• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,564 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

  • ...

Round 6: Here Comes a New Challenger!

I awoke to the wooden wolf staring at me. I took this opportunity to study the construct more thoroughly. The green glow in one eye was of a emerald hue and seemed to lace the construct together, as it’s glow was almost everywhere. There was a pureness about it.

On the other hand, the purple-red glow of the other eye was found faintly over the teeth and claws, places the construct would attack with. This glow radiated power, but not much.

My observation over, I arose from the floor to be reminded of that I had hardly eaten since I got here by a grumbling stomach. The wolf look quizzically before bolting.

“I wonder if… nah, I need to stretch now, I can wonder later.”

I went through my limb rotations rather quickly and was in the middle of some flexibility stretches when the wolf returned with some berries.

“Thank you…” A thought occurred to me. “You want to stick around? If so, I need something to call you.” The wolf nodded.

“But first, you can show yourself, Mirror. I know you are watching.”

Sure enough, Mirror appeared, looking a bit better than last night.

“How long did you know I was watching?” She sputtered.

“You started watching me during shoulder rotations.” I stated, unfazed.

“Impossible… You knew I was here the entire time.”

I grabbed a couple berries and popped them in my mouth, before continuing “Not that hard. Now,” I offered her a berry. “Want one?”

She shook her head. “I need a different kind of meal. My kind feeds on positive emotions, the best for us being love. Something I feel little of coming from you.”

I reached for more berries when a green cylinder of some kind hit me in the head. I grabbed it and almost flung it when I heard a voice emanate from the cylinder. I was only able to make out the last word in the speech. Clash. Maybe I need this.

“I’m heading outside. Don’t follow me.” The wolf nodded, but Mirror grumbled incoherently.

I headed out and pushed the button and, in my best demonic voice, said, “I don’t care who you are. You. Me. Fight. Now.”

I waited for a minute. “I got all excited for a quick match, but it seems that this place just breeds cowards. At least the moon chick stayed for a fight, however cowardly it was. I really had my hopes up that I could fight someone strong. Mystery voice, You are no army, you are a weak, mewling pussy, and your boasts are as weak as your spirit for battle!”

A moment of silence before the device went off with a green flash, a rather annoyed looking young man in a grey hoodie and torn jeans appeared, standing next to an extremely pissed off looking changeling around the age of 13.

“So, how about we dismiss with the pleasantries, who’s my opponent?” I asked. Please be the less angry looking one.

“I'd beat you in a second.” The man shook his head. “She’ll kick your teeth in.”

“Acceptable, I am going to-” I felt the amount of power they each held. “I did say a quick match. I concede first move to you.”

The girl cracked her neck, baring her fangs at me.

“Let’s go.” I leaped into the air, firing two Hadokens to gauge her response. She spread her wings, darting into the air.

“Crap, I’m no air fighter.” I muttered under my breath, before charging a Shakunetsu Hadoken to use as an anti-air. Ten bucks this won’t work.

“Ka...me...” she pulled her hands back, cupping them. “Ha...me...” a small orb of red energy flickered to life in her hands.

I fired my measly fireball before steeling myself for the attack.

“Ha!” She roared, firing off a beam of blood red energy. Wish I had a Super ready, was my last thought before the beam of energy hit. “Kaio Ken!” She screamed, suddenly appearing in front of me, punching me in the gut.

I doubled over in pain, but to my credit didn’t fall immediately. Just like my first day in the dojo. I tried to straighten myself back out, but collapsed instead. “Well, that was enjoyable, except that last hit.” I breathed out

Then, I heard growling. The wooden wolf jumped in front of me and started growling at my opponents.

“Calm down and help me up.” I said to the wolf. “Lass, that was fun. Wanna come in?”

“Screw you!” She snarled, decking me in the face. “You stupid, muscle bound idiot! Interrupt my birthday will you?”

“If this was three days ago, I’d be making the same type of complaint. Now, I could settle for a decent meal.” I got back onto my feet and turned to the male. “Also, I apologize for the insult to your honor. Last three days have not been fun.” I stopped as a thought occurred to me. “I haven’t introduced myself, the name’s Gouki. May I have your names?”

“I'm Jason Hughes, and that's my angry daughter, Freya.”

“Nice to meet you two.” I said. “I noticed that her Turtle Destruction Wave didn’t feel like pure ki, Could just be me though. Let’s continue this inside, less things that need to be punched.”

“Fine.” Freya huffed, dropping her aura

As we headed inside, I couldn’t resist a quick observation. “If her tempers that volatile, Dad must be three Death Stars of do not touch.”

“I've killed at least two thousand changelings in an afternoon.” Jason shrugged.

“Not. Touching. That. One.” I said as we entered the run-down castle.

“Why not?”

“I may now have a instant-kill move and can sink an island but I like my one-v-one matches. Besides, I don’t need the last resident here to try something stupid by attacking you.”

At that exact moment, Mirror walked in her horn glowing dimly.

“What's a drone doing here?” Freya asked, crossing her arms.

“Messenger that got hurt, stopped her from almost killing herself,” I said. “Something about a attack in a month.”

“Oh yeah, that's when Mom tried to take over Canterlot,” Freya nodded.

“Canterlot, rings some bells, but can’t quite place it. Is it from a movie?”

“It's the Capital of Equestria,” Jason explained, sitting down on one of the thrones.

“I know this ain’t Earth, and I’m not in a coma. That vendor sent me somewhere for seventy bucks. I just want to know if it’s based of something I seen or not.”

“My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.”

“Ok, that makes everything make more sense. Did you get a deal from that shopkeep too?”

“I bought this thing.” He held up his left hand, showing off an alien looking device.

“Nice watch. What’s it do? Or is that the ‘army?’”

“What? Never heard of Ben 10?” He asked, raising his eyebrow

“That show that was on repeat for a good year or two? I’ve seen maybe ten episodes from beginning to end,” I said. “Not my cup of tea.”

“Basically, this thing let's me turn into a little over a million aliens.”

“Cool, I got prayer beads,” I pointed to the necklace. “Finished my outfit and get me a one-way ticket here. Still wish the trip came with food.”

Jason reached into his pocket, proceeding to toss me a bag. “Eat up.”

“What is it?” I asked as I opened the bag.

“Salted meat.”

“Thanks, I owe both of you one.” I dived into the bag with gusto, eating until satisfied. “I guess those candy commercials were right. ‘You aren’t you when you’re hungry’”

“You're not you after a purchase from the Merchant.”

“That explains why I can tap into the ‘Satsui no Hado’ but not why I’ve felt it in three other beings.”

“The version you get sent to has elements of the fiction you were added to.”

“I don’t know how bad that is. If it’s only Street Fighter canon, I’ll be fine,” I took a deep breath. “But Akuma has been in at least three different crossover series and important to the story in some of them. The last thing I need is all of Capcom here.”

“You’ll be fine,” Jason said dismissively.

“Of course you’d say that,” I picked the cylinder thing from before. “Any chance I can get a calling card like this?”

“Just find something that represents you and just a message in it.”

I took off my prayer beads. “This work?”

“Sure why not?” Jason shrugged.

“For those with the warcry of a true warrior, Call upon me, The Master of the Fist, and I will assist. But know this, if you are cowardly, You will burn forever in the heat of my Rage!”

“Edgelord.” Freya rolled her eyes.

“I assume you don’t know of Street Fighter, Freya.” I used the Ashura Senku to phase past her. “In all seriousness, thank you. I needed to get schooled again.”

“Ermac’s the cooler hidden character,” she shot back.

“Gon. End of story.”

“Go play X Tekken.”

“Love too, but no. Favorite Tekken was 3.”


“This has been fun, but I’m pretty y’all want to go home. How to do?” I said. “I’ve got a couple of messes to clean up and the lass had her Pinata.”

“Lemme guess, you pissed off the princesses over something stupid?” Jason asked flatly.

“I got into a fight with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, may have given Purple Smart a headache wake-up call, and pissed off Luna by calling her a coward. Anything else I can neither confirm or deny. Oh, and Nightmare Moon has the power of the Satsui no Hado now.”

“Welp, we’re fixing that before we leave.” Jason stood up, cracking his back.

“I rather take care of the ‘lunar’ problem on my own. It’s not pressing and I doubt that anyone would approve of my plan for that.”

“Dude, they've done worse for less in some universes. Just buck up and deal with it.”

“I think I’m going to call for a IOU then for that one, because I meet her last night and-” I looked toward Freya. “She wasn’t a omnicidal night bringer, She was a very angry girl with a bad rep.”

“What?” Freya asked, raising her eyebrow

“I’m not going to condemn a fighter with a temper problem, but I get the feeling you two would. That’s why I say no thank you to lunar assistance.”

“One, Nightmare Moon is a friend of mine and two, I can help her.”

“Let’s just do the easy stuff first….” I pointed to the wolf. “Stay. Protect Mirror.” I turned back to Jason. “Time to rollout.”

“I'll lead the way.” Jason strode past me, Freya in tow.

Halfway through the forest, I decided to hum a tune I found in a fan video I found a while ago. They turned back, looking at me. “I Can’t Decide, look it up.” I said before returning to the tune.

“The cogs creak a melody,” Freya sang, quite beautifully despite her odd voice, “Sing a lullaby for the doomed. The ones who would never be, will find a vessel in the paleblood moon.”

“Dark, but lovely.” I said.

We reached the farm at around midday. No one was in sight but I got a strange sense of foreboding.

“Hey, wanna have some fun?” Jason asked with a grin.

“On a scale of one to ten, how much pain?”

“You are way too focused on pain. You guys hide, I'll mess with my dear sisters’ head a bit “

“So, one for physical, possible five for mental. Mind the crater.”

Jason rolled his eyes. “Omnitrix, Appleseed.” He transformed in a flash of green light, becoming a tall, green stallion with a resemblance to Applejack.

“Well, please don’t mind screw too much. Brain Bleach doesn’t exist yet.”

“The word you're looking for is 'fuck’” Freya corrected.

“I prefer not to curse needlessly.” I countered.

“Go hide already!” 'Appleseed’ commanded and it took me a moment to realize he had the voice of Johnny Cash.

“Ok, I will. But first, say hi to that Boy Named Sue for me.” I headed back into the forest and climbed a tree. Freya flew into an apple tree, snagging a piece for fruit.

Appleseed forward his throat before rushing towards the farm house. “Ma! Uncle Mac! Ah need ta talk to ya!”

“He’s not doing what I think he is….” I hung my head

“No one expects a son from the future.” Freya grinned, taking a bite from her apple.

“This is going to go straight to Hell.”

“Ma!” He ran into the porch, banging on the door.

Wait a minute, I gave the Purple lass a massive headache yesterday, so Applejack may be over at the library, plus middle of the day so the other two siblings are out, which means… “Bloody Hell!”


“Old people don’t do surprises very well. I hope he has a plan if Granny opens the door.”

“Granny will be fine. Old coots got fire in her.”

“If anything goes wrong, I want it quoted as ‘I told you so.’”

Appleseed kept shouting, pounding on the door. As expected by my luck thus far, Granny opened the door. I caught something about young ones and screaming before Jason was ushered in.

I climbed back down the tree and ran over to the house so I could catch some of the outlandish conversation that was about to take place.

“Granny, have ya seen my ma anywhere?” Jason asked, looking around the den.

“And who would that be?” I heard Granny asked as another pair of hoofsteps entered.

Wait for it…. I peeked through the window to see Applejack walk in. Perfect timing. I ducked back down and braced for the bombshell word about to hit.

“Ma!” Jason called, rushing over to Applejack. You could have heard a pin drop in the second after that statement was said. I took a peek to see Applejack frozen with a look between shock and fear on her face, Granny was chuckling, and a flash of light captured the scene perfectly. “Thank Faust ah was able to find ya!”

“Whut in tarnation is going on here?” Applejack shouted. At this point, it took all of my willpower not to blow my hiding place laughing.

“Ah came back ta warn ya.” He panted, catching his breath.

“Warn me about whut?” She said. I started to snicker before composing myself. He’s gonna milk this for all it’s worth.

“That snake Frost Horn is tryin’ ta change the past.”

I honestly stopped processing what was said after that as I succumbed to full on laughter. I laughed for maybe a good half a minute before realizing I may have blown Jason’s prank.

“Ya hear that?! He’s already here!”

I headed back to my original hiding spot, as I heard movement for the door. “Kid from the future comes back to warn momma, a plot straight outta a tv show. That was a good one.” I made it to the tree where Freya was.

“Your dad’s a riot.” I said.

“Yes he is.”

“Say, I assume you’ve met others like your dad and me. They as funny as him?”

“A few are.” Freya spread her wings, flying over to the farmhouse.

“Cool,” I said, grabbing another meat snack and downing it. “Guess it’s showtime.”

“Not yet.” Freya shook her head

“Whaddya mean her not datin’ Soarin?!” Jasin cried.

“I hear ‘em, so showtime’s soon.” I looked down to see apple cores. “And I’m gonna get blamed for stealing again. Lovely.”

“Ah mean Ahm not datin’ Soarin! Now where’s that troublemaker you were talkin’ bout? I don’t see ‘im” Applejack said, her voice drenched in irritation.

“It’s already too late...” Jason hung his head, “He already undid me...”

“I’m liking Jason’s plan less and less by the second. If there’s a red flash, I’m out!” I said, preparing to bolt.

“What do ya mean ‘undid ya’? Ya still here.” She said.

“Ya'll were already supposed to be datin'...” He held up a hoof, which appeared to be fading away.

“Datin’ Soarin now? For ya to exist?”

He nodded, the effect spreading to his chest.

Applejack was speechless. I had a different feeling, though, one of rage. Jokes are good, but this might be pushing it.

“Ah think ah know the solution.” Granny waddled over. “Go get on the stick Jackie.”

“Can I do Plan B yet?” I asked, confused.

“Shush!” Freya hissed.

“What? Is it getting to the ‘good part’ now?”

Turning back to the scene, I could only describe Applejack as frozen. She had no visible reaction.

“Ok, this has been fun, but I have other things to do after this, so Plan B.” I said and threw a couple of cores beside the Apple clan ponies.

“Those are mine!” Freya called, buzzing into view. “Lemme see...” she pulled a bag out if her Jean pocket. “I think it was 2 for each apple, and 3 each for not asking.”

“Almost right, it’s 4 each for not asking.”

“That reminds me, how much work to I need to do to work off that one tree?” I asked.

“Just ruin the joke.” Jason rolled his eyes, returning to normal.

“I could explain the joke too if you want,” I retorted “I can explain him, the girl, and what happened two days ago, if you gather the six others people that need to hear it.”

“But, I wasn't lying,” Jason clarified, “Appleseed is technically your son AJ.”

“We can share everything later, now it’s roundup time.” I shot a gohadoken into the sky. “That should get Skittles’ attention.”

Jason rolled his eyes, leaning on a tree.

In less than a minute, a rainbow contrail came directly at me. I squatted under it. “That’s Guile here.”

“Chill.” Freya grabbed Dash in her magic, holding her still.

“The trip to the library will net three more, so only need to find the butterfly and the pearl. Can you meet me there?” I started towards town not waiting for an answer. “And, Rainbow, you can pummel me after I explain.”

“Come on Sis,” Jason said to AJ, walking toward town.

In town, I got my expected welcome: cannon fire from Pinkie. I simply dodged each shot with the Ashura Senku until the shots stopped. “Guess I don’t get party invites today, but follow me and you may get a story.” I said, heading for the library.

“OOOOOO… Story.” Pinkie said. She put her cannon away… somewhere and started to follow. With her in tow, I got to the library last, somehow. “Not questioning it.”

I headed inside to get six glares leveled in my direction. “Explanation time?” The glares continued. “Guess so.”

“So simple version, or complex version?” I asked. More glares. “Simple it is: I brought something, got transported to the forest, killed a couple of wooden wolves, got hungry, stripped a tree of apples, ate them, got labeled a thief for more than I ate, made Applejack look like a fool, vaporized the real thief, knocked Rainbow around a little, got captured on purpose, fought Luna in my dream to a standstill, gave Twilight a headache, and went back into the forest. In the span of two days. Any questions?”

“Who did you kill?” Jason asked.

“Another wolf, gotta be a name for them. They’re like squirrels, bloody everywhere.”

“You killed a timberwolf?” Twilight asked.

“Pretty easy when you can attack the energy binding them together.”

“Thier freaking pests,” Jason grumbled, “Making me waste the guard budget keeping them away from Valhalla.”

I couldn’t resist my the obvious (for me) question. “Have you tried destroying the Alpha?”

“Different universe, different rules. That's like me asking if you have a dark elf problem.”

“Dude, they’re trees that think like wolves.”

“No, their twigs animated by the remnants of Loki’s power.”

“Fair enough.” Sensing the next question, I said, “No, I will not be demonstrating either technique I used to put them down. Anymore questions, or have we gotten to the ‘eye for an eye’ segment yet?”

“I'm open for questions as well,” Jason added.

“Why are you here?” Spike asked.

“Akuma over there summoned me, Spike.”

“My birth name is Gouki, but you can call me Akuma if you wish.” I said. Then, I heard wingbeats. “So, stupid question: who called the Princesses?”

Everyone turned to Twilight.

“You may need a new front door in about ten seconds.” I got up and cracked my knuckles.

Jason rolled his eyes, moving to open the door. “This library still has a few years of life in it,” he told the stunned princesses, “It doesn't deserve needless abuse.”

“I always did ‘take it outside’ when the waiter asked,” I said heading to the door. “Luna, have you come for the rematch?”

“As much as I’d like to see a fight, everyone just shut up, sit down and let me talk.” Jason narrowed his eyes. “Now.”

“Later then, I did promise her one.” I entered a meditative stance. I saw my meter was at level 3. Good.

“Very well, We shall humor you.” Luna placed her scythe by the door and entered. Freya stepped up to her, leaning in close to her.

“You look better with the scar.”

“Your Luna got into a scrap?” I asked.

“She got it from Blueblood when he petrified her,” Jason replied.

“Then please, don’t share.” I stated. “I know I gotta be careful with the Goshoryuken, lest I rip someone open. I don’t need to hear about scars.”

“But now I’ve got everyone else intrigued.” Jason gestured at the ponies. “Why, I even have pictures.”

“Before you do,” I turned to Rainbow. “Remember that technique I hit you with?” She nodded. “A weaker version of that attack ripped a guy's chest open, from waist to shoulder about this wide-” I made a fist. “Y’all still wanna see, be my guest. But remember, things happen and they can happen to you.”

“Anyway, if your resident hidden character will shut up for about five minutes, I'll lay the basics on you guys.” Jason glared at me. “Now, I’m Jason Hughes, ruler of Jotunheim, lord of winter, member of the Apple clan and one of Equestria’s seven rulers.”

“My apologies, King Asskicker, any more titles you have?”

“I will remove your mouth.” Jason growled.

“Then I win.”

Princess Celestia chose that moment to interject. “One of Equestria’s seven rulers?” She asked.

“Aye.” Jason nodded. “My Equestria is split between Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance, Princess Twilight, Empress Gilda of Griffonstone, Dragonlord Spike and myself.”

I coughed into my hand and said “Spoilers!” Freya jerked her head forward, covering my mouth with quickly hardening green slime. Well they want spoilers, Let’s give them spoilers. I got up and fired a couple of Gohadokens in the direction of the forest. Jason moved far faster than I thought possible for him, easily intercepting them. With a look of bone chilling rage, he grabbed me by the neck, ice forming around me.

“Shut the fuck up! I swear to Odin I will rip your heart out and eat it. Now if you don't want to be left floundering in the dark at the mercy of the multiverse you will stay quiet and listen.” He leaned in, his eyes glowing a deep red. “Are we clear?”

“I rather be surprised, but sure, I’ll sit down and shut up.” And with that, I sat down and began mediating.

“Now...” Jason cleared his throat, sitting down. “Questions?”

I let myself hear the first question. Something about the amount of other like us.

“Infinite. There's an infinite number of all of us, an infinite number of Equestria’s, an infinite number of variables. And no, your not lucky enough to be Equestria Prime.”

The next hour was filled with questions, some unnecessary (Things like favorite color and food), some useful (the term for us as a group, Jason was very specific that Displaced was self explanatory, and that I should kick anyone in the nuts who tried to say it stood for 'dimensionally misplaced.’), and some bizarre (reproduction stays in the bedroom).

Jason refused to divulge certain things about his world, though he did explain that the changelings, griffon's and dragons had fallen under Equestria's banner.

I ended my mediation and stretched. “Well this has been fun, but I think I should head home. I have a dream appointment that I don’t want to miss.” I turned to Jason. “You still haven’t mentioned how you two are getting home.”

“We got that covered.” He tapped his watch. “Who wants to see a trick?”

Pinkie’s arm immediately shot up, followed by Rainbow’s. A moment later a rainbow explosion tore across the sky, a rift in space forming. A rainbow stream darted out, landing in front of the library. It appeared to be a four legged version of Dash, though her wings were huge and her front legs had been replaced with mechanical talons.

“Cool.” I said. “9 out of 10.”

“Screw you.” The new Dash snorted. “You guys ready? Rarity and Chrysalis are pissed you answered that summons.”

“My bad, that’s 9.75 out of 10, missing a radio though.” I corrected myself.

“Bye mom.” Freya waved, glancing at Rarity.

“Let me know if you want a round two, lass, no, princess Freya. I’d be happy to oblige, and Sir Jason Hughes, tell you wives they can come and kick my ass for calling.” I bowed to them.

“Trust me, you don't want that.” Jason smirked. Pony Dash wrapped the two up in her contrail, pulling them through the portal.

“That could have gone a lot worse.”

Author's Note:

This was a crossover with Shagohad12 and his story, The Equestrian Edda. Check it out if you have the time.

Now, Gouki has been given a crash course on Displaced and made a token. Who knows what type of matches will happen now?

P.S. If you're wondering, this is the song Gouki was humming