• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,571 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 8: Prepare Yourself

In my dreamscape, I quickly got to work on recognizing the equestrian alphabet and matching it to English. I was lucky that they sounded the same, but I figured that I would need to be able to read the language as well. The last thing I needed was to be “purified” of my power because I didn’t know an opponent’s spell could do such a thing. Plus, if I could find a spell that could expel pieces of a soul before the month was up, I wouldn’t have to resort to whatever M. Bison used.

Nightmare arrived as I finished my review.

“You’re a reader?” She asked.

“Knowledge is Power, my student.” Even though it was what she was called, I didn’t want to refer to her as Nightmare, unless she herself said it was fine.

I turned to face her. “A fact you already know, I believe.”

‘Nightmare’ nodded before pausing. “Your…. Student? You are acknowledging me as your student?”

I nodded. “Your drive when pushed reminded me of myself when I started.”

I thought I saw her tear up slightly before she spoke. “I would let you down, Master. What is tonight’s-”

I jumped and fired off two Zanku Hadokens. “DODGE!”

This time she successfully dodged the attack while I landed.

“Not bad,” I said. “Remember, the little things give you away.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Watch me while we spar and you will see.” I threw a single punch towards her. She easily blocked and returned with her own. I parried the strike and launched a kick. She ducked under and went for a uppercut, which I narrowly avoided on purpose.

We traded blows like this until ‘Nightmare’ began to tire.

“Did you see?” I asked.

“No attack truly comes out of nowhere.” She said. “There’s some kind of wind up with any blow. One attack may lead to another or move faster, but there’s always something to watch for.”

“And that concludes tonight’s lesson.” I have a seat.

“When are you going to teach me some of your moves?” ‘Nightmare’ asked

I smirked at that. “If everything goes the way I want it to go, no more than a month’s time.”

I awoke after Nightmare smiled in anticipation.

After another day of work (this time fixing up the barn), I was once again at the library. This time I had sat down with an advanced dictionary, skimming it for magic and mana related words I was unfamiliar with. I wasn’t finding anything new however, and that slightly annoyed me.

I finished with the massive book and went for the other one I wished to read over before my next lesson. It was a spellbook specializing on low-power spells. I opened the book at the table of contexts and skimmed for any spell of interest. Chilling Wind, Dancing Lights, Fog Cloud, Moonbeam, Magic Bolt, Sparks… Wait back up. I flipped back to the Magic Bolt spell and read the description aloud.

“This spell creates a single dart of magical energy that will launch at a target in a straight line.” I snickered. “Sounds like a weaker-”

“A weaker what?” Twilight asked, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

“Magic Missile.” I answered before continuing. “I was never one for magic back home. Might was more my forte. A friend of mine was more interested in the mystic artes, however, and I picked up a thing or two from him.”

That wasn’t a lie either. Simon played as the magic-based class in any tabletop game he got us to play. Magic Missile became his most casted spell. It tended to boil down to: if he could cast Magic Missile on a enemy, he would overkill that entire encounter.

“Interesting… What makes Magic Missile stronger?” Twilight asked, quill and parchment in hand.

“More shots. At its base, it fires three shots. My friend had figured out a way to fire 80 shots every half minute.” I said. “Simon did always like to put flair into the basics.”

“What was your friend like?”

I stared Twilight dead in the eye.“I appreciate what you are trying to do, but I’ve got work to do, which requires research, and my biggest trigger is distractions. I will gladly tell you anything later when my schedule is clearer, but for now, I prefer you or Spike’s librarian skills, not your personal skills.”

I left the library afterwards for home… only to be intercepted by Pinkie. She handed me a note and bounced away. Chalking it up to Pinkie being herself, I headed for the tree line, allowing my aura to flow freely to minimize other encounters.

Once I made it to the tree line, I opened the note. It was a invite to a picnic near the end of the month. By then, everything should be in place. I’ll accept. Then I noticed the tiny print: Favorite Flavor of cake? Gonna sink that thought tomorrow.

I entered the castle to see Jigoku and Mirror locked in at very intense stare-down. Neither of them seemed ready to cave anytime soon. I was amused at the childish display and didn't disturb them. Instead, I waited for my presence to be noticed.

It took an upwards of five minutes before Mirror noticed another source of emotions, one that was mostly amusement. She turned away from her rival in the staring arts to me.

“When did you get here?” She asked.

Jigoku answered for me, barking twice.

“What do you mean, you noticed him come in? My trained senses couldn't sense him.” She said, irritation thick in her voice.

“Then you may need a refresher. Stop using just your five senses and try to use your instinct.” I offered.

“Instinct? That is only for mere beasts, not for-” I threw a punch to cut her off. She flinched as my fist stopped a hair’s width away.

“Instinct told you to flinch away from my fist. Listen to it and it can save you.”

A bark of agreement came from Jigoku.

When my student arrived in my dream tonight, I had sculpted a simple course for her lesson. It was a tiled hallway filled with unseen weight-triggered traps. I set the traps to randomize their location after every attempt. The hall itself was just as tall as ‘Nightmare’ and was too narrow for flight. She saw this and raised an eyebrow.

“Tonight’s lesson: Instinct. You will need to work with them and that’s what the course is for. I will see you on the other side.” I walked through the short hall unimpeded and gestured for her to follow after I was through.

She took one step in and was spun around, throwing her back to the start. Her next five attempts fared no better, as she activated a different kind of trap on each try. She had been tripped, blown away, spun around (again), teleported, and launched back (in that order) before she started looking at the tiles for hints. Hints that weren’t there.

“How do I do this?” She asked.

“Close your eyes and open your mind.” I said.

She shut her eyes and was able to make it three-fourths of the way before she opened her eyes. “This version of the challenge is unwinnable.” She stated.

I sensed where she was. The tiles on the floor and ceiling were all trapped until the end, but the walls weren’t. “Remember, I said work with, not rely on. There is a solution.”

She stood where she was towards the floor and reached for the floor, flinching back before touch. Then she did the same with the ceiling. When she went for the walls, She didn’t flinch back. I think she’s getting it. She braced herself on the walls and moved through the rest of the puzzle with ease. I had her do it twice more and she did both runs flawlessly.

“Did you feel anything during during those runs?” I asked my student.

“A odd feeling, a lesser version of what I felt from you the day I regained hope.” She answered.

“That’s progress, you can actually feel the Dark Hado within. I didn’t expect this would happened until you tapped into the power.”

“So, I’m ahead?”

“In this crash course, yes. The real training will begin after you actively use this power.”

She smiled, before a realization hit her. “How can I use this power if I’m trapped in a dreamscape?”

“I know a couple ways.” I lied. In truth, I currently only knew one way and didn’t want to use it. Another way to separate my student and Luna was my main goal before the wedding because, if nothing else, against a horde of foes, I’d want someone I personally knew the full strength of to watch my six.

“Because you are ahead,” I said to shift the conversation. “I think I should show you some of me zen techniques. That was the next lesson anyway.”

The rest of the night was spent stretching and doing basic punches and kicks.

The next day, I was at work in the fields again, shaking the apples from the tree. Today, I decided to get in some strength training as well and was using the sturdiest branches for pull-ups. It wasn’t as fast as punching the trees but it was doing the job well enough. Around noon, I heard a bell but ignored it. Instead, I continued working, stopping only once for a bite of meat.

When I finished my area of trees, I began hauling the apples back to the barn. With that finished, I headed back to the Apple’s home to “clock out” only to be stopped by the sight of Applebloom. She seemed fed up with something. I knew that this was something I didn’t have to interfere with and almost ignored it, but then an idea formed. One with collateral, but could give me some brownie points with the girls. Plus, if I did it right, the collateral would play to my favor.

“Something wrong?” I asked while approaching the young Apple.

“No.” That was the reply I got. I was not deterred however as I walked with her back to the house.

“Your face betrays your words. Bullies?”

She nodded.

“Maybe I can help.”

“Ah don’t know…”

“Think about it, the offer is still there.”

We arrived at the house and Applebloom opened the door. I thanked her and quickly found Applejack.

“Ah appreciate the work, but it don’t feel right not to pay ya for yer work.” Applejack said.

“Then think about it like this: I ate a full bushel which equates to owing you an upwards of 500 bits. This type of work is probably 2-3 bits an hour and I work for twelve hours which equals 24-36 bits. I should have you paid off in two or three weeks through manual labor. Then, if you still want me to work here, you can pay me. I am currently repaying a debt. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“Ah still don’t like it…”

“The other option is I find a job in town and show up with the payment. Either way, you would get compensation.”

Applejack scratched the back of her neck.

“Then ah will respect your choice.” I didn’t see or sense any deception, but to be sure...

I turned to leave, but stopped at the doorway to say one more thing, subduing my power as I did. “And I won’t accept anyone paying this off for me. Not the crown or your friends. This is the bed I made, now I must lie in it.” With that said, I made for the library.

I reached the library as Fluttershy was leaving. For some unexplainable reason, I felt a massive aura of power radiating from her. I filed it under “check later” and I nodded to her. The aura vanished as she noticed me. Even odder, Move to check soon. She hurried away and I was dazed. Screw it, check tomorrow.

In the library, I looked for any books on soul magic. Unsurprisingly, there wasn’t any, so I looked for something on timberwolves. I found a sizeable amount of books, but each of them were less about them and more filled of warnings.

I reached the last book in the pile. “The Bark’s Bite: A Guide to Timberwolves,” I read before taking a look at the author. Pack Member. “I’m not surprised. Now, what can this guy tell me?”

As it turned out, a lot. How they’re created (feral and domesticated), their “soul,” and the wood they prefer were only three of the many things in the book. One particular thing caught my eye however: a passage on shapeshifting for domesticated “wolves.” I read it:

Domesticated timberwolves are sometimes intelligent enough to shift their shape into another creature around. They cannot take a form bigger than they currently are (even though close by wood can be absorbed during the shift to help with size issues), and rarely take a smaller form. They normally do still act like wolves, but on rare occasions they will act like the species they turn into (besides for dietary needs). Feral wolves do have this ability to a extremely lesser degree. Their “merging” ability works the same way, with the added effect that the strongest feral with take over the end result.

“Which book have you picked out today?” I heard Spike’s voice ask.

“The only decent thing you have on Timberwolves.” I answered without looking up.


“For an associate of mine,” I looked up. “Things may be headed south for a time soon, and I wish to be prepared.”

Spike looked at me with thinly veiled curiosity. “What do you mean ‘South?’ You know something?”

“Not for certain, but I rather have warriors in the orchard than farmers on the battlefield.”

Spike seemed to accept this. “So, who is this associate?”

“I’ll introduce you later. Now, I’m going to need a book on Soul magic, if you could.”

“Why? That kind of magic is under lock and key.”

I looked around the room for any prying eyes before leaning in. “You must swear not to tell anyone the whole story until I say so. If this leaks out, everything will go straight to Tartarus in a handbasket. Not a simple promise, not a Pinkie Promise, but a oath of secrecy.”

“Why not a Pinkie promise?” Spike asked the obvious question for him.

“Simple: She appears if it’s in danger of breaking and none of your friends can know. Do I have it on your honor that this won’t leave your lips to others until further notice?”

He nodded once, so I began with the biggest thing. “I have been training whom history calls ‘Nightmare Moon’ to be ready for the power I wield.”

To his credit, Spike didn’t run or shout. He did start to panic, however, and took deep breaths. When he could find his voice again, he asked, “Are you crazy?”

“No, I am not. My student was not in control of herself at the time of either attack. I know you know about not being in control of oneself.”

“That was different.”

“Indeed it was, Yours came from a biological need of your own. Hers was worse, as she snapped under the pressure of another and was punished for the chain of events that she was forced to do.”

Spike opened his mouth to argue, but I could see the words die in his throat.

“Why tell me?”

“Because I get the feeling you will become a part of the events to come. You can take more punishment than a pony and I can see your physical strength. I’m not ever going to ask you to help me...” Spike raised a finger. “Because your friends will need you more in the back, than I on the front line. I tell you because you will need to prepare yourself in your own way. Be it sheild or sword, you must prepare.”


“I don’t know that, but I do know the end of the month is the deadline and you’ll be ready by then.”

I closed the book on my lap and handed it to him. “You‘ll be fine.”

With that said, I left the library and went to Sugar Cube Corner. I was able to slip in unnoticed and took a seat. I checked the line’s length. It wasn’t very long, so I decided to wait it out. Soon enough, the last pony had left with their order. I went over to the counter, where I saw Pinkie. I waved to her and said, “To your question: N/A. I’m not a fan of most sweets.”

Pinkie gave me a look as if I committed a sin to existence. “What do you mean?”

“I dislike cake and cookies. I have a challenge for you, however. There is something I like that you can make, but you can’t throw me a party until you make it.”

Her hair deflated. “I can’t throw you a party?”

“Not until you find the sweet I like. Then you can throw me the a party as big as you like and I WILL be there. Do you accept the terms?”

“I can still send you invites, right?”

I chuckled. “As long as I as I’m not a guest of honor, yes.”

“I don’t know…”

“I haven’t had any for years. I can guarantee the smile if I get one.”

Pinkie stopped when I said ‘smile’. I mean, legit froze, no movement at all. She stayed like that for three minutes. Then, her hair poofed up to twice was it was before.

“For a friend, sure.” She stuck out her hand and I shook it.

“See you later and good luck.”

And with that said, I left for home.

Tonight’s lesson was the final one of importance, and as such, it was the most difficult. It was simple in concept, but many difficult things were. A question she had to answer herself. If she could do this, she could master the power instead of being mastered by it. The question?

“Who are you?”

“I’m the pony of nightmares. I’m-”

“Not ‘what are you?,’ not ‘what have you done?,’ no. The question is ‘Who. Are. You?’”

That stopped her. I expected this, sadly, but this was an important step. If she didn’t know who she was, she wouldn’t be using the dark Hado, the dark Hado would use her. This was also difficult for me as it was difficult to help her. No one could truly know anyone as much as themself, and many couldn’t do that.

Hours passed before ‘Nightmare’ spoke. “I don’t know… How do you know who you are, Master?”

“I know because I can feel my own energies at peace. Your answer will do the same.”

Nothing else was said the rest of the night. ‘Nightmare’ entered meditation to find her answer, while I practiced my punches and pondered what my student’s kanji would be.

I arrived at the Apple’s farm before sunrise and started the day’s work of apple harvesting. Single strong blows from my arms felled each apple from their tree. I had finished two rows before Applejack found me striking a tree for its yield.

“Something up boss?” I asked, picking up the apples that missed.

“Can you pick up Applebloom from school?” Applejack asked back.

“Sure, anything else?”

“You missed lunch yesterday,” Applejack crossed her arms.

“I ate while I worked. If you wish for me to join your breaks, I must decline currently.” I punched the next tree. “It’s not peak summer so the heat is no problem, I’m not breaking a sweat, and the bushels aren’t too heavy to carry. However, I will keep your offer in mind.”

“Yer stubborn, You know that?” Applejack shook her head.

“More than you could imagine.”

The rest of the work went by quickly and, eventually, I heard the school bell ring as I finished for the day. I headed for the school at a brisk pace. Everyone cleared away from me, even though I wasn’t exerting my power. I arrived at the school in time for the bullies to still be there. I heard a insult and grinned.

A purple mare approached me. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, Name’s Gouki. Applejack sent me to pick up Applebloom. May I have your name?”

“I am Miss Cheerilee,” She looked a bit puzzled. “Why did she ask you to come?”

“I’m currently a temp there.”

“Ok,” And she went to watch the other foals. That was easy.

I spotted Applebloom, her friends and, as I expected, two bullies.

“Applebloom, ready to go?” I asked.

The bullies laughed. “This blank flank needs a escort home.”

I decided to humor them for a second. “Who’s the blank flank?”

“She is and it seems that the escort is a dummy to not know.” The foals that the teacher wasn’t talking to started turning toward us.

“I apologize, I was making sure you weren’t referring to me,” I made eye contact with the one talking, a bleached pink filly with a tiara on her head. I wanted to made sure she saw my blood red eyes.

“You don't have a cutie mark? That makes this even funnier. All the blank flanks together.” She laughed, unaware of the beast she was challenging.

“Oh, I do. Only the worthy may see it,” I turned to Applebloom. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yea, Ahm ready to go.” Applebloom answered. I nodded and turned to go.

The pink filly, however, began fuming from our interaction. “Not worthy? My Daddy could-”

“-not touch me. Good Day.” With this said, I started to let my power be known. The other filly, gray with glasses, could see this starting to go downhill and tried to stop her friend.

“That blank flank isn’t worth it, Diamond. Let’s get our stuff and go.”

Predictably, it didn’t stop there. I heard something fly through the air at me. I didn’t stop it or try to dodge. I just turned to face the projectile, a pebble, so I could watch it. The rock was deflected and hit the teacher in the ear.

“Who threw that?” Miss Cheerilee asked in a very serious tone. It was the type of tone a teacher had that everyone would comply with. It was also the type of tone that told my instincts to leave.

Applebloom must have had the same feeling as she bolted. I wasted no time following after. The last I heard from the schoolyard was Diamond shouting in denial.

After dropping Applebloom off at her home (and telling Applejack the school situation), I headed for Fluttershy’s.