• Published 29th May 2016
  • 5,571 Views, 96 Comments

Satsui no Hado in Equestria - Frogace55

One second I'm cosplaying as Akuma at a con with my friends, the next I'm in the middle of the Everfree. But you wanna know something? Finishing my outfit was worth it.

  • ...

Round 18: Mokujin

With the negatives all done with, I went to sleep to start the positives. I knew I needed to train to integrate my new moves and the easiest way to do so was under the guise of teaching them. Beyond that, I was chomping at the bit for a fight that didn’t have something riding on it.

I was slightly surprised that my student was in my dreamscape as I arrived, until I saw her concern evident on her face. I didn’t want to bring the mood down any lower, so I didn’t mention it. Instead, I materialized three scrolls.

“Remember what I said two days ago?” She nodded. “This is what I meant. I will teach you the three advanced level techniques. Within my hands, I have three scrolls. Each has a seal depicting something about the basics of the technique inside. You may pick one to learn.”

She looked at me. “I thought I was going to learn all three.”

“Not at once,” I said. “I will teach you how to do the one you pick and when you score a clean hit with the move done correctly, you can learn the next one.”

“A clean hit?”

“If it’s blocked, it won’t count.”

With that said, I presented the three scrolls. The first seal was that of a fireball, the second was a dragon, and the third a tornado. This in itself was another assessment, as each of the moves was different in usage. I was curious what her personal style was and on instinct knew she’d pick the one most attuned to her preference.

After she got a good look at each one, she picked the third one. Must want to be up close. “The Tatsumaki, an interesting choice.”

“Tatsu...what?” My student asked.

“Tatsumaki, or ‘Tornado’, is a spinning kick that can dodge certain projectiles.” I answered, before preparing to demonstrate. I jumped and spun, my leg cutting through the air as I made three full rotations. I landed and turned to my student. “Ready to try?”

The rest of the night was spent watching her try to perform the move herself. While she easily could do the ‘light’ version of the attack within a few tries, she seemed to need to get more air time with the move. When the night’s rest was almost over, I saw her concern once again. That was when I knew what weighed on her. She had seen Oni and the power he wielded against me. My question was which fear came up.

“My student, I can see something concerns you. Would you like to share?”

“Will you become that thing you fought?” She asked.

I didn’t expect that to be her concern. However, I knew what brought Oni’s power to bear and that was not something I would normally consider. “It would need a very powerful being to cause that to even be considered by me. Enough of that, though, next time we begin sparring.”

With that done, I awoke and prepared for work.

After work, Applejack invited me to come to the train station to welcome back the rest of the girls. As I had nothing to do until nightfall, I accepted. As we walked, she struck up conversation.

“Applebloom asked me ‘bout ya comin’ ta Career Day…” She said.

“And?” I raised a brow.

“Ya wouldn’t mind none?”

“Career day was one of my top five class days in school. I wouldn’t mind at all.”

“What did ya do, if ya mind me asking?”

“Part-time martial arts instructor.”

“Ah figured you knew how ta fight, but ah didn’t know ya liked it that much!”

“Care to explain?” I figured violence wasn’t common here by the type of response I got upon arrival, but someone had to get a affinity of combat every once in awhile.

“Most ponies don’t like ta fight any more than maybe a bit of roughhousing. Most that do...” She shuddered.

“A country of peace has no need for a man of war. Let me guess, they lash out sooner or later and end up sitting in the psych ward or solitary. Thanks, I just got a idea.”

“An idea?” Applejack asked.

“A long-term job for next week.”


“There’s a dojo in this town, correct?”

“Ah think Rainbow took Applebloom there once. Why?”

“Anyone own it?”

“Ah wouldn’t know.”

With that answer, we arrived at the train station. The girls’ train wasn’t scheduled for another five minutes, so I did some stretches. Nothing more than simple joint rotations, as we were in public. After a couple were done, I heard the train approach.

I watched as the train pulled into the station. The train emptied quickly, but orderly. At first, I wondered why. All was revealed, however, when I saw twelve guards, six in gold and six in purple flanking the girls.

Applejack immediately looked at me. “Gosh darnit! What did ya do this time?”

“I’d tell you the whole story, but you wouldn’t believe me. The cliffnotes version: An attack was made on your friends that was many people’s fault, including myself, and I had to protect them.” I said before turning to the guards. “So, you’re here for how long?”

“That’s need-to-know.” A golden-clad one said.

“I’m guessing until further notice bodyguard duty, one light and one dark for each.” I shrugged. “Well, it makes my idea easier.” I turned to Applejack. “I have a letter to send to the powers that be, so I’ll be off. Have fun with playing catch-up.”

I left the station and went to the library. I did a quick shave and a haircut on the door and the answer was swift. Spike came to the door with slight concern. “Hey, Spike. I need one more favor. Could you take a letter for me?”

“What happened in Canterlot?” He asked.

“The first move was made and we were caught with our pants down. I have a idea to run by the princesses.”

“About Nightmare?”

“And a couple of others probably in prison. When it works, we’ll all have what we want.”

Spike was quiet of a bit before speaking next. “How can I help?”

“Like so.” I begun putting a plan in motion to, at the very least, separate my student from their princess.

Author's Note:

And with this, Almost every player is in place.

Soon, it will be time to Let the Madness Begin!