• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,572 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 23: Version-Exclusive

Author's Note:

This is a Crossover with DisplacedWriter’s A Forced Hero. Check it out if you can.

Almost a week had passed since the fight with Dust Cutter and my job for the day was done (My debt was paid, but AJ still said my assistance was welcome), so I had decided to take a walk in the woods. What happened to Dust was starting to grate at me. I found out that Dust was going through some kind of magical overclocking cooldown in the hospital. His body had a “sudden unknown influx of mana” and had to burn it all out. Nobody realized that the cuffs that he had on were like a finger in a dam. It stopped him from using it, but it didn’t stop him gaining more.

It brought me back to what Vinyl said the other day: ‘The sane ones aren’t good, and the good ones aren’t sane.’ It was something I didn’t pay too much to, but thinking about it now, besides Dust, not a single pony I fought was too skilled. Strong, yes, but nothing I couldn’t actually beat if I let loose.

I groaned

“I need to actually need to push myself.”

As I started to train some more, I could hear a quiet hum in the distance ringing within me. It was dull, but somewhat clear enough to signal its location. The hum followed a pattern like some sort of song. I followed curious, and soon came upon a strange stone, something like that of a monolith. Within the center of the structure, I found the source of the music.

Remembering my previous encounters with things I didn’t understand, I stopped suppressing my power before taking a look.

I could see some sort of wind swirling within its circle. The slow rhythm continue to repeat it’s pattern for some odd reason, like it was expecting something.

I didn’t recognize it, but it brought to mind the Song of Storms in my head. Shrugging, I hummed the melody for a minute. Wonder what this will do?

After the melody was played, a fanfare I vaguely knew filled the air followed by dead silence. The was replaced with what seemed to be wolf’s howl. This caused the stone’s center to glow brightly, before dying down.

“A wolf? It’s something, but I was hoping to fight something with skills… Oh well, at this point, Beggars can’t be choosers.” I entered my stance. “What can do you do, pup?”

As if answering my question, I heard the sound of deep breathing behind me.

I begin channeling power into my right fist. “If it’s parlor tricks, I’m going to be very disappointed.” With one fluid motion, I raised my arm and struck the earth. “Kongou Kokuretsu Zan!” I sent a massive shockwave of dark energy out from the ground.

I did not hear the whelp nor any sound of pain, but rather a quick growl. I did sense movement though as a wolf leaped in front my view with a angry and annoyed look. Something about this wolf looked off, not only was it not the usual timberwolves countered in those woods, but it had furry, and differently colored at that. It had blue eyes for a wolf, most of its fur the shades of red and green.

It took on a stance, growling deeply as if prepared to fight. I was about to push an offensive but the wolf moved first. It quickly leaped toward my head, and soon, my vision went black.

When it returned, my eyes were greeted by an unexpected sight, I was high above Equestria and standing what appeared to be solid floors made of clouds.

I carefully looked around at the strange sight before me, seeing no danger, but that same howl. The moment I turned around, I saw it standing there, panting out of breath. With yet another howl, it transformed into a man cloaked with a red hood, his face hidden within the shadows.

“That’s new…” I said. “You got a name, Fighter?”

“I go by many names. Some call me hero, some call me a legend, most call me a friend. It depends on which you desire, my real name? Or the name I was given when I arrived in my world?” The cloaked being asked.

“All I need is the one they’d put on your gravestone.” I activated the Dohatsu Shoten and cloaked my form in energy. “But if you wish for me to go first, I am Akuma and I will Teach you the Meaning of PAIN!” I swung two quick jabs forward, launching two Gohadokens at my opponent.

The man quickly took out a silver reflective shield that seemed familiar to me, but what took me off guard was that it literally absorbed the attack, coating the shield in a soft glow.

“Well, well, well. Aren’t we just willing?” The cloaked man said as he reached into his back to pull a finely crafted blade that reflected of the light. The hilt itself was purple with wing-safeguards at the top and had yellow gem within the center. The blade itself was nicely crafted as if it was recently made. In the center of the blade, were three triangles connecting together. That’s when I was able to place them.

The sword of evil’s bane, of course. “Only guy that can wield that is Link. You got anymore of his toys?”

The man who I assumed was Link, began to laugh. It wasn’t a laugh of mockery or amusement, but rather a hearty laugh. “Oh, you have no idea.”

I cupped my hands together and shifted my stance slightly. “Hope you like fire as much as evil.” I fired my charged projectile, the Shakunetsu Hadoken, and flipped forward, throwing Four Zanku Hadokens, hoping he’d block them.

At first, he didn’t react, but the moment my projectile drew close, he spun around on the balls of his feet, twirling his blade in circular motion to knock back my own attacks.

I landed, nearly dodging my own dark ki. “I heard that Link was good in tennis.” I phrased behind him and threw a Goshoryuken into the back of his head, sending him into the air. “But this isn’t Zelda, Smash, or Soul Calibur 2. Back and forth won’t be happening here.”

My fist connected with his skull, sending him forward onto his front. He grunted in pain, and stood back up. “That may be so.. but…” He raised his master sword skyward. “I’m not just One Link.” Suddenly, a bolt lightning struck the blade, making me think that he was going to perform a ranged technique with the blade, but that wasn’t the case as he leaped into the air to slam his weapon near my position, causing a powerful wave of lighting to travel across the ground. I didn’t remember this technique.

I threw a few Gohadokens at one of the blasts as it came closer, before leaping to the side. Why am I still so bad at real fights?

Suddenly, he dashed with incredible speed straight at me, leaping into the air to swing his sword overhead upon me. I quickly used the Ashura Senku to phrase back. I didn’t know too much about all of this guy’s arsenal, but I knew for a fact the Master Sword was one of the things I didn’t want to be hit by. I had to pick a fight with someone that has an advantage over me.

Link quickly reached into his pouch and pulled out what appeared to be some sort of blue and yellow pikachu. He placed it on the ground and it started darting toward me in a zigzag pattern. I flipped back and threw another one of my projectile blasts at it. Being on a defensive was starting to get to me.

Link quickly dashed at me again and I noticed why he was moving so fast on his feet, he was wearing what appeared to be golden winged boots. He got close to me and skidded to a halt to throw something. It burst open and I was blinded by a flash of light.

This was a breaking point for me. Focusing on power I didn’t realize I had, I threw my fist at the ground once more, erupting fully in the Dark hado. I closed my eyes and focused only on combat.

I heard Link take a leap back in surprise by this transformation. “Jeez, this got more serious real quickly.” He said, but I did not see what he was doing next. All I heard was the sound of shuffling, and then something shifting rapidly. Suddenly, I felt a surge of power followed by his voice getting to a lower key.

I kept my eyes closed and channelled the Dark Hado into my legs and fists. “Round 2.” I said, no emotion in my voice. I surged toward him and unleashed a flurry of blows upon him. Each blow, whether it connected or not, was stronger than the last. Instead of pushing an advantage, I stopped my flurry of blows with a backflip and opened my eyes.

What I saw before me was a much taller being, he was still wearing the same type of clothes and cloak, but it was different coloring, his eyes were blazing silver while his hair was white as snow. He was wearing armor under the now-white cloak with a triangle and crescent moon. I could see that much of my onslaught had connected as he was breathing deeply with his helix sword drawn in a blocked position. There were no dents in the weapon, but there were a few bruises along his face.

“Damn… Never expected for a Displaced to access the Dark Hadou that quickly, how long have you been fighting?” Link asked, now holding his wide infinity sign sword kind of like a certain one-winged angel.

I let the hado recede, returning my gi to it’s normal color. “Thirteen years, but the ki is three weeks. Thanks, by the way.”

“Hey, you summoned me and I had to test you to see your path. Can’t be too careful on who is an ally and who is an enemy. I’ve been this Displaced Link for twenty three years.” Link said, lowering his weapon. He reached up and pushed back the hood to fully reveal his face. Indeed, he looked Link even in his current form, although he looked nothing like the Links I remember, he looked a little… mixed.

I shook my head. “You mean you didn’t accept my challenge because you sense evil?” I shrugged. “Either way, You helped me figure out Shin. Hopefully, I’ll never have to go to the level after that.”

“At first, it was going to be a basic meeting, I entered your mind in wolf form, then see how you would act. But since you unleashed that burst of energy, it made me have my doubts. So as a precaution, I took out the Master Sword, but I didn’t go fully on the aggressive side. If you were truly out for blood, I think the Raging Demon would of sent the message.” Link suggested with a shoulder shrug. “Or the super… something hadouken. I can’t remember their translations.”

“The Shun Gotsu Satsu is impractical in the beginning of combat, and I know the Messatsu Gohado is unwise to use in a three-dimensional space. Still leaves me four separate Super Arts to use.”

“Ha, at least you’re smart.” Link commented as he sheathed the big weapon, he reached up to grab at his face and pulls it off, creating a small flash of light and returning him back to normal. “Now that I know you can be trusted, let’s return back to the real world, shall we?” Link asked. Slowly, the area began to fade to a bright white, returning me back to the world of awakening.

“That was in my head?” I asked standing up. “Cause if you were, I’m going to ask you to stay the night. Could use a little help with something then.”

“Sure, i’m pretty much at your command in a way.” Link said. I felt that there was extra weight around my prayer beads, I looked down to see a stone attached to them, very much like the one I had hummed to. “When you summoned me, it shrunk to be worn as a necklace as part of your current jewelry. It’s my token, the Howling Stone.” Link explained. It did look like it, but it was more a fallen diamond oval shape with a with in the center, still containing the same swirling wind energy. “Just hum whatever tune it radiates and I’ll come running in wolf form.”

I looked to the sky to see the sun beginning its descent. “That sounds good. Follow me and we can start shortly.” I headed deeper into the forest towards the old castle ruins.

Once there, I took a seat cross-legged and waited.

Link followed and entered after me, he didn’t sit crossed leg like. “So, what exactly do you need help with?” Link asked as he leaned back against the castle’s walls with arms crossed.

“I’ve taken a student who can’t currently walk in the waking world. I was hoping you knew a way to fix that.”

Link went silent for a moment as he thought about this. “Only thing I can think of is for me to try playing the Song Of Healing. It’s a song that heals troubled spirits and turns them into masks, but it has helped me heal the dark toxins of Nightmare a few years back. Either that, or I could try to find if my world has any fairies. I mean, its infested with monsters from the zelda-verse, so it's not too much of a far-fetched plan.”

“Wait a minute… Troubled souls, you say? I got a dumb idea. Head in my dream in a bit and maybe we can solve two problems.” Without waiting for a response, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Within the dream realm, I quickly found my student and Luna staring each other down once again. “Luna,” I called. “This is actually rather convenient. I actually was hoping to have a friend of mine assist us with something.”

Like before, the sound of a wolf’s howl echoed throughout the dreamscape, signaling the arrival of my newest ally. A fews moments later, he came running in, skidding to a halt near me.

“Luna, my student, this is Link.” I said. “He may be able to assist both of you.”

Luna looked him down. “How is a wolf going to free me from Nightmare?”

My student and I grimaced at this. “He’s got a song can heal and put lost souls to rest. I’m not sure if it’s going to give the effect most of us want, but it will separate you two.”

“Wait, lost souls? I don’t like this.” My student whispered. “I don’t want to pass on.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen if it’s played now, since Luna’s here. Normally, I’d want her here just as much as you, but she’s actually needed for the effect we want.”

“You’ll just to have to put your faith in me, dear princess.” Link’s voice spoke out and the moment Luna looked at him, I could see him bowing like a knight before royalty, though his face was hidden back in the hood once again.

My student frowned while Luna smiled. “Void Blitz,” I said, addressing my student with a name that, for some reason, felt right. “Trust me, I helped you once and I’m still helping you now.”

She lit up at the name. “Void Blitz, it feels right. Much better than Nightmare Moon, anyway.” She nodded. “Ok, if you can do this…” I nodded.

“Play it when you’re ready.”

Reaching into his pouch, he pulled out a beautiful ocarina that gleamed in the light. Near and around its mouth piece were three triangles standing in a formation I could recognize. Link reached up to push back his hood, revealing his face in full view. This is when I noticed his long elven ears. Raising the instrument to his mouth, he closed his eyes and began to play the first three notes of the song, and soon flowing into it. The others here, myself included, began to feel at ease. I felt my strength returning. Void Blitz had begun to sway to the music, as if melting away. I could see despair, pain, and across her face, before it relaxed and she smiled.

A tether appeared between Luna and Void and shattered. Void was launched at me due to its force and I awoke when she crashed into me. The force slammed me into the back of the wall I was leaning against. A brief smile graced my lips as I looked down to see a pitch-black form on my lap. “Told you it would work, didn’t I?”

“You did, Master.” She responded, before shakily getting to her hooves. I got to my feet as well and looked her over. Her pitch-black body came up to my stomach (including her horn) and her wings were outstretched, showing a rather impressive wingspan for what seemed to be a third-grader.

Then I realized she was naked.

“Hey, Link… before you go... You wouldn’t happen to have a spare set of clothes?”

Link wasn’t looking over here, preferring to give the young princess some respect. “Well, there is one, but it might be a little big for her..” Link said, reaching into his pouch to find them, he had to dig pretty deep though. “Are you familiar with Ordon clothing?”

“Not at all.” I said, looking up. “I only know your combat skills. Thank Goodness for Soul Calibur 2. I had all three versions.”

A few moments of shuffling he pulled out not one, but two different green tunics. “Also, for your information, I’m a mix of three Links, but I can access four different eras of His past.” Link said, holding out the two pieces of clothing that were neatly folded. “Shame the internet doesn’t exist here, otherwise I would've told you to look like Twilight Princess, Majora’s Mask, Ocarina Of Time, and a Link to the past. Now, the smaller tunic might fit her, but nothing will be covering her legs, while the Ordon clothing will be a little bit, so it may need to be modified.” He walks over to me with both clothes held out.

I took them both and handed it to Void. “It will work for tonight. I just needed something so we wouldn’t be arrested for indecent exposure. And for your information, my real name is Gouki. Kinda funny, if you think about it.”

“Since we’re exchanging our real name, mine would be Jeff. Yea, I know it's rather plain, haven’t used it in a long time since the ponies prefer my Displaced’s name.” Link said. He seemed to be visibly surprised that Nightmare, or rather, Void Blitz, was calm through hearing this.

Void put on the bigger outfit. “I also watched your little sparring session earlier. I figured you weren’t from here.” She turned to me. “Am I the only one you didn’t think about fighting before talking?”

“It’s how I truly get to know people.” I shrugged.

“After all, your Master allowed his fists do the talking.” Link said with a soft chuckle.

I smiled. “Again, thanks. Keep a lookout for a prayer bead necklace. It’s my Token. I’ll catch you later.”

“A little warning. If you find a pocket knife token, think twice before you summon. It belongs to my friend Chara and she’s got.. A bit of a foul mouth on her and she’s fairly powerful. Bad enough I have to keep her in check. Speaking of which, I hope she hasn’t tried to tear down Equestria looking for me after I vanished. “ Link said with a concern looked.

I stopped for a second and laughed. “I can kill souls.”

“Just.. take it easy on her, she lives in my world after hers got erased, alright?” Link said, holding out his fist towards me.

I bumped it. “Maybe bring them next time. Could use the exercise.” I took a deep breath. “Our Contract is complete.” I nodded.

With the words said, Link’s token began to glow and hum the tune of another song, one I couldn’t place. It put Link into a familiar crystal and spun around, before disappearing.

“Nice guy.”