• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,464 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Change (Part 2 of 15)

Trixie gave a huge grin as she stared at Twilight. Twilight on the other hand, showed little emotion. Sunset was rather surprised by Trixie's behavior, though after a few thoughts, Sunset remembered how much Trixie liked being the center of attention. Twilight then slowly spoke up, “Okay...you want to join in the conversation, huh? You've been pretending to be asleep there, haven't you?”

“Yes...Trixie was pretending...”

“I see...well...” said Twilight as she took a deep breath. “I must say it is also an honor to finally meet you face-to-face as well, Trixie Lulamoon.” she said with a bow.

“An honor? Really?!” said Trixie with one of her eyebrows arching.

“Oh yes. I have observed you for sometime. I don't think any other pony in Equestria would fit the definition of obsession better than you, Trixie Lulamoon.”


“I'll agree with you there Twilight.” said Sunset with a disgruntled look, though she did want to laugh.

“Sunset!” yelled Trixie, blushing slightly.

“You know its true Trixie.”

Trixie wanted to talk back to Sunset but then glared at Twilight's face, still showing barely any emotion. “Okay Twilight...Trixie has to ask, why have you been observing Trixie?”

“I have been watching you for quite a while Trixie Lulamoon. Unlike most of the police who are fine with the help we give them...you...” said Twilight as she pointed her hoof at Trixie, “You never approved no matter what. You kept hunting us despite the criminals we helped the police capture, whether it be mafia bosses, corrupt nobles, and overzealous criminal big-wigs.”

“Tch...The other officers just quit because they were wimps. Trixie will never quit no matter what the cost!”

“I know...me and you have a lot in common, Trixie Lulamoon.”

“You and Trixie are nothing alike!” said Trixie as she gave a huge scowl.

“Don't be so sure. We are both unicorns, operate on sides of the law and obsessive in nature. The difference between us is not much.”

“Yeah...you're a thief and Trixie is an officer.”

“I know...I've looked into your record Trixie Lulamoon, its very impressive. The only unicorn on the force...and a mare as well...very impressive!”

“Don't flatter Trixie...”

“I'm being honest! I've read up all about you Trixie Lulamoon. Your the daughter of Comet Hat and Tricky Moon, correct? They were two showponies, correct?”


“If I remember right...You father Comet Hat was a stage magician and Tricky Moon was an acrobat...”

Sunset just sat there, thinking, 'Trixie's parents were showponies?! I knew she didn't talk about her family but...then again, I never talked about my family either...I am an orphan though and I never met my parents...'

“Stop talking about Trixie's family.” said Trixie as her face showed a very grim look. “If you continue, Trixie will make you regret it.”

“I see...I apologize Trixie Lulamoon, I was merely showing how much I've read up on you. I meant no disrespect.”

“Tch...you don't have to prove to Trixie how smart you are...there's a reason you've been able to avoid Trixie for so long.”

“True...” said Twilight as she fold her hooves. “Even so, as you can probably tell right now, we are currently at a standstill here. As you can probably tell, I can't let you go yet I will not harm either of you.”

“Trixie will tell you only thing Twilight Sparkle.”

“What's that?”

“Trixie will escape this and Trixie will put you in prison forever, you can count on that!”

Twilight didn't flinch. Instead, she just said, “Sorry to say but that isn't going to happen Trixie Lulamoon.”

“And pray tell why not?”

“Let me ask both you and Sunset Shimmer here, why do think Sunset said that Celestia suggest that she avoid me at all costs?”

“Trixie wouldn't have any idea.”

Sunset also replied, “If I had to take a guess, it's because you're the inheritor of Harmony.”

“You’re not wrong Sunset Shimmer, however, it is less of the fact that I am the inheritor of Harmony but rather what I've done as the inheritor of Harmony.”

“I don't understand.”

“I...despite what I told you Sunset Shimmer, I eventually accepted my destiny. After all, my eye wouldn't look the way it does if I didn't. However, I accepted the destiny on my own terms, not hers.”

“You mean you'll only help her save Equestria if its convenient to you, right?”

“HA! Good one Sunset Shimmer!” said Twilight, laughing and clapping her hooves. “I told you before, Celestia doesn’t care! She would rather sit on her throne and have me solve all her problems, remember?”

“She would never do that!”

“Trixie agrees! Trixie has meet the princess and she cares greatly for all of Equestria, she is not a lazy pony at all!”

“That just goes to show you how blind you two really are. I can say first hand that I've seen what Equestria really is and it's a harsh, cruel place.”

“What does that have to do with Princess Celestia?”

“You're missing the point, didn't I tell you I made the Rainbooms to help Equestria? Celestia is the representation of Equestria, even regular ponies know that fact.”

“Don't make Trixie laugh, you're a bunch of filthy criminals! Thieves have no right or even the ability to change Equestria!”

“Don't sell us short Trixie. For instance, if we hadn't stolen the Golden Gem of the Sun, Saddle Arabia would've declared war on Canterlot.”

“Oh please, there is no way that's true!”

Sunset then took a deep breath and showed a rather depressed look, “Um Trixie...I hate to say it but that's actually true. Canterlot later found evidence of corrupt nobles trying to use the gem as leverage to start a war...”

“WHAT?! HOW?!”

Twilight then laid back in her chair with a soft smile, “It was quite simple really, some of my contacts informed me of the situation in Saddle Arabia. At the time, there a power vacuum that certain corrupt officials were trying to use there. Since Celestia was directly giving criminals a valuable gem, we were allowed to interfere and take the gem.”

“You wouldn't have stole it if there weren't corrupt ponies trying to control Saddle Arabia...”

“No...the gem was directly going to corrupt criminal ponies. If it was going to noble honest ponies, we wouldn't have stolen it.”

“Not because it was owned by Princess Celestia?” asked Sunset with a very skeptical look.

“Technically on the board, Celestia is not a criminal. You could debate her methods but...she's on the top of the government anyways. Besides, we don't steal for profit, we steal to expose criminals for who they really are.”

“Still sounds like you hate Princess Celestia.”

“And Trixie thinks you use that as an excuse to shift the blame!”

“I don't hate Celestia...well, at least I don't think I do. I merely wish to prove to her that I'm not her pawn and I wish to live my own life.”

“Your life as a thief?”

“No...Ironically, this was supposed to be our last job.”

Sunset and Trixie's eyes grew at the response. “Last job?! You were going to quit?”


“HA! Trixie finally catches you and its your last job! HA!”

“However, it seems that things didn't go out exactly as I planned them to be.” said Twilight as she gave a disinterested look at Trixie, who was still laughing. Sunset on the other hand, saw Twilight’s expression and said, “Let me guess...what you planned to do afterward is still going to happen, isn't it?”

“You are indeed correct Sunset Shimmer. I will admit that you two have slightly altered my plans but I believe I will still be able to accomplish my goal either way.”

“And what would that be?”

“Simple, to get the Rainbooms pardons while making sure their names and faces never go public.”

Sunset and Trixie looked at each other in confusion after Twilight's statement and the responded. “That's impossible!”

“Trixie agrees! Don't you know how much you dirty thieves have stolen?! There is no law pony in all of Equestria that would back you!”

Twilight didn't flinch. She didn't even bat an eye. “Under normal circumstances I would completely agree with you. However, as the inheritor of Harmony, my situation allows me certain flexibility.”

“You can't be serious.” said Sunset as she realized where Twilight was going. “I don't care how much Princess Celestia was looking for you, she won't forgive you or the Rainbooms of all your crimes! You technically stole from her for pony's sake!”

“I completely agree with you. However, she is needed for the incoming danger that is approaching Equestria at this time.”


“Yes. If my hypothesis is correct, Celestia will no longer be able to predict the incoming disasters that will plague Equestria.”

“Because of what you did with Nightmare Moon?”

“You're close Sunset Shimmer,” said Twilight as she waved her hoof back and forth. “It was because I inherited the elements early. Because of that, her destiny along with mine should not be predetermined.”

“And something is coming, isn't it?”


“Trixie doesn't get any of this.”

“I would like to agree with Trixie but...do you really think Princess Celestia will just bend over and give you pardons? A dirty filthy criminal like you?”

“Trixie agrees with Sunset. You can't possibly get a pardon from Princess Celestia! She's a much better pony than a rotten thief like you will ever be!”

“SHUT UP!” yelled Twilight as she rose from her chair, glaring at Trixie. “Stop praising her! She's not some great pony! She's a monster!”

“Oh please! Trixie may not understand all the things you two have talked about but...to Trixie, all it sounds like is just a pony who's running away from all their problems!”

Twilight's head touched Trixie's head as Twilight stared directly into Trixie's eyes with eyes filled with fire. “I am not running away from my problems! All I'm doing is trying to show Celestia that I'm a pony she shouldn't mess with!”

“Still sounds like you're running away!” Trixie said with a huge grin.

“You have no idea Trixie Lulamoon. All I wanted was to prove that I have the right to chose my own path.”

“Still sounds like a coward to me!”

In the other room, Applejack got out of her chair, “Ah gonna get her out of there.”

“Don't Applejack.”


“She'll come out when she needs too.”


Twilight then left the room in a huff, her nostrils fuming with steam. She quickly slammed the door and sat down, her face showing nothing but pure anger.

“Or she'll leave right now...”

“Yeah...you okay pardner?”

“No...I'm not Applejack. I'm sorry girls but...I need sometime alone.”

Twilight then began to leave the hideout and then said, “I'm going to go see how Rainbow is, since you know, she got hit by lightning because of me.”

“Twilight, you know its not your fault darling.”

“I know...knock those two out for the night will ya? We'll solve that problem later.”

“Got it darling. Good night.”

“Good night...and thanks for volunteering to watching over those two.”

“It's fine darling.” said Rarity as she watched Twilight leave the second hideout.

“Why are we knocking them out pardner?”

“If they stay awake they might try to escape. We'll use the sleeping gas from the sleeping orbs. We'll make sure they have a good night's sleep darling, it's fine.”

“Yeah...I should take the first watch over these two...make sure they don't make a ruckus if they wake up suddenly.”

“Alright...I'll get myself some beauty sleep. Thanks for taking the first shift darling.”

“No problem pardner...no problem...”

Meanwhile in another part of Equestira...

Sombra zoomed through the mountains of Equestria thanks to his shadow magic. He quickly went through town after town, unnoticed in the night. As he went through Equestria, his mind raced, thinking about the past...

Centuries ago...

“Is it finished?” asked Sombra to another crystal pony.

“Yes my lord.” said the pony as he showed the three jewels to the king. “They will able to keep any magic you put in the jewels and it will stay in there. After that, if you want the magic back, you must put the jewels back together and use your shadow magic. It will only work with the pony that first uses it.”

“And you haven't put magic in it? Good.”

“Of course, we would never defy you my lord.”

“I know...once I put my magic in this...container here, I want it hid outside of the empire immediately.”

“Yes my lord.”

“Excellent...” said Sombra as his face showed a huge malicious grin. “The alicorn sisters are coming so let's go ahead and use the jewels now.”

“Yes my lord. We, your crystal slaves, live to obey.”

The present...

'Hmm...' thought Sombra as he passed another hill. 'Can't believe I'm remembering like an old elder pony...doesn't matter...I'll be at the empire by tomorrow midday, and when I get there...the empire will be mine once again!'

Author's Note:

Danger draws even closer...it seems that this arc is even tougher than I thought to write...I also wrote a few bits in here, telling a bit of Trixie and Sunset's backstory. I'll get back to that later...

Also, I would like to ask everypony that reads this...what do think I should do for cover art? I still can't think up a single good cover art idea for this story. So...I would like the commenters to give suggestions in the comments.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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