• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,464 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Change (Part 11 of 15)

Twilight, Sunset and Trixie exited the train. There, their faces only showed one thing, shock. Pure utter shock at the scene before them. The trio looked at what the Crystal Empire had become since Sombra had returned. Twilight began to remember the demonstration Celestia gave them, showing a large crystal castle and tons of happy crystal ponies. Instead, what the three saw was nothing they were expecting. All they saw was dark crystals. Dark Crystals everywhere, and they were tall and wall-like. They were so tall, they hid the castle like a giant fortified city.

“Uh...did Sombra do this in just a few hours?” asked Sunset as her voice trembled a little.

“I hate to say it...but I think he did.” said Twilight with an equally trembling voice. “Did he...did he use the dark crystals and...make them into walls to cover the empire?”

“Trixie thinks he did...just what kind of monster are we dealing with here?”

Twilight sighed. “A monster that absorbed the power of the Element of Darkness...”

Sunset turned to Twilight, only to see the mare droop her head in shame. Sunset then realized she needed to cheer both ponies up. “Alright girls...no time to be intimidated! We got a job to do, remember?”

“Yeah...you're right Sunset...” Trixie then adjusted her hat and cricked her neck. “Trixie is no longer nervous.”

Twilight just gave a slight nod. “Right...okay, I'm ready.”

The trio nodded to each other and began to walk towards the empire. They soon noticed that the dark crystals had covered every part of the empire except a very small opening. As they approached the opening, Twilight spoke up, “Uh...is it just me or...does this part of the wall look like a place where a door would be?”

“Trixie will...ugh...agree with you there.” Trixie said with a disgruntled look. “Trixie doesn’t like this, its obviously a trap!”

The three then arrived at the open doorway. There, they looked at each other and began to debate. “Okay...I will agree its probably a trap...”

“Trixie knows its a trap Sunset!”

“I agree with Trixie, I don't like this.”

“See! Even the rotten criminal agrees with Trixie!”

“I know Trixie...but, do you two see any other way of getting in there?” The two then looked at each other and then back to Sunset, shaking their heads. “Alright then, we're going through here and that's final.”

The trio turned back at the open doorway and slowly walked inside. There, they saw an even more unexpected sight. There were no crystal ponies anywhere. In fact, there were no signs of life at all. The three started looking around only to find every house in the empire was empty. “Okay...this is weird...” said Twilight with a slightly panicked look.

“Trixie agrees...Trixie can't believe she keeps agreeing with you...”

“Stop complaining Trixie...” Sunset then signaled the two to come to the middle of the street they were currently on. “Okay...obviously, something is very wrong here.”

“Yeah...if this is an empire, where are all the crystal ponies? Heck, where's Sombra?!”

“Trixie's only guess is that Sombra has them all at the castle.” Trixie said while pointing her hoof at the castle behind Twilight and Sunset. The two turned and looked at the castle as well. It was filled with dark crystals everywhere. However, there were giant open doors at the front of the castle. The trio looked at each other and agreed to enter together. The three walked down several hallways, still not seeing a single soul. Then, they finally found the throne room. There, they saw him. King Sombra.

He was sitting on his throne with a huge malicious grin on his face. He gestured for the three to walk into the room. As the three slowly entered, he waved his arms outwards and said, “Greetings! Welcome to the Crystal Empire!”

The three just stared at each other and then turned to Sombra. Then, Twilight spoke up, “Um...if you don't me saying, but where is everypony?”

“Everypony? What do you mean?”

“Like...you know...everypony. Like all of the crystal ponies that live here.”

“Oh. Those insignificant pieces of filth. They are currently working away in the mines as my slaves.”

“All of them?!” yelped all three in unison.

“Oh yes.” Sombra nodded. “Even the fillies and colts.”

“Whoa...you really are evil.” Sunset said quietly.

“No kidding...” replied Twilight in an equally quiet tone. She then glared at Sombra. “Alright, if that's the case...why are you forcing those innocent ponies to do that?!”

“Innocent? Why does that matter?! Those ponies are mine and I get to do whatever I want with them.”

Twilight looked at Trixie and Sunset and saw the now angry looks they were giving Sombra. She turned back to Sombra and said, “And what gives you the right to do that?!”

Sombra's smile grew even wider. “Because I am their King.” Sombra then got up slightly and pushed his cape back. “I am the King of the Crystal Empire. Because of this fact, I own everything in the empire. I own every house, every pony, every crystal, everything.”

“And Trixie thought she had ego problems...”

“So you think that gives you the right to just do that?!” asked Twilight, her face showing more and more anger. Sunset glanced at Twilight, thinking, 'Uh oh...this isn't good. Don't lose control of your anger Twilight...'

“Of course. It is my very right. After all, I am their king. Their possessions, their homes, their dreams, their thoughts, their very existence belongs to me. All that exists in the empire is mine. That...that is my power! That is the King of the Crystal Empire!”

“Trixie's heard enough. Trixie says we beat this guy and go home.”

“Same here.” said Twilight with a huge scowl. “Let's get this over with already.”

“My my...how impatient. Is this really all Celestia could muster against me? Three impatient unicorns?” Sombra asked with a huge grin, still sitting on his throne. “Then again...I must say, I'm surprised she would bring such fractured ponies before me anyways.” Though Twilight and Trixie were unfazed by his comment, Sunset stood there, confused. She then asked. “What do you mean?”

Sombra raised one of his eyebrows. “What I mean little mare, is that I can sense darkness inside all three of you.”


“Yes...” Sombra then pointed at Sunset, staring directly into her eyes. “For instance, you...you seem to have quite a bit of greed in you...that and pride. You want something you currently can't obtain...and your not sure if you'll get it...”

Sunset stepped back for a second. “How...”

“It is very easy for me to read ponies, my dear.” Sombra showed another grin. He then pointed to Trixie. “As for you...you also have pride problems, but...I would say the darkness in you is a bit different from these two...some tragedy happened to you perhaps? I suspect you use that as an excuse for violence and revenge.”

Trixie's eyes grew at the comment. Her face transformed to one of both fear and anger. “Why you little-”

Sombra ignored her and then pointed to Twilight. “You...you have to be the most interesting one of the three.”

“Oh really? Do tell.” said Twilight in the driest tone possible.

“Oh yes.” Sombra nodded. “You...you are filled with light, even from here I can sense it. But...I can tell...you constantly look at the dark side of things. Even now you're trying to balance the two.”

Twilight didn't respond to the comment unlike the other two. She just stood there, her horn beginning to shine. Sombra, seeing this, began to power magic into his horn as well. Twilight then asked only question. “Hey Sombra, tell me...if you're really that powerful, why haven't you attacked Celestia or Luna?”

Sombra stared at Twilight's face and then responded. “You look as if you already know the answer.”

Twilight then grinned. “Let me guess...you used up all the magic you got from the element to take your empire back...didn't you? Your seal was that strong, wasn't it?!”

Sombra gritted his teeth as his horn began to shine. “Do not anger me little pony. Now, I have no intention of fighting any of you unless you attack me first.”

“Trixie would like to ask why your horn is glowing then?”

“Self defense. If you don't mind, could I ask you all one last question?”

The three looked at each other and then powered down their horns, only for Sombra to follow and power down his horn as well. Sombra then grinned again and said. “If you don't mind me asking, would any of you like to join me?”

“Join you? You mean become your slave?”

Sombra shook his head. “No...no...Unicorns such as yourselves would be wasted in the mines. I would like you three to join me in creating a new era for Equestria. After all, I just told you three you all have darkness within you, and I can help you control that darkness. It can give you unthinkable power if you let it.”

The three looked at each other again and then nodded. Twilight then spoke up. “Yeah...I think all three of us are going to decline your offer.”

“Oh really? Are not going to even consider it? Especially you, who keeps looking for darkness to be in...”

Twilight shook her head. “No. You see, a long time ago, I was manipulated by a pony who thought nothing of himself. He was just a ball of greed and selfishness. When I finally learned what he really was, I swore to never work for any selfish greedy pony ever again.”

“Tch...That's your reason for rejecting the darkness?” Sombra said, his grin had disappeared. “How pathetic...”

Twilight then glared at Sombra as she saw him get angry at her response. She then replied, “Read my lips Sombra, go to-”

“ENOUGH! I will not be insulted by a lowly peon!” yelled Sombra as he got off his throne. “If you reject my offer and my power...then I will make sure your life will end in pure agony!”

Sunset then walked in front of Trixie and Twilight. “That's fine with us. We came here to stop you and that's what we're going to do!”

“Right!” “Trixie agrees with you Sunset!”

Sombra's horn began to glow again. “Very well...let this farce begin...”

The three all readied themselves, their horns shining. Then, when it seemed like Sombra was about to attack, he instead just showed a huge grin. Sunset, still in front of Twilight and Trixie, suddenly heard a scream. Two screams to be precise.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!” yelled Twilight and Trixie in unison. Sunset turned around only to see a large rectangle shaped hole in the floor. She turned around and looked at Sombra, his face lit up with a huge smile. “What did you just do?!”

“Oh nothing much...my magic just levitated a little lever behind my throne. Let's just say it activated the trapdoor that just dropped your friends.” Sombra then shook his head. “But you shouldn't worry about that right now.” he said as he levitated the lever back up, closing the trapdoor. “I think you should worry more about yourself, little pony.”

It was at that moment, Sunset realized she was alone with Sombra. Sunset's body began to tremble as she saw the stallion begin to charge his horn with magic. She gritted her teeth and began to charge her horn as well. She then thought, 'This isn't good...what do I do now?'

Meanwhile at the entrance to the Crystal Empire, two figures began to approach the small doorway. One was a dragon named Spike, the other, a colt named Rumble. The two looked at each other as they saw the lifeless insides of the empire. Rumble then said, “Whoa...I did not expect to see this...It looks totally empty! Not a pony in sight!”

“Yeah...” replied Spike. “Princess Celestia sure didn't tell us about this...”

A little over twelve hours ago...

Spike and Rumble ran down the castle hallways, making turn after turn till they finally reached Princess Celestia. Spike then stopped and began to speak up, “*huff* *huff* you called for me, *huff* Princess Celestia?”

“Yes.” Celestia then nodded. “I have called you here for a very specific reason Spike, though you did not have to bring your friend Rumble with you.”

“Um...sorry.” Rumble said, his whole body shaking as he looked directly at Celestia.

“It's fine. I have a job for you Spike.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. I need you to go the Crystal Empire as well.”

Spike's eyes lit up as he heard those words. He then said, “Um...I thought Sunset didn't want me to go...”

“She doesn't...but I do. Let me explain, Sombra returning and the return of the Crystal Empire, it was all predicted long ago.”

“I know that.” Spike nodded. “Sunset told me.”

“I know. However, there was a part of the prediction that I didn't tell Sunset. You see, the original prediction would be that a young dragon would save the empire by rescuing the Crystal Heart.”

“Crystal Heart?” exclaimed Spike with a look of confusion.

“Young dragon?!” said Rumble with an equally confused look.

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “The Crystal Heart is part of the Crystal Empire. Truth be told, Sombra has probably hidden the heart somewhere, that's where I need you Spike. I need you to go and retrieve the heart and take it Princess Cadance. She will know what to do from there.”

“But...but...” Spike was still trying to process everything that was happening. “Princess Cadance is still in the hospital and...why am I needed?!”

Celestia then approached Spike and wrapped her wings around him. “Spike...I need you to do this for me. Don't worry, Cadance will soon be out and will soon leave to go to the Crystal Empire. Now, I will warn you, because Twilight obtained the elements early, the prophecies have been messed up. However, I still have faith that you are needed to win this battle.”

Spike wanted to think for a second but before he knew it he said. “Okay. I'll do it.”

Celestia then smiled. “Thank you Spike. Now, I will have the guards hide you in the train to the Crystal Empire. If Sunset finds out you're tagging along on to the Crystal Empire she may worry about your safety and...overreact. It's best to leave her out since she will be confronting Sombra head on. I need you to sneak in and get the Crystal Heart. It will be better off if Sunset didn't know you were there.”

“Yeah...she can be a real worrywart. Don't worry, I'll be fine.” Spike said with a huge grin. Rumble then walked up and nudged Spike. “Hey, I wanna come too.”

“Huh?!” yelped Spike. “Rumble! Did you not hear her? This is gonna be super dangerous!”

Rumble nodded. “I know. But I wanna help. That and I probably need to come because somepony needs to keep an eye on Miss Trixie.”

The Present...

“I still can't believe you came Rumble...” said Spike with a slight groan. “So...are you ready?”

Rumble nodded and showed a huge grin. “Yeah! Let's go in there and save the empire!”

Author's Note:

The situation worsens for Sunset...don't worry Sunset, help is on the way! Another chapter down...a few more to go till this arc is finally done!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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