• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Contest (Part 3 of 3)

It took everything inside Rainbow Dash to not explode in joy as she was presented the winning crown of the Best Young Flyer. She wanted to yell, 'OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!' and start jumping around, cheering. However, Rainbow merely gave her a smile and nodded her head. “Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get going.”

“What?!” yelped Spitfire. “What do you mean you have to get going?! You just got a reward from the princess! Show some respect!”

Rainbow put her hoof up and said, “I didn't mean any disrespect. I'm just saying I got what I came for and now I have to get going.”

“But-” Celestia then put her hoof in front of Spitfire. Seeing this, Spitfire grew silent as Celestia stood over Rainbow and said, “Be silent Captain Spitfire. It is her choice to accept the reward and leave. Now, may I ask you a question Miss Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow gritted her teeth as she heard those words come out of Celestia's mouth. Rainbow tried to hide the huff that came out of her mouth. “Sure.”

“Why did you enter this competition?”

“Why do you wanna know that?”

“Well...everypony that I have ever given this reward to have always been joyful for earning this honor. They usually use this award to help them get into the Wonderbolts. Instead, you merely said you came to win and leave. Why?”

Rainbow's head lowered a little. “Well...I'm just here to get my name out...that's all.”

“Get your name out?” Celestia said with a confused face. “As in make Equestria notice you?”

“Yeah...its an important part of my goal. That's all.”

“Really? That's surprising since you accomplished multiple Sonic Rainbooms. Even I must say that such an ability is...rare. Beyond rare even. Are you really sure you just came to win so you could get your name out?”


Celestia looked Rainbow over, watching every expression that Rainbow showed. She let out a sigh and said, “Very well. If this is how you want to accept this, then you may go ahead and leave.”

“Thank you.” Rainbow said as she adjusted the crown she was given. As Rainbow turned around and began to walk away, Celestia stared and thought, 'This mare...according to what Trixie told me, one of the Rainbooms has rainbow colored hair...could this be her? If she is, why would she show herself out in public like this? Is it because of the pardon? I mean, I know I am no longer allowed to go after them but...its obvious she doesn't like me. That could be a sign that she's a Rainboom...if she's an element, there's only one element I can think of that would always have a reason to not like me...'

Celestia then glanced at Spitfire as she could see the fire of anger in her eyes. Celestia put her hoof on Spitfire's shoulder, “Captain Spitfire, what are you thinking?”

“Huh?” Spitfire quickly glanced at Celestia in a panic and gave a salute. “Oh...um...sorry about that your Highness!”

“It's fine captain. Just tell me what you're thinking.”

“I...I just hate how that pony treated you. I mean, you're the princess! How dare a pegasus pony treat you like that!”

“It was her choice Spitfire. Tell me, are you planning on recruiting her?”

“Huh? Recruiting her?!” yelped Spitfire. “Why are you asking that?!”

“Because she performed a Sonic Rainboom. Multiple ones in fact. I must say, I have never seen that before in a pegasus pony...and I have been around for a very long time captain.”

“Well, when you put it that way...” Spitfire said as she rubbed her goggles. “I just...”

“You believe if you recruit her, you could discipline her, don't you?”

Spitfire readjusted her goggles and said. “Yes. Even I know that I can't let such a talented pegasus get away.”

Celestia let out a sigh, “I'm sorry to say Spitfire, but you won't be able to recruit her. In fact...I'm pretty sure its impossible.”

“Why do you say that?”

“That pony...let's just say her loyalty probably lies elsewhere...”

Celestia turned around and flew to her guard in Cloudsdale, leaving Spitfire to sit there, questioning what she just said. Spitfire looked at Rainbow as she spread her wings, ready to fly off of Cloudsdale. Spitfire quickly sprinted and yelled, “Rainbow Dash! Wait!”

“Hmm?” Rainbow turned her head, putting her wings down as Spitfire ran put to her. “What do you want?”

Spitfire came to a stop and asked, “Hold on a second, I need to ask you something!”

“I'm holding. What do you want?”

“Well...I would like to ask you if you would like to join the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow's expression changed to surprise. “Just like that? You want me to join the Wonderbolts?”

“Yes.” Spitfire nodded. “I would be stupid if I didn't ask a pegasus that can do a Sonic Rainboom to not join the Wonderbolts! Especially a pegasus that can do multiple Sonic Rainbooms.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Sorry. No can do.”

“What do you mean?”

“I'm not joining the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow said in a deadpan tone.

“Wha...WHAT?!” yelped Spitfire. “Did you just say no?! Why?!”

“Because I don't want to be a Wonderbolt.”

“WHY?! Its usually considered an honor to be asked directly to join the Wonderbolts! Aren't you a pegasus?! Don't you know what the Wonderbolts are?!”

“Yeah...they're considered to be the most talented fliers in all of Equestira.”

“YEAH!” yelled Spitfire, “Why would you reject such an offer?!”

“Because...I'm not allowed to be a Wonderbolt.”

“Not allowed?! What do you mean?”

Rainbow let out a small sigh. “Let's just say...a few years ago, a letter was sent directly to the Wonderbolts. That letter requested that I never be allowed to join the Wonderbolts.”

“A letter?” Spitfire said as she scratched her head. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. That really happened.”

“Why?” Spitfire asked as she thought, 'Somepony with authorization sent a request so she couldn't join us?! With her abilities?! Why?! What kind of idiot did that?!'

“I don't have a reason to tell you that...” Rainbow said as her head lowered a little, “Besides...even if you got rid of that letter or request or whatever, I still wouldn't join.”

“Why not? You have abilities no regular pegasus pony has. Why wouldn't you join us?”

“Because that's part of my goal.”

“Part of your goal? You mean not joining us is part of your goal?”


The Past...

Twilight walked into Rainbow's room in a casual fashion. There, she saw Rainbow just sitting on her bed, her eyes closed showing that she was trying to think as hard as she could. Twilight let out a little giggle and said, “Um, Rainbow? Are you okay?”

“Huh? Oh...um...”

“Still thinking about your goal, right? After all, you lost your life's dream, didn't you?”

“Yeah...I did. I can't join the Wonderbolts...” Rainbow said as her head slumped down. “And now you won't let me do any heists...”

Twilight put her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder and showed a small smile. “I'm not here to depress you Rainbow. Instead, I'm here to help you.”

“Help me?”

“Yes.” Twilight nodded. “I want to help you Rainbow. I formed this team with the purpose of helping us find a new path in life. I'll show you a new way of seeing life.”

“So...how are you going to do that? You said I wasn't allowed to do any more heists...”

Twilight sat down with a smile. “Well...let me ask you something. I recently asked Fluttershy and she told me that when you were a filly, you performed a Sonic Rainboom, right?”

“Yeah...I did. I've been trying to do it again all my life.”

“I had a feeling you were...I watched your training session today.”

“You did?” Rainbow lifted herself off her bed.

“Yes. You thought ahead and made sure you trained outside of Baltimare. Its a good thing there are some mountains nearby so nopony would notice.” Twilight nodded with a smile. “Now, I have a proposal for you Rainbow Dash. Will you let me help you perform the Sonic Rainboom again?”

Rainbow showed a full face of surprise. “You can do that?!”

“Oh yes. I can teach you how to do the Sonic Rainboom again.”

“But you're a unicorn...how can you teach me when you don't have wings?”

Twilight showed a big grin. “Oh Rainbow...you should know by now that there's a reason why I'm the brains of this operation.”

Rainbow just showed a face of confusion. “I still don't get it. How can you teach me to do a Sonic Rainboom? You do know what it is, don't you?”

“I do. Its a feat that no normal pegasus pony can do, right?” Twilight gave a sly smile. “But you're Rainbow Dash, aren't you?”

Rainbow gave a big goofy grin. “You bet I am!”

“I know. Now, would you like me to help you?” Twilight asked as she extended her hoof. Rainbow paused for a second and then shook it.

“Yeah. I'll take any help I can get.”

“Good.” Twilight began to levitate a few papers in front of her. “Now, if you don't mind me asking Rainbow, could you have Fluttershy do a full medical examination of you?”

“Full examination? Why?”

“I need to know everything about your physical body. If you're wondering why, I need to know your current physical limitations and how fit you are right now.”

“Tch. I'm fit as fit can be Twilight! I don't need an exam!”

“Sorry, but you do.” Twilight said in a gruff tone. “From now on, I'm going to be your trainer. Trust me, you need one.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I can't believe you just said that. I want to learn the Sonic Rainboom, not get a trainer. I've never needed training in all my life! And the only training I got was from a school that kicked me out for protecting others! That shows you what a fat load of nothing training will do for you!”

Twilight let out a sigh. “Let me tell you a story Rainbow...a long time ago, I worked for a pony named Copper Block. While I worked for him, he assigned a trainer to me. My trainer kept me fit, made sure I had an appropriate diet, and even got me the books I needed to learn combat magic. I would have be done for if it hadn't been for my trainer.”

“I'm not reading anything Twilight. I'm not an egghead like you.” Rainbow said, showing she only listened to half of what Twilight said.

“You don't have to read anything for this.” Twilight said in a deadpan tone.

“Really? Are you sure?” Rainbow said with an arched eyebrow.

“Yes. I am.” Twilight glared at Rainbow for a second. “Now, could you please do the med exam? Please? I promise that's all you need to do for now. In fact, I promise I'll let you do heists again if you do it!”


“Yes.” Twilight nodded.

A little over an hour later...

“Are you done yet Twilight?!” groaned Rainbow. Rainbow had done the exam over half an hour ago. However, Twilight decided to read a few more books after seeing the results. A few minutes later, Twilight responded. “Alright, I'm done.”


Twilight levitated several papers in front of Rainbow. “Now Rainbow, you are probably wondering why I had Fluttershy give you a full examination.”

“No...I just wanna start the training already.”

“Well...I'm going to tell you anyways. I needed to know your full body, weight, leg length, wing size, everything. Then, I researched basic pegasus aerodynamics and other flight theories. I had researched them some in the past but I needed a refresher course.” Twilight shuffled the papers and showed a serious look. “Now, according to what I've seen here and when I observed your training session earlier today...it will take at least two to three years before you accomplish a Sonic Rainboom.”

“Two to three years?! Are you kidding me?!” exclaimed Rainbow.

“Yes. I watched how you train with the clouds outside, remember? Now, based on your current physical condition and the routine you're doing...it will take that long.”


“However, if you let me train you Rainbow...according to my calculations, I could get you performing a Sonic Rainboom in...six months.”

Rainbow's eyes grew as her jaw dropped to the floor. “SIX MONTHS?!”

Twilight gave a sly grin. “Yes. I could get you there in six months Rainbow. Now, even though I'm gonna let you do heists again...you will need to do the training everyday. I'll let you not do it on the day of the heists since you'll need to be in full condition.”

“I know that. I train everyday Twilight!”

“I know you do Rainbow. But I'm not here to just train you, I'm here to help you find a new goal as well.”

“A new goal? Isn't it me doing a Sonic Rainboom?!”

Twilight gave her usual smile. “Not exactly, though the Sonic Rainboom is the first step. However, I have a better idea for your new goal in life.”

The Present...

“What possible goal would you want to accomplish by not joining the Wonderbolts?! We're the most talented flyers in Equestria!” spewed Spitfire.

Rainbow merely glared at Spitfire and said. “I'm going to become the greatest flier in all of Equestria and I'm going to do it without being a Wonderbolt.”

“Without being a...are you serious?!”

“Yes. I am. I'll show Equestira that the its greatest flier doesn't have to be chosen by a bunch of stuck up pegasus ponies. It can just be any regular pegasus pony.” Rainbow turned and began to walk away. “I don't need the Wonderbolts to be the best. All I need is my friends and my own skills, that's more than enough.”

Spitfire just froze for a few seconds. She wanted to yell and insult Rainbow for saying such things. She wanted to tell her that she was wrong about the Wonderbolts. But she couldn't. All she could do is run up to Rainbow and say, “Wait Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow turned her head. “What?”

“Here.” Spitfire pulled out a small piece of paper and gave it to Rainbow. “If you're serious, you'll need this.”

Rainbow grabbed the piece of paper and looked it over. Her eyes widened as she saw what it was. “This is...”

“Yes. Its a one way pass to the next Equestria Games.”

“Why give this to me?”

“Simple. I want to make a deal with you.”

“A deal?”

“Yes. The pass you have here is the wild card in the single pegasus race in the Equestria Games. I'm participating in it too. I'll give it to you on one condition.”

“One condition?”

“Yeah. If I beat you in that race, you'll join the Wonderbolts. No questions asked.”

Rainbow looked at the pass for a second and thought, 'A one way pass to the Equestria Games...wow. Almost all of Equestria will be watching there...' Rainbow turned her head and saw Fluttershy and Scootaloo hiding behind a cloud, showing they were will waiting for Rainbow. Rainbow looked back at Spitfire who had just stood there, glaring at Rainbow. “Sorry. I can't accept your deal.”

Spitfire's face went from serious to surprise to anger. “Wait...WHAT?! What do you mean you can't accept the deal?!”

“Because I promised my friends that I would accomplish my goal no matter what.” Rainbow said in a blunt tone. 'That's what you taught me Twilight...I have to be firm and accomplish my dream my way. If other ponies want to interfere, then you have to choose whether you fight those ponies or not. I'll never join the Wonderbolts, no matter what.'

“So you won't accept it, huh? Celestia was right about you...you're loyal to somepony and you just won't quit will you?!”

“Loyal?! What do you mean by that?!”

Spitfire scoffed. “What I'm saying is its unnatural for any pegasus to be against the Wonderbolts! We're the greatest fliers in all of Equestria! Whoever your teacher is must have warped your thinking!”

Rainbow's hoof shook for a second as she wanted to slap Spitfire's face. Instead, she calmly said, “All of this is my choice. I promised my friends I would become the greatest flier ever, no matter what! I'll always be there for them, that's final!”

“Grr...fine!” yelled Spitfire as spit flew out of her mouth. “If you're really that confident, then keep the pass!”


“Yeah! But I'll warn you Rainbow Dash...I'm the greatest flier in all of Equestria!” Spitfire's head leaned right up to Rainbow's, her eyes filled with fire. “I'll kick your sorry slow flank and show you just how pathetic you really are.” Spitfire cricked her neck, spit flying out of her mouth, “And when I'm done with you...I'll make you regret even thinking you could stand up to me and the Wonderbolts!”

Rainbow just gave a cocky grin. “Alright. And I'll make sure I prove you wrong and kick your sorry flank for my friends!”

The two turned around and walked their separate ways. As Rainbow walked away, she looked at the pass and her cocky grin got bigger and bigger. 'Heh heh heh...looks like you were right Twilight...' she thought as she kept staring at the pass. 'One way ticket to the games...nice.'

The Past...

“You want me to do what?!” Rainbow said with a shocked face.

“I want you to be completely calm when you win.” Twilight said as she stretched in her chair.


“I know Rainbow Dash. Out of all of us here, you love to brag the most. You're brash, arrogant and love attention.” Twilight said as she levitated a cup of tea in front of her. “But if you want a one way ticket to the Equestira Games, where everypony will be, you need to be calm. I've done some research on Spitfire, she has a ticket for the wild card. All you have to do is show her you're better than her and you don't acknowledge her.”

“But...why this competition?! If you say that I have to do this in order to tick off Spitfire, I could do that anywhere. The Wonderbolts sponsor all sorts of contests!”

“Because Celestia will be there.”

“Wait...” Rainbow said as she started to sit down. “You want me to tick off both by acting not interested in either of them?!”

“Yes. If it was a regular competition, she might just think you're some talented scrub. But if you do it in front of Celestia, you'll get the ticket.”

“I don't know...I already don't like Celestia because of what she did to you...”

“Look...” Twilight put her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. “You can be more arrogant and brash than anypony if you make it look like you don't acknowledge them at all. Just stay calm and accept the reward. After that, immediately leave. If my research is correct, I guarantee that Spitfire will go after you.”


The Present...

'She was right...' Rainbow thought as she got closer to her sister and friend. 'Heh...I still can't believe it...Thanks Twilight. I'm so glad I have you as a friend.'

As Rainbow began to fly to Scootaloo and Fluttershy, a small light appeared before her. At that moment, a small key appeared and Rainbow grabbed it with her hoof. Scootaloo and Fluttershy soon joined her and said, “What was that sis?”

“I don't know...it just kinda appeared...it looks like Pinkie's key but has a few different markings...”

“What did you say to Spitfire, Rainbow?”

“I just told I wouldn't join the Wonderbolts no matter what. That and I told her I would stay loyal to my friends...”

“Huh...” Fluttershy said as she looked at the key for a second, “Maybe we should go see if it fits in that keyhole box?”

“I don't know...why don't we go get some rest first? That and Pinkie probably has a party waiting for us!”

“Sounds good to me sis!”

The trio then flew away from Cloudsdale, ready to get back to Ponyville and celebrate the victory Rainbow had just obtained.


“Okay...that took longer than I thought it would...” groaned Diamond as her and Silver walked through the royal Canterlot garden. “Ugh...I can't believe we had to go through like three things of security. I thought you said this was open to the public!”

“It is Diamond.” Silver said with a lesser groan. “They've increased security due to Twilight Sparkle and Sombra. Now, what we're looking for should be up ahead...”

“Yeah...is that it?” Diamond said while pointing her hoof. “That weird looking things that looks like an animal mess?”

“Yep.” The two approached the statue and Silver readjusted her glasses as she pulled out a book out of her saddlebag, “Hmm...according to this history book, he's a being a chaos. Apparently, he tried to conquer Equestria with chaos magic a long time ago.”

“So you think our dark magic could use chaos magic?”

“Well...I'm not sure. This is one of the two dark beings that I could find, I couldn't find any others in my research Diamond.”

“Its fine Silver.” Diamond put her hoof on her chin. “Now, how do we...uh...make him not a statue?”

“Well...” Silver pulled out another book. “I have a few ideas...”

“Whatcha two doing?” said a voice. The two turned their heads and saw a slightly hovering purple earth pony. Its eyes looked like hypnotic swirls and it was wearing an odd propeller hat. Diamond looked the pony over and asked, “Who are you and why do your eyes look like that?!”

“Who me? I'm Screwball!” the pony said with a small smile. “So...who are you two?”

Author's Note:

This story lives!!! IT LIVES!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Yeah, this chapter is a long time coming and...sorry. I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY!!! I lost my muse for the story and before I knew it, it had been months since the last chapter. So...here ya go. This completes 'The Contest'. As for the next chapter, its gonna be a while. Sorry.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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