• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Family (Part 2 of 5)

“I uh...um...sure...come on in Twilight.” said Night Light as he gave look of confusion combined with surprise.

“Thanks.” said Twilight as she walked in with a smirk. She then looked around the room, seeing that nothing had really changed since she was here as a filly. Twilight scratched her chin and said, “Hmm...nothing really changes, does it?”

“Well...” said Night Light as closed the door. “We're not much into change, you know that Twilight.”

“Oh I know.” said Twilight as she proceeded to the living room. There she sat down on one of the chairs and asked, “Where's mom?”

“Oh, she's probably in the kitchen...or...” said Night Light as his mind tried to process what was happening. “Wait a minute! Why am I asking that?! Why are you here so suddenly?!”

“Calm down dad. I'll explain in a second but I want mom to hear the reason as well.”

“Oh...well okay.” said Night Light as he left the room and went through the house. Soon he brought Twilight Velvet with him and she immediately ran to Twilight and hugged her.

“Oh sweetie!” yelled Twilight Velvet as tears went down her face. “I've missed you so much!”

Twilight patted Twilight Velvet on the back and said, “Hey mom...I'm back.”

After a few minutes, the three ponies were all sitting in the living room. Twilight’s parents continued to look at Twilight as she began to explain why she was here. “Okay...I'm betting you want to know why I'm here.”

The two nodded and Twilight continued. “Well...a friend of mine made me realize how important family is and...” said Twilight with hesitation. “Well...let's say it made me realize a few things.”

“Oh Twilight, this is your home and we're your family. Please don't feel bad about that.” said Twilight Velvet in a caring tone.

“I know...I just...a lot of things have happened to me mom. I mean a lot of things.” said Twilight as tapped her hooves nervously. “I came here because...I want to apologize for running away all those years ago...”

“Twilight, you don't have to...” said Night Light in a sad tone.

“NO!” snapped Twilight. “No...I...a while back, I realized that I need to fess up and tell you two that it was my fault that I ran away. I ran away because I was obsessed and selfish and...” said Twilight as tears went down her eyes. “I...I need to take responsibility for hurting you two...and hurting Shining and Cadance.”

“Twilight...we for-”

“NO! Don't say you forgive me!” yelled Twilight as steam flew out her nostrils. “I...I've done some bad things when I left...but one of the worst things I ever did was straight up leave you all!”

“But Twilight...”

“Don't you get it?! I left my family!”

“We know you did.” said Twilight Velvet with a soft smile. “But you came back. Good ponies always come back.”

“It's just...” said Twilight as more tears went down her face. “For years...I never regretted leaving! How could you forgive me for doing something like that?!”

“We-” started Night Light when suddenly...


Suddenly the front door slammed open and two ponies entered the room.

“Twily?!” yelled one pony. “Are you really here?!”


Yesterday in Manehattan...

Smoking Brick rubbed his eyes as he sat behind his desk. He then spoke up to the pony on the other side of the desk. “Let me get this straight...you want me to steal two jewels and you'll pay me 200 million bits for the jewels?”

“That's correct.” said the other pony.

“Okay...two questions. One, why come to me?”

“Because you have the resources to guarantee the theft will be a success.” said the other pony with a huge smile.

“I won't deny that...um...” said Smoking Brick as he tried to say the pony's name.

“My name is Shady Wheel.”

“Right. But if that's the case, why didn't you just go to the black market? They know all kinds of thieves there.”

“I don't trust common crooks.” said Shady Wheel with a look of disgust. “I prefer to talk to professionals, somepony like you can easily get ponies to do the job.”

Smoking Brick looked the pony over, unable to read the pony no matter how much he tried. “Alright...question number two. What makes you think I won't just have my boys tear you apart right here and make you give us the money now?”

Without skipping a beat or showing any emotion, Shady Wheel answered, “Oh that's easy. I know you won't because I have the money separated.”


“Yes. I make sure my money is constantly moved around. There are certain ponies I have to contact just to know where it is. I'm a very cautious pony.”

“So in other words...you currently can't tell me where you're money's at?”


“Huh...and if I had that amount, I could easily buy back a huge portion of the city I lost.”


“Okay...you just might have yourself a deal Shady Wheel.”

The Present...

“Oh Twilight! It's so good to see you!” said Cadance as she hugged Twilight.

“Hey Cadance...” said Twilight as she hugged back.

Shining just stood, staring at Twilight. He then spoke up, “Twily! Where have you been?!”

“Hey brother.” said Twilight with a sarcastic tone. “Nice to see you too.”

Shining Armor gave a disgruntled face. “Yeah...” he then went and hugged Twilight as small tears went down his face. “It's good to see you Twily.”

“It's good to see you all too. Sit down will ya?”

The two sat down in the living room and all four stared at Twiight. She then started to speak, “I know you all have more questions but...I need to tell you something.”


“Well, when I decided to come here, I told myself I would tell you all what happened to me after I left. Now, I can't tell you everything but I've decided to tell you what happened to me. You all deserve to know.”

“Why aren't you telling us everything?” asked Shining Armor.

“Because...Celestia is trying to find my friends to use as weapons like me. You work for her and she might make you say something so I...”

Cadance gave an angry face. “She is not trying to use as a weapon Twilight!”

“She is.” said Twilight with a calm face as she pulled the case out of her saddlebag. “That's why I made this.”

Twilight opened the case and the showed the jewel to her family. Her parents and brother only gave a confused look while Cadance's face filled with itself with fear. “TWILIGHT!” yelled Cadance. “Wha...why do you have that?! Why did you make that?!”

“It's my insurance Cadance.”


“Yeah. With this, Celestia won't look for me. Only I know how to use it so its fine Cadance. Don't worry about it.” said Twilight as she closed the case. Shining looked at Cadance as he saw her scared face and said. “Just what did you make Twily?”

“It's nothing dangerous, don't worry about it.” said Twilight as she put her hooves up. “It's fine, stop worrying.”

Shining then got up and hugged Cadance. After a bit, Cadance calmed down and said, “Alright Twilight...could you tell us what happened to you?”

“Sure...” said Twilight as looked up at the ceiling and then back at her family. “It all began when I ran away from home...”

Author's Note:

I'm sorry if it seems I'm delaying things but I'm trying to setup something bigger. This arc is going to go over things that will explain why Twilight acts the way she does. I hope everypony will like where I go with this.

Hope you liked the chapter!

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