• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

  • ...

The Hunt (Part 2 of ?)

“Trixie doesn't like this. Trixie does not like this one bit.” Trixie deadpanned as her eyes shifted back and forth. She glared at the other ponies in the town as the two continued to be guided by Applejack.

“You already said that Trixie.” Sunset groaned. “Let's just enjoy the tour and then we can get down to business, alright?”


“And that's our town!” Applejack exclaimed, her creepy smile never changing. “So...did you like it?”

“I uh...yeah, sure.” Sunset replied, trying to act interested. “Um...if you don't mind uh...Applejack, could we meet the leader of this town?”

“The leader? We don't have leaders here. All ponies are equal in our town!”


“That's right. All ponies are equal in this town. There's no leader or sub-ponies. All of us are equal!”

“Oh...well that doesn't help.” Sunset's ears flopped down. “So uh...is there like a pony that you all usually talk to then?”

“Usually talk to? What do you mean?”

“I mean uh...” Sunset could only blink as she watched Applejack just stare at her with that creepy grin. Her eyes averted, only to see the grins everywhere. 'Good grief! How can these ponies live like this?! Don't they know it's super creepy?!' Digging her hoof in the ground a bit, she tried to respond. “Listen um...Applejack. Me and Trixie are here for a very important reason. And by reason, I mean it concerns the law.”

“The law?”

“Yes. That's why we need to speak to whomever the leader of this town is, whether it be the mayor, governor, whatever.”

“But we don't have a leader. Everypony here is-”

“I know. You're all equal, I get that.” Sunset flashed her hoof in Applejack's face. “However, we need to-”

“Applejack! Have you finished the tour?!”

“I have Starlight. Our two new visitors have seen everything our town has to offer.” Applejack said with a bow.

“Good.” Starlight gave a slight nod and gestured for Applejack to leave. She turned to the duo with a small smile, a smile that made the two blink due to it's different nature compared to the other ponies. “Now, you said your names are Trixie and Sunset, right?”


“Ah. Well, do you like our little town? We certainly do.”

“Um...yeah.” Sunset said with a slight gulp. “It's uh...nice. A bit plain, but nice.”

“Now now, no need to be rude.” Starlight replied with a slight wave. “Remember, you came here and took the tour. Now, do you have any questions?”


“Yes!” Trixie barked. “Trixie and Sunset definitely have some questions! We need to see the leader of this town now!”

“Well Miss Trixie, we don't have a leader in-”

“Trixie knows that! That blasted pony kept repeating that and Trixie is tired of hearing it!”

Sunset's hoof quickly appeared in front of Trixie. “Calm down.” Sunset glanced at Starlight, the two locking eyes. “Listen uh...”

“Starlight Glimmer.”

“Right. Listen Miss Starlight, we're not here to see your town. To be personally honest, we have no interest in...whatever you all do at the moment. The reason we're here is because we're looking for a certain pony.”

“A certain pony?”

“Yes. And we need to take this pony with us. You see,” Sunset pointed to Trixie, “Trixie here is an officer of the law and is currently on a mission authorized by Princess Celestia herself. As for me, I'm a student of the princess and am currently assisting Trixie in this task.”

“I see.” Starlight rubbed her chin. “Very well, if that's the case...follow me.”

The duo followed the unicorn as they entered one of the houses. Starlight tapped her hooves and an earth pony entered the house as well. She turned to him and asked, “Could you get Sugar Belle to make us some muffins Diamond? I have a feeling this might be a long meeting.”

“Sure Starlight but um...aren't you...”

“Don't worry Diamond. I will tell the rest of the villagers everything that happens in this meeting later, understand?”

“Okay. I'll get those muffins...” he said lowly, slowly leaving the house.

“What was that?” Sunset asked, her eyebrow arched in curiosity.

“Nothing much. Its just...one of our rules in are town is no secrets and...”

“This meeting look like a secret one since it'll just be the three of us, isn't it?”

“It will.” Starlight closed in the door in a huff. “Alright, there should be some chairs for us in the next room.”

“Okay.” Sunset and Trixie glanced at each other and quickly situated themselves. Soon, the three were sitting at a large round table. “So...”

“Right. If I had to take a guess, you two are here for the town's newest member aren't you?”

“If the newest member is Applejack, yes.” Trixie deadpanned. “Trixie and Sunset are here to take her in for questioning.”

“Questioning? That definitely sounds serious.” Starlight said with a smirk. “Are you saying our town is harboring a criminal?”

“Trixie is most definitely-”

“Trixie!” Sunset quickly interrupted, waving her hoof at Trixie. Trixie snorted as she closed her mouth. “I apologize Starlight. Trixie can lack...tact at times.”

“It's fine.” Starlight said while crossing her hooves. “So I take it you want to take one of the villagers, correct?”

“Yes.” Sunset nodded. “It concerns-”

“Out of the question.” Starlight interrupted. “I will not allow any villager here to leave by force.”

“Now hold on, we're not doing this by force.” Sunset said as she motioned her hooves. “We're here because we have been tracking down a criminal. We believe the pony called Applejack is connected to a certain group. This...group has done certain actions that both I and Princess Celestia believe will put certain things in Equestria in danger.”

“Seriously?” Starlight rebuked, her eyebrow arching in sarcasm. “You're really serious?” Her slammed her hooves on the table. “You believe that the newest villager is part of something that concerns all of Equestria?!”

“Yes.” Sunset nodded again. “Please realize this, we mean you and this...town, no harm. All we want is to take Applejack in for questioning. That's all.”

“And if I say no?”

“Tch...Trixie thought this town had no leaders.”

“It doesn't. All ponies in this town are equal. We all protect each other. If I say no, the others will say no as well.”

“So nopony is allowed to disagree with each other?” Trixie scoffed. “You can't be serious. Everypony has problems with everypony, that's how life works.”

“Not here. All ponies here are equal. Because of that fact, nopony argues or hates each other. That is part of the rules.”

“HA! You must be joking!” Trixie laughed. “Trixie can not believe such a thing exists! There's no way-”

“That's enough!” Sunset yelled. “Stop that Trixie! We're here to catch a criminal, not debate about a town of ponies!”

“Oh come on Sunset!” Trixie barked back. “Look at this place! Don't tell me you aren't a bit suspicious about all of this?!”

“I....ugh.” Sunset glanced back at Starlight. “Sorry.”

“It's fine.” Starlight said with a poker face. “I don't mind at all...”

“Yeah...look Starlight. All we want is Applejack, alright? If you let us take her, we won't give you any trouble, okay?”

“And if I refuse? Along with the town?”

“Then...we'll have to bring the royal military here.”

“Seriously?!” Starlight asked, her face showing slight fear. “You're joking right?”

“Technically, no. I will admit that I probably won't be able to get too many soldiers here but...if necessary, yes.” Sunset rubbed her eyes as she continued. “Listen, I am currently a student under the tutelage of Princess Celestia. While in my years under her, she has taught me basic understandings of how certain...establishments are made in Equestria.”

“What do you mean?”

“This town...isn't on any map of Equestria. I'm guessing its because it's brand new, am I correct?”

“Yes. It's only a few months old.” Starlight smiled. “Quite impressive, isn't it?”

“I won't respond to that. Instead...I could leave and tell Princess Celestia that you are illegally running a town in Equestria without verification or paperwork.” Sunset could see Starlight grit her teeth in annoyance as she continued to explain. “As you know, Princess Celestia is the main ruler of Equestria and as such-”

“Enough!” Starlight yelled in interruption. “I've heard enough...Sunset is it?”


“Listen...the reason we aren't on any map of Equestria is because we know other ponies won't exactly...accept our views. Do you understand?” Sunset nodded. “Good. If that's the case, I...” Starlight rubbed her chin as a certain thought entered her head. “Hold on one moment.”

Starlight jumped off the chair and walked to another room. Sunset and Trixie glanced at each other as they watched her leave. “Trixie doesn't like this Sunset.”

“I know. But remember Trixie, we're trying to not do anything violent here, remember?”

“Trixie knows, Trixie knows...”

Before Sunset could reply, Starlight walked in with a small object levitating in the air. She quickly placed it on the table. The object looked something covered with a cloth, only for the cloth to be immediately removed. Sunset and Trixie's eyes quickly grew as they saw the sight under the cloth. It was a bottle with three apples levitating inside.

“What...is that?” Sunset gasped.

“That, is Applejack's cutie mark.”

Author's Note:


Before any of you comment, Starlight is NOT giving up here. Next chapter, she will be showing a bit more of her true colors. I'm ending it here because certain things will have to be moving and it will make the chapter disjointed if I don't split it.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Comments ( 32 )

yes trixie and sunset track down the one of the rainbooms and piss off the one mare stronger than celestia doing it i hope starlight gets your marks

7093533 To be fair, they don't know her power. Remember that.

I can't wait to see where this is gonna go!!!!!:rainbowkiss::pinkiegasp:

“What...is that?” Sunset gasped.
“That, is Applejack's cutie mark.”

As subtle as flying sledgehammer. That's our Starlight alright. :pinkiecrazy:

7094120 Why be subtle in this situation?:trollestia:

I wait the action (an imagination a full powered Nightmare Twilight rip apart the town while Sunset, Trixie and Starlight tremble with fear):twilightangry2::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy::twilightsheepish::trollestia:

7094156 Perhaps because of the fact that one of the Ponies already identified herself as Sunbut's apprentice and the other as a law officer? Meaning that if they just disappear they will be missed? :pinkiecrazy:

7094451 That's very true, however...let's just say the next chapter will show where I'm going with this.

So this verison of Starlight is being honest so far, but just how far is the question. Guess we'll have to wait and find out. If AJ trusts her then she can't be that bad I guess.

7098148 Now hold on, I haven't shown how Aj got there, remember? That and the next chapter will show a bit more into Starlight...

7098427 Well it's your fault for writing it that way baka! :pinkiecrazy: LOL.

7098445 Gee thanks...I'm not allowed to leave people wanting a little more?

7098450 Well, no it's fine. Just you leave me in such a thrilled suspense, Mostly cause you have my three fave unicorns together and I fangasmed, and I can't wait for more and more and moremoremoremromeomreomreomromeomreomreomroe!:raritydespair:

I really hate waiting for updates is why really....:facehoof:

7098458 Sorry, I don't have my writing bug that I used to with the story. I'm not quitting it, its just harder to write the story recently. I hope to get something in soon though.

7098478 Oh, so you're not like me and have a changeling under your bed in chins writing fanfics for you?

7098482 No...slave labor doesn't do it for me anymore. I just kill changelings to give me inspiration now.

7118226 That's a good comparison.

i hate waitng

7168048 Sorry pal, it'll have to be a bit longer.

I hate waiting too. Would you mind if i ask how much longer till update?

7413877 I honestly don't know. I have no time to write anymore due to my new job. Its really hard to get things going right now. Sorry, please be patient with me.

I will. A good story is worth waiting for.

7414645 Thank you. I...I've fell into a bit of a pit of despair over my stories, especially this one. Nice to see someone still likes this story. I will continue it!:rainbowdetermined2:

“Now hold on, we're not dong this by force.”

I died. Fix typo before others are taken!

7760392 Thanks. Fixed it.

must have more please update soon

7918880 I know right I'm dying over here

7985474 Sorry, something called writer's block is to blame here.

Hello, I have just finished reading this great story and I think that I get the lack of inspiration, of course I am not going to demand you to finish it or continue, that must always depend on you and what you are into at the moment.

Still I am curious to know exactly what is happening with Twilight, or Trixie, or Applejack, or basically what's happening with everyone.

What I mean is that with every chapter I could see action and a character development, that I totally loved, and sometimes I got a hint to solve that moment's trouble, for example Discord's case, but I think that when trying to have all those different points and characteristics at once you kinda get confussed.

And I am not saying that it is a bad story, I have totally love every chapter but in my modest opinion maybe you could have make a longer timeline and maybe finish one to get to know the character and then we could get the idea of why they do what they do (like Trixie's past)

I frankly have never written in a web although I am planning to and what I want to say is that your work is great and that I'll keep browsing what you have, and that lacking inspiration in something sometimes is not bad

Keep it up, you sure will do great 👍

94 chapters! I’m surprised this got abandoned.

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