• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,465 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Golden Gem of the Sun (Part 3 of 3)

“Twi, um, can I ask you something?” asked Applejack.

“What is it?”

“I know we are about to go to Canterlot right now, but, have you considered what will happen after this heist?”

Twilight looked directly at Applejack, not showing any emotions, “Do you mean the fact that we are stealing directly from royalty?”

“Yeah Twi, think about it. Won't Princess Celestia be trying to catch us after this?”

“I understand your concern but if this heist goes smoothly, we won't get caught.” said Twilight sternly.

Applejack then began to tremble, “Don't you understand Twi?! That means the Equestrian military will try to catch us Twi! The military!”

Twilight's face didn't change, “Applejack, if you're against the plan, we'll cancel the heist right now.”

Applejack froze. At that moment, she looked into Twilight's eyes. Twilight knew this was going to happen. “No Twi, don't cancel the heist... I see now...You're already prepared for that too.”

Twilight put her hoof on Applejack's shoulder, “Don't worry Applejack. Everything will be okay.”

“Okay....Thanks Twi.”

The four then went to Canterlot a week before the gem was going to be transported. They stayed at a Canterlot hotel for a few days and got on the train they were waiting for. The four then sat in their cabin, waiting for the time to come.

“Rarity, are the cloaks and rings in the suitcases?” asked Twilight.

“For the tenth time Twilight,” said Rarity as she opened the cases in front of Twilight, “They're in the suitcases, stop worrying.”

“Sorry, I just try to plan for everything, I don't want anything to go wrong.”

“We know Twi, you always worry about everything.” said Applejack with a smirk, “That's why we're able to do things like this.”

“...Thanks Applejack.”

While the three were talking, Scootaloo was looking out the train window. She then started to see the mountain in the distance. She then slowly spoke up, “Uh...Twilight...”

“You see the mountain, don't you?”


Twilight got up and looked at Applejack, “Are you ready?”

Applejack looked at her with a gruff face, “Ready Twi.”

“Let's begin.” Twilight said as both ponies put on the cloaks Rarity had prepared. The two put the disguise rings on and the rings began to change their looks.

“Good luck you two.” said Rarity, “I'll take care of Scootaloo.”

The two nodded at Rarity and Scootaloo and went slowly out of the cabin. After glancing around the saw no one was out in the hallway. The two nodded at each other and proceeded to the door to the next train car. Seeing they were outside between the two cars they then began to climb on top of the car. They would need to go three cars over to get to the gem.

Meanwhile, in the car that carried the gem...

Sunset was sitting there, reading a book. She then glanced up and looked around.

“Sigh...only four guards? Really?” she said to herself, “Celestia must really trust them...When I'm princess, I’ll have a ton of guards...” She then began turning another page in her book. While she was looking at the pages, suddenly the room went dark. “What the...what's going on?” she said quickly.

“We just went under a mountain.” said a guard.


At that moment, two cloaked ponies opened the door of the cabin. One of them quickly ran and slammed one of the guards into the wall, knocking him out instantly.


“What the?!” said Sunset as she sees the other cloaked pony blasts two other guards with magic. Then the final guard falls down after a double back kick to the face from the other cloaked pony.


“Okay! You two asked for it!” yelled Sunset as her horn shined brightly. She then sends a giant beam of magic at Twilight. Twilight instantly retaliates and then blasts magic at her. While the two stood there in a standstill as both magic beams were blasting at each other, Applejack went and grabbed the gem. Then, Twilight blasted her magic beam through Sunset Shimmer's causing her to go flying into the cabin wall.


“No way...nopony.... is better at magic....than.....me...” she said as she slowly lost consciousness.

“Here.” said Applejack as she tossed the gem to Twilight.

“Understood.” said Twilight. She then proceeded to open the cabin window and then levitated the gem out the window. A blur flies by almost immediately, grabbing the gem. Twilight smiled and then said to Applejack, “Package delivered.”

The two nodded to each other and quickly ran out of the cabin. The two quickly climbed on top of the next cabin and quickly proceeded to their cabin. Before going into the cabin, Twilight uses her magic to light their cloaks on fire. They then throw the cloaks off the train and then use their disguise rings to change their looks again. The two then get into their cabin.

“How did it go?” asked Scootaloo with anticipation.

“Mission accomplished.” said Twilight with a smile.

“Aw yeah!”

“Be quiet Scootaloo, we must make sure nopony suspects us. Remember to look like a normal pony family.”

“Right, sorry...”

“Don't worry Scootaloo, we're your family, its just we need to trick ponies right now.” said Applejack.

“Right! I understand Applejack.” said Scootaloo with a smile.

Sunset and guards soon got up. She quickly began yelling at them and then went to the front of the train. There she began complaining to the train crew, asking to search all the cabins. Shortly after all the cabins were searched, the gem was not found. The train then stopped by Baltimare where the four quickly left the train. They then proceeded to the Baltimare hideout where Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were waiting.

“We're back.” said Twilight as the four walked in.

“Aw yeah! We did it!” said Rainbow with excitement.

“Hooray! Go Big Sis!” said Scootaloo as she went up and hugged Rainbow.

“See, it all worked out Applejack.” said Twilight.

“Yeah....it sure did Twi.” said Applejack with a smile.

The seven then stared at the Golden Gem of the Sun, which Rainbow put on the table.

“Oh, its lovely.” said Rarity with a huge smile.

“No kidding, it's really shiny.” said Applejack.

“Indeed.” said Twilight as she put her hoof in the air. The others then put their hooves in the air. “Well done Rainbooms.”

“We are the Rainbooms!”

Author's Note:

Okay, the train heist is done. The next chapter will be a bit different because we will see just what Sunset Shimmer and Celestia will do about the Rainbooms. Get ready for a bumpy ride!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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