• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,564 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 15:... Or the Destination?

I found myself in a void, no longer wearing my namesake’s clothes. Instead, I was in my own white gi from my dojo. I floated there for a while, steeling myself for whatever was to come. I have learning long ago that tampering with this type of dream was more trouble than it was worth. I may of had control over my dreams normally, but sometimes, for whatever reason, something unexplainable from deep inside had a message for me. That’s when I would find myself in this void.

These ‘messages’ came in two forms: Tests and codes. Right now, I was hoping for a code. It must have known because, as the void faded, I found myself at the drive-in stage with Simon in front of me dressed the way I last saw him. “It’s a test, figures. What’s the rules this time?” I entered my fighting stance… only to drop it when I saw my rules appear in front of me.

Must Gain victory in four 1-round fights with:
Double Damage Taken, No Blocking, and No Parrying

“Aw, hell…”

Ready? FIGHT!

Simon wasted no time and fired off a Hadoken at me. I ducked under it, only to learn exactly how much double was as he threw a strong sweep kick at me. The wind left me as I fell onto the ground. I got back to my feet and threw a couple of punches. Each was easily blocked and my reward for swinging back was a roundhouse to the face.

Each other attempt to retaliate was met with the same fate. “What does it…” I wondered. Everything the force threw at me was for a purpose, but I didn’t know what it was trying to teach me now, and that angered me. It angered me a lot. More than the blows I was taking, more than being doubted, more than having been dropped in the forest, and more than being hungry.

I stopped thinking about my attacks and charged. Punches and kicks chained together seamlessly and my opponent was put on the defensive. When my attacks stopped doing damage, I threw him and fired my own Hadoken. The first match ended there and John appeared next.

I honestly stopped caring what the lesson was at this point. I had to hit something and he was there. “Second verse, same as the first.” I breathed out.

I charged forward, ducking under or jumping over all of the ki blasts sent my way. When I reached him, I launched him sky-high with a Shoryuken and jumped after him. As I rose, my fist begun to channel energy. I reached him as gravity begun to take hold and, with my fist cloaked in energy, launched it at to send him towards the ground. “Onitekken!” I shouted.

Gravity paused for me and I did what felt natural and fired a Hadoken towards the ground where my opponent landed.

With that the second match was over and, as I landed, Lee appeared. Lee looked at me and nodded, before entering his stance. I retook mine and we stared. Neither of us moved, not even a twitch. The little things give you away. We continued this staredown for what could have been hours before his gaze softened and he said, “I didn’t know why I was here, but I do now. Remember, no matter where, we’ll have your back.” He bowed to me. “I concede.”

I smiled and bowed to Lee as he faded out. Wait a minute… I had to go four matches, and I’ve only done three. I then heard a voice speak,

“Let us see, Child, if your training as paid off.” It sounded as if the Gates of Hell themselves spoke to me. Before I could try to make sense of this, a blue orb of energy appeared. In it, a… to say anything less than demon would be impossible to use to give it justice. Its body was muscular, glowing, and radiating pure dark energy. My mind wanted to run, but my body and soul Knew this was a fight I craved in my being.

I took my stance as the blue orb burst and I noticed the brown orbs floating around it. “Oni.”

Oni took his stance and said, “Show me the extent of your Power!”

(3rd person)

The two Alicorn Sisters had left the throne room and were now speaking about the new arrival. They had neglected to do so before, thinking Twilight and her friends could easily handle it, and this was coming back to bite them.

“Stubborn Fool, The darkness he is playing with is a slippery slope. No one can just control it.” Luna said.

“What concerns me, Sister, is the level of power he says he wields, yet never shows. He says he could level a mountain, yet the most we have seen is barely a fireball.” Celestia responded.

“He certainly has some control of his mind and is incredibly bold there. He challenged me in my domain after he noticed my watching.” Luna stopped for a second as Celestia gave her a look. “He fought me to a near-standstill after goading me to go all-out.”

Celestia’s composure slipped for half a second. “And he brushes off being beaten and exhausted as minor problems. What could be driving him?”

As the sisters thought on this, a wave of the Dark Hado swept through the castle. Both sisters felt it, to different degrees. For Celestia, it was a uneasiness. Luna, however, felt as if her mind had been struck with a stone pillar. Nightmare Moon also felt it, and though it felt good to her, she was the most unsettled of the three in the room.

Master, Nightmare thought, What are you doing with that…. That’s not all his! She quickly went for his dream. She arrived there, only to find she couldn’t enter though because of a barrier. She struck the barrier with everything she could think of, to no avail. Nightmare was so intent on entering the dream, she never noticed Luna appear behind her.

“Of course it would come from this dream. Nightmare, be gone.” Luna began to cast a spell, only for the barrier to reach out and strike the base of her horn. The spell lost its charge and fizzled. Luna tried again, to get the same result.

“You cannot stop me in my own domain.” Luna roared and charged the barrier. Right before contact, the barrier faded and an open doorway took its place.

(1st Person: Gouki)

I was on my last legs. Oni’s attacks were on another level of my own. I couldn’t evade his attacks and my own moves were striking air so often, if someone saw this, they’d think I was shadow-sparring badly. I threw another punch and my target once more dodged before striking me in the gut. As I used my willpower to remain standing, Oni jumped back and charged a Gorai Hadoken.

“Master!” I heard a shout. I didn’t look as willingly letting Oni out of my sight was insane.

“So, this is your nightmare. Normally, letting you face it would be what I would do, but this is leaking into the waking world, so I must dispel it now.” Another voice spoke.

“Dispel this dream and another will appear in its place, twice as strong.” I stated.

“As long as you hold back, your destruction in assured.” Oni said, ignoring the new arrivals.

“Hold back?” Then it clicked, I was getting my ass handed to me now for the same reason Simon was kicking my ass when this dream started. I grinned, “Shadow, thank you,” I shifted my stance. “NOW RETURN TO NOTHINGNESS!”

Oni threw the electrical projectile as I charged forward. I passed the ball of energy using a Tatsumaki Zankukyaku and struck Oni in the face. Without losing a bit of momentum, I continued my strikes. Punches and kicks flowed through me like water and, after forty or so more blows, I launched him into the air.

“Hell waits with open arms.” I said, before turning to see both ‘Nightmare’ and Luna.

“We can talk later. Right now, I’m asleep and don’t want to deal with a Q and A.” With that said, I collapsed.