• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Argument (Part 2 of 2)

“Why?” Celestia asked, her tone dripping with rasp. “Why do hate me so much Twilight Sparkle? I have told you time and time again I am sorry. You know I mean it, otherwise I wouldn't have apologized over and over again these past three months.”

“So?” Twilight responded, her eyebrow arching. “Give me one good reason why I should ever accept your apology.”

“Because...because I am sincere in what I say. I am sorry. I am sorry I involved your parents. I am sorry that I had you hunted down because you were connected to the Elements of Harmony. I just-”

“You needed me to protect Equestria, didn't you?” Twilight interrupted. “That's your excuse, isn't it?”

“No! It's not an excuse Twilight! It's not!” Celestia barked back. “Please understand! There are things happening here that must be fixed!”

“I know that. I'm not stupid Celestia.” Twilight scoffed. “You need to realize something here, I have spent the last few months studying Harmony. I know what's in store for me.” Twilight then pointed her hoof at Celestia's face. “But you need to realize I am not your slave.”


“There's a first time for everything.”

Celestia's hair turned into a glowing golden red, as if it was cloaked in flames. “TWILIGHT SPARKLE! That will not happen! Do you understand me?!”

“Sure.” Twilight deadpanned. “Calm down moron, take a chill pill if you need one.”

Ha! Chill pill...is that some new saying I missed over my thousand years of banishment?

“Grrr...you...” Celestia let out a huff and her hair turned back to it's usual rainbow shine. “Very well...now, will you please tell me why you hate me so much?”

“Oh that? That's simple. It's because you ruined my life.”

“Huh? How did I-”

Twilight raised her hoof again. “Stop. Let me explain. First off, I will admit that I have made plenty of bad choices in my life. After all, I'm a thief. A criminal in society's eyes. I understand that I made mistakes and will gladly admit to them.”

“So, why me? All because of everything we've already talked about?”

“No. None of those things are the reason. The real reason is...” Twilight's head drooped down, her voice turned dry. “The real reason is simple. You ruined my life the moment I first laid eyes on you.”

“First laid eyes...I don't understand.”

“I knew you wouldn't. Tell me, what did my parents tell you about me running away from home?”

“They told me...they told me you ran away because they refused to let you try out for my school. They said you were almost killing yourself, trying to enter my school. Apparently all you did was study. You wouldn't eat, sleep, talk, or anything.”

A small almost silent sigh released itself from Twilight's breath. “That's true. I won't deny any of that. However...I will never deny that you weren't to blame as well...”


“Let me finish!” Twilight barked. “Let me finish...when I first saw you raise the sun at the Summer Sun Celebration, I was amazed. That very sight...it was incredible. To see you raise that magnificent star like it was nothing. The very sight...inspired me. I wanted to be like that...to learn magic like that. To understand what it meant to be at that level. I didn't want to be royalty or craved power like that, no...no, nothing like that.”

Twilight walked over and sat back down in the chair, her head leaning and looking at the ceiling. “I wanted that kind of knowledge. That was what I wanted. Knowledge of that kind of magic. The very thought was...incredible. Dreamlike. Something like that just seemed like it was...unattainable. Yet I wanted to try and get there.”

Twilight's head creaked as it slowly raised up and glared at Celestia. “But do you know what happened Celestia?”

“You...you were told you couldn't go?”

“No.” Twilight shook her head. “No. Nothing like that. I was told that I was never going to accomplish my dream.”

“I doubt your parents ever said-”


“I do.” Celestia nodded.

“No. Not really. You don't really understand.”

“And why don't I Twilight? Why don't I understand?”

“Because...” Twilight's voice began to shake as small giggles came out. “because I realized that no matter what I did...I would never be like you. I would never obtain what you were or even remotely understand the knowledge you have. I would never accomplish my dream...all because I saw you raise the sun. Ever since the moment I first saw you...my life was over.”

I am loving this Twilight. Did I tell you that before? I am loving this!

“That's not true Twilight and you know it.”

“No. It really is. That moment sealed everything. The moment I saw you raise that sun of yours...that was the beginning of a long road of pain.” Twilight responded, her eyes drained of life. She then turned and glared at Celestia with a cold, almost blank stare. “Do you honestly believe that everything will just work out? That my family really forgives me for running away for basically my entire life till now? That Harmony will fix everything? That after all I've done...things will turn out for the better?”

“They will.”

“Even if they did Celestia...what then? I'm stuck in this castle, a slave to some magic force that apparently is the only real military power in this country and nopony wants to be around me. Well, except maybe my parents, but still...I mean, what could possibly change this situation for the better?” Twilight's hoof waved slightly as it pointed at Celestia. “Even you don't want to see me. I know you don't, you came in here with a cringe in your mouth.”


“Shut up! Who cares what you think?! I'm a criminal Celestia! Why in the wide wide world of Equestira would you even bother talking to me?!”

“Because...because I believe that you are a good pony Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia replied, her tone slowly returning to it's calm, kind nature. “You have been led astray for a long time and I believe I can help you.”

“Oh really? Did you forget the fact that I hate you? Cuz, you know...I hate you. Like, a lot. You should be glad I'm not the killing type.”

“Of course you aren't. You're a good pony Twilight Sparkle. You just...you just need to let me in and help you.”

Twilight leaned back in the chair, her hair swaying. “That's not happening. We're done here.”

“Come on Twilight-”

“Leave. I'm done Celestia. I don't care.”

“But Twilight-”

“NO!” Twilight exclaimed. “NO! Just...no. Okay?! No. I'm not letting you in. I'm not helping you. I'm not...everything, okay? I will admit that I will do whatever Harmony asks of me but...just leave it alone, alright? Go away Celestia.”

“You know I can't do that Twilight.”

“Welp, you're gonna have to Celestia. It's over. Done. The end.” Twilight waved her hoof, signaling Celestia to leave. “Goodbye, I'll talk to you some other time...hopefully, never.”

“Twilight...” Celestia gritted her teeth.

“Read my lips idiot. No. Now get out.”

“This is my castle Twilight. I own every room.”

“And you are my scapegoat Celestia. I blame you for all of this. Do you understand now? Get out.” Twilight's horn began to glow as her magic grabbed the doorknobs behind Celestia. “Shoo. Go away.”

Realizing her attempts were now futile, Celestia sighed and turned around. “This isn't over Twilight. There are times when you need to stop acting like a spoiled selfish foal and face our problems.”

“That's not happening today moron. Today, I'm making my problems leave me be. And by problem, I mean you. Now, leave me be, I have a bunch of scrolls to study.”

“We'll talk later...” Celestia said as she left the room.

“Finally...” Twilight groaned. “Thought that monster would never leave.”

Annoying, isn't she?

'Shut up Nightmare.' thought Twilight, 'Besides...everything went according to plan, didn't it?'

One hour ago...

Twilight just stood there as she the cloaked pony revealed itself. She couldn't believe the sight she was seeing. Her jaw fully dropped, she didn't know what to think. The pony in front of her looked like her mirror image.

“What's the matter?” The pony said with a chuckle. “Can't believe what you're seeing? I'm not exactly surprised Twilight Sparkle, after all...I am you.”

“How is this...how is this possible?” Twilight squeaked as she watched this other pony keep chuckling. “I don't understand.”

“Of course you don't.” the other Twilight replied. “But your reaction is understandable. Would you like an explanation?”

“Yes. Please.”

“I am you. Though technically, I am a future version of you.”

“A future...version?” Twilight's eyes shined with amazement. “You mean...I figure out time travel?!”


Twilight quickly zipped in front of the future Twilight. “Amazing! How did I do it?! Was is it a type of space time spell? Or maybe I made an invention to do it! Wha-” Twilight's rant suddenly stopped as a hoof was inserted into her mouth.

“Stop talking. We have a lot to discuss and little time to do it.” Future Twilight barked, her face on the edge of cringe.

Hah hah! I like this version of you Twilight!

“Okay.” Twilight muttered as she pushed the hoof away. “Wait a minute...how do I know this isn't some trick?”

“Simple.” Future Twilight deadpanned. “The first book Copper Block gave you was 'Combat Magic 101: How to beat up other ponies like nopony's business'.”

“How did you...oh right. Future me...” Twilight stuttered, her jaw slightly dropped. “I never told anypony about that...”

“Exactly. Believe me now?” Twilight nodded. “Good. I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible. I'm you six months from now.”

“Six months? That's how far I can go back?”

“Technically...I'm not sure how far I can go back. The original spell was created by Starswirl the Bearded and it's currently resting in his part of the Canterlot Archives. It originally could only go back about a week, but I modified the spell so I could make it jump back six months.”

“Six months...okay. Do I need to find this spell right now?”

“You'll have time to get the spell later. Just...just write it all down when you do, okay?”

“Okay.” Another nod.

“Good. Now, I know how much both of us hate prophecies and destiny garbage...but I need to tell you what your future is.”

“What my...isn't that against the rules of time?!” Twilight panicked. “Couldn't that mean I could be erased from existence for doing something like that?!”

“Not really. At least...not if I tell you the right information.”

“The right...” a lightbulb shined in Twilight's head. “You've met your future self before, haven't you?”

“I have. That's why I'm here Twilight.”

“Okay. Tell me everything then.”

“I won't tell you everything Twilight, that would cause severe consequences, remember?”

“Right. Go ahead and tell me what I need to know.”

“Alright...first off, I need to tell you basically four things.” Future Twilight said as she proceeded to sit down in a chair. “First...one hour from now, Celestia is going to pay you a visit and tell you some very good news.”

“Good news? From her?!”

“Yes. I can't tell you what it is or it might affect the timeline. Anyways, when she arrives, she's going to want to know why we're here in Canterlot.”

“Ugh...this again?”

“Yes. Not only that, I want you to decide whether or not to give her the information she wants.”

“Wait...” Twilight's expression changed to confusion, her eyebrow arching slightly. “You're not gonna tell me what I need to decide?”

“No. All I want you to do is argue with her. Make her mad. You'll know what to do. Then you decide.”

“Alright...what next?”

“Well...” Future Twilight began to say, her mouth trembling at the next words that would follow. However, it was the present Twilight that was truly trembling a few moments later. What her future self told her made her shiver to core. As her future began to be told, she didn't want to believe what she was hearing.

“That's...that's impossible!” Twilight yelled after the explanation. “You can't possibly ask me to do that!”

I personally like the plan.

“Be quiet Nightmare!” Twilight exclaimed and then pointed at her future self. “And you...that can't happen...I won't let that happen!”

“It'll happen Twilight. Trust me. It will happen. This isn't some destiny fate trash or some idiotic prophecy...it will happen.”

“That...that...no.” Twilight's hoof drooped down, pointing at the floor. She stared hard at the floor in despair. “That's crazy...why would I ever do that?”

“If you do...you'll know what to do next.”


“I am. Because...if you do this, the situation will change and you will get what you always wanted. I will admit that things will go out of control for a while...but it will work.”

As those words traveled into Twilight's ears, her head slowly rose. “Are you serious?”

“Yes.” Future Twilight shined a proud, happy smile. “I guarantee it! I am proof of that!”

Twilight just sat there, staring at her other self. She didn't what to say. Silence sat down in that room as Twilight kept staring. Then, as if hours had passed, Twilight's mouth began to move. “Okay...I'll do it.”

“I know you will.” her future said, her smile fully formed. “And don't worry...you'll like what you get!”

“Okay...yeah, okay.”

“Good. It's time for me to take my leave...the spell is just about run out.”

“Okay.” Twilight nodded.

The Present...

I still can't believe you believe in her. Your future self that is. I mean, I liked her plan. It was absolutely crazy though...

'I know it was Nightmare. That's why I have to do it. Simple as that.'

Still...are you really sure what she said is going to happen? I know the confrontation with Celestia happened like she said but...

'It's fine Nightmare. I'm ready to accept the consequences of what happens next. Besides, if what my future self told me is true...these next few weeks are going to be a serious doozy. After all, according to her, I have to bring the Rainbooms back together while still being stuck inside this castle...which apparently Applejack will be the first one I bring back. And I have to do a heist in the future...and that other crazy thing she wanted me to do...'

No kidding. So...what do you think Applejack is up to anyways?

'No idea...though considering what my future self told me, I think it's gonna be some surprise.'

Meanwhile, in another part of Equestria...

“Trixie can not believe she is doing this.”

“Stop whining Trixie.” replied Sunset as the duo went over a small rocky range. “We should be getting close.”

“There's nothing out here Sunset! Look at this place!”

“That's not what that other pony told us Trixie! It's around here somewhere, we just have to-wait! There it is!” she exclaimed as she pointed to some far off buildings.

Trixie quickly saw the buildings as well and groaned, “Finally! Let's get down there and get this stupid thing over with already!”

“Alright alright...come on.” Sunset said as the two quickly went into a brisk run. As the duo got closer and closer, they started to slow down, noticing the town in front of them was just a few rows of buildings. They stopped for a second and looked the town over at a distance. “Hey Trixie...does this seem kinda weird to you?”

The duo's eyes looked at the town and saw the ponies living there. The two quickly bore sour expressions as they watched these ponies prance around. “Trixie thinks she sees what you mean. You do mean the fact that all the ponies look really similar in expressions and cutie marks? In fact...their cutie marks look like equal signs...”

“Yeah...this is definitely weird.”

“Whatever. Trixie says we should just go and see the town. We came all this way and Trixie is not going to leave empty-hoofed!”

Sunset wanted to hesitate, but Trixie's words rang true. They had been traveling for a while and this place looked like it could be their destination. “Okay. Let's do it.”

The two soon began to walk towards the town again. As the reached the outskirts, a unicorn with purple and light green hair greeted them. “Hello there! Welcome to our town. My name is Starlight Glimmer! Who might you two be?”

“My name is Sunset Shimmer and this is friend Trixie Lulamoon.” Sunset said while pointing at Trixie. Trixie didn't reply, instead she just gave a slight snort from her nostrils.

“Ah! It's nice to meet you two! Welcome to our lovely little town.” Starlight Glimmer replied, a huge grin shining on her face. “Why don't I have one of our newest additions to our town show you around?”

“That...would be fine.” Sunset replied, not sure what to really say.

“Excellent!” Starlight clapped her hooves and turned around. “Applejack! Applejack! Come over here!”

“You called Starlight Glimmer?” replied the orange earth pony as she walked over.

“Yes. Why don't you show our new guests around town?”

“It would be my pleasure.” Applejack turned to the duo and presented her hoof. A giant grin was plastered on her face as the two observed that she too had an equal sign as a cutie mark. “Welcome to our town! It's nice to meet you!”

Author's Note:


As I said in the previous chapter, please don't go into some crazy debate over this chapter. Everything that happens here, happens for a reason that will be shown later in the story. This two part arc is basically my version of the It's About Time Episode of mlp. I also began writing this way before the Season 5 finale, so don't think I'm doing that.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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