• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Shining Diamond Bank

Part II: Destiny of a Thief

“Hold on Twi...I never said I was going to be part of the Rainbooms anymore.” said Applejack, glaring at Twilight. The other five then stared at Applejack with disbelief.

“What the...why did you say that Applejack?!” yelled Rainbow in anger.

“What happened darling?”

“It's fine everypony.” said Twilight calmly, “I had a feeling you would say that Applejack.”

“I told you two years ago Twi, my passion is farming. Tell me why I should stop farming and start thieving again?” said Applejack with a scowl. “I hate to say it, but I've really enjoyed my time off from thieving.”

“Like I said two years ago Applejack, you can leave anytime. You can even go to the police if you want to.”

“You never change Twi...” said Applejack as she slumped down in her chair. “Ugh...fine...but I'll only do a few more heists...okay?”

“That's fine. Remember you can leave anytime Applejack.” said Twilight, not changing her expression at any time.

“I know...I hate it that you're so calm...”

After that, Rainbow and Scootaloo began to start yelling and complaining at Applejack. A few minutes later, Twilight had them settle down and began to explain her next heist.

“Alright girls...we've been gone for over four months in Manehattan and things have changed quite a bit. Originally, since we stole from the mafia, the police were able to take down the mafia bosses. Thanks to this, crime went down around fifty percent after that for the next few months. However, the criminals of the city have tried to form a new criminal organization. Because of this...certain things have happened. First, this pony appeared.” said Twilight as she put a picture on the table. “This pony's name is Smoking Brick. He's a mob boss from Fillydelphia. According to some of the contacts I've recently talked to, he's taken over a huge amount of the crime in Manehattan and increased crime by about ten percent. He's also paid several bigwigs to make a few more banks in Manehattan as well. That in turn, is one of our targets. Our target is the Shining Diamond Bank which currently holds forty million bits of Smoking Brick's money.”

“Forty million? That's less than our last bank heist!” said Rainbow with a bit of disappointment.

“I know...however, this bank is easier to get into. If we pull this off, he'll have no choice but to lose part of his mob due to not being able to pay some of them. Remember girls, we're doing this to make the city better, not just rake in cash.”

“Sorry...so how we doing this thing?” said Rainbow with anticipation.

“First, this heist will need all seven of us.”

“Seven? Even me?” said Scootaloo with surprise.

“Yes. Do you not want to be part of the heist?” asked Twilight with a small smile.

“No! I wanna be part of the heist!” said Scootaloo with a huge smile. “This is gonna be so awesome!”

“Good. Now, this heist is all about two things. Escort and guard manipulation. First off, I'm going to be needed in the field this time. I'm needed to crack the vault so we can get the money. Fluttershy, you'll be here at my computer. I'll need you to handle our timing on everything.”

“Um...okay, I'll do my best.” said Fluttershy meekly.

“I know you will. Second, Rainbow and Scootaloo will go through the clouds and land onto the bank rooftop. The bank's only two stories so we need to ponies on both floors. Rainbow, you'll proceed by knocking out the guards on the roof. Then, Scootaloo will be going through a ventilation shaft from the roof. Fluttershy will then guide Scootaloo through the vents, don't worry, I'll show you how Fluttershy. There, Scootaloo we be dropping this in the second floor central room.” said Twilight as she put an orb on the table. “It's a sleeping gas orb. I'll make sure we have gas masks when we do this. After that, the guards on the second floor will either run up to the roof or go downstairs in a panic. If they go to the roof, you know what to do Rainbow.”

“Aw yeah!”

“Now, Pinkie...you will be responsible for two separate jobs. First, you'll be taking out the guards in the back of the building. Then, you'll proceed to the escape carriage and get it ready for us. Meanwhile, me, Rarity and Applejack will be going through the front. My magic has severely increased so I'll be able to help you knock out the guards inside Applejack. After we knock out the guards, I'll start cracking the vault. Applejack will wait by the stairs just in case if any guards come down from the sleeping gas orb. I'll crack the vault and me and Rarity will escort the gold out of the bank to the escape carriage. Sorry Rarity, but I'll need extra magic to escort that huge amount out of the vault. Also Scootaloo, as soon as you use the orb, go back to the roof and you and Rainbow will fly out of there.”


“So, do you girls like the plan?” said Twilight, raising an eyebrow.

“Aw yeah, I do! It sounds awesome!”

“Indeed, sounds quite thrilling to me darling.”

“Good.” said Twilight with a big smile. She then raised her hoof and the others followed.

“We are the Rainbooms!”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

Sunset sat in Trixie's apartment, strumming a guitar. The music was slow but soothing to the ears.

“Hmm...seems I'm getting a bit closer...but it's just not right.” said Sunset as she was criticizing her own music. “What do you think Trixie?”

“Trixie thinks it sounds fine.” said Trixie in monotone.

“You always say that.”

“That's because Trixie is a detective, not a musician.”

“Speaking of which, how are you still employed by the police here?”

“Trixie is the only unicorn in earth pony police here in Manehattan. They ask for my help on unicorn crimes. Otherwise, Trixie is allowed to investigate whatever she wants to...like the Rianbooms.”

“Oh...so you're called in for crimes using magic? Makes sense...according to my research...Manehattan only has like a ten percent unicorn population...”

“Indeed...though Trixie has a good feeling going right now...”

“Why's that?” asked Sunset, surprised at Trixie's sudden optimism. “You're not the most positive pony I know...You think the Rainbooms are about to return? It sure doesn't seem like it...”

“Trixie doesn't know...Trixie just knows that something good is about to happen...” said Trixie as she scratched her chin with her hoof. “Trixie...just feels like she's about to get some news about the Rainbooms...she just doesn't know when...”

Sunset strummed her guitar again. “Huh. Well, let's hope it happens soon.”

A few nights later...

“Um...can everypony hear me?” asked Fluttershy meekly over her headset.

“Loud and clear Fluttershy.” said Twilight as her and Rarity rode the escape carriage being pulled by Pinkie and Applejack. “Don't worry, you'll do just fine.”

“Indeed darling. You'll be fine Fluttershy.” said Rarity.

“Um...thanks. Rainbow and Scootaloo...can you um...”

“We hear ya!” said Rainbow as her and Scootaloo as the flew through the clouds. “We're almost there!”

“Indeed, we have just arrived darling.” said Rarity as she looked at the bank up ahead. Pinkie then took off her reins and began to sneak around the side of the building.

“Um...okay. Get ready everypony. Make sure your disguise rings are working.”

“Ready!” said the other six ponies after checking their rings.

“Eep! Um...Rainbow, Pinkie...you're up.”

“Aw yeah!”

“Ookey Dokey!”

Rainbow then slowly descended on the two guards sitting on the roof. The two guards just sat there, both about to fall asleep.

“Yawn!” said one guard.

“Stop yawning...it'll make me sleepy.” said the other guard.

“Sorry...I'm just bored. I can't believe Smoking Brick wants us to do this snore job...”

“Hey, we get good pay. Stop complaining.”


“I know we get good pay. It's just...its so boring...”

“Yeah, I'd be bored too.” said Rainbow with a mischievous grin.

“Yeah! That mare knows what...huh?”

“It's no longer boring now is it?”



“Roof guards are now taking a nap.” said Rainbow with a huge grin.


“Back guards are down!” said Pinkie.

“Good work girls.” said Fluttershy. “Scootaloo...um, you're up.”

Scootaloo flew straight down and then closed her wings as she landed. “I'm on it!”

“Go get them little sis!” said Rainbow as she patted her on the back.

“Leave it to me, sis!”

Scootaloo then crawled into the roof vent. Fluttershy began to tell which directions to go and before she knew it she was above the central room of the second floor. Scootaloo then proceeded to put on her gas mask and said quietly, “I'm ready.”

“Understood.” said Fluttershy and changed to talking to Twilight. “Scootaloo's ready Twilight.”

“Okay. Applejack, Rarity...we have only a few seconds to pull this off.” said Twilight as the three put on their gas masks. “The gas will probably not reach the first floor so we have to be quick.”

“Understood!” said the two.

“Give the signal Fluttershy.”

“Um...okay.” said Fluttershy as she then took a deep breath. “Begin!”

Scootaloo then dropped the sleeping gas orb through the vents. The gas immediately spread through the room. The gas spread like crazy, knocking out guard after guard. The remaining guards began to stumble, trying to reach the roof. Unfortunately for them, Rainbow was waiting.

“Hi guys!” said Rainbow as the guards got up to the roof. “I got a platter of hoof punches for ya!”


Twilight and Applejack charged through the main entrance. The guards quickly saw them and began to charge.

“Intruders! Get them!”


Applejack knocked a guard flying. Another guard then jumped on top of Applejack and began hitting her.


Then the guard stopped as he saw her face. Applejack was angry.



“AAAAaaaaahhhhh!” said the guard now flying through the room.


Twilight's horn quickly shot multiple beams as guards kept falling after every hit. Before they knew it, all the guards were down. “Well done Applejack.”

“Yeah...you're magic is really something Twi...”

“Indeed darling.”

Twilight then ran to the vault and began to examine it. “Okay...this won't take too long...tell Scootaloo to get out of the vents Fluttershy.”


Twilight then began to work her magic. She quickly began to hack the bank's computers, trying to find the codes to open the vault. Rarity watched Twilight as her eyes raced while working at the computer. 'Oh my...' thought Rarity, 'I've never seen Twilight so determined...what did Princess Celestia do to her?'

The vault soon opened and the three ponies walked in.

“Whoa...that's a lot a bits pardner...” said Applejack as her jaw slightly dropped.

“No kidding.” said Twilight in a calm tone. “Alright, let's get this money out of here. Fluttershy, tell Rainbow and Scootaloo to get out of here.”


The ponies quickly used their magic and levitated the money into their carriage. Then Pinkie spoke up, “Um...we got a problem...”

“What is it?” asked Fluttershy.

“There is a bunch of big burly ponies coming towards the bank...”

“Uh-oh...um...” said Fluttershy as she started to panic and then switched to Twilight. “Twilight! There's a gang coming for the bank!”

“What?! Blast it! Okay, get ready for a fight you two!”

“Wait what?!” said Applejack in confusion. “Are we in trouble?”

“Yeah, a bunch of goons are coming to the bank. Get ready.”

The goons slowly approached the bank as Rarity stuffed the last of the money into the carriage. “It's ready Pinkie, get ready to run as soon as possible. Got it?”


The goons then reached the bank and their leader immediately yelled. “What's going on here?!”

Twilight and Applejack then approached the gang. “Nothing much, just a good old fashion beating.” said Applejack with a grin.

“Oh yeah?! Smoking Brick will tear you apart for this!” yelled the leader as he pointed his hoof at the two. “Charge!”

As the goons began to charge, Twilight's horn began to shine a brilliant glow. Applejack put herself in a battle stance, ready to fight. Then Twilight blasted a huge beam at the goons.


“Aaaahhh!” “Augh!” “Ugh!” “Holy-” “What was that?!” yelled the goons.

Applejack grinned and jumped at the goons, quickly punching and kicking them all.


“Seems my magic is even stronger than I thought...” said Twilight as she adjusted her magic within her horn. “Look's like I'll have to beat the stragglers.”

Twilight quickly shot beams in a spread. The beams quickly hit the goons trying to run away.


Twilight then turned to Applejack only to see a mare with a huge smile standing there. “Having fun Applejack?”

“Yeah...I did miss this part of the job.” she said as she punched the last goon standing.


“Good. Let's get out of here.”

The two mares got to the escape carriage and then went back to the hideout. There they laid out the money and began cheering and partying.

“Well done girls.” said Twilight. “How's it feel to be a Rainboom again?”

“Amazing! I love it!” said Rainbow as she laid down in the money.

“Yeah...its awesome...” said Scootaloo as she laid by Rainbow.

“Yeah...that was a lot of fun Twi...” said Applejack with a small grin. “Gotta admit...your magic is something else now Twi.”

“Yeah...I think I still possess some of the Harmony magic in me...don't worry...I'll be fine.” said Twilight as she began to drink some coffee. “Anyways...”

Twilight's horn then shined and the other ponies quickly stood up. “Well done girls!” she said as she raised her hoof. The others followed with their hooves.

“We are the Rainbooms!”

The next day...

“Trixie!” yelled Sunset as she slammed Trixie's front door open.

“Let Trixie guess...the Rainbooms are back?” said Trixie in a calm tone.



“Trixie...could we try the plan I suggested to you when I first began helping you?”

“Trixie doesn't see why not. After all...if it can catch the Rainbooms, Trixie will gladly use your plan.”

'They're finally back.' thought Trixie. 'Trixie will win this time...'

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

“What do you mean I just lost forty million bits?!” yelled Smoking Brick as his cigar flew out of his mouth. “Are you kidding me?!”

“Um...no sir...” said one goon meekly. “It...was the Rainbooms sir...”

“RAINBOOMS?! I thought they were gone?!”

“Yes...and the police arrested some of the ponies we have as well.”

“What? Why?!”

“They were approaching the bank as a gang and...”

“Let me guess...the police found evidence on them?” said Smoking Brick as he put another cigar in his mouth. “Ugh...I'm surrounded by morons...”

“That's why you need some smarter ponies to be around.” said a pony as two ponies entered the room.

“Who said that?” yelled Smoking Brick. “Who are you two?!”

“Why we are just two ponies who think we can help you. Allow us to introduce ourselves.” said one pony.

“I'm Flim.” said one pony.

“And I'm Flam.” said the other.

“And we're the Flim Flam Brothers!” they said in unison. “We, the Flim Flam Brothers are here for all your security needs!”

Author's Note:

This was originally two chapters but...the first chapter was really boring. So, I put the chapters together. This is the first of three heists I'll be doing for now. The next chapters will be the second heist and the third will be a little down the line. I thought up this and the next arc when I was thinking what other mlp characters I could use for small arcs. Despite the fact that I don't care for the Flim Flam brothers, they're easy to write.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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