• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

  • ...

Round 26: It's a Nice Day...

Author's Note:

I've been busy these past few months, but I'M ALIVE and I'm still writing

Expect more soon. . .

Almost a week passed in relative silence, allowing me to get a few things settled. The dojo had been cleaned from top to bottom and basic equipment put in place on the second day. Jump ropes, sandbags, and a few other items I found in good condition were sitting by the walls. The day after that, Dust Cutter was let out and brought to me, this time with non-magical cuffs. The guards told me they would have used a stronger version of the original cuffs, but that would require letting their superior officer know the first set broke and, more importantly, how they broke.

When I told them I saw that as the low end for what I planned on seeing, the guards ran... directly into the wall behind them.

The rest of that time was spent assessing Dust’s abilities with and without the cuffs (with a bit of assistance from Rainbow on the pegasus side of things) by day, and training with Void by night. Today was the last evaluation I wished to do and Void was a bit too eager to assist. We were outside for this as the dojo was yet to be reinforced and I didn’t want to rip a hole in it before real training begun.

“Dust, Void, This is to be strictly hand-to-hand. No weapons or enhancements of any kind. The match is one minute or until your opponent falls or yields. You start in 3…”

Both fighters took their stances. Dust’s stance, as he wasn’t currently wearing his cuffs, had his knees barely bent and his arms up, blocking his face perfectly. His stance was rigid, almost dangerously so. Void’s, on the other hand, was loose with her knees ready for take-off and arms positioned for assistance with lift-off.


“Ready to be grounded?” Dust asked.

“Only after I make sure you will be seeing stars.” Void retorted.


“You wish you could.”


Void leaped forward with a punch as Dust jumped back, only to be caught by a sweeping kick by a spinning Void. Dust recovered from the blow before he could fall on his back, getting back to his feet as Void got to hers. Wasting no time, they both surged forward to trade blows. Both were able to strike the other, but neither was able to actually land a solid blow. Punches were all deflected or blocked with no clear way to tell if someone was winning.

It was the 40-second mark when a turning point was reached. A blow from Void sent Dust skidding a few feet back. Instead of charging back in, Dust dropped his guard to (seemingly) catch his breath and Void lunged at him… only to miss and get struck in the back, sending her flying towards some nearby bushes. Before she could recover or crash, they reached the minute mark.

“Time,” I called out. “Well, that’s all I needed to-” A loud thud interrupted my statement. Looking over, I saw Void on top of Rainbow. Void was slightly dazed, while Rainbow was flat on her back.

“What brings you to the lawn this time?” I asked as the girls fumbled to stand back up. “You need help with a nap? I’m pretty sure I can tire you out in a couple minutes again.”

“As fun as that sounds,” Rainbow rubbed her left shoulder, one of the few places I got a solid strike on her when she decided “helping” was boring and wanted a piece of the action. “Two letters came from Canterlot while we were on a picnic. One was addressed to you.” She pulled it out.

“Odd.” I took it. “Wouldn’t it be easier to send a message through dreams? Unless…” One look at the official-looking seal told me all I needed to know. “This is going to suck.”

“Remind me why we have to come to Canterlot for this event.” Void asked me as we sat on the train platform at the break of dawn.

“Security detail… Apparently, instead of moving high-profiles events, we carry on as normal in a bubble and just call in extra muscle.”

“At least we get easy entry.” Dust spoke, now in white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He still had on the cuffs, but now it seemed to be personal preference. “But are you sure we won’t need a suit or uniform?”

“That’s stuff’s never built for fighting. It’s for looking good, and we won’t be needing to look good.” I answered.

“That’s nice to hear. Although, I do wonder… how will ponies know we aren’t thugs?” Dust asked.

“Good question for later,” I said as the other guards temporarily stationed here (including the two that came with Dust) approached in formation. “Right now, we got boys scouts.”

“Apparently, her Highness thinks you can help us make sure nothing goes wrong during the Royal Wedding.” One of them, presumably one of the one’s I had to deal with at the Apple’s. “Personally, I am of the opinion-”

“-That I’m a menace that needs to be locked away?” I finished his statement. A slight widening of his eyes told me I hit the mark. Before I could say what I wished, the telltale sound of a train whistle called our attention. “I’m not of the mind to be entertaining you and the whistle called time. Maybe next time.”

The guards boarded on the car in the back, while we boarded the car in front of them. As the train began to head for the capital, I began to meditate and focus on sensing energy around me. Unsurprisingly, probably due to both my lack of experience with the skill and the general lack of powerful around here, I couldn't sense a thing outside of my train car.

Wonder how this is going to go down… Knowing my recent luck, this will either be boring, or I get to blow something up.

Here’s hoping for the latter.

The Boxer was preparing for his mission. It was a simple one, but it was also his favorite kind. “Time to wreck a wedding.” He smiled as purple and green flames covered his body and he started to shift.

Comments ( 5 )

Ur aliiiive!!

But, wouldn't Akuma be able to beat literally all the pony cast except maybe Discord?

In the original mlp universe, yea, but not in a alternative mlp universe.

Wan is the next chapter coming out

I hope you're doing ok...

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