• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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Intermission - How Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy formed the Rainboom Thieves.

Several years ago....

“What do you mean you won't let me try to get into that school?!” yelled Twilight at her parents.

“This is for you're own good Twilight.” said Twilight's father, Night Light.

“We both forbid you to going to that school.” said her mother, Twilight Velvet.


“No buts young lady, this ends now.” said Night Light.

“Why?” asked Twilight.

“Because you're obsessed. Ever since you saw that princess raise the sun, you have almost destroyed yourself. Ever since that incident, you went to your room with book after book and never came out unless to get more books. You barely eat, sleep or bathe. It's destroying you!”

“But...I just...”

“NO! This ends now! We won't let obsession destroy our daughter. If you took this reasonably then we would be fine with it. Instead, all you do is endanger your health.”

“I'll be reasonable about it, and healthy too!”

“You promised that two weeks ago, and now you've lost another ten pounds from not eating. Your eyes have shades under them down to your nose and you smell like something a skunk would run away from. No more.”

Twilight tried to respond but couldn't. She was just a little filly then. Her parents shortly after took all her books away from her as Twilight just sat there in her room.

Later that night...

“Good night Twilight.” said her father as he closed her door.


Twilight looked at the closed door and put her hoof into her pillow. She pulled out a book over magic she had hidden.

“Last one...” she said as she began reading. "Doesn't matter...I've got to keep learning, no matter what." Then, as if a bolt of lightning struck her, she felt a surge in her body. She shined a light with her horn and saw her cutie mark appear on her flank.

“A cutie mark?” she said as she looked at it. It was a six pointed sparkle. (Her cutie mark in the show) She didn't understand its meaning though. Then she had an odd thought. “It appeared when I tried to keep learning magic. Maybe...maybe its telling me to keep researching magic? But how can I do that with mom and dad here?”

At that moment, she realized what she wanted to do, run away. If she ran away, she could find other ways to research magic. She quickly got up, put what was left of her allowance in a bag, her favorite doll and her last book in the bag as well. She wrote a small letter to her parents and sneaked out through the window. As soon as she went past the yard she realized something. She hadn't completely thought this through. Then, she told herself that things would work out, there was no need to be scared.

Soon years passed as she left Canterlot, Twilight wandered from town to town, city to city...Still trying to find her destiny until one day she ended up in Ponyville....She was out of money and while she was on the outskirts of Ponyville, she collapsed. Then some birds saw her....

Twilight woke up in a soft bed. She looked around as she slowly got up and saw the house she was in was full of birds and tree branches.

“Where am I?” she said to herself, still half asleep.

“Oh good, you're awake. I was really worried there.” said a soft kind voice.


“Are you alright? Mr. Birdy found you outside of Ponyville.” said a yellow pegasus.

“Who are you?” asked Twilight.

“I'm Fluttershy, who are you?”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“It's nice to meet you Miss Sparkle. Now, how are you feeling?”

“A little off...and hungry.”

“That should be expected, you are currently malnourished and have a fever. Be glad I brought you here.”

“Are you a nurse pony? Unusual job for a pegasus.”

“No I'm not. I just have medical knowledge...Now, eat this.” said Fluttershy as she gave Twilight some soup.

Twilight ate it vigorously, feeling the warmth of the soup. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome. Um...can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Why were you collapsed outside of Ponyville?”

“I'm...um...trying to find my destiny.”


“I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my life. I've been searching for years but yielded nothing.”

“I see. I was like that a few years ago.”


“Yes. I used to live in Cloudsdale... I was picked on and bullied constantly though due to my shyness. That was until my friend Rainbow Dash helped me. She told me one day, 'I'm not always going to be there for you Fluttershy. Now I would tell you to get some courage to fight the bullies but you're too kind. So I think you need to find something else. I don't where or how but I know you'll find it. I'll always be your loyal friend Fluttershy but I think your destiny isn't in Cloudsdale. I know it sounds mean but I think its for the best.' and she was right. I soon left Cloudsdale and ended up in Ponyville. I found out here that I could talk to animals and, well, I just love it here.”

“I see....thank you...”

“Now, you need to get better. Don't worry, you can stay here as long as you like. I can tell you're not a mean pony.”

“Thank you Fluttershy, and just call me Twilight.”

“Okay Twilight.”

A few days later, Twilight could walk regularly again and found out that no pony was using the library in Ponyville. As she stayed with Fluttershy, Twilight began visiting the library until she read a certain book. It was called: 'The Hero everypony hated.' Twilight began reading the story inside. The story was about a young street pony who lived in a cruel kingdom ruled by corrupt nobles. There the nobles treated other lower ponies harshly but the hero still had a good heart despite the hardships. However, one night he finds out his best friend, another street pony is a thief. He had been stealing from the rich nobles but when he finds this out he then realizes something. His best friend had kept all the stuff he had stole for himself. His friend was just as greedy as the nobles. Seeing this, he vowed to do something different. The hero slowly became a thief as well, stealing form the nobles and then giving to the poor. He gained his cutie mark from the thieving, so he thought it was his destiny to do so. However, eventually the nobles were on to him and put a bounty on his head. Then the poor rejected the hero or even hunted him. No pony wanted his help despite he had helped them so much. Then one night the hero fled the kingdom, easily scaling its massive walls due to his thief skills. He then left the kingdom as it rotted more and more. He traveled the world only to find the same thing in other kingdoms. In each kingdom he tried the same thing, steal from the corrupt and give to the needy. It always went the same way, eventually everypony would hate him. Then the hero stole from the greedy nobles and left a kingdom soon after. The poor there would not accept what he had stolen so he wandered off with it. He then ended up in a small poor town in the middle of nowhere. The hero then gave away what he had stolen there and everypony loved him. In return, they taught him farming and he stayed there instead. The hero finally realized that thieving wasn't worth it. Twilight then shut the book. She sat there, pondering at the meaning of the story.

“Did this book just tell me that destiny is meaningless? Or did it say that you can never satisfy everyypony?” she asked herself. Then Twilight got angry at the book. “No, that can't be right, this story doesn't make sense. There's no way that the hero's life should go like that. It's like the ending was rushed. Maybe.....”

Then Twilight had an unthinkable idea...For years she had been searching for her destiny. Then, after reading this she had a different idea. Maybe she could do this story but make it work... Twilight then ran to Fluttershy with her idea.

“Fluttershy? Are you here?”

“Yes Twilight, what's the matter?”

“I have an idea and I think I need your help to make it work. Will you help me?”

Author's Note:

This will be the final intermission for now. I may do one on Trixie if I feel it necessary.

This was a lot of fun to write, I was puzzled on how to make Twilight to get the idea of the Rainbooms or how she even got to that point. Then I thought about the time travel episode where Twilight tries to monitor everything and thought, 'Hey, I could use Twilight's obsessiveness to the story's advantage. She becomes so obsessed with Celestia that her parents say no. That could work.'

I'm not fully satisfied with the book and how it helps Twilight but it could be a bit worse.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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