• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,388 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Julie Plays "Hard Brawl"

Night fell over as Marucho's plane landed. But within his room, Marucho was having a dream. It was of Preyas... of how they would spend time with each other. Like spending a day at the beach. "Surf's up!" Marucho exclaimed as he dove into the water. "Hey! Check it out! I can barely touch the bottom over here!" he said to Preyas.

"Cool! I'll just dive right in! Just as soon as I find water passed my ankles!" Preyas said to him as he ran through the water into deeper water. He leaped in and fell into the water next to Marucho. "BELLY FLOP!!!" he exclaimed as Marucho screamed from the wave. On the beach, they were making the largest sand castle the could build. But Preyas was holding Marucho by his swim shorts. "Ha! Wedgy!" he laughed.

Marucho was also laughing at the moment. "Stop that!" he said to him.

They soon took a picture of relaxing on the beach. "This umbrella came with my drink." Preyas said to him. He soon grabbed his surf board and hit the waves. "Hey look at me! I'm King Surfer!" he said only to fall into the water.

Marucho laughed at the scene and sat up. "Oh yeah? Who crowned you, your board?" he asked only to lookg at nothing but ocean. Everything was starting to grow dark. "Where did you go...?" he ran towards the shore looking for him. "Preyas stop goofing around! Where are you?!" his dream... soon turned into a nightmare as he snapped out of it waking up in the real world. "Oh no..." he looked down remembering.

Hearing it, Pinkie Pie woke up and looked to him. "Hey kiddo... what's up...?" she asked him.

Tears brimmed in his eyes remembering the battle with Klaus. "It was just a dream..." he closed his eyes as his tears ran down his cheek.

"Oh Marucho, please don't cry." Pinkie said as she tried to comfort him.

"Listen to her Marucho... listen, we both know what you're going through. But that doesn't mean you have to give up, Preyas could be waiting for you to save him." Scylla said to him trying to lift his spirits.

Trying to calm down, Marucho looked to her. "Really...?" he asked.

"Is this the face of a Bakugan who would lie to you?" Scylla asked him knowing she can't really show her expression. "Come on kiddo, dry up those tears. Don't let Preyas see you acting like this." she said to him.

For the moment, Marucho didn't know how to feel... but he dried up his tears and smiled at her. "Right!" he responded with a bright smile, which also brought a smile to Pinkie's face. She watched as Marucho went back to sleep, she did so as well to get enough sleep. But one thought began racing through her mind... how will they get Preyas back...?

The next morning, everyone was wide awake, waiting for the one word they love to hear. "Breakfast! Come and get it while its hot!" Julie called out the other others as Kato and Alice along with Fluttershy carried the dishes to the table for everyone to eat.

Alice eventually looked to Shun knowing he'll be hungry. "Come on Shun, you'll need to keep up your strength too." she said to him seeing him meditate. He took a moment but he eventually stood up and walked to the table.

Dan arrived at the table and saw what was on the menu. "Whoa! Real sausages?!" he went to grab them only to get smacked on the hand by Runo. "OW!" he cried out.

"Yeah, so pretend you have some real manners." she said to him with a firm expression.

Rarity meanwhile looked to the plane seeing Marucho walk off. "Oh dear..." she noticed just how sad he was. "I can only assume that he didn't get much beauty sleep."

"You may be right Lady Rarity... its only been a day since his battle with Klaus." Lancelot said to her.

"I can't only imagine what's going through his mind right now." Spike muttered.

Runo immediately put on a crooked smile to hide her worry. "Good Morning Marucho!" she said to Marucho as he approached the table.

Getting out of his gloominess, he put on a smile to make sure everyone didn't worry. "Oh, good morning Runo..."

"You okay there sugar...? You were looking a little gloomy there..." Applejack said to him feeling concerned.

"Don't worry, I'll be alright AJ. Really I will." Marucho assured her.

The Mane Six looked to each other knowing something is up, they even looked to Pinkie. "Pinkie, you were in his room last night, you know what happened... don't you...?" Twilight asked her.

Panicking, Pinkie Pie chuckled nervously of the situation. "S-Sorry Twilight... but this morning, Marucho made me Pinkie Promise not to tell anyone, or anypony... sorry." she said to them.

As everyone started eating, Runo soon thought about something back at Masquerade's hide out. "You know... I've been thinking, remember that world wide data we saw...?" she asked them.

Twilight used her magic to form a photographic memory of what she saw. "By this data, it showed that Hydranoid is dangerously close to being the Ultimate Bakugan."

"But that's Masquerade's Bakugan..." Fluttershy reminded them.

"The Infinity Core needs to fuse with an Ultimate Bakugan." said Shun.

"So basically we need to up out game and build one fast before they beat us to it." said Rainbow as she ate her salad and apparently had her mouth full in the process.

Scowling... Rarity knew that her bad manners haven't changed, just like Dan's. "Rainbow, would it hurt for you to not talk with your mouth full...?" she asked her and looked to Shun. "Can I have some of the butter please...?" she asked him as he passed the butter to her.

Meanwhile the Bakugan stood next to one another. "We have to stop Masquerade from getting to the Infinity Core." Skyress said to them.

"Or else Naga will get his hands on both the Infinity Core and the Silent Core." said Tigrerra.

Drago nodded his head. "Putting Vestroia and the Human World into jeopardy." he said to them. "We must act swiftly..."

"Drago's right... all we've been doing is shedding tred... we need action." said Dan. "And I say we make Drago our Ultimate Bakugan."

"Well, as long as we can all agree." said Twilight.

"Agreed! We'll ditch this tea party and get some real action!" said Dan feeling eager. Catching everyone, except for Shun by surprise. "And I know just the place to get the Brawl rolling, Masquerades European Lair. Yes, we'll take it by storm! That's if Marucho can pinpoint the location." he started walking toward him.

"Hold on there Dan..." Applejack tried to stop him.

"N-No..." Marucho simply replied to him.

"If Masquerade doesn't get taken out soon, it will be the end for all of us." said Dan.

Hesitant... Marucho was reluctant to tell them. "I... I can't remember..." he lied to him.

"Marucho, you gotta remember, come on, snap out of it!" Dan said to him only to be pulled away from him by Twilight's magic. "Hey, what's the big idea?!"

"Don't preasure him Dan, he's been through a lot remember...?" Twilight asked.

"Y-Yeah but-" before Dan could talk to Marucho...

"I'm sorry... but I can't deal with this right now!" Marucho immediately ran back to the plane.

"But, Marucho come back!" Dan only watched as Marucho ran inside to be alone.

"Leave him alone... I think he's gone through enough without you harrassing him like a criminal." Runo said to Dan. "He just lost his best friend Preyas, what do you espect?"

"Come on! He's got to man up and move on, Masquerade's destroying Bakugan as we speak. Its a tough break but we have a mission, so he'll just have to get over it." he responded to her.

"Dan, hold on-" before Rainbow could interject however.

"Nice attitude, jeez why don't you get over it and cut him some slack?" Runo replied.

"Cause we're not running a daycare! So maybe we'll just roll without him." Dan suggested.

Snapping from hearing it. "How can you even think of blowing him off at a time like this?!" Runo retaliated.

The Mane Six could only watch as they argue. "If those two get married... I can only imagine how their kids will turn out." Rainbow said to the others.

"Lets not get any idea's Rainbow, besides the writer wouldn't be too happy about it if you thought about it." Pinkie said to her earning confused looks from the others.

"What writer...?" Dan asked.

"No body!" Pinkie put on a convincing smile on her face.

Julie meanwhile lowered her head thinking about Marucho. "Maybe Marucho should stay behind..." everyone looked to her surprised. "I know he'll pull through... he always does. Right now isn't the time for him to come around, we have to move on." she said to them.

"Julie..." Runo looked at her.

"You don't understand, Billy was my best friend forever! Growing up, he was always there for me! So I've gotta be there for him now that he's under Masquerade's control." Julie stood up from her seat slamming her hands on the table. "I can't just sit here waiting for things to happen when I know there is something that I can do!" she said to them.

Walking up to her, Applejack set stoof up on her hind legs and leaned against the table. "Julie's right... Marucho's friend may be gone, but there is still a chance we can save Billy." she said to them.

"So I say we should leave without him!" sid Julie.

"Not what I would have said, but still..." Applejack gave her a look.

Tears started to brim inside Runo's eyes from hearing it. "Y-You're there for your friends...?!" feeling both sadness and anger, Julie just hit a nerve. "What about Marucho?!!" she snapped at her.

"Runo..." Fluttershy was surprised by her outburst.

"Oh boy, this is gonna get ugly..." Spike quickly backed away.

"Spare me your lame excuses! You made your choice! NOW GO!!!" Runo yelled at her as tears were in her eyes.

Shocked by what was happening, Twilight took the chance to intervene. "Everyone calm down... I know what Julie said was wrong, but we can't fight amongst ourselves." she said to them hoping for a good response.

"Sorry Twilight, but we're gonna need some time away from Runo's mellow drama... come on Julie..." Dan said to her and walked away with Julie. So much for staying calm.

"Wait, come back here! Dan!" Alice tried to call them back, but there was no chance of it.

"Shun, go and get him!" Skyress pleaded to him. "It is your responsibility as a brawler."

Shun took a sip from his water and set his cup down. "Sometimes things need to be worked out between friends... even if they can be hard to work with sometimes." he said to her.

Right at that moment, Twilight let out a scream of anger. "HUMANS ARE SO STUBBORN!!!" she exclaimed and flew into the plane to plant her face in a pillow.

Seeing it happen, Applejack looked to the others. "I'll go check on Dan and Julie... you guys make sure Twilight doesn't wreck her room." she ran off to find Dan and Julie.

"Be careful!" Rainbow said to her and walked to the plane. But she soon looked to Shun who stayed calm through the situation. "How can you be so calm about this? Our friends are literally at each others throats right now..."

"Its simple Rainbow... when there's conflict, I must learn to remain calm should a situation get too critical. But should I need to intervene when necessary, I will." he said to her. "Besides... Julie didn't really mean what she said."

In the forest, Dan was marching through the tree's fuming in anger of what happened. "UGH!!! She makes me so mad I could just YELL!!!" he exclaimed.

At that time, Applejack walked up to him. "Dan, I get you're a little uptight right now, but Runo was only upset because of what Julie said." she said to him.

"Yeah but-" Dan is soon interrupted by the sound of crying as he and Applejack looked to Julie, who was crying her eyes out. "Oh not you too..." he couldn't bare to see her like this. "Uh... you kinda got some make up stuff running down your face..." he pulled out a handkerchief and offered it to her. "Here's a hankie..."

"Come on now Julie, take it... pretty sure he isn't gonna want it back. Trust me..." Applejack said to her as she looked to Dan.

Julie sniffed to clear her nose and used Dan's handkerchief to clean her face. Dan meanwhile, walked a safe distance from her to let out his anger. "I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!! I don't know where we're going, or even where we are!" he cried out only to hear something in a bush. He looked to it and freaked out from what came out, and guess what... its a deer! It stared at him for a bit and took off. "Jeez, what is this...? A Petting Zoo's attack?"

Applejack saw how freaked out he was she let out a chuckle. "Wow Dan, I never thought you'd get scared by a deer. You looked like a cat with its hairs standing up." she laughed at the situation. Even Julie started to laugh.

Dan noticed and began to smile. "Well look what we found, your sense of humor." he said to her.

"I know, and your silly reaction has given my an idea. I think I know where we can look for Billy." Julie said as she smiled brightly at her friends.

But Dan was mostly surprised from what she said and started to wonder. "Uh, exactly how...?" he asked.

"Yeah Julie, in case ya forgot... he's probably half way cross the world." Applejack said to her.

Julie winked to them with a giggle. "Oh you'll see..."

Back at the plane, Runo was still sulking from what Julie said earlier. "Dan makes me so frustrated when he goes totally alpha dog on us. Ugh! Why do I even care?! Even Julie's chasing him like a lost puppy following him everywhere!" she complained as everyone watched her.

"Runo darling, we all know you're upset... but don't you think you're being a little too hard on them...?" Rarity asked her wondering if she's either really upset, or jealous.

"Rarity's right Runo... I mean... really all Julie wants is to get her friend back from Masquerade." Alice said to her.

"She's got a point there... in fact Alice felt the same way with what happened to her and her grandfather." said Fluttershy as she rested her hooves on the table.

Twilight finally walked out after letting all her anger out on a pillow, she even overheard what they were saying. "In other words, they understand what Julie is going through. Trust me its hard... one time I found that my sister in law was abducted by a Changeling Queen and tried to marry my brother, I was upset to the point I tried stopping the wedding."

Meanwhile in Equestria, Shining Armor was looking through the archives in the Bakugan Temple, but suddenly his nost started twitching, and he let out a sneeze causing bats to fly through the temple. "Wow... that came out of no where..." he said to himself and continued his studies.

"But we managed to stop Chrysalis, and the wedding went back on schedule. Now Cadance is my sister, and I'm glad I didn't get a changeling queen for one..." Twilight shuddered from the thought of it.

Runo stayed quiet for a moment, but she sighed and decided to speak up. "Yeah..." just when things were calm... "WELL MAYBE SEEING YOUR FRIENDS TAKE SIDES IS HARDER!!!" she screamed at them. So much for things being calm...

"Runo... we're sorry..." Alice lowered her head and stood up. "I'm going to go check on Marucho... you coming Fluttershy...?" she asked as she walked away.

"Coming..." she followed her into the plane.

Lowering her head, Runo couldn't help but feel regret for yelling at Alice. "I can't believe this... we... we should be coming together to help Marucho, not be fighting over it." she said to herself. Rolling up to her, Tigrerra opened up and looked to her. "I mean... if I... if I lost Tigrerra, I don't... I don't know... I just don't know..." she closed her eyes as tears fell.

"My dear..." Tigrerra started to worry about her.

Shun took another sip of his tea. "Tell me something... didn't Daniel once lose his temper and ended up throwing Drago into the river...?" he asked her catching everyone by surprise.

"What?!! How did you know that?!" Rainbow asked in shock. "There's no way you could have known that!" she exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'm just saying, that Dan already knows what its like to have lost his own personal Bakugan." Shun said to her and the others. He eventually opened his eyes starring at his tea. "Perhaps I give him too much credit, because losing it temporarily and losing it forever are two very different things." he set his tea down and walked away to meditate.

Runo watched him go and lowered her head, meanwhile Pinkie Pie had her eyebrows arched from listening. "Did anypony get that...? Because I sure didn't."

"I think what Shun means, is that teamwork is very important, even though it is hard to work with most people." Rarity translated. "Assuming that's what he meant to say.

"His words of wisdom are quite helpful." Lancelot said to her. "But one must wonder what will happen in the future."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, Rainbow soon noticed that Dan hasn't returned with Applejack or Julie. "Hey... shouldn't Dan be back with AJ and Julie by now...? I'm sure they've probably blown off enough steam from what happened earlier." she pointed out.

"Now that you mention it darling, they have been taking quite an awful long time..." Rarity said as she looked out but soon jumped to one conclusion. "Unless Julie is plotting some kind of plan to take Dan as her own and in the future they end up getting married, have kids and-" before she could continue with her panic attack.

Runo grabbed her and shook her like a ragdoll. "THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN, THERE'S NO WAY THAT JULIE IS GONNA GET THE BETTER OF ME!!!" she yelled at her with a bright blush on her face.

Rarity's eyes were spinning around from the shaking. "Right... good point darling..." she shook her head in realizing what she said. "Runo... did I hear you right...?" a smirk formed across her face. "Are you really that jealous of Julie...?"

Panicking from hearing it. "J-Jealous? W-W-Why would I be jealous of that floozy?!" she asked her.

"Well for starters, your face is red..." Rainbow pointed out to her.

"You're stuttering..." said Pinkie.

"And you're in complete denial." Rarity said to her. "You know these facts are all true."

Wanting to deny it, Runo knew they were right. But she couldn't take it, and quickly dashed for the plane. "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!" she cried out as she slammed the door to her room.

The ponies looked to each other and tried to hold in their laughter, but they let it out knowing it cannot be helped. Because one thing was for certain, Runo did care about Dan... she just didn't want to admit it.

In the city near by, Dan, Runo and Applejack were waiting for a certain someone. "You actually sent Billy to Germany besides Australia...?" Dan asked her.

"Uh-huh, and your shocked look so reminded me of his." Julie responded as she thought about a moment between her and Billy when they were still friends.

A while back, Billy and Julie sat next to each other looking at the sunset. "Hey Julie... if you can be anywhere in the world right now... where would it be...?" he asked her.

She thought about it for a second, then looked to him with an answer. "Um, Japan I think..." she replied.

"Good call..." Billy smiled at her.

"What about you Billy...?" she asked him curiously.

He smiled and looked to her. "Me...? I'd pick Germany..." he responded.

"That's when he mentioned this soccer field... where he could catch a cool game." Julie explained to them.

"I get it, he always wanted to come here, I'm surprised you could remember the place Julie." Applejack said to her.

Suddenly out of no where. "I'm surprised you remembered too." Dan and Applejack looked to where the voice came from, and it was Billy himself. He looked to them with the devious smile on his face and started walking toward them.

Glaring at him, Applejack stood her ground preparing for the worst. "Well look what the cat dragged in..." she said to him as she flared her nostrils.

"Always on top of both your games, aren't you...?" Billy asked.

Julie held up her fists in anger. "Oh you asked for it...!" she threatened him.

"Wait...!" Dan stopped her. "Look, you may have been best buds at one time... but this ain't one of those times. And being ranked number ten...? He's out of your league..." he tried to talk her out of it, but he watched as both Billy and Julie held out their cards.

"Sorry Daniel... but I'm taking him down solo... or with Applejack by my side." Julie said to him as she looked to Applejack. "You ready for this...?"

"I'm ready if you are partner." Applejack replied.

But just when things were calm... "ARE YOU BOTH COMPLETELY WHACKED?!!" Dan cried out to them.

"Oh please! You think you know everything, but you don't when it comes to winning people over!" Julie exclaimed. "This requires a slightly different tactic." she winked at him with a smile. "Masquerade may have a grip on Billy, but we're gonna loosen it one thumb at a time."

"Ya better take her word for it Dan... cause this is personal." Applejack advised him.

Dan didn't know what to do, but he knew there was no talking Julie out of it since she made up her mind. "Uh-huh... got it..." he said to them and backed down.

Julie, Applejack and Billy all pulled out their cards and held them out. "Bakugan Field Open!" the called out as they entered the Pocket Dimension battlefield together.

Meanwhile, Billy pulled out the Doom Card to start off the battle. "Doom Card Set!" he tossed it to the field as it absorbed the card. "Hope you got yourself an extra hat Applejack, cause this battles gonna knock it off!"

Gritting her teeth from hearing it, Applejack knew he went to far. "Alright Billy... lets see if your mouth is as fast as your brawling!" she replied to him.

"Gate Card Set!" they threw the cards to the field.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Julie shot in her Subterra Manion to the field. "Manion stand!" she called out as it emerged growling at its opponent.

Billy readied his Bakugan for battle. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot it in his Subterra Centipoid behind Manion landing on the card behind it. "Centipoid Stand!" he called out as Centipoid appeared on the field.

Observing the situation, Dan looked to Julie knowing he had to help in some way. "He's out to bust a move, wild style." he explained to her.

"Gate Card Set!" Julie sent in another Gate Card. "Bakugan Brawl!" she shot in her Subterra Tuskor to the field. "Tuskor Stand!" she called out as it emerged roaring out slamming its giant feet on the ground.

"Ability Card Activate! Atractor Activate!" Billy called out as the ground beneath Manion began to sink beneath it.

"Here it comes!" Drago observed the situation.

"There it goes circling the drain." Dan muttered.

Billy chuckled as Manion slowly sank into the sand pit. "Looks like you fell for my sand trap." he said to her.

"What the...?!" Julie exclaimed as she watched Manion appear on Centipoids field. "I don't get it, why would he appear on Centipoids card? Manion's got a high power level."

"Not quite Julie... look!" Applejack showed her on her Bakupod. "Centipoid leading but 60 G's." said the Bakupod showing the results.

"Gate Card Open! Magma Fuse!" Billy called out as the card began to glow, boosting Centipoids power level. It hissed ferociously and charged at Manion snatching it in its pincers. Centipoid raised him up and threw him straight towards a portal to the Doom Dimension.

Billy watched as Centipoid returned to Ball Form and returned to him, meanwhile the card he one shattered and forced Julie's Tuskor back into Ball Form as well. She caught him and glared at him for what happened, Applejack shared the same look on her face. "That was a dirty move..." she muttered.

"Explain..." Centorea looked to Dan.

"Simple, he just smoked one Bakugan and two cards in one totally killer move." Dan explained.

Billy smirked at them. "You gotta love that Magma Fuse Card... I like how it takes out all the other cards after a fresh battle, leaving a clean scent behind." he explained to them.

Fuming with anger, Julie finally snapped. "You should clean up your own act! Cause you've been fighting dirty!" she exclaimed knowing she was right.

Billy only let out a small laugh from hearing it. "Well you don't make it into the top ten by playing nice." he replied.

Lowering her hat from hearing it... Applejack rose her head glaring at him. "Playing nice...? More like you're playing as Masquerade's sucker instead bucko!" she yelled.

"So what? Now my game is shooting right off the rector scale." Billy replied.

That did it. "And you're completely off your rocker... all Julie wants is the old Billy back, and you just made one mistake. And that is making this cowgirl angry!" Applejack exclaimed.

"That goes double for me! Bakugan Brawl!" Julie tossed Tuskor back onto the field. "Tuskor Stand!" she watched as it emerged on the field.

"Ha! Looks like you're gonna lose again Julie... Bakugan Brawl!" Billy tossed in his Centipoid back onto the field. "Centipoid Stand!" he called out as it emerged on the field. "Gate Card Open! Character Card!" the Gate Card revealed Centipoids Character Card. "Ability Card Activate!" he called out as Centipoid's power boosted up to 520 G's.

Julie gasped in shock from seeing it. "Oh no!" she cried out as Centipoid charged at Tuskor ramming it straight to the Doom Dimension. "No, Tuskor!" she watched as the gateway to the Doom Dimension closed.

Billy meanwhile, caught his partner Centipoid and smirked at them. "Looks like you'll have to forget about him." he chuckled at her situation and pulled out another Gate Card. "Gate Card Set!" he tossed it to the field letting it expand. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed his Centipoid back in. "Centipoid Stand!" he called out as it reemerged on the field. "Centipoid at 750 G's" said the Bakupod.

"This means I only got one left... Gorem, you're my only hope!" Julie said to him.

"Lets show'em how its done." Gorem prepared himself.

"Game on!" Julie was about to pull out her next card.

"Hold it Julie." Applejack stopped her. "Let me take this one... I have a personal score to settle." she said as she looked to the field. Billy went way to far this time, and its time I put him in his place." she said to her with a determined expression.

Julie knew this to be true... so who was she to stop her? "Alright AJ, your move..."

"Lets do this Centorea, Gate Card Set!" Applejack tossed in a Gate Card. "Bakugan BRAWL!!!" she shot her partner out to the field. "Centorea Stand! Last but not least, Ability Card Activate! Power Charge!" she called out as Centorea emerged in her true form glowing with a orange aura around her. Centipoid panicked from seeing it, and got tackled by the sheer force of Centorea's attack. "Both Bakugan Power Level up by 100 G's."

Shocked from seeing it, Billy knew he had to do something. "Centipoid, don't wimp out early!" he yelled at Centipoid.

Centipoid shook off the attack he received and charged at Centorea for what she did. "Not happening Billy boy! Ability Card Activate! Shield Wall!" a large shield formed in front of Centorea as it protected her from Centipoids attacks. "Centipoid Power Level down 50 G's, Centipoid 360 G's. Centorea 530 G's." the Bakupod calculated. "Get'em Centorea!" Applejack exclaimed!

"With pleasure!" Centorea complied as she started charging at Centipoid with her Power Charge Ability still active. Centipoid charged at her to stop her attack, but as Centorea rammed against the insect, Centipoid was sent flying through the air, forced back into ball form. Billy wasn't even stunned from it as he just stood still, Centorea noticed it clear as day. "I know not what runs through thine head Billy Gilbert... but Julie its going through all this trouble to get you back. She cares for thee... and how do you repay her...? By joining the fiend Masquerade and turning into a monster yourself." she said to him as she reverted to ball form returning to Applejack.

Billy at that point should be filled with rage, but he formed a smile across his face. "Well played... into my hands..." he thought to himself.

Dan noticed it and started to get a funny feeling. "Hey what gives...? Why's he smiling...? Didn't he just blow a game...?" he wondered but started to put the pieces together. "Unless... this is some sort of a set up...!"

"You might be right Dan, I don't like this as much as you do." Drago said to him feeling nervous about the situation at hand. Well... in his case, claw.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Billy shot in his next Bakugan which was a Subterra Rattleoid. "Bakugan Stand! Shake'm up Rattloid!" he called out as Rattloid emerged on the field with its tail rattling.

"Okay, no its my turn. Bakugan Brawl!" Julie shot in her partner Gorem to the field. "Gorem ATTACK!!" she said as Gorem's ball form rammed against Rattleoid's forehead and landed on the field. "Gorem Stand!" she called out as Gorem emerged on the field standing over Rattloid. "Rattleoid 310 G's, Gorem 380 G's." the Bakupod informed them.

"Something don't feel right Julie, I'm tellin' ya..." Appejack began feel cautious.

"Ability Card, Activate! Poison Fang!" Billy called out as Rattleoid charged at Gorem biting down on his arm. Gorem struggled to get it off, but felt the affect of Poison Fang. "Ratteloid up 50 G's, Gorem down 50 G's." said the Bakupod as Billy smirked.

But despite being bitten, that didn't stop Gorem from slamming Rattleoid on the ground and throw it in the air like a rag doll. "Ability Card Activate! Gate Building!" she called out as the card behind Gorem appeared behind him. "One more card and I'll double down! Gate Card Open! Grand Spirit Activate!" she called out as the card began to glow.

"Grand Spirit Card...? What the hay...?" Applejack wondered.

"That card rev's up the G-Force by 50 for every card you have on the field." Dan explained to her.

Centorea looked to the field and calculated. "So if she already has two cards..."

"Then she really did double down her 50 to make a hundred." Dan said as he crossed his arms. "G Power Boost to 430 G's." said the Bakupod.

"So how do you like getting your hands dirty under Earth Attribute?!" Julie asked as Gorem pulled his fist back, and threw it landing a powerful punch against Rattleoid. Forcing it into ball form, landing right next to Billy who was unfazed of what happened. Gorem also returned to ball form getting caught by Julie. "Score!"

"Aw yeah!" Dan cheered.

Eventually, Drago noticed Billy smiling again. "Dan... wait..." he advised him.

Dan soon looked to Billy noticing it as well. "He's smiling again...? What is his damage...?" he asked.

"I don't know, but if I know Rattleoid... his ability is probably still in effect." Applejack said to him.

Billy smirked knowing this will be the final battle. "This is the last card, and all three of us have only one Bakugan each. So how bought we finally settle this..." he looked to Julie and Applejack. "All or nothing, you game...?" he asked.

Dan started to slowly realize his plan. "No way! Don't fall for it Julie!"

"He's right Julie, this could be a trap." Applejack agreed with the situation.

But that didn't stop Julie from accepting the challenge. "Okay, then bring on your worst!" she egged him on.

"ARE YA EVEN LISTENING?!!" Dan and Applejack exclaimed.

"With pleasure!" Billy accepted her challenge.

"Final Shot! Bakugan BRAWL!!!" both Julie and Billy shot in their partners.

Billy quickly pulled out an ability card to start off the battle. "Ability Card Activate! Copy Cat!" he called out as it activated for his partner Cycloid.

"Ability Card Activate! Mega Impact!" Julie called out as her partner went into his true form throwing a punch towards Cycloid, but Cycloid copied his ability and threw a punch as well. Colliding against Gorem's attack catching Julie by surprise. "Say what?!!" she panicked.

"Gorem, I admire your specialty... mind if I take it...?!" Cycloid asked as the Gate Card beneath them activated forming an earth landscape.

Dan glared knowing this was going to happen. "That was real slick keeping his Copy Cat card to the T.U.L." (To Use Later.)

"Of course, that's why he sacrificed Rattleoid, to copy the previous ability of Mega Impact." Applejack thought back to the previous battle. "You've been playing us from the start! I even bet you were gonna use Centorea's Power Charge ability too weren't ya?!"

"Why so shocked? I was gonna use Centorea's move, but I figured Gorem would be better. Most of all, it was Julie who was whinning about an even playing field." Billy said to them. Meanwhile, Cycloid and Gorem were exchanging punches against each other.

Julie at that time was holding on for dear life on Gorem's shoulder, she soon looked to her Bakupod to check their power levels. "With both of their Mega Impact's canceling each other out, they both go down 50 G's... but Gorem is still in the lead. Go Gorem!" she cheered only to see his power level go down 50 more G's. "Gorem down 50 G's." the Bakupod calculated. "WHAT?!!"

Billy laughed at how shocked she was. "Seems Rattleoid left behind a little parting gift... the Poison Fang is starting to kick in." he said as he observed it on his Bakupod.

"Poison Fang?!!" Julie cried out remembering what happened. "Oh no... its taking over!" she panicked as Gorem was beginning to lose balance.

"This could be fatal..." Drago muttered.

Gorem soon fell to his knee's feeling the effects of Poison Fang. "Oh no Gorem!" she cried out.

Applejack gritted her teeth seeing it. "Dang it Julie, you should have listened to us!" she yelled.

Struggling to get up, Gorem looked to Julie knowing what might happen. "Julie... you must leave now..." he tried to plead to her.

But Julie shook her head resisting his plea. "No! We're in this together big guy! We're going to stand our ground and fight to the very end!" she replied to him feeling determined.

"But Julie... one more blow, and I'm finished... and you know what that means..." Gorem reminded her of what happened to her two previous Bakugan.

Billy knew that too, but all he could do is smile knowing he was close to victory. "Come on, what are you waiting for...? Do it already Cycloid." he said to his one-eyed partner.

Hesitant, Cycloid looked to his partner feeling unsure of the situation. "Are you sure...? Because I'd be sending him to the Doom Dimension accompanied by that foolish human with him." he said to him.

"I know she's bluffing, she wouldn't have the guts to pull off something like that." Billy assured him as he let out a laugh. "Hey Julie, why don't you drop the bravery act and get off so we can end this fight properly." he said to her.

"Billy, you wouldn't!" Applejack exclaimed. "I swear, if you and Cycloid do the unthinkable, I swear you will be in a world of hurt!" she warned him.

He soon looked to her knowing she meant it. "I'm trying to give her a chance okay...? She can either get off of Gorem, or she can join him in the Doom Dimension... we both know she wouldn't pull a crazy stunt AJ..." Billy looked to Julie. "So how bout it Julie...? you gonna come down or not...?" he asked her.

She was silent for a moment, but Julie looked to him with a glare. "NO!!! I don't care what you say, I'm gonna stay right here with Gorem, and I mean it!" she said to him.

"Ms. Julie, no!" Centorea exclaimed.

"She's serious!" Dan watched the scene.

Watching what she was doing, Billy couldn't help but feel surprised of what she was doing. Julie held onto her partner no matter what he said. "So... go on! Send me into the Doom Dimension if you think winning is so important!" she said to him.

"Why won't she give up? Its over!" Applejack exlcaimed.

"She's testing him..." Drago said to her earning a surprised look frim her. "Finding out if the Billy she once knew still exists... forcing him to choose between triumph and defeat. Because the real Billy would sacrifice victory over harming a friend." he explained to her.

"Yeah but... this ain't no after school special, seriously, what happens if he gives the word to attack?" Applejack asked him hoping to get a positive answer.

"If that happens, then Julie will be banished to the Doom Dimension for all eternity!" Drago said to her catching Billy's attention.

He could hardly believe a word he said just now. "You mean like... forever...?" he asked.

Cycloid looked to him knowing the answer is hard. "And ever..." he replied.

Billy at that moment didn't know what to do... suddenly, out of no where. Masquerade appeared on the battlefield letting out a cackling laugh. "Yes! What are you waiting for...?" he asked him.

Billy looked to him surprised. "Masquerade..."

"Go on, finish what you started..." Masquerade said to him, only to see a hesitant look on Billy's face. "If you defeat her... I'll move you up a notch to 9th place." he bribed him.

"No way... do you mean it...?" Billy asked him.

"Don't listen to him Billy, he's just playing you!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Yes... do it... and I'll make sure it happens." Masquerade smirked knowing he wouldn't pass up the opertunity.

Glaring at Masquerade, Applejack looked to Billy with the same expression. "Billy... I swear, if you even think of taking that offer, you'll be making the biggest mistake of your life. Think about Julie for heaven's sake! She is putting her life on the line!" she yelled at him.

He hesitated for a moment, but Masquerade's offer got to him in a heart beat. "This outta shut them up, they won't be calling me double didgets anymore! Go on Cycloid! Finish them off!" he ordered him.

"Count me in!" Cycloid went to clobber Gorem.

"Ability Card Activate! Shield Wall!" Applejack acted quickly as Centorea went onto the field and appeared on the field forming her shield blocking his attack.

She let out a grunt feeling the full force of the attack, causing her to slide back and accidentally push Gorem down. Causing Julie to scream as the toy Billy gave to her fell out and landed on the ground. It eventually caught his attention, suddenly a gateway to the Doom Dimension opened, pulling Gorem towards it. "GOREM!!!" Centorea cried out.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" Gorem struggled to fight it. "Julie! Go! I can't hold out much longer!" he pleaded to her.

Meanwhile, Billy looked at the toy cowboy thinking back to when he gave it to Julie. Noticing it, Julie knew it was the only way to connect with him. "Billy, do you remember that toy?! You gave it to me when we were in kindergarden!" she reminded him of that day.

Beginning to remember that day, Billy remembered it like it were yesterday. "Its for you Julie..." he said to her.

"Wow! Thanks Billy, that's so nice of you! Keep this up, and I can tell you and I will become the greatest of friends." Young Julie said to him earning a smile from Young Billy.

"Yeah!" Young Billy nodded his head in agreement.

The flashback to when they were kids quickly vanished as Gorem and Julie were getting closer to the portal. "LISTEN TO ME!!! BILLY YOU'RE MY ONLY CHANCE TO SURVIVE THIS!!!" she pleaded to him as he looked at the toy cowboy.

He looked at it closely knowing it was the only gift he ever gave her that day. "Julie..." he muttered.

Meanwhile, Gorem struggled to hold onto the ground as he was being sucked into the portal. "Julie! You have to get off!" he struggled as Julie held onto him.

"I knew this was a mistake...!" Dan started rushing towards Billy with Applejack. "Call it off or I'll bust your grill!" he threatened him.

"He means it Billy! You better call it off or else!" Applejack warned him only to see Masquerade get in the way.

"You're already too late!" he said to them.

Glaring at him, Applejack charged ahead to attack. "Out of the way chump!" she went to kick him, but he dodged her attack before it could come into contact.

"BILLY!!!!" Julie cried out to him as she and Gorem were getting closer to the portal to the Doom Dimension.

Centorea looked to him sensing something in his heart. "What art thou waiting for Billy Gilbert...? Art thou going to see your friend be banished to the dark pits of the Doom Dimension?! All for what...? To be in 9th in the top ten...? I thought though were a man of honor, but thou have proven to be a loathsome creature hungry for power." she said to him.

Billy knew she was right, and he couldn't bear to see Julie get banished. "Doom Card OUT!!!" he called to it catching Masquerade by surprise.

"Excuse me?!" he watched as the Doom Card was pulled out and caught by Billy. Gorem reverted to ball form as the portal to the Doom Dimension closed.

Meanwhile, Julie was laying on the ground and let out a groan looking up to Billy. He smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. "Yeah!"

A bright smile formed across Julie's face seeing it. "My Billy's back!" she cheered.

"YEEHAW!!! I knew you were still in there somewhere Billy!" Applejack cheered out with them as they returned to the real world.

But Billy wasn't feeling to happy with what he did. "I'm sorry you guys... but... think you two can ever find it in your hearts somewhere to forgive me...? I know I was like being a total jerk and everything, but I was so focused on winning and raising my rank, that I didn't see what I was about to lose..." he looked to the toy cowboy reflecting on what he could have done if he didn't pull the Doom Card out. "So... don't be mad at me..."

Applejack smiled and walked over only to kick him in the leg causing him to yelp in pain. "No problem... but that's what you get for being a total jerk." she said to him.

"That's right, but hey... we can't stay mad at anyone. Except Masquerade!" Julie looked up to where he was glaring at him. "You're the one destroying the game!" she exclaimed to him only to see him chuckle. "But you don't even lift a finger!"

"Ms. Julie is right! Thou only send other Bakugan Players to do your dirty work!" Centorea glared at him.

"She's right, I've never seen this poser in battle, so what are you afraid of slacker?!" Dan asked him.

But before he could get his answers, Masquerade only laughed and pulled another vanishing act on them. Applejack only snorted from seeing it. "Coward..." she soon turned to Billy with a smile. "Sorry about the kick to the leg Billy... just needed to let it out somehow."

"Hey, no problem... thanks for putting some sense into me you guys." Billy thanked them for everything.

"Thou truly are a good friend Billy Gilbert... but next time thou wish to battle, let it be more fair without the Doom Card." Centorea advised him.

"You heard her boss, I'm done with that card." Cycloid said to him as he looked to the card.

Billy also looked at it and nods his head. "You're right... its nothing but trouble..." he said as he took the card and ripped it in half and tossed the pieces away.

Julie smiled seeing it as a small blush began to form across her face, it didn't go unnoticed from Applejack however as she let out a small chuckle. "Oooohh... somebody's blushing..."

The redness on her face intensified. "N-No! No I'm not! I just... got a small cold that's all!" Julie let out a fake cough trying to lie her way out of the situation at hand and ran off. But Applejack wasn't going to let it go, knowing she did have feelings for someone other than Dan.

Author's Note:

Alice: Coming up on Bakugan Legends of Equestria! The sky is the limit, but our gang is going in for a crash landing.

Twilight: Frustration mounts up as everyone is getting on everybody else's nerves, even Shuns.

Rainbow Dash: Left over a heat words with Dan saying he couldn't stand being fake friends any longer. Meanwhile Komba, a sore loser and former rival of Shun's has a score to settle.

Alice: Will Shun count on his friends...? Or is he about to go from hero to zero...? Oh Shun, don't you know there's safety in numbers?

Rainbow Dash: I ask him that everyday.