• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,572 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

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Round 10: Mirror Match

Most of my work day was spent in anticipation. I was actually ecstatic for tonight’s feature. It was only when I heard the lunch bell that I noticed my job was done early and, more importantly, I didn’t remember progressing. It would not hurt to know my employers better. With that in mind, I headed for the bell.

Lunch was, as expected, apple-based. The meal was basically ants on a log (but replace the celery with apples) set up buffet-style. The meal began simple enough, they blessed the food, we all made a plate, and we began to eat.

Unfortunately, after every had their first bite, conversation started. Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem, as I could truthfully navigate a lot of topics when calm. This topic, however, wasn’t one I wanted to touch.

“So, why are ya workin’ here, youngun?” Granny Smith asked.

“Bad first impressions and a debt.” I said, eying Applejack. She snorted. “I don’t think it’s a topic for the current setting.”

Of course, my second statement was ignored. “A debt? Ya owe sumpony sumthin’?”

I made this bed, now I must lie in it.

“I ate a bushel of apples when I first arrived. From a single tree.” I said.

Applejack didn’t respond but the other two Apples at the table had two distinct reactions. Granny seemed to be surprised, but Big Mac was… furious didn’t do his expression justice.

“You were the thief from last week.” He shouted.

“One: I only stripped one tree and Two: I ‘took care’ of the real thief.” I said, before adding, “Stupid wild timberwolves.”

“How fast?” Granny asked, derailing Big Mac’s confrontation.


“How fast did ya strip that tree?”

“It couldn’t have taken me more than thirty minutes to pick and eat every apple. I am a very different person hungry and/or angry.” I took another bite of lunch. “These apples are great, by the way.”

The rest of lunch was a bit odd. Big Mac kept giving me a death glare when Granny wasn’t looking. To most, it would be unnerving. To me, I thought it was hilarious and I did not try to hide that fact, to his chagrin.

When everyone finished, Big Mac and I cleaned the table in complete silence. Somewhere along the line, he realized his intimidation tactic was failing. Horribly. He opened his mouth to speak, but I beat him to the punch.

“You can stop now,” I said.

“Stop what?” He asked.

“The intimidation attempt. I’m sure it works on most but for me, it’s laughable.”

“Laughable? Ahm tryin’ to-”

“I’m going to level with you,” I cut him off. “When I was 10, I was beating people your size in fights. The only reason I am trying to talk this out is that debt. I’m not asking you to like me, just tolerate me long enough to pay you back, instead of trying to challenge me.”

“Ah’ll try.”

After that conversation, we finished the rest of the dishes in silence. With the task finished, I left.

I headed to the library. Surprisingly, when I arrived, Pinkie was outside with a box. Trial one already? She spotted me and opened the box. Inside were eleven donuts of varying flavors. She offered me one, hoping she got my preferred sweet in one.

“I’ll take one, but you missed the mark. Try again.” I said, taking a glazed one.

“You don’t like donuts?” Pinkie asked.

“Not a lot. Nice try though.”

“Rats!” She walked off, muttering about a perfect streak ruined in guessing. I shrugged and entered the library.

Inside, Twilight was running to and fro, spouting magical nonsense, while Spike had a unamused look on his face. The situation was absurd, so instead of trying to alert them to my presence, I took a seat. It took five whole minutes (I was staring at the clock the entire time) before either noticed I was there. Twilight took a deep breath and approached me. Before she could ask any questions, I spoke.

“Yesterday’s power surge seen from the Everfree was me, there will not be a demonstration for study, it’s not magic, I won’t teach you, and if you think you can force me,” I flared my power. “I’ll cut loose.”

“That answers all of my questions. How did you-”

“You wanna study my ki, but you can’t handle the truths of this power. I will give you it’s name to curb some of your curiosity: The Satsui no Hado, or in your common tongue….”

“The Surge of Murderous Intent.” Twilight breathed out.

With that knowledge, she bolted up the stairs.

“Oh, before I forget, Spike, can you point Luna in the right direction? She knows.”

A shaky thumb-up was my answer.


I arrived at home to hear three barks and a growl. Again?

“The week is almost over. As much as I must thank you for saving me, I have to go.” Again.

Two barks, a growl, and three more barks.

“I have a job to do.”

A whimper.

“Tell you what: If I survive this, I’ll stick with you.”

A more irate bark.

“What do you mean, ‘I will protect you’?”

I decided to interject there. “Jigoku,” The other two jumped as I walked in. “If you truly love someone, let them go. Mirror, I’ll get you a ride tomorrow.” I started to leave the room. “Tonight, under no circumstances, can you wake me. This is very important.”

Jigoku nodded, but Mirror was curious. “Why?”

“I will be meeting Luna tonight about your ride. We aren’t friends, so this can easily go south.” I explained.

“Why is she coming?” She stopped. “Have you been giving people nightmares?”

“Not yet, but a nightmare is why she’s coming.” I said cryptically. “So, unless you are 300% sure I will die otherwise, do NOT wake me. Jigoku will be able to handle it.”

Mirror seemed to accept this. “Ok, we won’t disturb your meeting.”

“Thank you.” I took a bite out of my bag and headed to a quiet room that wasn’t damaged to sleep in.

As soon as I arrived in my dreamscape, ‘Nightmare’ appeared. “Let’s get this over with.”

“The main event will be starting in 3… 2… 1…”

A hole was ripped in the wall. Through it stepped in a very irate Luna in full battle gear. A spiked suit of armor in pitch-black and an assortment of weapons made her look terrifying to a normal person. I just lifted my eyebrow before recreating a throne room.

“Luna, as much as I want round two, I am not your opponent tonight.”

“We care not who you think my opponent is,” Luna spat. “This is our domain. You cannot stop me here.”

She unsheathed a massive blade and charged at me, intent on running me through. I stepped to the side as ‘Nightmare’ made herself known, disarming Luna with a swift roundhouse.

“I’m the one you want, not my master.” She said.

“We have unfinished business with him.” Luna responded, venom in her voice.

“I’m sure, but tonight you were chasing a nightmare. I have a wager for you. Fight ‘Nightmare.’ If you win, you provide a ride to the castle for two…” I said.

“And if We win?”

“I will personally separate you and ‘Nightmare’” Even though I plan on doing that anyway.

“We accept.”

“The rules are simple: First to fall for a 5 count loses. Begin.”

‘Nightmare’ struck first, landing a punch in Luna’s gut. The punch was followed by ten more before a powerful uppercut sent Luna airborne. Luna recovered while airborne and launched herself at ‘Nightmare’ at a massive speed. ‘Nightmare’ was barely able to dodge the strike. That was fast. Luna pulled out her scythe and swung the blade, sending a shockwave at ‘Nightmare.’

‘Nightmare’ ducked under the blast and started dodging as more and more razor winds flew at her. Luna didn’t let up in her attacks and, soon, ‘Nightmare’ was hit on her wing. I winced as even more were sent at ‘Nightmare.'

I was barely able to see what happened next as it happened so fast. A void-like energy surrounded ‘Nightmare’ before focusing into her fists and horn. Is that… A barrier appeared in front of all the razor winds and absorbed the attack. She vanished only the reappear behind Luna. It feels like it.

“Mission objective one down, now for my student to finish this up.” I whispered, before raising my voice so Luna could hear. “The show’s starting.”

“What does thou mean-” Luna started before taking a punch to the face, followed by three to the gut and a Shoryuken cloaked in that energy from earlier. The force of the last blow shattered the dreamscape, returning the dream to a white tiled room.

“That’s what I meant.” I said as Luna hit the ground and a counter started.


I looked over to my student to take see her changes. The only thing I noticed was the irises in her eyes were purple. Odd, I would have expected more changes to her outwards appearance. It doesn’t really matter, however. She has a strength increase and she seems to have sense of self.


She didn’t move to strike the downed Luna, but instead stayed ready in case of a round two.


Luna stood up, stopping the counter, and summoned her scythe back to her hand. The weapon changed as it flew, most of the snath becoming a ball and chain.

“I’m not done-” I didn't see ‘Nightmare’ move or attack. All I saw was Luna fall again with ‘Nightmare’ standing over her.

“This was a fight, not a conversation.” ‘Nightmare’ said. “Remember that next time.”

The counter started again.

5… 4… 3…

I felt an extreme pulse of power come from Luna.


Three more pulses and I started to feel it through the dreamscape.

1… Time!

Luna stood up, flaring her power and fired a beam of pure energy at ‘Nightmare.’ I calmly moved in front of Luna’s attack and parried the whole beam.

“You lose lass.” I told Luna, “I expect a ride of some sort by the end of the day.” She began to charge another spell. “Or are you not a mare of your word?”

Luna cancelled her spell and closed her eyes. “Very well. We will see to it something is sent.”
With that said, Luna left and I turned to my student.

“Now that that’s over, good job. You passed.”

‘Nightmare' blinked. “That was a test?”

I nodded. “To see if you were ready for the techniques of this style. Did you think tapping into the Dark Hado was it?”

I saw the gears turn in her head. “I tapped into the Dark Hado?”

I nodded. “I don’t know exactly how yours manifests itself, but you did unleash the Satsui no Hado. Take a rest if you need to tomorrow night.”


“Because the fun part begins in two days.”