• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,462 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Change (Part 7 of 15)

“I must say Twilight Sparkle, this is quite the surprise.” said Celestia as she gave a scowl while staring at the unicorn entering her throne room. “And you brought my student with you, which I just got a letter saying she was missing.”

“Missing?!” asked Sunset with a confused look.

“Yes. Spike sent me a letter saying he was trying to find you with the help of a colt named Rumble. Apparently the two went to the Manehattan police station to file a report that you and Miss Lulamoon had gone missing.”

“Rumble?!” yelped Trixie as she heard Rumble's name.

“You know him Miss Lulamoon?”

“Yes...he is Trixie's next door neighbor. He is a very kind little colt.”

“I see. Good to see Spike is in good hooves for now. I'll send him a letter later to tell him to come to Canterlot, he can bring his friend along if he wants too.”

“Hold on.” said Sunset as she gave Celestia a puzzled look. “Why do you need Spike to come here?”

“I guess you didn't read the letter I sent you Sunset, I was requesting you to come to Canterlot as soon as possible, a certain event is about to happen and I wish for you to participate in it.”


Twilight on the other hand, had just sat there as the three kept talking. Twilight's eyebrows twitched as her anger began to rise. Twilight was never an attention seeking pony but she didn't care for being ignored in this current situation. She began to grit her teeth as glared at Celestia. “Okay! That's enough!” she yelled. “We have much more important things to discuss right now!”

The other ponies gave her all sorts of different looks, switching from confusion to anger. “Twily? You alright?” asked Shining.

“No brother...I'm not...” said Twilight as her head lowered a little. Twilight then glared at Celestia again. Celestia then slowly opened her mouth. “Very well Twilight Sparkle...why are you here and with my student and her friend...who both have anti-magic braces on their horns.”

“First, the braces are there because if I don't have them on these two, they'll attack me. Speaking of the braces...” Twilight then turned to Sunset and Twilight's horn began to shine as she removed Sunset's brace. “A deal's a deal Sunset Shimmer.”

“Agreed.” said Sunset as she began to scratch her horn. Sunset then glared at Trixie, trying to tell her not to speak for now. Trixie bit her lip as she saw Sunset signaling her. She then gave a little nod, showing that she would play along for now.

Twilight then turned to Celestia. “Now...to answer your first question Celestia. I am here to surrender myself to you.”

At that moment, everypony in the room gave looks of surprise and confusion except for one pony, Sunset Shimmer. Instead she stood there thinking, 'I had a feeling that was her plan...However, if I'm right about how Twilight Sparkle sees Princess Celestia, this could get ugly very quickly...'

“Surrender?! What are you talking about Twily?!” asked Shining as she glanced at Cadance. Cadance then gave him a confused look back.

“This is a surprise Twilight Sparkle.” said Celestia as she began to stand up from her throne. “May I ask why you would say such a statement in front of me?”

Twilight didn't say a word. She just stared at Celestia with a face filled with anger. Her teeth gritted and her eyes began to show fire in them. Twilight then slowly moved her hoof to her eye and removed the lens. The other ponies gasped as they saw Twilight’s eye, still shining, trying to warn her about the oncoming danger that threatens Harmony.

“Twilight...your eye...why does it...why does it look like your cutie mark?” asked Cadance while her hooves began to cover her mouth.

“This is the result of being connected to Harmony Cadance.” said Twilight with a sour expression. “Now Celestia, you can guess what this means, can't you? The reason my eye is shining...”

“Yes.” said Celestia, nodding. “Something is about to attack Equestria, isn't it?”

“Yeah, it is. That's the main reason why I'm here...or at least in the long run of the reasons I'm here.”

Celestia then turned to Shining Armor. “Captain Shining, tell the guards to check the statues in the Canterlot Garden, tell them to make sure all of them are still there. Inform me if one of them is missing.”

“Yes your majesty!” Shining the bowed and quickly ran out of the throne room. Twilight's gave a curious look at Celestia. “Something I should know about?”

“Possibly...anyways Twilight Sparkle, what are your other reasons for coming here?”

“Well, what I am about to say may sound strange but I am here to get pardons for my friends.”

“Pardons?” asked Celestia with a puzzled look.

“Yes. Allow me to explain.” said Twilight as her horn glowed and then levitated two cases out of her saddlebag. “Now, what I am about to tell you may sound...let's say extreme, but it's the truth.”

“Is that so?” said Luna with a skeptical look. “I'm not sure if you can surprise us anymore than you already have.”

“You have no idea.” said Sunset with a disgruntled look.

“Indeed.” Twilight then cricked her neck. “I...am the leader of the Rainboom Thieves.”

The room fell silent for a second after Twilight made that statement. Celestia, Cadance and Luna gave the most surprised looks as they stared at Twilight. Then Cadance spoke up first, “Um...you're kidding...right Twily?”

“No.” said Twilight with a straight face. “I am one hundred percent serious Cadance.”

“You were right Sunset, I had no idea that was coming.” said Celestia in bewilderment. “So tell me Twilight Sparkle, why would you confess that?”

“First,” said Twilight as her horn began to glow. “Let me show some proof that I am part of the Rainboom Thieves.” Then one of the two cases she had put down slowly opened with Twilight's magic. “I believe you will recognize this...”


“The Golden Gem of the Sun!” exclaimed Celestia. “How did...”

“I'm a Rainboom Celestia.” said Twilight with the most sarcastic look she could give. “Did you not hear me?”

“Twily...I know you told us about your past a few weeks ago but...” Cadance then lowered her head in disbelief. “You're a thief?”

“Yes. I am.” Twilight stood firm as she made that statement. “I am Twilight Sparkle, leader of the Rainbooms.”

Celestia slowly regained her composure and then said, “Very well Twilight Sparkle...I suspect you are showing this because you believe that this gem can compensate for pardons?”

“No...I don't.” Twilight then gave a slight scowl. “However, I no longer have a choice in this situation. As you can tell by my eye, I am now tied to Harmony. I have researched Harmony extensively over the past few months and though I don't have access to the Canterlot archives, I believe I fully understand what Harmony represents in this world. Harmony represents the key to balance in this world and I currently have the ability to wield it. Am I correct?”

“Yes. More or less you are correct.” said Luna with a straight face.

“Good. If that's the case, I'll just cut to the chase and tell you my plan. I want you to give my friends, the other Rainbooms pardons. In return, I will allow you to have both the Golden Gem of the Sun and the Element of Darkness. Not only that, I will surrender myself to you and would like to request an execution of my life immediately.”

“EXECUTION?!” yelped Cadance. “Surely you can't be serious?!”

'I knew it...' thought Sunset, 'I had a feeling she would ask for Princess Celestia to kill her...she wants to die in order to no longer be connected to Harmony...and she wants Princess Celestia to know it!' Sunset then turned her head and gulped. She saw Trixie's face, now gleaming with delight. 'Uh oh...don't say anything Trixie...I know you hate her but...'

“Trixie likes this... Do it your majesty!”

'Nevermind...' Sunset thought while glaring at Trixie.

“I'm completely serious Cadance. I'm surrendering myself so Celestia can kill me.”

“But...but...WHY?! Why would you do that?!”

Celestia didn't flinch. She was tired of surprises. “Tell me Twilight Sparkle, whatever made you think I would agree to such a deal?”

One of Twilight's eyebrows slightly raised. “Really?! Well if you must know, it's because I know you're a heartless greedy monster who thinks everypony under her is nothing more than a pawn.”

“Is that truly how you see me?”

“Yes. I have been told by everypony, even your sister that you're some great wonderful kind pony. But I know the truth. I know you're a disgusting little sloth who just sits on her flank, thinking that she can find some other pony to solve all her problems. I would give anything to knock you off your throne...” Twilight gave a huge huff, “But I can't now...I no longer am in a situation where I can do that and protect my friends. Because of this, I am here to get pardons for my friends and die so that I never have to work under your vile hoof.”

There was a moment of silence after Twilight's statement. Then, as if a bomb went off, Trixie began to yell, “HOW DARE YOU!!! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO THE PRINCESS LIKE THAT!” Trixie then began to charge Twilight but was too late. Twilight's horn immediately shined and in a split second the brace activated. Before Trixie knew it, a pain hit her entire body and she fell to the floor.


“Trixie!” yelped Sunset as she ran to Trixie.

“Don't tell me you forgot you had that on Lulamoon?” said Twilight with a scowl. “I'll take your brace off later, ok?”

“You...little...” stuttered Trixie as she tried to move. “Trixie...will...grrr...Trixie...will...”

“That's enough Trixie...don't try to move or the pain will get worse.” said Sunset as she hugged her friend. Sunset then turned her head. “Twilight Sparkle...”

“Don't get angry at me. I agreed to the deal just like you did. Don't worry, the brace won't do any permanent damage, she just won't be able to move much for a little while.”

Sunset shook her hoof but realized Twilight was right. 'Blast it! I can't believe I can't do anything right now...' thought Sunset, 'I guess I should wait and hear what Princess Celestia will say next...'

“Now that that interruption is out of the way Celestia, where were we?”

Celestia glared at Twilight, showing a hint of anger. “You just insulted me, saying I was some heartless monster.”

“Oh trust me, you are.” said Twilight with a small smile.

“Is this because I asked your parents to come with me that one night long ago?”

Twilight began to bite her lip when thinking about that night, the night she first fought Celestia. “Yes...no good pony would use another pony's parents against them for their own greedy means.”

“I will admit that there were other options I could have chose Twilight Sparkle.”

“But you didn't...and you made your entire guard including my brother to go after me.”

“I was desperate Twilight Sparkle.”

“Desperate?!” yelled Twilight. “According to what you said in the Everfree Forest, Nightmare Moon wasn't supposed to come for almost another year! There's no way you were desperate!”

“You were chosen! Do you not remember?!” said Celestia as her voice's volume continued to rise. “The Tree of Harmony chose you!”

“Oh please! If it chose me, it would have summoned me in due time! Instead, you put a wanted poster out of me and involved my parents! Sure I didn't care that much about them at the time but still!”

“In order to fully inherit Harmony, you need training! Surely you noticed that you didn't fully inherit the elements?! That they didn't change shape based on the user!”

“So?! I still beat Nightmare Moon! Who cares?!”


“Sister! Please calm down!”

“Auntie, please!”

'Whoa...' thought Sunset as she began to hug Trixie tighter in fear. 'I've never seen the princess like this...never this angry...'

Twilight didn't flinch however. She just stood there with a huge grin. “Heh...well well well...look at this...”

“Why are you smiling?!” snorted Celestia, her horn beginning to shine.

“Oh nothing...” said Twilight as she shook her head back and forth, still wearing a huge grin. “Just glad I'm finally seeing the true Celestia.”


“Calm yourself sister!”

“Bring it on!” said Twilight as her horn began to glow as well. “Show them who you really are!”

“Don't do it Auntie!”


“Sister! Calm yourself this instant!”

“Do it! Kill the criminal!” spat Trixie as she wiggled on the floor.

“Stop Twilight! Stop provoking my aunt!”

“Sorry Cadance but she's nothing but a-”


At that moment, everypony in the room froze in shock as a beam shot through the room. Everypony's heads soon turned as they saw the pony who had shot the beam of magic. There, they all stared at Sunset Shimmer, who showed a face filled to the brim with anger. “ENOUGH EVERYPONY! NO MORE! DO YOU HEAR ME?! NO MORE FIGHTING!”

“But she-”

“ENOUGH!” yelled Sunset in a fit of rage. “BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!”

Both Twilight's and Celestia's showed a hint of fear as they saw Sunset yelling. Steam began to escape Sunset's nostrils as she tried to calm the two down. “That's enough...*huff huff*...I don't want...*huff*...to hear...*huff*...another word...*huff*...from either of you...”

“Sunset...” said Celestia in a calmer, concerned tone.

“What are you...” said Trixie as she continued to try to get up. Trixie then watched Sunset slowly walk between Twilight and Celestia. Sunset cricked her neck as she then faced Celestia. “That's enough Princess Celestia. Please stop.”

Sunset then turned around and faced Twilight as well. “You too...please stop. There's no need for violence.”

“Sorry to say Miss Shimmer, but that's only way your precious princess knows how to talk.”

“No...it isn't. I know you think that she's some heartless monster but she's not.” Sunset glared at Twilight, her eyes filled with anger. “Even if that's all you think Princess Celestia is Twilight Sparkle, know this...you're no different. You're no different than the rest of us. The only reason you're different than any of us is that you're the inheritor of Harmony, otherwise...you're no different.”

Twilight gritted her teeth, showing a face filled with anger. But Sunset wasn't intimidated. “It doesn't matter what you say Twilight Sparkle...you know I'm right.”

“Sunset...” Celestia then put her hooves over her mouth in surprise.

Sunset then turned around to Celestia. “Princess...I'm sorry I raised my voice and used magic in your throne room...but I didn't have a choice. Princess, do you remember what happened when you showed me that mirror?”

“Yes...I do.” Celestia then nodded.

“Do you remember what you told me after you stopped me? You told me I needed guidance. I needed somepony to guide me back to a better path or I would have become a monster. Well...you need to do that again. The pony that needs guidance is right in front of you and she needs your help.”

Twilight just stood there as she listened to Sunset. Her face gave a slight scowl and then she said. “Sunset Shimmer...why are you telling her this?”

Sunset then turned around. “Because...you remind me of myself....that and...you need guidance Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes...I was just like you a few years ago...arrogant...selfish...but full of hope and power...and I almost lost it all.”

“Let me guess...your precious princess saved you?”

“Yes...she did. Just like you need saving now.”

“Sorry to say Sunset Shimmer, but I'm not buying. I don't need her help.”

“Why not?”

“Because her help is nothing more than me becoming her pawn. Her pawn for her little destiny she has picked out for me. Sorry, but I follow my own path.”

“And you'll just willing to end your path here?”

“If need be, yes. My path is to protect my friends, Sunset Shimmer. I've taught them how to make sure nopony will ever find them if necessary and they'll still be able to live their lives exactly how their cutie marks say they should. All that's left is to get rid of myself in order to fully save them.”

“And they won't miss you?”

“They will...but they'll understand. Except for one but she probably wants me dead anyways.” said Twilight, thinking of Applejack. “That is our bond, and it won't be broken, even in death. I...I believe in them.”

Twilight then began to smile a smile like no other while she thought of her friends. Sunset stared at Twilight for a few seconds, unable to respond. Trixie continued to wriggle on the floor, trying to understand the situation. 'What's going on...why? Why is Sunset defending her?!' thought Trixie while her face showed more and more rage. 'No...she's a thief Sunset...a criminal...'

“I see...” said Sunset with a slight sigh. “Still...there's no need for you to throw away your life Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset then turned to Celestia. “Princess...I have a proposal.”

“A proposal?”

“Yes...please give Twilight the pardons for her friends. In return, she'll give you both the Element of Darkness and the Golden Gem of the Sun.”

“That was already the plan Sunset Shimmer.” said Twilight in a sarcastic tone.

“I'm not done.” said Sunset in a disgruntled tone. “I also propose that instead of killing or imprisoning Twilight Sparkle, you take her as your student.”

Everypony froze for a few seconds only for Twilight to yell, “WHAT?! NO! NO WAY I'M GONNA BE HER STUDENT!” Sunset then turned around and snapped, “BE QUIET! You're a criminal! Be glad you can have this chance!”

“Why you little-”

“NO!” yelled Trixie as she still tried to get up. “Don't...you...dare...Sunset...she's a petty criminal...she...deserves to be punished!”

“I accept.” said Celestia in a calm tone.

“Huh?!” said Twilight and Trixie in unison.

“I said I accept. I will give pardons to the entire team of the Rainbooms and Twilight Sparkle will be student. In accordance to the law, she should be punished for her crimes but since Harmony is warning her...we can get to that later...”

“I...uh...” said Twilight in confusion. She then thought, 'Huh? What is going on? Why is she agreeing to this? Something's wrong here...'

“What's the matter Twilight Sparkle? Cat got you tongue again?” said Sunset in snide remark. “Don't tell me you still want to be killed.”

“Twily...” said Cadance as she walked off her throne. “Please don't fight anymore. Let us help you.”

“Indeed. Please allow us to assist you Twilight Sparkle.” said Luna.

“...” Twilight didn't know what to say. She just stood there as if she was a statue. Then, when she was about to speak.

“NO!” yelled Trixie as she slowly stood up, her body trembling in pain from the paralysis. “DON'T YOU DARE! DON'T YOU DARE GIVE ANY MERCY TO THIS CRIMINAL!”

“Trixie, I-”



“SHUT UP!” yelled Trixie as she then fell over again.


“Ugh...that hurt...”

“She's right you know.” said Twilight as she glanced at Trixie and then Sunset. “Not only that, why are you helping me Sunset Shimmer? It is because I remind you of yourself? Or is it because you realized my plan?”

“What, your plan to kill yourself in order to prove Princess Celestia wrong?”

“Yes...” said Twilight with a small smile.

“Was that really your plan Twilight Sparkle?!” asked Celestia, her face beginning to show anger again. “You would go that far to prove me wrong?”

“Yes. I would go that far and if there was a way to go any farther, I would.”

Celestia's eye began to twitch as she showed a little more anger. “I'm not sure if I can make this work, especially if she is willing to go that far.”

Twilight then gave a big grin. “Hear that Sunset Shimmer, looks like that won't work. Just goes to show you how your precious-”

Sunset then glared at the two. “Enough! Whether you like it not, you both have to make it work!”

“Oh really? Why?”

“Trixie agrees, why do you have to work with this criminal?! She needs to be put away forever!”

“I hate to say it but I think I agree with Miss Lulamoon.” said Twilight with a small smile. “According to the law which Celestia has control over, I should probably be put away. Are you sure you want to go against that?”

“HA! See that Sunset! Even this petty disgusting thief agrees with Trixie!”

“Hey! Don't call me petty you little-”

“Be quiet you blasted criminal!”

“Listen here Lulamoon-”

Sunset was about to explode. Her anger kept rising as both Twilight, Trixie and her teacher just continued to refuse to get along. While the three continued to stare daggers at each other, Cadance began to see what was happening to Sunset. Luna wasn't sure what to say and decided not to talk at all. Then the bomb known as Sunset Shimmer went off.


“Sunset, please calm-” said Cadance as she slowly raised her hoof.

“NO! SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!” Sunset's eyes went red with anger, steam flying out of her nostrils. “Now listen here! I never said this was going to easy but you three are going to have to get along, or did you forget what Harmony is telling Twilight Sparkle?! It's telling us that a disaster is about to happen!”

“Well...uh...” said Twilight as she tried to talk. The others didn't even speak.

Sunset was out of breath again, “*huff*...that's enough...*wheeze*...ugh...now...will you all just agree to try to get along? WELL?!”

“...” Twilight didn't say a word. She just stared at Sunset. Celestia stood over Sunset and slowly showed a huge smile and thought, 'My precious student...looked how you've grown...I am so proud of you...even now, you're trying to save the pony in front of me even though she is trying every way to be against me...'

Twilight then slowly looked up to Celestia and Celestia looked back at her. They stared at each other for a long time. Cadance put her hoof over her mouth as she watched the two. Sunset then looked at the two, thinking, 'Hate to say it, but...I think I've done all I can do...please Princess Celestia...please help her...'

Trixie didn't look at either of them. Instead, she just stared at Sunset and thought, 'Why? WHY? Why is she defending her? Why...Trixie doesn't...Trixie doesn't understand...'

Celestia then stood up with a calm looking face. She slowly walked off her throne and then stood directly in front of Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle.”


“I am sorry for all I have done. I understand why you think of me as some heartless monster. However, I...I need your help and...my student says you need mine. I know you hate me but...I wish to know you better, to understand you and...to be your friend.” Celestia then bowed in front of Twilight. “Please, allow me to be your friend...please, allow me to help you...”

Twilight slowly moved back as she saw Celestia bow before her. Her legs shook at the words Celestia had just said. Her mouth shivered as she tried to speak. 'She...wants to be my friend? Why? I...I...I'm a criminal...why?'

Twilight then bowed as well. “I accept...please...please help me...”

Ceelstia then went up to her and hugged Twilight, her wings covering Twilight's body. Then both Twilight and Celestia began to cry. “I will my little pony...I will...”

Sunset showed a small smile as she watched the scene unfold. She then glanced at Cadance, who was now bawling, tears flowing from her eyes like waterfalls. Luna on the other hand, just showed a single tear. Then Sunset looked at Trixie. There, she didn't see a face of anger or rage. Just a face of confusion. 'Trixie...' thought Sunset. 'I hope you can forgive me for this but...I didn't have a choice...I had to save her, even if she is a criminal...'

“Why Sunset?” said Trixie as she just laid there on the floor. “Why?”

“Because Trixie...Twilight Sparkle is needed for Equestria's future and...I wanted to save her Trixie...I'm sorry...” Sunset then began to cry. “I'm sorry...”

Trixie then closed her eyes, trying not to look at Sunset. “No...Trixie doesn't undertand...”

Sunset then went up and hugged Trixie. “I'm sorry my friend...will you forgive me?”

Trixie looked at Sunset's face. She then slowly said, “Yeah...I do...”

“Thank you...”

After a few minutes, everypony in the room repositioned themselves. Twilight then spoke up first, “Okay...so what is the plan to this situation?”

“Well...” said Celestia as she scratched her chin with her hoof. “First, I will declare pardons for all of the Rainbooms. Second, you will stay here in Canterlot Twilight. Whether you know it or not, you need training about the Elements of Harmony, so you will stay here in the castle.”

“Okay...I'll agree to that. However, I want to change one part of this deal.”

“And what would that be?”

“I won't be giving you the Element of Darkness.”

“What? Why?!”

“I'm not sure if you can tell, but I'm a very paranoid pony. I'm not stupid, think about the situation I'm in everypony! You're telling me to give up everything to train here!” Twilight gave a slight scowl. “I know I need your help but...look at the situation we're in. Surely you can't expect me to just bend over and give you everything?!”


Sunset then turned to Celestia. “She's right you know...hate to say it, but she is.”

Celestia gave a slight huff. “Very well...however, we will take back the Golden Gem of the Sun.”

“That's fine.” said Twilight with an indifferent look. She then thought, 'Not like I was able to sell the thing anyways...'

“Very well...then are we all good now?” asked Celestia with a look of slight skepticism.

“Yeah...I think so.” said Twilight with a look of slight depression and confusion. 'Can't believe this is happening...but...maybe its for the best...I just hope I don't regret this...'

Cadance then went up and hugged Twilight. “Oh this is so great Twily!”

“Cadance...you're choking me...”

“Oh, I'm so happy Twily!”


“Oh...sorry.” said Cadance as she loosened her grip on Twilight. “I'm just so happy Twily! Not only that, you can also attend the event that's coming up!”


“That's right...” said Sunset with slight curiosity while she turned back to Celestia. “You said there was an event Princess Celestia, what is it exactly?”

“Well...” said Celestia while scratching the back of her head. “Um...”

Cadance then whispered into Twilight's ear. “You see Twily, what's happening is...psst psst psst...”

Twilight's eyes grew to size of dinner plates in shock and then screamed, “YOU AND SHINING ARE GETTING MARRIED?!”

Author's Note:

This chapter...I have never written anything this hard...this chapter was a nightmare to write and I still think its horrible...Oh well, I had to write it, otherwise the story can't continue. Don't worry folks, the next few chapters will change what happens to Twilight. That and I wanted this arc to not only be my version of 'The Crystal Empire' episodes, but also 'A Canterlot Wedding'.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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