• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,464 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Change (Part 12 of 15)

“Uh...are you sure you can't fly up that?”asked Spike as him and Rumble looked at what looked like an endless amount of stairs. Rumble then shook his head and said, “No...I can't fly that high...I'm a colt Spike...not a WonderBolt...”


“It's cool Spike.” Rumble then put his hoof on Spike's shoulder. “It'll take a bit but we can make it up there.”

“Right...I just don't want to...you know...go up endless flights of stairs.” Spike said in the most dry tone he could. The two then nodded and began to walk up the monstrous amount of stairs in front of them.

Meanwhile in the throne room...

“Now...” Sombra said while still showing his same huge grin as always. “Any last requests before we fight and I tear you apart?”

Sunset froze. She wasn't sure what to do. Part of her wanted to run away while another part wanted to stay and fight. Her body began to shiver as she saw Sombra stare her down, his horn shining like a beacon. 'What do I do?' she thought, 'Do I run? Do I fight? Oh no...even if I fight him...Trixie...Twilight...I also got to save them...what...what do I do?!'

Sombra grinned even more. “Heh heh heh...getting scared little one?” he said in a joyous tone. “Tell me young one, what are thinking right now? Are you scared about what I'm going to do to you? Or maybe you're thinking about your friends, who are currently falling down to the very depths of my castle's dungeons...or maybe, just maybe...you are considering my offer now?”

“Huh?” gasped Sunset as she heard those words. “Wha...you're still offering that?”

“Yes.” Sombra nodded. “I can see it right now little one...despair.”


“Oh yes...I can see it in your eyes. You know you've lost...and you don't know what to do.” Sombra then stretched his arms out. “That is despair! Desperation, fear, it's all there! I can tell you know...you're scared. So, how about it little one? Will you join me?” Sombra then extended his hoof to Sunset. “I can help you control that darkness within you. I can make the fear...go away.”

When those words escaped Sombra's mouth, Sunset could only think of one thing. 'Princess Celestia...I remember now...you were there when I needed guidance...just like he's offering me to led down a different path...' Sunset closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. 'Princess Celestia...you chose me to come here and stop Sombra...' Sunset then opened her eyes and glared at Sombra. 'I'll do it. I may be alone right now, but...I can't give up! I've gotta try, even if I lose...I've got to try and beat this monster!'

Sunset then tensed her body and her horn began to shine like the sun. “Sorry to say Sombra...but the answer is still no.”

Sombra then scoffed and pushed back his cape. “Tch...I should have expected this from a darkness fearing peon. Very well, if you wish to be an insignificant scrub and try to defy a superior being such as I...” Sombra then gritted his teeth and charged magic into his horn. “I will tear you limb from limb.”

Sunset stared right into his eyes and said, “Bring it on!”

Meanwhile in another part of the castle...

A certain blue unicorn found themselves falling at a surprising slow rate. Well, it would have been surprising if it hadn't been the fact that the pony was falling down what seemed to be endless stairs.

“OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!” she said as her body fell down stair after stair. “Trixie is-ow-getting-ow-tired-ow-of this...ow...”

The falling had stopped. Trixie laid there for a moment, trying to figure out what just happened to her. 'Ugh...that hurt...okay...let's think this through Trixie...you were about to fight Sombra with Sunset and...ugh...that criminal...and then...' A light bulb went off over Trixie's head. “Ahh! Sunset's alone with Sombra! Trixie's gotta get up there and help her!”

Trixie then began to scramble, trying to get up. As soon as she got up, she realized that wherever she was, it was dark. Completely pitch black darkness. He quickly channeled magic into her horn, making a light. As she looked around, she quickly noticed that when she finally fell off the stairs, she fell several more stories down. The stairs were now several stories away. She then turned around and saw a hallway. 'Guess Trixie will have to go this way...or grow wings...' Trixie thought as she began her journey down the hallway. Only a few steps in and-


A giant ax slammed down in front of her, just barely avoiding her nose. Her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as her whole body froze and trembled at the sight of the ax that almost cleaved her head off. “Perhaps Trixie took the wrong hallway...” she said as she tried to move her body. “But Trixie didn't see any other way...”

A few minutes later, Trixie walked around the ax and continued down the hallway. She began to think, 'Okay...Trixie obviously fell down to some dungeon of sorts with traps...that and Trixie knows the criminal also fell...perhaps she's in some other part of the dungeon...well, that doesn't matter. Trixie needs to get back to Sunset and help her!' Trixie then continued down the hallway with a small skip in her step. Until, she ran into some more traps...

Ten traps later...

“Trixie doesn't wanna do this anymore...Trixie wants to leave!” Trixie said to herself as she patted out a fire in her mane.

Five more traps later...


One more trap later...


As Trixie continued to yell at the traps Sombra had made, Trixie continued to look around. At that moment, Trixie saw a small amount of light. As Trixie began to go it, she found herself outside the castle but still inside the empire. Trixie looked around, seeing that see was suddenly outside. “Huh...how did...what the...how did Trixie get outside the castle?” Trixie then saw she was several houses away from the castle. “So the exit is way over here? This is odd...”

Then suddenly, as Trixie began to stare at the castle...


Trixie's ears twitched as she heard the small noise. 'What was that?'

Tink! Tink!

Trixie's head shook around, trying to find the noise. She then put her ear to the ground and heard it again.

Tink! Tink!

'Hmm...it sounds like its coming from...' Trixie then stared at a different direction from the castle. 'Over there...' Trixie then glanced at the castle and then back at the other direction. 'What should Trixie do?'

Tink! Tink!

'Something tells Trixie she should check that noise out...' Trixie then turned and walked toward the noise. She soon saw a small opening on one of the streets. As she went down into the opening, she found a cave. There, she saw something she wasn't expecting.

In another part of the castle...

“Ugh...” moaned Twilight as she began to shake herself awake. She let out another moan and slowly got up. 'Okay...' she thought as she rubbed her eyes. 'What happened to me? Let's see...I remember we confronted Sombra...then...I felt like my feet weren't standing on anything...' Twilight's eyes grew as she realized what had happened. “Oh no!” she yelled. “That's right! I fell down thanks to some trapdoor along with Trixie!”

Twilight began to look around only to see nothing but darkness. 'Ugh...it's dark. Better use a light spell with my horn...' Her horn lit up and she saw that she still couldn't see anything. 'Huh...I'm not close to any walls...maybe I should...'

Twilight took a deep breath and then yelled. “TRIXIE! WHERE ARE YOU?!”

No response.

“Okay...” Twilight said to herself as she began to pace. “We must have fell into completely different areas. That's fine. Don't panic Twilight...just...let's start by finding a wall and then follow it from there...”

Twilight began to walk in one direction until she finally found a wall. There, she put her hoof on the wall and made a mark, making sure she could tell if she accidentally came back to this spot. As she walked down the hallway, staying close to the wall, her hoof suddenly hit something while touching the wall. 'Huh? That's odd...this doesn’t feel like rock...it feels like...wood...'

Twilight then turned and looked at what she felt, only for a sudden blinding light to flash in front of her eyes. “Augh! What the-”

Then, all she saw was white. Nothing but white. And it was cold. Really cold. Twilight began to shiver all over as she suddenly realized what the whiteness was. It was snow and it was everywhere. 'Cold...its so cold...' she thought as she struggled to get out of the snow. Her body slowly wriggled out of the pile she was covered in and soon her head popped out. As she began to look around, what she saw astounded her. Twilight slowly said, “This...this can't be real...” She was on a frozen mountain several miles away from the Crystal Empire. 'How...how did I get here?!'

“You are alone.” said a voice.

“Wha...who? Who's there?!” Twilight barely turned her head around, only for her eyes to grow in pure shock at the figure in front of her eyes. It was the pony known as Nightmare Moon.

Author's Note:

A bit smaller chapter compared to recent fare, but a lot is happening in it. That and I'm trying to crank out more chapters. This chapter was really fun to write compared to some of the chapters in this arc, I will say that much.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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