• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,387 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Nightmare in Doomsville

As the Bakugan, the Brawlers, and the ponies traveled through the treacherous land of the Doom Dimension... some couldn't help but feel pressured at the fact the place was giving off some serious negative vibes. Preyas was more pressured, if not scared of the fact he was not only almost sent to the Doom Dimension, but now he's actually there for real. Scylla took notice of his shivering and squinted her eyes knowing what's going through his mind. "What's the matter Preyas, you're not scared are you...?" she asked him with a devious smirk.

"Nah, I'm sure he's just got a bad case of the shivers..." said Pinkie as she giggled as a way of teasing him..

"I do not!" Preyas denied it as he walked with them, but he needed to be honest with them at some point, and now would be a good time. "But you know fella's... I'm not sure we should have come to the Doom Dimension." he said to them still shaking of the negative vibe the dimension is giving off.

"Yes, but we're here to save Dan and Twilight along with Drago and Bahamut..." Julie reminded him of their mission.

Shun and Skyress returned along side Rainbow Dash and Avion. Runo looked to them hoping they found some sign of Dan or Twilight. "See anything you guys...?" she asked them. Both Shun and Rainbow Dash shook their heads as a way of saying no, Runo lowered her head knowing they haven't found them yet. "Not good... they could be anywhere..." she clenched her fist.

"You've all got a case of Doom and Gloom... come on, lets do this!" Julie said to them cheerfully.

"How can you be so calm about this Julie? We're in uncharted territory in case you forgot..." Applejack reminded her.

"True, but I'd rather stay on the positive side of things." Julie said to her.

"Julie's right though guys... we all came to the Doom Dimension by our own free will to find Dan, Drago, Twilight and Bahamut... this is our mission you guys. So lets stay positive about this..." Pinkie said to them cheerfully.

Runo felt Fluttershy place a gentle hoof on her shoulder and looked to her, the shy Pegasus smiled at her as Runo smiled in return, giving her a small nod. Preyas stepped forth to lead them, showing off his John Wayne impersonation. "Alright, what do you say we saddle up and we all go this way buckaroo's...?" he said to them.

"Neigh, I say we got that way..." Centorea pointed out to the wasteland heading South.

"I agree with Centorea, we go that way..." Gorem said to them.

This immediately got on Preyas' nerves. "HEY! I want to be Trail Boss!" he exclaimed.

"And we want to find Dan and Twilight!" Gorem argued with him.

"WHAT?!!!" Preyas exclaimed and looked away. "Treat me like I'm the idiot... oh that's rich you two, real rich. Okay, lets follow the big lug with a brick for a brain, and the blonde with a horse's butt." he pointed out only to feel the tip of Centorea's spear pointing at him, he chuckled nervously from it. "Sorry... my bad..."

"Hey, knock it off you guys, look! I see someone coming!" Applejack pointed out to the sky.

Everyone looked out to see what she meant, and in the sky, two Pyrus Dragonoids approached them. It was Drago and Bahamut flying towards them... and on top of them, were Dan and Twilight as they approached the others. Seeing him at last, Runo's heart leaped with joy as a smile formed on her face. "Dan!" she called out to him.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy called her name feeling happy to see her.

"Hey look! Danny boy and Twily! And Drago and Bahamut!" Preyas said to them only to get a pound on the head by Lancelot. "OUCH!"

"That will be quite enough you knave..." Lancelot said to him to shut him up.

Seeing their friends, Dan was surprised as he looked towards Twilight. "Twilight, look! Its our friends..." he said to her.

"What are they doing here?" Twilight asked as both Bahamut and Drago landed on the ground.

Their friends rushed up to them feeling happy to see them. "Oh thank goodness you two are safe..." said Runo.

"Well I for one knew we would find you..." said Rarity.

"I told them all along they had absolutely nothing to worry about..." Julie said to them.

Rainbow Dash however was not convinced. "You never said that the entire trip..." she said to her.

Dan leaped down to them as Twilight flew down to them. "Thanks for coming... but you realize this is the Doom Dimension...?" Dan asked them but realized. "Did Masquerade send you here?!" he asked them only to see them giggle in spite of their situation. Dan quickly realized that this was their plan all along. "You did this on purpose..." he said to them with a scowl.

"No need to thank us guys... it was our pleasure..." Preyas said to him and Twilight.

But they were not pleased about it... Dan especially. "Oh man, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE SUCH COMPLETE IDIOTS!!!" he exclaimed.

Runo's scowled at him for it as she stepped up to him. "Listen Mr. Smarty Pants, every one of us CAME HERE TO RESCUE YOU!" she yelled at him.

"Really? Well do you realize we could be trapped here forever?" Twilight asked her with a stern look.

"Exactly, what in the world were you thinking anyway?!" Dan asked her.

"ABOUT YOU GUYS! But me, mostly about YOU Dan!" Runo said to him earning a surprised look from him. She looked away as her face was slightly red. "So are you saying... you want us to leave you alone here...?" she asked him.

Dan wanted to speak, but it was hard for him to utter the right words. "W-Well no..." he replied as his anger disappeared.

"You have a good point there Runo, but what possessed you guys to come here...?" Twilight asked them.

"Take it out on us..." Shun spoke up as Dan and Twilight looked to them. "It was our idea..."

"We take full responsibility for it..." Rainbow Dash admitted to them.

Marucho walked up to speak up. "Don't listen to them, we all decided to come to this place..." he said to them.

"We're all friends, through and through..." Pinkie spoke up.

"Marucho and Pinkie are right... the Bakugan Battle Brawlers do everything as a team." said Julie feeling proud of it.

"We leave nobody behind..." said Applejack as she smiled at them.

"And besides..." Rarity approached them. "What sort of friends would we be if we left you in this ghastly place...?" she asked them.

"We need you and Twilight to come back Dan... we need your guys' help to stop Masquerade." said Fluttershy.

Dan and Twilight were amazed of what they said. "Oh man... that is so cool." he admitted to them. "We appreciate this guys... thanks..."

Preyas chuckled as he walked up. "Real touching, now! What do you say we get our little hiney's out of here, lickety-split huh?" he asked them.

"Yes, but which way is out?" Tigrerra asked him.

"Yes, do tell Preyas..." Scylla said to him.

"No clue..." Preyas admitted to them.

Without warning, both Tigrerra and Scylla clobbered him straight into the air. He screamed and crashed on the ground head first, both Tigrerra and Scylla felt relieved of the anger they let loose. "I should have done that a long time ago..." said Tigrerra as she looked away from him.

"I was way ahead of you sister..." Scylla said to her.

Groaning from the pain, Preyas smiled trying to hide the pain. "Wasn't expecting that, but now lets get on with business shall we? If we think we can get out of here, then it will happen. Who's with me?" he asked them as he walked up crossing his arms. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that you're not buying into my plan." he theorized.

All the brawlers and the ponies looked at him skeptically. "Oh it has nothing to do with you, personally..." Runo said to him

"But you gave it your best shot..." Fluttershy said to him.

Preyas was surprised of it, but smiled rubbing his head. "Well thanks guys, that makes me feel a whole lot better. NOW ARE YOU GOING TO LISTEN TO ME OR NOT?!!!" he asked them feeling furious.

The Brawlers and the Main Six laughed at him knowing how foolish he was feeling, Dan turned to the others feeling eager. "Hey, we can do this... we'll find a way out of this dump." he said to them.

"And together, we will return home..." Twilight said to them with a smile.

Just at that moment, a light shined from behind them as a figure appeared behind them. "And we can grant that wish my friends.." said the voice.

Dan turned around seeing it as he shielded his eyes. "Who are you...?" he asked him.

The red light dimmed as Apollonir stood before them. "I am Apollonir, an ancient Pyrus Soldier..." he introduced himself.

Applejack turned seeing a Subterra Bakugan appear before them. "I am Clayf, the Subterra Soldier..." he introduced himself to the Subterra Brawlers.

Appearing in front of Runo and Fluttershy, Lars Lion stood before them. "I am Lars Lion... a Haos Soldier..." she said to them.

Exedra stood before Rarity as he held his handout. "Exedra... the Darkus Soldier..." he introduced himself to her.

Pinkie and Marucho looked noticing Frosch. "I am Frosch... an Aquos Soldier..." he said to them.

Rainbow and Shun soon saw Oberus. "Oberus, I am a Ventus Soldier..." she said to them.

Drago was surprised just from seeing them. "The Legendary Six Soldiers of Vestroia...!" he said as he felt amazed and honored to be in their presence.

"The who and what now?" Rainbow asked him.

"You've heard of us then..." said Oberus as she observed his surprise.

"Then we shall spare you a long-winded history of our plight..." Frosch said to them.

Eager to know why they're here, Shun stepped up to speak. "What do you want?" he asked them.

"Our mission is very clear, we seek a new band of brothers to help save Vestroia from total destruction." Apollonir said to them.

"Are you talking about us...?" Dan asked him.

"We have a little proposition, you help us... and we will help you escape the Doom Dimension." Apollonir replied to him as he looked to his comrades.

"But first, we must test your metal, to see if you are worthy of the challenge." said Clayf.

Runo and Fluttershy were surprised from hearing what he said. "Worthy...?" Fluttershy asked him.

"Yes... we must put you, and the ponies through a series of tests..." Lars Lion explained to her. "I know that you are a gentle spirit Fluttershy, but the fate of your world and ours rests in your hooves..."

Fluttershy shuddered knowing that she needed to be a part of it, she also knew she can't turn away from it. Meanwhile, Drago stepped forward with Bahamut. "Our mission is the same... and we need your help to leave..." Drago said to them.

"If we don't leave, then our home is doomed..." said Bahamut as he imagined what will happen.

Dan nodded his head from hearing it. "Yeah, so... what kind of tests are you talking about here?" he asked them.

"And how do we know you're even gonna help us if we pass...?" Twilight asked them.

"You can't..." Apollonir stated to her.

Dan scowled as he walked up. "Here's the deal... if we help you, then we want you to release every single Bakugan that's ever been sent to the Doom Dimension." he said to Apollonir.

Exedra was surprised from what he proposed. "Impossible... nothing of which you proposed has ever been done before..." he said to him.

Lars Lion looked at Dan sensing how determined he was, even that of those of his friends. "But it appears these beings really love their Bakugan..." she looked to Apollonir. "We must help them... I implore you..." she said to him in hopes her words would reach him.

Thinking of it as he looked at Dan Kuso, he felt the fire within his heart... at first it was nearly an amber... but it reignited into a roaring flame. "Perhaps King Nova has chosen wisely... but I will see for myself if he was right. Very well, then is shall be so... all Bakugan shall be released to your dimension... now... let us commence with your tests..." he said to them.

The Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia began to glow as the Brawlers and the Main Six were caught in the Attribute circle with all their Bakugan Partners. All of them shot into the air as each one of them was sent to a different battlefield, each brawler traveling with a respective pony of the same attribute they were... where they go? They did not know... the light blinded them from seeing where they were going, not even their partners knew where they were going. Within the Subterra field... Julie and Applejack screamed as they were being sent to their field. "JULIE!" Gorem cried out as they entered the field. The light dimmed as Julie and Applejack were unconscious on a couch. "Julie...! Julie!" he tried calling her name.

"Applejack! Wake up Applejack!" Centorea pleaded her to awaken.

Hearing their voices, Julie and Applejack began to stir from their sleep as they saw their partners in their ball forms. "Gorem...?" Julie spoke up.

"Centorea...?" Applejack groaned as she got up. "What the hay happened...?" she asked but looked around the room. "Even better question... where are we...?" she asked.

"Not a clue..." Julie said to her and looked around starting to recognize it. "It looks like we're back in my house you guys." she was about to get up only to slip and fall off the couch and crash on the floor. But at the point of impact, laughter is heard in the background as both Julie and Applejack looked around. "What is going on?" she asked as she looked around. "And where are the others...?"

"Not sure Julie... but this place is just weird, I doubt this is really your place. But lets try calling them on our Bakupods..." she said to her as she tried to contact them, only to realize they weren't connecting. "I'm not getting a signal..."

"Me neither..." Julie tried to get it but got frustrated in the process. "Oh come on! Get me online you stupid piece of-" before she could finish her sentence and a certain swear word that should not be mentioned. She and Applejack started hearing the strange laughter again. "Are you hearing what I'm hearing you guys?" she asked them.

"Yeah, almost like we're on a live stand up TV show..." said Applejack as she looked around.

"This isn't your house Julie..." Gorem stated to her.

"What?!" Julie looked to him and Centorea.

"We are still within the dark depths of the Doom Dimension Julie... how else can thou explain that laughter...?" Centorea asked her.

"Wait, so are you saying all this isn't real then?" asked Applejack as she looked around only to hear a groaning noise in the background.

"Hey Julie..." called out an unfamiliar voice. "What's going on...?" the voice asked as a young girl approached.

Julie and Applejack looked seeing Daisy, Julie's older sister, she had the same hair as Julie, but her eyes were light purple, and she wore a school uniform. The crowd in the background cheered seeing her, as Julie was surprised to see her. "Oh wow, Daisy..." she said to her.

"Daisy...? Who's Daisy...?" Gorem asked her.

"Yes, who pray tell is this Daisy...?" Centorea asked her.

Julie turned to them to explain. "She's my older sister, that's who..." she said to them.

"Your sister?! You never told me!" Applejack exclaimed to her.

Daisy shrugged at hearing it. "Oh Julie... I sure wish you'd quit calling me older." she said to her and looked to Applejack. "Also, I'm sorry if she hasn't talked about me much, I'm mostly out of town a lot." she explained.

"No argument here..." Applejack said to her.

Suddenly out of no where, a man in an astronaut suit walked in. "Hey, hey guys, its me!" he called out as the crowd cheered.

Seeing him, Julie was shocked. "WHAT?!!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, its Tom... what are you wearing?" Daisy asked him.

"Funny you should ask, I was just on my way to Mars." Tom said to her as the crowd laughed.

Both Julie and Applejack were getting severely creped out from what was going on. "Okay, would someone please tell us what in the world is going on here?!" she asked them.

"And please talk to where everything makes sense around here..." said Applejack.

"This is an illusion you two... I sense Clayf's presence. Therefore I would conclude this is one of their tests..." Gorem explained to them.

Julie and Applejack looked to them in surprise. "Are you saying this is all fake...?" Julie asked him.

"And that Daisy and Tom aren't really real?" Applejack asked them.

"Yes... and there is your proof..." Centorea pointed out seeing Daisy hold out Clayf.

She held him out with a smirk as she looked to her younger sister. "Julie... how about you, me and Applejack in a quick Bakugan battle...?" she asked her.

Surprised to see it, Julie could not believe it. "Bakugan... now I think I'm starting to get it..." she began to realize her situation.

Tom nodded his head to her. "This shall be your test Julie..." he said to him as orange energy surrounded him as he revealed himself as Clayf.

Gorem was surprised to see it. "Clayf...!" he exclaimed.

"You must defeat your sister..." Clayf stated as he reverted to his Bakugan Form, leaving his soldier garments.

Daisy watched as he leaped to her and she caught him as they walls around them fell down showing an old western ghost town. "You ready to play Julie?" she asked her sister.

Julie put up a stern expression, knowing she had no choice but to face her. All three brawlers held out their cards, preparing for battle. "Gate Card Set!" they tossed their cards onto the field.

Daisy was the first to enter battle. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed her Subterra El Condor to the field. "El Condor Stand!" she called out as El Condor emerged onto the field. "It's your move Julie!" she said to her.

"Nice try Daisy, but let me show you how its done! Bakugan Brawl!" Julie tossed in her Subterra Tuskor to the field. "Tuskor Stand!" she called out as Tuskor emerged on the field, unleashing a powerful roar. "Battle has commenced." said the Bakupod.

"Careful Julie, she may look like your sister, but she looks more serious than a bull in a rodeo..." Applejack advised her.

"I got this Applejack, don't worry about me... Ability Card Activate! Nose Slap!" Julie called out as Tuskor roared out and went to slap El Condor with his trunk.

However... "Counter Ability Activate! Dragoon!" Daisy called out as a shield protected El Condor, blocking Tuskor's trunk and sent him flying back. "El Condor Power Level increase detected." said the Bakupod. This shocked Julie as Tuskor's power was decreased. "My special Dragoon counter ability lets me drain power from your Bakugan in battle, and without power, then you've got nothing." she teased her.

El Condor took the chance to attack, and blasted Tuskor, forcing him back into Ball Form. Gorem was shocked by this turn of events. "Julie...!" he looked to her panicked.

Hiding the way she was feeling, Julie turned to him hiding her fear. "Hey, no sweat... she just caught me off guard, that's all..." she said to him.

"No, your power is limited..." Clayf said to her.

"Say what?!" Julie asked in shock.

"I'm no fool Daisy, you could never win against Daisy... her use of strategy will always defeat you..." Clayf said to her.

Julie at that instance started having flashbacks of when she was a little girl. How Daisy was good at cooking... horseback riding... winning first prize trophies in art. This immediately got Applejack concerned as she looked to her, worried of what was going through her mind. "It's true... Daisy was always the star... she was good at doing everything did, and compared to her... I was always..." she thought back when she tried to cook go horseback riding, and failure in art. "I was always... just a cluts!" she admitted as she looked to Daisy. "But still... I lost to Daisy my whole life, but I won't lose now!" she said to her.

Daisy smirked at her as she held out a card. "We'll see about that Julie... Gate Card Set!" she tossed it to the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed her El Condor back to the field. "El Condor Stand!" she called out as El Condor appeared on the field.

Rising up, El Condor chuckled at her. "You're going down brawler!" he said to her.

"We'll see about that! Bakuga-" Julie was about to toss in her next Bakugan, but Applejack lassoed her, stopping her in her actions. "HEY! Applejack, what are you doing?!" she asked her.

"Just hold on a moment Julie, lets not get ahead of ourselves yet. She's good, I will admit that, even if she is an illusion of your sister... I want to see how this match goes. Let me give it a shot..." she said to her.

"Your friend there is brave Julie, maybe you should let her have a shot... not that it will change anything." Daisy said to her.

Growling at hearing it, Julie tossed Rattleoid to Applejack. "Give it your best shot, but if you lose, I'm taking over. Besides, we're both bound to the same card points." she said to her.

"No need for the reminder..." Applejack caught Ratteloid and looked to the field.

"You're quite brave young mare... but what has that bravery gotten you...?" Clayf asked her.

"Something you won't understand..." Applejack replied earning a curious look upon Clayf even though he was in ball form. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed Subterra Rattleoid onto the field. "Bakugan Stand! Rattleoid Stand!" she called out as the rattle snake type Bakugan emerged on the field, hissing at his opponents.

Daisy smirked at her as she held Wormquake in her hand. "Bold move taking over for my sister... but that boldness is gonna cost you. Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed Wormquake onto the field. "Wormquake, Stand!" she called out as the giant earthworm emerged on the field, snarling at Rattleoid. "New Battle engaged." said the Bakupod.

"This ain't gonna be easy, I just hope I'm playing my cards right, and Daisy won't beat me at Bakugan like she did with Julie. Gate Card Open! Grand Spirit!" she called out as energy gathered to Rattleoid. "Rattleoid Power Increase detected." said the Bakupod. "Alright Daisy... hear this... the Grand Spirit Gate Card lets me increase my power level by fifty times, that of any other gate card you played." she explained to her.

Clayf meanwhile, scoffed knowing she made a reckless move. "Do you think that's enough to win this battle Applejack...? Or are you so desperate, you can't even admit that you're scared you won't see your family again?" he asked her, earning a shocked expression from Applejack. "That proves my point..."

Daisy pulled out another ability card to play. "Ability Card Activate! Spirit Canyon!" she called out as energy was drawn to Wormquake. "Workquake Power Increase." said the Bakupod.

"You're kidding me!" Applejack panicked from seeing it.

"Sorry AJ, but my Spirit Canyon ability neutralizes your pathetic ability." Daisy said to her as Wormquake charged at Rattleoid, tackling him into the ground as it reverted to ball form within its belly, and shot out the end of its tail. (I want to keep it appropriate, I mean COME ON! It's a kids show!)

Both Applejack and Julie were shocked of what happened. "As I predicted... you're both no match for Daisy. I conclude that this challenge is a complete waste of my time!" Clayf said to them. "If you know what's good for you Applejack, you will stick to apple bucking..." he said to her.

Applejack stood in silence as Julie was having a little hissy fit. "I can't do anything right, its always Daisy that's perfect... Daisy, Daisy, Daisy! There's still one more battle left to win! Lets do this Gorem!" she grabbed him. "Bakugan BRAWL!" she pitched him towards El Condor. "Show them what we're made of Gorem!" she said as Gorem slammed against El Condor's face, knocking him down. "Gorem Stand!" she called out as the golem emerged on the field.

But Daisy... was in no hurry to lose. "Gate Card Open!" she called out as it began to activate.

"Get'em Gorem!" Julie called out as Gorem clobbered El Condor, forcing him into ball form. "Way to go Gorem, now stay on'em!" she said to him.

"Julie, you have no idea what you've just done!" Applejack yelled at her.

At that instance, Gorem started to sink due to Quicksand Freeze. "Not good!" he exclaimed.

"It's the Quicksand Freeze!" Julie panicked.

"Hmph... I know I keep repeating myself, but you have no change of succeeding against Daisy's Quicksand Freeze ability. Maybe I should battle against you personally... and show you and Gorem how this game is played!" Clayf said to them as he headed over to Daisy.

Daisy caught him as he looked to Julie. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed him to the field. "Clayf, Stand!" she called out as Clayf emerged on the field. In the form of a stone colossus, holding a scepter with a reflective mirror.

This had Gorem worried as he Clayf as he stood behind him. "I've heard the most powerful Subterra Bakugan ever... I don't stand a chance against him." he said to Julie and Applejack. "Clayf enters battle at 500 G's." said the Bakupod.

Clayf turned towards him seeing him hip deep in quicksand. "To give you a chance, I'll stand back and observe Gorem..." he said to him.

Meanwhile, Daisy pulled her Wormquake back out. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed him to the field to face Gorem. "Wormquake Stand!" she called out as the giant worm Bakugan emerged in front of the golem. "Hope you and AJ don't take this personally..." she said to them.

That however, got on Applejack's last nerve as she finally worked up the courage to snap out of her trauma. "I've had enough of losing! Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed in Centorea onto the field. "Centorea Stand!" she called out as her partner emerged on the field holding her spear. "Ability Activate! Copycat! Copy Dragoon!" she called out as Centorea's power reached 780 G's. "Copycat allows me to copy the ability of anything that's been activated in battle, and use it against it! Second Ability Activate! Power Charge!" she called out as Centorea's power boosted to 880 G's. Centorea charged and land a powerful strike with her shield and spear against Wormquake, forcing it into ball form. Daisy was surprised from what just happened. "Looks like I won that time... and now that Julie and I are back on track, there's nothing that can stop us."

Julie smirked and looked to Clayf. "So, are you ready for some more punishment? Because these girls are on a mission!" she said to him.

Clayf merely chuckled at them. "You really are starting to bore me you two... I concede you both one two separate battles. But no matter what you do Julie, in the end, you will never win the war against your sister." he said to them and looked to Applejack. "You of course Applejack, are stubborn to admit, that even you are afraid... afraid that you will never see your family again. Even the loss of your parents taught you that much..."

Applejack stood quietly, but in her heart... she knew he was telling to truth. Julie meanwhile rolled her eyes from hearing it. "What ev's, give me a break! If you're trying to scare us, you're wasting your breath Clayf!" she replied to him.

"Your boastful words are meaningless to me... now lets see you back them up!" Clayf's eyes began to glow as everything around them turned black and white.

Julie was surprised from when it happened as her memories along with Applejack's started flowing back. "What's going on?!" she asked as she looked around and realized where she was. "Wait a minute... I remember this..." she looked and saw the school play. "This is for my Elementary School Drama Festival..." she looked back stage and saw her younger self with Daisy.

"I can't do this... I don't even come close to having the same talent as you Daisy..." Young Julie said to Daisy.

"You can do this Julie, I just know you can..." Daisy tried to encourage her.

Julie looked away scared. "I can't.. I just can't!" she closed her eyes looking away.

"You can!" Daisy said to her earning a surprised look from Julie. "I'm totally serious, all you need is a little confidence... that's all..." she said to her with a warm smile.

Young Julie looked at her seeing how honest she was. "You really mean that...?" she asked her.

Daisy nodded to her as Julie got up and headed out on stage. "But... once I went on stage..." the older Julie remembered what happened.

"Oh Romeo, I-" before young Julie could perform, she tripped over her dress and fell to the floor.

Every disaster on stage she caused, everyone laughed at her as she and the older Julie began to remember how painful it was. "SHUT UP!!!!" she cried out. "Make it stop! Make it stop, make it stop!" she pleaded.

"No matter how hard you try to deny your failures, they will always come back to haunt you... just like your friend, Applejack..." Clayf gestured to the earth pony. Julie looked to her, seeing she was stuck in a trance of seeing something tragic.

She reached to her and touched her shoulder seeing a horrible moment that haunted her. Applejack ran down the road to find her parents, but when she got to the bridge... the carriage was on the edge as both Bright Mac and Pear Butter were missing from it. "Mom! Dad!" she looked around the area but found bright Mac's hat on the road, and looked towards where the carriage crashed. Tears began to brim as she approached the carriage and looked down towards the river, seeing nothing but darkness bellow.

It was that instance... that Applejack was traumatized, that her parents... fell to their death's. Her older self shut her eyes holding her head. "STOP IT! Don't show me anymore! please!" she pleaded trying to wipe out the pain as tears run.

"As you can see Julie... everyone has a tragic background, even Applejack. The loss of her parents traumatized her to the brink of madness... and she felt that the only way to protect her family, was to hide it." Clayf said to her and looked to them. "Now... are you ready to admit defeat?" he asked them.

Julie shot her head up looking to him with a glare. "No!" she exclaimed as Applejack looked to her surprised. "No matter what tricks you play, we won't lose again to a sour old Bakugan like YOU!" she yelled at him. "Lets show them Gorem!" she grabbed her partner and held him out. "Now its personal Clayf! Bakugan Brawl!" she pitched Gorem at the colossus Bakugan. "Here's what I think of your test!" she yelled as Clayf shielded himself with his scepter from Gorem's attacks. The golem rolled on the ground but stood on the field. "Gorem Stand!" she called out as Gorem emerged on the field in his true form. "Gate Card Open! Character activate!" she called out as it activated. "New battle has commenced." said the Bakupod. "Destroy him Gorem!" she said to him as Gorem pulled back his right arm.

But Daisy was well prepared. "Ability Card Activate! Atomic Brave!" she called out as Clayf's eyes glowed, and legs formed beneath him. Using his scepter to block Gorem's attacks, leaving nothing, not even a scratch on it.

Julie and Applejack gasped as they were stunned, as was Gorem. "WHAT?!" he panicked as Clayf took his scepter and struck Gorem's chest, knocking him down.

"Gorem!" Julie cried out.

Panting from the attack, Gorem got back up. "You cannot... defeat me...!" he said to Clayf.

He went for another attack, only to get knocked back down by Clayf. "Gorem, no!" she cried out.

"You are still too blind to see what's before your eyes, can you finally admit it you two...? You cannot defeat everything that is put in front of you!" Clayf said to her knowing its the truth.

Julie was stunned from what she was going through. "Am I only fooling myself...? Is it true I can never defeat you Daisy...? Was I only dreaming that I could...?" she asked her. Daisy stood in silence as she looked at her sister, but Julie was only getting more frustrated. "Come on, say something... say something!" she groaned as she clenched her fist. "Oh forget it, guess I'll just have to prove how wrong you are! Ability Activate!" she called out.

"It's over Julie..." Clayf said to her as she gasped. "Atomic Brave is an ability that absorbs any additional power that you attempt to give to your Bakugan in battle..." he explained to her. "Atomic Brave has intercepted all power from ability card. Total amount 880 G's. said the Bakupod.

Julie, was shocked from what she saw. "But... that's impossible..." she panicked.

"The battle ends here, Gorem!" Clayf struck him with his scepter.

Gorem screamed and crashed on the ground. "Gorem!" Julie cried out only to look around hearing the laughter of her past again. She panicked as she looked around. "Why are the laughing at me...?" she asked.

"Admit defeat..." Clayf advised her. "You can never win against Daisy..." he said to her with a dark tone.

Suddenly out of no where, Centorea struck against his face, making him stumble back and looked seeing her. "Thou have gone too far Clayf... was your test all along to break their spirits...? To bring back tragedy to their hearts, to relive painful memories of loss and embarrassment?! I thought thee to be a great warrior of legend... but now I see not all live up to thy reputation." she said to him and glanced to Applejack. "Isn't that right Applejack...?"

Applejack stood silently in her own shadow but looked to them as tears fell. "But he's right... the loss of my parents hurt me more than I realized. I may be tough when I'm with my family and friends, but deep down I've been falling apart inside... my parents meant everything to me, and losing them was harder on me than it was on Big Mac and Applebloom." she admitted to them as she looked to Clayf. "But I wouldn't have come this far if it weren't for my friends... they are just as much a family to me as my brother and sister. For all the time I was honest with them... I haven't even been honest with myself..." she said to him and looked to Julie who was freaking out. "Julie! Snap out of it!"

"But he's also right about me... I was never able to beat anyone at anything in my whole life." Julie said to her as her eyes shut and tears ran down her cheek.

"Why are you acting like this?!" Gorem asked her earning her attention. "This isn't about Daisy, its about you Julie!" he said to her.

"About me...?" Julie asked him. "But I don't understand..." she said to him as she experienced another flashback with her and her sister when she was a child. Daisy walked to Julie as she sat on a bench, earning her little sisters attention. "Daisy...?" the young Julie asked. Daisy smiled and sat next to her, allowing Julie to hold her as she cried. "Oh Daisy... I was so embarrassed! I totally ruined that play, I'm not like you... I'll never be...!" she cried.

Daisy smiled as she held her sister. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about... in fact, you were the star of the whole show Julie." she said to her earning a surprised look from her. She looked seeing the guests walk by giving good praises about how the play went. Daisy smiled and looked to her. "See...? What did I tell you...?"

Seeing them go, Julie smiled and looked to them. "You're right...!" she said to her.

"Hey, you don't have to compare yourself to me... just be the best you can be." Daisy said to her as both she and Julie hugged each other, giggling as the flashback ended.

Julie began to realize the flaws of her character. "Yes... now I remember, my whole life changed that day because of Daisy... that's when I realized I could just be me..." she said to herself.

"Yes child... and it doesn't matter if thou wins or loses, the important thing is to do your very best." Centorea said to her.

Julie nodded her head and looked to them. "Yes... because I am a somebody!" she yelled out as the dust cleared.

Applejack nodded till suddenly a glowing light shined in front of her chest, catching her by surprise as both Centorea's eyes and Gorems began to glow. Gorem threw a punch at Clayf's scepter managing to back him up, he threw another punch getting him to move a bit more. Centorea joined the assault by striking his sides with her spear, till suddenly both her body and Gorem's began to glow. "Whoa! What in the world is happening?" she asked only to see her Element of Harmony appear around her neck. "No way!" she exclaimed.

"Applejack, is that...?" Julie looked back to the fight and looked to her Bakupod. "Sensing Gorem and Centorea power increase." it showed them as both their power levels were going through the roof. Gorem and Centorea struck Clayf together and soon backed away as their power began to transform them.

Clayf couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Impossible... it just can't be...!" he panicked.

Watching it happen, both Applejack and Julie couldn't believe their eyes. "Freaky...!" said Julie as she and Applejack received two new cards. Meanwhile, the molten rock over Gorem began to crack, and it broke off his body... revealing him in a new form. He stood up, revealing himself as Hammer Gorem. Meanwhile, Centorea emerged from the light that was transforming her... her armor, shield and spear had changed from how it originally looked. Her hair was down, and her strength had doubled.

"Whoa nelly... Centorea...?" Applejack looked at her in disbelief.

"What just happened Gorem...?" Julie asked him seeing his new form.

"Because you found your confidence again, it allowed me to evolve Julie..." Gorem explained to her.

"And I as well Applejack, admitting how thee felt after thy loss of thine parents was indeed hard to behold to others. Which allowed me to evolve, as well as return your Element of Harmony. The Element of Honesty..." Centorea explained to her.

Both Julie and Applejack were amazed as Applejack looked to her Element of Harmony. "My element... and two evolutions?" she asked them and began to smile.

"Yes... I am now Subterra Hammer Gorem." Gorem spoke of his new title.

"And I and Subterra Hippeis Centorea..." Centorea spoke her title.

"Subterra Hammer Gorem and Hippeis Centorea..." Julie was amazed of their new titles.

Gorem let out a small chuckle. "Just call me Gorem..." he said to her.

Julie giggled at him. "Okay Gorem..." she turned to Applejack. "You ready for this Applejack?" she asked her.

"You bet Julie!" Applejack replied to her as both she and Julie pulled out their new cards.

"Ability Activate!" they called out in unison.

"Grand Impact!" Julie called out as Gorem formed his hammer. "Grand Impact is Gorem's special ability that amps up his power level by 200 G's, and at the same time it decreases his opponents power by the same exact amount." she explained as Daisy was surprised.

"Centurian Enomotia" Applejack called out as Centorea twirled her spear and flames surrounded her shield. "Centurian Enomotia is an ability that allows Centorea to summon the spirits of her fallen brothers and sisters, to fight by her side." she explained as an army of centaurs formed as astral projections, holding spears up. "Not only that... it decreases your G Power by 200, while giving Centorea a 200 lead advantage." she explained.

Daisy and Clayf panicked seeing it as both brawler and pony began to over power them. "Okay Gorem, I say its time to finish what we started." she said to him. Gorem took his double sided hammer and swung it around till finally releasing it and throwing it straight at Clayf, seeing it slam against him, destroying his scepter and making him stumble back.

"Now Centorea, finish it!" Applejack called out to her as Centorea yelled out and launched her spear along with her fellow centaur. The spears followed the lead spear and descended upon Clayf, striking him down and letting out a huge explosion. Clayf writhed from it and went back into ball form and disappeared. "YEEHAW! Now that's how its done!" Applejack cheered.

"Yes, we won!" Julie cheered as both Gorem and Centorea returned to them. Daisy smiled proudly of her sister, Julie felt bad for beating her... but that never stopped her from smiling and running towards her. "Daisy!" she called to her as she ran to her. But before she could reach her, she disappeared before her eyes. "Daisy...?" she looked around as everything turned dark, but a light shined upon her and Applejack. A crowd in the background cheered for them, catching them by surprise.

Gorem floated up to Julie. "It seems everyone is happy for your victory Julie." he said to her.

"Aye... as well as thou Applejack... your parents would be proud of thee." Centorea said to her.

Clayf watched them from a distance. "I hate to admit it... but I never expected them to pass this test, and now there just might be a chance to save Vestroia..." he thought to himself.

Both Julie and Applejack waved at the audience with smiles on their faces. "Thank you everyone! Thank you! We love you all! Thank you!" she giggled with a smile. All that's left now is for the others to finish their tests, and who knows how those would turn out?

Author's Note:

Preyas: On the next chapter of Bakugan Legends of Equestria, its Marucho's and Pinkie's turn to take their test in the Doom Dimension. But talk about kreepy! His opponent is a frog in a bog!
Scylla: But never fear... Scylla and Preyas are here, we will take on that wart totting tadpole. Pinkie and Marucho are worried, but with me and Preyas in the game?
Preyas: You gotta get me outta here! I can't do this! HELP ME! *gets clobbered by Scylla* Oh man, that hurt!
Scylla: Anyway, you have to make sure you don't miss the next chapter. Bakugan Brawl!
Preyas: My back... *groans*

(Hey guys, here's the next chapter, few days early... surprisingly... anyways, when it came to this chapter, I knew I had to go with a tragedy for Applejack. I tried looking up info of how Bright Mac and Pear Butter died, and what I found... it wasn't pretty. So, I had to make up a tragedy, to make it a little less disturbing. But, I hope you guys like the chapter.)