• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,388 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

B.F.F. Best Friends Forever

After hearing about Chan Lee's recent defeat, Klaus von Hertzan took the oppertunity to study on of the brawlers Bakugan. That Bakugan being Preyas. "What a facinating Bakugan... I don't believe I possess anything like you..." he said as he observed Preyas's information. "I would dearly love to add you to the collection... of Klaus von Hertzan." he said as he let out a deep chuckle. Suddenly he got a call from someone, and saw that it was Chan Lee. "Chan... you seem to be taking the loss well." he said to her.

"It's the first time I've ever been beaten... especially by a pony." Chan said to him.

Klaus formed a smile across his face from hearing it. "She certainly gave you a run for your money, didn't she...? I will most certainly have to be careful when I face one of them." he said to her but noticed her expression had changed from a smile, to a sad expression. "Is... something the matter...?" he asked her.

She didn't speak for a few seonds as she was lost in thought. But Chan Lee looked to him with a worried look. "Klaus... do you think we're doing the right thing...?" she asked him as she received a surprised look from him. "I know its strange to ask but... it just feels..." she began to hesitate to utter the words.

Klaus was starting to picture what was wrong with her. "Chan... just take a chance to rest, you're going to need it for the future battle with Dan and his friends." he advised her as she nodded to him and disappeared from the screen.

Sirenoid looked to him noticing a similar expression. "You seem to be troubled as well Klaus... I know you're feeling exactly how she feels right now. Do you truly believe this is the right course...?" she asked him. But rather than getting an answer, he removed silent as he looked outside. She knew that there was no chance of understanding how he's feeling at the moment. "What ever your decision Klaus... I will follow you into battle no matter what." she said to him

Giving her a smile, Klaus looked to her and held her in her hands. "Thank you Sirenoid... I'm happy to hear you say that. Therefore I'm glad I chose you as my partner." he said to her causing her to blush.

She immediately looked away hiding her red face. "As am I..." she replied to him. Just at that moment, it felt like an odd romance between the two of them. But the moment almost felt just like a part from The Little Mermaid, only it is between a human, and a Bakugan.

Back at the canyon, Dan and the others returned to rest after searching through the canyon. "Oh yeah..." he slumped down onto the couch taking a chance to cool off.

Runo sighed knowing how he's feeling. "Am I ever beat...?" she asked herself.

"I know... I feel like I got blisters... and I don't even have skin on my hooves." Fluttershy said as she looked to them.

"We looked everywhere, and came up with squat..." said Rainbow Dash as she sat down on the couch.

Alice turned to face Runo. "I beginning wonder if there are any clues to the Infinity Core here at all."

"There might be, but there might be a chance someone already got to it and hid it away somewhere else." Twilight said to her as she stretched her legs from all the walking.

Meanwhile Dan, was having a temper tantrum. "OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!" he cried out as he was about ready to rip his hair out.

"Come on now, don't get so upset Dan." Applejack said to him.

"Yeah, its not good for you." Julie agreed with the cowpony.

At that moment, Gorem opened up and looked to them. "Julie, we are all upset." he said to her.

"Yeah, but we are not as immature as Dan. Everytime something goes wrong, he freaks out." Runo explained to them.

Spike leaped onto Dan's shoulder. "As much as I hate to agree... but you're not gonna get very far if you get upset all the time." he said to him.

"What do you mean?! We have to hurry up and find it before its too late!" Dan exclaimed as Drago poked his head out of his pocket.

"Calm yourself Dan..." Drago tried to advise him.

"Yeah dude, its not worth getting upset about." Spike said to him.

Runo nodded in agreement. "He's right, we just have to look harder." she said to him.

"Easier said than done darling, but finding the Infinity Core will be much harder than it seems." Rarity said to her. "Normally back in Equestria when I try to find gems, I use my magic to locate them." she said to them.

"Then you ended up getting kidnapped by a bunch of Diamond Dogs and we all came to rescue you." Rainbow Dash reminded her.

Immediately giving her a disaproving look, Rarity looked away closing her eyes. "I thought we agreed not to discuss that..." she said to her as Rainbow Dash smirked at her crossing her hooves together.

"Anyway, we'll need a lot of luck if we're gonna find the Infinity Core, don't you agree Tigrerra...?" Runo asked her.

Opening herself up from ball form, Tigrerra looked to her partner and nodded. "Indeed, I do..." she agreed with her.

Meanwhile, Dan let out a sigh knowing its not gonna get them anywhere. "But its all just making me crazy...!" he said to them showing that he was just about ready to rip his own hair out.

"Oh you are far too impatient..." Skyress muttered to herself as she rested on Shun's shoulder.

"Everyone seems to be down in the dumps don't they...?" Marucho asked them.

"Well Marucho, sometimes we all have our good days... and our bad days." Applejack said to him as she laid down on the couch.

"When you're right, you're right... and that's the honest truth there." Preyas said as he sat on Marucho's shoulder.

Suddenly it occured to Marucho as he remembered something Pinkie was gonna do. "Hey wait!"

"What? Did you leave the stove on?" asked Preyas trying to use his sense of humor again.

Marucho looked to him with a bright smile. "No, but a delicious might be just the thing to make everyone feel better. And I know just the Bakugan and Pony for the job." he mentioned as Pinkie popped out of no where.

"For those about to cook, we solute you!" Pinkie said as she soluted them.

Preyas leaped to her head landing next to Scylla. "I am not without a certain culinary expertise, my humble skills are at your disposal. So what do you say Scylla? Care for a cooking... double date...?" he asked her flirtingly.

But all he got was a cold shoulder from her. "Preyas... I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last Bakugan in Vestroia." she said to him.

"Ouch, talk about a heart frozen in ice!" Preyas said as he looked to Marucho. "But don't worry kiddo, you got our backs." he assured him.

"Yep! And I'll work on a desert!" Pinkie said as she licked her hooves imagining the cake in her head.

Bringing a smile to his face, Marucho nodded to both of them knowing he could rely on them. "I knew I could count on you guys... the kitchen shall be our Battlefield. Bakugan Field Open!" he called out as his card glowed, taking them into a Pocket Dimension Battlefield.

Pinkie smiled as she grabbed Scylla. "Alright, lets cook! Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed her out as she landed on the field. "Aquos Scylla, Stand!" she called out as Scylla emerged on the field in her true form. Which appeared to look a bit like a beautiful princess, wearing a light yellow crown with a purple jewel in the center, fins for ears, long flowing brownish red hair. Her armor was slightly similar to Sirenoids, but different, she even had a frill around her neck going over her shoulders.

Forming a smile, Scylla looked to her partner with her hand to her waist. "Surprised from what you see...?" she asked her for her opinion.

Before Pinkie could respond however, Preyas leaped out and emerged in his true form. "Wow... you're just as beautiful in Bakugan Form than you are in ball form!" he complimented her only to get a death glare from her. "Uhh... was it something I said...?" he asked her.

"Plenty of words that are enough to make me tick!" Scylla yelled out as four serpents with wolf-like heads reveal themselves snarling at Preyas protecting their mistress.

Preyas immediately let out a scream in terror as he hid from her. "Please don't eat me! I'm too young to become sea food!" he cried out as he tried to defend himself.

Meanwhile, Pinkie let out a laugh as she looked to her partner. "Good one Scylla! I had no idea this is what you really looked like. For a moment there I thought you were some sort of princess." she said to her as she walked to her.

Scylla smiled as she looked to her partner letting one of her pets lower its head to her. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." she said to her as the wolf serpent licked Pinkie's face.

Giggling from it, Pinkie laughed so hard she couldn't breathe. "Stop that, that tickles!" she said as she continued to laugh from the licking.

"As nice as it is to see Scylla in her true form, but come on guys! We have some food to make for everyone!" Marucho said to them as he put on a chef's hat.

"You said it buddy!" Preyas said to him as they got ready to cook. "First, we dice up some lovely green onions. Then we briskley beat two eggs, organic or best. No dish is complete without a little Octopus aaaaannnnd..." as he finished cooking...

"VOILA!!!" they all cheered out as they exited the battlefield.

Runo was in a state of confusion of what happened, but when she looked down to the table in front of her. She let out a gasp seeing the delicious food sitting in front of her and the others. "What the...?!" she cried out.

"Where did all this food come from?!" Applejack asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but it looks yummy!" Rainbow said as she started to drool.

Pinkie giggled seeing it. "Don't be shy! Come on, they're best when they're all hot!" she said as she grabbed some food and thank goodness not all of it, and started eating.

"Wow, this looks good!' Dan said as he stared at the delicious meal.

"I love takoyaki! But Pinkie, how did you know the recipe?" Julie asked her wondering how.

"Oooohhh... lets just say I had some help." Pinkie darted her eyes to Marucho and Preyas as they giggled in responce.

Meanwhile, Gorem rolled up to the takoyaki dishes looking at them. "Takoyaki...?" he asked in curiousity.

"They're kind of like Japanese Hamburgers." Julie explained to him.

"They're very delicious, trust her." Twilight said to him.

Meanwhile, Runo felt a drop of sweat on her head from hearing her. "I prefer hamburger with a little less octopus... heh... call me crazy!" she said to them.

"Hey, don't sweat it... in Equestria, we have something called hayburgers, and they're just as good. But I doubt it will be good for humans." Rainbow Dash mentioned to her.

Fluttershy soon looked to Marucho curiously. "Where did you guys learn how to cook like this?" she asked him.

"Well, we watch a lot of cooking shows on TV, they're very inspiring." Marucho informed her.

"Do you think me and Alice can get the recipe?" Fluttershy asked him with a bright smile across her face.

Preyas let out a small chuckle. "Sorry~.... that's our little secret." he said to her only to realize something. "Well... us and about thirty-thousand other viewers." he added to that.

At that time, Dan and Spike took two pieces of Takoyaki. "Well, down the hatch!" the said in unison and ate their pieces of Takoyaki savoring the flavor.

Runo tried one and was amazed by its flavor. "You know, these are good." she complimented it as she looked to Alice.

"No kidding..." she agreed with Runo.

Even though the ponies were reluctant to try the dish, curiosity got the better of them as each of them tried a piece of Takoyaki. And just from tasting it, their tastebuds just literally exploded. "Oh my, even though we're strickly on a vegetarian diet, these are actually very nice." Rarity said as she was amazed by the flavor.

"I know right? I'm surprised we never had any of this in Equestria." said Rainbow Dash as she tried another.

"Maybe because its more commonly in Neighpon, where Kirin's are most famous for their famous foods." Twilight said to her only to get surprised looks from her friends. "You never read anything at the Golden Oak Library do you...?" she asked them only to see them shake their heads.

"Sorry Twi... but not all of us are bookworms like you." Applejack apologized to her as she hid her face behind her hat.

"But I would be more than willing to learn about the Kirin's you mentioned." Fluttershy said to her. "I mean, they cannot be that different from Zecora... right?" she asked her.

Alice ate another piece of Takoyaki and looked to her. "Kirin's in mythology are considered to be sort of a chimera type creature. But they are mostly half horse, half dragon. But in your case, in Equestria, they'd be half pony." she said to them.

Five of the Mane Six nodded in understanding. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was too busy stuffing her face. "Oh these are so good..." she savored the flavor.

Shun smiled as he had some Takoyaki. "Its the soft texture of the outer coating, and the chewy texture of the octopus inside. The two together create a perfect harmony." he said to both himself and to Rainbow Dash.

She looked at him surprised of what he said and could hardly believe a word. "Wow... you think of that all by yourself, or are you an actual food critique...?" she asked him as she got a few laughs from the others.

Marucho smiled seeing how happy they all were. "I think we succeeded you guys." he said as he looked to Preyas and Pinkie Pie. "None of this would have happened if you guys hadn't helped out. Because now, everyone looks a whole lot happier now."

"Oh please, the credit is all yours Marucho, without you're inspired dance as we cooked... none of this would have been possible." Pinkie Pie said to him. "And knowing me... I love cooking... just keep me clear from gas oven's..." she advised him as she remembered what happened last time she used a gas powered oven.

Marucho couldn't help but chuckle from hearing it. At that time, Dan let out a sigh as he had a fully belly. "Well, that hit the spot. Thanks a bunch you guys." he expressed his gratitude as he started to feel better, and not acting like a crazy chicken with its head cut off.

"Yeah, thank you, it was delicious." Julie complimented it.

"Me and Fluttershy would still like to get that recipe." Alice mentioned to them, knowing she'll get it eventually.

Runo giggled from hearing it and looked to her friends. "Well I feel way better." she said to them as she laid back and relaxed.

Even Shun began to smile, which is often a rare occassion. He even gave Marucho a silent nod showing a sign of approval. Marucho and Pinkie Pie smiled gleefully and started to giggle. "You totally rock!" Rainbow Dash complimented him as she flew around him.

"Awww, go on..." Marucho began to blushed knowing he was being smothered with praise.

In the kitchen, Runo, Alice, Julie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy were cleaning the dishes. At that moment, Marucho brought in the last remaining dishes for them. "Here, these are the last ones." he set them down on the counter for them.

"Thank you darling, very much appreciated." Rarity thanked him for the last delivery, causing him to blush.

He smiled and looked to Preyas pulling him off his shoulder. "And thanks Preyas... I know my dance was a pretty big help. But it was your cooking that put smiles on everyones faces." he said to him.

"Don't mention it! You know I'd do anything for you and your friends." Preyas responded wishing he could smile at his partner.

A bright smile came across Marucho's face knowing that he chose the right Bakugan, even though he's bit of a goofball. "I'm glad you're my partner... I just wanted you to know how I feel Preyas." he said to him.

"Oh go on! You're gonna get me blubbered if you keep this up. Anyway... I'm the one who should be thanking you for taking in a drifter like me." Preyas said to him.

Marucho at the moment soon thought about something. "By the way, can you show me how you made those Takoyaki of yours? I think I may have dozed off during that particular broadcast." he said to him as he let a drop of sweat fall knowing how embarrassing it was to mention it.

"Don't worry... I think I recorded it." Preyas reassured him.

"Perfect!" Pinkie jumped out of no where and held them close. "We can watch it right now!" she dragged them.

"Maybe after that, we can watch the chess tournament?" Marucho asked them if they were interested.

"You kidding?! SIGN ME UP!!!" Preyas cried out.

"I'LL MAKE POPCORN!!!" Pinkie exclaimed as she went with them.

Rarity and the others heard them from the kitchen and smiled seeing it. "Those two..."

"I know, they're such a great match, don't you agree?" Runo asked her and the others.

"Yeah, its true..." Fluttershy agreed with her and Rarity.

"They're a great team." Julie added to it.

Applejack chuckled hearing it. "Those two are closer together than me and my family. And trust me... its quite a big family." she said as she dried a few dishes.

Rarity nodded in agreement but her thoughts soon returned to when Chan Lee challenged them. "You must wonder ladies..." she turned to face them. "Why would Masquerade recruit the greatest Bakugan players in the world...? It can't be their love for Bakugan..."

"Lady Rarity is right... there has to be more to it." Lancelot mentioned to them as he landed next to the sink.

Tigrerra also landed next to him and looked to her partner. "I'm with Lancelot... there's no telling what Masquerade will do with them eventually." she mentioned to her.

"You mean... Masquerade might no longer have any use for them once we're out of the way...?" Alice asked them as she saw Elvia fly to the counter.

"As painful as it sounds Ms. Alice, I fear that may be the case. Once we've been disposed of, there's a chance Masquerade may betray them." Elvia said to them.

Gritting her teeth, Applejack closed her eyes from hearing it. "That's just down right insane...!" she exclaimed from imagining what would happen to Chan Lee and the other top rank Battle Brawlers.

Fluttershy began to tremble in fear of the possibility. After experiencing what happened seeing innocent Bakugan sent to the Doom Dimension, she couldn't bear to see it happen to the top ten. "Whether or not they're our enemies, we have to do what we can to change their point of view." she said to them.

"We're with you there sugarcube... but Masquerade has them snatched like a fish caught in a net." Applejack said to her as she dried her hooves off from the water and soap.

"She makes a valid point... Billy has already shown signs of not seeking thy redemption." Centorea said to her as she was on the counter. "Thusly, if it were possible... we would need a miracle."

Julie lowered her head knowing she was right... but she shook her head knowing that wasn't going to stop her. "No matter... we'll get him back somehow. No matter what it takes." she raised her her head feeling determined.

A smile formed across Runo's face knowing that everyone and everypony around her were determined to do what they can. But she knew Julie all too well... knowing her, she will still go after Dan. She didn't want to admit it... but her heart was starting to tell her the honest truth, she is jealous.

In the lounge, Dan had taken a moment think of a way to find the Infinity Core. But suddenly it hit him. "Hey everyone! Got a sec?" he asked them as he saw them arrive.

"Sure, what's up Dan?" Rainbow Dash asked him.

"I've been thinking about it a lot... we should ask for information about the Infinity Core on our website." Dan said to her and the others only to get shocked expressions from everyone.

"Are ya thick in the head?!" Applejack asked him in disbelief.

Marucho took a step forward to face him. "I thought we talked about this already, if we do that, then there's a chance that the enemy will find out what we're up to." he said to him.

"Marucho's right Dan, this isn't the most well thought out plan you've come up with." Rainbow Dash said to him knowing its a really bad idea.

"It sounds risky..." Fluttershy said in agreement.

"I agree with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash..." Alice said to him. Unaware that the Bakugan were thinking differently about Dan's plan to find the Infinity Core.

Shun at that moment stepped up. "I'm all for the idea." he admitted.

"You are?!" everyone asked in unison.

"As we're all well aware... even if we attempt to keep our activities unwraps, information can still be leaked." Shun explained to them as he looked to them with a smile. "So I agree that we should go on the offensive."

Everyone was surprised by what he said and could barely believe a word he's saying. Meanwhile Drago nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, it could be our only chance..." he said to them.

"We tried everything else haven't we? So lets stick our necks out and see what happens." Shun said to them knowing its the only option.

"Okay, so who's with us?" Dan asked them hoping to see some volunteers even though they would be reluctant.

Everyone mostly looked at each other with blank and surprised expressions but looked to Dan knowing there was no backing out. "We are..." they said in unison, but with very little enthusiasm.

Twilight soon approached Dan and looked up to him. "As crazy as this plan is, I hope it will provide answers for us. Besides, we need to find the Infinity Core before the enemy does." she said to him.

Dan nodded to her knowing his plan may work. After recording his message, Marucho worked on posting his message. "Okay, that's it... got it! Ready to post Dan's message, any second thoughts?" he asked as he looked to him.

"No way." Dan responded feeling eager.

Alice looked to him. "Even if we do get a response... it could be a trap of some kind couldn't it?" she asked him.

"Hey, Danger's my middle name." Dan responded to her with a smile.

"Right... nothing ventured, nothing gained I always say." Shun said to them with bit of a sarcastic tone.

Marucho looked to the screen and start to mentally pray. "Here it goes, uploading now..." he uploaded the video to the Bakugan Site hoping something won't go wrong, and hoping that someone will have enough answers.

Meanwhile, at Klaus's estate, he found the video first before anyone else could. He clicked and watched the video. "Hey guys, Dan here. Listen, I need everyones help with something. I'm looking for information about the Infinity Core, if you guys know anything at all, please contact me. Smell ya later." Dan said in his video.

Klaus looked at the video as his eyes squint. "The Infinity Core huh...?" he wondered. Just from hearing the name, his interest just peeked. He needed to get Dan and his friends to meet with him, and he knew just how to do it.

The next morning, Marucho walked to the main computer and opened up the Bakugan Site to check if there are any replies. And to his surprise, there was one. "HEY!!! COME HERE EVERYBODY!!!" he hollered out.

The brawlers and the ponies rushed to the main lounge to check it out. "We got a reply to Dan's message...?" Twilight asked.

"That was fast." said Rainbow Dash.

"But where from?" Applejack wondered as she looked to the screen. "Pull it up on screen Marucho." she said to him to find out who it was.

Marucho worked his magic to pinpoint the location of who replied, and the location was in... "Germany...?" Runo asked in surprise.

"That's right... it says if you want information about the Infinity Core, come to Germany. Its best we meet face to face." he read the message from the anonamis messenger.

Fluttershy began to worry. "I don't like this... remember what Alice said this whole thing could just be a trap." she said to them.

"Fluttershy's right, we don't even know who sent this message, or why." Rainbow Dash agreed with her.

Dan looked to her and the others with a confident smile. "We can't ignore a lead like this, so don't sweat it. We just have to watch each others backs." he said to them as Shun nodded his head in agreement.

"Absolutely!" Marucho agreed with his friends.

"Here, here! I spit in the face of danger! LET ME AT'EM!" Preyas boasted only to get a glare from Scylla.

She glared so fiercely at him knowing just how irretating he can be. "What does it take to shut you up?" she wondered as she looked away.

Dan looked to everyone on the plane. "Lets get this party started! October Fest style that is." he joked about it given that they're heading to Germany.

"Just one question... what's the weather like there this time of year?" Runo asked the most obvious question she could ever ask.

Thinking about it... Dan didn't get very far. "I don't know, just dress in layers. Okay lets do it!" he called out as everyone hollered out.

As the plane took off, another question popped up in Alice's mind. "Do they have toilet paper in Germany...?" she asked out of curiosty.

Upon arriving in Germany, all the brawlers and the ponies looked out the window to see a stunning view. A beautiful castle at the edge of a lake. Rarity could only stare in awe from it. "This is... that place is so... there are no words!" she exclaimed knowing she was speechless.

"Seriously...? That's where we're going?" Rainbow Dash asked as she stared at the castle. "Call me crazy, but that place is almost as big as Canterlot."

"I'll say..." Applejack said as she looked at the castle.

"Somebody pinch me, cause I think I'm dreaming..." Dan said to them.

Careful what you wish for, Pinkie rushed up to him and pinched him causing him to yelp in pain. "Nope! You're not dreaming Danny boy." she giggled at him.

"Unbelievable... its a real castle..." Runo said to herself.

"If Celestia were here, she would enjoy the view." said Spike.

"And here we thought Marucho's house was pretty impressive, but this place takes the cake." Applejack compred Marucho's house to the castle.

"Hmph! I bet this dump is drafty in the winter!" said Preyas as he looked at the castle. "It must cost a fortune to heat up."

"Its okay Preyas, Marucho has a swimming pool." Pinkie said to him.

Just at that moment while the plane went in for a landing, Rarity shot an intense glare at Preyas for calling the castle a dump. "Listen here Preyas! A castle means royals live there, and where there's royals, there's a prince or a princess! And I for one would like to meet them first hand before you go and critisize it, got it?!"

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Preyas panicked from seeing how angry she is.

Upon landing, they made their way to the castle hoping things will work out well. Once they arrived at the doorway, they noticed that it was a lot more fancy than Marucho's. Even Dan was impressed. "Check out this crazy doorway." he pointed out as he observed it. "So anybody found the doorbell yet?" he asked only to hear a few clicks.

Twilight watched as the door opened all by themselves. "Well... that works."

"What?! They open automatically?!" Dan asked.

Shun stepped up as he looked at the doorway. "Well yeah... just like the mall." he made a joke out of it.

Everyone followed Dan inside and looked around seeing many different suits of armor. "Man... I've never seen a real suit of armor before, there's so many." Julie pointed out as she looked around.

"I would bet even the royal guards in Canterlot would have trouble moving around in these suits." said Rainbow Dash as she observed the suits.

"I would guess the owner of this castle is a pretty serious collector." Marucho pointed out.

"Your stamp collection is way cooler than all this junk." Preyas said to him.

Marucho only chuckled knowing he was half right, suddenly out of no where... "Welcome everyone. Thank you for traveling so far. Please... make yourselves at home." said a familiar gentlemenly voice. Everyone looked to who it was, and found that it was Klaus.

Dan looked at him and stayed cautious. "Are you the one... who contacted us...?" he asked him.

Klaus halted his approach and smiled. "That is correct, please, forgive the mysterious nature of my message. My name is Klaus von Hertzon, pleasure to meet you." he introduced himself to them.

Marucho recognized the name and was surprised by it. "Klaus? As in Number 02 World Ranked Bakugan Player Klaus?!" he asked him.

"I am flattered that you know of me... and, I know that you're Marucho. Your Bakugan is Preyas, who possess the Aquos Attribute." Klaus said to him as he looked to Preyas.

Surprised of how he knew so much, Marucho couldn't help but wonder... "How on earth do you know all that?" he asked him.

Shun looked at him knowing he didn't just learn about it out of the blue. "Interesting... you've done your research, but it makes me wonder why." he said to him feeling skeptical of the situation.

"Well, to be honest with you, I've been wanting to go up against the Brawlers and the first ever Equestrian Battle Brawlers for quite some time now." he admitted to them earning surprised looks from everyone, even the Mane Six.

"You know of us too?!" asked Rainbow Dash as she went on the defensive.

"Of course... I know that you're Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer alive. You are a Ventus Brawler, and your partner is Ventus Avion." Klaus explained to her as he looked to Applejack. "Applejack, or AJ if she doesn't mind... is a Subterra Brawler with Subterra Centorea as a partner. Strong willed, and brave to face anyone who threatens her friends."

"That's true..." Applejack admitted to him.

"Then there's the calm yet timid Fluttershy, a gentle soul with the light of Haos on her side. Her partner is Haos Elvia." Klaus said as he looked to her seeing her hide behind Alice. He then looked to Pinkie Pie who had Scylla. "Then there is the hyperactive pony known as Pinkie Pie, an Aquos Brawler, with Aquos Scylla fighting by her side."

"And don't you forget it!" Pinkie said to him as she crossed her hooves together.

Klaus then looked to Rarity and walked over to her. "And here we have the lovely Rarity... a Darkus Brawler who is as beautiful as an Iris gemstone." he complimented her as he took her hoof and kissed it.

Rarity's face began to blush from seeing it. "Oh my..." she chuckled nervously of how he described her. While Klaus immediately got death glares from Spike and Lancelot.

"You better keep your hands off her buster!" Spike exclaimed.

"Or you will face our wrath!" Lancelot agreed with the young dragon.

Klaus chuckled noticing how jealous they are. "Forgive me, but I haven't finished explaining... you of course must be Darkus Lancelot. Named after a noble knight of Camelot, who is said to have been undefeated until the great King Arthur bested him first hand." he said to him as he looked to Princess Twilight. "And last but not least... Princess Twilight Sparkle, a Pyrus Brawler with the great Pyrus Bahamut as her greatest ally. And Spike is your number one assistant..." he pointed to the baby dragon.

Sending a glare to him, Twilight's wings spread defensivly. "So you know all about us... you dragged us half way around the world just so we could battle?" she asked him.

"I did..." Klaus admitted to her.

Dan sent a similar glare at him. "So you were lying when you said you had information about the Infinity Core?!" he asked him feeling furious.

"How dare you! A real gentlemen would never have done that!" Alice exlcaimed to him knowing what he did was wrong.

"You're mistaking... I am a gentlemen, and I will indeed fulfill my promise." Klaus said to them knowing where the situation was going to go. "Provided that you win against me..." he added to it as he smirked.

Rainbow Dash stepped up prepared. "Don't worry, I'll win against you, ya fancy little-" before she could finish her little insult, Marucho stopped her in her mid sentence.

"Hang on Rainbow, today its my turn!" Marucho said to her and the others.

Everyone was surprised of his outburst as they turned to him. "But Marucho..." Dan was about to stop him from doing something crazy. But that wasn't going to stop him, no matter what he or the others say.

Marucho stepped passed him knowing he can take him. "I know about this guy... his favorite Bakugan is Sirenoid, who possess the Aquos Attribute just like Preyas does. I'm curious to see what happens when Preyas and I take him on. Also..." he turned to Pinkie Pie and Scylla. "I'll need Pinkie by my side, its time she put her Bakugan skills to use."

Pinkie felt excited from hearing it. "YES!!! My first battle!" she cheered out.

"Are ya'll sure about this?" Applejack asked them feeling worried about the situation.

Marucho stopped in his tracks and looked to them with a confident smile. "Completely sure, we're gonna eat these two for breakfast!" he said to them.

"That's right! With a little fruit garnish and everything!" Preyas added to it.

Scylla prepared herself knowing this will be the battle of a life time. "And I hope you enjoy your moments in this battle von Hertzan..." she said to him as Pinkie nodded her head in agreement.

A smirk crawled across Klaus's face hearing it, he even pulled something out from behind him. "Check this out..." he raised it showing its one of Masquerades Bakushooters.

Everyone gasped seeing it knowing what it was. "That shooter!" Runo exclaimed.

"I thought so ya jerk!" Spike yelled at him.

"Oh no, he's working for that no good creep Masquerade!" Julie glared at the Aquos Brawler.

Holding a glare of his own, Marucho knew where this was going. "That means the losers Bakugan is banished to the Doom Dimension..." he said knowing the risk of facing one of the best Brawlers of all time.

Klaus smirked knowing he had the upper hand in this battle. "I assume you still accept the challenge to battle me? Even along side your pink friend here...?" he asked him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world! Ready Pinkie?!" Marucho glanced to her as he held up a Bakugan Card.

Pinkie held one up as well. "I was born ready!" she said to him.

All three players held out their Bakugan Cards as they began to glow. "Bakugan Field Open!" they called out in unison as they entered the battlefield, and Klaus had already set the Doom Card. They each pulled out a Gate Card for their Bakugan. "Gate Card Set!" they tossed their cards to the field seeing them expand.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Marucho was first to toss in his Bakugan Limulus to the field. "Make this one count old buddy! Limulus stand!" he called out as Limulus emerged on the field, hissing at its opponent.

Klaus let out a chuckle seeing it. "Rather a cautious start... testing the waters are we?" he asked him as he readied his first Bakugan. "I guess that means its my turn. Bakugan Brawl!" he shot in his Aquos Stinglash to the field. "Stinglash Stand!" he called out seeing it emerge on the field. "Stinglash 350 G advantage." said the Bakupod.

Preyas quickly floated up to Marucho with a pleading look. "Oh please put me out there! I wanna show this arrogant snob who's boss! Oh please! Please! Please! Please! Please!" he pleaded to him to get out there on the field.

"Hold it Marucho... you should let me and Scylla take this match." Pinkie said to him as she looked to the field. "Because I have a sneaky feeling he's gonna pull a fast one on us, and its gonna cost us big." she said to him knowing her gut feeling is never wrong.

"Alright, I'll leave it to you Pinkie." Marucho said to him.

"WHAT?!!!" Preyas exclaimed.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Pinkie tossed Scylla to the field. "Aquos Scylla Stand!" she called out as Scylla emerged on the field.

Letting out a chuckle, Scylla looked to Klaus with a sinister look. "Even though you wanted to meet Preyas, I hope you're impressed with what you got, because it won't last for long my dear." she said as she gave him a wink.

Sirenoid immediately took offense to what she did as a blush formed across her face. "Now you listen! You stay away from my master, or you'll have to deal with me!" she warned her only to get a playful laugh from her.

"Oh don't worry your pretty little mermaid head, I'm just teasing.... or am I...?" Scylla grinned as her wolves chuckled humerously at her situation.

A scoff came from Sirenoid from seeing it. "Klaus, please send me out, I must teach that beast some manners!" she pleaded to him.

"Calm yourself Sirenoid, its only the first round... let us see what she can do." Klaus said to her as he looked to the battle.

"Alright Scylla, Ability Card Activate! Deep Six!" Pinkie Called out as the Gate Card turned to water, allowing Scylla to dive under hiding herself. "Deep Six is an Ability only Scylla can use, it allows her to swim under any Gate Card on the field. And since Stinglash is on the field..." she watched as Scylla's wolves emerged around Stinglash and coiled around it.

Scylla lightly chucked as she held Stinglash down. "Hope you know how to swim insect!" she said to Stinglash.

"So this is the power of Aquos Scylla... I'm impressed..." Klaus complimented Pinkie's partner.

"Watch this buster! Ability Card Activate! Aquos and Subterra Diagnal! With his Ability, I can call for a Subterra Bakugan from one of my teammates. And luckily, with Preyas's Attribute Changing abilities, I can get a power boost!" Pinkie explained as Preyas launched out to the field against his will.

Appearing on the field, Preyas chuckled as he started to realize Pinkie's plan. "Nice move there Pinkie! You sent Scylla in knowing she would be stronger than Stinglash. But you needed me for a power boost. Clever, why didn't I think of that...?" he wondered to himself but looked toward Klaus. "So, I heard you wanted to meet me... well get a load of this!" he leaped into the air and started to change his attribute. "Change of Attribute! Subterra!" he formed into Subterra Preyas and landed on the ground. "Please pardon the delay and intrusion... but did someone order a butt kicking?!!" he asked with a large grin.

"Preyas undergoing Attribute Change." said the Bakupod. Scylla scoffed seeing him. "Took your time..." she said to him with a scolding expression.

"That must the the Attribute Change..." Klaus observed the situation.

Both Scylla's and Preyas's powers began to merge. "Oh mama! That's what I'm talking about! I got energy to burn and share!" he roared out. "Preyas's and Scylla Power level Increase. Scylla at 550 G's, Preyas standing at 400 G's." said the Bakupod.

"Time to send this bug flying!" Scylla raised Stinglash into the air only to hear a chuckle from Klaus. "Something funny pretty boy?" she asked him.

"That wouldn't do now would it? Then I would have to tell you about the Infinity Core... Gate Card open! Scapegoat!" he called out as the Gate Card began to glow.

Preyas see's it surprised. "Uhhh... Marucho...?" he started to panic.

"What's Scapegoat?" Pinkie asked not knowing what it was.

"Ha! Simple really... with this card, the first battler who first shot their Bakugan can decide whether the battle continues... or not." Klaus explained to her.

"OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!" Preyas complained.

"So which is it...? Keep going or stop?" Scylla asked him.

Klaus smiled knowing he was no match for her. "Well... to be honest, this battle has been a triffle tidius... so I think I choose to stop it." he said to her as he looked to Stinglash. "Now then, time to come back Stinglash." he called out as Stinglash returned to him.

Preyas and Scylla also returned to their partners as Scylla opened up. "You coward!" she cried out in anger. "Battle Terminated." said the Bakupod.

"Look at him run! He's a whole lot of feathers and not a lot of chicken! No wait, he is chicken, I jus-" before Preyas could finish, Scylla quickly clocked him to shut him up.

Klaus chuckled hearing it. "What's that...? You think I'm running away from you? I just can't be bothered to battle with some kid and his pony with their two-bit comedian side-kicks." he insulted them.

"TWO BIT COMEDIAN?!! Well you're a two-bit aristocrat!" Preyas returned the insult.

"Well thought out Preyas, you read my mind." Scylla said to him and looked to Klaus with a glare.

"I trust you can see yourselves out." Klaus kept his calm compossure.

Preyas meanwhile was getting angrier and angrier from what's happening. "Why you...!"

"We're not going anywhere until this battle is done!" Pinkie declared.

Klaus knew they were getting into a whole lot of trouble. But he couldn't afford to lose to them, so he pulled out his next Gate Card. "Gate Card Set!" he tossed it out to the field. He then had Sirenoid in his shooter to prepare for battle. "Bakugan Brawl!" he launched her to the field. "Sirenoid Stand!" he called out as Sirenoid emerged on the field in her true and most beautiful form.

Feeling paralyzed, Marucho couldn't help but stare at the beautiful Bakugan. "Pleasure to meet you child... and Pony..." she said to them as she slightly bowed her head.

"Wow... she's gorgeous... she's even prettier than Scylla..." Preyas complimented her only to get a glare from Scylla.

She rushed over to him and quickly clobbered him. "You just shut your mouth!" Scylla cried out knowing he meant it as an insult.

"Ha! I'm so glad you approve of her..." Klaus said as he pulled out an ability card. "But she's more than a pretty face... Ability Card Activate! Dive Mirage!" he called out as Sirenoid dived into the water.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!!" Marucho, Pinkie, Preyas and Scyllla all cried out watching as Sirenoid swam towards Limulus.

Upon surfacing, Marucho panicked from seeing Sirenoid ambushing his Limulus. "Watch out Limulus! Gate Card open!" he called out only to see that nothing is happening. "Oh no...!"

"What is it?!" Preyas panicked.

"Something's not right, my Gate Card won't open!" Marucho said to him as he looked toward Klaus.

"Of course not my poor confused Marucho... Sirenoid can appear anywhere on the card." Klaus explained with a smug grin. "On top of that... she can change the card to water and render it useless." he added to his explaination catching them off guard.

"WHAT?!!" Marucho and Pinkie cried out.

"OH NO! LIMULUS!!!" Preyas cried out only to see a whirlpool formed beneath Limulus, created by Sirenoid.

She jumped out of the water hovering above the whirlpool. "Come my little friend!" she dived into the whirlpool, pulling Limulus into it. Limulus tried to pull itself out of it, but the currents were too strong, and Sirenoid sent him down into the Doom Dimension.

"Oh no!" Marucho exclaimed in shock from what he saw.

"She may be beautiful... but she's deadly...!" Scylla glared at the mermaid who soon returned to her partner.

Klaus caught and looked to his opponents. "I believe the saying goes, every rose has its thorn." he said to them.

Gritting his teeth, Marucho glared at Klaus for what he did to his friend Limulus and pulled out another gate card. "I won't let you get away with that!" he tossed it to the field letting it expand. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot his Juggernoid to the field. "Juggernoid Stand!" he called out as his Juggernoid emerged on the field coming out of his shell snarling at Klaus.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Klaus shot his Terrorclaw onto the field. "Terrorclaw Stand!" he called out as it emerged before them snapping its pincers.

Preyas watched it and looked to Marucho. "Leave it to me pilgram, I'll get revenge! This is for Limulus!" he said to Marucho with a John Wayne impression as Marucho grabbed him and loaded him up.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Marucho shot him onto the field. "Preyas Stand!" he called out as Preyas began to change his attribute in the process.

"Change of Attribute! Darkus!" Preyas called out emerging as Darkus Preyas. "Booyah!" he chuckled at Klaus.

"So its Darkus this time, you never cease to amaze me." Klaus said to them.

"Oh we're not done yet, Ability Card Activate! Darkus & Aquos Correlation!" Marucho called out as the powers of Aquos and Darkus began to combined. "Preyas Power Level Increase by 100 G's to 400 G's." the Bakupod calculated.

"Preyas felt the power flowing through him as he flexed his muscles. "I'm so hungry I can eat a horse! But I think I'll have a crab instead!" he roared as he prepared to attack.

But suddenly... "Gate Card Open... Biohazard Activate!" Klaus called out as the gate card began to glow.

Preyas saw it as his skin was changing back to Aquos. "Wait a sec...! I think I'm losing my mojo here!" he exclaimed as he looked to Klaus.

"Actually, your transformation has been reversed." Klaus explained to him. "Darkus and Aquos Correlation canceled. Power Level is 300 G's for both Bakugan." the Bakupod recalculated.

Preyas growled from hearing it and charged at Terrorclaw ramming it against its claw, only to get pushed back sliding on the ground. He glared at both Terrorclaw and Klaus for such a dirty tactic. "I hate a fair fight!" he glared as both he and Terrorclaw returned to ball form returning to their masters.

Pinkie looked to Klaus trying to figure him out. "He knows all of our tricks and uses them against us... that Klaus is a strong opponent." she said only to recieve a chuckle from him

"You should have done your homework... Bakugan Brawl!" Klaus sent his Stinglash back onto the field. "Stinglash Stand!" he called out as Stinglash appeared on the same card as Juggernoid.

Marucho was prepared for this. "Gate Card Open!" he called out as water formed around Juggernoid. "Ability Card Activate! Depth Tornado!" he tossed the card to Juggernoid seeing it spin and charge at Stinglash. "Juggernoid Power Level Increase to 530 G's." said the Bakupod.

"Now its my turn! Ability Card Activate! Abyss Ruler!" Klaus tossed his ability card to Stinglash as it glowed. "Stinglash Power Increase to 550 G's." the Bakupod showed them.

Marucho gasped as a water cyclone swirled around Stinglash and smacked Juggernoid straight to the Doom Dimension. "Juggernoid... NO!!!" he cried out seeing his partner get sent away.

Pinkie's heart began to ache from what she saw... she was beginning to feel something she hadn't felt in a long time. "Stay possitive... stay... positive...!" she muttered to herself trying to stay calm.... but the way she was hyperventilating and the way her hair was starting to show signs of something else entirely.

Scylla saw it and started to worry for her partner. "Pinkie Pie, what's wrong?!" she asked her in concern, but she didn't get a response from her. Just wide eyes, and heavy breathing.

"Put me in quick!" Preyas roared out in anger.

"Right!" Marucho grabbed him and pulled out a gate Card. "Gate Card Set!" he tossed the card out to the field seeing it expand across it.

Pinkie's eyes widen in shock. "Marucho wait!" she went to stop him... but it was too late.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Marucho shot Preyas onto the field. "Preyas Stand!" he watched as his partner stood on the field.

Upon emerging on the field, Preyas chuckled as he stood ready. "Okay, time to kick some-" he soon looked to his human partner noticing how sad he looked. "Marucho...?"

He remained silent for a moment... but Marucho lowered his head knowing what might happen. "If I let you fight Preyas... there's a good chance that you..." he closed his eyes trying not to think about it.

Preyas knew exactly what he was thinking, and was aware of the risk. "Please don't think about that..." he pleaded to him not to.

"But..." Marucho looked to him.

"Now listen to me Marucho... I admire you because you're such a strong battler. But I also admire you because you're caring..." Preyas said to him.

Marucho was surprised by what he said. "I'm strong... and caring...?" he asked him.

"That's right..." Preyas nodded to him. "To be caring you have to be strong, and right now you have to be strong for the sake of those who have fallen. Just like how Pinkie does everything in her power to make everyone smile." he gestured to Pinkie who looked to him surprised.

Even Scylla was amazed at how he gave words of wisdom. "Never thought I'd say this... but that is some good advice Preyas." she said to him.

Marucho frowned for a moment, but hardened himself. "You're right Preyas... if I back down now, their sacrifices would have been pointless. I don't know what I would do without you Preyas... now lets do this thing!" he smiled at his partner.

"That's what I wanted to hear you say!" Preyas cheered out and turned to Klaus. "Right... you're about to become the Marquis De Sad!" he said to him with a big grin.

Klaus was only slightly amused of his threat. "Your touching display has warmed my heart, but the dinner hour approaches." he said to him as Sirenoid leaped into his hand. "Its time to end this Sirenoid."

"I agree..." Sirenoid said to him as he loaded her into the Bakushooter.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Klaus shot her to the field passed Preyas.

He noticed it and looked to Klaus with a smirk. "Missed me~!" Preyas said to him.

"Sirenoid Stand!" Klaus called out as Sirenoid emerged on the card behind Preyas. At that moment, Klaus pulled out an Ability Card. "Now, why not regail us with a song..." he requested her as his card began to glow.

"I have just the one for you..." Sirenoid said as Preyas looked to her surprised. She began to play the harp she has in her scepter, and began to vocalize.

"This is the Ability Card Devora Anthemusa, once your opponent hears her beautiful but deadly song... its over." Klaus explained to them causing Pinkie Pie's eyes to widen. "That Bakugan will be pulled into the Doom Dimension."

"The Doom Dimension?!!" Marucho exclaimed.

"No! Preyas, cover your ears!" Pinkie cried out to him.

But it was too late, Preyas felt his body moving on its own. "Hey... hang on! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!!" he struggled to try and fight it.

But Klaus chuckled knowing what awaits him. "You're a prisoner of Sirenoid's song..." he said to him.

Preyas tried so hard to pull away. "That voice... I... I can't help but go towards it..." he said as he moved ever so closer towards the water unwillingly.

"Preyas! Don't give in! If you do you're finished!" Scylla cried out to him.

"Sorry Scylla... but your friend is already finished." Klaus said to her.

Sirenoid watched as Preyas got closer to the water. "Come Preyas... come closer. Do not be afraid of the water." she said to him.

Preyas struggled to no avail. "But... it hasn't been an hour since lunch!" he cried out as his foot touched the water.

"Oh no!" Pinkie cried out as her hair was starting to change.

"Once he's set foot in the water, there is no turning back." Klaus explained as Preyas got further into the water. "His fate... is now sealed..."

"NO!" Marucho cried out and ran to the card. "Preyas wait!" he pleaded to him to stop.

"I... I can't, I can't stop myself!" Preyas panicked as he reached the center of the water.

Pinkie couldn't watch as he struggled to get out. "You gotta fight Preyas... please!" she pleaded.

As hard as he struggled... there was no escape. "I can't!" he cried out as he tried to reach them.

"Preyas no!" Marucho rushed to him to try and pull him out... but it was too late. Preyas was pulled deep into the water, never to be seen again.

At that moment, Pinkie's heart sank from seeing it as her hair went flat. Sirenoid returned to Klaus as he let out a chuckle. "Well, that's that then." he said to them... but suddenly he noticed something different about Pinkie, rather than seeing her puffy hair style... it was flat. "You seem differe-" before he could finish...

Pinkie shot a menacing glare at him for what he did, and it immediately shot chills down his spine. "You.... just made a big mistake bub..." she said to him revealing herself, not as Pinkie Pie. But as Pinkamena Diane Pie, her mean personality. She loaded Scylla into her Bakushooter. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot her to the field. "Scylla stand!" she called out as Scylla appeared on the field but dove into the water.

Klaus saw it knowing she was ready. "Alright... you wanna play? Bring it! Bakugan Brawl!" he shot Sirenoid onto the field. "Sirenoid Stand!" he called out as Sirenoid emerged on the field and dove into the water to find Scylla.

She searched through the waters seeing nothing but darkness. "Where is she...?" she searched around but felt something swim behind her. "Huh...?" she quickly turned only to see nothing. She felt it again and turned sharply to find it, but there was nothing. "Where are you Scylla?!" she cried out.

And out of no where, Scylla appeared behind her with a fierce glare similar to Pinkie's. "Right here..." she said as her wolves struck her from behind causing her to yelp.

"Sirenoid! What's happening?!" Klaus asked her only to look to Pinkamena and saw she was holding an ability card.

"Aqua Nightmare... its an Ability Card only Scylla can use. They don't call her the terror of the seas for nothing. Once she and her opponents are under water... she has the advantage." Pinkamena explained to him as Scylla charged at Sirenoid from beneath and tackled her.

"No, Sirenoid!" Klaus cried out.

Scylla hid herself in the darkness of the waters as she glared at Sirenoid. "How does it feel... knowing that you are being stalked by the most fearsome creature ever imaginable...?" she asked the mermaid as she looked around for her. "You took Limulus... Juggernoid... and now Preyas!" she exclaimed as she came out of hiding. Her wolves charged at Sirenoid biting her arms and tail fin.

She cried out feeling it and looked to her with fear in her eyes. "Scylla please, I was only follow my masters commands..." Sirenoid pleaded to her. But one look in Scylla's eyes, she knew she made a terrible mistake.

"You should have thought about that before you and Klaus joined Masquerade!" Scylla roared at her.

"Ability Card Activate! Aqua Barrage!" Pinkamena called out as the fourth wolf head of Scylla rose up in front of Sirenoid. "Scylla Power Level Increase to 560 G's." said the Bakupod as Scylla's wolf blasted her repeatedly, forcing her into ball form returning to Klaus.

Klaus rushed to her and picked her up. "You alright Sirenoid?" he asked her worriedly.

"I... I'm alright... but not mentally or physically... I fear we are out matched now." Sirenoid said to him as she saw Scylla return to Pinkie. "She has changed... and it terrifies me..."

"You're right... I saw it the moment I looked into her eyes..." Klaus said as she looked to Pinkamena. "We got what we need... Field Down!" Klaus called out as they left the Battlefield. "Apparently... I am both the victor, and the defeated." he watched as Marucho fell to his knee's. "Sorry..."

"Marucho!" Runo and Fluttershy ran to him seeing him cry.

Marucho's tears fell to his hands after seeing what happened to Preyas. "Oh Preyas... how could this have happened..." he asked himself as he thought about what Preyas said to him. "Preyas... is gone... he's really gone..." he started to cry.

"You were careless..." Pinkamena said to him as her fellow ponies looked to her in shock.

"Pinkie...?" Applejack looked at her worried.

Pinkimena turned to them with a glare. "He never should have challenged Klaus... and its his fault he lost Preyas." she said harshly.

Runo was shocked from what she said. "Pinkie, what happened to-" she saw her shoot the glare towards her causing her to freeze up from it. "What's happened to you...?" she asked as Pinkamena looked away.

"Unforunately... I don't think you and Preyas will ever see each other again." Klaus said to Marucho as he looked up to him with tears running down his face.

"Give him back to me..." Marucho pleaded to him. "Please, I beg of you... I'll do anything, but you have to give Preyas back to me!" he begged to him. "There's no one in the universe who could ever replace him!" the Brawlers and the ponies looked down knowing how he's feeling. "We understand each other... we care about each other! So please!"

"I'm sorry... but I cannot do as you ask. Your Bakugan has been sent to the Doom Dimension." Klaus said to him. "If you wish to place blame, then blame your own weakness. Good day to you..." he said to him as he turned and walked away towards a portal that opened up.

Marucho glared at him and started charging. "GIVE HIM BACK!" he roared out charging at him.

"Marucho! No wait!" Runo and Fluttershy chased after him into the portal.

"No, stop!" Dan went to follow them but the door closed before he could get through.

"The doors gone..." Alice said as she looked around.

"And so are they..." Julie said as she looked at where the door disappeared from.

Dan had a moment of silence as he looked around. "But... where too...?" he asked.

"Doesn't matter... its his own fault for getting caught up in the battle." Pinkamena said as she leaned against a column.

Shun immediately turned to her with a glare. "How can you say that?! What's wrong with yo-" Rainbow Dash quickly covered his mouth pulling him away. "Rainbow, what's gotten into you?!" he muffled under her hooves

"Trust me Shun, its best you don't want to yell at her right now." Rainbow advised him not to.

"Why is Pinkie Pie acting like this...? I've never seen her like this before..." Julie said in worry.

Letting out a sigh, Applejack looked to her knowing they had a right to know. "There's something... you should know about." she said to them as she looked to Pinkamena. "That there isn't Pinkie Pie right now..." she explained.

"What do you mean? I mean its still Pinkie... only... her hair's down..." said Dan as he looked at her.

"That's where you're wrong Dan..." Spike said to him.

"We thought so too... but when we planned a surprise party for her. She thought we were avoiding her, and this side of her came out. Pinkamena Diane Pie..." Twilight introduced the other half of Pinkie. "She and her family worked on a rock far, where there were no flowers, no living tree's, nothing. Pinkie never learned to smile till Rainbow Dash performed her Sonic Rainboom."

"Then Pinkamena was pushed away, never to be seen again. But now after what happened during the battle, I fear Klaus may have unleashed Pinkamena by accident." Rarity explained as she lowered her gaze.

Alice looked at Pinkamena feeling worried. "Will we ever see Pinkie Pie ever again...?" she asked them.

"Only time will tell, we may never see our fun loving Pinkie ever again." said Applejack as she looked away. Everyone was feeling worried knowing that Runo and Marucho are missing, and that Pinkamena is back in the drivers seat. They needed to find a way to fix this... and fast.

Meanwhile in what is believed to be the Doom Dimension, Preyas floated aimlessly through the dark void feeling scared and alone. "W-What is this place...?" he asked and felt that he couldn't move any of his limbs. "Oh no... I can't move...!" Suddenly he felt a strong current pulling him through the void, causing him to scream in terror.

Author's Note:

Runo: Runo and Fluttershy here! Coming up on the next Bakugan Legends of Equestria! We and Marucho end up in some crazy old mansion. What the heck is this place?

Fluttershy: Then Masquerade sends Julio to challenge us to a battle.

Runo: Hang on a sec Marucho! I'm sick of hearing about how he's the worlds best Haos expert!

Fluttershy: Don't worry Marucho, we'll avenge Preyas for you. And then some... if, that's okay with you of course...

Runo: Huh?! What the heck are you doing here Dan? Alright Tigrerra!

Fluttershy: Elvia! We got something to prove here!

Runo & Fluttershy: Bakugan BRAWL!!!

Runo: See you there!