• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,572 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 16: Tier List

I awoke surrounded by white walls and the sound of beeping. Looking around, I saw my gi folded neatly with my three ropes coiled on top of it. I could still feel the prayer beads, however, around my neck. I then realized I was not where I fell asleep. Instead, I was on a high-quality bed in a infirmary. After a brief inspection of myself, I found what looked like a suction cup with a scribble on the right side of my chest. I ripped it off effortlessly and the beeping flatlined.

I quickly changed back into my own clothes. As I finished tying my rope belt, four ponies burst through the door. I paid them no mind as I began to tie my rope gloves back on. That was until one of the ponies, a sky-blue unicorn, attempted to undo a rope as I finished tying it.

“After what you went through, you need a week’s more bed rest.” He said.

“You will either stop, or I will do it for you. Your choice.” I said.

“I insist that-” His mane blew back as I threw a punch towards his face. Both his sentence and concentration shattered as my fist stopped mere millimeters from his face.

“Do not test me…”

Before the medical staff could say another word, Celestia and Luna came through the door.

“I do believe that Akuma does not need any help.” Celestia observed. The staff didn’t need to be told twice and ran out at that statement.

“Now, Akuma…” Luna began.

“Save the speech. You want answers and I got work tomorrow.” I checked the rope that was tampered with. “What do you need to know about me?”

“Work? You have a occupation?” Luna asked.

“A bit of manual labor to pay back a debt, nothing more.” I started tying the other rope.

Celestia spoke next. “And when this debt is paid in full, What is your plan then?”

I chuckled. “Plan? To roll with the punches.” And beat Dictator to death.

“Surely you jest.” Luna said.

“Anything I could plan went to hell when I got here. Any other questions?” I finished tying the other rope and began giving myself a once-over.

“What was the being I saw you fighting?” Luna asked.

Now we’re going somewhere. “That was Oni, a demon of immense strength.”

Both sisters’ horns lit up at the word ‘Demon.’ “You have been harboring a demon inside you?”

“If the concern is something along the lines of ‘He’ll break out and terrorize,’ one, you aren’t worth it. Oni values a strong opponent, not golden pretty boys or scare tactics. Two, he can’t ‘break out’ anyway. Next question.” I said as I started for the door, unconcerned that only one horn dimmed.

“Why teach Nightmare Moon your dark magic?” Luna asked and I had to take a deep breath.

“I am incapable of magic. This,” I stopped at the doorway and performed my taunt to show my aura. “Is not mana, it’s ki.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” Luna said.

“Why? Why not if she is capable? You’d be surprised what the Satsui no Hado can do.”

“That is the name of your evil power?”

“Watch what you say, girl.” Luna bristled at my blatant disrespect. “The dark Hado is no more evil than fight or flight. It is instinct given power. That’s why I taught control, why I learned control, before anything else. Guided rage is much better than blind destruction.”

“Anger can lead nowhere good. Discard that way of thinking and you’ll be a better being.” Celestia said.

“Maybe for you and your kind, but I’m not of that mold.” With that said, I left to reflect on what I saw during my dreaming. Last night’s test was different. While the ruleset wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, my opponents were. The things I normally fight in those matches are nothing more than constructs. However, I’ve fought with my friends before and my opponents moved more like my friends would than any construct.

Then, there was Oni. Oni’s attacks felt familiar, past the point of sight. It was more like I’d felt those blows before. I wasn’t completely certain, but every hit I took was done the same way in another fight. Regardless, to me, one thing was very blatantly clear: The old level of skill won’t cut it here. I’d have to learn how to blend my old style with my newer abilities seamlessly. Can’t be any harder than the bar brawl.

I left my musings to notice that I had stepped out of the castle, was now in a courtyard, and most importantly was not alone. Twilight and Rainbow were there as well and both were looking angrily at me. I didn't have to think hard for reasons for Rainbow, but for Twilight, I didn't have a clue.

As I had come back from zoning out, I decided to go for the blunt approach. “Can I help you?”

Rainbow started to approach me in what I think was supposed to be a threatening way. “Who do you think you are?”

“A fighter,” I shifted my stance slightly. “One who would rather walk the path again than deal with ineffective threats. So, unless you still wish to fight me, leave my sight.”

“You speak so much of fighting and your strength, but you can’t possibly have the mana to back your claims.” Twilight tried to counter.

To my credit, I dismissed the mana part of the comment. Unfortunately, my anger was rising, and with it, an urge to maim. “I don’t have to actually fight you to see you couldn’t handle facing a portion of the Dark Hado within me. A mere mortal such as you is not worth my time.” I turned around. This was their out. Sadly, they didn’t take it.

Both ponies instead saw the statement as a threat. I heard Rainbow charge forward. Well, at least I can blow off some stream. I grabbed Rainbow’s attempt at a flying kick and, with its momentum, sent her into the sky with a uppercut. Knowing that that wouldn’t be enough to dissuade either of their folly, I prepared to unleash one of my least accurate techniques as a scare tactic. I fired twenty or so Hadokens into the air toward my target at near machinegun speeds, half expecting her to try and fly through the barrage.

When I saw nothing of the sort, I turned to Twilight. “As I said, not worth my time.”

I expected many things to be her reaction. Anger, Fear, even Surprise wouldn’t have completely off the list. Awe was the farthest away from them as possible. I saw she was slackjawed at my display.

“You weren’t joking….” Twilight breathed out. I realized right then that Twilight really wanted to open this version of Pandora’s Box. “How strong are you?”

I begun to answer, but a resounding boom took my attention. Rainbow had finally righted herself and was, once again, doing her best Leeroy Jenkins impression, only this time at supersonic speeds… STRAIGHT DOWN. I wanted to pinch the bridge of my nose (and would have if I didn’t have seconds before impact). Instead, I jumped and grabbed the living prismatic missile and flipped her over me and into the ground. After landing myself, I turned to Rainbow.

“That was Pitiful. Come back when you can strike from a direction beyond the front.” A groan was my response. Well, she’s more resilient than I thought.

Of course, breaking the sound barrier attracts attention, especially near world leaders. The Royal Sisters teleported in with the rest of Twilight’s present entourage, almost all ready to fight. Fluttershy was the only one that didn’t seem willing to throw the first swing.

Though the idea of fighting my way out wasn’t unfeasible, I went with my normal line of (nonviolent) conflict resolution.

“It was self-defense.”