• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,387 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

A Place Far From Home

"At the edge of the Doom Dimension, we met the Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia... we told them that we wanted to stop Masquerade from destroying both our worlds. But they wanted us to prove ourselves... so they sent us to the world of tests." Shun flew through the sky being sent with Skyress, Rainbow Dash and Avion to the place he will be tested.

"Shun!" Skyress cried out as she followed him with Rainbow Dash and Avion. The light grew brighter around them as they entered the world where they will be tested, Shun's eyes snapped open as he looked around. "Its alright Shun..." she said to him.

Groaning as he sat up from the bench, he looked around with Rainbow Dash. "We're here...?" he asked them.

"I guess so..." Skyress replied as train trolley's strolled by. "The last thing I remember is the Legendary Six Soldiers, and then we woke up next to you and Rainbow Dash." she explained the current situation to him.

Rainbow watched the train trolley go by, curious but also confused. "What...? A train...?" she looked around seeing that things in Wardington weren't exactly how she remembered it. "This isn't what I imagined the World of Tests would look like at all, this could be like any place back in your world Shun. Except of course... " she took notice that there was no one in the area. "That there's no one around but us..." she said to him.

"Rainbow Dash is right..." Avion leaped to her head. "This whole city is like a ghost town, I can't sense anyone..."

"Yes, in fact look... everything is so rundown..." Skyress pointed out as they traveled through the city. "I wonder if the other Brawlers and the Ponies are around somewhere...?" she wondered.

"No, we're supposed to be here alone..." Shun stated to her.

"Then lets keep moving, this place is already giving me the creeps..." Rainbow Dash stated as she walked beside Shun and looked around the area.

Avion also looked through the town, trying to figure it out, but had some deep concerns about it. "I don't know why those Legendary Soldiers sent us here, but I do know we're in this strange place for a reason." he stated.

"Yeah... if being alone is the test, then this is way too easy..." Shun stated as the shadow of an airplane flew over. "I don't mind being on my own, but with the right company I'll be fine. Except... back then... I didn't need anybody... I always took care of myself, no problem."

"Yeah, but you're not alone anymore bud... so don't go lone wolf on me." Rainbow Dash nudged him but soon sensed something and turned sharply towards something behind them. "Who's there?!" she demanded to know.

Walking up to them, was a little girl, same dark hair as Shun's, and green eyes, wearing yellow shirt with white collar and pink skirt. "Oh, hello... I guess your train was late huh...?" she asked them with a calm gentle smile.

Shun looked at her surprised feeling something familiar from her. "Uhh... you were expecting me...?" he asked her.

The girl watched as a train trolley went by but looked to Shun and walked towards him. "Yeah, I was getting bored... I need someone to play with." she said to him as she smiled at him.

"Play what...?" Shun asked her.

Rainbow stepped between them and looked to the young girl. "Look little girl, as much as we would like to play with you... we have a test to take care of..." she said to her.

The little girl giggled. "There will be time for that later... for now... how about we play tag?" she grabbed Shun's hand as a sign she just tagged him. "You're it!" she ran off as Shun watched her surprised. "Come on, try to catch me!" she ran from him.

Rainbow shook her head and watched her. "Catch you...? Are we really going through with this?" she asked as she looked to Shun.

Shun watched as the young girl poked her head out from the corner of the fence. "You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" she taunted as she clapped her hands and ran off.

Looking at where she went, Shun was confused as to why she seemed so familiar. "Who is she...?" he wondered.

"I don't know... but she seems to know you." Skyress stated to him.

"Yeah... she does..." Shun agreed with her.

Sighing from hearing it, Rainbow Dash took flight and looked to him. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to play along for a while, what do you say?" she asked him.

Shun nodded to her and ran towards the alley, trying to find the mysterious young girl. "If this game is part of the test, then we've already passed for sure..." he thought to himself as he ran down the alley looking for her. But it was like a maze, she could be anywhere.

Suddenly she ran out from one alley and looked to him. "I'm over here!" she giggled as she ran from him.

Shun ran after her trying to keep up with her, the young girl giggled as she was leading him and Rainbow Dash down the alley. Despite how young she is, Shun couldn't help but feel happiness within him... like it was the first time he played with his mother as a young boy. He leaped onto the fence and ran across it, he leaped down in front of her, catching her by surprise. He smiled and walked over to her. "Now you're it.." he went to tag her.

But she grinned playfully and backed away. "Uh-uh... you have to step on my shadow to win." she informed him.

"What?!" Rainbow Dash was shocked when she heard it.

"Those are the rules, because we're playing shadow tag." the young girl stated to them as Shun had a major look of confusion on his face. But the young girl giggled at seeing it and looked to him. "Just kidding..." she ran off.

"Hey wait!" Shun watched her run off. True that was bit of a bother, but his thoughts returned to trying to catch her as both he and Rainbow Dash focused their techniques and vanished. The young girl ran towards a building and looked back seeing no sign of them, she giggled and turned around walking off as she hummed a soft tune. Soon enough, she bumped and looked seeing it was Shun... he smiled at her and grabbed her shoulders. "Now I got ya..." he said to her.

The girl giggled as she looked to him. "Hey, you're fast... okay, onto the next game." she said to him.

This immediately stunned Rainbow Dash when she heard it. "Another one?!" she asked her.

"Yeah..." she rushed over to a can. "Kick the can!" she kicked it and watched as it fly through the air. "Come on, follow me!" she ran ahead of them.

Skyress watched her but looked to Shun. "She sure seems happy to have you here..." she stated.

"I'll say..." Shun replied to her.

Meanwhile the little girl was waving at them from a distance. "You're up! It's your turn now!" she stated to him.

Rainbow Dash looked to Shun, seeing a soft smile on his face, something she had never seen before. He stood ready as he looked to the young girl. "Okay, here I go." he charged towards the can and gave it a good kick, seeing it fly through the air. Much farther than she could ever hope to get it.

The little girl giggled at seeing it as she turned towards Shun. "That was a good one." she complimented him, earning a smile from him as they walked together. Rainbow Dash was feeling uncertain, but who was she to keep him from being happy? She followed them to keep an eye on Shun and make sure he doesn't get into trouble. The trio walked down a road together as time slowly passed by. "Its more fun to play with someone than it is to be alone all the time." the girl said to him.

"Sometimes..." Shun replied to her as he walked with her and Rainbow Dash.

The girl looked to him surprised of his words. "You mean you like to be alone...?" she asked him.

"Yeah, I guess its okay... but when I met Rainbow Dash and her friends...? I guess things started changing..." Shun explained to her, earning a curious look from the young girl. "I have a bunch of friends, but they could be a handful..." he stated earning a smirk from Rainbow Dash, who knows that he cares about his friends deep down.

The girl giggled as she walked beside him. "You're lucky..." she said to him as Shun replied with a chuckle.

This surprised Skyress when she heard it, but she couldn't help but feel happy for him.. "I don't think I've never heard you laugh before Shun, its good to see this side of you." she said to him.

"Hey, look over here!" the girl caught their attention seeing a grand view of the town. "This is my favorite place of all, I always come up here and look at the sunset. As long as the sun is in the sky... I never feel lonely, it makes me really happy." she stated to them as she looked at the sunset. "Shun...? Don't you think its beautiful...?" she asked him.

Shun looked at her and smiled a bit. "Yeah..." he replied as he looked out to the sunset. "I haven't seen a sunset like that... well... since I was your age. This really brings back a lot of memories..." he said to her.

Avion looked at the sunset but started sensing something was off about it. "Something's not right about all this..." he stated.

"And what's that Avion...?" Rainbow Dash asked him as she glanced to him.

"I'm not sure how long we've been here, but the sun is still in the same position in the sky." Avion explained as he looked to Rainbow Dash. "Its as if its never going to go down..." he pointed out.

Rainbow Dash looked to it and started to sense it as well. "Yeah, its not moving... something is seriously messed up here, I wonder what it means?" she wondered about it.

"I know..." the girl said to her earning both Rainbow's attention and Shun's. "If the sun always stays up in the sky..." she turned facing Shun with a smile. "We can keep playing forever if you want to..." she said to him.

Shun looked at her as he started to figure it out. We cut to a flashback and see Shun in his younger days when he returned home from school. "Hey mom, I'm home!" he called out for her only to gasp and see she wasn't around. "Mom...?" he looked for her but heard coughing from the kitchen "Mom...?" he rushed over and saw her coughing harshly behind the counter. "Mom! Oh no, what's wrong?" he asked her feeling concerned.

A moment passed, and he had Shiori to her bed to rest. She coughed a bit, but looked to him with a soft but weak smile. "Wait Shun... I thought you were going over to Dan's to play after school today..." she said to her.

Shun shook his head and smiled at her a bit. "No, not today mom..." he said to her.

"Oh come on... you know you can't fool me." Shiori said to him earning a surprised look from him.

He stuttered bit, but looked to her to be honest as he could. "W-Well I... I couldn't just..." he hesitated to say the words.

Shiori only smiled at him knowing his answer. "There now, its my job as your mother to know what you're up to." she said to him.

Shun looked away knowing she was right. "I'm sorry... I knew you weren't feeling well, and I didn't want you to be here all by yourself." he stated to her knowing of her illness.

Smiling at how honest he was, Shiori couldn't scold him for that. "Thank you Shun..." she said to him and looked out the window seeing the sunset. "Oh look at that..." she smiled as Shun looked out to it. "When I was young, I used to wish the sun would never set... that way I could play as long as I wanted to... I had so many friends back then, almost as many as you do now. That was a really happy time... my friends and I would play all kinds of games, we had so much fun." she turned towards him. "Sunsets like that don't last forever... so enjoy them while you can..." she said to him.

The flashback ended, and Shun slowly started to realize who the little girl was, but felt unsure of it. But there was no doubt in his mind... that this little girl, was his mother... Shiori. "She's just like... my mom..." he stated.

"Don't let it get to you, this is only part of the test..." Skyress reminded him of it.

"I'm glad you're here... I've been really lonely without anyone to talk to." Shiori thought back to when she arrived. "When I got here, there was nobody around. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find anyone... I tried to keep myself busy, but pretty soon I got bored. Its not much fun being alone..." she shrugged her shoulder a bit. "Oh well, at least I have the sunset to look at." she turned towards him and smiled. "Then I saw you and Rainbow Dash... and I hoped you'd stay and play with me." she let out a small giggle and looked to him. "Please...?"

Rainbow Dash looked to him and nudged his leg. "What are you going to do Shun...?" she asked him.

"Please Shun? I have another really good game we can play now..." Shiori said to him as she held out a Bakugan Ball. "Look at this..." she showed him.

Shun was surprised of when he saw it. "A Bakugan?" he asked as he looked to her.

"This is it... this is the test Oberus, the Ventus Soldier was talking about, and you're going to have to battle this little girl." Skyress stated to him.

Shiori closed her eyes and smiled at Shun as she held Oberus. "You wanna play? It's lots of fun..." she said to him.

Avion glanced towards Shun seeing his worried expression. "Shun, if this little girl is your mother, then you're going to have to focus if you want to make it through this." he said to him.

"He's right Shun, there is no other way..." Rainbow Dash said to him.

At that instant, tears began to run down Shun's cheeks... he knew that this was a difficult decision to make. He shut his eyes knowing that this wasn't going to be easy, even for him... he took a deep breath and exhaled looking to them. "I'll try you guys... but this test just got a lot harder all of a sudden..." he admitted.

At the streets where the train trolley's have been going by, both Shun and Shiori stood in front of each other, preparing for battle. "Okay Shun, its time for a showdown. Lets play Bakugan!" she held out a peace sign and smiled. Shun looked at her still believe this will be difficult... besides, who was he to battle his own mother? Even if she is a little child... but he couldn't let that distract him from his mission.

"Stay focused Shun, come on, you were teaching me to keep my focus, so don't lose yours." Rainbow Dash reminded him as she held up a card.

"I hear you Rainbow Dash..." Shun pulled one out as well.

All three players held them out, and tossed them to the field. "Gate Card Set!" they called out as the cards expanded on the battle field.

"I'll go first, Bakugan Brawl!" Shiori tossed in Manion to the field. "Ventus Manion Stand!" she called out as the sphinx type Bakugan emerged on the field.

"Not a bad move on her part, I will admit..." Avion complimented her.

"Avion... not helping..." Rainbow Dash said to him.

Meanwhile, Shun brought out his first Bakugan to battle. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in Ravenoid to the field. "Ventus Ravenoid Stand!" he called out as the Raven Warrior emerged on the field. "Bakugan recognized..." said the Bakupod.

"Ready...?" Shiori asked as she held out her hand. "Gate Card Open! Character!" she called out as the gate card activated. "Manion power level doubled to 700 G's." said the Bakupod.

Shun quickly held out an ability card to counter it. "Ability Card Activate! Storm Breaker!" he tossed the card to Manion as the card syphoned all of his power from the Character Card. "Manion power level now at 350 G's." said the Bakupod as Ravenoid went in for the kill. He charged at Manion and slashed through him, forcing him back into ball form.

Manion rolled next to Shiori's foot which mostly impressed her, rather than shock. "Oh wow, great move. You used a Ventus ability card, and that instantly cancels out the effect of my Character ability card." she said to him as Shun caught Ravenoid. "Okay, lets see you beat this... here, Gate Card set!" she tossed in her next gate card seeing it expand on the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed in Bee Striker. "Ventus Bee Striker, Stand!" she called out as the giant bee emerged on the field.

Shun knew that Bee Striker was stronger than Ravenoid, so he needed to play this one carefully. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed Ravenoid to the other field card. "Ravenoid Stand!" he called out as Ravenoid stood on the other field behind Bee Striker.

"You're setting her up?" Skyress asked him.

Shun nodded to her in response. "I have got to win this..." he said to her.

"We both do... and we will, this strategy is perfect." Rainbow Dash said to them.

"I don't think your strategy is going to work." Shiori said to them.

This surprised Rainbow Dash as she looked to Shiori. "Why not...?" she asked her.

"Because, I know he's thinking of using a Ventus Tripple Chain, that's a bad move." Shiori said to them pointing it out to Shun as he had a look of surprise on his face.

He couldn't believe what he just heard. "How come...?" he asked her.

"Oh because... its just so easy for me to tell what you're thinking." Shiori replied to him as he had a flashback moment. "Remember, its my job as your mother to know what you're up to." the flashback ended.

Skyress grew concerned of what was going through his mind. "Shun, are you okay...?" she asked him.

"Shun, snap out of it...!" Rainbow snapped him quickly back to reality.

"Now its time to find out how good you really are, Bakugan Brawl!" Shiori tossed in her next Bakugan. "Oberus, Stand!" she called out as a green flame emerged, and shot towards the sky.

Shun and Rainbow Dash watched it happen and looked at the sky, and descending from it... was Oberus... the Ventus Soldier of Vestroia. She spread her wings and let out a screech as she looked to Shun and Rainbow Dash. "Bakugan Oberus recognized." said the Bakupod. "Oberus is one of the Legendary Soldiers who sent us here... she's very powerful Shun... be careful." Skyress advised him.

"I will..." Shun looked to his Bakupod to check her power level. "Oberus Power Level at 500 G's. It currently dominates the Bakugan field." said the Bakupod. "Not if I can help it... Gate Card open! Cortet Battle!" he called out as Rainbow Dash's Monarus went into the field.

Shiori saw it happen as Rainbow Dash smirked at her, but Shiori smirked back at her. "So, you think you can beat me in a cortet battle, do you...? You're wrong again..." she held out an ability card. "Ability Card Activate! Turmoil!" she called out as wind began to gather around Oberus.

Rainbow Dash felt it as she stood her ground. "What the heck is going on?!" she asked.

"It is Oberus' ability, Turmoil!" Avion said to her.

"Turmoil...?" Rainbow Dash looked to her Bakupod. "Oberus power level increased to 700 G's." it showed her the stats. "Whoa! We can't even beat that!" she cried out as she looked seeing Ravenoid being pulled towards Oberus. He felt the winds push him toward Oberus as the shredding wings forced him to go into ball form. "Oh no..." she looked seeing Monarus being pulled as well, but she a different force made her retreat without losing the battle.

She returned to Rainbow Dash in ball form, giving her a chance to exhale. "Good, at least we still got Monarus..." said Skyress.

Meanwhile, Oberus reverted to ball form and returned to Shiori. "Oh, I guess I should have told you that Turmoil is an ability that only Oberus has. It can attack with an increased power level of 200 G's automatically. But could only defeat one Bakugan, and that's why you got to keep Monarus." she explained to her.

"But, I could have lost both the round, and Monarus and only had Avion in that battle. Leaving me and Shun with only one round left... but I will say, you're good..." Rainbow Dash said to her.

"I must ask..." Shun spoke up as he looked to Shiori. "Why didn't you defeat us with an ability card that would defeat both of them...?" he asked her.

Shiori smiled and looked to him. "Because... I want to keep on playing with you..." she said to him earning a surprised expression from Shun, that caught Rainbow Dash's attention. "Oh come on now... we'll have lots of fun." she said to him as a vision of her older self appeared before Shun.

He was drawn in by it, knowing how much he missed his mother more than anything. He wanted to speak, but Skyress immediately floated in front of him. "Snap out of it Shun! Wake up!" she snapped him out of it.

"Come on Shun, I know she's your mother, but its her when she was a child. You need to stay focused, our friends are depending on us to win this test. I for one am not going to let them down, are you...?" Rainbow Dash asked him. Shun wanted to respond, but couldn't find the right words. She scowled at him and grabbed Monarus. "Fine... you may be willing to leave your friends, but I'm not. Gate Card Set!" she tossed a card in, seeing it expand on the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed Monarus onto the field. "Monarus Stand!" she called out as Monarus appeared on the field.

"Oh wow, you're certainly a brave one aren't you?" Shiori asked her.

"You're right about that... but... to tell you the truth. I wasn't always loyal to my friends... not the ones I know now." Rainbow Dash confessed as Shiori had a look of surprise on her face. "I admit it... even though my friends in Ponyville were closer to me more than anyone... I still abandoned those I considered my friends. Gilda... Lightning Dust..." she looked down in regret. "Gilda was my childhood friend, we always watched out for each other... I helped her when no one else would. Just like I did for Fluttershy... but I found that Gilda had become a bully, years later... she mistreated my friends, and I watched her become something I never wanted to see again." she explained everything about Gilda and looked to Shiori. "Then there was Lightning Dust, a dare devil who took risks that would have injured her, and me... during a track lesson, she and I unleashed a tornado that almost got my friends killed... without even thinking of the consequences, I had to report it to Spitfire. I knew that being a Wonderbolt meant taking risks, but at what cost...?" she asked as Shun looked to her surprised. "My life changed when those two showed me one important fact... my friends are just as important to me than my goals are..."

Shiori looked at her and smiled. "You are a good soul Rainbow Dash, there's no doubt about that. But you know there is such a thing as blind loyalty..." she pointed out to her.

"To you, yes, but I won't leave my friends behind..." Rainbow replied to her.

"Have it your way... hey, lets have a race next!" Shiori said to her.

"A race?" asked Rainbow Dash feeling surprised.

"Yeah, my Bee Striker verses your Monarus, and we'll see which one can fly higher, okay?" Shiori asked her. "Ability Card Activate!" Shiori tossed it to Monarus. "Scarlet Twister!" she called out as the whirlwind surrounded Monarus and forced her onto Bee Strikers card. Rainbow Dash panicked from seeing it as Bee Striker grabbed Monarus from behind and carried her into the sky. Once they were high enough, Monarus started to lose consciousness due to the atmosphere, and Bee Striker finally dropped her and watched as she feel towards the ground, and plummet into the ground. Reverting to ball form and rolling to Rainbow Dash as Bee Striker returned to Shiori. "You lose... the Scarlet Twister lets me pull the opponent I'm battling into my area of the Bakugan field. Pretty neat huh...?" she asked her.

"I have to admit, for someone who's never really played Bakugan before, you're good... real good!" Rainbow Dash said to her.

Meanwhile, Skyress turned facing Shun feeling eager to finish this. "Shun, put me in the game..." she said to him.

"Okay..." Shun grabbed her and looked to the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed her to the field. "Ventus Skyress Stand!" he called out as green flames shot into the sky. From the clouds, Skyress descended from the heavens and spread her wings and let out a powerful screech.

Shiori was amazed just looking at her. "You're so pretty!" she smiled but closed her eyes holding her hands behind her back. "But that won't help you beat me..." she teased her as she pulled out Bee Striker back out. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed him to the field. "Bee Striker Stand!" she called out as the giant bee emerged on the field. "Go get'em Bee Striker!" she said to him. "Advantage, Bee Striker." said the Bakupod.

"That's it... Gate Card open! Trade Off!" Shun called out as Bee Striker began to glow and revert back to ball form.

Shiori was surprised when she saw it. "Oh no, with the Trade Off ability card, the Bakugan with the power level higher than 400 automatically loses." she said it feeling depressed as Skyress returned to Shun. "But this battle isn't over yet... the suns still up, we can keep playing. You in...?" she asked him with a smile.

Seeing it, Skyress looked to Shun seeing is surprised expression. "She's a real brawler, just like you... can you handle this Shun..." she asked him but got no response. "Hey! Shun!" she snapped him back to reality. "I always know I can trust you no matter what battle you put me in, but now I think its time for you to put your trust in me... and Rainbow Dash and Avion." she said to him.

"I do trust you guys." Shun replied.

"Then prove it Shun, prove you can help us win this battle, and don't let your future mother distract you." Rainbow Dash said to him. Even though that's going to be really hard to do...

Shun nodded and grabbed a gate card tossing it to the field. "Gate Card set!" he called out as the card expanded on the field. "We need to face Oberus together for this one, lets do this Rainbow Dash!" he said to her as she nodded. Shun held up Skyress looking to the field. "You ready Skyress...?" he asked her.

"Always..." Skyress replied.

"Lets go Avion..." Rainbow Dash said to him.

"I'm with you Rainbow Dash, all the way..." Avion replied to her.

She nodded as both she and Shun held their partners together. "Bakugan Brawl!" they tossed them to the field.

Shiori grabbed Oberus and held her out. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed her to the field. "Oberus, Skyress and Avion enter the Bakugan Field." said the Bakupod as all three Bakugan appeared on the field.

Skyress scowled at Oberus as she flapped her wings standing beside Avion. "You've underestimated both me, Avion, and our friends Oberus!" she said to her.

"And from this point on, its personal..." Avion said to her.

"I don't think so... because you're about to find out why." Oberus said to them.

"Gate Card Open! Energy Merge!" Shun called out as the card activated beneath them. "This is the gate card that takes a hundred G's of the power level from the Bakugan that entered the battle last, and adds it to the first Bakugan on the field." he explained it. "And since Avion was second and on my team, he gets the same exact amount." he said to Shiori as Rainbow Dash smirked at hearing it. "Power exchange from Oberus to Skyress and Avian recognized." said the Bakupod.

Skyress took flight as Avion charged at Oberus. "I bet you didn't see this coming, did you Skyress?!" he went to attack her.

"Its no use you two... I've seen both your tricks before." Oberus said to them.

"We'll see!" Skyress screeched as she charged with Avion.

Oberus stood ready for the attack. "Try and stop this!" she glanced to Shiori.

"Ability Card Activate! Turmoil!" Shiori called out as gusts of wind slowly drew Skyress in as she struggled. "Oberus power level 600 G's." said the Bakupod.

"No!" Skyress cried out as she struggled to pull away along with Avion.

But Oberus, had other plans. "You've both flown right into my trap!" she laughed as she grabbed the both of them. "You're finished!" she said to them.

"Avion!" Rainbow Dash cried out.

"Skyress!" Shun was about to activate an ability.

"That won't help..." Shiori said to him earning a shocked look from shun. "There's no way you can win this battle... so what do you want to play next?" she asked him.

"Next...?" Shun asked feeling conflicted of what to do.

"I know lots of games... and we can play as long as we want to here. The sun never sets..." a vision of the older Shiori began to appear in Shun's eyes. "Shun, stay here with me..." she said to him.

Shun looked at her as his hand that held the ability card lowered. "Of course I'll stay mom... nothing else matters now. I could take care of you... everything will be alright... things will be just like they used to be, there's nothing to worry about anymore. It'll just be you, and me... forever, and ever..." he was about to go to her.

"Shun!" Rainbow Dash tackled him to the ground. "Snap out of it! That little girl may be your mother, but she's just a mirage! Oberus is playing tricks on you!" she said to him.

"She's right Shun, you have to focus!" Skyress said to him as she and Avion were held by Oberus.

"Skyress... Rainbow Dash, let me go..." Shun tried to get free.

"Shun, you don't belong here, you and I both have to get back to our own world, where are friends are. Oberus is testing us, whether or not I would lose my loyalty to my friends, even you!" Rainbow Dash said to him.

Suddenly, Oberus' eyes began to glow as her mouth opened as green flames formed. "Don't listen to them Shun..." she blasted both Avion and Skyress seeing them burn as they writhed from it.

"Shun!" Skyress cried out as she and Avion fell down to the ground.

Shun and Rainbow Dash were shocked to see what happened to their partners, but he looked away trying to hide his pain. "I want to stay... my... my mother is..." he hesitated till suddenly...

"YOUR MOM IS GONE!!!" Rainbow Dash said to him harshly, but it was the truth. "Don't you get it...? If your mom really were here, she would tell you to head home..." tears began to run down her face. "Just like how me and my friends are trying to get back home... to Equestria, our friends, our families... they're all waiting for us... I know you missed your mom since she died, your love for your mom will never fade away... as long as you hold memories of her in your heart." she looked to him as her tears fell onto his face. "I didn't come this far to let my friends down... and neither should you, so don't you dare start now...!" she said to him.

"She's right Shun... you... and Rainbow Dash... have to get back into the battle..." Avion said to him and passed out with Skyress.

Shun watched the burning inferno as his eyes widened. "Skyress, Avion, NO!!!" he cried out seeing the blaze.

"Don't let that bother you... everything's okay. You can stay here forever and ever." Shiori said to him.

Shun stood silently, but he finally decided to break it. "No way..." he said to her, catching her by surprise. "I really don't belong here... I've been alone too long, I need to see the friends I have back in my world... and I need Skyress..." he looked to the flames. "But Skyress and Avion had to sacrifice everything for me to realize all that... everything!" he shut his eyes as tears brimmed. "And... Rainbow Dash never gave up on me..."

The rainbow haired Pegasus smiled at him and nudged his shoulder. "That's what friends are for..." she said to him.

Shun smiled a bit but looked to the flames... "I'm sorry Skyress... Avion... this is all my fault..." he sobbed as his tears fell onto his card. Suddenly it began to glow, and a light began to shine from Rainbow Dash as he looked to it, shielding his eyes. "What's that...?" he asked her.

Rainbow Dash looked to it seeing her Element of Loyalty appear around her neck. She gasped in surprise as she touched it, seeing that it was real. "Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmyGOSH! My Element of Harmony!" she cried out holding it. "It came back! AWESOME!" suddenly, she looked to her Bakupod to see what's happening. "Skyress and Avion power increase recognized." said the Bakupod. The flames before them began to shoot up into the air, catching them both by surprise. "Skyress power level at 550 G's. Avion power level at 660 G's." the Bakupod calculated. From the heart of the flames, Avion emerged... with a brand new look.

Four of his horns disappeared, but his top ones remained as they were more curved down. He has a green center jewel on his head, is arm sleeves were shorter revealing his forearms, his wings had armor surrounding them, his chest armor had more gold patches, and his leaves were covered by a feathered cloth. His eyes snapped open looking to Oberus as his arms her crossed in front of his chest, he broke them apart as he let out a powerful shriek towards her. Meanwhile, Skyress had also evolved... her wings spread from the flames as she looked towards Oberus. "I don't believe it! Skyress and Avion have evolved...! They have become... Storm Skyress... and Vortex Avion..." she said in shock as Skyress revealed her new form. Her armor became closed at the chest forming a crest, she had four tail feather that curled behind her, and she had bladed feathers.

Shun and Rainbow Dash were amazed of their evolved forms. "Guys, you're back! And to think I almost gave up on you Skyress..." Shun said to her.

"Dig the new look Avion!" Rainbow Dash said to him.

"Remember, we told you all that you needed to do is get back in the battle. Well we're just taking our own advice..." Skyress said to him and looked to Oberus. "It sounds simple, but its true... you don't have to face every battle on your own Shun. Your friends need you as much as you need them..." she explained to him.

Avion glance toward him. "We know that you know this now... which is why Rainbow Dash wasn't willing to give up on you. We're much stronger when we're together, than we are apart. That's what it means to be loyal and trusting to your friends. Which resulted in her Element of Harmony returning to her the way it has..." he explained to him.

Both Rainbow Dash and Shun looked seeing their ability cards change. "Our ability cards... they've changed..." said Rainbow Dash as she looked to Shun and smirked. "What do you say Shun...? Wanna test them out?" she asked him.

He nodded to her and looked to the field. "Lets finish this battle!" he exclaimed.

"I'll go first, Ability Card Activate! Roaring Cyclone!" Rainbow Dash called out as Avion unleashed a cyclone began to swallow Oberus. Roaring Cyclone is an ability that only Avion can use, it give him a hundred G's for every Bakugan on the field, and since Skyress and Oberus are here... that makes it 200 from each. Leading it up to 860 G's!" she said to her as Avion struck Oberus several times within the Cyclone and kicked her straight into the air.

"My turn!" Shun held his new ability card. "Ability Card Activate! Destruction Meteor Storm!" he called out as Skyress began to glow, gathering energy. "Its time for the sun to set, right now!" he called out to Skyress.

She spread her wings as her tail feathers became a single blade. "The past is gone Oberus, we're moving into the future!" she said to the Ventus Soldier.

"The test is over! Its time to let us go!" Rainbow Dash said to her.

Flames surrounded Skyress as she charged at Oberus. "You can't hold us any longer, we've already broken free!" she dashed toward her to defeat her. "Storm Skyress power increase to 650 G's." the Bakupod.

But Oberus wasn't out of the fight just yet. "You can't leave till I say you can!" she charged toward Skyress in hopes of defeating her. Both Bakugan charged as their partners watched as they came close, upon impact... a green explosion came from the impact of Skyress' Destruction Meteor Storm.

Oberus... was defeated, she screamed as she fell to the ground, and crashed against it. Reverting to ball form and rolling towards Shiori as she was surprised that she was defeated. But she smiled and held her hands behind her back, accepting her defeat. "Looks like you win..." she said to Shun as he chuckled a bit. Both Skyress and Avion let out powerful shrieks as they reverted to ball form, returning to their masters. Meanwhile, Shiori noticed the sun was beginning to set. "Whoa, look at that... the sun is finally setting." she pointed out.

Rainbow Dash smiled seeing it happen. "It sure is Shiori... it sure is..." she said to her.

"Well, anyway..." Shiori turned towards them. "I had fun playing with you Shun... and you too Rainbow Dash." she said to them.

Rainbow let out a small chuckle. "Don't sweat it..." she said to her.

"Yeah, thanks..." Shun said to her.

Shiori smiled and looked to him. "Maybe I'll see you again someday...?" she asked him.

Looking at his mother... knowing he couldn't bear to lose her again. But he couldn't change the past, no matter how hard he tried. He kneeled down to her and touched her shoulders. "Shiori... this may be hard for you to understand, but when we return to our future... we may not be able to see each other again..." she said to her earning a confused look from Shiori, but she soon saw tears brimming in his eyes. "Because... because you..." he closed his eyes trying not to break.

Understanding what he meant, Shiori touched his face and placed her forehead against his as she smiled. "Its okay Shun... so please, don't cry..." she said to him as Rainbow Dash and Avion watched along with Skyress, smiling at them knowing this will help him. "I know it will be hard for you... but know that I will always be with you in your heart." she said to him and smiled as tears brimmed.

Shun looked at her as tears fell, but smiled at her and held her. Rainbow Dash sniffed from seeing it as she began to cry, which didn't go unnoticed from Skyress. "Rainbow Dash, are you crying...?" she asked her.

"No..." Rainbow Dash denied it, but couldn't hold back the tears. "Yes...!" she admitted earning a chuckle from both Avion and Skyress.

(Iruna Etelero belongs to Ancient Magus Bride)

Shiori held Shun as magic flowed around her as tears ran down her cheeks as she broke the hug looking to Shun, and cleaned the tears from his face, to help calm him down. Easier said than done, but she knew a way that could help him as the sun began to dip into the sea.

May the night, fill with stars
May the night, fill with stars
Gather all, by the water
Come and see the flowers bloom

She sang to him, as Shun watched her and chose to join in.

May the night, fill with stars
May the night, fill with stars
Softly come, all together
Come and see the flowers bloom

Rainbow Dash watched as the sun began to set, and flowers began to bloom around them.

Shun & Shiori;
In our hears, flowers bloom
In our hands, flowers bloom
Sing we all, dancing together
Joining hands with blooming hearts

The flowers began to glow with the moonlight around them, which amazed and astonished Rainbow Dash. Never before had she seen something such as this, not here, nor in Equestria.

Hear me now, hear my song

Hear my song softly ring

Come as friends, bound by starlight

Shun & Shiori;
And evermore
In our joy, by the water
Come and see, the flowers bloom

As she watched, Skyress could only smile for Shun, knowing this may very well be the last time he will ever see his mother.

May the night, fill with stars

May the night, fill with stars

Shun & Shiori;
Gather all, by the water
Come and see, the flowers bloom

May the night, fill with stars

May the night, fill with stars

Shun & Shiori;
Softly come, all together
Come and see, the flowers bloom

Smiling at them, Rainbow Dash approached them, to join the song.

Shun, Shiori & Rainbow Dash;
In our hearts, flowers bloom
In our hands, flowers bloom
Sing we all, dancing together
Joining hands with blooming hearts
Hear me now, hear my song
Hear my song, softly ring
Come as friends, bound by starlight
And evermore
In our joy, by the water

Shun looked to Shiori, and smiled knowing that he will forever miss her, in this life, and the next.

Shun & Shiori;
Come and see... the flowers bloom

He smiled at Shiori, and gave her one last hug before saying their last goodbye the each other. Shun released the hug and watched as Shiori took off to head home. As she ran, she turned to them waving goodbye to them. "Bye-bye! Goodbye, take care! I'll miss you both!" she said to them as she ran home.

Shun watched her go, and smiles a bit. "Goodbye..." he said to her as Rainbow Dash looked to him. "Everything is going to be okay... I know what we have to do, and we have my mom to thank for it." he looked to Skyress, Rainbow Dash and Avion. "And I have you guys too of course."

Skyress chuckled in amusement. "Hey, that's what friends are for... right Rainbow Dash...?" she asked her.

"You said it Storm Skyress... as long as you guys don't go down in a blaze of glory..." Rainbow Dash stated to them.

"That was just during the battle with Oberus you know..." Avion said to her.

The rainbow haired Pegasus shrugged her shoulders, and shook her head. Suddenly, the environment around them changed and they were in a rather unfamiliar place. "What happened...? Where are we now...?" Shun asked as he looked around.

"I don't know... but this looks familiar to me..." Skyress stated.

Suddenly, Oberus appeared before them. "Look around you..." she gestured to the land around them. "This is what my world Vestroia looks like now..." she stated.

"WHAT?!!!" Rainbow Dash looked around where they were.

Oberus nodded to them sensing their shock and disbelief. "I sometimes wonder what kind of future there will be for this place, but I haven't given up hope yet." she stated to them.

"Please don't, I know tomorrow will be better... hopefully for both of our worlds." Shun said to her.

"That's right, and you have me and my friends that will help in this fight." Rainbow Dash stated to her.

"You can trust them Oberus..." Skyress said to her.

"Just have faith in them..." Avion said to her.

"I do, and I will trust in them..." Oberus said to them.

Both Shun and Rainbow Dash nodded their heads to her along with their partners. "Thank you..." both Bakugan said to Oberus.

The Ventus Soldier began floating up into the air as she smiled behind her mask. "You and your friends have many more battles ahead of you Shun and Rainbow Dash... if you are true to one another, you will win them all..." Oberus stated to them as she shined brightly. "Good luck... both of you..." she said to them as she sent them to join Julie, Applejack, Marucho and Pinkie Pie. That's Six Brawlers, three of each faction, human and pony. That least Runo, Fluttershy, Rarity, Dan and Twilight... will they pass their tests...? Or spend an eternity in the Doom Dimension...? Find out in the next chapter...

Author's Note:

Tigrerra: Tigrerra and Elvia here, coming up on the next Bakugan Legends of Equestria... Runo and Fluttershy must face their test from the Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia.
Elvia: But what they don't know, is that it will be a test of their courage, as well as their minds, and Runo's love for Dan.
Tigrerra: It's going to be her ultimate challenge, and if she succeeds, it will mean the brawlers will be stronger for it.
Elvia: But if they fail, it will spell disaster for their worlds, as well as ours. Failure is not an option.
Tigrerra: So don't miss the next BAKUGAN LEGENDS OF EQUESTRIA!

(Wow, this chapter started making me cry... oh man, I'm trying to dry up the waterworks right now. Anyways... hey guys, here is the next chapter and... dear god, I really went emotional with this one. :applecry: Forgive me, I guess its too emotional for me to even explain anything right now, but I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.)