• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,571 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 1: The Fight Locale Has Been Chosen

“Ready, guys?” I asked. My group for friends and I had arrived at our first convention and, as it was our first, the four of us decided to go all out with themed costumes. As we all originally met in a karate class we joined because of Street Fighter, we decided to go as the fighters with the Ansatsuken fighting style. Lee was Gouken as he was the biggest guy in our group and could easily look the part, Simon was Ken Masters as he was the showoff of our group, John was Ryu as he was often found in the training or meditation room when we were at the dojo, and I was Akuma as I was the most aggressive fighter during sparring. Everyone's costume was perfect, except mine. I was missing the prayer beads, as we couldn't find one with the right kanji on it and we couldn't afford to get custom made.

“Yea,” Simon shouted, almost bolting towards the doors.

“Calm yourself, Simon. You’ll burn yourself out.” Lee said.

“Don’t tell me you’re not excited.” Simon said

“We’re all excited. He’s just more subdued about it,” John said, turning to me. “Now, come on so we can all check this con out.”

We entered the building and roamed for half an hour before I noticed a stall with the one thing I was missing from my costume: the prayer beads. I nudged John and pointed over to the stall.

“I must get those beads.” I said.

He shrugged and handed me a twenty. “Just in case your fifty isn’t enough.”

At the stall, I picked up the bead necklace to get a closer look. A minute of looking and I found what I was looking for: the heaven kanji on one of the beads. I was so busy with the beads, I almost failed to see the vendor running the stall.

“I think ya found somethin’ that interest ya, stranger.” He said in a gravelly voice that I couldn’t quite place as I took a look at him. He had a black trenchcoat on with a purple bandana covering the bottom half of his face.

“These beads… how much?” I asked.

“For you, Supreme Master of the Fist, 70 dollars.”

I quickly paid the man and put the beads on so I could rejoin my friends.

“Heh heh heh… Thank you kindly.” He said.

I took two steps… and promptly fell through the floor.

When I came to, I found myself in a forest, lying on my back. After checking myself over for any damage and finding not a scratch, I jumped to my feet and I took a look around. Dense vegetation surrounded me and it was eerily silent. I couldn’t even see the sky. After taking in my surroundings, I found no immediate danger.

“I need to do some stretches. Then, I can figure out where I am and what happened,” I said. I noticed then that my voice was much deeper than before. And also why my voice is deeper.

Now many would question why I would stretch first and find my bearings later, but physical exercise always helped me stay calm in stressful situations and I couldn’t risk injury when I had no idea where I was. I started my normal stretching routine: some flexibility stretches, then limb rotations, and finally squats and jumping jacks.

I just finished the limb rotations when I heard leaves rustle behind me. I turned towards the sound, but didn’t face the source.

“I’d recommend you come out slowly and steadily.” I said, silently wishing it wouldn’t so I could hurt the thing that interrupted my stress relief exercise. The being seemed to listen to my wish and not my words, as it and four others quickly moved into sight, snarling and circling me. While they circled me, I sized up my challengers. They seemed to be wolves of various sizes, but I could see they weren’t flesh and blood by the green glowing eyes. I couldn’t tell what they actually were made of, however.

That is, until one attacked. The one in front of me lunged forward. Instinct kicked in and I flipped him over me into another. A piece came off in my hand. I looked at it and crushed it.

“Wood. You guys are wooden wolves.” I bent my knees slightly. “I don’t have time to play with mere beasts.” I put up my fists. “I do have time for stress relief.”

Another one tried to lunge onto me, but I ducked under it, jumped, and landed a devastating uppercut, sending it flying into the tree branches above. I faced the final two wolves. One went for the predicted lunge while the other cowered in fear. Unfortunately for the wooden wolf, its face met my fist and it fell apart. With that one finished, I turned my attention to last one. It whimpered and backed away slowly. I took a step towards it and it bolted.

With that encounter finished, I looked at my fists. I knew I was not so strong that I could break all that wood flawlessly. Curious about this newfound power, I punched through a nearby tree.

How much stronger did I get? I thought before noticing how quiet it was.

“That is something I can find out later. Right now, I need to find a path of some sort to get me toward shelter,” I said as I went in a random direction.

Before long, I found a path. I followed the path for awhile before I encountered another being that lived in the forest. It looked like a big lion at first glance, but I noticed the bat wings and scorpion tail when it tried intimidating me with a roar. Unfazed, I swung a roundhouse into its face, knocking it into a tree, and kept going.

Eventually I found a break in the forest where I could see the night sky.

“So it's currently night time and I am still haven't found any…” I trailed off as I saw shelter I was looking for in the form of a old castle. I entered the building, found the first room without a hole in the roof, and sat in a meditative position. Within minutes, I was sleep.

My dream’s area was a tiled white room. I instantly recognized it as the training room from Street Fighter IV. I threw a couple punches and kicks as I thought of equipment I would normally use: a couple punching bags, wooden blocks, and jump rope to name a few. Each item I thought up appeared against one of the walls.

“Huh... I forgot that I could do that in my dreams,” I said.

One of the benefits of the dojo I went to was the stress relief classes in the same building. I was able to take a class once every weekend at one point when they were discussing lucid dreaming. With a little practice, I was able to pick up the skill. A little more practice and I made the training room my dreamsign, allowing me to know when I was dreaming. Normally I used this as a daily review for tricks and techniques I learned. The items I needed for any given technique would appear when I needed them but I hadn’t needed any item for practice in the longest time.

“Back to basics,” I said as I went over the techniques I’ve learned. I did roundhouse, hook, and side kicks before switching to uppercuts, jabs, and hooks. Each attack of mine whistled as it flew through open air, making me feel more at ease.

Eventually, I awoke and rose from my position on the floor. I did some stretches before heading out of the castle. The forest seemed to be vast and I wanted to find civilization. I followed the path from yesterday, thinking it would be a direct route to the nearest town. Once there I could find out where I was. After an hour of walking however, I was feeling irritated. Seemingly no progress has that kind of effect

Then stress relief appeared in front of me in the form of ten wooden wolves. Four of them immediately bared their fangs at me, while another cowered in fear. Same ones? I wondered.

One leaped at me, only to find another strong uppercut shatter it into pieces.

Same ones.

The eight that were not shaking lunged one at a time. Each one was easily struck down by a single blow that broke them into pieces. Thinking they were defeated, I started to continue on the path. Then I noticed the pieces I broke them into were moving towards a singular point. I turned to see the pieces were reforming into a single being three times my size. While it formed itself, I lost the little patience I had with the forest around me. I entered my fighting stance and stomped with my back foot, before raising my front knee and gliding across the ground.

The beast just finished forming when I grabbed it. Everything went dark as multiple strikes were heard. The darkness disappeared and the beast’s eyes ceased to glow as it crumpled before me. Only one word came to mind at what I had just done.


I turned away from the mass of wood I had struck when I heard a terrified whimper. The last one of the wooden wolves (and the only one that didn't attack) was, simply put, scared for its life. I got the feeling it knew I could do this but didn't dwell on it over the fact I just performed the Shun Goku Satsu, a technique only users of the Satsui no Hado could use, effortlessly.

Can I use that power now? I wondered

“Only one way I’ll know for sure,” I said.

I cupped my hands together as I shifted my weight to the back of my stance, focusing my energy towards my hands. I kept this stance for almost three seconds before quickly shifting my weight forward and thrusting my palms forward. A purple ball of energy launched from my hands and hit the mass of wood, blowing it to splinters.

I can shoot the Gohadoken, so I guess I can.

With that thought, I smiled before continuing through the forest. Eventually, I made it out of the forest to find apple trees lined up in rows. At that exact moment, my stomach decided to made itself known.

“One couldn’t hurt,” I reasoned before stripping a single tree of its Red Delicious bounty, putting the apples into a conveniently placed wooden bucket. After finishing collecting them, I began to eat. They weren’t bad and I was hungry, so they were all gone fairly quickly.

I was tossing the last core away when a lasso was thrown around me, binding my arms.

"What is it now?" I asked, since the universe seemed to love angering me with things I could punch.

Following the rope’s length with my eyes, I saw my “captor” to be a orange female wearing a green shirt with a brown jacket and jean shorts. She wasn’t human as the proportions were off for that, but it was definitely better than wooden wolves or lions with scorpion tails or bat wings.

“Looks like ah found the thief who’s been stealin’ from mah orchard,” she said.

I’m going to enjoy myself in the next few minutes.