• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,564 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 3: Verbal Sparring

“Anyone mind telling me where I am?” I asked

I had found that my normal Plan B could get a less than stellar response as I was currently in a pink bubble. Fortunately, said bubble was not soundproof so I could listen to the five ladies for any information. Unfortunately, that also meant listening to girl talk for answers to the questions I had. That soon proved to be futile.

Realizing that I would get no useful knowledge from these people, I decided to meditate and review what little I knew for certain. First, I’m not at the convention anymore. Second, I can use moves powered by the Satsui no Hado. Third, the wildlife has mythical creatures in it. Finally, the locals aren’t keen on my style of conflict resolution.

It was then I saw something flicker in front of me. I looked to see a purple will-o-wisp radiating power. Curious, I went to touch the spectral flame, only for it to transform into a rectangle.

I looked at the rectangle. A tenth of it was filled in. Beside the rectangle, there was a zero. I looked to see if there was anything else I could figure about the rectangle, but there wasn't anything that stuck out about its purpose.

I exited my meditative state to see what looked like a massive tree had fused with a house before being brought inside the place.

“Twilight, you’re back!” I heard a boy shout before seeing a pre-teen wearing a purple hoodie and jeans run out. Apparently missing the person in the big bubble, he asked, “What happened?”

“Spike, take a letter.” He left and was back in less than a minute with paper and a quill.

The one referred to as Twilight started to dictate to “Spike.” After she said "Dear," I stopped paying attention to her and started to look around the room.

It was a wide open space with books in the walls and a table in the center. On the table was what looked to be a knight chess piece carved out of wood the size of a vase. As I finished taking in my surroundings, a flash of green light snapped my attention back to the others in the room.

“Now, we wait,” Twilight said, pulling up a chair.

After five minutes of silent waiting, I decided to try talking again.

“Anyone mind telling where I am?”

No response.

“I deal with authorities that are more verbose than you two. At least they let me know where I am and what I’m coming in for.” Normally excessive force or property damage.

“You’re in Ponyville, which is near the Everfree Forest,” an annoyed Spike replied.

“So that’s where I was. Thank you for answering my biggest question. I think that you have a couple as well. So ask. One for one.” I wish I could say that I couldn't predict the question I got.

“What did you do?” Spike went for the obvious one.

“This all started because apparently I stole apples. I can give you the full answer later, when I don't have to repeat myself.” I said.

Twilight decided that she wanted answers as well. “Why did you attack my friends?”

“A question for a question. What is your name?”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Now to answer your question: I didn't. Attack implies I swung first. The first altercation was an accepted challenge and the second was self-defense. Do you have another?”

I took it that Twilight didn't like my honest response as she left in a huff. Spike quickly went after her, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I tried to go back to mediation to try and piece together what I saw earlier, but instead I fell asleep.

I found myself on the first bonus stage, an empty car in front of me. I thought about my zen music playlist and immediately one of the songs started to play. Satisfied with the song playing in my head, I proceeded to practice on the car.

I had knocked the hood off the car when I felt myself being watched. Confused, I stopped hitting the car in front of me. Curiously, the feeling passed as soon as I reacted. I shrugged and went back to punching the car, alert in case the presence returned. Soon, I finished destroying the car and went to another bonus stage I loved: the second bonus stage from Final Fight that I loved to call the “Hallway of Glass.”

This time when the glass spun, I saw a figure like the women I met and fought before, only with a horn and wings. At first I wasn’t concerned. Then I noticed the reflection pointed in the same direction as the presence I felt. That’s not one of my thoughts… was the first thing to come to mind and that was infuriating.

I finished the stage before muting the song and replacing the surrounding with the top of a castle. “I know you’re there, whoever you are. Come out and show yourself.”

No response, but the presence stayed.

“I don’t know who you are but you’re pissing me off. Stop hiding.”

Still no response.

“You can show yourself or I can find you and that won’t be pretty.”

Two blades of shadow materialized and shot at me. I fired a Hadoken at them.

“Stop these cheap tricks and show yourself!”

A shroud of darkness started to engulf the area.

“Put away your toys and face me! Kongou Konruretsuzan!” With that I performed the technique, punching the ground and creating a huge shockwave that dispelled the dark around me and revealed my opponent. She was another one of those weirdly shaped girls, this time a midnight blue one about 7 feet tall with horn and wings.

“Your name or my fist? Choose quickly.” I said, almost at my snapping point.

“I am Luna and I have come to-” was as far as she got before I snapped and punched her in the face.