• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,364 Views, 1,112 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Bakugan Idol/Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

In the evening of the next day, Wardington was enjoying the glorious sunset. Meanwhile, at the top of Wardington Tower, there was a small blue ball sitting on top of it. But it was no ordinary ball, it was a Bakugan. It opened up revealing itself as a Chameleon type Bakugan, named Preyas. He looked around Wardington curiously. "WHAAAAT?! Wow..." he exclaimed in amazement of the town. "A penthouse with a high view, too bad the commute's a real killer. I hope the writer knows that's he's doing." he broke the forth wall.

(LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS PREYAS!!!) "Okay, sheesh, no need to be so grouchy." he eventually saw a pigeon flying by. "HELLO! TAXI!" he called out as he leaped onto the Pigeon, riding on its back. "Quick! To the flower bed bellow! And step on it!" he ordered the Pigeon, unaware that it was gonna take him somewhere else.

Meanwhile at Dan's house, He and Runo, along with the Mane Six were discussing about the new building that's being constructed. "Yeah, they certainly are taking their time, but after six months of construction and two months of coffee breaks, we still don't know what it is." Runo explained to Alice and Julie.

"What in the world could take so long to build?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

"A government office?" Runo asked bluntly.

"If you ask me, I would say a dance studio." Alice added to the idea of what the building could be.

"Or a very large fashion mall, if so I would definitely like to visit it when its finished." Rarity said as she ironed her outfit.

"How about a fitness center? And a spa!" Julie threw that idea out thinking its a possible option.

Dan meanwhile was busy reading one of his books. "I think you're all building something out of nothing." he said as he sat up on his bed.

Runo turned to him along with the Mane Six. "Its not nothing, a mall or an overpriced coffee shop could have disastrous effects on my parents restaurant." she explained to him.

"And I'm starting to like their food, mostly the sweets." Pinkie said to them.

Runo held up her Bakupod and activated it. "And according to my Market Research Calculation..." she started dialing in numbers to check the results.

"Market Research? Don't make me laugh! You barely have customers, never mind a market." Dan blurted out, and just when things were cool... Runo's expression instantly turned into a glare forcing out a squeak.

Alice and Julie gasped knowing what will happen, so did the Mane Six. "Dan... you shouldn't have said that..." Twilight said to him as she and the rest of the Mane Six slowly backed up.

"Oh you... AAAAHHHH DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Runo screamed at the top of her lungs.

Drago opened up from his Ball Form along with Tigrerra. "Dan, just let this one go..." he advised him.

"This is one battle you won't win." Tigrerra said to him as a sweat drop formed over her head.

Rainbow Dash flew up to him, grabbing him by the shoulder. "Yeah, unless you want to wear black and blue for the rest of the day, I think you might want to apologize." she said to him.

Meanwhile, Runo quickly turned to him with a glare. "Why you freeloading, ungrateful brat!" she yelled at him getting ready to clobber him.

"But it was just a joke, don't freeze me out of the free snackage, me and the ponies are your best customers." Dan said as he panicked, until to their surprise...

"Hey guys! I just solved the skyscraper mystery!" Marucho appeared on screen looking excited.

Dan, Runo and the Mane Six immediately turned to him surprised from hearing it. "Well don't leave us hangin' by our hooves sugarcube, what'd you find out?" Applejack asked him curiously.

Marucho cleared his throat a bit and smiled at them. "Turns out its my brand new house!" he announced to them surprising them to no end, and just like that... Dan, Runo, Alice and Julie fell down to the ground passed out. Twilight and the others saw it and giggled at their reaction.

"This is quite the surprise Marucho, you must be really happy." Twilight said to him.

"Yeah, I know, I was fooled when my parents first told me where we were going to be moving to. I kept it a secret so I can tell you in person and see the looks on your faces!" he said as he chuckled. "So we're throwing a party, and you're all invited!" he welcomed them.

The two brawlers were excited, as were the Mane Six, but the only pony who was most excited... was none other than Pinkie Pie. "YES! We're finally going to a party! And I didn't even plan it!" she said as she looked to Dan and Runo. "Is this exciting or what?!"

"I have to admit, its pretty nice that Marucho is going to be in Dan's neighborhood, but to live in a house like that? You could probably fit most of Ponyville in there." Twilight pointed out.

"But since we're invited, we should probably dress up for the occasion." Rarity said as she pulled up their Battle Brawler outfits. "Since Marucho is a member of the Battle Brawlers, it would only seem fitting we greet him in the same attire."

"You were really gonna slip a dress on us, weren't you...?" Applejack asked bluntly.

"No...!" Rarity tried to form an innocent face, but failed in the attempt. "Okay, yes..."

"I'm sure where we're going, we won't need to be formal." Drago said as Dan picked him up.

"You're right about that... and don't worry, what could possibly go wrong?" he asked as got ready.

Meanwhile in the forest, in the middle of a birds nest, Preyas was taking a nap next to five eggs. He eventually woke up yawning stretching his arms out, but his arm touched one of the eggs and it began to crack. He panic from seeing it happen. "Oh no! Oh no, no, no!" he saw each of the eggs cracking and began to worry as the eggs hatched, the chicks were tweeting loudly.

He had no idea what to do, but try to keep them quite. "Silence, Silence! Evil five headed monster, back off! I have weapons!" he warned them but found himself being lifted by the chicks. "Wha?! What are you doing?! Put down that stick! Stop pushing me!" he ordered them, but rather than listen to him, the chicks pushed him out of the nest.

He panicked as he fell down. "Tuck and roll! Tuck an roll!" he curled up into ball form and started bouncing on the ground. "Ouch! Ugh! OW! That was a rock! Must resist! Must stop! Oh no a truck!" he landed in a truck filled with flowers. "I can't see! I CAN'T SE-" before he knew it, he realized it was a leaf. "Oh its a leaf..."

Meanwhile at Marucho's house, Dan, Runo and the Mane Six approached his house and saw how big it was. And it wasn't just big... it was huge! "Wow... that's his house?" Dan asked as he starred in awe.

"Wicked... when he said he was full of it, I didn't realize he meant cash..." Runo said as she starred at it. "It must be so awesome to have so much money with the parties, the cars, the computers, and the clothes..." she made a list of things you could buy.

"Yeah, and line-ups to get into those parties, come on, this is nuts. What kind of house warming has a guest list and a bunch of posers waiting two hours to get in?" Dan asked.

Twilight soon noticed a familiar face, and big surprise! Its Miyoko waiting in line while chatting with other guests. "Hey Dan, is that your mom over there?"

"What?! Hey what's my mom doing here?! This is so not good!" he panicked.

"Relax Dan, I'm sure she won't even see you." Applejack said reassuringly.

"By the way, wasn't Marucho supposed to meet us here?" Fluttershy asked them as she looked around for him, and right on cue...

"Hey guys!" Marucho called out to them as he walked up.

Dan and the others looked to him relieved. "Oh hey Marucho!"

"What's popping?" Runo asked him.

"Hey, its great to finally meet you. You like my new clothes?" Marucho asked them.

Runo chuckled a bit. "Yeah, they kind of look like the ones you always wear." she said to him.

"But you do look very nice darling." Rarity complimented him on his outfit.

"Thanks, you girls look nice in your outfits too." he smiled giving them a compliment of his own.

"Say, you're a lot smaller than we thought you'd be, either that or I'm getting bigger. Look at me from the side, do I look different to you?" Pinkie asked while joking around.

Dan laughed in amusement along with the others, suddenly Marucho's parents arrived. "Hey Marucho, so these are your cyber friends and their little ponies, I'm relieved... I mean, I'm very pleased to meet you." This was Shuuko Marukura, Marucho's father. He's a developer and makes millions by bulldozing homes to create vacant space, especially schools. He is a millionaire, and his wife, Kia Marukura, collects things such as art and endangered species.

"We are his parents." Kia greeted them kindly.

"Oh, hi! Sorry I took so much time with your dialup." Dan bow respectfully with Runo. "Welcome to the hood, I'm Dan."

"And I'm Runo, and these are-"

"We know exactly who they are, Princess Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity." Kia soon walked up and picked up Spike. "And this little cutie must be Spike."

"Awww... you couldn't be more right..." Spike said with a blush across his face as Twilight and the others giggled in amusement of his embarrassment.

Kia then looked to Dan and Runo. "And there's no need to worry, we now have the latest in fiber optics. Also, your secret is safe with us." she said with a kind and warming smile.

"Yes, and we upgraded everything thanks to a sweet land deal. In fact, Dan's neighborhood is so cheap, I nearly bought out the entire block." Shuuko said as he started to laugh, Pinkie joined in as well because of how funny it was.

Dan only chuckled a little bit. "Yeah... cheap..."

"Hey Dad, can I give a tour of our mansion? I'll do a preliminary security check." Marucho asked his father hoping he would let him.

Shuuko smiled at his young son. "Sure, knock yourselves out." he said to them.

"Great! Follow me... we'll start with the retinal scans" Marucho lead his friends inside. Upon walking up to the doors, they automatically opened revealing the interior of Marucho's house. "Now this is the entrance to where the closet is." he explained to them.

"Wow, you certainly have a lot of people hiding in your closet sugarcube." Applejack pointed out as she looked around seeing the room.

"This is so huge, we're talking major bling!' Pinkie exclaimed as they walked passed the flowers, which you'll be sure to recognize from the truck from earlier.

"I know, and yet my parents insist on basic cable, what's up with that?" Marucho asked them as they unknowingly passed by a certain Aquos Bakugan.

Preyas opened up from his ball form as he looked around. "Ha! Now for Operation Magnum Stealth!" but before he could start his little so called operation, he slipped off the flower and fell down. He tucked into ball form but felt one of the human guests kick him. He cried out in pain as he felt more of the guests unknowingly kick him around. "Stop it! Stop it! Ouch my shins!" he cried out in agony.

Elsewhere, Dan and the others were walking through the halls as they followed Marucho, suddenly a thought just popped into Dan's head. "So how is it again that your father just happened to pick my so called cheap neighborhood?" he asked him curiously.

"Yeah, I mean we know you guys are rich, but there has to be a reason for it." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Well no offense, but I wanted to make sure you were legit. You see my dad, he's a developer, tracked you down, it was all a cheap plan. Evicted a school, tore a few homes down, and that's how he makes his millions." Marucho explained to them.

"My school?" Dan asked him.

"No way, unbelievable." Runo exclaimed a bit.

"Your dad is kind of reminding me of Filthy Rich back in Equestria." Applejack mentioned to him.

Marucho chuckles a bit. "He evicts so many schools, you could almost say it was his primary business."

"Aw man, I wish I had the money to bulldoze my school." Dan complained about it given his history with Ms. Purdy.

"Yeah..." Runo chimed in.

Rarity noticed a door and sighed in relief. "Thank goodness a room, haven't seen one since we started this tour..." she rushed to it and opened it. "So this room is your favorite? Look at this..." she looked around seeing it almost looked like a ballroom. "Its like Canterlot, only more high tech..." she said as she was stuck in a daydream.

"Yeah Rarity, the space may be bigger than Dan's house, but my bedrooms down the hall, that's the bathroom." Marucho said to her.

"HUH?!" she eventually looked and saw a toilet sitting in the middle of the room. She felt so embarrassed of it as she stared at the toilet. "Even the toilet is tricked out..." her head slumped down as she followed the others down the hall.

Fluttershy put a comforting wing around her. "Its okay Rarity, at least it was a good moment while it lasted."

Rarity sighed depressingly from hearing it. "Thank you Fluttershy..."

They walked through the halls, soon they noticed that they were walking in front of an aquarium. But what surprised them the most, was that there were whales inside of it. They were so shocked, they couldn't believe their eyes. "Are those whales?! And dolphins?!!" Fluttershy asked in excitement.

"Yes, my mom likes to collect things like figurines and endangered species." Marucho explained to her.

In the next room they entered, they looked around seeing a small jungle, but what amazed them the most, were two giraffes nuzzling each other. "Oh look! The giraffes are in love!" Runo called out as she pointed to them.

"And look at that Panda." Marucho pointed out to it.

Fluttershy was beaming with joy seeing all the magnificent wild life that lived in this entire mansion. "I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!" she screamed to the top of her lungs.

They soon entered the art room, and Twilight was fascinated by the paintings and sculptures, there was even one of The Thinker. And in the center of the room was a water fountain. "If this place also had a library, I would never leave...!" she cried out trying to contain her excitement.

And finally, they reached Marucho's room, which had a very wide space, and all that was in there was a desk with a few keyboards sitting in front of a giant Jumbotron. "Whoa, talk about a big bedroom, Princess Celestia's room is probably smaller in comparison." Rainbow Dash blurted out only to get an elbow from Twilight.

"Yes its big, but in the middle of the night, its bit of a trek just to get water." Marucho said to her as he walked in.

"Wow, this is way cool my friend." Dan said in excitement.

Runo soon looked to the Jumbotron TV. "Your plasma screen TV looks like a Jumbotron from here."

"That's because it is." Marucho pointed out as he walked up to the desk and got into the chair. "Watch this." he pushed in a few keys. Meanwhile Pinkie was starring at a red button.

"Ohhh, what does this button do?" she went to touch it.

"Don't touch it please." Marucho asked her nicely. He typed in a few more keys and saw Julie pop up on the screen.

"Hey you guys, that's a pretty cool trick you're doing, fitting onto one little screen like that. And not the multiscreens, technology is so awesome." she said to them.

"Yeah, but I bet it can't be as awesome as me." Rainbow Dash boasted only to feel her coat get pulled over her head by Twilight.

"Uh maybe Julie, and maybe its because we're all at Marucho's house?" Dan pointed out to her.

Julie was starting to fume with jealousy. "And how come?! Or did someone conveniently forget to invite me?!" she asked as she looked to Runo. "Wasn't picking up the phone and calling me your job Runo?!" she asked with much jealously in her voice.

Runo placed her hands to her cheeks putting on an innocent face. "Oh geez, I'm sorry... I just like totally forgot about it." (Sure you did Runo...)

"Yeah, she's having trouble connecting the dots these days." Dan added to the conversation, but all that did was get on Runo's bad side. And just for that, he earned a slap in the face from saying it. "OW! What was that for?! Calling you a scatter brain?!" he asked her furiously.

Runo crossed her arms and looked away. "Nope, I don't remember." she said to him.

"For the record Daniel, you kind of deserved that. You should never call a woman a scatter brain, because that is one way to get hurt." Rarity explained to him.

Dan groaned as he rubbed his cheek. "Bet you've done that to someone back in Equestria."

"Oh I almost did, and it was aiming towards a spoiled prince that never treated me like a lady." Rarity said as she crossed her hooves. "He was never the stallion I thought he would be."

"Wow, bet he was a total bozo." Julie chimed into the conversation.

"Oh you have no idea Julie, and my best night at the Grand Galloping Gala... turned out to be my worst." Rarity said sadly.

"None of us had the best time at the Grand Galloping Gala, but even though it was the worst, turned out to be the best night ever in the end." Twilight said to them with a smile across her face.

Dan smiled at hearing it. "Well who knows...? Maybe our time here might turn out perfect."

"Or it could end in disaster." Runo pointed out.

"Exactly!" Twilight shouted out.

Meanwhile at the dining room, Preyas was still rolling around like a pinball, and was kicked into the air one last time causing him to scream. "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOOOOOOOP!!!!" he begged for it to stop, and finally he landed in Miyoko's pouch who was currently in the middle of grabbing some food.

"Deviled Eggs, Deviled Eggs! Ah, Deviled Eggs!" she held up her plate looking at the delicious food. "And freshly shaved Pork Rinds." she giggled at her food. "Oh my, international cuisines is just so exotic. Pinkie Pie would get a kick out of this." she said as she walked away.

After having more than sixteen plates, she finally felt the need to find the restroom. She groaned as she held her stomach and looked around. "I should have stopped at 12 or 16... oh great, where's the bathroom...?" she looked around and found a room. She walked up to it and knocked on it to see if there was anyone in there. "Hello? Anyone there? I'm looking for the ladies washroom." she called out to find out if there was anyone in there, but there was no response. She opened the door and looked inside, seeing mannequins with wigs and necklaces, and more jewels in jewelry boxes. "What the... are these real?" she looked at them.

Preyas soon popped out of her pouch to see. "What the what?!" he asked curiously.

Miyoko looked at each of the necklaces and grabbed one with blue and red jewels, with a gold chain. She tried it one and looked in the mirror. "Ah gorgeous! Rarity has to try one of these." she said out loud unaware someone stood behind her.

"That looks delicious on you." Miyoko flinched and turned only to see Marucho's mother Kia. "Its our chewy jewelry line." she informed her.

"Oh uh... um... your chewy jewelry line?" Miyoko panicked as she looked to it. "Oh, I'm sorry! I shouldn't be helping myself after I just ate lunch!" she tried to take the necklace off.

"Wait..." Kia stopped her as she walked up. "Go ahead and keep it, its all low fat. In fact help yourself to more." she offered to her.

"Low fat...? No way... can I get a security box to go?" Miyoko asked her only to receive a smile and a nod.

"Be sure to give some to Spike if you see him." Kia advised her.

Miyoko was surprised at what she said. "Wait, you know Spike?"

"Yes, little purple dragon, sweet as an angel?" Kia giggled at the thought of it.

Miyoko giggled as well. "Yeah, he is a sweet little dragon."

Meanwhile, Preyas was sneaking off with some of Kia's diamond rings. "Uh, me and my Bakugan friends were just leaving, come on guys." he said as he sneaked off.

Lights flashed on the Jumbotron, and a TV Announcer appeared on screen. "Hi! And welcome back, we bring you tonight the ultra hip Jenny and Jewls Super Sing Sound extravaganza!" she announced as Jenny and Jewls made their entrance. Jenny has red hair and blue eyes. She wears overalls that show her shoulder blades and part of her stomach and back. She wears a yellow skirt that shows her legs and her short blue shorts underneath. She wears a yellow and blue necklace, blue boots, blue arm coverings, blue socks and blue jewel earrings. Meanwhile Jewels has green hair and brown eyes. She wears a black necklace and yellow earrings. She wears a white and pink robe with a blue belt and pink boots.

Dan and the others were watching it. "Whoa, its Jenny and Jewls."

"Who are they?" Pinkie asked them.

"Jenny and Jewls are famous pop stars in Wardington, they made so many albums, I collected most of them." Marucho explained.

"Just like Sapphire Shores back in Equestria, I must say I just adore their outfits, I have to meet their fashion designer." Rarity said as she observed the outfits.

"Hey ya'll! We're here to hop, with our super pop, cause we don't stop!" Jenny said to the audience.

"Or miss a beat, cause we are hot!" Jewls included.

The two singers twirl around as their logo appeared behind them. "We're Jenny and Jewls! Super Sing Sound!" they said to the audience in unison.

Rainbow chuckled at them. "They do seem interesting, but I'll pick Sapphire Shores any day."

"Yeah... but that Jenny is so cute, she even makes listening to them bearable." Dan said out loud.

"Ah Jewls... no voice is quite as beautiful as yours..." Marucho said as he and Dan were stuck in dream land.

The Mane Six watched them and giggled at them as they looked to each other. "HUH?!!" the looked at each other shocked.

"Are you completely whacked out?! The group is totally trash without Jenny!" Dan shouted at him.

"You're crazy! She doesn't even do her own singing, she lip-syncs to a soundtrack that plays along!" Marucho yelled back at him.

Dan and Marucho shot intense glares at each other, the Mane Six watched as they totally just knock heads with one another. "They're gonna be at this for a while, aren't they?" Spike asked Runo.

"Oh yeah, this is gonna take a while." she said as she placed her hands to the back of her head.

"Okay now, tell us what really inspires you the most?" the reporter asked the JJ Dolls as she held the microphone to them, and their answer couldn't be more simple.


"Bakugan?" the reporter asked curiously, this immediately caught the attention of the Mane Six and looked to the screen.

"No way! These Pop Stars?!" Rainbow asked in shock and disbelief.

"Straight up, its the game that anyone who's anybody is playing." Jewls announced to the audience.

"Yeah, Bakugan is the coolest! Why its all over the news." Jenny added to the conversation.

The reporter meanwhile... was totally clueless. (Who wouldn't in this situation?) "Y-Yeah... I... I knew that..." (Sure you did. :trixieshiftright:)

"What...? They're Brawlers too? They must be the total best." Dan said as he watched the screen.

"Yeah, the best of the girl players." Marucho added, unaware he just hit a nerve.

Twilight slowly glanced to Runo who was clenching her fists at the time. "Girls... we might want to back up." she said as she and the others immediately backed up from Runo.

Runo was starting to fume in anger. "What...?" Dan and Marucho turned to her only to see she was acting like a Dragon Ball Z character. "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM, BUT YOU'RE CALLING THEM THE BEST?!!! GREEEEAAAAT!!!!!!!!" she yelled out as Dan and Marucho looked to each other in a slight panic.

Meanwhile, the door to Marucho's room opened, and a well dressed gentlemen stood before them. This was Kato, he is Marucho's butler, he is wearing a suit and round glasses. He has gray hair and a large mustache. "Pardon me... refreshments for your overheated friend sir?" he asked them as he referred to Runo who was wanting to toss them around like a rag doll.

After she got done cooling down, Marucho was leading them to another room to show them something else. "Just follow me, there's a full spread if you feel up to it...?" he said as he lead them.

"My stomach is ready to rumble, lets go!" Dan yelled out as Rainbow Dash flew up to him.

"Bet you can't eat as much as me Danny." she challenged him.

"Don't count your chickens Rainbow, bring it!" he accepted the challenge.

Suddenly, something caught Twilight's eye, she looked and saw Preyas dragging the jewels he took. "Hey, is that a...?"

Marucho looked to him surprised. "Must keep moving, must stay focused, can't stop moving." Preyas said to himself as the Brawlers and Ponies looked to him surprised. "Must move, must move, must..." he exhaled a bit. "Must rest before exhaustion..." Suddenly he felt like he was being watched. (Well DUH!) "I have a strange sensation that I'm being followed..." he slowly turned only to see the Brawlers and the Ponies. "AAAHHH!!!! Abort mission!" he cried out as he tucked into Ball Form. "Maybe they don't see you, yeah that's it! Just don't look, remain in the stealth position." he said to himself but was starting to panic. "Maybe I should take a peek, o-o-o-okay, act casually and no one will notice." he said as he turned to them whistling.

"Was that Bakugan just whistling?" Fluttershy asked.

"Eeyup." Applejack said to her.

Preyas began to sweat bullets. "Oh no! Ive been spotted!"

"And what's he doing wearing all the jewelry?" Rainbow asked them.

"I don't know, but I think that's last years line." Marucho pointed out.

Preyas panicked but finally decided to open out of his ball form. "Fine... take me to your Leader." he demanded acting like an alien.

"Our Leader?" they all asked in unison.

"Yes, your leader... and I'm willing to negotiate! For I am Aquos Preyas!" he introduced himself.

"What?!" they asked in surprise.

Rarity used her magic to take the jewels he had. "No offense darling, but these gems don't really suite you, I think what you need is a pure baby blue sapphire. It will go perfectly with your beautiful blue coat." she said as she complimented the little Bakugan.

Preyas began to blush from it. "Oh, well... I guess I didn't consider that, but thank you so much milady." he started acting like a gentlemen.

Rarity giggled at him. "It is my pleasure good sir."

Spike scowled at Preyas getting the feeling he was hitting on her. "Oh you better watch it small fry..."

Preyas leaped onto his nose and stared him straight in the eye. "Who you calling small fry, small fry?!" he sent the remark back to him.

"Easy there Preyas..." Twilight used her magic and placed him on the ground. "I'm sure you have much to explain."

"Oh you have no idea." Preyas replied to her.

Elsewhere, Jenny and Jewls were sitting in the back of their limousine, looking at their home town with bored expressions on their faces. "Aww... I'm tired, I want to play Bakugan, I'm bored at work." Jenny said as she closed her eyes.

"Yeah, lets ditch this, and go play Bakugan." Jewls agreed with her.

However their manager gave them disapproving looks. "Look, I don't want to hear anymore about Bakugan, so until you two clowns are paid for it, zip it!" she said to them.

Jenny and Jewls scowled at her and looked away. "Fine..." they said in unison.

Jenny looked outside the window as they drove passed a few cars. "Jewls... do you sometimes wish that there was more in our life?" she asked her.

"Well, the fame is one thing, but all this attention...? Its a bit much."

"Exactly, you and I both love the fame, but we also love Bakugan. So we just need a way out of this." Jenny said as she glanced to their manager.

""You're right, but for now, lets just get this over with." Jewls gestured to the crowd outside. They were rallying as guards were trying to push them back. Their manager opened the door to the limousine, letting them out. "Hi!" she waved at her fans with jenny.

"Clear the way!" the Manager tried helping the guards push the crowd back. "Keep them all back, shove a little! Use some force pipsqueak! Don't just stand there!"

"Jenny and Jewls..." a familiar dark voice called out to them as they looked around. "I am Masquerade..." they looked for him in the crowd. "Over here, to the right... yes, ye- no! That's your left, the other right, the-" he groaned as the JJ Dolls franticly looked for him.

"Your right or mine?" Jenny asked as she looked to her right.

"I think yours?" Jewls looked as well.

"Oh, right..." they finally spotted him in the crowd with his usual devious smile.

"Would you ladies care for a little Bakugan Action?" he asked them.

Jenny and Jewls were surprised. "A Bakugan Battle...? But our manager won't let us..." she mentioned sadly.

Jewls got a great idea and walked up to her. "Oh she'll let us do it, as long as we get paid."

Jenny looked to her and smiled at the idea. "Oh Jewls, you are so smart. She'll totally say yes, she never turns down money." she pointed out as Masquerade smirked at them.

Meanwhile the manager was continuing to push the crowd. "Stand back! Don't even let them touch the girls!" she looked to where they were, only to find that they disappeared. "WHAT?!!! WHERE ARE THEY?!!" she cried out.

Meanwhile back at Marucho's penthouse, the Brawlers and the ponies were enjoying the food that Kato brought for them. Dan and Runo even let Drago and Tigrerra out to meet Preyas. "Weeeellllll, look what the cat dragged in, Dragging-on and Tiger-puss." Preyas got their names wrong.

"Dragging-on?!" Drago exclaimed.

"Don't ever call me Tiger-puss!" Tigrerra yelled at him.

Meanwhile, Dan was busy stuffing his face with all the good food that stood before him. Rainbow and Twilight were eating beside him as they ignored his bad manners. "Hey man, this is wicked." Dan complimented as his mouth was full.

Runo was eating along side Fluttershy and Rarity. "Yeah, really great grub!" Runo added to the compliment.

"Now for the all important question, what's a Bakugan doing crashing your party?" Applejack asked curiously as she looked to Preyas.

Preyas tried not to panic. "W-Well, um... I was just, uh... surveying stuff, well whatever, and I uh... thought I'd drop in. You don't mind, do you Muchacho?" he looked to Marucho getting his name wrong.

"That's Marucho..." he corrected him.

Twilight observed Preyas curiously." You don't seem to talk like the other Bakugan, you seem to be an awful lot like Pinkie." she pointed out to her.

"Hey! I'm right here you know!" Pinkie exclaimed to her.

"Well, I'm no stranger to town, Ive been here about six months now... so Ive been around the block, quite a few times." he explained to her. "Eh, but I won't bore you with the details, well actually there was this one time... really funny story about these creatures, with these claws and they had me up in a tree, and they-" before he could continue his story.

"Sorry sir for interrupting your fascinating story..." Kato apologized for interrupting him in the middle of his story. "But you have further guests to attend to..."

Marucho looked to him curiously. "What...? For me...?" he asked only to see a surprise. His eyes popped seeing it was Jenny and jewls.

"Hey boys, we're here to say we just want to battle with you today." Jenny said to them.

"So get ready, we're here to play." Jewls added.

They twirled around together and looks to them with bright smiles. "We're Jenny and Jewls! Super Sing Sound!" they introduced themselves.

The Brawlers and ponies were shocked seeing they were standing before them. "Jenny... and Jewls...?! No way!" Dan cried out.

"Wow, real live girls around my party?!!" Marucho exclaimed.

"Honestly Marucho, they're not the only girls here you know." Applejack pointed out to him.

Jenny and Jewls were surprised at seeing her talk. "Did... she just talk...?" Jenny asked them.

Applejack realized that they didn't know about her or the others either. "Uhh... normally I wouldn't want to lie... but that's already out the window..." Applejack admitted to them.

"Wow, that is so amazing!" Jewls said as she walked up to them. "Where did you girls come from?" she asked them.

"Well its a rather long, and complicated story darling. But I must say, I simply adore your outfits, they're so unique." Rarity complimented them on their outfits.

The JJ Dolls were surprised at what she said. "O-Oh... thank you miss..." Jenny looked at her curiously.

"Rarity, I'm a fashionista where I come from." she said as she gave them a warm smile.

"Yeah, we can tell... these outfits your friends are wearing, did you make them?" Jewls asked her.

"Certainly, each one I made to represent each of my friends." she gestured to them.

Jenny and Jewls looked at each of them, seeing how unique they are. True they weren't pop stars, but they all had something special in their hearts. "So you came here to battle?" Rainbow asked them.

The JJ Dolls each held up their Bakugan, Jenny being Aquos, and Jewls being Subterra. "Yeah, lets throw a Bakugan Block Party." Jenny suggested.

"So do you guys feel like brawling? You can even invite one of the Ponies to battle too." Jewls added to it.

The Mane Six began to sense a familiar presence, it was faint, but they felt it from before with past brawlers. They new that somehow, some way, Masquerade got to them, but that hid it from Dan and the others. "Well, in that case... Rarity, you're in."

"What?! Why me?! I'm not as good as you are!" she exclaimed to her.

"Because you can sense exactly what we're all sensing... if you can try to knock some sense into these girls, they're bound to see things differently." Twilight whispered to her.

Rarity thought about it for a moment, and believes it is worth a shot. "Alright, I'm in..."

"Sweet! Any place, any time, I'm ready to roll!" Dan yelled out as he held up two Bakugan. "I'll warn you now, I am one of the best. My name is Dan, and I take no prisoners." a faint blush formed on his face. "Well not yet..."

Twilight immediately clocked him in the head. "Nice try Dan, but that's not gonna fly with me!" she yelled at him.

Runo meanwhile was very upset. "AAAHH!!!! This stinks! I only have one Bakugan!" she complained.

"Tis unfortunate madam..." Tigrerra said to her.

"Well now, this is it..." Dan looked to Marucho and Rarity. "Ready to rock and roll guys?"

"Yep!" Marucho nodded to him.

"Ready!" Rarity said to him as she held out a Darkus Bakugan.

They arrived at the roof top, but were short one brawler. Marucho was late, because he had to grab something. Rainbow Dash looked towards the way the came, seeing he hasn't arrived yet. "What in the name of Celestia is taking Marucho?!"

"He's a little guy, and this is a big house, cut him some slack." Applejack said to her.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Marucho came running to them with something in his arms. "Sorry I took so long, I got these from my dad's factory." he showed Dan and Rarity their new Bakushooters.

"Whoa... are these shooters? Lets try this puppy out!" Dan asked as he took one and tried it on. "Aw yeah, this is gonna be a blast! Runo check this out!" he activated his Bakushooter as it went into shooting formation.

Rarity tried hers on and looked at it. "Amazing, it fits perfectly, and I even like the color." she said as she observed it.

"Okay... enough... stop goofing off!" Runo said as she scolded him.

Marucho put on his shooter and looked to her. "Don't worry, we've got another shooter lined up for you."

"Heh, yeah... well you and I might not need our shooters either, considering the advantage. It wouldn't be fair..." Dan said to him, that is until...

"Yoohoo!" Jenny gained their attention as she waved her finger at them. "Not so fast boys, hey Jewls!" she called out to her.

"Oh well look,we brought ours too." She pulled her shooter out along with Jenny's.

Dan saw it surprised as Rainbow Dash flew up. "Well, well, what a surprise!"

Jenny pulled out the Doom Card. "So guys, care for a friendly game of cards?"

"That's the Doom Card!" Dan called out.

"So, that means... Masquerade is behind this?" Marucho asked them.

"Let me think... hmm, yep come to think of it, he did give me his card." Jenny admitted to them.

"I should have guessed you were up to something phony! It matches perfectly with your sellout image! Runo yelled at them.

"But how?! Just how could you be so incredibly stupid?! Don't you realize that you're just puppets to Masquerade?!" Rarity asked them trying to reach out to them.


"Puppets? I don't think so Rarity, this is just a mutual business transaction." Jewls explained to her.

"Yeah, we're being paid to bust your moves." Jenny said to the others.

"Girls, I too want to be famous in the world I come from, but believe me, this isn't the way to get it." Rarity said to them.

Jenny and Jewls looked at her and looked each other wondering if what they're doing is right. But they also knew they needed the money and knew they had no choice. "Sorry Rare... but we have to do this." Jenny said to her as she held out a card.

"Yeah, sorry... but we do appreciate you're trying to look out for us." Jewls said to her.

Rarity looked at them knowing there was no other way to convince them. "Very well... in that case you both leave me no choice. Get ready to dance girls, cause I'm ready to battle!" she held out a card with her magic.

"Yeah!" Dan and Marucho called out as they pulled out their cards.

"Bakugan Field Open!" the all called out as their cards began to glow, and the Attribute Circle appeared beneath them. Time slowed down outside as Runo was left out of the battle. In the Pocket Dimension Battle Field, Dan, Marucho, Rarity and the rest of the Mane Six prepared for battle.

Meanwhile, the JJ Dolls held out their Doom Cards. "Doom Card Set!" they tossed the cards out to the field sending a wave of Negative Energy.

"Gate Card Set!" they all tossed their cards onto the field. One Pyrus, one Darkus, one Subterra, and two Aquos.

"Now, lets start brawling! Bakugan Stand!" Jewls shot out her first Bakugan onto the field. She winked at where she shot her Bakugan, but it was mostly aiming towards Marucho. "Perfect bullseye." she said as Marucho began to blush. Meanwhile, the Bakugan she set on the field was a Subterra Stinglash. It emerged in its true form, hissing at its opponents.

Marucho looked to his Bakupod. "What's up with Stinglash?" he asked it checking its power level. "Current Power Level 290 G's, no other Data available." it replied to him. "Okay, a power level that's close to 300 G's, lets give Preyas a spin." he said as he held up Preyas.

He opened up from his ball form and looked to him. "Ugh, is my nap over already?" he asked jokingly.

"Nows not a time for jokes Preyas!" Rarity yelled at him.

"Well the opponents Attribute is Subterra, so I'll pick-" before Marucho could finish however...

"Whoa Muchacho! We don't need an ability card, I got tricks of my own to play." Preyas said to him with much eager confidence.

"So you have a plan?" Marucho asked him.

"Of course I do! I plan on winging it." he said bluntly.

"WINGING IT?!! YOU THINK THAT'LL WORK?!!" Rarity bursted into anger.

"Like a charm snowflake, just stand back and watch the magic!" Preyas said to her as he curled up into ball form.

Marucho felt a tiny bit uncertain, but it was his best chance. "Alrighty then, prepare yourselves for battle!" he loaded him into his Bakushooter. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot him onto the field. "Preyas Stand!" he called out as water shot out into the sky. Preyas leaped into the air and landed on the ground revealing his true form.

"Aquos Preyas... has ARRIVED!" he called out with his arms crossed with a smirk on his face.

Dan and Rarity see's his true form in amazement. "Whoa, this is straight up cool!" he said out loud.

"Very much so Daniel." Rarity agreed with him.

"Wow Preyas! You sure look awesome!" Marucho complimented him.

Preyas chuckled from it. "Get ready kiddies! Cause its showtime!" he said as he started acting like his usual goofy self.

Dan, Rarity, and Marucho all had sweat drops going down their faces. "Uh.... maybe I spoke too soon..." Marucho said as he watched him.

"Yeah, you kind of did there sugarcube..." Applejack agreed with him.

"I think he's funny!" Pinkie admitted to them.

"Okay, pick a card! Any card! Don't show me, I love a surprise! Just as much as the last guy who tried to to fool me, but he failed!" Preyas started running his mouth as usual.

Jewls only chuckled at him. "Nice clown act, but will he drop the ball on my Gate Card? Attribute coming right up."

Preyas heard it and held up a peace sign with his fingers. "Great! We have a volunteer!" he said as he turned to Stinglash. "Now if you'll excuse me... I'll just CHAAAAAANNNNGE!!!!" his body began to glow as his Attribute changed into Subterra, he landed on the ground revealing himself as Subterra Preyas. "Into something more comfortable! Offer void where prohibited! Some conditions apply!"

Marucho was shocked from what happened. "WHAT?!! He changed his attribute to Subterra?!"

"Impossible!" Dan cried out.

"It can't be!" Twilight added to it.

"It's not unheard of... but Ive never seen it before. The Preyas species is known for changing its attribute." Drago explained to them.

"Oh that feels better, much better." Preyas said with a grin across his face.

Jenny and Jewls were shocked by this development. "What happened?! How can he go from an Aquos to a Subterra Attribute?! This clown is some sort of tricked out chameleon." Jewls said in shock, meanwhile the Gate Card activated and formed a barren desert around both Preyas and Stinglash.

"Power increase by 150 G's on both teams." Jewls Bakupod informed them. "No! How can his power level be increasing?!" Jenny asked in shock.

Preyas began charging at Stinglash. "HIIIIIIIYYYYYAAAHHH!!!!!" he immediately leaped into the air, doing a few front flips, until finally he slammed his knee's into Stinglash's face, forcing him back into Ball Form. Jewls couldn't believe what happened, and started to fume in anger. "Thanks ladies... I couldn't have picked a better card myself. Now if you'll excuse me... ta ta!" he said as he reverted back to ball form, returning to Marucho.

"Thanks Preyas, you were great!" Marucho complimented his new partner.

"Great? Pfft! I was awesome!" Preyas boasted out proudly.

"Yeah well, you're probably only 10% awesome... me...? I'm 100% Awesome!" Rainbow beat him by a mile.

"Yeah well, you're just a pony, you can't even change Attributes, now can you?" Preyas asked smugly, catching her off guard.

Rainbow shot a scowl at him. "Lucky..."

"Alright, the show is over, time to get back to business. Hey Dan! How about you and me spend a little quality time together?" Jenny declared as she challenged Dan.

"Well... so bring it on then!" Dan accepted the challenge.

"Dan, I know what's going through your mind, so don't think of this as a date." Twilight said to him to get his head out of the clouds.

"Hey come on, its not like I have a full on crush on her." Dan said to her.

"That's not what you told us when you said she was cute.~" Fluttershy said in a singing tone.

Jenny giggled hearing it. "You're sweet Dan, but I think those ponies got you pegged. Alright, time to get busy! Bakugan Brawl!" she shot out one of her Bakugan to the field. "Ready to battle Danny?" she asked with a wink, only to get a shy wink from him in return. "Aquos Fear Ripper, Stand!" she called out, as her Aquos Fear Ripper emerged in its true form.

Dan looked to his Bakupod seeing that its power level was at 300. "Okay, her Fear Ripper is sitting at 300 G's, but I have a sneaky feeling she's hiding a card and is gonna crank it up." he thought out loud.

Meanwhile Jenny was getting impatient. "Are you gonna battle or what?!" she asked in frustration.

"Yeah, yeah, just chill! Bakugan Brawl!" he used his Bakushooter to shoot his Pyrus Falconeer onto the field. "Bakugan Stand!" he called out as Falconeer appeared behind Fear Ripper.

Jenny laughed at it. "Don't tell me that's your best move!" she said to him.

Dan chuckled a bit. "You haven't seen nothing yet."

"Hey, its your funeral boy." Jenny said to him.

"I think he's playing you Jen..." Jewls said to her with a smirk across her face.

"Oh please! Like you can do better?!" Jenny shot a glare at her.

"Hey girlfriend, you ready to party?" Jewls asked with an innocent smile. (Like that was gonna help.)

"Girls, can we please concentrate, your battle is with us, not each other." Rarity mentioned to them.

The two pop stars snapped out of it and turned to her. "Right, thanks Rare..." Jewls said to her as she loaded another Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot a Subterra Saurus onto the field and winked to Marucho to distract him. "Get out of the way boy! Saurus Stand!" she called out as Saurus emerged on the field roaring out.

Dan looked to his Bakupod and a smile formed across his face. "Battle Status, Saurus a 320 G's, Falconeer at 300 G's." the Bakupod explained to him. "Watch this Marucho! Gate Card Open!" he called out as a ring of fire circled around Falconeer and Saurus. "Falconeer power increase." said the Bakupod. "Now you're mine!" Dan called out unaware he made a fatal error.

"Ability Card Activate! Time to combined Subterra and Aquos!" Jewls called out as Aquos Fear Rippers Power was transferred to Subterra Saurus. Saurus roared out as his power increased with the help of Fear Ripper.

"Saurus Power level increase to 420 G's." Dan panicked from hearing it. "Aw snap! I'm gonna get creamed!" he looked and saw Saurus charging right at Falconeer, before he could react... Saurus rammed Falconeer straight into the Doom Dimension. Dan was devastated... "Its gone!" he cried out.

"Aww, too bad. It must be harder to take when you're beaten by a girl." Jewls antagonized him receiving an intense glare from him.

"We win! You lose! We win! You lose!" the JJ Dolls cheered out laughing.

"Sorry you lost Danny!" Jenny said to him with a wink.

Dan was upset it happened. "I can't believe they sent my Bakugan to the Doom Dimension!"

"That is true, but you let your guard down." Drago said to him.

"He's right Dan, you let your confidence get to you, and they used it against you." Twilight explained to him.

Marucho meanwhile, was figuring out how they pulled it off, he soon figured it out. "Now I get it..."

"Get what Marucho?" Applejack looked to him curiously.

"Yes, please explain quickly before we all lose our Bakugan." Rarity said to him anxiously.

"By diagonally combining the Attributes of their Aquos and Subterra Ability Cards, they simply overpowered Dan." he explained to them as Dan realized something.

"Then that means they blocked me from combining the powers of my Bakugan, leaving me a sitting duck." he said as he figured out the situation. He sharply turned to Marucho in surprise and shock. "You knew?! So why didn't you tell me Marucho?!" he demanded to know.

"Hey! Simmer down mister!" Preyas said as he repeatedly bounced off Dan's head hurting him. "Or I'm gonna have to show you who's boss around here!"

"There is a solution." Drago mentioned to them. "Preyas has the ability to change attributes on his own."

"Drago's right Dan, if Preyas changes into Subterra mode, then he'll be in a diagonal relationship with Aquos. Which is me!" Marucho explained.

"And if he changes to Darkus mode, then he aligns with Pyrus. Which is me and Daniel." Rarity added to it.

"Now you got it." Preyas said to them.

"This isn't over, we can still do this." Marucho said confidently as he loaded an Aquos Juggernoid into his Bakushooter. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot him to the field onto a different card away from Fear Ripper. "Juggernoid Stand!" he called out as Juggernoid emerged on the field. "Ability Card Activate! Water Refrain!" he called out as it activated. "According to my calculations, no one else will be able to use an ability card, thusly blocking them from activating their Attributes diagonally." Marucho theorized as he looked to the others.

"That explains the wave of energy flowing from Juggernoid." Twilight looked to it.

"Oh yeah?! Watch! Gate Card Set!" she tossed in a new Gate Card. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot an Aquos Gargonoid onto the field. "Gargonoid Stand!" she called out as Aquos Gargonoid appeared on the field.

"WE ROCK!" the two pop stars cheered out.

Drago observed the field and he began to realize something. "Daniel! There are two Aquos Bakugan on the field put against each other." he explained to them.

"Then that means..." his eyes widen as he realized what it meant. "A tsunami!"

"Their combined powers could create a Tsunami Wave." Twilight said as she looked to the battlefield.

"And it could be much worse if they unleash an Aquos Siege, which I'm pretty sure they have." Rarity added.

Dan looked at the battlefield. "Here's the deal guys, our only hope is to defeat them, and the quicker the better."

"No Dan..." Marucho objected. "We must secure our position and make a stand against them."

"Are you nuts?" Dan asked him.

"Trust me, I believe my calculations are correct." Marucho said to him with a reassuring smile.

Dan looked at him feeling uncertain, but he had to trust in his friends instincts. "Yeah, okay... I think I know what you're getting at. So we better get started before we lose another Bakugan." he pulled out another Gate Card. "Gate Card Set!" he tossed it to the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot Serpenoid onto the field. "Serpenoid Stand!" he called out as Serpenoid emerged on the field, hissing at its opponents.

"Gate Card Set!" Jewls tossed it onto the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot Saurus back onto the field. "Saurus Stand!" she called out as Saurus emerged onto the field.

"So... seeing that its your plan, its your move." Dan said to Marucho.

"I believe its very simple. As you can see, we have your Pyrus, my Aquos, and if we add the light Attribute Haos onto the battlefield, it will complete our line of defense." Marucho explained to him and Rarity.

Twilight rubbed her chin trying to think it through. "Fire, Water, Light..." then it finally hit her. "The Triangle of Hexagonel Magic Circle, Marucho you're a genius!" she complimented him.

Dan was surprised that she figured it out. "Wow, I am totally clueless! But I'm guessing what ever this triangle thingy is, it'll boost our power."

"Something like that, we just need Preyas, he's our Haos source." Marucho pointed out, only to get a different reaction from Preyas.

"ME?! You're kidding! Are you saying you want me to go in there and risk being sent into the Doom Dimension?! No not me! No way!" he declined to go into that battle.

"YES!" Dan, Marucho and Rarity objected against his answer. Preyas meanwhile... was slack jawed and was mentally screaming.

"So, you ready to go?" Marucho asked him.

Preyas frantically panicked, and simply answered... "No!"

"But we're counting on you!" Marucho said to him.

"If you go in there Preyas, I'll give you a nice warm kiss on the cheek." Rarity used her charm on him.

As much as Preyas wanted to refuse, but who would pass up that opportunity? "Oh alright, fine."

Marucho loaded him into the Bakushooter. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot him to the field, but in the process, Preyas was spinning out of control. But he managed to land on the field safely. "Preyas Stand!" he called out as Preyas emerged on the field.

But in the way he appeared, Japanese dojo doors slid open, and he was holding an umbrella. He turned to them with his signature grin. "Mind if I play?" he made his voice sound like a girl, getting a few laughs from Pinkie Pie, but irritating Marucho.

"Be serious!" he yelled at him.

"Do you mind?! This is my party!" he focused his power readying to change his attribute. He leaped into the air as his body started to glow. "Change of Attribute!" his skin changed to match the Darkus Attribute. "What do you think? Too much?"

Marucho snapped. "CUT IT OUT!" he yelled seeing him land. "You idiot! You morphed into Darkus, we needed Haos!"

Preyas panicked knowing he made a mistake. "I can't do anything right can I?" he admitted to them in the form of a question.

Jenny and Jewls watched as he panicked. "Not the brightest Bakugan..." Jewls said out loud.

Preyas turned sharply towards her with an intense glare. "Hey! I heard that!"

"Gate Card Open now!" Jewls called out as the Gate Card glowed, empowering Saurus as it roared out. Preyas saw it look to him with a fierce glare and he started sweating bullets. "Saurus Power level increase." said the Bakupod.

Preyas screamed as loud as he could and ran away from Saurus. "I'm in a little trouble here! Someone or somepony call 9-1-1 if its not too much trouble! HUUURRRRYYYYY!!!!!!!" he cried out for help.

Marucho looked at his Bakupod. "Oh no..." he saw that Water Refrain has been negated.

"That's bad isn't it?" Pinkie Pie asked them.

"Do something Marucho!" Dan said to him.

"Ability Card Activate! Time to combined Darkus and Pyrus, and to bend the rules a bit, lets welcome one more Darkus Bakugan to the field!" Marucho called out and looked to Rarity. "Rarity now!"

"Right then! Bakugan Brawl!" she shot out her Bakugan onto the field. "Siege Stand!" she called out as Darkus Siege emerged on the field twirling its spear. "Hope you girls don't mind me crashing the party."

Preyas and Siege were being powered up by Pyrus Serpenoid. "Whoa I'm freaking out man!" Preyas exclaimed feeling his power grow. "Preyas Power Level 400 G's, Siege power level 460 G's." the Bakupod informed them. Preyas' muscles flex and he formed a grin across his face. "Alright buddy... time for you to get hurt!" he launched a barrage of punches against Saurus and gave it a right uppercut launching it into the air. "He's all yours Siege!" he called out as Siege leaped into the air twirling his spear, Saurus panicked as Siege swung his spear smack Saurus back down to the ground forcing it back into Ball Form.

The JJ Dolls were shocked at what happened. "No way! They took him down!" Jenny exclaimed.

Preyas laughed at them as he and Siege reverted to Ball Form returning to their partners. "Boy, that was too close for comfort! I almost lost my Preyas! Luckily I remembered to link up the Pyrus and Darkus forces at the last minute to pull it off." Marucho said as he held Preyas.

"Oh please... I was in control the whole time." Preyas boasted to them.

Meanwhile, the Brawlers and the Ponies all shot a glare at him. "WHY YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BAKUGAN!" they all yelled at him in unison.

"A careless display Preyas!" Drago yelled at him.

"Hey lighten up would ya? After all I did win!" Preyas exclaimed to him.

"Well in this case you can forget about that kiss." Rarity said to him.

"AW COME ON!!!" Preyas complained to her, meanwhile Spike smirked as he pulled out a score board of him verses Preyas. He placed one mark on his side of the score board.

"Hey Rarity! Holler out girl, because those were sweet moves back there. It was nice seeing you play against the sisters who back up what they're saying!" Jewls called out to the Rarity.

"Yeah, you the bomb girl!" Jenny said to her.

"And this battle is about to end!" Jewls added to it.

Rarity tensed up knowing what was coming. "I have a feeling you've got something up your sleeves." she suggested.

Jenny pulled out a Gate Card and tossed it to the field. "You're right about that, Gate Card set! Bakugan Brawl! Aquos Siege!" she called out as she shot it to the field.

"Aquos Siege?!" Marucho panicked.

"I had a funny feeling they weren't finished with us yet." Dan said as he watched Siege emerge on the field.

"That is so no good, with three Aquos Bakugan on the field, we both know what that means." Pinkie said as she watched the battle.

Jenny giggled a bit. "I love this game!"

"Hey girl, time to get your surf on!" Jewls said to her.

"Ability Card Activate! Tsunami Wave!" Jenny called out as Siege focused his power, summoning a giant Tsunami.

"Heads up!" Dan exclaimed as the wave charged at all the Bakugan on the field, sweeping them away from the field and taking them into the Doom Dimension.

The Brawlers and the Mane Six were shocked of what happened. "There was nothing in the Bakugan Handbook about giant waves!" Preyas panicked from what he saw.

"Hey you two, that's cheating!" Dan yelled at them only to get a couple of giggles from them.

"Oh, sorry about that boys..." Jenny gave a fake apology.

"Yeah, our bad!" Jewls teased only to finally get on some ponies bad side.

"That's does it..." the JJ Dolls looked to Rarity who was starting to grow angry. "I thought I could reason with you two... but its clear to me that all you two care about is this battle that you cannot see that you're hurting innocent Bakugan...!" Rarity said as tears brimmed in her eyes, Jenny and Jewls saw it clear as day as they slowly began to realize they went too far. Rarity shot a glare at them. "Time to get this battle started!"

"Present standings, battle tied at one game each." the Bakupod informed them. "So what do you say we play by their rules?" Dan asked them as Rarity and Marucho nodded to them. "Gate Card set!" Dan tossed his gate Card to the field. "Its up to you Drago... Bakugan Brawl! he shot Drago to the field. "Drago Stand!" he called out as Drago emerged in his true form, roaring out in anger.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Jewls shot her Subterra Centipoid to the field. "Centipoid Stand!" she called out as Centipoid emerged on the field.

"Okay, Gate Card open!" Dan called out.

"Ring of Flame!" Drago roared out as a ring of fire circled around them. "Drago power increase to 420 G's."

"Do it Drago! I boosted your power level to 420 G's! And your Fire Attribute should squash that bug big time!" Dan called out as Drago roared out.

Meanwhile, Jewls pulled out an Ability Card. "Ability Card Activate! Hooking up Subterra to Aquos!" she called out.

Dan panicked seeing it happen. "Oh no!" he looked to his Bakupod seeing Centipoids power level. "Centipoid Power Level 440 G's."

"Ability Card Activate! Attractor!" Jewls called out as a gap opened in the ring of flames. "Check it you guys, we just linked out Bakugan to battle together!" she said to them as Siege joined Centipoid to battle Drago.

Dan's eyes widen from seeing it. "Impossible... that makes it two against one!" he exclaimed as he saw them join forces. "There's no way we stand a chance..."

Challenger increase to 530 G's." the Bakugpod informed them. "Sorry, but you lose again." Jewls said to him.

"Not yet!" Marucho called out to them gaining Dan's and Rarity's attention. "Watch and learn! Counter Ability Activate! I'm betting if I reverse the diagonal relationship, and hook up Pyrus with Darkus, it neutralizes a counter attack." he explained as both Preyas and Darkus Siege enter the battlefield.

Preyas and Darkus Siege entered the battle, and of course Preyas made his entrance through the dojo again. "Ready or not..." he turned to them with a smirk holding his umbrella "Yoohoo! Mr. Dragon! I've heard a rumor you're looking for two dance partners."

"You're wearing on me Preyas." Drago said to him bluntly.

"Hey no fair! Since when is it okay for Preyas and Darkus Siege to crash the party?! Don't you know its against the rules?! I want to launch an official protest!" Jenny cried out.

"Ah put a sock in it red! Or I'm gonna fly over there and slap you si-" Rainbow's mouth was forcefully closed by Twilight.

Jewls looked at her Bakupod. "According to the rules, you can use a diagonal move to counter attack." she explained to Jenny, causing her to gasp in shock.

Preyas smirked as he prepared for a little costume change. "Change of Attribute! Darkus!" he called out as he switched from Aquos to Darkus.

Marucho looked to his Counter Ability Card seeing it glow. "Its working!" he called out.

Drago roared out feeling his power combined with Preyas and Darkus Siege. "Sensing power surge." the Bakupod informed Jenny and Jewls as they screamed at the top of their lungs. "Drago, Ability Card Activate!"

"Boosted Dragon!" Drago called out as his body was surrounded by flames.

The JJ Dolls screamed in terror seeing it. "THIS IS WORSE THAN A BAD HAIR DAY!" Jewls cried out. "Combined Powers to 1020 G's." the Bakupod informed them. Drago roared out and blasted both Aquos Siege and Centipoid, forcing them into Ball Form and claiming victory.

He, Preyas and Darkus Siege reverted back to Ball Form and returned to their partners. "Yeah! We did it! Didn't we?!" Marucho cheered out.

Rarity watched as Marucho hugged Dan like an older brother, she smiled at it but soon looked to Jenny and Jewls seeing them sigh in defeat. "At least we're popular..." they said in unison and returned to the real world.

Runo looked at them curiously but noticed Dan was smiling. "Too easy..." he said as Runo rushed to them.

"Come on, so tell me guys, did you win?" she asked them only to receive a nod from Dan.

Rarity looked to the JJ Dolls and walked to them. "Girls... I know you love this game, but if you ask me, battling for that creep Masquerade is not the smartest thing in the world to do." she explained to them.

Marucho walked up. "But if you ask me, if you two ever want to ho-" his mouth was soon covered by Rarity's hoof.

"You're much too young for that Marucho." she said to him.

Jewls smiled and walked up to Rarity and kneeled down petting her on the head. "Who cares about that guy when there's these two hunky homeboys like Dan and Marucho to battle? And one special pony who helped them out." she said to her with a warm smile but it faded a bit. "Also, we're sorry for making you lose your cool..."

"Yeah, what we did was wrong, after all the kind words you've given us... we only repaid it with a battle with Doom Cards and sending your Bakugan to the Doom Dimension." Jenny said as she and Jewls looked down with regret.

Rarity looked at them and knew that they meant it. She smiled and use her magic to fix up their dresses noticing they were covered with dust. "Its alright darlings, but the next time you want to battle, please leave the Doom Cards out of it."

"You got it Rare." Jewls said with a smile.

Jenny touched her shoulder. "Yo, yo girlfriend, we gotta roll." she said to her.

Jewls quickly realized they're almost late. "That's right! I can't believe we forgot all about it!"

"What's wrong girls?" Rarity asked them.

"We've got a show tonight!" the JJ Dolls exclaimed as they took off their Bakushooters and ran off. "Super Sing Sound Extravaganza Rocks! See ya guys!"

Drago watched them leave and had a moment of silence. "I fully realized my understanding of your language is limited... however! I believe the word for those two would be... flakes?"

"They were mildly amusing creatures to say the least Drago." Tigrerra said to him.

"They were merely being mislead, we can't blame them for that." Rarity said as she walked up to them.

"What concerns me is the one you call Masquerade." Drago mentioned him.

"Well if you ask me, I say we challenge that varmint to a showdown." Preyas said in a southern accent.

Dan looked to Drago. "Well Drago, what do you think?"

Twilight and the others looked to him knowing they needed to know everything. "Drago, its time you told them what you told us."

When they got back into Marucho's room, they had both Alice and Julie on the screen. "Come on you guys, spill! What is it you want to tell us?" Julie asked anxiously.

"What you're about to hear is something Drago told us the night Dan was preparing to face Masquerade for a second time." Twilight said to them.

"And I believe now is the right time to explain about the universe I come from." Drago said to them.

"You mean Vestroia right?" Dan asked him.

"The place where all Bakugan live?" Runo added to the question.

"That... is correct... Vestroia is a vast dimension comprised of six Attribute worlds. You humans would know them better as Fire, Earth, Light, the Dark Side, Water, and Wind. In the very center of our universe there are two opposing cores, Infinity the source of all Positive Energy, and the Silent Core, the source of all Negative Energy." he explained to them.

"Drago told us that these two opposing forces maintain to equilibrium of their dimension." Twilight added to what Drago was explaining.

"Yes, but there was one Rogue Bakugan who in his lust for control, schemed to seize all the power for himself. This had never happened in our universe before, his name was Naga, and his mission was to penetrate the core and seize the power. But this had never been done before." Drago continued his explaination.

"Somehow however, he didn't succeed and he released all the Negative Energy. It affected the Bakugan, and now it has spilled into the human world." Applejack said as she joined in.

"Aaaand everybody didn't live happily ever after. And that's it, bye-bye." Preyas said to them.

Dan and the brawlers soon gasped in realization. "Aw man, this is all starting to make sense now, all those cards must have fallen through some kind of wormhole or something into our world." Dan suggested. "And the crazy thing is... everyone who found them just thought they were some kind of game... boy were we ever wrong."

"No kidding, you think I came here for my health?" Preyas broke into the conversation as they entered bit of a flashback.

"Before Naga screwed everything up, I was just a cute peace loving Bakugan." Preyas was battling a Pyrus Gargonoid in the flash back. The Gargonoid went to strike him, but Preyas dodged it and flipped backwards landing on his feet. He then charged at the Gargonoid and punched its face rapidly and clobbered it with a strong punch. "KNUCKLE SANDWICH!" he said as Gargonoid was knocked down. He chuckled unaware a Ventus Juggernoid was falling down and it landed right on his head. He groaned and fell down to the ground. "Can't we all just get along...?" He sat back up rubbing his head. "Did anyone... get the number of that bus...?" he asked breaking the fourth wall again.

"Then the next thing I know, I wake up in your world, and thank goodness it wasn't Equestria. I was freaked! My past was a foggy memory... I only knew I had to find myself." he said as the flashback ended.

"Find the cute and cuddly Preyas I remember deep down inside of me. A Bakugan... who loved long walks on the beach, a warm fire and a good book-" before Preyas could finish.

"Gee Preyas, that's almost interesting, but would you mind not interrupting again?" Applejack asked him.

"Sorry Drago, now go ahead and finish your story." Twilight said to him.

"After Naga had disrupted our world, and before the Bakugan began entering yours... there was one human who crossed over, into Vestroia." Drago mentioned to them, but forgot to mention to the Mane Six.

"A human crossed over?! You're serious?!" Dan asked him surprised.

"And you failed to mention that to us?!" Rainbow asked in frustration.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but yes... and he was the one who showed Naga how to enter the center of the world. He opened the portal... that was the last I saw of Naga. Vestroia fell into a world of sheer madness, the Negative power overwhelming the minds and wills of the Bakugan who lived there. The violence escalated, and seemed to be no end to it. That is when I decided to enter your realm and put a stop to this insanity, when I crossed over you were in the middle of one of your games, that was the first you ever saw of me Daniel." Drago explained as they took a trip back down memory lane.

"Yeah I remember... the vision I had a while ago..." Dan mentioned it.

"I had the very same vision, but you two were already bonded partners when we crossed over into your world." Twilight mentioned to them.

"And it seemed real..." Dan said as he looked to Runo.

"Wow, so how long have you been here Tigrerra?" she asked her partner of how long she was on Earth.

"Just after Drago left Vestroia, I followed... I realized my world was about to collapse on itself. And our only hope to save it was to come to your world. Just before I left, I saw the Infinity Core leaving Vestroia to enter your realm forever." she explained to them receiving surprised looks from everyone.

"Naga must have summoned it here, now our mission is to return to two cores, otherwise Vestroia is doomed." Drago exclaimed as he looked down.

"For real...?" Runo asked worriedly.

"We must find the human that corrupted Naga's mind." Drago said to them.

"But who is he?" Rainbow asked him curiously.

"If I remember correctly... its Michael..." Drago mentioned to them.

"Michael who?!" Dan asked anxiously, only to hear a gasp from Julie.

"Whoa! Hang on a sec you guys!" she left the screen and started going through her old books. "Where did I put it?! I just saw it here!" she said in frustration.

Spike watched along with the Mane Six and looked to them. "She's gonna have some major cleaning up to do."

"Very..." Rarity agreed with him.

Julie reappeared on the screen. "Okay, you guys are not gonna believe this. Check this out!" she held up an old 7th grade science book.

"Yeah, uh... I hate to break it to you, but that's just your 7th grade science book." Runo said bluntly.

"For your information Runo, I'm not as dumb as you look!" Julie said to her in the form of an insult seeing her crash on the ground.

Twilight saw it and placed her hoof against her face and sighed. "Here we go..."

Runo got back up screaming with her eyes turned red and she held up a large hammer. "I'M NOT STUPID!" she yelled as she was about ready to smash the screen.

Applejack immediately snared her with her lasso tying her up. "Easy there Runo!"

"Yeah, besides I think I know who Michael is!" Julie opened up the book and showed a picture. "Is this the dude?" she asked Drago.

Drago immediately recognized him. "Yes! That's him! That's him!" he said as he hopped into the air. Meanwhile, Alice gasped in shock and disbelief, this did not go unnoticed from Fluttershy, not one bit.

"Who is he?" Pinkie asked curiously.

"That's Dr. Michael Gehabich, the multi gazillionaire scientist, last I heard he went missing a couple years ago." Marucho explained.

Rainbow snickered at seeing his picture. "The guys a total geek!" she said as she started laughing only to get a magic zap from Twilight.

"So, what do you know about this guy?" Spike asked as he leaped onto Marucho's desk.

"He needs a total makeover and fast before I-" before Preyas could finish, Marucho grabbed him just to shut him up.

"Would you zip it?! You're not helping the situation with your lame jokes Preyas, okay?!" he looked to Dan and Runo. "I know this is gonna sound kind of weird, but do you guys think its possible that when this Dr. Michael went missing, he really crossed over to Vestroia?" he asked them curiously.

Twilight thought about it for a moment, meanwhile Dan found it hard to believe. "Seems to far fetched to me."

"But it might be possible Dan, I mean he is a scientist in your world." Twilight mentioned to him.

"Wait a sec you guys, you think there's a connection between Masquerade and this Doctor guy?" Runo asked them curiously.

"Well if there is, we're gonna have to beat the information out of him if we ever see him again." Rainbow said to them.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy yelled at her disapprovingly, but soon noticed that Alice's expression fell into a form of sadness. She wondered what could be bothering her, but she chose to hide it from the others knowing it might be a personal matter.

Elsewhere, in Masquerade's hideout, he was looking at the scores, but was soon contacted by someone. "This is Hal-G..." a face formed from the wall Masquerade sat in front of. "Hows my little plan coming along... Masquerade?" he asked him.

"Well... lets just say that you have nothing to worry about, Hal-G." Masquerade said with a dark chuckle as he looked back at the screen. "The more we battle, the more our Bakugan evolve, and soon the Infinity core will be ours." he continued to chuckle darkly.

"And what of those ponies that are with the brawlers? They seem to be learning about Bakugan quicker than expected." Hal-G said to him.

"They won't be much of a problem... I have special plans for them. Especially the on called Twilight Sparkle." Masquerade said with a devious smirk.

At Alice's house, she gasped in shock as she woke up from her nap. She didn't know what to think of the situation as she looked to the picture of her and Michael Gehabich. "After all these years... no grandfather Michael, you in Vestroia? It... it can't be!" she cried out lowering her head.

"Yes, yes, the Infinity Core will be ours." Masquerades voice called out from where he was hiding.

Meanwhile, back at Marucho's place, Dan and the others were enjoying their time with each other, but Fluttershy was all by her lonesome. Twilight noticed it and walked over to her. "Fluttershy? What's wrong?" she asked her.

Fluttershy had a moment of silence for was lost in thought. "There's something going on with Alice... she... she looked as if she was shocked or surprised. I can't explain it, but I think it has something to do with Dr. Michael." she said as she looked to her. "It was as if she knew him."

"But how does she know him? Old science teacher perhaps?" Twilight suggested as she thought it through.

"I don't know... but what ever it is, we need to hear it from Alice... when she gets a chance to tell us what's bothering her." Fluttershy said as she looked out.

Dan rushed up to them and found them. "Guys! You gotta see this!" he said as he grabbed them pulling them back inside.

"Whoa! Dan, what's the big rush?!" Twilight asked him.

"Just watch." Marucho turned on the screen showing Jenny and Jewls.

"Hey ya'll, we're sorry for disappearing on you earlier, but there was a reason for it." Jenny explained to them.

"We needed some time to come up with something new, a song that is for a really close friend of ours. And Rarity... if you're watching... we want to thank you again, for everything you did." Jewls said to the camera.

Rarity gasped in surprise hearing her name. She watched as the lights dimmed on the stage, and music began to play in the background.

(Thank You for Being a Friend from My Little Pony the Movie)


If you threw a party

And invited everyone you knew


You would see the biggest gift would be from us

And the card attached would say

Jenny & jewls;

Thank you for bein' a friend


We count on you and you count on us

It's as easy as one-two-three


And we're connected eternally

Let's dance around by the firelight

And catch the stars falling from the sky

Tell your secrets, and we'll tell you ours

Jenny & Jewls;

Out of seven billion people in the world

Can't believe that we found you (Hey! Hey!)

We know you've got my back and we've got yours

Call on us and we'll remind you (Yeah, you da best!

Yeah, if you threw a party

And invited everyone you knew

You would see the biggest gift would be from me

And the card attached would say

Thank you for bein' a friend

The Brawlers and the Mane Six watched in amazement of what they're seeing, Rarity was more astounded that this song was mostly meant for her. She gave a proud smile to the two pop stars.

Backup Singers;

A friend, a friend

Thank you for bein' a friend

A friend, a friend

Thank you for bein' a friend


You understand without sayin' a word

Your heart is gold, but you put us first

And helped us reach for what we deserve

Jenny & Jewls;

Out of seven billion people in the world

Can't believe that we found you (Hey! Hey!)

And just in case you're feeling insecure

Call on us and we'll remind you (we will remind you!)

And if you threw a party

And invited everyone you knew

You would see the biggest gift would be from us

And the card attached would say

Thank you for bein' a friend

Backup Singers;

A friend, a friend

Thank you for bein' a friend

A friend, a friend

Thank you for bein' a friend

Jenny & Jewls and their Backup Singers;

So c'mon, call anyone over

They'll tell you the same thing we told ya

We'll always be shoulder to shoulder

I gotcha, I gotcha

So c'mon, call anyone over

They'll tell you the same thing we told ya

We'll always be shoulder to shoulder

I gotcha, I gotcha

Jenny & Jewls;

And if you threw a party

And invited everyone you knew

You would see the biggest gift would be from us

And the card attached would say

Thank you for bein' a friend

Backup Dancers;

A friend, a friend

Thank you for bein' a friend

A friend, a friend

Jenny & Jewls;

Thank you for bein' a friend

The crowd cheered for them, as did the Brawlers and the Mane Six, for they were literally blown away from what happened. "Wow, that was beyond awesome!" Dan exclaimed.

"Yeah, and I take back what I said about picking Sapphire Shores, these girls ROCK!" Rainbow cried out.

Meanwhile, Rarity continued to smile proudly as tears formed in her eyes.. "Oh, thank you girls..."

"Hope ya'll enjoyed it!" Jenny said to both the crowd and the camera.

"And have a great night." Jewls added to it.

"Cause this is Jenny and Jewls, Super Sing Sound Extravaganza signing off!" they said in unison as the crowd cheered for them.

"Wow, those girls really know how to make it big in the spotlight." Marucho said with a bright blush on his face.

"Yeah, definitely two angels from heaven." Dan said as he watched them.

Meanwhile Runo was still angry that they're being all gaga over them, she glanced to Twilight with eyes that were easy to read. "Normally I would knock some sense in to them... but, go nuts." Twilight said to her.

Runo smirked as she grabbed both Dan and Marucho by the head. "GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF THE CLOUDS YOU NUMBSKULLS!" she yelled as she started clobbering them, hearing them scream in pain. The Mane Six couldn't help but laugh at the scene as Runo went crazy.

Author's Note:

Hey, this is Runo! Coming up on the next Bakugan Legends of Equestria, we head to the airport to pick up Alice. Even Dan is there, sort of... that's where we meet two brothers, Takashi and Kosuke who challenge us to a brawl. Marucho is totally pumped about the battle, and everything starts out okay, I just hope Fluttershy has what it takes to convince these boys to reconsider their decisions. How does it end? Well... you'll just have to figure it out for yourself. On the next episode of Bakugan Legends of Equestria. Trust me, this ones gonna be wicked. Bakugan Brawl! Lets do this!

(Hey guys, sorry I took long, but it took me a while to finish this. Basically I combined both episodes because they're pretty much the same episode all together, hope you guys like it.)