• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,389 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

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Bakugan The Battle Begins/A New Beginning

"I know this is going to sound weird... but one day, my whole world changed. You see, cards started dropping from the sky, coming down like rain. At first we didn't know where they were all coming from, or who sent them.

We only knew they were more than just ordinary playing cards. And it was happening all over the world. In the North... in the South... they landed everywhere. Together with my new online friends from around the world, we invented a wicked new game we called... Bakugan.

That's when the power of the cards was revealed, each one held its own battling beast, which came to life when you threw it down. The Battles were intense, and if you chose the wrong card, you would lose it and the beast inside. But that's only half the story, another even bigger battle was taking place in a parallel universe called... Vestroia.

My name is Dan, and together with my friends Runo, Marucho, Julie, Mr. Hotshot himself Shun, and Alice. We are... the Bakugan Battle Brawlers! You know our story... but do you want to know what really happened?"



Legends of Equestria

There are many worlds within the cosmos. Each one unique with their own environments and inhabitants. Some with strange, abnormal creatures, others have humans with abilities that would be considered impossible, or even alien in nature. However, while these realms may differ, at the core, there is something that binds them together.

What is that core? Destiny? Similarities beneath the surface? Perhaps only those who know first hand can better answer that.

This particular story begins in the realm of Equestria. A bright, colorful, nearly utopian realm where the inhabitants were creatures you would find in the pages of fairytales, or mythologies of old. Gryphons, Dragons, Phoenixes, and Minotaurs all roamed the land. Some were animalistic in nature, while others lived in a similar manner to humans, with families and friends. However, probably the most well known creatures, and the literal symbol of this realm, were these creatures known as Ponies.

They came in three varieties; earth ponies who cared for the lands and animals who lived there. Pegasus ponies who cared for the weather. And Unicorns, who casted spells. They were ruled by the beautiful alicorn princess, Celestia. She embodied all three of the pony races and ruled the land with benevolence and harmony. Her role was to raise the sun each and every day, while her younger sister Princess Luna rose the moon every night. The ponies adored their princesses with all of their hearts and they did all in their power to protect them from all who would harm them. Beings such as Tirek, Sombra, Chrysalis and alike.

However, as strong as Celestia's power was, even that wasn't always enough to protect her subjects from any new threats. As it was, in an Alicorn's blood, she could never kill anyone. She could harm or injure, but neither she nor her sister were capable of committing actual death. It was not in the way they were created to be. Of course, pure magic could never take away one's life. Still, there were a set of elements that did in fact serve a great deal in maintaining balance and protection for Equestria.

These were known as the Elements of Harmony. Six beautifully constructed gemstones embedded onto a mystical crystal tree known as The Tree of Harmony. Each of the stones represented a vital aspect of the power of friendship.






and Magic

As it was taught, Friendship was the most powerful magic in Equestria. Even stronger than the power of the Alicorns themselves. Princess Celestia used these elements to vanquish the forces of darkness that threatened her people. But... one day, fate became cruel and order unkind. So great was her reign, so brilliant her glory that long was the shadow she cast... which fell dark upon the young sister she loved. And grew only darker as days and nights passed.

Soon did she notice that others did not give her sister her due, and neither had she loved her as she deserved. She only watched as her sisters unhappiness grew. But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly takes hold of the mind of its host. And Celestia did nothing to stop, the destruction of the one who had needed her most. A great battle took place between Celestia, and her sister who had become Nightmare moon.

Nightmare was close to victory, Celestia was weakened and could barely stand. She had to do the one thing she never thought she'd do before... she used the Elements of Harmony, to banish her sister to the moon. Heart broken of what she did, she and her sister lost connection to the Elements of Harmony.

She wished for her sister back, but she cannot undo what she had done. All she could do, was mourn her loss... but then, something... or someone appeared before her. A Sphere of Red Energy appeared, and the silhouette of a powerful being stood before her.

"Princess Celestia..." said the being as he spoke in a fatherly tone.

Celestia, sad and afraid, cautiously stood back from the being. "W-Who are you...?" she asked.

The being looked at her noticing her sadness. "Do not mourn for what you had to do... it is what will happen you should focus on." said the being as he walked up. He reached for her face and gently cleaned her tears. "Your sister will return, but only when the Elements of Harmony are needed again."

This surprised Celestia as she felt her sadness disappear. "A-Are you certain of this?" she asked him. He nodded reassuring the young Alicorn.

"In a thousand years time, you will search for a student. Who's destiny will help your world." he said filling Celestia's heart with Hope. "I must go now... I cannot remain in your realm." he turned about to walk away.

"Wait!" she called out to him. "Please, tell me who you are!" she requested.

The being remained silent but turned to her. "We will meet again one day Princess..." he said as he looked carefully at her. "Tell your mother I said hello..." he said as the Sphere of Red Energy circled around him causing him to vanish.

"Wait!" she went to stop him from leaving, but was too late. She looked around but there was no sign of him, she was mostly surprised as to how the being knew her mother. But she smiled and looked to the moon. "I promise Luna... I will find a way to save you." For the time being, she will wait, for the day her sister will return.

But, for now, she knew she would never be able to harness the power of the Elements without her sister. The grief would be too strong for her.

The Elements needed new souls to wield them.

Long after Luna's return, deep within a cavern in the Everfree Forest, the Tree of Harmony was already loosing its glow. Brambles of pitch black with pale blue thorns wrapped around the tree in an unmerciful grip. Its once heavenly glow had faded and its crystal structure began to resemble cold hard stone.

Six ponies and a small dragon stood before the tree. One was a bright orange earth pony with green eyes, white freckles on her cheeks and was wearing a cowgirl hat and three apples were emblazoned on her flank. Her name was Applejack.

Another earth pony was bright pink with puffy curly hot pink mane and tail, bright innocent blue eyes and three balloons on her flank, two blue and one yellow. Her name was Pinkie Pie.

Two more were pegasus ponies. One a sky blue color with matching wings and a rainbow colored mane and tail and bright rose colored eyed. On her flank was a symbol of a cloud with a rainbow shaped like a lighting bolt. Her name was Rainbow Dash.

Beside her was a timid looking pale yellow pegasus with cerulean green eyes and long, flowing pink mane and tail that went all the way to the floor. Three pink butterflies were evidently visible on her flank. Her name was Fluttershy.

A unicorn with a stunning white coat, deep blue eyes and an impeccably styled dark purple mane and tail with a trio of blue diamonds on her flank was named Rarity.

The last pony had both wings and a unicorn horn. Like Celestia and Luna, she was an Alicorn, but much smaller in appearance with a lavender-purple coat, deep purple eyes and a neatly brushed dark purple mane and tail with streaks of amethysts and magenta running through both with a mark of a six-pointed magenta star with a white star behind it and five smaller white stars surrounding it. On her head rested a golden crown with a star shaped gemstone embedded in it. Her name was Twilight Sparkle.

The small dragon beside her was purple in color with a green underbelly, ears, spikes and eyes. His name, appropriately, was Spike.

Each pony wore around their necks golden necklaces, each with a gemstone shaped like their respected cutie marks which came in rainbow colors.

Amethyst for Twilight, purple for Rarity, red for Rainbow Dash, pink for Fluttershy, blue for Pinkie Pie and orange for Applejack. Twilight was the only one without a necklace, for hers was her crown.

These were the Elements of Harmony, bestowed upon them by destiny since the day they met.

Twilight flew up towards the tree only to get caught by one of its black vines. She zapped at it with her horn and flew out of the way.

"Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here."

The voice of her mentor rang in her mind, and Twilight told her friends the hard reality they needed to face.

"I know how we can save the tree." Her face fell into sadness. "We have to give it the Elements of Harmony."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. How are we suppose to protect Equestria?" Rainbow asked.

"How are we meant to rain Discord in if we can't use the Elements to turn him back to stone?" Rarity asked.

Applejack placed a hoof on her own element. "Twilight…The Elements of Harmony…they're what keep us connected no matter what."

"You're right about one thing, Applejack, the Elements of Harmony did bring us together. But it isn't the Elements that will keep us connected….it's our friendship. And that's more important and more powerful than any magic. My new role in Equestria may mean that I have to take on new responsibilities, and our friendships may be tested. But it will never, ever, be broken."

Everypony smiled in agreement. Twilight was right, their friendship was indeed stronger than any spell or enchantment, or even any magical gemstones. With or without them, their friendship would only grow stronger than before.

With heavy hearts, Twilight removed each of the Elements from their respected necklaces, surrounding them in her magenta colored magical aura. The stones circled around her rapidly. As if sending a possible threat, the vines shot out and wrapped around Twilight. Her friends gasped as their friend struggled to break free from the vines, which then reached to grab each of the elements. Thinking fast, Twilight levitated them out of the vines' grip and shot them straight towards the Tree. Each elements landed on their respected branches, causing each one to glow once more. One by one, they restored the Tree to its original, crystal-like appearance, its glow radiating inside the cavern. Once all Elements were in place, a light bursted, causing the vines to crumble into dust, freeing Twilight Sparkle in the process.

A rainbow-colored shock wave expanded from the cave all the way across Ponyville, destroying the rest of the vines which had its town ponies trapped either within their own homes or within their grasp.

Two wrapped up vines on opposite sides of the tree were disintegrated, freeing the Alicorn Royal Sisters, who had been trapped inside.

Celestia's coat was as white as snow, with lavender-purple eyes that sparkled with the centuries of acquired wisdom. Her mane and tail moved in an eternal dance, filled with pale rainbow colors and light sparkles twinkled like stars. A symbol of a blazing sun was on her flank.

Her sister, Luna, shared her same supernatural beauty, only she was shorter, had a dark blue coat with teal-blue eyes and a sapphire-blue mane outlines with purple that sparkled like stardust, resembling a night sky. Like Celestia's, it too moved gracefully in an invisible breeze. On her flank was a dark blotch with a sparkly crescent moon. Both princesses wore crowns, jewel encrusted collars and horse shoes. Celestia's were made of gold while Luna's were made of silver.

Twilight rushed on over to embrace the two. "I know it was hard to give up the Elements of Harmony." said Celestia. "It took great courage to relinquish them."

The embrace soon came to an end when the Tree of Harmony's branches started to glow once more. A trail of colors came from the elements, which merged together as they went downwards onto the roots of the tree and a flower then emerged.

Twilight slowly approached the flower, rising her hoof to touch it. The flower, as if reacting to her curiosity, opened up to reveal a shimmering crystal chest with six keyholes on each side.

"What's inside it?" Twilight asked as the two royal sisters stared in wonder at the treasure. "How am I supposed to open it?"

"Six locks, six keys." Princess Luna observed, taking notice of some unusual symbols above each key hole. "And these symbols, I've never seen anything like them before." Both Luna and Twilight turned to Celestia for her input.

It was then Spike noticed something tucked onto the side of the chest. He boldly approached it and pulled it out. He cocked his head in confusion. It appeared to be some kind of card, also with the strange symbols.

"What do you think it's for?" the little dragon asked.

"I'm not sure. But something tells me, you can figure it out, Twilight." Celestia levitated the card to Twilight who took it with her own aura. "I do not know what this means, nor where the keys are, but I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving alone."

Meanwhile in another dimension, Dan Kuso, a Pyrus Brawler was rushing back home to pick up some stuff. He wears a short red overcoat with black pockets over a bright yellow sleeveless. He has brown hair in which he wears hexagonal shaped goggles, and he has red eyes. He wears long red trousers with black stripes just below his knees, the ends of which are neatly tucked into his blue-tongued black sneakers. He keeps his Bakugan Gear on his belt. Lastly, he wore blue fingerless gloves. The left glove was longer and he wore an orange BakuPod on his left wrist. "Hey mom! I'm home!" he yelled as he closed the door.

Miyoko was practicing her yoga poses as Dan ran upstairs. "Daniel! I put your lunch in the fridge and please don't forget to wash up!" she said before wincing in pain from the position she was in.

"Thanks mom! I'll be down in a minute!" He set his backpack down on his bed. "Okay, time to check out my stash." Dan opened a drawer and pulled out a box. When he opened it, it held all his Bakugan inside it. "Hmm, lets see... I'll take this..." he started picking which Bakugan to battle with. "Oh my Saurus... oh yeah, this one for sure! All set!" he had all the Bakugan he needed.

Miyoko was in a different yoga pose. "Daniel! Your lunch is ready! And its getting cold!"

"Then why'd you put it in the fridge?" he asked with a smug grin.

"Don't you get smart with me young man!" she yelled.

"Sorry!" he said as he ran back out the door.

She noticed it as she went into a different yoga pose. "And just where do you think you're going?" she asked curiously.

Dan got onto his bike and rode off. "Catch ya later!" he chuckled as he rode towards the park.

At the Park, two kids were waiting for Dan to show up. And just in time, he finally showed up. "Sorry I'm late!"

"And here I thought you might have chickened out." said the little kid with a smug grin. This was Akira, a smug kid with large front teeth and red hair, wearing a baseball cap in reverse, a green t-shirt with an yellow lightbulb over a long sleeve black shirt, and blue shorts.

"Doubt that Akira, and who did you bring with you? Hope its backup, cuz you're gonna need it." said Dan with a confident smile.

"Your battle isn't with me Danny boy." said Akira with a sly smirk over his face as his friend who actually turns out to be his brother stood up.

"Whoa. Yeah I don't think this is very fair." said Dan when he saw how big he was. Not in size, but in weight.

"My little bro here says you think you're pretty good. Well I guess its time to find out how good you really are." said the brawler as he cracked his knuckles.

Dan just smirked knowing how confident he is. "Yeah I'm pretty good, what about you? What's your deal?" he asked the brawler.

"Names Shuji, and I'm the Master of... Subterra Space." he said with a smug grin on his face.

"You've gotta be joking! Ive never heard of Subterra before!" he said feeling shocked. "Oh great, how am I supposed to battle against a beast that doesn't even exist?" he asked while crossing his arms.

"QUIT YOUR STALLING!" yelled Shuji. Dan turned to him bringing back his confident smile.

"Okay, lets do this. But I gotta warn ya, I never lost a battle before." said Dan while pumping up his fist.

Meanwhile at Dan's house, Dan's father had just returned from work. "Honey, I'm home!" Shinjiro Kuso, a business man that has black short hair and brown eyes and a tall figure. Much like his wife, Miyoko, his appearance seems younger than his real age. He is often seen wearing a white shirt with a blue tie, black trousers, sometimes he wears a black vest as well.

Miyoko was in a new yoga position as she lifted her head to look to him. "Huh? I wasn't expecting you so early." she said with a surprised expression.

"Yeah well, I just came home for a bite to eat." He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge and found what he was looking for. "Ah, pudding!" he said as he pulled it out.

Back at the park, Dan and Shuji were in the middle of a stand off. "Are you ready or what?" asked Shuji feeling determined to beat Dan.

"Lets go!" Akira yelled out cheering on his brother. Dan simply smirked knowing he can beat him. A moment of silence filled the area, but then the fountain turned on as pigeons flew away. Dan and Shuji quickly drew out their cards.


The six attributes soon appear beneath them circling them as they began to enter what the brawlers call, a "Pocket Dimension". Time around them was starting to slow down.

Meanwhile at Dans house, Shinjiro walked to the living room with his pudding. But before he could eat it, he tripped over and started to scream as his pudding started to fall. "NOOOOO!!!!!" Miyoko noticed it as well but time was slowing down before they could react.

Back at the park, Dan and Shuji entered the pocket Dimension. And all the attribute worlds circled around them. They both pulled out their gate cards. "GATE CARD SET!" they both yelled as they threw them onto the battlefield. Both cards glowed brightly, one being red, the other orange. They grew bigger to fill the battlefield. Dan and Shuji landed on opposite sides of each other.

Shuji held up a Bakugan that was brown with orange textures. "Ready or not, here I come!" he yelled as he threw the Bakugan onto the field. "Bakugan Stand!" he called as the ball formed into what looked like a Mantis. The Bakugan glowed brightly as it appeared in its real form. Subterra Mantris, a Bakugan that resembles Earth's ordinary praying mantis. It hissed ferociously as it rose up surprising Dan.

"Whoa. Freaky!" Dan said with a surprised expression, Mantris looked to him and hissed nearly crushing Dan with its clawed feet. But Dan managed to leap back avoiding it, he opened his Bakupod to look at Mantris's information.

"Welcome Dan. Opponent Subterra Mantris. Power Level 270 G's. No other data available." said the Bakupod.

"Oh great. Okay, Terra means Earth, and his power levels at 270. So at least I know what kind of beast I'm dealing with here. Question is, what should I counter with?" He reached to his side pulling out a Bakugan as he formed a confident smirk over his face. "Your little bug is going down!" sad Dan as he flipped the Bakugan like a coin and caught. He threw it onto the Battlefield. "Bakugan Stand!" he yelled as the Bakugan formed into a snake like creature. It glowed as it turned into its true form. Pyrus Serpenoid, a slithering monster that can wrap itself around a foe squeezing the life out of its opponents. It turned to Mantris and hissed ferociously.

"Power Level 320 G's." said Dan's Bakupod revealing both Serpenoid's and Mantris's power levels.

"Bakugan BRAWL!" yelled both Dan and Shuji as both their Bakugan started to battle. Mantris was the first to attack, swinging its giant blade at Serponoid. But Serpenoid managed to dodge it and coil around Mantris.

"All right!" Dan cheered. But he soon heard Shuji letting out a chuckle. "Huh?"

Shuji pointed to his Gate Card. "Gate Card, open up now!" he yelled as the card began to glow. The land around them soon turned into a dry desert, and Dan couldn't help but notice the Egyptian Pyramids appearing in the background. He then looked to Mantris and Serpenoid as Mantis dove into the ground escaping Serpenoid's grasp. Serpenoid searched the battlefield for him.

Dan looked to his Bakupod. "Power level increase, to 420 G's." Dan began to panic. "Not good!"

Right on cue, Mantris leaped out of the sand surprising Serpenoid as it slashed at it. Forcing Serpenoid to revert to ball form landing right next to Dan. Shuji pumped up his first with a smirk. "You're toast!" he yelled as Mantris reverted back to ball form and returned to him.

"Battle 1 terminated, Subterra Mantris victorious." said Dan's Bakupod as Shuji laughed at him.

"Oh man, that was so easy. You fell faster than a deck of cards in a tornado!" said Shuji being all smug. He soon pulled out another Bakugan. "Time to finish what I started." he said as he threw out the Bakugan onto Dan's Gate Card. It opened up in the form of a crab. "Bakugan Stand!" The Bakugan glowed and turned into its true form. Subterra Terrorclaw, it has two large, strong and sharp pincers used to squeeze its enemies. With six legs, it is one of the fastest monsters.

"You think you're pretty good huh? Well you better buckle up Shuji because... you're going down! Bakugan Brawl!" Dan yelled as he threw out his next Bakugan. It landed on the same Gate Card as Terrorclaw and opened up revealing the form of a humanoid bird. "Bakugan Stand!" The Bakugan glowed and turned into its true form. Pyrus Falconeer, it can fly amazingly fast with great maneuverability, targeting its prey from high above. It is a Bakugan with extreme vision, seeing things at a great distance. Most importantly, this special Bakugan can resurrect itself and right any wrong it may have experienced. Defeating it once is simply not enough.

"Gate Card Open!" his Gate Card shined brightly as flames shot out from it. Shuji shielded himself as well as Terrorclaw. But was caught off guard as Falconeer charged at it and struck it down. Terrorclaw was defeated as he reverted to ball form landing next to Shuji, he couldn't believe what he saw. Falconeer also reverted to ball form and returned to Dan who smirked confidently. "Its all tied up!" said Dan.

Shuji glared at him. "Not for long! Gate Card Set!" he yelled tossing out his Gate Card.

"Round 3 begins." said the Bakupod as two Bakugan appeared on the Battlefield. they were both Saurus Bakugan, but were of different attributes. Saurus is a tough Bakugan that attacks his enemy's head and has a straightforward fighting style. Saurus has a quick temper and can break the ground in two with mighty punches, also, if his horns break off, they will instantly grow back. It is almost impossible to knock Saurus down as he is extremely heavy. The two Saurus Bakugan were wrestling one another, trying to knock one off their feet.

"Ability Activate! Saurus Glow!" yelled Dan throwing down an Ability Card as flames shot out to Pyrus Saurus. Shuji began to panic as the Pyrus Saurus charged at his Subterra opposite and tackled him down. Shuji saw his Subterra Saurus falling towards him and panicked. He shielded himself but was unaware that Subterra Saurus reverted to ball form and landed next to him.

"Huh?" he looked and saw his Saurus next to his feet. "No... no this can't be happening!" he said feeling quite shocked.

Dan smirked as he held his hands to his hips. "Hate to break it to you bud, but it looks like you're down to your Subterra Mantris. And if I figured right, one more itsy bitsy battle should put you away for good." said Dan knowing he was right.

Shuji shot another glare at him. "We'll just see about that punk! Gate Card Set!" he yelled tossing out his third Gate Card. "Bakugan Brawl!" he yelled tossing out his Subterra Mantris as it appeared on the Battle field hissing at Dan. He then threw out his Pyrus Falconeer onto the Battlefield.

"Bakugan Brawl!" yelled Dan as Falconeer emerged through flames.

"Gate Card Open!" Shuji yelled as the Gate Card formed into a dry desert to boost up Mantris's power level. "Now to play my ability card. Slice Cutter!" He said while throwing the Ability Card to Mantris. It absorbed the Ability Card as its claws began to glow shooting an energy blast in the form of an 'X' at Falconeer.

Dan smirked as he pulled out an Ability Card. "Wow, I'm impressed, but if you think you're the only one holding an ace. You're wrong."

Shuji glared at him. "Smart Mouth!"

"Counter Ability Activate! Frame Fire!" said Dan as he shot out the Ability Card as it burst into flames shielding Falconeer from Mantris's Slice Cutter.

"What the?!" Shuji panicked.

The flames around Falconeer disappeared as it shot a fire ball at Mantris landing a direct hit. Mantris returned to ball form landing right next to Shuji. Falconeer returned to ball form and went back to Dan. "Mmm-hmm."

"Game, set, and match. Dan." said Dan's Bakupod.

"It looks like I win." said Dan as the Pocket Dimension disappeared resuming where time stopped.

Back at Dan's house, a splat was heard as we find out that Shinjiro's pudding finally hit the floor. "MY PUDDING!!! I WAITED ALL DAY FOR THAT!!!" he said whining.

Akira watched Dan and Shuji stood but noticed Shuji's Bakugan lying on the ground. "Huh?! I don't believe it! You promised me you would clean his clock! What happened?!" asked Akira filled with shock and anger.

Shuji fell to his knee's in defeat. "I'm sorry..."

Dan smirked as he winked. "That was easy."

Night fell over Dan's home town, and he recently arrived home to chat with his friends online. "Then I let him have it with my secret weapon, Frame Fire. Man you should have seen me, I was like totally wicked! But then again... what would you expect from the best Bakugan Brawler!?" he boasted to his friends. Then a blue haired girl on his computer screen had to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

"Whatever... I just checked the world rankings, and you're sitting at 121." This was Runo Misaki, a Haos Brawler. She wore a yellow midriff shirt and a white skirt with a pink belt. She has maroon wrist gloves that are fingerless. She also has orange and white stripped knee socks and brown shoes. Her hair is tied in two growing ponytails and her eyes were green.

Dan looked to her surprised. "That's impossible Runo... Ive got to check this out for myself. Scrolling up..." He scrolled through the rankings to find his rank. "Ah 117!" said Dan as he corrected Runo.

"Oh please, give me a break! You should save your breath until you break into the top ten." said Runo being completely smug.

"Yeah right, like you're one to talk, you're not even ranked!" exclaimed Dan as he stuck out his tongue at her.

"Oh like that's real mature!" said Runo getting steamed up. A girl in another screen soon appeared with a bright smile.

"Danny that is so dreamy! 117? That's four whole spots in one day! Definitely worthy of a big smooch from Julie!" This was Julie Makimoto, a Subterra Brawler. She is a pretty girl with very tanned skin, long, pinkish-white hair that is always in a side ponytail, and has blue eyes. She has long tanned legs. Julie enjoys dressing immodestly (particularly to attract boys), always wearing clothes fit for summer months. She is particularly fond of leaving her midriff (belly) and long legs completely exposed. She leaned to the camera as she puckered up her lips and kissed it.

Dan freaked out. "GROSS!!!" he yelled as he fell to the floor. "Oh man that hurts!" he shot back up to his computer. "Quit slobbering up the screen! I'm a Battle Brawler, I'm not your boyfriend!" he said with a faint red blush on his face. (Not that Julie even cares given the fact she has a crush on him.)

Runo was watching all of it. "Whoa. This is so kindergarten!" she said crossing her arms as Julie was cheering for Dan. Then a young boy spoke out.

"Dan, might I suggest you set your sights on Shun?" The little boy who suggested it was Marucho Marukura, an Aquos Brawler. He is a wealthy, generous boy who specializes in Aquos. He is the Brain of the Brawlers, a real walking encyclopedia. (Remind you of anypony?) He loves to play Bakugan and to work on strategies. "He's ranked Number 1, and in a few years you could surpass him." This caught Dan off guard as he looked down. This didn't go unnoticed from a girl in another screen.

"In a few years?" This was Alice Gehabich, she's also a Battle Brawler, but she's never been in a battle. Her outfit is a yellow dress with white shorts, a green blouse and small boots colored white and green. Her hair is orange and she has brown eyes. "There has to be a way for you to challenge him or something. Isn't there?" she asked curiously.

"Huh... I bet I can take that jerk." he said while leaning back in his chair. "I don't mean to brag you know but... no ones come even close to challenging me." he said as he stared at the sealing of his bedroom. "Better look out Shun... because I'm gonna take you down."

Meanwhile at a Japanese looking training dojo, a brawler sat outside looking at the moon. This was Shun Kazami, a Ventus Brawler. His outfit was a black shirt, covered with a thin purple triangular-backed ending. He had black pants with a brown zipper like designs on around them. His black hair consists of two layers. The first layer of hair is the front all one his forehead, and his second layer is the straight hair tied up with a ponytail. His light brown eyes are in an upset mood. "Ha... defending my ranking has been a joke when battling these amateurs. What I need is a serious challenger, one that understands the power that lies in the Vestroia dimension."

Meanwhile in Equestria, at the Golden Oak Library. It was late at night, but Twilight was studying the card and the markings that were on it. She looked to one that was in a brown circle. "The rough shape and texture of this symbol, and the color around it must mean Earth." She then looked to the symbol that was in a yellow circle. "This symbol looks like a five pointed star, and given the color of choice, it must mean Light." She wrote them down in her notes to remember what she found. She then looked to the next symbol that was in a purple circle. "This one I know for certain must mean Darkness, the demonic skull looking symbol, and purple interior? No question about it." She looked to the next symbol within a blue circle. "Wavy looking pattern, I can only assume it means Water." She wrote them down in her note as she looked to the symbol in the green circle. "Hmmm... this symbol is pretty tough to crack. It has sort of a Neighponese dialect, but what could it-" Then it hit her before she could finish her train of thought. She walked to the shelves and pulled out a book. It was Neighponese Dictionary she kept with her, she looked inside it to find a similar symbol that looked like the one on the card. When she found it, she compared it to the one on the card. "Wind...? Well I guess I can't argue with that." She put the book down and wrote it in her notes, she then looked to the final symbol. "This one seems easy to figure out... the three points shooting upward... it must mean... Fire..." she wrote it down in her notes, and looked to the Card mostly looking curiously about why the symbols mean six forces of nature. She was about to touch it, till all of a sudden...

"Twilight?" Twilight shrieked and turned only to see Spike. "What are you doing up? Its late and you've been up for three hours."

Twilight sighed and calmed down. "I'm sorry Spike, but I was so focused on finding out what these symbols mean, I lost track of time." she said to the baby dragon.

"Well come on Twilight, you can finish your research tomorrow." said Spike as she touched her shoulder. Twilight wanted to stay up and continue her research, but she knew she needed plenty of sleep. Otherwise she'll be sleeping through breakfast.

"Okay Spike." she said with a smile as she and the baby dragon went up stairs to get some sleep. But she was unaware that the card began to glow in a red aura for a brief moment, till the glow faded away.

"If only the human they called Dan could understand that Bakugan is not just a game. An even larger battle was taking place in my universe, Vestroia! A universe fueled by six worlds, each with its own Element. The Earth Element called, Subterra!" A Subterra Juggernoid emerged from the ground as a giant stone golem rose up from the mountains.

"The Element of Light, Haos!" A Haos Siege twirled his staff as a tiger looking creature roared out.

"The Dark Element, Darkus!" Darkness surrounded the area, then a hydra type beast flew by.

"Aquos, or what humans would call... the Water Element." An Aquos Robotallion emerged out of the water, as a humanoid reptile sat on an iceberg.

"The Wind Element, Ventus!" A Ventus Falconeer flew towards the tornado's as a phoenix like creature fly passed it.

"And the Fire Element, Pyrus!" Out of the flames, a white looking Bakugan flew out trying to reach is destination. But its path was blocked, by another Bakugan. "Naga! Wait!" the Pyrus Bakugan yelled as he got in Naga's way.

"Out of my way Drago!" yelled Naga, for he looked like a skeletal, split-nosed (with a seeming cleft lip and plate), wyvern and dragon-like Bakugan who was an outcast. The other Dragon, was Pyrus Dragonoid. He has clawed wings and feet, a long neck, slender body and a long, sharp, horn on the end of the snout. He has small spikes along his back.

"Why are you so obsessed with gaining all this power Naga? You know that it will only lead to your ultimate destruction!" he advised Naga.

"SILENCE!!!" yelled Naga. "You have no idea of what we feel inside! You know nothing of our world!" he said angrily.

"I suspect that you were one behind the human that they call Michael. What I'd like to know is, where did you find him?" ask Drago as he glared at Naga.

Naga chuckled at him as he held up a card. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. Drago saw it as he squinted his eyes with a growl. Naga threw the card out as it opened a portal.

"A portal!?" asked Drago.

"Yes!" yelled Naga as he flew into the portal. "It leads to the source of the power!"

Drago was about to go after him but he saw the portal close. "But to where...?" he asked.

"THE DIMENSION OF VESTROIA!" yelled Naga for he was no where to be seen. Drago knew something was wrong, he had to find a way to stop Naga before it is too late.

Meanwhile in Equestria, Twilight's friends were on their way to the Golden Oak Library to check on her. "I hope Twilight's alright, I mean sure Princess Celestia gave her the task of figuring out that card. But those Symbols on it were beyond strange." said Rainbow Dash as she walked beside Applejack.

"I'm sure she's just fine, I mean she's the smartest pony we know. She can figure them out so fast she'll be able to outru-WHOA!" she yelled as she tripped over something. She groaned in frustration. "Now who in Sam hill leaves a rock in the middle of the ro-WHAT IN TARNATION?!" she yelled figuring out it was actually Spike sleeping on the ground.

"Spike? What in the world are you doing sleeping outside in the dirt?" asked Rarity as she cleaned the dust and dirt off of him.

Spike groaned as he woke up. "Why do you think? After I got Twilight go to sleep, she woke back up and went back to studying that Card." he said frustratingly.

"Don't you think she's kind of overdoing it?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"She was given the task of figuring it out, so she must have believed it was importa-" Fluttershy jumped as he heard a crash inside.

"What in the world?!" asked Rainbow Dash in surprise.

"She having a party in there?! If so, why didn't she invite me?!" asked Pinkie Pie feeling jealous.

When they opened the door, the Library was a complete mess. Twilight was buried under the books but emerged from the pile with a messed up mane, and her friends were starting to grow a little concerned. "Uhhh I don't think its a party Pinkie Pie." asked Applejack.

"Twilight, is everything all right?" asked Rarity feeling concerned.

"No Rarity, everything is not all right..." she said while getting herself out of pile of books. "I had to spend all night studying that card, and so far..." she looked to the mess in her Library.

"Well did you find out anything about it?" asked Fluttershy.

Twilight's head shot up and looked to her. "Actually I did..." she said as she walked to the card. "I managed to figure out what these strange symbols mean."

"Well don't leave us guessing, tell us what they mean." Rainbow said anxiously.

"These symbols represent six forces of nature, Elements to be exact." said Twilight. "The one with a rocky looking texture means Earth."

"Somehow that makes sense when you think about it long enough." said Applejack.

"The five pointed star from what we all could tell, means Light." Twilight explained.

"My goodness. I never knew Light could be an element." Fluttershy said feeling surprised.

"The demonic skull bellow represent Darkness." Twilight pointed to it.

"Who ever designed it sure picked a perfect color for it." said Rarity.

"The symbol with the wavy looking pattern means Water." This caught Pinkie's attention really quick.

"Water?! Water can be such a fun Element! You can swim in it, you can splash it around, and yo-" she was cut off when Applejack covered her mouth.

"Continue Twilight." she said.

"The symbol here is similar to Neighponese dialect, it basically means Wind." she explained as Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Wind? Ha! I bet all you can do with it is blow hot air." she said unaware she was down right wrong.

"Actually Rainbow, with the Wind Element, you can move at very fast speeds, in fact even faster." she said catching Rainbow off guard. Rainbow accidentally stuffed her hoof in her mouth but pulled it back out.

"Okay, I take it back, winds cool."

"But, what does the final element mean?" asked Rarity.

"The final Element, is Fire, the most powerful of all the Elements." she said as she explained to them. She levitated the card and looked at them. "Why they represent the six forces of nature, I'm still trying to figure out."

"And that loud crash?" asked Rainbow.

Twilight groaned a little. "I fell asleep and fell over." she said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Well at least you're alright Twilight." said Rarity as she took a brush and fixed her mane. "Most of all you figured out the symbols and what they mean. But why it was with the chest, we still have to figure that out."

"You're right Rarity... but for all we know, it could take me years to figure it ou-" suddenly she noticed a strange inscription form over the card. "What the...?" she levitated the card and read the inscription.

"Bakugan... Field... Open...?" then the card glowed brightly, surprising the young Alicorn.

"Whoa Nelly!" cried Applejack as the Attribute circle formed beneath them. The Mane Six saw it surprised as they became worried of what was going on.

"What's happening?!" asked Rainbow Dash.

"The card must be opening a gate way to another dimension!" cried Twilight with a worried tone.

"We should see where it goes!" said Pinkie feeling excited.

"Pinkie no!" Twilight yelled but was too late as they all disappeared through the Attribute Circle. Leaving the library a mess, and leaving the card behind. During their travel to another dimension, Twilight's eyes began to glow, seeing a vision of a boy and a powerful Dragon beside him. She didn't know who he was, or why... but she had a feeling something big was in store for her and her friends.

In the human world, Dan was on his way back home from school. But before he could get home, he heard a meow close by. "Huh?" he looked and saw a cat lying on the ground grooming itself. He looked around to see if anyone was watching, luckily he was alone. He walked over to the cat while reaching into his bag pulling out a small snack. "Here you go little guy." he gave it a small piece off tuna he had in his sandwich, and the cat simply took the small piece and ate it. Dan smiled and scratched behind the cats ear.

The cat simply purred from the gentle scratch. Dan smiled at it. "You're welcome..." Suddenly he began to hear something, he looked around for where the sound was coming from. Till suddenly from what sounded like screaming, he looked up and saw the Mane Six falling down towards him. He panicked as the cat got out of the way seeing the ponies land on top of him. He groaned in pain from the unexpected rain of ponies. "Oh man... that came out of no where..."

Twilight groaned from a massive headache he got from being transported by that card. "Next time I read an incantation... I need to make sure to bring a big pillow." she said as she got up holding her head. She looked to her friends to see if they were alright. "Girls? Are you okay?" she asked but soon noticed their forms were different. "Uh, girls? You look... different...." she mentioned.

"Like you're one to talk, look at your wings!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Forget hers and your wings, look at our bodies!" cried Applejack.

"How different are we?! Please don't leave out any details!" panicked Rarity.

"Well... you look... well like you..." said Spike.

"Only... your head is a teeny, tiny bit smaller compared to your body." said Pinkie.

"WHAT?!!" Rarity freaked out as she searched for something to see her reflection. Twilight sighed and summoned a mirror for her. She looked at her reflection and sighed in relief. "That's a relief, I still look fabulous..." Spike couldn't agree more. Suddenly she heard a groan and looked to the source. It was Dan lying on the ground. "Oh my goodness! We're so sorry!" she said as she and the others got off him. "Are you alright?"

Dan sat up holding his head. "Its okay, its not the most normal thing that has ever-" by the time he opened his eyes he saw Twilight and the girls. "Whoa... where did you guys come from...?" he asked

"You probably wouldn't believe us if we told you..." she said to him. Then Rainbow Dash spoke out.

"Besides, we wouldn't trust a human, even if we just met." she said crossing her hooves.

"Yeah, you're probably ri- WAIT A MINUTE! DID YOU JUST TALK?!!" he asked with shock and surprise.

"Well yeah..." said Twilight as she looked to Dan and recognized him. "It's you..." she said to Dan. "You're the boy we saw in my vision!"

"What vision?" Dan asked in confusion, but before Twilight could answer. Shuji and Akira showed up.

"If you're done playing with your little ponies, I want a rematch." said Shuji as he had a smug grin on his face.

"Who's this guy?" asked Rainbow.

"And what does he want with you?" asked Spike.

"That's Shuji, don't worry I'll handle this..." Dan stood up to face him. "Give me a break, you like losing?" Dan asked.

"JUST ZIP IT! Either we brawl, or I let my fists do the talking!" Shuji threatened Dan. Rainbow knew a threat when she heard one. She flared her nostrils and flew up to him.

"Maybe you should put your bits where your mouth is chump!" she yelled at him freaking out the Brawler.

"Did... she just talk...?!" asked Shuji.

"I think she did..." said Akira.

Dan panicked and pulled Rainbow Dash away from him. "No she didn't! It was uh... ventriloquism! Yeah, that's what it was!" he chuckled nervously as he started whispering to Rainbow and the rest of the Mane Six. "Listen, not everyone is fond of seeing a talking pony with wings. So try to keep the chatter to a minimum, please?" Dan begged Rainbow and others.

"Okay fine, just kick his butt and start explaining what's going on." whispered Rainbow Dash for she was in a rush.

"Rainbow Dash, watch your langua-" Dan quickly covered Rarity's mouth for she forgot to keep the chatter down. "Oh, sorry..." she whispered. Dan turned to Shuji and pulled out a Bakugan Card. Twilight saw it surprised.

"BAKUGAN! FIELD OPEN!" yelled Dan and Shuji as they entered the Pocket Dimension.

"Not again..." Fluttershy said worriedly. They soon found themselves in the Pocket Dimension Battlefield. Twilight looked to each of the Six Attribute Worlds.

"What are those...?" she asked, Dan noticed they also came along for the Battle.

"What are you guys doing here...?!" he asked them in a worried manner.

"Look, we don't know how we got here, all we know is that a card brought us here. And it looked like the same one you're holding." she explained to Dan, who looked at the Bakugan card surprised.

"If that's true, then why-" before he could ask her...

"HEY! WE HAVE A BATTLE TO FOCUS ON!!!" yelled Shuji from across the field. Rarity scoffed at him for his impatience.

"This boy really needs to be taught some manners." said Rarity.

"Not to mention lose some weight." said Rainbow as she laughed at him. Dan snickered at what she said.

"Don't let him catch you saying that." said Dan as he turned to Shuji. "Alright Shuji, bring it!"

"GATE CARD SET!" yelled Dan and Shuji as they threw down their gate cards. The two cards landed on the ground growing in size. The Mane Six was amazed at what they saw.

"Ooooh! How did you do that?" asked Pinkie Pie as she touched the giant card.

"When ever we throw out our Gate Cards, they grow in size for our Bakugan to stand on the field." Dan explained.

"What's a Bakugan?" asked Fluttershy curiously. Meanwhile Shuji held up his Bakugan.

"Lets do this! Bakugan Brawl!" he yelled as he threw out his Bakugan landing it on his card. "Bakugan Stand!" he called out as the Bakugan he threw opened up into the form of a turtle. It glowed and turned into its true form. A Darkus Juggernoid, a massive turtle-like Bakugan that bears a hard shell. It can enter into its shell to execute an attack. It came out of its shell and snarled at Dan.

"WHAT IN TARNATION IS THAT?!!" asked Applejack filled with shock.

"That's a Darkus Juggernoid, but how did he ever get a hold of a Darkus Beast?" he asked worriedly.

"Here's a thought kid, why don't you call me... Master of Darkus." Shuji boasted.

Dan gave him a deadpanned look. "Give me a break, if I'm gonna call you anything, its loser." said Dan as Shuji got frustrated.

"IVE HAD IT WITH YOU YA LITTLE CREEP! ARE WE GONNA DO THIS OR WHAT?!" he asked angrily. Twilight and the looked at him with the same deadpan stare.

"Not the brightest human..." asked Twilight.

"Not at all darling..." said Rarity as she agreed with Twilight. Twilight looked towards Dan.

"So what's your next move? I doubt you can handle that thing." she said as she pointed at the Juggernoid.

"I got something, but what to counter with... something big or small?" he asked himself.

"Please let it be small. Please let it be small." said Fluttershy for she was scared by the Juggernoid.

"I got it!" Fluttershy prepared for what he was about to throw out. "Bakugan Brawl!" he yelled as he threw out his Saurus. But before it could stand, it bounced over Juggernoid and landed on the other card. "Bakugan Stand!" he called out as Saurus turned into his true form, growling at Shuji. Twilight's amazement had only peeked.

"Amazing, so these things come in a variety of different colors?" she asked Dan.

"Something like that." Dan replied.

"Ah come on, you gotta be kidding! That's it? That's all you got?!" Shuji asked him.

"Hey! Didn't anyone ever tell you size doesn't always matter?!" he replied.

"That's what I tell these guys, but they still treat me like a baby." said Spike as he crossed his arms. Meanwhile Shuji held up another Bakugan.

"Its your funeral, now to blow this little twerp an his little ponies away for good. Bakugan Brawl!" he yelled throwing out a brand new Bakugan. It landed and opened up into a scorpion looking creature. It glowed as it began to revert to its true form. "Darkus Stinglash Stand!" yelled Shuji as Stinglash emerged, a scorpion with two massive pincers that can cut through almost anything. A titanium exoskeleton gives Stinglash extremely good protection. Its tail is slow moving, but contains poisonous venom for which there is no cure. Fluttershy yelped hiding behind Dan.

"And that one?" she asked while shaking behind Dan. Dan noticed how afraid she was but he kneeled down and gently touched her head.

"Don't worry, Stinglash won't attack the players, if there's anything I know about the Bakugan, is that they will only fight each other." he said reassuring the timid Pegasus.

"You sure?" she asked him.

"Yep..." he looked to his Bakupod. "Now, to check this guys power level..." by the time he checked it, he gasped in shock. "Darkus Stinglash power level 330 G's. Saurus power level 280 G's." said the Bakupod. Stinglash struck at Saurus with its stinger, but Saurus managed to dodge the slow moving stinger. Stinglash went to strike again but Saurus caught his stinger. "Looks like I need a little power boost. Bakugan Gate Card Open!" Dan yelled as flames emerged from his Gate Card. The Mane Six shielded themselves from the flames. "Saurus power boost the 310 G's." "Man this is not looking good, if I don't find a way to boost Saurus's power by at least 20 or more, my beast is fried!"

Stinglash shielded itself from the flames but looked to Saurus knowing its still stronger than it. It shrieked at Saurus as it grabbed hold of its leg, Saurus struggled to get free. But it was too late, Stinglash punched Saurus away with its free pincer, forcing him to revert to ball form. Dan saw it land right next to him. Stinglash reverted back to ball form and returned to Shuji as he began to laugh. "So how does it feel to get your butt kicked good and proper?" Rainbow Dash flared her nostrils again.

"That's it! I'm gonna teach this guy a lesson!" about to go but feels Applejack grab her tail with her mouth.

"Hold it there Dash!" she said with her mouth full as she forced Rainbow to sit back down. "We can't do anything, unless you want to deal with that thing!" pointed to the Juggernoid as it growled at them.

Rainbow Dash looked to it. "Uhhh.... good point..." she said in defeat.

"Hey, this battle is far from over." Dan said with a confident smirk.

Meanwhile in Vestroia, Naga had just exited the power he went through to escape the Pyrus Space. He approached two glowing orbs that shined brightly. "Yes... I have reached the center of the universe... amazing...!" he said as he stood before the two cores of Vestroia. "There they are, the two inflicting forces. Infinity, and Silence. They keep the Dimension in balance." he said as he flew towards the Silent Core. "If I can absorb these two energies... HAHAHAHA!!! I can unite with Hal-G! And together, we can conquer Earth, and Vestroia!" he yelled out as he began to absorb the negative energies of the Silent Core. "The Power! Feel the glorious power!" he consumed more energy from the core. "Excellent... the power, the infinite power building inside of me.. I-" before he could finish, something went terribly wrong. He was being pulled towards the Silent Core. "No... what's, happened...?! An overload of negative energy?! I can't control the Balance! Too much! Too much!" he struggled to pull away from the Silent Core. "No! Not enough, positive energy! Its out of control! NOOOOO!!!!!!" he was completely pulled into the Silent Core, as its energy pushed the Infinity Core away, sending it away to where he did not know.

A wave of Negative Energy shot all over Vestroia, all the Bakugan felt its affects. In the Darkus Space, a warrior looking Bakugan appeared. Fear Ripper, it uses its sharp and big claws, which are triple the size of its head for cutting and slashing enemies. It felt the Negative Energy and was completely consumed by it.

Meanwhile in Pyrus Space, Drago felt the Negative Energy as well, but was unaffected by it. "What's... happening...?!" he asked as he looked around but realizes what happened. "Naga... this must be Naga's doing!" The Pyrus Space was beginning to collapse upon itself, Drago soon noticed something approaching, it was Darkus Fear Ripper. It charged at Drago and went to strike him with its large claws, but Drago dodged the attack. "What's a Darkus Bakugan doing in Pyrus Space?!" he asked as he dodged Fear Rippers charge again but gets grabbed.

Dan and the ponies watched the battle but soon felt the wave of Negative Energy. Dan looked around as he somehow entered a strange vision. "Huh?" he looked around finding himself in Pyrus Space. "Man this is getting weird." suddenly Drago and Fear Ripper appeared before him. Dan was surprised as Drago looked him right in the eye, Dan watched as Drago and Fear Ripper fought each other. "Its like a new dimension is filling our Bakugan with more power. Right in the middle of the battlefield" he watched as Drago rammed his horn against Fear Ripper. "Why does my Bakugan have bigger flames? Ive never seen anything like this before." Drago snarled and smacked Fear Ripper with his tail. "My Bakugan is getting so much stronger." before he could watch the rest of the battle, a bright light shined in front of him, as he shielded his eyes unaware a voice was calling out to him.

"Hey buddy! Snap out of it!" yelled Rainbow Dash.

"Huh?" Dan opened his eyes seeing his Pyrus Serpenoid and Shuji's Darkus Stinglash.

"You okay partner?" asked Applejack.

"That was just... totally weird..." said Dan as he felt confused from what he saw.

"I'm not fooling around! Its time to end this battle!" yelled Shuji. "Darkus Stinglash attack!" he ordered his beast to attack. Stinglash went to sting Serpenoid, but it coiled around Stinglash holding him tightly within his coils. Shuji began to panic.

"Hey Shuji! What happened to all your trash talk?! Scared your scrawny Stinglash can't handle the pressure?!" asked Dan. "Command Card! Quartet Battle Activate! Now!" yelled dan as the card glowed brightly. "Get Read Shuji! Cuz a few more Bakugan have been invited to the party!" he informed Shuji.

"A few more Bakugan?" asked Twilight.

"A party?! Why didn't you tell me this battle had a party?! No pony ever told me that this battle also had a party!" yelled Pinkie.

"Its just an expression Pinkie..." said Applejack. Suddenly Dan's card started to glow.

"My... Ability Card is transforming..." he said with a surprised expression, then a glowing orb came out of it, along with Shuji's card, both the orbs turned into the ball forms of two different Bakugan, Dan's card soon turned into a Dragonoid's Card. He was surprised by it. "Whoa... isn't this a Dragonoid's Card?" he asked curiously.

It immediately caught Twilight's attention. "Dragonoid...?" she asked.

The two Bakugan that appeared landed on the Battlefield and reverted to their true forms. They both flew into the air revealing they were the same Bakugan Dan saw. Even Twilight was surprised for she recognized the Dragon from the book. "Whoa! Those are the same beasts I saw in my vision!" he said in surprise.

"I saw that Dragon too, it was in my vision when I first saw you." said Twilight as she watched in awe. Even Spike was amazed by the Dragonoid. Suddenly...

"You must come to your senses!" yelled a voice that caught them off guard.

"Huh?" he looked to the Mane Six. "Which of you said that?" he asked them

"Not me." said Twilight.

"My lips were sealed." said Rainbow.

"My voice isn't that strong." said Fluttershy as she was still hiding because of the Dragon.

"I would never sound like that." said Rarity.

"I didn't say anything." said Pinkie.

"We're all pretty innocent here partner." said Applejack, she then looked to the Dragon. "Maybe you should ask him...!" she pointed to the Dragonoid.

He looked to the Dragonoid. "Huh? Was it you...?" he asked the Dragonoid. Fear Ripper still had him in his clutches.

"Fear Ripper! Snap out of it! The Negative Energies of the Silent Core have taken over your power of reason!" yelled Drago trying to convince Fear Ripper to snap out of it.

"My ears aren't... playing tricks on me are they...?" asked Dan

"Well if you're hearing it, so are we." said Rainbow.

"She's right, we all can hear it." said Twilight.

"I wish we couldn't hear it." said Fluttershy as she remained hiding. Fear Ripper's power started to build up as he tightened his grip over Drago. He was surprised by this development.

"His power is building...!" said Drago as he kicked Fear Ripper to break free. "BOOSTED DRAGON!!!" Drago snarled as he shot a giant fireball at Fear Ripper, ending the battle.

Dan and Shuji exited the Pocket Dimension, letting time resume. Akira walked up to Shuji. "Are you okay man?" he asked him as Shuji sat on the ground.

"I lost again!" he yelled out as he began to cry in defeat.

Dan was once again victorious, but for some reason, he was still surprised of what happened. "I don't get it, I thought Bakugan was just a game." he looked to the Bakugan he held in his hand, and saw it was the Dragonoid. "There's got to be more to it, and I've got to find out what." he soon heard some groaning and looked to see the Mane Six was still with him. "Hey..." he walked to the girls and kneeled down. "You girls okay?" he asked them.

"Yeah, just got a weird headache..." said Twilight as she rubbed her head.

"What was that...?" asked Spike.

"That was a Bakugan Battlefield, something we kids call a Pocket Dimension. When ever we open the field, time slows down around us, and we enter a different dimension. Just like what you saw there." he explained to them.

"Pocket Dimension? Bakugan? Can somepony please explain what's going on?!" asked Rainbow Dash as she was completely confused.

"Don't worry, I'll explain everything, but in the meantime, you guys need a place to stay." said Dan as he had only one option. Plus... he knew his mother was going to kill him if she found out.

At nightfall, Dan got home and tried to sneak to his bedroom, but this did not go unnoticed. "Where have you been young man?!" asked his mother with an upset expression. Dan freaked out and tried to put on an innocent face.

"Uh mom! Hey, I was just... uhh... hanging out with some friends at school! Yeah that's right, I know I should have called, but I was too distracted, sorry for the hold up, GOTTA GO!" he yelled as he ran upstairs. His mother only blinked from how her son reacted.

Meanwhile upstairs, Dan set his backpack down on the bed and opened the window. "Okay guys, the coast is clear." he whispered to the ponies that hid behind his house. Twilght nodded and used her magic to teleport her and her friends inside, causing Dan to jump from it. "Jeez, how do you do that?!"

"Shhh! You want your mother to find us?" asked Twilight trying to prove a point.

Dan realized she was right. "Oh, good point..." he pulled out Drago. "Okay, if you're in there, talk to me. Cuz I want to get to the bottom of this." see's he's not talking. "Aw man, this is totally pointless... its just a game piece." said Dan as he observed the Bakugan. "But I heard it, I thought I heard it talking. Didn't I?" asked Dan.

"We all heard it, unlike the creatures you summoned, this one was the only one talking." said Twilight.

"Maybe its just doing the silent treatment." said Rainbow Dash.

"Oh boy, I'm losing my mind... but I'm sure... we heard it." he said as he looked at Drago. "Eh, no biggie... but seeing he's a Dragonoid, I'm gonna call him Drago. Sweet, that's your new name buddy, hope you like it. Man, for a minute there I actually thought it talked. I gotta lay off the soda's." said Dan as he set Drago next to his window and his figurines. He then looked to the Mane Six and Spike. "So what's your story? Where did you guys come from?"

"Well, its kind of hard to explain..." said Twilight feeling unsure that he wouldn't believe her.

"Come on, if I can handle Bakugan, I can take talking ponies. Oh, that reminds me, I never properly introduced myself, my name is Dan Kuso." said Dan.

"Dan? That's a strong name." Twilight complimented his name.

"Now let us introduce ourselves." Applejack said as she took Dan's hand and shook it. "Names Applejack, but you can call me AJ if you'd like." she tipped her hat to him with a smile.

"Nice to meet ya." He noticed his hand was still shaking up and down. "Wow, you must have had a strong arm."

"I've been working on a farm all my life. So yeah, I guess it comes with the job." said Applejack as she crossed her front hoof in front of the other.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, emphasis on Dash. I'm known to be fastest Pony in Equestria." she boasted proudly.

"Awesome! You could probably give Falconeer a run for his money!" said Dan as he and Rainbow Dash fist/hoof bumped.

"I... I'm Fluttershy..." said Fluttershy very quietly, to which Dan couldn't hear her.

"I'm sorry, I Didn't quite catch that..." said Dan as Fluttershy felt more nervous around him.

"It's Fluttershy!" she whispered quickly as Twilight walked up.

"You'll have to forgive her, but this is Fluttershy, she's usually like this when she meets new ponies... well, in your case, people..." Twilight explained to him.

"Fluttershy huh?" he smiled at the timid pony and placed a gentle hand on her head. "That's a sweet name." he complimented.

Fluttershy began to blush from it and hid it in her mane. "I.. I'm nothing special..." she admitted.

"You kidding? I know something special when I see it, take my Bakugan for example. They may be scary, but they're all special in their own way. Just like you." he said with a warm smile.

Fluttershy was still blushing but she smiled at him. "Thank you." she said kindly.

"I'm Pinkie Pie, the best party planner in all of Ponyville, and speaking of parties. I need to plan a par-" before she could finish, Dan covered her mouth.

"Sssshhhhh! I can't let my parents hear you, if mom found out I have talking ponies hiding in my room, she'll kill me!" whispered Dan feeling scared not just for himself, but for them.

"Oh, right, sorry about that. But I'm still gonna plan a big party for ya. When's your Birthday?" asked Pinkie Pie.

Rarity rolled her eyes but looked to Dan. "You'll have to excuse her, but she's like this when she meets a new face. Anyways, my name is Rarity, it is a pleasure to meet you. And might I say, you look rather handsome for a boy your age. And your outfit, so bizarre, its perfect!" she said admiring his clothes.

Dan blushed from it. "Um, thanks I guess..." he then looked to Twilight.

"My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and this is my number one assistant, Spike. We all came from a realm called Equestria." the title of Princess caught Dan's attention in a heartbeat.

"You're a Princess?!" he accidentally yelled out causing his mother to hear him.

"Daniel? Are you okay in there?" she asked from downstairs. Dan started hearing her walk up the stairs.

"Uhhh, yeah I was just, talking to my online friends, nothing to worry about!" he used his entire body to barricade the door keeping his mother out.

"Daniel, open this door right now." she ordered her son.

"I can't! because I'm uh... I'm getting undressed and getting ready for a bath." he fibbed as he began to sweat.

"Okay, just don't take too long." she went back down stairs to clean the kitchen. Dan sighed in relief.

"That was close..." he sat down on the floor.

"You must be really scared of your mother to act like that." said Rainbow Dash as she flew up to him.

"You have no idea, if she found out about you or the Bakugan, I'm fried." said Dan, then he looked to Spike. "So what are you supposed to be? a pony or a lizard?" he asked.

"Dude, I'm a Dragon." he said to him crossing his arms.

Dan started to chuckle. "Kinda small for a Dragon don't you think?" he asked him.

"I'm travel size."

"Spike has been with me ever since I hatched him." Twilight explained to Dan.

"Wait, you hatched him?" he asked her.

"It was when I had to take a magic spell test, I almost failed if Rainbow Dash hadn't won a race using her Sonic Rainboom." she said to him.

"What's a Sonic Rainboom...?" Dan asked in confusion.

"Let me explain, its where I break into a super fast speed, and break the sound barrier. And a huge sonic boom with a rainbow hue happen at once." Rainbow Dash explained to Dan as he imagined it in his head.

"Wow, I definitely need to see it sometime." he said feeling excited. Then he realized something. "Oh no, I was supposed to meet with my online friends."

"Online friends?" asked Rarity. Dan looked at her and her friends as they all but Twilight had confused expressions on their faces.

"You guys don't have technology where you're from, do you?" he asked them.

"Well I did visit a human world once, but it was hard for me to understand how their technology worked." said Twilight.

"Well, maybe I should show you, so try not to freak out." he said as he walked over to his computer and turned it on. When he logged on, his friends were all waiting for him.

"Dan, you're there!" said Marucho.

"Hey guys, sorry I took so long, I was just-" before he could finish.

"Dan, are those ponies in your room?" asked Runo.

"So what if we are?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, don't be rude!" Rarity yelled at Rainbow's attitude.

"NO WAY! Talking ponies?!! Danny, that is so amazing! I want one!" cried Julie.

"Guys, they're not pets, they're... not exactly from this world." Dan explained.

"I must admit, they do seem different from the ponies we know in this world." said Alice.

"They came from a world they call Equestria, but that's not the weird part here. You see, I was brawling with this dude named Shuji, and these girls were all here to see it. Then all of a sudden I thought I heard my Bakugan talk." Dan explained to his friends.

"No way! You too?!" said Runo with a surprised expression.

Dan was surprised at how she reacted. "What do you mean Runo? You saying someone else heard them too" he asked her.

"You should log onto the Bakugan Site, its what everyone's talking about Dan." Julie informed him as Dan logged onto the Bakugan Site, only to find kids were saying that their Bakugan began talking. The Mane Six and Spike were surprised as Dan gasped in surprise, he looked over to Drago.

"It did talk! Maybe the Bakugan World has a lot more than we thought!" Dan thought in his head. He then looked to Twilight and the others. "Well guys, looks like we weren't crazy after all."

"It would seem so... but, how did it talk? And why isn't it talking now?" asked Twilight.

"I don't know... I thought Bakugan was just a game. But there must be more to it... right?" he asked them, till suddenly...

"Uh Dan, aren't you gonna introduce them to us, or not?" asked Runo.

"Oh, right, guys, these ponies are, in order... Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Princess Twilight Sparkle." he introduced them to his friends.

"Hi there!" the Mane Six and Spike greeted them.

"Wait, Princess? Twilight is an actual Princess?" asked Alice.

"Amazing, I wish I could be a princess!" said Julie, mostly because she wants Dan to be her Prince.

"I know you guys want to get to know each other, but its getting late, and we need to get some sleep." Dan informed.

"Alright, we'll talk more tomorrow." said Runo as she and the others disappeared from Dan's screen.

"I must admit, I kind of like that Runo. Though her hair would look much more beautiful when its down." said Rarity.

"Well, I think she mostly likes it in her two ponytails..." said Dan as he scratched the back of his head hiding a faint blush. This did not go unnoticed from Rarity as she began to smirk.

"Dan Kuso, do you have a crush on Runo...?" she asked teasingly.

Dan shot up from his chair. "I DO NOT!!!" he said with a bright red face.

Rainbow Dash smirked knowing he was lying to himself. "Your face says otherwise." said Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

Dan groaned in frustration. "Just go to bed!" he yelled.

Meanwhile in Equestria, the Golden Oak Library was still a mess. And the card Twilight and the Mane Six left behind, was still on the floor. But then... a being covered in a black cloak picked it up. She looked at the card seeing it still glowing in the center, there was a Dark Purple glow and it was glowing brightly. She knew it meant one thing...

"So... it has happened... the Silent Core has been stollen and the Infinity Core has gone to the realm Twilight and her friends are currently in..." said the being as she looked out. "Apollonir... please watch over the ponies, for they are very important." she begged as she walked out of the Library.

Author's Note:

Coming up on Bakugan Legends of Equestria, I try to get Drago to talk in school. But all that happens is I get into big trouble with my teacher. She doesn't get it, she thinks Drago is just a toy. Meanwhile I try to help Twilight and her friends figure out how they came into my world, which is a total pain in the butt.

To make matters worse, this dude called Masquerade shows up. Blasting everyones Bakugan into the Doom Dimension.

Wait until you see what happens when the Brawlers battle Masquerade and Reaper.

Bakugan Brawl! Let's Battle.

Here is the first chapter of my first ever Bakugan MLP crossover. I tried to make it a little less like "The Little Pony Legend". But I only used a small part of the Beginning. I hope you guys like it. Please don't be too hard on me! :fluttercry: please!