• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Hunt (Part 1 of ?)

A month ago...

“What do you mean we're at a dead end?!” Sunset yelled, her eyes drilling into Trixie's back as she sat at her desk. The two were sitting down at Trixie's apartment in Manehattan. However, the mood was not the best. Sunset found herself especially annoyed at Trixie's latest depression due to her belief that there was no point in hunting the Rainbooms anymore.

“Trixie means what she says.” Trixie responded as her head slumped onto the desk. “Trixie doesn't know what to do now.”

“But...come on Trixie! We came all the way back to Manehattan so we could review your notes and find the rest of the Rainbooms! Didn't Princess Celestia ask you to do that?!”

“Then why are you here?” Trixie droned.

“I'm here because I'm your friend Trixie.” Sunset said as she puffed her chest up. “Now...let's review the facts again. Remember, even though the Rainbooms have been pardoned, they still need to be found for the Elements of Harmony.”

“Trixie knows Sunset...Trixie knows...” Trixie said in a depressed tone. “Trixie just doesn't wanna do it though...”

“Why not?! It is because you can't arrest them now?”

“Yeah...Trixie wants to put them away forever...but now Trixie can't. Why?!” Trixie whined. “It's not fair!”

“I know it's not fair.” Sunset groaned. “Unfortunately though, that's the truth of the matter. Now...will you please move on and help me? Princess Celestia asked me to find the Elements of Harmony as well!”


“But nothing! Come on Trixie! We're still hunting the Rainbooms, aren't we?! Show a little effort! You can still capture them! It'll just be...for a different reason, okay?”

“Fine.” Trixie pouted. “But Trixie is doing this for Trixie, got it?!”

“That's fine. Now...let's go over the facts again.”

“Alright...” Trixie's horn glowed as she levitated a notebook in front of her. “Let's see...”

“Wait. Before we start stating the facts, could I ask you something?”


“What are your assumptions on the Rainbooms?”


“Yes. I've been trying to think of different ways to approach this situation and...what do you assume with them? You know...what do you think about them though you don't have anyway to prove it.” Sunset said while slightly shaking her head. “I mean, we've done this for months and we had to set a very specific trap just to get what we wanted. So...I thought we need to look at things in the broadest terms instead.”

“Well...” Trixie rubbed her chin. “First, Trixie believes that none of the Rainbooms are from Manehattan or Baltimare. Though Trixie does not have any direct proof, she believes this to be true due to their very unusual nature in their crimes.”

“Unusual nature?”

“Yes. As Twilight told us before, the Rainbooms are not common criminals. Trixie believes that none of them have a criminal record.”

“Hmmm...I could believe that. It would make hiding their tracks easier. Alright, if they aren't from Manehattan or Baltimare...” Sunset closed her eyes in deep thought. “Then...maybe...”

“Maybe what?”

“Maybe...” Sunset rubbed her forehead, her mind racing. 'Twilight...she's the Element of Magic. Celestia knew this due to her cutie mark which was told by her by the Tree of Harmony. Celestia told me that if she was chosen, her friends had to be the other elements...right. If that's the case...then perhaps...' A small lightbulb went off in her head. “That's it!”

“What is?”

“If they aren't from Manehattan or Baltimare, then one of them has to be from Ponyville!”

“Ponyville? Why there?” Trixie said with a befuddled expression.

“Simple. I asked Princess Celestia a while back on where the Elements of Harmony were located. She said they were located in the Castle of the Two Sisters which is in the Everfree Forest!”

“And Ponyville is right by the forest...Trixie sees what you're getting at.”

“Exactly! Think about it Trixie. After Twilight first inherited the elements, she must have went to town and found a place to stay!”

“And she wouldn't have went to the local inn, correct? After all, she's a thief. Such places record visitors. Even if she used an alias, it would still be risky.” Trixie scratched her chin with a slight smile. “Trixie likes where this is going...”

“Yes. Now...how do we determine what resident of Ponyville is a Rainboom? I mean, it could be just one pony or multiple ones!”

Trixie blinked several times as she began to think as well. Then, a small bolt of detective inspiration hit her. “Simple. We look up police reports of the first crime.”

“The first crime? You mean the Necklace of Zebras? In Baltimare?”

“Yes.” Trixie nodded. “Let's go down to the station. They should have some records of ponies that were reported at the time. If necessary, we'll go to the Baltimare station.”

“Wait...why are we looking at the reports? I mean, don't the Rainbooms usually leave no traces behind of their crimes?”

“Because...” Trixie said as she put on her hat. “Trixie is betting that the team was formed in Baltimare.”

“Oh. If that's the case...wait a minute! You don't mean-”

“Yes, Trixie does. Trixie believes at least one Ponyville resident was probably reported to the police before the first crime. There's a very good chance of that, especially since Trixie now knows that one of the Rainbooms is from Ponyville.”

“If we find a coinciding report with a pony from Ponyville...” The two shined grins at each other. “Alright! Let's get to it then!”

Trixie grabbed a saddlebag and glanced at Sunset. “Say, Trixie was wondering, where is Spike?”

“Oh him? He's off to see some game with Rumble. Don't worry, he knows how to contact me if necessary.”

“Good. Trixie has a feeling this is gonna be a long trip...”

“He'll be fine. Him and Rumble are great friends after all.”

A few days of train riding and hassling with Baltimare police ponies later...

“So...what do we got?” Sunset asked as Trixie laid out a bunch of files on their hotel room's table.

“Not much. Most of the files at the time were...not filed well.” Trixie grumbled. “But, there are a few things that stand out.”

“Okay. Once again, what do we got?”

Trixie's horn as she levitated one of the files. “First off is this. Apparently a week before the heist, there was a fashion festival happening.”

“I see. You think Twilight recruited a dress maker? It would make sense.”

“That's what Trixie thought as well. However...” Trixie quickly shuffled through the file's papers. “There were no recorded ponies from Ponyville that came to any sort of event at the festival. But...”

“There's a dress maker in Ponyville, isn't there? And I'm guessing there's only one...”

“Yes. Trixie tried to look up her file, but there's nothing. It seems this 'Rarity' who owns the 'Carousal Boutique' hasn't performed in any of the festival's events in any of the years that's it been held.”

“Hmm...okay.” Sunset replied with a scratch to her chin. “If that's the case, the probability of her coming the festival is probably low. That or Twilight could have recruited any number of dress makers at the time. After all, what better way to find the clothing master you need then watching their clothes be presented to the public.”

“True...but she could still be a viable suspect. However...” Trixie began to shift through the papers.

“You have a better suspect, don't you?”

“Yes. Trixie looked up the minor wanted posters at the time.”


“Yes. Small cases. Baltimare's police don't deal with hardened criminals like Manehattan does. Rather, it mainly deals with complaints and other small misdemeanors. This is mainly due to how the city is designed.”

“Let me guess, you're either rich or a tourist?”

“Exactly. Therefore, Trixie looked up the minor wanted posters and...” Trixie shined a devilish grin. Sunset returned a smile as soon as she saw it.

“There's one for a Ponyville resident, isn't there?”

“One earth pony named Applejack.” Trixie said as she plopped the file in front of Sunset. “Apparently she went into a rage against a customer, who Trixie also looked up. Though the customer is known for making ponies angry, she threw her cart at the stallion.”

“Great...so, I'm guessing she probably needed money, didn't she?”

“Trixie thinks so.”

“And that would be a perfect opportunity for Twilight. A strong earth pony mare...that could be useful for a team of thieves. Think it's a coincidence?”

Trixie showed a cocky grin. “Trixie doesn't believe in such a thing.”

“Good.” Sunset said as she shut the files and gave them back to Trixie. “I don't either. Now, why don't we pay a visit to Ponyville?”

“Sounds good to Trixie.”

Another train ride later...

The duo found themselves in front of Sweet Apple Acres. As the two unicorns slowly walked into the farm, the noticed the abundant harvest of apples, still waiting to be picked.

“Must be understaffed here. If Trixie was in charge, Trixie would've hired some extra help.”

“Agreed.” Sunset nodded. “It's strange that there's no workers out. Maybe it's a family only kind of business.”


The two briskly walked up to the main house and knocked on the door. After a few minutes, an elderly pony answered the door. “Hello? Who are you two youngins?”

“Good day.” Sunset said with a small smile. “My name is Sunset Shimmer and this is my friend Trixie Lulamoon. We're here looking for a pony named Applejack. We heard that she lived here?”

The elderly pony bore a sour expression as the word 'Applejack' flowed out of Sunset's mouth. “That pony don't live here anymore. If that's all you two want, I suggest yah leave my farm.”


“Leave. Now.” the elderly pony barked, her mouth filled with anger. The duo looked at each other, not sure what to do in this situation. Sunset slowly lifted her hoof, trying to show an expression of kindness.

“Look, we are just trying to-”

“LEAVE!” the pony yelled. “GET OFF MAH FAMILY'S PROPERTY!!!”

As the elderly pony slammed the door, the two looked at each other in both slight fear and confusion. “Trixie has to know, what do we do now?”

“I...don't know. I sure wasn't expecting that.” Sunset glanced at the now closed screen door. “I have a feeling she's not gonna tell us anything.”

“Agreed.” Trixie began to rub her chin. “Trixie suggests a different approach. There should be other family members here on this farm.”

“True. I wonder where...” Sunset trailed off as a small filly with a bow in her hair approached them. “Oh! Hello there.”

“Hi...” the filly muttered. “Are you...are y'all looking for mah sis?”

“Sis? Do you mean Applejack?”

“Yeah.” the filly nodded. “Yah ain't gonna find her here.”

The duo looked at each other and Sunset then replied. “Well...do you know where we can find her? We need to ask her some very important questions.”

“What kinda questions?”

“Well...” Sunset scratched the back of her head, trying to fake a nice grin. Trixie on the other hoof, decided to do a different approach.

“We need to talk about her possible involvements with the law.”

“The law?!” the filly gasped. “Holy apples! What had mah sis done?!”

Sunset quickly ran up and petted the filly. “Hold on there little one. Nothing bad has happened to your sister. We just need to ask her a few questions. Now...could you help us?”

“Well...um...er...” the filly stood there, her hooves digging into the dirt. “She...she's in Appleloosa.”


“Yeah...with Braeburn...”

Sunset glanced at Trixie and then back at the filly. “Thank you. Don't worry, we'll make sure nothing bad happens to your sister, alright?”


The Present, a few minutes before...

“Trixie can't believe how useless that Braeburn pony was! All he does is avoid the subject!”

“That's enough Trixie.” Sunset barked. “Just drop it, okay? We got the information we needed, right?”

“Yes...and now Trixie has to do some long trek out in the wilderness!!! Do we even know if this place exists?!”

“How am I supposed to know the answer to that?!” Sunset barked back. “It's just a rumor about some village that ponies keep going to! Now, if you would be so kind Trixie...stop whining and let's continuing walking till we find it!”

“Ugh...can't believe this stupid Applejack left everything for some random rumor...”

“I know Trixie...I know.”

“Trixie can not believe she is doing this.”

“Stop whining Trixie.” replied Sunset as the duo went over a small rocky range. “We should be getting close.”

“There's nothing out here Sunset! Look at this place!”

“That's not what that other pony told us Trixie! It's around here somewhere, we just have to-wait, there it is!” she exclaimed as she pointed to some far off buildings.

Trixie quickly saw the buildings as well and groaned, “Finally! Let's get down there and get this stupid thing over with already!”

Author's Note:

Okay, to all readers: I will explain how Applejack got there, just not now. The next chapter is more of Trixie, Sunset, Applejack and Starlight.

Wow...it's so weird writing Sunset this way. It's been while since I've written a more forceful yet good-natured Sunset.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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