• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,387 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

No Guts No Glory

Night had fallen over Bakugan Valley, and all the Brawlers had returned to Marucho's plane to rest up. But before they could... "Enjoy your dinner, I'm sure you're all hungry after exploring all day." Kato said as he sliced some meat for the brawlers, but also prepared some salad's for the Mane Six.

Dan at the very moment was stuffing his face with meat. "Wow, this is so good! Kato, can I have seconds?" he asked him as he ate the last piece of meat. But suddenly he noticed that no one else was eating, except for Shun who was taking a sip from his drink. "Hey guys... you're uhhh... not eating..." he noted.

"We're not hungry..." Alice said to him as she lowered her head remembering what happened during the last battle.

Runo also felt sad of what happened... but mostly, about someone... "Someone's missing... Julie..." she pointed out.

Knowing exactly how they're feeling... Dan lowered his head knowing they were right. "Julie must feel terrible..." Tigrerra said to them.

"Yes, of course she does..." Drago agreed with her.

Centorea looked to her partner. "Applejack... have thou been able to see her...?" she asked her feeling concerned.

Applejack let out a sigh as she lowered her head. "I tried to talk to her... but she's hurting really bad." she said to her.

"I can't believe that creep Masquerade...! He got one of Julie's childhood friends to be one of his battlers!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she kicked her salad over.

"Whoa!" Avion dodged some of the leafy greens. "Easy Rainbow Dash, we all hate it the thought of it."

"I know Avion... but now he's asking for it!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"We understand Rainbow Dash, but this isn't about Billy, this is about Julie. She's hurting right now, and we need to be there for her when she needs us." Twilight said to her.

Fluttershy soon noticed that Spike wasn't around. "Hey... where's Spike...?" she asked them.

The ponies and the brawlers looked around only to see he was no where in the plane. "He was just here... where could he have gone?" Runo asked them.

"I'm sure he's just fine, the kids a fire breathing dragon. So don't worry too much about him Runo, if you do you might get wrinkles." Dan said to her hoping he only meant it as a joke.

And boy did he fail miserably... Runo immediately turned toward him with a menacing glare. "WHAT'D YOU SAY?!!! Alright buster, you wanna be funny huh?! Lets settle this in a battle shall we?!" she said to him as she grabbed Tigrerra.

"Whoa hey, hold on Runo! It was just a joke! Wait Runo!" before Dan could stop her, she grabbed him by his collar causing him to struggle trying to get away. The ponies watched knowing this is gonna be a long night for them.

Meanwhile at Julie's house, Julie was in her room holding the toy cowboy that Billy gave to her. Her tears haven't stopped falling ever since the battle. Her thoughts continued to replay the scene of what Billy said to her. "Why Billy...? Why did you join up with Masquerade...?" she asked as she closed her eyes holding the toy. "Why...?!" suddenly she heard something rustling in her bag causing her to gasp. She looked at it and cautiously approached it. She slowly but quickly opened it only to find Spike hiding in it. "Spike...?"

Spike let out a nervous chuckle. "Hey Julie..."

"What are you doing here...? Shouldn't you be with the others...?" she asked him as she pulled him out of her bag setting him down on the bed.

"Well... I know you wanted to be alone... but..." Spike looked to her and held out his arms. "I knew you needed someone to help you get back on your feet." he said to her. Julie looked at him as tears fell, she reached over and hugged him sobbing. Spike held her close to comfort her. "Hey, its okay Julie... I promise, everything will be alright..." he assured her.

Julie sniffed as she held the little dragon. "How can you be so sure Spike...? You saw the way he treated me..." she reminded him of what happened after the battle.

"But that wasn't him, and you know it... Billy would never really do that to you. Masquerade got to him, and now he's being used. But you can't give up on him, not after knowing the real Billy..." Spike pointed to her toy cowboy. "He was your friend, but if you give up on him, you give up on your friends... nothing hurts more than letting your friends down."

Hearing those words... Julie could feel the sympathy in the young dragons words. A warm smile began to form across her face as she pulled Spike into another hug. "Oh Spikey... thank you... you really are a good friend when you want to be." she said to him.

"Aww... its nothing really..." Spike said to her only to feel her arms starting to squeeze tightly around him. "Um, Julie... mind letting me go...? I kind of need those ribs..." he said as his voice started to sound squeaky. "Julie...! Juuuulllliiiiieeeeee.....!!!!!!" despite his efforts, he could only feel his entire body getting crushed by the hug of this girl he's trying to help.

The next morning back at Bakugan Valley. Dan and the others were looking at it and found no sign of the Infinity Core. "Looks like we ran out of places to search for the Infinity Core..." said Dan as he starred at the valley.

"So far we managed to check every inch of the valley, but we still haven't found it." said Twilight as she looked at the valley.

"I guess... we're out of luck..." Runo said as she looked down.

Marucho searched the area with his binoculars. "The caves we went to yesterday collapsed..." he pointed out as he observed the ruined caves.

Fluttershy looked to Dan curiously. "So what should we do now Dan...?" she asked him.

Dan looked to her but looked down in thought. "Let me think about this..." he soon came up with something that might work. "I know, why don't we check in on Julie?"

"Are you sure about that...?" Rainbow Dash asked him. "Because she might want some alone time right now."

"Rainbows right Dan... and we still don't know where Spike is." Alice said to him.

"Hey, what gives...? How come last night you were all so worried about her?" Dan asked them.

At that moment Runo sighed as she forgot. "Oh man..." she started to complain.

"Its no use Runo... Dan just doesn't understand the way a young lady thinks." Preyas said to her.

That didn't slide well with Dan as he snapped. "That's because I'm a boy Preyas!" he yelled at him only to hear his Bakupod sound off. He looked to it and saw Shun on the screen.

"Dan we need to talk now..." Shun said to him.

At the plane, Dan appeared on screen and looked to him. "Shun, so did you find something?" Dan asked him.

"Yes I did, there's a canyon about ten kilometers West from where you are. Its very similar to the one that's in Bakugan Valley." Shun said to him and the others.

Twilight was intruiged by this. "Really...? Great, okay then lets go check it out. See you at the plane Shun." she said to him.

Skyress at the time looked to her partner. "Did he say it was similar to Bakugan Valley...?" Skyress thought to herself as she looked to the screen. "Well that's strange... it doesn't look that similar to me." she looked to her partner curiously. "I wonder what Shun is up too...?"

Back at the valley, Dan and the others were on their way to the plane. "Wouldn't it be great if we found the Infinity Core in that Canyon?" Pinkie asked as she hopped her way to the plane.

"I have a good feeling we might find it Pinkie Pie." Scylla said to her.

"As do I, maybe we're going to get luck and find it." Dan said to them.

As they went to the door, Applejack lowered her head as she thought about Julie. Centorea noticed it and floated in front of her. "Something is on thy mind Applejack... what vexes thee...?" she asked her.

Letting out a sigh, Applejack looked to her partner with a concerned face. "I'm still worried about Julie... she hasn't talked ever since last night. I'm trying everything I can to help her... but... maybe Rainbow and Alice are right... maybe giving her some space is the right thing to do." she said to her as she lowered her gaze.

Understanding how she's feeling, Centorea sat in her hooves. "Applejack... thou have always beared the burdens of all your friends, which is an admirable quality when thou are a noble protector. Therefore, thou must realize that while at times, thou will make mistakes, it does not mean that thou cannot correct them. Thou are strong... passionate... and loyal to thine fault. These are the merits of a good friend... and I believe there is hope to help Lady Julie." she said to her.

Applejack was amazed by her words of wisdom. True her fancy talk was strange, but she spoke from her heart causing Applejack to smile. "Thanks Centorea... I needed this talk." she said to her and walked into the plane with the others.

Dan rushed in hoping to see Shun. "Hey Shun-" before he could go see him...

"OOHH YEAH!!!" Julie jumped out of no where and tackled him with a hug. "Its so good to see you Dan!" she cried out.

"Julie?" the Mane Six asked in surprise.

"What's with her?" Runo asked.

"What are you doing here?" Dan asked her.

"Oh please, I'm part of this gang, come on! At least pretend to be happy to see me, after all I did come all the way to see you. Oh... and Spike managed to help me." Julie pointed to him.

The Mane Six looked only to see how disfigured he was due to Julie crushing him. "Whoa... what in the name of Celestia happened to you...?" Rainbow Dash asked him as she poked at him causing him to yelp in pain.

He gave her a looked from what she did. "Don't... ask..." he said to her as he started straightening out his back.

"Ms. Julie arrived with Spike just a little while ago." Kato informed them.

"But then... you're not upset anymore...? I mean... about Billy...?" Alice asked her as she lowered her gaze.

Julie smiled and looked to her. "Of course not! You didn't think I was gonna go around moping forever did you...? I have to get up and go, go!" she said to her as she giggled.

A smile formed across Applejack's face seeing how happy she is. "Well... that's Julie for ya. She always did know how to bounce back even after everything that happened."

"Alas, tis agreeable." said Centorea.

"Now that's the Julie we used to know." said Twilight as she spread her wings.

"Yes! From now on, I'm looking on the bright side of life." Julie said to them as she walked over to Kato and grabbed her bags. "Okay, so... now that I'm here, which room will I be staying in?"

"Uhhh... Julie, all the rooms are occupied." Marucho informed her.

But did that stop Julie...? Not in the slightest as she grabbed Dan's arm. "Oh well, no problem... I guess I'll just have to share a room with Dan here." she said to Dan in a flirty tone causing him to blush.

The ponies shot up in anger. "NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!!" they exlcaimed in unison.

"Besides... I'm in Dan's room..." Shun said to her as he popped out of no where.

"Yes, Dan and Shun had to share a room. So did Alice and Runo." Fluttershy informed her.

"So, all the rooms are taken." said Rainbow Dash as she crossed her arms.

"But we'll find a place for you somewhere." Applejack said to her.

Suddenly, Marucho got an idea that might work. (Yeah right, not in this life time.) "Hey, if its alright with Julie... you can stay in my room if you want to." he said to her only to get smacked in the back of the head by Runo.

"That's not gonna happen." Runo warned him knowing what he was really thinking. After taking off, Runo and Fluttershy showed Julie to their room. "Okay, you can have this room Julie... you can take any bed you like." she said to her trying to keep a kind smile.

"Thanks Runo..." Julie said to her as she set her bag down. "I'm glad I traveled light this time." she started unpacking. Runo and Fluttershy soon noticed the toy Cowboy that was in her bag as Julie pulled it out. "Don't worry Billy... somehow I'll get you back on the right path. You'll see..." she thought to herself.

Runo and Fluttershy noticed how she looked at it, how it really meant to her when Billy gave it to her. Fluttershy walked up to her leaping onto her bed. "Who was Billy to you Julie...?" she asked her.

Julie looked to her surprised. "What do you mean...?"

"She means... was he more, than a friend...?" Runo asked her with a smirk.

Immediately blushing, Julie panicked and hid her face from them. "Its not like that okay?! My heart is aiming for Dan, and that's final!" she exclaimed trying to deny it.

But Runo and Fluttershy smirked knowing she's lying. "Ooookaaaay... what ever you say Julie..." Runo said to her as she walked away.

"We'll see you later... come on Elvia." Fluttershy called to her partner as she walked out.

"Coming Fluttershy!" Elvia said to her as she flew after her.

As they walked out, Julie had her arms crossed feeling her heart racing just from hearing what Runo said. She wanted to deny it, but something in her heart was telling her otherwise. Meanwhile down the hall, Runo and Fluttershy walked together with smiles on their faces. Runo looked to Fluttershy knowing why. "Fluttershy, you thinking what I'm thinking...?"

"Of course... its clear as day..." Fluttershy said to her with a smile.

Runo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but I guess I'll just leave it alone... for now..." she said with a smirk as she walked with Fluttershy to meet with the others.

Upon arriving close to the canyon, Dan and the others looked at the map to to see the location. But when they did, Preyas got in the way. "Hey! Look everybody! We're almost there!" he cried out.

From hearing it, Dan got excited from hearing it. "I can't wait! Oh man this is exciting!" he cried out.

"I know right?! I'm so excited! I've never felt so excited in my whole life!" Pinkie cried out in joy.

Alice looked to them and looked out to the canyon. "What ever we find... I hope we don't run into any trouble." she said to them as she felt worried.

"Yeah, me too..." Runo agreed with her.

"Same here... who knows who's working for Masquerade." Applejack said to them as Dan turned around to them. "We don't want any surprises.

Dan rubbed his chin in thought. "That's right... I don't understand why Masquerade's gang keeps showing up where ever we go... how do they do that...?" he wondered.

Shun stayed silent for a moment. "Yes, about that... don't you think its rather strange...?" he asked them.

The Brawlers and the Mane Six looked to him surprised. "What do you mean...?" Twilight asked him.

"Maybe its just a coinsidence, that's all..." Rainbow Dash said to him.

"We mustn't second guess things Rainbow Dash... they seem to know our every move. Someone must be spying for them." Avion said as he looked to the others.

"Doth thou mean one of Dan's friends...?" Centorea asked him.

As much as they didn't want to believe it, there's just no way its true. The ponies would never believe that their friends were spies working for Masquerade. "One of us...?" Runo asked in surprise.

"No way..." Alice looked to Runo as they looked at each other but quickly looked away in worry.

"I don't believe it! You can't be serious!" Dan exclaimed to him.

Bahamut leaped to Twilight's wing as she extended it. "Are you saying there is a traitor amongst us...?" he asked Shun.

Shun closed his eyes lowering his gaze. "No, not here... there's one more person who knows of our whereabouts..." he in formed them.

"Yeah but... who's that...?" the Brawlers and the Mane Six asked in unison.

But Dan was starting to picture it and found the answer. Shun opened his eyes and looked to them. "I'm talking about Web Master Joe..."

The Brawlers gasped surprised knowing who he was, even Dan knew about it. "Yeah, of course..." he said as he sat down.

"Dan... who is Web Master Joe...?" Drago asked him.

"That's what I want to know..." Twilight said as she sat next to him. "Who is he...?"

"He manages our website... he's the one who keeps track of everything we do." Dan informed them of who Joe was.

"We only know him by the handle he goes by, and everything else about him is a mystery. We've never seen him, and we don't even know where he lives. But he knows everything about the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. And if my hunch is correct, he probably knows about you girls ever since you first started playing." Runo said to them as she looked to them.

Rainbow crossed her arms in disapproval. "Sounds kind of creepy if you ask me... I'd rather not have some creep watching my every move thank you." he said to them as she looked away.

"At least he doesn't have camera's watching our every move." Rarity said as she fixed her mane a bit.

"Oh I agree with you on that sister... though I wouldn't mind the view..." Preyas said with a smirk only to get a deadly glare from Rarity and Spike.

"Buddy... if you even think about it, I'll pummel you where you stand...!" Spike warned him if he got any crazy idea's.

"Well, Joe does a really good job managing the website. But you never hear from him online, or in the chat room at all." Marucho informed them of him.

"And as a web master, he can monitor all online activity any time he wants." Shun added to the information.

Rubbing her chin, Applejack was curious as to why Joe would keep himself distant from the other brawlers. But she also thought about the current situation they're in. "Then that would mean that its easy for him to know every move we make." she suggested as she looked to the others.

"I see... so that's why you lied about that canyon in the west." Skyress blurted out catching their attention.

"Huh?! He lied?!" Dan asked her.

Twilight gave Shun a look of disapproval knowing what he did was wrong. "Therefore bringing us here has all been a set up!" she said to him.

Looking to her surprised, Dan was a bit confused. "A set up...?"

"Do you understand what it means if the content of our most recent website chat has been leaked to Masquerade...?" Twilight asked them as she gained shocking looks from everyone.

"Oh! His gang will show up at the canyon that Shun found!" Runo exclaimed in shock.

"And we'll all be sitting ducks when we arrive there." Scylla thought out loud as she sat on the table with the others.

"Hey hold on... Shun was lying when he said we might find the Infinity Core all by the canyon?" Dan asked receiving a nod from Twilight and Marucho. He soon shot a angry look towards Shun because of it. "Man that's low! I can't believe you'd do that to us!"

"Yeah, I mean seriously! We're all a team here aren't we?" Spike interjected into the conversation.

"Hold on guys, he has a reason for it... right Shun?" Rainbow Dash asked him as she turned to face him.

With a nod, Shun looked to his pupil. "It was the only thing I could think of to find out the truth." he said to her.

At that moment, Kato appeared on the screen. "Our destination is in view. Take your seats, we are going to land." he advised them as he disappeared from the screen showing the canyon.

Twilight looked to Shun with a look of disapproval. "Even though what you did was wrong... I only hope that you don't have any more secrets." she said to him knowing he might have a few more.

As they arrived in the canyon, one look at it and... "Skyress was right, this is nothing like Bakugan Valley!" Runo exclaimed as she looked around with the others.

"As much as I agree... it could use a splash of color like Bakugan Valley." Rarity agreed with her.

Her partner Lancelot at the time also looked around as he began to sense something. "We're being watched..." he muttered only to here some laughter from above.

They all looked to the source and saw who it was. "So you brawlers finally showed up..." she said to them.

Shun's eyes squinted just from seeing her. "See...?"

"You were right..." Dan said to him

The Brawler working for Masquerade looked at them but mostly looked to Twilight as she noticed her partner Bahamut. Curiousity began to build within her as she reached and grabbed her cloak. "Do you know me...?" she asked her.

"Not exactly... but I have a pretty good feeling you're going to tell me anyway." Twilight said to her.

The girl smiled as she removed her cloaked and leaped down. "My name is Chan Lee!" she cried out as she landed gracefully on the ground.

Pinkie and Scylla held up ten point signs. "Perfect ten!" they cried out.

"Pinkie Pie, now is not the time to be playing Olympics." Rarity exclaimed but looked to Chan Lee. "And might I say darling, you look quite lovely, your make-up goes perfectly with your outfit." she complimented her knowing she still their enemy.

Chan Lee smiled from the compliment. "Thanks... its a shame we had to be enemies. We could have been friends..." she said to them as she went into a battle stance. "Now... let me show you... the power, of the third best Bakugan Player!" she challenged them.

Dan and Marucho were surpried but knew her pretty well. "That's pretty close to the top, she must be really good." Marucho calculated.

"Yeah, and Billy was ranked ten." Runo connected the dots.

"And Komba was fifth..." Alice added to it.

"Yeah, but its still not Number 01." Rainbow Dash said as she looked to Chan Lee. "I mean so what if she's Number 03? She's probably all talk, no brawl."

Chan Lee chuckled knowing she was wrong about that. "You're not afraid to battle me are you...?" she asked the rainbow maned pony, only to see her eye twitch.

As much as Rainbow liked to keep her cool... but that's where she had to draw the line. "Alright lady, I'll have you know I'm a second degree black belt! I'm not afraid to get my hooves dirty right here and now!" she exclaimed and was about ready to charge at her.

Shun managed to grab her and keep her from doing something stupid. "Take it easy Rainbow, remember what I told you about calming yourself." he advised her.

"What Rainbow Dash meant to say was, no way, not a chance." Dan said to Chan Lee knowing that Rainbow shot a menacing glare at him. In fact he could feel her eyes burning the back of his head.

"Wait, hold on girl, chill out. What do you want from us?" Julie asked her.

Applejack nudged her leg a bit. "Can't you tell by the Baku Shooter...? Its quite obvious to who she's working for." she said to her as she looked at Chan Lee.

"Even though Applejack is right, but what is up with you? You like playing Bakugan don't you? You must have worked hard to get to the ranking you're at." Twilight said to her. "But what I don't understand is... why would you side with someone like Masquerade...?" she asked her.

And as simple an answer... Chan Lee pulled out the Doom Card. "This is why... I have the Doom Card." she informed them as she glared at them.

Dan knew that she was making a mistake, but that didn't stop him from pulling out his Bakugan Card. "Wait Dan, not on your own. Don't..." Julie pleaded to him.

"We'll have a better chance at beating her if we battle together." Marucho agreed with Julie as he pulled out his Bakugan Card with him.

Runo also pulled out her card preparing for battle along with Shun. But Dan had other plans... "Sorry... I have to do this alone guys..." he said to them.

"But Dan... you sure...?" Runo asked him feeling worried.

"This battle is between me and her... and I accept the challenge." Dan said to her only to see Twilight walk up. "Twilight, what are you doing...?"

"You're not doing this alone... I want to face her as well. This could be my only chance to see Bahamut enter battle." Twilight informed him as she looked to her partner. "Anyway... we both need to test our strengths right now... as long as we have both Drago and Bahamut, we can't lose." she said to him as she looked to him with a confident smile.

Dan looked at her knowing she might be right... but still, it would be cool to see Bahamut in action. "Alright..." he looked to Chan Lee. "Bring it on, we'll take on the third best Bakugan Player. Or anyone else who wants to brawl with us."

"Drago, are you ready?" Tigrerra asked him as she was on Runo's shoulder.

Drago wished he could smirk, but not at this moment he can't. "Of course I am!" he said confidentely as he looked to Bahamut. "Are you ready Bahamut?" he asked him.

"I am ready if you are my friend." Bahamut replied to him feeling confident.

Dan looked to Chan Lee and held out his card. "Then lets do this! We'll show Masquerade he can't push us around!" he said proudly.

"We're ready when you are Chan Lee!" Twilight challenged her.

Chan Lee held out her Bakugan Card. "Good... then lets start the battle!" she declared.

"Alright, Bakugan Field Open!" Dan and Twilight cried out in unison as their cards including Chan Lee's glowed brightly.

As they entered the battlefield, Twilight held up her Gate Card. "You ready Chan Lee...?" she asked her showing much determination in her eyes.

Forming a bright smile on her face, Chan Lee held out her Gate Card. "Oh I am Princess... Doom Card set!" she tossed the card to the field as it is absorbed into the field. "Tell you what Princess Twilight... I'll let you take the first shot. I'd like to see your Bahamut in action as well." she granted her the chance.

Twilight smiled hearing it. "You're quite honorable... but I won't go easy on you. Bakugan Brawl!" Twilight tossed in her Mantris into the field first before sending in Bahamut. "Mantris Stand!" she called out as Mantris emerged onto the field.

Chan Lee only smirked at seeing it. "Oh please... don't tell me all your moves are gonna be that predictable." she said to her as she stanced in her signature fighting style.

"She's right Twilight, I thought you wanted to send in Bahamut..." Dan said to her.

"Don't worry Dan, I have a plan... just play along." Twilight said to him as she looked to Chan Lee. "Besides, I can tell she's got skill. While I'm bellow her level, I won't stand a chance if I just send Bahamut in right off the bat." she explained to him as she observed Chan Lee.

"Dan, trust her..." Drago advised him.

Dan didn't quite know what Twilight was thinking... but he knew that she was following her gut on this. Meanwhile, Chan Lee readied her Bakugan for battle. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot in her Pyrus Manion to the field. "Manion Stand!" she called out as Manion appeared on the field.

Twilight smirked knowing she fell for it. "Gate Card Open! Tripple Battle!" she called out as a barrier came between her Mantris and Chan Lee's Manion.

At that moment, Chan Lee was impressed by the alicorn's strategy. "You set a trap... its a Tripple Battle then huh...? You better choose your next Bakugan carefully princess." she advised her.

"Okay Twilight I'm ready, send me in..." Bahamut said to her as he prepared.

"No, not yet... I want to try something first." Twilight said as she pulled out her next gate card. "This strategy should do it!" she tossed it onto the field and grabbed her next Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot in her Pyrus Griffon to the field. "Pyrus Griffon stand!" she called out as her Griffon emerged on the field, roaring at its opponent.

This completely caught Chan Lee off guard as her eyes widen in surprise. "What is she thinking...? If I shoot another Bakugan into this Tripple Battle... then your Mantris will go straight to the Doom Dimension." she said to Twilight only to see the determination in her eyes. Never before did she imagine she would see this pony princess put her Bakugan on the line. But... that didn't stop her from pulling out her next Bakugan. "Okay... if that's what you want... Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed in her Pyrus Warius to the field. "Warius Stand!" she called out as Warius emerged on the field in its true form.

Chan Lee began to smirk knowing that Twilight made a mistake in sending her Griffon to the other side of the field... or did she...? "Ability Card Activate! Sling Blazer!" she called out as Mantris took flight and snatched Manion from the field.

Letting out a gasp, Chan Lee watched as her Manion was lifted into the air by Mantris. "I don't believe it!" she exclaimed as she tried to process what happened.

"Sling Blazer is an ability that only Mantris has, it means it can throw its opponent to the battle area next to it." Twilight explained to her as Mantris threw Manion to the battle area Griffon stood on. Flames began to surround Manion as the Gate Card unleashed its power upon it. Warius soon saw Mantris charging straight at him, feeling its entire strength and power ramming him down.

Both Manion and Warius were forced into Ball Form, leaving Chan Lee speechless for a moment. "She beat... them both..." she muttered to herself in disbelief.

"That's what you call a surprise attack strategy... but I made a few improvements to it." Twilight said to her with a smile.

Chan Lee didn't want to admit it... but there was more to this Alicorn than she gave her credit for. "Wow Twilight, I have to admit I'm impressed... just wish I could have seen Bahamut in action." she admited to her.

"Don't worry, you'll get your chance." Twilight smiled and looked to Dan. "Alright Dan, you're up."

Dan nodded to her and readied his Bakugan. "Come on, lets keep going! Bakugan Brawl!" he shot in his Mantris to the field. "Now we'll try this, Mantris Stand!" he called out as his Mantris emerged on the field.

"Not this again..." Chan Lee complained but readied her next Bakugan. "Your luck's run out! Bakugan Brawl!" she shot her partner onto the field. "Fourtress Stand!" she called out as Fourtress emerged on the field. Standing before them in all his glory. "Fourtress regesters at 370 G's." said the Bakupod.

Twilight was amazed just from seeing him. "Amazing... an Asura type Bakugan. I read about them during my time here." Twilight admitted as she observed the four armed Bakugan.

"This could be difficult Dan... Fourtress is a tough opponent, be careful." Drago advised him.

"I won't lose if I use a Bakugan with the same attribute of fire. I'll toast him with this ability card." Dan said to him as he held out his ability card.

But Chan Lee had something else in mind. "Not quite..." she said as she held up her ability card. "Ability Card Activate... Face of Grief!" she called out as the card glowed brightly.

At that moment, Fourtress's face changed to Grief, catching Dan by surprise. "Whoa, his face changed!" he exclaimed.

"OHHHH!!! Good grief! I Fourtress will take away any chance of you winning this battle!" Fourtress exclaimed knowing it was his Grief Personality talking. "There is no hope! You might as well give up now!" he exclaimed.

"Grief Stricken Foutress makes his opponents abilities useless..." Chan Lee said to them as Fourtress deactivated the gate card, and kept Dan from unleashing his ability card.

Dan's eyes widen in surprise. "No fair! You can't do that!" he exclaimed to her.

"You're not so sad that you can't do anything! There's only one way to ease your pain, so there's only one place left for you to go!" Fourtress said to them as he spun on his hand and swung his legs kicking Mantris into the Doom Dimension.

"No! Mantris!" Dan cried out as he looked to Fourtress.

"Fourtress is annoying, and he's powerful." Drago mentioned to him. "He has three different strengths... Sorrow, Gentleness, and Anger. All in one body." he explained to him and Twilight.

"Talk about split personalities..." Twilight admitted.

"You haven't seen anything yet... come back home boys, you're still in the battle." Chan Lee said as Fourtress returned to her. Then out of no where, Manion and Warius appeared before them.

Twilight was shocked when she saw them. "But... we defeated them already...!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, what gives?" Dan demanded to know, only to see Manion and Warius revert to ball form returning to Chan Lee.

Chan formed a smile across her face as she caught her Bakugan. "That's because the first card I threw in was the Revive card. It comes in handy because the card can restore any Bakugan that's defeated in battle." she explained to them.

"So we're back to square one...? No that's not right!" Dan cried out. "I lost Mantris, so I'm at a disadvantage!" he said as he held out his gate card. "This battles gone on long enough, it ends now! Gate Card set!" he tossed it in his Gate Card. "Help me out Drago, Bakugan Brawl!" he shot him onto the field. "Drago stand!" he called out as Drago emerged onto the field.

He roared out and glared at his opponent's letting out a growl. "So, you decided the bring out your Pride and Joy Dragonoid. Good!" Chan Lee said as she tossed in a new Gate Card. "Here! I'll set the field! Bakugan Brawl!" she shot Fourtress back onto the field. "Fourtress Stand!" she called out as her partner emerged on the field. "I'll tell you why I'm ranked third in the world. Its your strongest Bakugan against mine. Now we'll see if you have the courage to put it all on the line." she said to him.

"No Problem!" Dan yelled out as he Shot his Pyrus Siege to the field. "Pyrus Siege Stand!"

"Dan Wait!" Twilight tried to stop him, but was too late. "Fourtress has the stronger Power Level, no other Data available." said the Bakupod.

Siege prepared for the worst as the Gate Card started to open by Chan Lee's command. Fourtress pulled back his arms and punched Siege as a portal to the Doom Dimension opened up behind him. Dan watched as his Bakugan went straight for the Doom Dimension. "Pyrus Siege! No!" he cried out only to see their original Gate Cards return to the field. "This time our Gate Cards have been restored...?" he asked.

Chan Lee smirked knowing that everything has gone exactly as she planned. "Now everything is in its right place. You two should be thanking me, I set this field up originally for Dan. But since Twilight joined the battle, I had to adjust it. Its where your Bakugan will have their last battle." she informed them.

Drago growled as Twilight gasped. "Oh no... she was planning on getting Drago all along!" she figured it out.

"Very observent Princess... sorry I couldn't face your Bahamut... Bakugan Brawl!" Chan Lee shot her Warius onto the field. "Warius Stand!" she called out seeing Warius emerge on the field facing Drago.

Dan glared at the situation. "Drago... there's no way I'm going to lose you this way!" he cried out.

"And you won't Dan... I'll see to that..." Twilight said to him as she pulled out a Gate Card that was meant for her partner. "You wanted to face my partner Chan Lee...? Well you got it!" she tossed in the Gate Card and looked to her partner. "This is your chance Bahamut... you ready?" she asked him.

"Say the word, and get me in. I'm ready!" Bahamut said to her as he curled up.

Twilight smiled and looked to the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot him to the field. "Bahamut Stand!" she called out as Bahamut's form glowed brightly, letting out a pillar of lava.

Chan Lee looked up seeing it. "Is that...?!" she watched as a pair of orange feathered wings emerged from the lava. As the lava began to disappear, Bahamut's eyes opened glowing brightly. Breaking out of the lava, Bahamut has finally revealed himself in his true form.

His form was purely a Dragonoid, but unlike Drago, his body was more humoind. He had orange feathered wings, large curved horns on top of his head. He had four layers of shoulder guards, and strong armor around his body. He looked to Chan Lee with his arms crossed. "I am Pyrus Bahamut... mighty warrior of Pyrus Space! With Princess Twilight as my partner, I will stop anyone who seeks to harm my allies!"

"Amazing...! It almost as if I'm looking at a god..." Drago said as he observed his form.

Twilight was also amazed, but she focused on the battle. "Ability Card Activate! Flame Attractor!" she called out Bahamut surrounded himself a burning tornado. "Pay close attention Chan Lee, Flame Attractor is an ability only Bahamut can use, and once activated, it pulls in any enemy Bakugan to his side of the battlefield if they're all Pyrus Attributed Bakugan." she explained to her.

Letting out a gasp, Chan Lee looked over to Warius seeing him getting pulled over. "Warius!" she cried out as Warius fell onto the same Gate Card as Bahamut.

"Gate Card Open! Character!" Twilight called out as a ring of flames surrounded Bahamut. He let out a powerful roar that could shake the entire battlefield. "Alright Bahamut, time to turn up the heat! Ability Card Activate! Crimson Fury!" she called out as her ability card activated.

"For all those who have been sent to the Doom Dimension, this is for you!" Bahamut roared out unleashing a stream of a fire from his maw, striking down Warius. Forcing him back into ball form seeing him land next to Chan Lee. At that moment... Chan Lee was filled with shock and amazement from what happened. Never before did she think she'd see a creature as powerful as this, but one look at Bahamut... and she knew he was even more powerful than Fourtress.

Twilight watched as Bahamut returned to her. "Nice one Bahamut! You were fantastic out there!" she complimented her partner.

"If we keep doing what we're doing, and this ones ours." Dan said to them.

Chan Lee watched them as she was observing the situation. "Drago's Boosted Dragon ability makes him more powerful than I imagined, and Bahamut would be too powerful for Fourtress to take on. But no worries... I know they've only got several ability cards left." she thought to herself as she readied Manion for battle. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot him to the field seeing him land. "Manion Stand!" she caleld out as Manion appear on the fied. "Power Level Increase for both Bakugan." said the Bakupod.

"Hang in there Drago..." Dan said as he stayed strong.

"Wait, watch this..." Chan Lee held out an ability card. "Ability Card Activate! Amun-Re!" she called out as Manion flew into the air and started to glow. "Now Manion's G's are up by 100!" she informed them. "Advantage Manion, by one-hundred!" the Bakupod informed them.

"How'd that happen?!" Dan exclaimed only to see Drago roar out and leap over Manion and kicked it down. "Drago?!"

"I don't believe it!" Chan Lee exclaimed in shock and bewilderment. "Drago wins the battle by an increason of 10 G's." said the Bakupod as Drago returned to Dan. "That's not possible, Manion was defeated...? How did he do that...? His Bakugan's G's were down and he didn't even throw down an ability card." she said to herself.

As Drago returned to Dan, he caught him noticing that his ball form was glowing. "Drago, I thought you were a goner for sure... what happened? I didn't do anything from here..." he said to him.

"I-I don't know Dan, but my bodies burning up! I feel like I'm really hot!" Drago cried out as his body felt like it was on fire.

"Really hot? Do you think you're gonna make it...?" Dan asked him feeling worried.

"Yeah, I'll be fine... I'm starting to cool down." Drago said as his body slowly cooled down.

Dan smiled at his partner for a bit. "Nice one, I guess you're just burning for victory, that's all..." he said to him.

"Dan, maybe you and Drago should let me and Bahamut take this last fight. True, Drago is cooling down like he said, but what if he overheats and something terrible happens?" Twilight asked him as Dan looked to her surprised. "I know you want to end this battle, so do I... but think of the risks that may come with it."

Dan thought of it for a moment, if he were to put Drago against Fourtress and has a lower power level than him. He would surely be sent to the Doom Dimension. But if Twilight put Bahamut against Fourtress, he could have a better chance against him. He nodded to her knowing it was the right idea. "Okay Twilight, I'm gonna trust you with this." he said to her.

Twilight nodded and looked to the field as she loaded Bahamut into her Baku Shooter. "Okay Chan Lee, time for the next round! Bakugan Brawl!" she shot him to the field.

"You're mine now!" Chan Lee shot Fourtress to the field. As both Bakugan emerged on the field, Chan Lee pulled out an ability card. "I'm gonna make things very hot for you princess. Ability Card Activate! Face of Rage!" she called out as Fourtress changed his face.

Letting out a snarl as a red aura formed around him, Fourtress prepared to unleash his next attack. "I am Fourtress, my roaring flames of Rage burn down anything that stand in my way!" he roared out as he pulled out his swords. "And I got my sights on you Bahamut!" he said to him as his power increased. "Increase detected in Fourtress's power level, Bahamut's power level has decreased." said the Bakupod.

"Drago was right about one thing... you really are annoying." Bahamut antagonized him.

Chan Lee smirked as she looked to Twilight. "You're going to need a miracle to beat me this time Twilight, and I hope you have one." she said to her as Fourtress's swords were engulfed in flames.

"See if you can handle my anger Bahamut!" Fourtress started shooting at Bahamut. As he tried to dodge Fourtress's attacks, Bahamut couldn't avoid them all as one shot managed to hit him. Causing him to fall down to the ground letting out a shriek.

Twilight panicked from seeing it. "Bahamut!" she cried out.

At that moment, Fourtress readied his last attack. "Now to finish you off Bahamut... Flames of Rage!" he unleashed a fireball towards Bahamut expecting it to hit him.

"Bahamut no!" Twilight cried out as she ran into the flames.

Dan's eyes widen in shocked from what she did. "Twilight!" he tried to call out to her only to see an explosion.

Chan Lee smiled from seeing it knowing Bahamut is out of the way. "That's it... its over..."

"Don't count on it Chan Lee!" a familiar voice called out catching her attention. Rising out of the flames, reveals Bahamut who was still standing.

Twilight was holding onto his shoulder as he emerged. "We're not done yet!" she exclaimed to her.

"What?! Fourtress hit him with all his rage! How could he survive?! Is this some kind of trick?!" Chan asked in shock as Bahamut floated in the air.

"Oh its no trick sister, we're still in this game, and Bahamut is really hot under the collar!" Twilight said to her. "Most of all Chan Lee... while you are an honorable battler... you chose the wrong side."

"Twilight, say the word and I'll light up the battlefield." Bahamut said to her as he prepared for the next attack.

Feeling scared of what may happen, Chan Lee slowly backed away in fear. "No, stay back! You can't beat me!" she exclaimed.

Twilight held up an ability card with her magic. "Okay, now its our turn to play. I'll throw this ability onto Crimson Fury." Twilight looked at the card then looked to Bahamut.

Bahamut looked back to her as well. "Interesting strategy, now that means our power level will be doubled." he calculated as he smiled.

"No, it will grow ten times more. Why should we hold back when we could show them a power level no one has ever seen before?" Twilight asked him with a big smile.

"Okay, lets do this Twilight!" Bahamut awaited her command as he unleashed a stream of fire upon Fourtress.

Twilight tossed the Ability Card to the stream of flames. "Ability Card Activate! Spiral Flame!" she called out as the flames started to spiral as it charged at Fourtress.

Chan Lee gasped in surprise seeing it. "She's fusing the abilities..." she said as she observed what happened. Fourtress fired back at the blast trying to fight against it. Chan Lee looked to her Bakupod seeing Bahamut's power rising. "How high will it go?" she asked as Bahamut's power reached 530 G's. "His G's have gone through the roof!" she exclaimed.

"That's amazing!" Dan admitted as he watched the battle.

"I agree, Bahamut's power is incredible!" Drago agreed with him.

"Alright Bahamut, its time to turn it on!" Twilight said to her partner.

"CRIMSON FURY!!!" Bahamut roared out strengthening his flame. "SPIRAL FLAME!!!" he added to the power as he pushed Fourtress's power back.

Chan Lee panicked from seeing it but looked to Twilight who glared at her. "Word of advice Chan Lee... look in the mirror... and ask yourself the big question. "Who are you...? And am I making the right choice?" she asked her as Bahamut's flames surrounded Fourtress.

"NOOO!!!!" Chan Lee cried out as the fames forced Fourtress into ball form.

"Yes! You did it Twilight! How sweet, Chan Lee had the third place ranking, and you beat her!" Dan said to her.

Twilight exhaled as she looked to Bahamut. "What a rush... this was an amazing experience." she said as Bahamut reverted to ball form. Knowing she was about to fall, she immediately spread her wings and glided down to Dan as they returned to the real world. Immediately finding she was standing behind Runo and Julie. "Whoa, how did I get here...?"

Runo and Julie looked to her surprised. "Hey Twilight...."

"Hi there..." Julie said to her.

Dan rushed to them. "Hey guys..." he said to them with a smile and looked to Twilight. "You and Bahamut were amazing back there Twilight. You should be proud of yourself."

A blush formed across Twilight's face as she looked away. "Awww... you did good too Dan..." she said to him as she kept her cherry red face hidden.

Alice soon noticed something and looked around. "Hey... where did Chan Lee go...?"

Letting out a chuckle, Dan rubbed his head a bit. Runo immediately put the pieces together. "You didn't..."

"Don't tell me you beat her... the Third Best Bakugan player in the world." Marucho said to him as his eyes were wide as dinner plates.

"Actually it wasn't me..." Dan said to him as he looked to Twilight. "It was all Twilight, she and Bahamut were the victors here." he said to them.

"WOW!!! I can't beleive it! You beat Chan Lee?!" Pinkie asked in surprise. "This is the greatest thing ever! We need to celebrate you guys! I'll get teh cake ready!" she immediately dashed off with Scylla.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Preyas went after them.

"Wow Twilight, I never imagined you'd be able to pull it off no sweat." Rainbow Dash said to her.

Dan chuckled and rubbed Twilight's head. "As far as I can tell, no one can beat her. Not even me." he said to them.

"I must agree." Drago said to him.

"As do I my friend... but it was strange how you were starting to-" before Bahamut could finish however...

Julie immediately leaped to Dan knocking him down. " Oh you're the greatest!" she said to him as she giggled.

Shun and Alice smiled a bit from the scene, but hte Mane Six including Spike gave her a disapproving look. At that moment, Runo and Marucho dogpiled on him. Twilight could tell Julie and the others to get off of him... but she only smiled at the scene knowing how happy they are. Elsewhere, Chan Lee was watching them from above. "Well done you two... especially you Princess Twilight, it never occured to me that your last ability card would be a Fusion Ability." she thought to herself as she watched Dan get his cheek pulled by Runo. "You and Dan won this battle, but you won't win the next. Fourtress still has a secret weapon, I'm sure it will surprise you both. Something to look forward to when we meet again." she turned to walk away but suddenly her thoughts returned to when Twilight asked her that question. She looked down wonder why it troubled her so... but that didn't stop her from walking away.

Meanwhile, Runo giggled as she looked to Dan. "I can't believe you actually won." she said to him.

"I never doubted you at all..." Julie said to him with her usual flirty tone as she went to kiss him.

And just immediately, Applejack quickly lassoed her and pulled her away. "Nice try Julie, but that ain't gonna happen."

"Here, here..." Rarity and Lancelot said in unison.

Shun turned to Rainbow Dash finally knowing the answer to his theory. "That's it... I guess we know who's responsible." he said to her.

"So its Web Master Joe then..." Rainbow replied to him.

Marucho walked up passed Dan. "Yes it has to be him, he's the only one who has access to our website and all our communications." he explained to them.

"Joe huh... do you guys think its time we had a word with him...?" Fluttershy asked them.

"Well I'm game!" Rainbow called out as she crossed her hooves with a smile.

"Most certainly." Rarity agreed with her.

"I'll go where ever you guys go." Applejack said to them.

"We definitely need to meet this Web Master Joe in person, he could know more than we believe." Twilight said to them.

"And I'm pretty sure we're gonna run into trouble along the way." Spike muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, Alice was lost in deep thought as she looked out to the wilderness thinking about Joe. "I wonder where he is right now...?" she thought to herself as she walked with the others back to the plane.

Meanwhile at a hospital far away, a group of pigeons flew passed an open window, revealing a young patient sitting in his bed. He watched as the birds flew out into the open sky and smiled as his thoughts returned to another matter. "Time to see what the Bakugan Battle Brawlers are up to..." he said as he let out a light chuckle. Who could this young boy be...? He is none other... than Web Master Joe himself.

Author's Note:

Marucho: Hey gang, lets eat!

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, dig in! Coming up on Bakugan Legends of Equestria. We all decide to celebrate Dan's victoy against Chan Lee with a big feast!

Marucho: And I don't have to clean the dishes... but we finally plan to meet face to face with Web Master Joe, but suddenly we meet someone else. Klaus von Hertzon, the Number 02 of the Top Ten.

Pinkie Pie: It turns out as one of the top ten, he hasn't exactly been honest with us. Especially when it came to Web Master Joe about him being the web manager. Not to mention he's so charming, even Rarity is falling head over hooves for him!

Marucho: That's where my Bakugan Preyas and I decide to challenge him to a battle that leads us into strange places.

Pinkie: To find out what happens, don't miss the next episode of Bakugan Legends of Equestria! Let's go Scylla! Bakugan Brawl!

(Hey guys, got the next chapter in, and it was tough. And yes, I made the design for Bahamut as you can see during the battle. I even had to make a few changes here and there, but it all worked out in the end. Hope you guys enjoy.)