• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,564 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 5: Triumph or Die!

“Let’s Go!” I said to ensure we had every beasts’ attention. Three of the lion things started jabbing their scorpion tails at me from the front. Each strike was uncoordinated with the others and, before long, they hit each other multiple times. They stopped focusing on me and started to attack each other.

Taking this opportunity, I took a quick count of the hostiles. One flat on its back, Three fighting amongst themselves, and the wolf is facing two near the body. I sent a Gohadoken at one of the wolf’s opponents, pulling its attention to me.

The one I hit lunged at me with claws raised. I simply stepped to the side, causing the beast to faceplant into the dirt. The beast attempted to stand, only to collapse unconscious. One down, five to go.

I turned to the wolf just to see the construct rip the tail off the beast it was fighting. That’s two. Who’s next? I looked back to the three to see they were still mauling each other. Okay, they’re still occupied. I looked to the spot where the first beast I struck landed to see it was no longer there. Where is the one I knocked on its back? Wait, the wolf is distracted which leaves... CRAP!

I turned to see the beast within pouncing distance of the black shape. Angered by my lack of foresight, I charged a Hadoken and launched it. This attack was unlike my normal projectiles, as it was a actual fireball. The attack struck the beast and it burst into flames.

“Not today.”

That's three, which leaves... I turned to the three remaining beasts, who had stopped fighting each other and were staring at the one currently rolling all over the ground.

“Who's next?”

Time seemed to slow as one charged at me. I raised my right arm to gather energy but none came. Why can't I… The rectangle I saw during meditation! It's a Super Meter, but which one? Anyway, time for Plan B. I’ll figure out that stuff later. My thoughts ended as the beast pounced. A roundhouse sent it flying into the wolf, who impaled it with a spike formed from the wolf’s paw.

The two remaining beasts looked at each other before running away as if the devil himself was on their heels. Instead of chasing them, I went to the black shape to check out the wounds.

The first thing I noticed was that the being had a similar body structure as the other natives, except their “skin” seemed to be more like chitin. It was also covered with a huge amount of mostly minor cuts and cracks. Then I noticed the being was female. She jolted up.

“I must contact the Princess’s.” She said as she tried to stand. She barely succeeded.

“What? Calm down.”

“The crazy queen has done it! She’s going to-”

“Calm Down. Sit Down. Explain from the beginning.” I cut her off with my best demonic voice (which was even better now that my base voice was borderline demonic-sounding). She complied.

“Good, now, who are you?” I continued to check for wounds.

“I'm what you ponies refer to in myth as a ‘changeling'”

So that's what the beings I ran into before are called. I thought as I found the first of the major wounds: a huge gash running down her leg that was bandaged with what seemed to be her shirt sleeves.

“A rival queen is planning to expose us to the world with a invasion. I must-”

“You must heal. A dead messager can’t deliver a clear message.”

“But, my hive sent me to warn your princesses! I have to go.” With that said, she tried to take to the air, only to find one of her insectoid wings were bent horribly.

I gave an amused grunt. “Your body agrees. You are going to stop and let your body heal.” And I’m gonna find out why I felt the Satsui no Hado radiating from you.

She groaned. “Fine, There is about a month in between now and the attack. I may be able to spare a week to heal.”

“By the way, you haven't told me your name, ‘changeling.’ That's what I wanted to know when I asked my question and I would prefer to not keep using the name of your race.”

“You can call me ‘Mirror’ if you need something to refer to me by.”

“Ok, Mirror, time to go. I ain’t gonna stay out here after dark,” I picked her up in a bridal carry and went back the way I came, the wolf following behind us. “Luckily, I know a place.”

Night had fallen by the time I arrived at the ruined castle I stayed in two days ago. Well, until I figure out something better, I can stay here and train. Gonna need to figure out my food situation, but that can wait until tomorrow.

I found a room without any holes in the ceiling and put Mirror down there before heading to sleep myself.

When I arrived in my dreamscape, I immediately started to work on learning the Ashura Senku, the only non-offensive move I knew of in my new list of moves. It was basically a teleport, but I could still be seen during movement. I almost never used it in the games, but I knew it would be extremely useful moving forward here, wherever here was.

During this training, I felt what I could only describe as knocking on the dreamscape. At first I ignored it, but just when I got the technique down, mental vibrations became unbearable.

“Who is it? If it's the moon coward, I will HURT you until you feel it in the waking world.”

A ball of shadows with teal cat-like eyes appeared before me.

“Those eyes... Who are you?”

“I am a desperate soul locked away within Luna, I have no true name but many call me ‘The Nightmare.’ I felt your power last night and it gave me hope to be free.”

I sat down. “Well, I may be able to assist, but I need to know the story.”

She appeared fully, and I was stunned by her appearance. She looked similar to Luna, but with two notable differences. First, she had pitch-black fur as opposed to Luna’s midnight blue and second, she looked stronger. She would have been a bit intimidating honestly, except there was no presence behind it. That concerned me.

“I don’t want to bore you.” She said as she took a seat.

“Then tell me: why do you look strong and feel weak?”

She wouldn’t answer, so I continued.

“Is it because you are used to this form? Or for scare factor?”

‘Nightmare’ was silent.

“I don’t know what truly you are or what you have to lose or gain from a mask of power, but know that it angers me when people pretend to be something they aren’t for approval.”

She still refused to answer. Well, Actions always spoke louder than words.

I materialized a punching bag and placed it by her. She looked at it, puzzled.

“Hit it.” I said. She barely punched it.

“Again.” Another blow.

“Again!” A slightly stronger blow.

“AGAIN!” Another blow.

“Once more.” And a picture of Luna appeared on the bag. She punched through it, ripping a hole in the bag.

More bags appeared surrounding ‘Nightmare’, each with a picture of Luna. Each was struck with such fury that the bag was destroyed. She burst into a rage and punched the ground. That strike sent out a massive shockwave, obliterating every bag on contact.

“Why can she do that?” ‘Nightmare’ said. “Make me who I am and not own up to it? Give me what she doesn’t like about herself and lock me away?”

“I don’t know but I do know you needed this. Come back tomorrow and tell me your story. If I can, I will help you.”

Right before I woke, she said two of the best words to hear together.