• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,571 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 4: Let Your Fists Do the Talking

“Too slow.” I said before submitting to my anger and throwing a savage barrage of attacks. Luna barely could dodge each strike and my attacks left no openings for a counter. Eventually I ended the massive combo with a Goshoryuken, launching her into the air.

She recovered in mid-air and, after she could mend herself, asked, “Who are you?”

Still enraged, I shouted, “I am Akuma, and I will teach you the meaning of PAIN!”

Luna then materialized a scythe and charged at me. I saw her smile, presumably because she thought she would finally land an attack. I performed my taunt, bringing my front foot up and stomping it back down, the “Metsu” kanji briefly appearing.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the kanji and she hastened her charge, probably hoping to stop some ultimate attack. Instead, she charged directly into a powerful spinning roundhouse that launched her back into the air. I then began to spin for the second and more powerful strike.

After gaining enough force, I flew towards Luna and struck her directly, seemingly pinning her to an unseen wall.

“Let’s see your Limit. Tenshou Kaireki Jin!”

I struck through her and landing, briefly seeing my gi had turned purple, with my back facing her. Then I realized that I felt more power from her presence before when she was hiding. She's holding back! I turned her and saw she was leaning on the scythe.

“Show me your power,” I said, livid at the fact someone would invade my mind and NOT bring their best. “All of it. DON’T HOLD BACK!” I charged forward.

I closed the distance quickly and threw a punch, only to see it blocked by a magic shield. The force of the punch shattered the arena, returning it to a white space. I jumped back and grinned, before charging for the Messatsu Gou Hadou.

“So, you actually wish to fight us in our domain with our full pow-”

I fired the beam of ki, cutting her off and forcing her to duck behind her shield. The shield held, but shattered when the beam ended. I rushed in with another onslaught of attacks, but this time she blocked each strike without flinching. I flipped back to fire two Zanku Hadokens and a Gohadoken. Luna sliced though all three projectiles and hit me with the bottom end of her weapon.

She followed up the strike with a sweep, knocking me down, and leveled her scythe’s blade at my face. With me seemingly at her mercy, she asked “Are you done?” She was clearly mildly annoyed that I would fight her here.

Unfortunately for her, I was nowhere near done.I started to channel energy into my right fist and, when I had enough, punched the scythe. The weapon exploded, taking Luna by surprise. I took that opportunity to jump back to my feet. Luna recovered from her shock and immediately her aura intensified to a level I never thought I could feel come from anything.

“You truly wish to face the full power of the moon? TAKE THIS!!” With those words, she fired a massive laser directly at me. I ran towards Luna, surprising her as I dodged the blast, and performed one last attack: the Goshoryuken. The strike knocked her out of the air. I was about to attack again, but I felt a ripple.

“Next time we meet, we’re finishing this match.”

I awoke to find a wet sensation under my nose and the smell of blood. What happened? Did I lose my temper in that dream? I looked up to find it was nighttime and I was still in the bubble, but there were massive cracks crisscrossing in front of me. Must have been losing a sparring match in my sleep again.

“Well, I'm not sticking around here.” I said as I jabbed the crack, shattering the bubble. I quickly left.

Now outside, I considered my options. Lay low in town or back to the forest. I reflected back on my day. Not a contest, I’m going back to the forest. Now how to leave? I started walking on a random path that seemed to head out of town. After a while found myself at the top of a hill overlooking the orchard, the forest a bit further down the path. I looked behind me to see the sun beginning its rise into the sky and paused to watch its beauty. I almost forgot about how good it feels to watch the sunrise. Haven’t done this since… I turned back around and entered the forest.

In the forest, nothing but my steps made a sound as I ventured deeper in. At first this had me on guard, but after about two hours, I sat down and relaxed. After a five minute break, I began to practice my kicks on the trees. Each blow snapped a tree in half. Better, but not good enough. I know I can do more! I went through more than thirty trees before I switched to punches. The trees left were thicker and could withstand three of my punches before toppling. I punched four trees down before I heard a growl.

I turned to the sound to see a lone wooden wolf with two glowing eyes of different colors. The right was green, as I had seen in all the previous wolf constructs, but the other was a reddish-purple, a mix of my aura and my energy's colors.

“Hmm… What do want?” I asked. I took a step forward and it stepped back, shaking. It was obviously scared of me, but it seemed it also needed me for something. It beckoned for me to follow. “You want something of me?” The construct nodded and took off, weaving through the trees. I followed at a reasonable pace

Where is it going? I wondered why as it led me through the forest for a couple minutes. Eventually, we reached a clearing where a black shape was lying surrounded by more big lions with scorpion tails. Feeding time for big cats, this ain’t my- The shape moved and I felt something from it, not unlike my own power. Scratch that. That power is my problem if it's what I think it is.

I jumped into the clearing, launching two Zanku Hadokens at the beasts. Both ki balls struck one of the big cats, causing all of them to focus on me. As they charged at me, I felt the same something from the wooden wolf and I realized why it was scared of me before. It was the one that retreated while the others were destroyed.

“Listen, wolf,” I turned toward the wolf, “You defend the body, and I’ll...” The first lion lunged...

“Clean house.”...to be met with a Goshoryuken.