• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Ruby of the Dark Eagle (Part 3 of 3)

“Okay, here's the plan.” said Octavia as she pulled out a map. She then looked at the other three in the room. There were Lyra, Bon Bon and Derpy there, all with expectant looks on their faces. “Now, first, all three of you will be attending the wedding. I have asked Coco to make dresses for all of us. Our plan will begin once the after party starts. I have been hired for the party music since the couple wants classical music. I will then be using this for our plan.” she said as pulled out a small device.

“What's that?” asked Derpy.

“As you all know, our other partner, Vinyl Scratch makes her own custom music equipment. After I thought up this plan, I then contacted her for a special order. Vinyl customizes her mixing table and her own stereos after all. So I asked her to make a device that can manipulate speakers. This little thing can overload the sound in any speaker. It even has a timer on it.”

“So, you're going to put this on one of the music speakers and blast it while the party is happening?”

“Yes, since I'm part of the music, it'll be easy to place on one of the speakers during preparation. Now, the plan is all about this device. Now, it will be activated on the third song at the party. When this happens, Lyra and Bon Bon will then knock out the guard ponies that will be there while their eardrums are being blasted by the speakers. Then Derpy will take the ruby at that split second. Then Derpy will need to quickly get out of there.”

The other three looked at each other and then Derpy spoke up, “Uh, ain't that a bit risky?”

“No, based on how the party is designed everything should be fine. Don't worry, I've seen the catering thanks to being part of the music. We'll be fine.”

One month before the heist...

The Rainbooms had been in Baltimare for about a month now. Scootaloo, since she was told that her mane had to be dyed, begged Rarity to make it rainbow colored like Rainbow Dash. Rarity refused, so Scootaloo had it dyed the same color blue that Rainbow Dash's skin is. The seven quickly got to Baltimare and started to adapt to staying there for two months.

Then one night...

“Pardner, can I talk to you?” said Applejack as she walked up to Twilight. Twilight was at her computer, typing away.

“What's wrong Applejack?”

“Um....Well...” said Applejack, trying to find her words. At that moment, Scootaloo walked in the hallway and heard the conversation. Hearing this, she began to eavesdrop.

“Twi, how long are we going to do this?”

“What do you mean?”

“Being thieves Twi!” said Applejack with a desperate look on her face.

“I still don't understand the question.”

“Look Twi, we've been doing this for a long while. The money I've sent to my family will help it for several generations. Heck, I could leave now and go back to my love of bucking apples and not worry about money for the rest of my life!”

Twilight just sat there, not responding to Applejack's comment.

“Well, Twi? Don't you get it?”

“Well Applejack, I....I have never thought of an ending to the thieving.”

“I refuse to believe that Twi! You plan ten steps ahead! There's no way you didn't have a plan to ending this!” said Applejack, her eyes beginning to show her anger.

“Look, I never thought of an ending to this Applejack. I'm sorry.”

“Don't you remember why we started this Twi?”

“Oh course I do, we all have our reasons on doing this and being here Applejack. I just...”

“You know what...don't worry about it Twi. We'll talk more about this after the heist, okay?”

“...Okay, thanks Applejack. I'm sorry.”

“Don't worry about it...”

Applejack then began to walk to the hallway Scootaloo was at. Scootaloo immediately ran away, trying to make sure Applejack didn't see her. Scootaloo hid in her room with Rainbow Dash and then asked herself, “End the Rainbooms? Really? I wonder what the reason was to make the Rainbooms?”

Another month passed and then the day of the heist began...

The wedding had begun, Scootaloo, Rarity, and Fluttershy were in dresses at the wedding ceremony. Though they did not know it, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Derpy were also there. Soon the vows happened and the party began. The ponies went to the room where the party was happening. Octavia was there, leading the band in the music. Then, as the party kept going, Rarity began to notice something.

“Twilight, we might have a problem...” she said to her mike as quietly as possible.

“What's wrong?”

“There are three ponies here that are...acting suspiciously.”

“What do you mean?”

“They keep looking around the room, it just worries me. Do you think it could be other thieves?”

“Hmmm...maybe. Is Scootaloo close to the ruby?”

“Yes, Fluttershy is close by her.”

“Alright, we'll go ahead and go with the plan.” says Twilight as she switched the mike to Rainbow. “Rainbow are you ready?”


“Okay, I'm going to switch on Scootaloo's and Fluttershy as well.”

“Go ahead. I'm ready.”

Twilight switched the mikes and then spoke up to Scootaloo and Fluttershy. “Okay you two, get ready.”

“I'm ready.” said Scootaloo with a smile.

“Do it Rainbow!”

At that very moment, Rainbow hit the clouds causing a huge amount of thunder to happen.


Immediately the other ponies began to panic at the party, yelling and screaming. Then Rarity threw the flash orb into the air, causing a immediate flash of light. At that moment, Scootaloo grabbed the ruby and hid the ruby in the secret pocket in her dress. Fluttershy put her wing over Scootaloo and began to escort her out of the room.

“Okay Scootaloo, act like you're crying from the loud noise and lights.” said Fluttershy quietly.


Scootaloo then began crying fake tears as Fluttershy began to walk out with her. The guards in front of the door then saw them coming.


“It's okay, it's okay...” said Fluttershy, “Um...mister guard, can me and daughter leave for a little bit?”

The guard looked at Fluttershy and couldn't help but let her out, Flutterhsy was showing her best desperate face with her wing over Scootaloo. The two quickly went outside the building to Applejack, who was waiting with the carriage.

“Ya got it?”

“Got it.” said Scootaloo with a smile.

“Let's go pardners!” said Applejack as they then left the scene. Twilight signaled Pinkie to pull her carriage to front of the building to pick up Rarity. Rainbow had already flew away as soon as she started the thunder. In the confusion, Octavia quickly deactivated the device she had put on the speaker. She had made sure she was close to the speaker just in case. Soon, everypony found out the ruby was missing. Thus, the police arrived and searched everypony. Rarity had nothing on her so they didn't suspect her and she soon left. The Feather Blades soon left the wedding as well.

Then, at the Feather Blades hideout...

“AUGH! I can't believe it!” yelled Octavia.

“Calm down Octavia.” said Derpy.

“Shut up! I can't be calm! The Rainbooms beat us again! Do you know how angry that makes me?!”

“Trust me, we know.” said Bon Bon sarcastically.

“This isn't over...” said Octavia with an angry fire in her eyes.

Meanwhile in the Rainbooms' hideout...

“Aw yeah! That's my little sis!” said Rainbow with a smile.

“Aw yeah!” said Scootaloo in response. The two then began celebrating, Pinkie soon joining in with them.

Twilight then approached Scootaloo and then spoke up, “Well done Scootaloo. You did your job perfectly.”

“Thank you Twilight.” said Scootaloo with a huge grin.

“Now everypony,” said Twilight as she put her hoof in the air, “To Scootaloo's first successful heist!”

“To Scootaloo!” said the others as they put their hooves in the air.

“And also to the Rainbooms!” said Scootaloo with enthusiasm.

The others immediately smiled and then said in unison with Scootaloo, “We are the Rainbooms!”

Author's Note:

If anyone is wondering, the conversation between Twilight and Applejack does NOT mean the series is ending. There is still plenty of story to tell. It's there for the next chapter.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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