• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 20: Blood of The Covenant

As I had just been invited to stay over Applejack’s and it was dinner time, I was expected to join them for dinner. I wanted to say no, out of courtesy. News of what happened a couple days ago in the throne room was starting to circulate and, between the guards and the news, it wouldn’t be too hard for anyone with a good amount of facts to piece together what happened. I wasn’t afraid of starting a fight, but I did NOT want to have to take it outside.

I’d ask how hard could it be, but since this is a restraint issue, I know this’ll be hard. Stuff like this is how I got into that bar brawl. I shook my head. Worry can’t fix anything. Snapping out of my daze, I realized that I was at the Apple’s home. Well, can’t say no now.

I opened the door for Applejack and her shadow. “After you.” I said to the both of them. Applejack nodded in thanks, but the guard, who I just noticed was a unicorn, simply gave me a glare for a second, before continuing in. I shrugged and follows them in.

Inside, I saw Applebloom doing what looked like homework, Big Mac setting the table, Granny preparing plates, and the Night guard in the shadows in the corner of the room. Everyone looked up at our entrance, and I could briefly see each ponies’ reaction to my presence. Granny and Applebloom seemed at different levels of happy, while Mac had thinly veiled... disappointment seemed like the best word for it. The night guard was pissed and it looked like it took all of his willpower not to rush me right then and there.

Before Applejack could explain why I was here, I asked her where the restroom was.

“Upstairs, second door to left.”

Thanking the mare, I sped to the restroom for a throughout hand washing. Demonic-level strength and short patience meant I didn’t want to be in that room until the plates were all ready and everyone else that was going to eat was seated. I was pretty sure Mac would dislike Applejack’s decision after our first meeting, but at a table setting, regrettable things were less likely to happen.

Eventually, my hands were undeniably clean, so I headed back down just in time for everyone to have a seat. I saw seven spots set up with a stew of some sort. “I see the guards will be joining us.” I said, my tone a little less than friendly. Great, more pressure.

“And?” I heard Granny say.

“Merely made an observation, Granny. Nothing more, nothing less.” I replied before taking a deep sniff. “Now then, let’s eat. I want to know if it tastes as good as it smells.” I moved to a empty spot.

“Not so fast! We gotta bless the food first.” Granny said.

Mac proceeded to bless the food and we begun to eat. I took one bite to see what it was and was delighted that it was basically chicken noodle without the chicken. With that revelation, I tore through my meal with gusto. For five minutes, I ate with only a care for the food itself. I made sure the food only went into my mouth. The others at the table slowly stopped eating, one by one.

“Someone likes the soup.” I heard someone at the table say with a chuckle, although I couldn't tell due to me scarfing my food down.

Swallowing what was in my mouth, I looked into my bowl to see at least half was gone. “My bad, back home, dinnertime was before family time. Finishing dinner faster meant more family time. Soup is good, though.” I noticed then that all eyes were on me.

“That’s a good enough reason, I suppose,” The unicorn guard said, his gaze returning to his food.

“What’s yer family like?” Applebloom asked.

“We are all fight enthusiasts, all four of us. Mom booked them, Dad supplied practice gear, and my sis and I were learning how to.” At different levels. I put my hand up to my chin. “Probably why I was allowed to start so early…” I muttered and went back to my meal.

The night guard caught my words however, and asked, “How early?”

“Primary School. I started in second grade.”

“Who’d dare to subject their child to such things so early!?” The day guard all but shouted.

“I actually asked for it. My sister did too”

The effect was instantaneous. Applejack, Mac, and the day guard all got a few shades lighter, Applebloom almost jumped from her seat, and both the night guard and Granny asked to see what I could do.

“Maybe later because, believe it or not, I still have some food in my bowl.” I scooped up another bite. The room became quiet as we continued to eat.

This silence lasted until the guards and I finished our stews. “Good stuff.” I said before covering my mouth for a thunderous belch. “Good stuff indeed.”

Both guards stared appalled at my attempt at manners, while the farm folk looked stunned at my volume. I simply shrugged, excused myself from the table, and headed into the kitchen to wash my hands,taking my empty dish with me

As I begun cleaning dishes, I thought about my sister and her tenacity. I knew, of all my family, I’d see her again. She’d go through hell to find me. My real questions were ‘When’ and ‘Where.’ I hoped that it wouldn’t be in the thick of a fight. I quickly shelved those thoughts for the present situation. I had become something more than a simple fighter. I had Akuma’s attacks and looks. I was training someone how to use the Ansatsuken style. Somehow, becoming a demon in magical anthro pony land actually doesn’t suck.

Returning my attention to the dishes in front of me, I realized I did all the dishes from dinner in my zoned out state. Nodding at my job well done, I put the dishes on the rack and headed into the main room.

“Nope.” I heard Big Mac say. I could guess why, but said nothing.

“He needs a place ta stay.” Applejack shot back.

“Then he can stay in the barn.” Big Mac said, not budging from his stance.

I jumped in at the offer. “I accept! See ya tomorrow.”

Applejack’s jaw dropped as I walked out to the barn satisfied. I found a corner covered in shadows to sleep it and sat in it, ready for another night of sparring. Before long, I was once again in my dream room, sparring with my student. As her performance tonight determined tomorrow’s schedule, I didn't plan for anything special yet. However, as this would be the easiest goal to pass, I hoped she’d pass the Tatsumaki test rather quickly as it only got harder and faster she learned all three base specials, the faster I’d could, in good conscience, free her with that soul power skill.

We traded blows for minute sessions before resting for ten. I could see slight improvement in my fighting and leaps in hers. Each of her strikes were precise, and she could hold her Tatsumaki airborne for a solid four seconds, more than a simple feat. I was sure she had a grasp of the technique and was beginning to understand the power she had access to.

It was time for the last match for the night and we stepped once more onto the mat. We bowed to each other and entered our stances. She moved first, throwing a straight left. I parried and countered with my own punch, intent on striking her in the chest. It connected, sending her stumbling back. She jumped forward and punched me in the face. While I was still stunned from the first blow, she struck low, hitting me in my knee, and jumped for the Tatsumaki. Her kick caught me in a vortex of pain before sending me out of the ring.

Well then. Someone has been practicing. I thought as I flew. I landed on my front, more impressed than anything else. I stood up and looked to see my student looking down as if she thought she was in trouble. I dispelled such notion that I thought so with my next statement.

“Congratulations, you’ve passed this test.”

“But I broke one of your sparring rules.” She said, confused.

“Below the belt? I actually meant No Dirty Fighting.” I clarified and summoned the scrolls for the two remaining techniques.

Without missing a beat, she grabbed the scroll with the dragon.

The Shoryuken… An interesting choice.