• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,464 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Shackles (Part 7 of 8)

Twilight began to shake. Her body was shivering. Sweat flowed down from her head. Twilight stood there for a while after she had heard own brother telling the guards to find her. She looked at her disguise ring. Her mind started thinking, 'Okay, disguise ring is still working. Alright Twilight, think about this for a second...they don't know I'm right here...'

Twilight began to look around, seeing where the guards were. She then began to slowly walk away from the train station and into an alleyway. She then began to start thinking of a plan, 'Okay, I need to get out of Canterlot...now. First, I need to get to my hotel room.'

Twilight began to walk back to the hotel. There she went to her room and sat down to think, 'Okay Twilight...how do you get out of here? The trains are down and Canterlot is on the side of a mountain. The only other option I have is...to go down the mountain...Darn, right now I really wish had a pair of wings...' Twilight then laid down on the bed in the hotel room. 'So, what do I do? How do I get back to my friends? I've got to think...Okay, I need to check around the city outskirts, see if there's a way past the guards to get down the mountain. I hate climbing but I don't have a choice in this situation...I'll have to go at night...problem is, the barrier will still detect somepony going through it...'

Twilight got up from the bed and said to herself, “Okay, it's not the best plan but...I only reserved a week at this hotel and I've already lost half of those days trying to find a way to Cadance. I gotta go ahead and scope out the city outskirts.”

Meanwhile back in Manehattan...

Bon Bon entered a small alleyway and knocked on an alley door. The door opened and she slowly entered. Inside was Octavia with Lyra. Octavia then spoke up, “Well Bon Bon, did you find out anything?”

Bon Bon slowly spoke up, “Yeah, I found out a bunch of stuff about her. It seems Sunset Shimmer is not the pony we think she is.”

Lyra's jaw dropped, “You mean...she's a bad pony?”

“No Lyra, it seems she's a...very different case.”

“What do you mean?” asked Octavia.

“Sunset Shimmer isn't a cop...but as I was following her...she went and met with a police officer.”

“So...she is dangerous...” said Octavia with a scowl. “How much is she onto us?”

“That's just it...the officer she went to is a bit...different.”

“What do you mean?”

“The officer is Trixie Lulamoon and it seems she is obsessed with catching the Rainbooms.”

“Wait a minute...don't tell me...”

“Sunset Shimmer is trying to help her accomplish this.”

“But...but...Sunset told me the other day she wants to be friends with us!” said Lyra with a sad face.

“That's not important.” said Octavia, “What's important is what we do next. Does she suspect we are the Rainbooms even though we aren't?”

“No, not that I can tell...” said Bon Bon with a thinking face. “In fact, it seems she's not really trying to find the Rainbooms right now...I don't know why though...”

“Okay Bon Bon, follow her for a bit longer...If she starts to suspect us, contact me immediately.”


Meanwhile back in Canterlot...

Twilight began to slowly travel on the outskirts of Canterlot. Her disguise ring on, she slowly walked down place after place. As she was walking down all she could hear was pony after pony around her, gossiping. She heard them all talking about finding her. Twilight's ears drooped as she went place to place in Canterlot. She began to think, 'These ponies...They're all talking about me...I really need to leave Canterlot...What should I do...'

As she was walking, Twilight suddenly stopped. There, she saw something that put a shiver down her spine. She saw her parents walking down the opposite side of the street she was on. Twilight froze, not knowing what to do. Twilight's mind stopped thinking and she just stood there. She saw her parents walking over there and their faces were filled with sadness. Then Twilight's mind started to think again, 'It's them...both of them are just over there...and...and...they're sad. Why are they sad? Is it me? Or...I don't know...I just...need to get out of here...'

Twilight turned around and walked away. She couldn't make herself go to them. Twilight then finished her recon and went back to her hotel room and fell asleep. She fell asleep in the middle of the day so she could have the energy for that night. Then the night came as Twilight woke up. She put her cloak and disguise ring on along with her saddlebags. Twilight headed out to leave Canterlot once and for all.

Twilight began to sneak down alley after alley till she found the opening she was looking for. She looked and saw that more guards had been posted that night. Twilight began to look around and started to think, 'Oh blast it! They've put more guards here. If I take them on, they'll know where I am. Seems I'll have to find a different way out of this stinking city.'

Twilight then began looking around trying to find a different route. Twilight slowly walked around the outskirts, making sure the guards weren't looking at her. However Twilight, despite being in her overly cautious manner, did not look up. A pegasus guard on top of a building saw Twilight in her cloak and then signaled another guard close by. Twilight kept going down street after street and then saw something strange. A part of the outskirts was just empty, no guards, no anything. Twilight's mind began to race, 'What's going on? Where did all the guards suddenly go? Is it a trap...or should I go for it and get out of here right now?'

Twilight's mind was then interrupted as she heard tons of hoofsteps. Twilight's eyes began to widen while fear began to flow into her. She turned around and saw tons of guards charging right behind her. Twilight's legs began to move on their own as she began to run. She then started to talk to herself, “No...no no no...They found me! I gotta get out of here!”

But it was too late, at that moment a bunch of pegasus guards flew down and landed in front of her. She turned her head to both sides and saw she was surrounded. Twilight grabbed the hood of her cloak and pulled it down even more over her head even though it was already over her head. Then she saw Celestia descend around the guards. At that moment, Twilight deactivated her disguise ring, realizing she had been caught. She had to make sure they didn't find out about the ring.

Celestia commanded the guards to surround Twilight in a circle-like formation. Twilight noticed that Shining Armor was there as well. Then Celestia began to speak up, “Twilight Sparkle I presume?

“Twily? Is that you?” asked Shining Armor.

Twilight pulled her hood even more, trying to tell them she didn't want to talk. Celestia then spoke up again, “Listen Twilight Sparkle, I mean you no harm. I just want to talk.”

“Please Twily, we just want to talk...” said Shining.

“...Talk...is that so?” said Twilight slowly.

“Yes Twilight Sparkle. We just want to talk. Though to personally honest, I would at least like to say one thing.” said Celestia with a smile.

“What's that?” said Twilight with a gloomy tone.

“It is honor to finally meet you, bearer of the six pointed sparkle mark.” said Celestia as her smile became bigger.

“It that so...” said Twilight as her hoof slowly removed her hood, revealing her face. “Then let me tell you something...”

“What's that?”

Twilight's face slowly filled itself with anger and fire flowed in her eyes. Then her horn began to shine as she began to channel magic into her horn. “If you're so happy meeting me...then...then...then by the end of this night...” said Twilight as she gritted her teeth and looked directly at Celestia and yelled, “I'll make you regret ever meeting me!”

Author's Note:

So it begins! This arc has been leading up to this moment. Get ready for a bumpy ride!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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