• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 2: You Call THAT a Fight?

“Do you honestly think I’m going make this easy?” I asked.

The orange woman was leading me to what looked like a barn. I had inspected the rope I was tied with, and found it was a little ripped on the right side.

“Because that there rope will hold ya. Simple as that,” she said.

“May I ask your name? I like to know the name of my opponents,” I said.

“Mah name’s Applejack and what do ya mean ‘opponents?’”

At that question, I snapped the rope binding me with ease.

“I had no intention of coming with you without an actual fight. You want me? Come get me,” I said, shifting into my fighting stance.

Applejack was stunned for a second, before launching herself at me with a sloppy telegraphed punch. I simply dodged, watching her send her entire body weight into the failed strike. She threw another punch and I blocked to see how strong her fists were. The strike sent me back by a foot. Unfortunately, instead of a follow-up attack, Applejack threw another lasso. I grabbed the rope and pulled her to me, intent on trying another special technique, the Goshoryuken. However, she didn’t expect my tactic and fell in front of me. Instead of laughing as I wanted to do, I decided to show my other feeling for the display: disappointment.

“This grows boring. You are not even worth my time. Goodbye,” I said and walked toward the barn. As I walked, I reflected on the fight I had started and, more importantly, my opponent. She was strong, I could give her that, but if she was a gauge for the common person’s fighting ability, I’m going to need to find a somewhere to practice and meditate so I wouldn’t be knocking everyone out on the street again. Then I realized that my first impression was less than stellar and I was still lost.

Aw, bloody hell! I’m going to need a guide and the first person I met is on the ground. This will be fun.

I turned around to head back and apologize, but noticed something bashing a tree. Normally, I would have give the sight no mind, but I remembered Applejack thinking I was a thief that had struck more than once. If I caught her actual thief, then I could use him as leverage for her to listen to me.

With this plan in mind, I fired a Gohadoken at the tree to knock the apples down as a distraction. The bait was taken quickly as the thief went for the bounty that fell.

Gotcha now, I thought as I quickly approached to find… ANOTHER BLOODY WOODEN WOLF. Enraged, I forgot my original plan and focused my energy into a single palm. The wolf noticed me and leaped at me, baring its fangs. Unfazed and very angry, I punched the wolf into the ground with the hand I had focused the energy into. The energy then unleashed a shockwave, vaporizing the wolf’s body in a five foot crater.

“If I see ONE more wooden wolf...” I started. “Time for Plan B.”

With my rage subsided, I sat down to catch my breath. Unfortunately, that was about all I could do, as when I stood back up, I saw Applejack standing over the pit with two other females. One was unbelievably pink wearing a T-shirt and skirt and the other was blue with rainbow hair, wings, and wearing a track outfit.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Can ya tell me why ya sitting in a crater in mah orchard?” Applejack was the one to speak and she seemed a step away from being absolutely livid.

“I found the thief and this-” I gestured around me, “-was the wooden wolf’s fate.”

“Ya telling me that a Timberwolf was the thief, not ya, and ya dealt with it?”

“With a single blow, I might add. If you want to do me a favor, could you point me into the direction of a dojo. There I may find an actual fighter instead of someone who can’t throw a decent punch.”

Not receiving an answer, I climbed out of the hole and started to walk in the opposite direction of the forest. I had planted the bait by insulting Applejack in front of others. Hopefully, they would take it and plan B could start.

Then I heard movement behind me. They took the bait.

“Hey, you think you can insult my friend and get away with it?” I heard a shout from behind me.

I turned to see the blue female charging at me at a ridiculous speed and a fist cocked back. It seems that plan B worked again and there is a new challenger. Time to see if I can try the Goshoryuken. I smiled while she got into range.

She launched her fist at my face, only find her telegraphed attack punished hard by a wicked uppercut cloaked in purple energy. Nice, the move has the MvC visual effect. I landed from my attack to and noticed that this girl could roll with the punches. She had flipped in the air and was heading at me like a bullet.

“Take this!” She shouted as she threw a massive punch as me.

I jumped back and asked, “So, who are you?”

She started to throw more punches, each one synched to a syllable. “I’m Rainbow Dash and I’m gonna make-” I countered her latest punch with my own, knocking the wind out of her.

With Rainbow struggling to keep her balance, I started to walk away, knowing the fight was over. Unfortunately, Rainbow thought she had more in her and dashed at me for another strike.

“I’m not done yet!” She shouted.

I grabbed her fist. “Yes, you are.”

I turned to see the pink one with three others, a purple one with two-tone hair wearing what seemed to be a school uniform, a pristine white one with blue hair wearing a button-down shirt and dress pants, and a yellow one with pink hair wearing a simple green dress.

“Plan B seems to have worked earlier than normal this time.” I muttered to myself before addressing my audience, “Hello, can I help you?” A cannon was aimed at my face.