the mercenary stared at each other, causing the tension to raise so much it could be felt on everyone's skin.

"I will be direct then," continued Weiss, "I know you had every mon's future on your thoughts when you brought them–and some of us–here. You may have had other options, yet this is the plan you saw as more fitting, so I will have trust in it."

Arceus simply nodded, yet he never removed his gaze from the former human, which continued.

"But there is a fact our arrival had generated: us becoming invaders of these lands. As pacific as you want things to be, and even if they somehow are peaceful, the fact remains: There are beings already living in this world."

"I am well aware of this fact," calmly and knowingly replied the Alpha Pokemon with his cold tone, "and I do know of the grief and havoc our presence is causing to the inhabitants of this world. But I also know–no–I firmly believe we can achieve peace and harmony in this world."

"I thought your grace would say that," coolly proceeded Weiss, "but still I have to express my concern. You may already know about the other countries besides Equestria in this world. We came from one of them: the Griffin Empire."

Weiss let the name sink in so Arceus would remember it, although he knew he would remember it no matter what he would say.

"There we were, treated kindly, fairly, and above all: equally. That realm envies nothing of Equestria’s, for it is a strong and proud nation. Yet it’s also a nation willing to learn and adapt when change approaches, thus we were offered a place as members of the empire by Empress Victoria herself–an honor we gladly embraced."

"So you are delivering a warning from the empire then?" Arceus forethought, "so I may be aware of its wrath?" The tone the original Pokemon was using was still cold, but also a tad mocking.

"Not entirely your 'eminence,' you see" retorted Weiss calmly, "I know you will take the best course of action, but unfortunately you will look for the best course of action for yourself."

Another deadly silence.

"If by some point the rulers of this world happen to become an inconvenience for you, I know you can overthrow them with nothing more than a thought. And I also know, as you told me, you have no intention to change the order of this world nor to impose your will over millions of sentient beings, but the problem is that you have already done that when you brought us here."

Arceus didn't reply–he didn’t say anything. That alone shocked the remaining legendaries in the room. He, however, didn't seem disgusted or angry in the slightest as he calmly awaited for Weiss to continue.

"I am nothing but a mere mortal Lord Arceus, but if by any reason you decide that politics are no longer an option, then I will tell you to be aware of our wrath, because the empire will not go down without a proper fight. That is all I had to say, Pokemon God."

The room went dead silent for a third time, only for a sonorous laughter to erupt from the legendary Pokemon.

"Young man, I can't say if you are too brave, too ignorant, too confident or all together at once!"

"That is what I thought too" whispered Daring to herself.

"But I do long for a peaceful lifestyle for all my children–you included." Arceus then proceed to do the same he did with Valerie: He hung low enough to be at the same eyesight as Weiss. "So don't you worry, I do not plan to throw a tantrum if things get difficult and erase a country in my anger."

"And so I expect lord Arceus," replied the Bisharp more relaxed, no longer using his cold tone, "but I had to say something in the behalf of my new country. I hope you can understand that."

"I definitely do. As a matter of fact, I found the news of the Griffin Empire quite invigorating!"

"Perhaps we should think on moving over there one day?" Joked Mew once it was clearly obvious nothing bad would happen.

"That would be a talk for another time, dear," Arceus gently replied, although he had no intention to move so soon. "But then, was that the only thing you wanted to discuss young man?"

"Discuss: yes. The only thing: not quite." Weiss pointed at the book Daring had between her hooves. "I take you can create matter out of thin air."

Arceus nodded.

"Then, would it be too much to ask for a wide board?"

The Pokemon god arched an eyebrow but with a thought complied the Bisharp's strange request. A long wood message board similar to that of many universities appeared between them.

"That will definitely do, thank you!" Thanked Weiss as he took the newly created object and began to walk away. "It has been an honor talking with you."

And with nothing else to say, he left, again leaving Valerie and Daring to apologize for him.

Weiss was midway out the Hall of Legends when Latias caught up with him.

"And you really thought Lord Arceus would will you out of existence just for telling him a couple of harsh words?" Asked the female Legendary with a surprised tone.

"Hey! You know god, I don't," retorted Weiss without slowing down. "No offence, but the title alone gives people some ideas."

"ARE YOU INSANE!?" exclaimed Daring on cue as she caught up with them. "Arceus could have just popped you out of this world if you managed to anger him!"

"Wow, referring to him so casually already, you sure know how to make connections, Daring," joked Weiss who then added, "and thank you for proving my previous point."

Latias chuckled while Daring looked puzzled.

"Still!" she snapped back, "what would have you done if he didn't happen to be so patient?"

"Probably would have died on the spot," immediately replied Weiss as if were nothing.

"... and that didn't worry you?"

"Oh, of course it did," admitted the Bisharp, "yet this wasn't the first time I have been in a situation like this."

As if he knew how cryptic he sounded, he turned to look at the Pegasus and proceeded without stopping. "Being in the presence of individuals capable of ending my life in an instant if they wanted to, yet giving them a piece of my mind without hesitation. That is something that comes with the job. Simple as that."

Daring first thought he was just bluffing, but suddenly she remembered all those times she was before some maniacal lord about to unleash some ancient evil to the world. She had to remain calm for the sake of those who would suffer the consequences. The images of Ahuizotl, Calaveron, the Bloody Claw and Tlaloque appeared before her.

It enacted a 'so that is how I look like' thought out of her.

"Still," she replied more calmly now, "what was the point of that? You merely told him that the other nations may attack him if he ever goes rogue–not that I see it happening, but if he ever goes that way, I doubt there is much the world can do." Daring was surprised to find herself saying such lines, but something told her Arceus had his title for a very good reason. "What will that change?"

"Simple: I make him remember that if he ever goes rogue, the rest of the world will go after him, and most likely for his Pokemon in addition."

Again, he let that thought settle in and continued.

"Arceus now knows for sure that if he tries to, let's say cheat, on this global re-accommodation, Equus will reply. And I am sure he already knows that even if he can silence those opposing him with a thought, he can't stop a whole world from taking actions against his kind. Not to mention he knows better than anyone what grief and resentment can do to the most innocent of minds with time."

"So what you just did was...?" doubtfully asked Daring, although she already had a good idea of what the answer was.

"He just threatened Lord Arceus with the lives of every mon on this world," uneasily yet gently said Latias while adding, "it’s your way to show him the 'Throne of Twigs' then?"

Weiss simply pointed a hand to her in affirmation.

"But that’s just a bluff!" commented Daring while wondering how Latias knew about the Griffin's extravaganza, "even if Griffins and Minotaurs were to fight him TOGETHER, there is no way there would be a bloodshed as you threaten him with."

"It is with the help of a few Pokemon who happen to be on the side of those of this world," replied Weiss. "I mean me and my team."

Again, Daring had a flashing memory of how the mercenaries seemed calm and even used to killing. If they were like this back on their home world, then it was more likely they could carry on with no hesitation.

"That is really... Cold" was all Daring could reply.

Weiss shrugged. "It's not like I feel happy about committing genocide, but if it’s the only thing that may keep a god at the right path, then I will be sure to keep him on track."

As he said these words, a mind made its way through his Dark-type resistances as if they were wet paper.

"I would like to make a point to you, young Mister Weiss, that should such an act ever be taken out against my Pokemon, merely in spite of me or otherwise, I would care not for the species of the beings I would be forced to erase. I will not tolerate threats of genocide. They are innocent, and I do not believe many of the rulers would enact the idea should I be forced to unleash my full power upon them... that being said. You are quite the eloquent weaver of words, and for the record, I doubt you would had made it to Equus, had Latias' memories not vouched for you."

"And I would like to remind you, good Lord," mentally replied Weiss with tranquility, "that those willing to hunt for your kind will not be those ruling these lands, but those dueling in them out of spite. As a matter of fact, they are currently being held by those very rulers as we speak. If they were removed then fear and ignorance would take over their minds and turn the denizens of this world into angry mobs, then you will retaliate, and then they will retaliate, creating a vile vicious circle that will not end until there is nothing else but an ashen world. So I will again recommend you to keep your word, Lord Arceus, and try your hardest on the path of diplomacy. As for that last part..." Weiss looked at his friend hovering besides him while thinking, "I already knew that."

"... what?" curiously asked Latias as he noticed the Bisharp's gaze.

"Nothing, I was just thinking how lucky I am to know you," merely replied the mercenary nonchalantly with a smile, causing one of the rarest sights he could get of his friend: a little dust of blush over her face.

"Oh hush you!" exclaimed Latias with her cheerful tone and a broad smile, yet she returned to the previous topic before her expression betrayed her more. "You very well know Lord Arceus would never do such a thing. He has his thoughts for the best of Pokemon as well as the best of Ponies, Griffins, Minotaurs, Zebras, Deerfolk, Diamond Dogs and Hippocampi. He has too much faith on this world's inhabitants to do that."

"Well, at least he has a little something else to remind him of his choice," Weiss calmly replied as they reached the outside of the Hall. "Now, where do you girls think is the best place to put this thing?" He patted the billboard he has been carrying along so far.

"I don't know," pondered Latias while looking at the outside of the mountain which served as the Hall's outer walls. "These mountain sides give little to work with."

"Huh!?" Wondered Daring while snapping out of her thoughts.

"I want to place this to leave a message. It may also work for other visitors coming here as well." As Weiss explained this to Daring, Latias flew over to Regirock. "This spot will be visited by many Pokemon looking for answers, and like my team, they will also be on the lookout for lost party members."

As he said this, the rock golem Pokemon moved a few steps aside the entrance, not before giving a soft punch to the rock behind him, leaving a flat portion of wall.

"That should do it!" Proclaimed Weiss as he placed the billboard on the new surface.

"Don't you think this is a bit small?" Questioned Latias while thinking on the number of Pokemon looking for someone else.

"I only thought on the idea, it’s your patriarch's job to keep this running," solved Weiss.

"It’s like a wall of laments then?" Daring concluded, Latias and Weiss looking surprised at her words, thus she had to explain, "it was a place where ponies left letters telling familiars where they were during ancient times of war."

"No... we do know what that is, it’s just that we never expect this world to have such things like war before, let alone the wall itself," admired Latias as Weiss placed a piece of paper, indicating that a certain Surskit was currently within the care of the gym leader Janine.

"Well, the Griffin and Minotaurs didn't earn their reputation as warriors for nothing, besides, we couldn't always be a society of parties," replied Daring.

"Oh, that's right!" exclaimed Latias, turning to Weiss who was currently placing the paper with a couple of needles from his coat. "There is going to be a welcoming party for all Pokemon tonight, you guys should totally go!"

"A welcoming party?" restated Weiss as he looked at his work. "Here?"

"Nope, it’s going to be in a nearby town, Ponyville I think it’s called."

"Wait! The Ponies from there are already organizing a party for you all?" inquired Daring.

"It was somepony's idea, to bring us all closer, at least that is what she said it would."

"She?" wondered the explorer. "Was she by any chance a very bright pink earth Pony?"

"So you know her?" asked Latias.

Daring kept silent for a second till she began to laugh. "As expected of those six, not letting big events slip around them!"

"Six?" now inquired Weiss as he took one of the spare bandanas with his 'guild's' emblem and wrote on it.

"You’ll get it once you get to the party." At these words, Daring took off. "I promise it will be awesome, just say hi to them from me!" And with no further information, she flew back into the Hall.

The two Pokemon seemed confused and puzzled at the Pegasus' words, although they could figure out she wanted to be back to Arceus' story as soon as possible. With her gone, Latias focused her attention on her clothed friend, who was currently looking for something on his clothes.

"So you are going, right." she said more as a fact than as a question.

Weiss found what he was looking for, a large knife, and placed it over his chin in a pondering manner, "mhm... Do I have much of a choice?" he joked with an overacted tone as he stabbed the piece of cloth on the billboard, a single line written besides the emblem.


Weiss waved to his friend once she flew back to the hall of legends, but not before settling that they would meet in at the party. Their farewell was rather common since they would eventually see each other again later that night.

So for the time being, the mercenary leader waited for the rest to come out so they could visit this Ponyville before night. As he awaited, the shadow of a certain Noivern passed over him, Edge casually land beside him with a satisfied smile on her face.

"I see you had 'fun'" said Weiss matter of factly as a salute.

"Sure did!" cheerfully replied his flying unit with a grin.

Then Weiss noticed something on said grin. "You did it again, didn't you?"

"I don't know what are you talking about," terribly lied Edge.

"What is it with you and biting your foes?" tiredly inquired the Bisharp. "You know that makes them prone to look for you?"

"Well duh! What would be the point of marking them then?" proclaimed Edge proudly, leaving all lying attempts aside. "Besides, this one had a cute passion. Simon would be proud of them."

For all the curious habits his team had, Edge was possibly one of the weirdest, alongside being one of the more annoying ones. Most of the mons she bit tended to look for her, either for a rematch, revenge or mere admiration.

"I just hope this one doesn't come with bouquets and presents like the last one," sighed Weiss while face-palming at the memory.

"So do I!" Happily exclaimed the dragoness. "He would stop being so cute."

Weiss chuckled and then said, "by the way, how do you feel about attending a party tonight?"

Needless to say that Edge was in a great mood to go and celebrate. Both mercenaries continued to talk about what had happened so far on their respective ends.The Noivern explaining how the pirates tried to make her fly away with loud noises, and it would have worked if it weren't for a passing ship, which Edge scanned in the search for her team, which of course turned out to be beneficial for the pirates who in turn decided to give her a more proper treatment.

Weiss on his end told her about the latest events the team had been through, including their current association with Empress Victoria. He also placed one of the crimson bandanas on her neck.

"So we are now Imperial Mercenaries? That is awesome!" cheered the Noivern with excitement as she felt the little piece of cloth.

"Indeed it is. All we need to do now is find the rest of the gang and we will be the Empire's newest and deadliest addition!" bragged Weiss, for a change.

As they discussed if they should ask for a portion of land for their headquarters, Valerie and Greninja headed out the hall, the Jubilee Pokemon smiling greatly as they approached them.

"Lord Arceus mentioned there would be a party in a nearby town to welcome all of us. Don't you think it’s great to see people looking forward to coexistence?" She said.

"Yes, and wish said people the best of luck," sincerely replied Weiss while standing up, dusting himself off as he added, "is Daring coming?"

"She said she would prefer to avoid large groups of people, but that she would thank us enormously if we told her how the party went," answered Valerie. "She also said she may be gone for a couple of days, something about getting to talk with her editor."

"Figures," calmly acknowledged Weiss while starting to walk away. "Then if there is nothing for us here , I suggest we head to this town and get ready for the party." He then patted Edge on the side and added, "would you kindly guide us?"

Edge took off as soon as Weiss asked. She hovered above the group, keeping herself within clear eyesight.

"It’s this way, a few miles. I guess you guys can walk it alright." And adding nothing else, she slowly flew into the distance. The rest following as fast as they could.

Griffin Empire
Nesting Hold castle

Victoria looked down at her citizens through a window on her dispatch. The number of Pokemon having increased exponentially since her speech. Although reports of Griffins asking her to rethink her statement, mostly from the royalty, arrived on a daily basis, the number of Pokemon joining the Empire greatly surpassed them.

Although most Pokemon, if not all of them, decided to join various branches of the city, like Swanhild's Torkoal, Furnace, or the newest addition to a certain kindergarten, Roll–who she had hoped would have stayed to help the imperial guard with the Pokemon as her girlfriend did. She however didn't show any interest on that. Instead, she borrowed an apron and took care of the orphans.

"It’s only been one day, Your Highness," said a carefree voice from behind her as the aroma of earl grey filled the room. "You have to give these creatures some time."

Victoria took a cup full of the tea her maiden had brewed for her and replied, "I know, I know..." She took a deep breath of the infusion followed by a sip of it and replied with a calmer yet still serious tone, "but the reports of wild Pokemon rampaging over the world keep coming, more than those of the royalty wanting me to change my mind."

"Not that I want to sound too distasteful, but why does it matter what happens in the rest of the world?" asked Grizelda with a slight bit of shame. "I mean, besides the damages and possible casualties which should never be overlooked!"

The empress chuckled at Grizelda's clumsy attempt at correcting her tone. "I understand, don't ruffle so much over that." She then let out a sigh. "What worries me is that a Pokemon may go rampaging among my citizens as they did in those other cities. It’s not something a ruler can be fond of."

"Unless you are that one dark Unicorn from old times," jokingly added the maiden with a smile. Victoria only groaned. "What I mean, Your Highness, is that your worries are completely natural. You would need to be a world threatening kind of villain not to."

Grizelda's words visibly seemed to calm the empress as her posture slackened. She looked a little more relaxed.

Taking the chance, the Maiden continued, "Besides, the rest of Equss didn't have the help and advice from such an unexpected band of creatures as we do. Thanks to them we managed to control the initial chaos rather calmly. I think that alone deserves some recognition" teased Grizelda at the end.

"Yeah, it does does it not?" She then turned again to the window. "Not to mention said band of creatures, as you call them, are now training our own guard to be ready to deal with any kind of hazard the Pokemon may bring!"

As she said this, a Griffin in golden armor was tossed into the scene Victoria was looking at. A sonorous voice called for him. "Ten seconds!" causing the poor warrior to clumsily stand up. He dashed back to whatever had thrown him about.

"...if our soldiers can survive said training, that is," noted Grizelda from beside a face-clawing Empress.

Ponyville Equestria
Weiss' group

Most normal Ponies would keep their distance from the Everfree forest, or go through it as fast as possible if there is no other choice. Not to mention the whole horde of new residents it had made the place far more iring, intimidating and dangerous.

Yet for the mercenaries, plus one, the forest was just a dark forest to walk through in order to get to the next town, to which they soon arrived as they were chasing after their comrade in the sky. Valerie having decided to keep close to the ground duelers mostly out of courtesy.

"Well I be damned, they do live close to this forest," mentioned Weiss as they reached the outside of the forest, the colorful town already in sight. "Makes me wonder though. Why do they fear this place so much, yet live so close?"

A few more minutes of running later and the group was already at the outskirts of the town. They were greeted by a bunch of techni colored Ponies staring at them. Not only for the fact that they were like some of the creatures that just showed up a few days ago, but also because of the road they came from, this being of course the road to the Everfree.

"So it far all seems okay," said Weiss as he walked by the street, ignoring the eyes looking their way. This was something he had to admit was new to him and also quite annoying.

Luckily for him, most Ponies began screaming and scattering around once a dragon landed beside them, which Weiss greatly appreciated.

"I never imagined attention to be so uncomfortable," realized the leader. "Thanks for the clearing, Edge."

"Ehm... you’re welcome?" awkwardly replied Edge as she arched a brow.

"Okay, we may want to divide the number of stares on us, say: we look for each other at the party?" offered the Bisharp.

".. Ah...ah.... I am... up for the idea..." said the Togekiss, finally showing signs of exhaustion after the short flight and the small section of the continental flight she made that morning.

"Would you mind giving her company?" Weiss asked to Greninja, who nodded and moved beside the fairy-type.

"Okay then, I’m smelling some good fruits at the other side of town," mentioned Edge as she prepared to flap her way out of the frame, only for Valerie to suddenly stop her.

"Wait!" She exclaimed while huffing, "just give me a second..." The Togekiss flew close to the Noivern.

"What can I help you with-WHY ARE YOU BUZZING!?" shouted back Edge as Valerie's body began to glow, and apparently vibrate, the dragoness fearing a zero point hit from a fairy. The glow covered her entirely, and then it all ended.

"There..." And then she fell unconscious for the second time of the day, although not as dramatically as before.

Luckily for her, Greninja caught her before hitting the ground–lucky not because of the height, but mostly because Weiss would have caused more damage than good if he were to catch her with his armored arms.

"I am okay, friend," she weakly replied while fluttering around the Ninja Pokemon, using his shoulder to keep her balance.

"Okay... What just happened?" Inquired Edge in confusion, since she couldn't see what just happen.

"I casted a translation spell on you. Now you can communicate with the inhabitants of this world..." explained Valerie with a tired smile.

"Oh... neat!"

"Since when can you use magic?" Wondered Weiss as he already had an idea of what happened.

"Lord Arceus thought me..." she replied while regaining a bit more of composure, "he told me how some Pokemon can be able to use magic, mostly Fairy-types apparently."

Weiss thought for a second, remembering he read once how some Pokemon professors theorised that unlike Psychic-type Pokemon who use their own mental powers for their moves, Fairy-type's harvest their powers for an ethereal source of energy. The writer jokingly called it a sort of magic, which in turn made him think how close that joke was ironically.

"So that is how you healed all those pirates on that ship," he recalled, "but how did you learn that spell?"

"The pirates had a magician with them, it looked like," she pointed at one gray Unicorn passing by, which sped up at the sight of the Pokemon looking and pointing at him. "Like that Pony."

"A Unicorn," Weiss clarified, "Then you learn from seeing it? That is quite the feat."

"So we have a new healer? Cool. The Doc is going to be so pissed off!" Cheerfully and devilishly replied the dragoness.

Greninja on his end congratulated Valerie with a tap on her back.

"That answers that," happily commented Weiss. "I wonder what other things you will learn."

And with nothing else to add, he turned left, not without reminding them about meeting at the party.

"Same Weiss as always," claimed Edge as she too took off to the sky.

"Your group is quite bad at farewells" jokingly mentioned Valerie to the water-type.

Greninja merely gave her a 'so-so' sign.

Weiss decided to avoid large groups in order to keep the watching eyes to a minimum. Yet, he couldn't help stopping to wander around the more curious places the town had to offer, such as a the town hall which seemed to resemble a park's kiosk instead of a political building, a prank shop that looked just like an oversized jester hat and a house made out of candy–just like the one of the old fairy tales.

"I hope there is no Hypno like in the tale," Weiss thought to himself.

But by far, the one that really caught his attention was a shop which was reminiscent of a carousel. Not that it was more eccentric than the building made out of treats, but because of how extravagant it looked. It was reminiscent of a carousel, but that was it. It didn't take things to an unnecessary extreme to pull the client's attention.

Weiss grew curious about the products in the window and walked closer. A pair of blue eyes stared at him with interest from within the store. Suddenly, a light blue aura took hold of Weis and dragged him inside.

Again Weiss found himself twirling and pulling his blades out, ready to fight his way out when he noticed a regal white coated Unicorn Pony with a sophisticated purple mane looking directly at him–and directly being right before him.

"Oh my!" exclaimed the Unicorn while carefully looking at the clothes covering Weiss, completely unaware of the pair of blades aimed at her. "I can't believe I am actually touching this marvel!"

"Ehm..." Weiss didn't think the Unicorn meant any harm, thus he retracted his blades and asked, "can I help you ma'am?"

This make the Unicorn snap out of her thoughts. "Oh, I am so terribly sorry for my sudden and rude outburst, I am normally far more composed." The tone the mare was talking with reminded Weiss of Rouge. "What do you say about restarting this meeting more properly?”

“Hello good sir: my name is Rarity, and this is my humble shop, the Carousel boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique." She held a hoof for the Bisharp in a very different fashion from Daring's salute.

"Weiss," friendly, and more calmer now, replied the mercenary while taking the hoof he had been offered and giving it an elegant kiss, not too exaggerated though, as his pre rendered elegant self took over the conversation. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Rarity."

"Well I can see someone knows some manners," joyfully replied Rarity. “And I see you have also been granted a translation spell. I presume you have met our princess then?"

"I'm afraid I still need to get that honor," replied the Bisharp while wondering why royalty would live in such a small town. "My current speech has been granted by Lord Arceus after I paid him a visit."

Needless to say, the Unicorn mare did not hold her surprise at the news. "So you went to talk with the Pokemon god then! I take by that and your courteous demeanor that you were a former human then?"

It was Weiss turn to be surprised, "you know about humans?"

Rarity smiled smugly while replying, "Why of course I do. I even have the pleasure to consider some of them as my friends! Never underestimate the connections of a fashionista."

'So there are other humans in town. Interesting' Weiss thought. "I will be sure to remember that, Miss, but if you excuse my rudeness, can I inquire why was I brought here so suddenly?"

"Oh... about that," replied Rarity with a less extravagant tone, yet nevertheless elegant. "You see, it’s not just everyday one in the world of fashion gets a chance to look at the fabled wonder of the Griffins: Orichalcum."

"Wait, orichalcum as in the one of folklore? That orichalcum?" Weiss knew of the mythical metal of magical properties, but only as a mere fairy tale, nothing more. Then again he was currently in a world where magic was a norm, so finding out the ore actually existed wasn't that rare.

"Why of course!" replied the fashionista. "The thread as slim as a spider's web yet as resistant as steel. It was born from an attempt to replicate the magical enchantments on Pony armors and somehow it fulfilled its expectations greatly, to the point that this is one of Griffenheim’s greatest secrets, which they keep to the point of rarely giving it to their soldiers, let alone some outsider."

Weiss was very surprised by this. He thought his new clothes were just tough and resistant. He never expected it to be so special and important. "I have to give one big thanks once I get back then..."

"Beg your pardon?"

"Nothing, I just realized what an impressive present this garment is."

"So you received it as a present. I would dare to say it was given away without knowing the true value of this gorgeousness," began the fashionista, but quickly added, "but the very fact that it is trimmed and sized for your anatomy tells me already that it was custom made for you. So I have to wonder: what did you do to earn the trust of someone so high in the Griffin hierarchy to get such present?"

"I'm afraid that is classified, miss," replied Weiss with a courteous smile. "And now that I know how important this is, I'm afraid I must cut your thoughts short. I can't let you examine it. I hope you understand."

Rarity had to curse her talkative self for ruining such a rare opportunity, but with a radiant smile she said, "of course I understand darling. I would hate to have my work stolen... again" the last part held obvious bitterness while the Unicorn recalled her last visit to Manehattan. "So fear not, I will not ask for such, but I must insist you at least tell me what you did to earn such wonder, at least as far as you may tell."

Weiss thought for a moment on how to reply, then he simply replied, "let's just say my friends and I earned our place in the empire by piercing the heavens."

Rarity could understand a little, but had to admit the last part was rather cryptic.

"Well, if you managed to earn such thing from them, then I am sure to get some information next time I pay a visit to the empire."

Weiss chuckled while mentally acknowledging Rarity's own advice: 'must not take a fashionista lighty.'

Ponyville Equestria
At the other side of town.

Edge was smelling the sweet fragrance of ripe apples in the air, which only made her all the more hungry. The few fruits the pirates actually offered was rather simple and soggy, so it was good to get a good and decent meal after three days, or so she thought.

Once she reached the ground, she found that the trees belonged to someone else, thus meaning she would either have to grab-and-run or properly pay for her food. Being with the pirates had removed any desire to take things by force--for now at least--so she decided to take a more honest route--for now at least.

She walked toward the building she thought was the owner’s home and knocked on the door. As soon as someone popped out she demanded, "I am broke. What can can I do for some fruit?"

"Ehm... Big bro, there is ah dragon here asking for a job!" incredulously replied the soft yellow filly who happened to open the door. A Bulbasaur perched on her back was picking glances at Edge from the huge ribbon the filly wore. "Ah think."

Shortly after a much bigger red stallion come trotting into the scene he patted his sibling to leave and faced Edge, obviously being as confused as the filly about the customer. "Good day, ehm... Ma'am?"

Edge smiled. "Good day indeed. I want to get some of your fruit," she said while sniffing the air, her mouth drooling at the sweet aroma of fruit. "But I so happen to be out of money, so here is a deal. I work for you and I get some fruit, what do you say? It's a fair bargain!"

The red stallion thought on her offer, but gave her a sad look. "Sorry ma'am, but we already have enough help for the day."

"What!? What kind of help can you get that rivals that of a dragon?" asked the Noivern.

"How 'but a electric lion, a white reaper, a pink fox, a electric lamb, a tall Zebra, and two blue jackals?" listed the stallion.

By the weird naming he gave each creature, Edge deduced they were all Pokemon. "So there is nothing I can do?"


Edge was about to leave in defeat when she donned a brilliant idea. "How about an imperial IOU?" The stallion looked at her with surprise. "Just send the bill to the Griffin empire with this." She removed the red bandana she wore as a scarf and gave it to the red Earth pony. "Alongside this, and you will get your money!"

The Pony gave her an incredulous look, which Edge obviously missed, but giving an look at the cloth, which seemed a bit torn apart by some strong wind, he sighed and replied, "You can take some apples from the trees. Those ain't been used for now. Just don't break the trees!" warned him while taking the small cloth.

"Don't worry, sir, I will be as careful as a Butterfly!" And with nothing else to say, the dragoness took to the sky, gently flapping over the tree tops of the orchard and snapping their fruit with utmost care, her mere presence causing a small number of Bug-types to fly away in fear.

Big Mac smiled on one side while giving the cloth a second look. "Ah wonder how will this look on mah shelf?"

It had took Valerie almost an hour to regain her strength, yet Greninja haven't moved from her side during that time (quite literally, he really didn't move an inch). Feeling bad for her guardian, Valerie asked him if he wanted to see something in particular. The Ninja Pokemon simply replied with a negative wave of his hand.

"Oh, is that so?" calmly, but awkwardly replied the Togekiss as they moved around the town at an easy pace.

They wandered for a few minutes until something grabbed her attention, a huge tree with a house embedded in it much like the ones on her home.

"How marvelous!" she proclaimed on sight. "I didn't knew buildings like this could also exist over here as well."

As they looked at the tree closer, they found out a small sign which read, 'Golden Oaks Library'.

"By my shine, but isn't this a library! Would you like to take a look, my friend?" she asked the ninja, who simply nodded. With glee, they headed to the door and watched a small group made from a Luxray, an Absol, a Sylveon and an Earth Pony leave the building. "My, it seems it’s okay for Pokemon to walk in as well!"

With extended glee over the new discovery, they made their way into the library. "Good afternoon!" saluted Valerie while passing through the door while cheerfully adding, "sorry for the intrusion but can we look at your lovely establishment?"

Right after her question was made, a lavender Pony came to greet them as she magically placed a thick book in a shelf. "Well, isn't this a busy day?" The Pony surprised Valerie, as it had not only a slightly larger horn than average, but also a big pair of wings. "Good afternoon to you too... wow!" She exclaimed once she properly looked at the most recent visitors. Valerie on her end also noticed the 'mixed' Pony was a tad taller as well. "You two are new ones," she joyfully noticed.

These words snapped Valerie out of her staring, which luckily wasn't noticed, "huh... What?"

"Sorry," the Pony awkwardly replied. "I just came from a talk with some other Pokemon and I think I'm still a bit interested learning more about you all." She then offered them a hoof. "Let me start again. Good afternoon, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and welcome to the Golden Oaks Library. What can I do for you?"

Valerie smiled back at Twilight while gently taking her hoof with her own limb. "A delight to make your acquaintance, miss Sparkle. I am Valerie, and this here is my friend... I think you can call him Greninja?"

The Ninja Pokemon nodded.

"Please, just Twilight is fine," she replied with a dry chuckle while looking at Valerie’s companion. "Is he mute?"

"I'm afraid I do not know. He seems to be more of an overly silent type."

Greninja just blinked.

"But if you want to know more about Pokemon I would be more than happy to oblige. I am especially knowledgeable on Fairy-types. It comes with the Gym Leader title."

"Gym Leader," echoed Twilight. "So you are a former human too?"

"Too...?" echoed back Valerie, yet she properly answered, "Well yes, I used to be a human. But now I have the body of a Togekiss."

As she heard this, Twilight grabbed back the notebook she had just put away with a purple aura, writing down the small fact as soon as she could, while also explaining, "yeah, I was just visited by a former human, Seth Crescent he's called, and was kind enough to explain a few things about Pokemon."

"So mister Crescent made it here as well!" happily replied Valerie while Greninja arched an eyebrow in the direction where the previous group had left. A silent chuckle emanating from him.

"You are friends with him?" asked Twilight with curiosity.

"I have the pleasure to know him, but only on few occasions. Mostly as a public figure, that being Gym Leader," the Togekiss explained. "But I never had the fortune to know him on a more private manner. Although I was about to do so in an upcoming meeting some friends of mine was planning to have, before all of this happened of course."

"I see, but what was so important of him to be so known?"

"Well, he openly promoted Human-Pokemon relationships," awkwardly replied Valerie, still feeling new to the notion of Pokephilia being non existent in Equss.

"Oh, I see," replied Twilight with a slightly clearer point of view on Seth. "I think that was very brave for his part."

"Oh it was!" Valerie proudly replied. "He dared to do what someone in a position such as mine would never even consider. I only wish he doesn't regret not finishing his quest."

"He seems to be okay... huh." replied Twilight. It was then she noticed that the silent ninja had, somehow, taken the notebook out of her hoofs without her knowledge and was currently writing in it, "Hey! When did you take that!?"

Greninja didn't flinched as he looked back at Twilight, only to show her what he was doing. He was currently writing a very long and detailed description of his kind and his evolutionary family. There were even some small illustrations too. He then used an empty piece of paper and wrote: “I was getting bored.”

"Yeah, he and his comrades usually do things like this." apologized Valerie with a chuckle.

Twilight on her end didn't know if she should feel angry anymore and wondered if she could ask for more information. As if Valerie was reading her mind, she replied.

"I guess it is now my turn to share some information as well, shouldn't I?" Valerie said, much to Twilight’s glee.

"I see we have more visitors," mentally expressed a being who seemed to have been taken out of a sci-fi movie wearing a lab coat.

"We truly do!" Chirped the lavender Pony, "let me introduce you both, this here is Professor Juniper."

"Good day!" Replied the Beheeyem in a friendly tone.

"And this here is..."

Twilight's introduction was cut as Valerie did it herself, "June! It’s so good to see you!" She embraced the Beheeyem In her own unique way, this been hugging her with her big wings and tangling feet while also snuggling her.

Any normal individual would have taken such an overkill of affection as suffocating, yet the Pokemon Professor did know of someone with such extravagant personality, and her voice helped too.

"Va-Valerie! Is this you?" mentally asked the Psychic-type.

"It is me, my friend, and I see your bright mind earned you a fitting body!"

"I take that they know each other as well," mentioned Twilight, Greninja simply shrugging redundantly. "And this here is Greninja," finished her introduction.

From within the obsessive embrace, Juniper glanced at the second guest. "Honey, I see he IS a Greninja," obvious but friendly sarcasm on her tone.

"Well, you can call him Checkmate's ninja if you want," happily suggested the still hugging Togekiss.

Juniper on her end seemed to be lost in thought, "Checkmate? As in the chess game?" she inquired. Valerie nodded. "Now where have I heard that name before... Oh yeah! The other day in the news... about that... dismembered...gang...!!!" The professor didn't finished her line as her memories clicked into position. She yanked her friends in a psychic pull as far away from the Greninja as possible.

The mercenary only rolled his eyes, sighed and continued his writing as the Beheeyem began shouting.

Griffin Empire
Nesting Hold castle

The sun had began to sink into the horizon as Shredder made her way towards her chambers. she could hardly believe that, according to what she had heard, the celestial bodies of the Sun and the Moon were actually being pulled by two living beings.

"Then again, we were brought here by another living being," she thought.

Despite it being the first day training her team, she felt quite tired, not physically but mentally, as she had to explain again and again many things that were common knowledge back on Earth. Yet here she had to explain the differences of types and each strength and weakness they had.

Needless to say the thing she most wanted to do was to remove her armor-skirt, take a long warm bath and then lie unconscious on her bed. So it was also needless to say that the least she expected, or wanted, was a brown blur to knock her off her feet once she entered her room.

"Welcome home, honey!" Cheerfully welcomed Roll while snuggling her on the ground. “How was your day?"

"..." The Sword Blade Pokemon let out a huffed groan. "Tired," she replied while slowly standing up, closing the door and carefully placing her sword on a small pedestal. All the while Roll hung off her neck. "I should have asked Xavier for some teaching tips before he left..."

"Now, don't you go soft on me!" demanded the Lopunny. "I know you can turn this whole bunch of birds into Pokemon hunters in no time. All you have to do is keep being the most awesome badass of the world. In short: just keep being you!"

Shredder chuckled at her mate's to-the-point reply as she properly hugged her.

"You are right, I have to keep myself together." She then lifted Roll's face and kissed her impassionedly. The Rabbit Pokemon didn't fight it in the slightest.

While Shredder was usually shy and timid when in the presence of others, she had no reservations whatsoever when she was able to find herself and her mate alone. Of course Roll loved to tease her more timid self but she was just as joyful when they were by their own.

"So how was your day at the orphanage?"

"Oh you should have seen the looks on their faces--specially the one from the resident teacher, he was..."

Roll proceeded to give her a very detailed narration of her day. Not even a minute was left out.

"... and then I got here and waited for you!" The Normal-type finished. Meanwhile Shredder had removed her armor-skirt and had sat on the bed, Roll obviously beside her.

"I see you had quite the day as well," the Bisharp prized while placing a hand around her. "And this was just your first day, yet you seem to have gotten used to this new life."

Roll leaned on Shredder's shoulder. "Well, you know I always wanted to quit that life, but there was a little someone who always refused to leave with me!" she joked.

"And you know I have been honor bound to Weiss long before I was bound to you," stubbornly replied the dual type.

"I will convince you one day" replied the single type with the same stubbornness whilst intertwining her soft fingers with Shredder's thin claws. "And I have the higher ground this time," she cheerfully added.

"Ho! And what would that be?" questioned Shredder while gently giving Roll a kiss on her neck.

The Lopunny shivered, but kept her voice as steady as possible, "We have a new world for ourselves. We surely will find a new way to live our lives." As she said this, she lifted Shredder's hand and kissed it.

Then they shared another long yet passionate kiss, then looked into each other's gaze for a silent minute.

"Weren't you going to take a shower...?" slowly wondered Roll as she knew most of Shredder's habits, yet she didn't make a move to let her mate go. In fact she didn't stop her when she gently pinned her down on the bed.

"It would be a waste to clean myself when we are about to sweat..." she replied while leaning towards her.

They spent the rest of the night with their own little celebration.

Ponyville Equestria
Weiss' location

Weiss had a very relaxing talk for a change. Rarity wasn’t bothered by his half truths and replies. She even called the mysteriousness he kept sophisticated and intriguing, which gave him enough freedom to talk as much as he wanted within his own restrictions. In return, the fashionista granted him some of her stories regarding some of the events of her life, including her former role as a wielder of the Elements of Harmony.

"I have been casually talking with a celebrity then?" joked Weiss. "I've been having a great evening, miss Rarity, but I'm afraid I have to take my leave. I have some friends I have to meet at tonight's party."

He was about to leave when Rarity interjected, "well I too have some acquaintances to rendezvous with in there, so I don't see why we can't go together there."

Weiss smiled at the suggestion. "I would be honored." He had to admit that though he originally kept up his chat with the mare for the sake of getting information about Equestria, which he got aplenty, he came to appreciate Rarity's personality: strong and determined, both characteristics he greatly prized.

This again made him think of his Poison-type comrade, and wondered for a second if there could be a possibility of them being alternative versions of one another.

As they were making their way out, they noticed a couple of Pokemon coming the Carousel's way. Both had a green and white humanoid body with a red spike coming out of their chests, although one was much thinner while the other had a stronger build. The Gardevoir had an arm around the Gallade as the later waved at Rarity, and Weiss by addition.

"Some of your friends I take it," the Bisharp said.

"You can bet your clothes on that," she replied.

"Hey Rarity!" happily greeted the Gallade as he gave Weiss a curious but friendly look. "A client?"

The Gardevoir on her end only nodded as a salute. Weiss repaid the gesture with one of his own.

"More of a subject of study," she jokingly replied.

The mercenary offered a hand at this point. "Weiss. Nice to meet a former human." The Gallade took his hand as soon he drew it.

Before he could introduce himself, the fashionista began for him. "This handsome Gallade here is my good friend Gene, and this lovely lady is his fiance Belle." As she mentioned those names, Weiss gained a thinking expression. "And good timing you two, we were about to go to the party.”

"Then we shouldn’t waste any time," cheerfully replied Gene as the four of them began to walk. "By the way, Rarity, you will never guess what we found in Appleloosa." Before Rarity could actually guess, Gene replied, "My friend Draco, he’s a Flygon."

"A Flygon by the name of Draco," Weiss began, then realized something. "A Gardevoir named Belle, and I take you also have a Dragonair, a Mismagius, a Galvantula and a Houndoom as well?"

Gene and Belle looked confused at first, but that was soon exchanged for fear as the list went on. Then Gene made a realization on his own. "Former human, dark clothes, an elegant tone," he thought.

"He seems to be one of them," mentally replied Belle.

Gene swallowed a bit as he replied, "Then I take you know us because you were after us," a dramatic pause, "mister detective?"

"...!?" Weiss was dumbstruck by the sudden assumption he made, which in turn made him burst into laughter.

Needless to say this caught the Psychic-types by surprise, Rarity on her end was beyond lost.

"And afraid of authorities," Weiss finished with a half triumphant, half laughing, tone, "that settles it, you are Gene Phillips!"

Gene was so confused and taken aback by the Bisharp's laughter that he almost ignored the fact he call him by his full name, almost.

"I take it you’re no officer then," he snarled back, "so why don't you cut this crap out and tell us why you know so much about us?"

"Why to kill you of course!" Merely replied the still grinning Dark-type.

Gene's thoughts frozen in place, while Rarity looked to Belle, knowing she would doubtlessly charge the assassin at full force, yet she stood still, her face showed she wanted to attack Weiss, but at the same time it seemed as if she were restraining herself.

"N-now now," began Rarity as calmly as possible, still taken back by the situation, "I didn't take you as a prankster mister Weiss..."

"That is because I am not, you see; this gentleman here wasn't liked by many persons back on Earth, and only for the crime of loving!" The tone Weiss was using for his explanation was quite similar to the ancient writer Hoofspeare, Rarity thought, "yet that was a love cursed by society, thus me and my associates were hired to 'end' their story as dramatically and tragically as possible."

"And you’re still going to end the job, even if we’re in a whole new world!?" Exclaimed Gene, he could feel his body trembling.

Weiss just smiled and continued with his narration. "We had the time and place ready. We even managed to get some media ready for it, if the world wanted you gone, then we would make a fucking spectacle out of it. You two would have become the Romeo and Juliet of this generation. I am sure you would have liked to see the chaos your deaths would have brought to the world and to the view of Pokephilia in general."

"That is hard to appreciate when one is on the grave," bitterly interjected Rarity, who by now was quite sure Weiss wasn't lying.

"Oh, but that is the best part, you see. It all would have been just a play." He looked at both lovers and smiled. “You two would have lived to see the end of the story. After all, your love is quite real."

Gene could finally feel his breathing as he realized what the Bisharp was talking about, only to feel extremely tired as the stress caught on with his mind, "But... we don't know you, why would you have done that for us?"

"The people after you are morons, and if there is one thing I hate it’s stupidity." Was all the answer he gave as he passed beside the couple, patting Gene's shoulder and saying, "still, I feel like I owe you something, if you ever need help, just look for us, we will be glad to assist."

And then he walked away from the group, knowing well that his presence will only ruin their night, yet he gave one final message. "I still hope we may have a proper talk again in the future," and left.

The trio stand silent for a few seconds until Rarity broke it, "Well, that was definitely unexpected, but I must admit that I thought you would start havoc as soon he made his little proclamation," the fashionista looked at Belle, who was currently hugging her mate's arm as tightly as possible.

"I wanted to... but..." She quietly replied. "I couldn't..."

Gene's eyes widened at the news while Rarity looked confused.

"You mean...?" Gene asked and Belle nodded.

"What?" Questioned the confused Unicorn.

"Gardevoir are said to have the ability to look into the future of their trainers in order to avoid danger," he then swallowed as he looked at the back of Weiss in the distance, "that means that the moment she challenged him, things could have turned dangerous for real."

"But Belle is, and excuse me if I say it like this darling, a beast in terms of attack, not to mention he is a former human, would she even have a problem with him?"

Gene didn't liked to but he nodded, "He is an assassin after all, human or not, I’m sure he already knows how to counter some Pokemon. And he’s a Dark-type now, which makes him immune to her Psychic attacks."

Another silent sequence passed, this time been broken by Belle, "But... he wanted to help us. Can you imagine how things might have turned out if things had gone differently?" She seemed to be happy all of the sudden, knowing someone as shady as Weiss didn't dislike their relationship was a rather nice thought.

"Yeah..." Gene couldn't avoid thinking of how things could have been if they have a chance to start anew back on Earth, yet they had just the same opportunity on Equus, "But I wouldn't change this world for anything!" He solemnly claimed Gene as he hugged his fiance.

Rarity saw the opportunity to return to a happier topic, "So, Gene, you were telling me about this new friend of yours..."

And then they left towards a happier place.

Weiss made his way into the party, not knowing what to wait yet willing to enjoy it, he was in a very good mood for a change. For starters, he was greeted by a brilliant Pink earth pony with a overly excited voice.

"Welcome to the Pokemon's super-duper-hyped Welcome to Equus Party extravaganza!" The mare fit the character previously described by Rarity as one of her closest friends.

"Pinkie Pie I presume," calmly greeted back the mercenary with a grin.

"You can bet your metallic skin I am!" Replied the hyper pink Pony. "Wait! Are you by any chance a Psychic-type?"

Weiss simply smile more, "You would love to know don't you?" He cryptically answer while adding, "oh, and miss Do sends a hello!" And then he proceeded into the party, escaping Pinkie's next question as soon she had to greet another arrival.

He had to admit that things looked promising, numerous Ponies and Pokemon were enjoying themselves, even some Legendaries made an act of presence, as an extravagantly denoted Articuno with her arrival. And the more interesting part: both races were talking! Somehow the Ponies managed to made everyone able to chat with one another.

Weiss was currently waiting for his friends at the heat of the party by the bar, he was amazed by the fact they even brought setup a bar. Somehow the Ponies didn't make Weiss think on stuff like drinking, or swearing, or anything beyond a 'Pg-13' rating. So he was very content to get a drink for the night, only to find out there were no alcoholic beverages that night.

"Is this place child friendly or what?" Wonder the Bisharp as a mare beside him was suddenly showered with a drink in comedic fashion.

He didn't have to wait much for Valerie to arrive, she seemed exhausted though.

"You okay there?" Casually asked Weiss as Valerie snatched his mug and drink it in one gulp, only for her to realize it was just apple cider.

"Are you guys heartless mercenaries?" She inquired.

Weiss glanced at Greninja, who simply shrug, "We are professionals miss Valerie, if we have a contract we follow it through, of course we take some creative freedoms from time to time, as if we are asked to end someone's life because of an stupid reason, we make it look like they have departed this world while giving them a new identity."

Valerie's mood seem the relax as she said, "Then you didn't slaughter that wherehouse of gang members back in Unova!"

The mercenarie was ordering another drink when she said this, which in turn make him stop enough for a piece of ice clatter on a cup.

"... Totally did that." He emotionlessly claimed, "In our defence; they totally deserved it!"

And then he left, not wanting to ruin the party with stories of previous jobs, but he did add, "Besides, I try to avoid those jobs as much as possible, since I have someone who sees my memories from to time to time I would hate to show some of my least favorite moments constantly."

And thus he left Valerie on disbelieve, hoping he could properly explain the situation latter.

"Is not my fault they were such a bunch of psychos, what was I supposed to do when someone is running towards me with an axe, a gas mask and screaming gibberish...?" He said to himself, scaring a few ponies beside him.

"You could have made Xavier kick their minds into a psychic pit," offered a familiar voice.

Weiss didn't have to look above him to see Latias hoover beside him. "They had one lovely 'cocktail' on their system, so there was no mind to kick to begin with. And their masks made Rouge's Sleeping Powder useless."

"I know you guys tried to persuade them," she gently added.

Weiss didn't like to mindlessly kill someone, but he disliked more having to show it to his Legendary friend, let alone talking about it, so he preferred to change topic.

"How has the party going?" He calmly asked.

"Awesome!" She cheerfully replied, much for Weiss content. "Every pony is so nice and kind, I even managed to get myself a challenge tomorrow!"

Weiss looked behind her and found a mare that filled yet another character from his previous talk with Rarity. “Let me guess, cyan Pegasus called Rainbow Dash?"

"You know: when I do the mind reading stuff is cute. When you do it is creepy" deadpanned the Dragon Legendary.

"And what happened to the adorable me?" Replied Weiss with a fake hurt tone.

"I said almost," triumphantly clarified Latias, "but yes, I am having a race tomorrow morning, and you better be there." She added matter-of-factly.

"I will see if my 'almost adorable' schedule allows it." Teased the Bisharp.

"Here is the location," said Latias, completely ignoring his joke while her eyes shine, delivering the information directly into Weiss' head.

"Mhm... Tastes like peanut butter," joked again the mercenary. “Word of advice, this pegasus has a unique gimmick which can be used as a hidden ace." He warned his friend, of course without exactly telling what.

"Don't you worry, I do have one on my own," she assured him.

And again they chatted for a bit longer. This time it was most of Latias talking though, as she mentioned about the Ponies she had met so far.

"... those two spa owners really wanted to know how I keep my fur so smooth," Latias pridefully remember, only to deadpan right after, "they kind of look depressed once I told them I had down."

"Well, you do have a lovely coat of down," answer back Weiss in an attempt to cheer his friend up.

This attempt seemed to work as the female Eon Pokemon look for the closest thing to deviate the topic. Luckily for her there was a rather unique sight passing right before them.

"H-hey! Is that a group of young Dragons being lead by a Pegasus?"

And indeed it was, a Gible, an Axew, a Dratini, a Bagon and some purple dragon she didn't know were been guided somewhere by a cream yellow Pegasus with a pastel pink mane.

Weiss looked from where they come from and smiled, but returning at the topic at hand he said, "the mare is called Fluttershy, the dragon is Spike, assistant to the local princess, she may have been offering a place to the young Pokemon.“ The information was again taken from his 'informant' while the latter part was simple deduction.

"You are creeping me out now. How did you know all of this?" Demanded Latias with dramatic curiosity. "And what else do you know?"

"That Pony over there talking to Arceus is princess Twilight, her type of Pony is called Alicorn. The Earth pony from over there may seem simple and rustic, but she is in fact a member of the biggest apple producer family on the continent, most of the drinks and treats must be hers, and the odd creature talking to the flying imp is the incarnation of Chaos," monotonously listed Weiss as he pointed at a Purple Pony with a horn and wings, an orange coated Pony wearing a hat and a serpentine chimera.

"... the flying imp is Hoppa..." added Latias with a defeated tone, in a last attempt to regain some glory. She then turned at Weiss and stare at him, a single message clear on her eyes: how?

"Never underestimate a fashionista, darling!" Was all explanation he gave as he walked towards the small hill Fluttershy and the dragons had come from, towards a Scizor looking at the starry sky. Leaving his friend quite confused, lost and at the need to read his mind to properly get an answer.

"You cheater!" She exclaimed.

"Said the mind reader," retorted the Bisharp.

The Scizor turned at the incoming rockus, finding a familiar face on Latias yet an unknown face on the Bisharp, but it didn't took him long to connect the clothes, emblem and personality with an old comrade and friend of his.

"I see changing worlds and even bodies hasn't changed your relationship on the slightest," commented the Scizor without moving from his place.

Both newcomers give him a silent glance before chuckling. “And you still as cool and collected as always, Mr. Red Comet." Greeted Latias.

"All you are missing is your sunglasses and an iced glass," added Weiss as he offered a fist at the Bug-type. “Good to see you, Char."

"The glasses can be fixed easily, but there is no way I will chill out with apple cider instead of whiskey," he coolly replied while hitting Weiss' fist with a big claw of his. "That is for youngsters such as yourselves."

"May I remind you that she easily quadruple your life-ow!" impolitely added Weiss.

Latias in turn bumped her friend.

Char chuckled in response. “And I will remind you that is harsh and impolite to talk about a lady's age!"

"You listen to him, because you can learn so much from him!" Wisely added Latias.

"He has, trust me, he has." Weiss 'annoyingly' replied as he looked around for someone, only to find the three of them in the hill, "I take Lala didn't have the luck to appear close by," silently commented the leader.

"No, she didn't," sadly yet calm replied Char. "I been looking for her tirelessly and was hoping to find her here, I got invited by a small orange coated Pegasus on a scooter by the way, quite an odd sight."

Weiss knew of his relationship with Lala and was quite surprised how calm he was taking it.

"No offence sir, but: why aren't you freaking out?" Added Latias as she had similar thoughts.

"I was about to. I even wanted to charge towards Arceus as soon he appeared." Char confessed.

"And how come everyone is still alive then?" Inquire Weiss.

"A mare caught on to my sorrow and helped me with kind words," Latias and Weiss thought on the yellow Pegasus of before. “She had quite the stare I must also say."

"That is quite the feat," Weiss admired, yet he didn't ask about Char's talk, the Scizor was quite reserved on such topics after all. "But what will you do now?"

"Lala is more likely going to be looking for any trouble she can found, most likely to find us in it," Char processed.

"I won't deny we have a tendency to do that..." Shamelessly admitted Weiss.

"So you are staying with the group?" Wonder Latias.

"For now at least," Weiss wasn't surprised, "I would like to have a proper life from now on, once we found her of course."

"I knew you would say that," admired Weiss calmly, although his eyes show different.

"I thank your comprehension," replied Char with his smooth voice.

"Well," began Latias, hoping to cheer the mood. “There is a race tomorrow. Knowing the mare I am going to go against, there will be quite the crowd. You may found Lala there."

Char nodded.

"Then is settled. We will go to the race tomorrow morning," declared Weiss.

Noticing how the party was reaching his end, most of its attendants having returned home by now, the group decided to call it a night as well. Latias give again a simple 'goodbye' as she left to look for her brother, who was surprisingly not beside her, at least for the night.

"To be lost in a world with no worries, truly a young's life," Char poetically said.

"Shut up," was the calmly answer Weiss give.

Outside of Ponyville
Race grounds

Weiss and company didn't have a proper night of sleep, as a matter of fact. They had a long night explaining what once happened back on Earth to Valerie, thus they had a very little time to snore. Not to mention the race was been hold at morning, so the mercenaries didn't have the best of starts.

Still, they managed to arrive early, mostly because Edge, who only attended the party for a few hours, since she was properly fed, thanks to the apple family.

Valerie herself wasn't in a good mood. Although she had come to understand that the mercenaries did have not choice of action once the story was told, she didn't enjoyed the part when she had to calm down her friend Juniper and made out for the chaos at Twilight's library with a very long and detailed description of Fairy-types.

So the only one looking forward for the race was Char, albeit by different reasons.

"I can see an interesting number of Pokemon and Ponies gathered," commented Char at the crowd with promised excitement. "but its amazing to see the level of organization there is for this event, despite been planned one night prior."

"I think it must be Pinkie's doing with the help of Discord," replied Weiss, glad to know some stuff his team did not and rub it on them as much as he could.

"Who and what now?" Asked Edge.

Before Weiss could reply, Valerie made an observation. “How are we going to look at the race with all these people in the way?" Wondered the once Gym leader, as they were a bit late to take on better seats.

"Du'uh!" Replied Edge while flapping her large wings.

"Oh... Right!" Exclaimed back Valerie as she too took for the sky.

"We will be going up then, you guys are coming?" Asked Weiss to Char and Greninja, although he knew what will the Scizor would say.

"I will prefer to look at the crowd, but I thank your offer," and headed to the group of Pokemon and Ponies while adding, "but I wish the best of lucks to your lady!"

Weiss groaned as Greninja followed Char, apparently he also wanted to help his friend.

With a chuckle he patted Edge as he hopped on her back. “Up please."

And up they went, getting a good sight of the race track, although they couldn't hear anything from the ground. Apparently the chimera was currently giving some instructions to both participants.

"Huh..." Then Weiss noticed something, "that is odd." Valerie turned at Weiss, "I see Latias, but I don't see her brother..."

"Wait! He is alive?" Inquired Edge confused, as she didn't see the male Eon Pokemon on the party, and neither did Weiss told her.

"Yeah, Arceus brought him back it seems."

"Cool! So he can do all your lady friend can?" Inquired Edge.

"Apparently," replied Weiss while rolling his eyes, "why?"

"Because that would explain the mass that has been hovering besides us for over a minute now."

With his cover blown, Latios saw no further use of remaining invisible, thus he made his presence clear for the group.

"Good morning," was all he said, although with his cold yet elegant tone.

"Good morning to you too good sir," replied Valerie with an aerial bow.

Meanwhile, the race seemed to start, both contestants making an impressive display of speed.

However, Weiss was interesting on something else, for a change.

"I knew you were the reserved older brother," joked the Bisharp, "but why looking at the race with us?"

"Actually, I was looking for you mister Weiss."

"Oh, so formal, I guess you are in trouble," teased Edge.

He ignored her comrade though, "and why would that be?"

"I would prefer to ask it on a more calmer place, and alone if possible."

"You really are in trouble." Teased again the Noivern.

"If that is what you want then," he calmly yet slightly worried replied.

"Ehm, I don't want to be rude but," interjected Valerie while Edge seemed to be a bit disoriented, "the Pegasus just rocketed ahead of Latias."

Both male Pokemon looked right down in disbelieve, as the sound of an explosion catch on to them.

"So that is a Sonic Rainboom!" Noted Weiss as they looked that the trademark rainbow the move leave behind.

Only for Latios to chuckle, "it seems my sister has found herself an appropriate match," yet he didn't seemed to be that surprised as his body, and Latias down on the race, began to glow, "so is only natural for her to go all out."

And then Latias' form drastically changed, her body was now bigger and her color red was changed for purple.

"Mega evolution," noticed Weiss, knowing about it by Latias' memories, yet this been the very first time he actually saw it, "so that is how you two look like-hoa!" The Bisharp awe was short, as Edge was now really losing her balance.

"One blast I can take," she screamed, "but two sonic explosions are too freaking much!"

The sudden vibrations caused the blind dragoness to lost sight of her surroundings, while also hurting her like hell.

"Here, let me help," said Latios while easing the dragoness' pain with a Heal Pulse.

"THANKS!" Screamed Edge, apparently been momentarily deaf.

"Indeed..." Replied a dizzy Bisharp. “This was worst than a Taurus's rodeo..."

"Oh no!" Exclaimed Valerie. "because of lady Edge's problem, I couldn't see who won."

"Same here," replied Weiss and Latios at unison.

"WHAT!?" screamed the confused Noivern.

"I will be waiting for you a few miles from here mister, please don't disappoint me" and with that said, Latios turn invisible again and left for the wrecked goal.

Meanwhile, down there a single mare could be heard declaring.


At the same time
Somewhere in Canterlot

Daring had left the Hall of Legends as soon Arceus left for the party and was on her way to deliver her small literary piece to her editor for it to be published. Yet she first took a small deviation towards a small curio shop placed on a forgotten alley.

She knocked three times yet enter as if she own the place, a collection of artifacts of many shapes and sizes all over the dusted shelves. At the back of the a dark counter lay a grey Pony with a braided mane, who sported a pair of reading glasses and small candle to see in the dark.

Ah! Miss Yerling, so good to see you again, tell me: what can I assist you with." Cheerfully asked the shopkeeper once he recognised Daring's alter ego.

"Having a rollercoaster for three days straight," she calmly replied while taking something out of her saddle bags.

"I can say the same. The shop has been constantly visited by some of these creatures as of late. The Purple mice are ease to take out, but some are a bit more difficult to... Let's say drive away."

At this mention, a being Daring could only call a bipedal mummy phased through one wall, giving her a lifeless stare with its one eye before returning back from when it came.

"At it least keeps any rover at bay," commented the Pony.

"Good for you," deadpanned the disguised explorer. "Look, I heard from a friend that a creature known as Tlaloque has been spotted on the Griffin empire, do you know something about it?"

"The Griffin empire is a land far beyond this little shop miss, I'm afraid there is no way I can be of help," expressed the shopkeeper with faked sadness, which disappeared from his voice when a bag full of bits landed on his counter, "but I may have heard of some gossip," greedily added while taking the bag.

Daring on her end waited for the information.

"Some say Tlaloque is no longer a buddy of Ahuizotl and that he is looking for something on his own."

"And what could that be?" Inquired the mare.

"Some say is a weapon, others than a temple, but some shady Griffin say he wanted to help some royal snoff in exchange of something rather displeasing for me to say."

Another bag of bits landed beside him.

"Oh but I am sure you can take it miss Yerling," replied again the greedy merchant, "he wanted the Griffin to perform an old ritual once in power: a sacrificial ritual, a crimson blood celebration!"

Author's Note:


A lot of things happening at once. But I must keep on. I have to catch on with the rest!

On a different note: The latest MLP movie has come out, and you know what? IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!

Yes is not pure gold, but it felt so much better than the first one, I guess having Megan on the writing helped a bit (Too much!)

Anyway, moving on!

Editors Notes:

Zeus: Interesting chapter, always interesting to see one with Arceus like this.

But young Weiss should be careful just whom he threatens, less he invoke the wrath of... me.

TDN: Awesome chapter. A nice long read, with the only thing that could have made it better being if we had a Sneeze Cut when Ash was referenced. Also, Weiss is officially the most awesome ANW, ANW OC ever!

Evowizard25: I must say, it's been a pleasure working with V-Oblivion. He's probably one of the friendliest guys I've ever met and it's an honor to help his story grow. I hope you enjoy the chapter as much as I did.

Pokemon of the day:

Latios(As himself) Beheeyem(Juniper)
Gallade(Gene) Gardevoir(Belle)
Scizor(Char) Dusclops