• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

  • ...

Round 19: Water of the Womb

After the letter was sent, I headed home and went to sleep. ‘Nightmare’ wasn’t here immediately, so I began to listen to one of my favorite songs. I got halfway through the song when I felt knocking, as if it was synched to the words. Without missing a beat, I started to sing the words myself.

~Someone’s knocking on the door
Somebody’s ringing a bell
Do me a favor: Open the door

My face turned serious as I stopped the music.

“And Let ‘Em In.”

Before me now, was both my student, as expected, and Luna. There was an unmistakable amount of tension in the air, so I addressed them. “Luna, take a seat where you like. My student has come for her lesson and it wouldn’t do well to delay them.”

Luna was visibly angered by this, but took a seat as asked. I turned to ‘Nightmare’ and watched as she did a couple stretches before attempting to do the Tatsumaki for longer. After she did three of them, she walked over to me. “Is it time for practical training?”

“Indeed.” I said.

“Where are the targets?”

“We won’t need targets. You will be sparring with me.”

I saw her panic. “I can’t beat you. How-”

“You don’t need to beat me. You only need to strike me with the technique done right. I will not be fighting at full. Only enough to challenge you.” A mat appeared behind us. “I will be restricting myself to what you have learned. Meet me on the mat when ready.” I walked over to the mat and sat, watching her reaction to me basically telling her how hard the last move’s test would be.

She didn’t seem to notice and, after more than a few deep breaths, joined me on the mat. “Now, before we begin, there a couple of simple rules to go over. One, when sparring in my presence, you will bow to your opponent like so...” I demonstrated a simple bow. “Before the match, as it is a sign of respect. Two, spars stays on the mat and above the belt. You will not attack from off the mat. And finally, when time is up or the match is otherwise over,” I shot a glance at Luna. “Attacks are to cease. Do you understand?” She nodded. “Very well, let us begin.”

We bowed to each other, before the match began. We traded blows for a solid minute before she attempted a Tatsumaki. I ducked under it, before quickly standing and launching a quick (but normal) uppercut that knocked her out of the air. She hit the mat rather hard.

“Ow,” She said.

“Not bad for a first try in an actual fight.” I said while helping her up. “First round is over. Take a breather. I will call you for round two shortly.”

She nodded and sat down while I went over to Luna. “Enjoy watching your daughter train?” I asked.

She stammered. “D-D-Daughter? What makes ye say such a thing?”

“She did.” I motioned towards ‘Nightmare.’ “She told me the basics of how she came to be.” I looked Luna straight in the eyes. “She was not happy with how she was used. I would imagine she still isn’t.”

“Used? Who would dare to use such a unstable monster?” Luna said.

“The one that made her, and I quote, ‘a unstable monster.’ Bonds are one of my most valued things in life. One that would purposely break those bonds have no place here or anywhere.” I flared my full raw strength for all of a split-second. “I must ask: Did you know?”

She looked down. “It seems I am still guilty of the attack 1,000 years ago. I had no idea.”

I stood up. “I know this wasn’t the reason you came. You probably think I’m planning something… and I am. Nothing evil, I assure you, but I am planning something. When you leave, I’d like three things from you: you to talk to your sister about my proposition, a rematch at your leisure, and, most importantly, you to speak with her.” I stood up. “Now if you excuse me, the second scene will be starting shortly.”

I made my way to the mat. ‘Nightmare’ saw me and excitedly came over. We bowed to each other and began once again. We continued like this for the rest of the night, with a break after every round. Luna make her exit halfway through, seemingly burdened by what I said.

Two more nights passed since Luna’s visit and ‘Nightmare’ was making great progress. She actually beat me a couple times now and, on numerous occasions, almost landed her Tatsu on me. I assumed that Luna didn't talk to her yet and was either putting it off or steeling herself for a shouting match, as 'Nightmare's' focus didn't even slightly waver. Nonetheless, my student had been making great strides in progress.

Things were going right for me as well. I was confident with my own abilities as well. I didn’t have to think to get a combo the way I wanted. My other project had been approved, though not all at once. I was slightly concerned at the speed I got a yes, however. It made me think there was a player hidden from me. I shook my head. Worry will get me nowhere. Currently, I had an appointment to keep with Scratch. I looked in front of me, then back to the paper. It was the dojo and it was currently occupied.

I knocked twice and waited for an answer. “Dude! Come in!” I heard from inside. Shrugging, I went ahead in. I went through a couple rooms before finding her in a simple training room.

She was wearing another pair of orange pants with a black stripe along the side. This pair, however, had the word MAXIMUM in white letters on the black stripe. She also had a white t-shirt and green fingerless gloves on. Her shades had been placed to the side and allowed me to see her blood red eyes.

“So, you ready?” I asked as I went to the other side of the room.

“I should ask you the same.” She shot back.

I tightened my belt and entered a fighting stance more for boxing, instead of my own normal stance. “Well then, let’s begin.”

She hopped forward and delivered a roundhouse kick. I simply ducked under the move and delivered my own. She didn’t expect the uppercut and staggered backwards. I pushed my advantage, doing a quick one-two into her chest. She hunched over and fell to her knees.

“I guess you weren’t ready.” I said before offering my hand to help her up. She took it and I pulled her up. “I assume you aren’t a big fighter.”

“I learned enough to not have to pay bouncers.” She shrugged before wincing. “Yup, that’ll leave a mark.”

“Let me see.” She lifted up her shirt enough so I could take a look. As she said, there were two bruises where I struck. It was nothing the average person couldn’t walk off.

“Not for long, but I’d get a ice pack for this.”

She nodded. “I guess I’ll head home soon, then.”

“That’s good. Want a escort?”

“Sure,” She shrugged.

We left the dojo and, with her directions, made it to her house. A thought then occurred to me. “Why did you wanna see my skills anyway? Ponies are pretty peaceful, right?”

“We are. And as to the reason why, I’ve heard stories about fighters.” She said. I raised an eyebrow. “They say the sane ones aren’t good.... And the good ones aren’t sane.”

I covered my mouth. “Well, we know which slot you landed in.”

“Well, my cutie mark isn’t a fighter’s. It’s a musician’s.”

“Really now? Your sound travel through walls?”

“And Beats drop like waterfalls! Wait a minute... How did you know that line?”

“I’ve heard it a couple times in a song I know called Ultrasound.”


“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“One of those experimental groups I worked with did a song with that line… It’s not very popular here, but I heard the griffins like it.”

“Ah,” I nodded. I had a feeling that wasn't the whole of it, but I dropped it all the same. “I’ll see you round then.”

I left and headed back for the castle. I had arrived on Sweet Apple Acres when I heard a familiar southern accent. “Ya headin’ back ta yer place?”

“I wouldn't call it mine, but it’s a roof over my head and free to stay.” I turned to face her. “Unless you have a better spot?”

As soon as I said that, I knew that was a poor choice of words. Before I could elaborate, she handed something to her golden shadower, grabbed my wrist, and started to lead me to her house. “Ya don’t need ta be stayin’ in such a dangerous place, ‘specially at night.”

“So, are you offering me a room?” I asked. “If so, I’d prefer to stay at that barn you were taking me to two weeks ago.”

“We do have a extra room.” She said.

“Don’t want it.”

“Ya should take it.”

I was about to decline again, but I remembered I didn’t have any real reason to say no.

“Sure.” I said. Then, I heard a bell. “Dinner bell?”


Oh joy...

Author's Note:

I know this seems slow and a little confusing, but gotta lay the groundwork before we pick up the pace.

Also it seem SF has leaked into more background character as well....