• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Wheels of Fate begin to turn. (Part 2 of 2)

Trixie flipped through city records at the police department. She then went through file after file, skimming through the pages. “Hmmm.....Ah! This is what Trixie was looking for!” said Trixie as she pulled a file out of a drawer. She opened the file and looked at the papers inside. “Trixie needs to sit down to analyze this...” she said to herself and then Trixie went to an open desk. She then opened the file again and began spreading the papers inside on the desk. There was maps and papers filled with numbers. Trixie began looking over the pages, her eyes scanning everything like a machine. Then Trixie began narrating her thoughts out loud as she habitually does.

“Hmmm... Alright, Trixie has a full map of the north eastern part of Manehatten. The north east is mainly factories and apartment buildings, almost no suburbs. According to the last census over Manehatten, there are approximately over two hundred thousand people living there. But, the census is over five years old. Not only that, Trixie is only assuming they hide in the north eastern part.... Trixie will need copies of these files...”

Trixie took the papers to the police department copier and quickly copied the papers. She then took out an empty vanilla folder and put the papers inside. She then proceeded to leave the department until she heard the police chief's voice.


Trixie turned around, “Yes chief?”

“What are you investigating?”

“Trixie is investigating the Rainbooms of course.”

“Meet me in my office.”

Trixie then walked into his office and sat down. “What does the chief want to know from Trixie?”

“I need you to quit trying to catch the Rainbooms.”

“WHAT?!” yelled Trixie.

“It's only temporary.” said the chief calmly.

“Temporary?! They are criminals committing crimes in this city! They need to be caught!”

The chief stood up and took a deep breath, “Look Trixie, I know you are a private detective but, the situation has changed. The media is currently all over this recent act of theirs. Even though they were just thieving, what the Rainbooms did basically gave some of the biggest crime-lords in the city right into the police's hands.”

Trixie gritted her teeth. Her temper was already about to explode but hearing this almost threw her over the edge. “Trixie can not believe what Trixie is hearing. You want Trixie to stop hunting criminals?!”

“It's temporary! If we caught them right now, public opinion will tear us apart. Their will be riots in the streets! Thanks to the media, the ponies of this city think the Rainbooms are heroes. The mafia had control of criminal rackets of over fifty percent of Manehatten. There was literally thousands of innocent ponies under their hooves and they think the Rainbooms saved them. If the police catch them now, the public will tear us apart. I won't have the city tear itself apart in riots!”

Trixie just sat there. She understood his logic but she had dedicated months into capturing the Rainbooms. She then let out a sigh.

“Ugh fine, Trixie will stop investigating for now, but, Trixie will not give up! Trixie will say it again, the Rainbooms are thieves! I, the great and powerful private detective Trixie will catch them!”

“Look, as long as you stop for right now it will be okay. Just don't tell the media or the other officers out there. A few of them are even seeing the Rainbooms as heroes.”

“Ugh, Trixie can not believe this...” she said as walked out the office and then left the police department. “Tch, yeah right. Trixie will not stop her investigation. Trixie will win this no matter what.”

Meanwhile...in a lone apartment somewhere in Manehatten....

“Ugh...” said Rainbow Dash as she slowly woke up, her eyes slowly opening and closing. “What happened?”

“Oh you're awake!” said a small voice, filled with energy.

Rainbow Dash then fully opened her eyes and saw a small orange pegasus filly.

“What happened? Where am I?”

“Oh, well, you were flying and then hit a wall and then you were all knocked out. No pony seemed to even notice you but I did so I dragged you to my place to help you.”

Rainbow Dash tried to collect all the information she was given as she looked around the apartment. She was laying on a broken mattresses and there was cracks in the walls everywhere. Rainbow fully got up and shook her head back and forth.

“Okay kid. Well, thanks for taking care of me.”

“No problem! You're a fast flier by the way!” said the excited filly.

“Oh yeah? Well I am one the greatest fliers in Equestria you know.” bragged Rainbow.

“Really?” asked the filly with her eyes looking like they were on fire, filled with excitement.

“So, uh, kid, what's yer name?”

“Oh, right. Um...my name's Scootaloo. What's yours?”

“Me? I'm Rainbow Dash. So Scootaloo, where's your parents?”

“Oh...um...I don't have any.” she said with depressing look on her face.

“Oh...then are you here alone?”

“Yeah, no one comes to this building so I'm currently staying in it.”

“That explains the cracks and mattress. But you're all alone?”


Rainbow sat there for a second, trying to think of how she could repay the little lone filly. She then asked another question.

“Um, don't you have to go to school?”

“No, I got expelled. I got into a lot of fights and the orphanage hates me.”

“Wait, you ran away from your home?”

“Yeah, I have problems with getting along with other fillies. I get into all kinds of fights. Then the orphanage then went to the police to put me as a delinquent and I left before they came after me.”

“Wait, are you from Manehatten or somewhere else?”

“I'm from Ponyville.”

Rainbow's eyes got wider as she heard more and more of the fillies story. She then sat there, thinking. Rainbow almost never tried thinking, she always just flew into whatever situation that happens to her.

“Well, tell ya what Scootaloo. I want to repay you for what you've done for me but first....Um, why did you save me?”

“Well, I'm not heartless! You needed help when you crashed.” she said with serious face.

“....Thanks kiddo. Tell ya what...if you let me, I need to ask somepony first but I want to repay you, alright?”

“So...you're already leaving?”

“I'll be right back kiddo. I promise.”

Scootaloo's face puffed up, “Hey, that's not fair! How do I know you'll just leave and not come back?!”

Rainbow stopped and the spoke up, “Good point...hmm...I know.” Rainbow ruffled her hoof into her hair and then gave an object to Scootaloo.

“What's this?”

“It's an old badge of mine that I got in my hometown of Cloudsdale. It's very important to me. You keep it for now and I'll come back for it later, okay?”

“Oh, um, okay.”

Rainbow then spread her wings and flew out of the building. She flew up into the sky and saw where the building Scootaloo was staying. She committed to memory and then flew back down into the city. She checked her surroundings and then went back to the hideout. There she found Twilight alone, typing on her computer.

“Still here Twilight? Didn't you say we weren't allowed to do another heist for a while?”

Twilight smirked and then turned to Rainbow Dash. “I'm trying to find a buy for the crystal. There were multiple buyers for the Scarlet Pearls but nothing for the crystal.”


“As for heists, the criminal underworld part of Manehatten is currently stuck in a power vacuum. There are small crimes happening all over the city and the police are arresting pony after pony. There are to many police around the city right now. Not only that, multiple big wig criminal ponies have left the city. It will be a while till they come back.”

“Huh, makes sense. Say..um...”

Twilight looked at Rainbow's face and quickly replied, “What is it Rainbow?”

“Well, I was wondering if I could take some of the loot...”

“Now this is unusual. Usually the only money you take is to go pig out. Didn't you do this for the thrills? What happened Rainbow?”

“It's just...well...I crashed in the city and a kid helped me.”

“A filly?”

“Yeah, the poor girl's all alone. She told me she was from Ponyville and she's got no pony to help her.”

“Are you sure she's not lying to you?”

“Yeah, she lives in an abandoned building that looks horrible, like really horrible.”

“What's her name?”


“Where is from?”


Twilight stopped for a second at the response and then started typing on her computer. She then spoke up after a few seconds. “Is she an orange filly?”

“Yeah. Did you look her up?”

“Yeah, I got the school records at the Ponyville Filly School. Let's see...Teacher is Cheerilee...Scootaloo, has multiple marks against her. Got into fights with an earth pony named Diamond Tiara...Diamond Tiara...daughter of Filthy Rich...He's one corrupt business pony...”

“Uh...Twilight..you know that doesn't matter right?”

“Right, I apologize. Alright, it seems Diamond Tiara had her father pay the school to fully expel Scootaloo and paid the local orphanage to kick her out as well...That must be one evil filly...”

“Man....she's even worse off than I thought. Poor Scootaloo...”

“No kidding, after reading this, I feel bad for her as well...It sounds what would happen if you messed with one the criminals we steal from!” said Twilight. “Not only that, with the record that's been forced on her, I doubt she could be accepted into any school around here....”

“Yeah...Alright, I've decided. I wanna help her.”

“Rainbow, how do you want to help her?”

“Well, uh...I'm not sure.....” said Rainbow with a confused look on her face. She then sat there for a second and then lightbulb turned on over head. “I know! I help her get revenge!”



“That won't help her. Think about the big picture, you know, the filly's future. Revenge won't solve anything.”

“Oh yeah....That's probably true. Hmm....if that's the case...um....oh! I know! I'll adopt the kid then!”

Twilight's eyes widened, “......WHAT?!”

“Yeah! I'll help her by doing that!”

“Um, Rainbow, reality check! You are a thief! If you try to adopt her, you'll have to do a bunch a legal things that I am not going to explain to you right now. I try to keep your identity from the authorities, remember?!”

“Then we won't do the legal stuff, she could just join us.!”

“We don't need a filly on our team Rainbow.”

“I didn't mean she would help us on heists, I mean I would take care of her.”

Twilight then stopped and then spoke up again, “Look Rainbow, even if we don't do the legal garbage, did you think I would just allow this Rainbow?”

“Come on Twilight, think about it! The kid's got no family, and her record has been beaten up by corrupt ponies. Legal ponies won't believe in her and you said she probably won't be able to go to school due to what they did to her!”

“Though that may be true, I..”

“No! I can make my own decisions Twilight. I want to do this!”

Twilight sighed. She then put her hooves to her eyes, rubbing her eyes. “Fine...You are right about that the authorities and even the orphanages here probably won't accept her, but...”

“See?! I'm right! Let me do this!”

“Fine...but where will she stay?”

“We have plenty of room here. It's not like she'll tell anypony, I can tell she's a loyal pony.”

“I won't deny the room but if she is to stay here, everypony staying here must agree to it.”

“Fine, I'll make all the Rainbooms agree to it!”

At that moment, Applejack and Pinkie Pie came back with some groceries.

“We're home!” yelled Pinkie Pie.

“Home sweet hideout...” said Applejack casually as she started putting down the groceries in the kitchen. Twilight then got up and proceeded to the kitchen.

“Alright girls, I'll take care of putting up the groceries, Rainbow has something to ask of you two.”

“Oh really? Like what?” said Pinkie with a curious look.

Rainbow then began explaining as Twilight slowly put the groceries up. She organized every bit while the other two listened to Rainbow. Then they gave their answers to Rainbow.

“Sure, I don't mind.” said Pinkie.

“Well, if you think we can trust her pardner, go for it.” said Applejack.

Rainbow grinned with a huge smile on her face. Two down, two to go! She thought. Then, as if on cue, Rarity and Fluttershy came in with a bunch of dresses and other small trinkets.

“We have arrived darlings!” said Rarity with glee.

“Um...We're back everypony.” said Fluttershy meekly.

“Welcome back pardners!” said Applejack.

Rarity and Fluttershy then went to their rooms and put up what they had bought. They both walked back in with an expectant looking Rainbow Dash waiting for them.

“Um, do you need something Rainbow, dear?” asked Rarity.

“Yeah, it's a long story but there's something I need to ask you two after I tell you the whole thing.”


Rainbow once again explained the whole story. Then both of them soon gave their answers.

“I can tell your heart wants to do this, so I don't mind darling.” said Rarity.

“I agree as well.” said Fluttershy.

“Well Twilight?” asked Rainbow with a huge smile on her face.

“Well....since it came to this. I'll accept as well Rainbow. Go ahead and get her.” said Twilight with a reluctant face.

“AWESOME!” said Rainbow and then bolted out of the hideout.

Author's Note:

When I started to watch My Little Pony and got into the fandom, I was so surprised that the fandom loves torturing Derpy Hooves and especially Scootaloo. Scootaloo is the filly punching bag in the fandom for some weird reason. So when I first started writing this story, I was only going to use the cmc in flashbacks but realized I could write Scootaloo anyway I wanted too. It would make more sense if Sweetie Belle and Applebloom just appear in the flashbacks/intermissions since they are family members to Rarity and Applejack. I then got the idea of Scootaloo has this horrible past and Rainbow comes along and things get better for her. Scootaloo will play a bigger part in the story yet.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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