• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,571 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 22: First Dread Dust

“What do you mean: ‘Couldn't fool him?’” Two cracks were the answer to the guard’s question.

“Apparently, you never thought he could take off his cuffs. Which I’m guessing was also a limiter of some kind?” I said as Dust slipped out of his cuffs. “Now gentlemen, what happens when you plug a leak? Pressure builds,” A wave of power burst from Dust. “Pressure that must release.”

Dust burst forward at subsonic speed, intent on punching me in the face. I dodged the blow by barely a hair. “You asked for this.” He said before raining a flurry of punches at me. With their speed, I couldn’t keep up and was launched outside into the dirt.

I shakily stood back to my feet. My vision was a bit blurred, and I think I saw stars. “You like the show?” I think I heard as I saw a shape moving towards me.

I gave a thumbs up as I waited for my vision to clear.

“Good, cause you’re boring to crap outta me.”

Am I? Let’s fix that. I thought as the world stopped swirling.

I regained my stance and tensed. He rolled his shoulder and smirked. We stared at each other, watching for the hint of movement. In those moments, I became aware of the breeze and our synced breathing.

Go for Broke.

We moved forward at the same time, fists raised. I swung a left straight and he dodged, returning with a right hook. I blocked and swung a roundhouse. He ducked under and kicked low. I jumped over it and threw a palm strike. Dodge, kick. Block, Punch.

Our attacks were like a dance. Neither side could hit the other, not for lack of trying, but we were just that skilled. That was, until Dust started to speed up.

I threw a straight and he turned around it, throwing a punch into my jaw. He followed it with a two-handed uppercut, a stomach blow which turned to a uppercut, a elbow to my face, and one last uppercut that made a tornado to launch me upwards. “You ready to stop playing?” He asked as he delivered his final blow.

I smirked as I rode the blow into the air. “Game over.” I said flipping in midair and bringing my hands together. “Tenma Gou Zanku!” I fired a powerful beam of ki downwards at Dust. The beam struck something as it slowed my descent. I couldn’t tell if it was a direct hit or blocked from this angle, but I was sure the fight was over either way. With my attack and most of my energy spent, I knew if he still have any fight left, he won this match.

I landed with a grunt and looked over to him. He had whipped up razor winds around him, shielding him from the worst of my attack, but he was just as drained as I was.

“So, I pass?” He asked weakly, before falling to his knees. I smiled and nodded.

“Good, cause I dooonnn’t…” He fell over.

That’s not good. Expected, but not good. “You two, go get a medic.” I pointed to the slack-jawed guards.

“For what?” I heard Applejack shout as she and the rest of her friends appeared, flanked by out-of-breath guards.

I pointed to the knocked out Dust Cutter. “He overexerted himself while we were sparring.”

“Sparring? That what you call the purple thing we saw on the way over?” Rainbow flew up into my face.

“As much as I would love to humor you, you wasting time better spent helping Dust Cutter here to the hospital.” I looked back to still see Dust’s guards standing there. “MOVE!” I shouted at them.

Luckily, they only needed to be told twice. They bolted back towards town as if the devil himself has on their heels. I fell onto my rear as soon as they were out of sight. “Never thought I’d find one of the other fighters that hold back this soon. That was something I needed.” I sighed and looked up.

Pinkie bounced over to my with a lollipop in hand. “Sucker for your thoughts?”

“Keep the lolly. I’ll share a bit. You remember how Jason and his explanations?” A couple nods. “Well, I’m a fighter, even before I got here. It’s how I’ve gotten to know people, solve problems, and generally get better.”

“Seems brutish to me.” I heard Rarity say.

“A lot can be learned about someone from the way they fight. I have yet to actually talk to Star Power over there,” I pointed to Rainbow. “But from the way she fights, she’s no planner. She’s fast and direct, almost blindingly so. She’s also persistent and dislikes losses. Collateral doesn’t seem to faze her much either”

Rainbow bristled.

“Heading straight down at supersonic speed is a good way to make a crater. A bad place to suddenly make a crater is the top of a mountain.”

Rainbow paled.

“Anyway, When you want to get better, you look for people on your level. That’s hard when decent fighters aren’t around. Finding where to spar one here… It’s like being a kid in a candy store.”

The sound of wingbeats stopped me from continuing my line of thought. I looked up to see a light red pegasus with what seemed to be a first-aid kit in their hand. I pointed them to Dust and went back inside. With my concerns handled for the moment, I decided to meditate and focus on regaining my energy. The fight has been draining, and I wished to regain some strength.

I found a quiet place further into the dojo and sat cross-legged. I took a deep breath, then another. I closed my eyes and found myself within a dark void. I let my mind drift through the darkness, and just let myself be.

‘Jigoku’ ran as quickly as his current body could handle. His destination was in the Badlands, but he had yet to escape the forest. The King must return, was his only thought as he attempted to reach his final location as soon as he could.