• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,388 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

We are Marucho and Pinkie, Hear Us Roar

Moments before Julie's and Applejack's battle, Marucho and Pinkie were sent to where they were to face Frosch. "The Brawlers were all sent to the world of Trials by the Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia that we met in the Doom Dimension, in order to be tested. Pinkie and I are wonder what our test will be." Marucho thought to himself only to snap back to reality and scream.

Pinkie, Preyas and Scylla followed him to their trial, but Preyas wasn't having a fun ride. "I THINK I'M GONNA BE SICK!" he exclaimed.

"If you puke on me Preyas, we're going to have some serious issues!" Scylla warned him what would happen if he did.

By the time they arrived in their trial, Marucho and Pinkie found themselves in a lush green forest. With no clue what so ever as to where they are, or where the others were. They searched for a while, trying to find them... but there was no sign, but that didn't stop Marucho. "Dan, Shun, Runo, Julie... where are you?!" he groaned getting no response from them.

"You know Marucho, I'm beginning to think those guys were sent somewhere else. No doubt my group is with each one of them." Pinkie said to him as she looked around.

"I bet that we're the only ones in this wretched place, doomed to spend our remaining days wandering aimlessly and-" before Preyas could finish his little freak out.

Scylla quickly knocked him off of Marucho's shoulder seeing him fall down to he ground. "Would it kill you to stop thinking negative?!" she asked him.

Suddenly a small groan was heard, and Marucho looked around. "Wait a sec..." he held his hand to his ear. "Is it just me, or do you guys hear something strange...?" he asked them.

Preyas listened hearing a groan "Probably just my stomach, I haven't eaten in ages.." he muttered.

"Could you move two feet to your left...?" asked a voice.

Marucho heard it and looked down realizing that he was standing on an old frog, he panicked and quickly got off him. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay, whoever you are?" he asked him.

"Yes... I mean no... I need water... water...!" the old frog exclaimed.

"Sure... but where do we find it...?" Pinkie asked him.

The old frog pointed to the mountains. "Beyond that mountain... is another mountain, beyond which there lies a spring, deep in the woods. There you will find water..." he croaked from the strain of being dehydrated.

Marucho helped him rest against a tree. "Hang in there..." he said to him.

"I don't know guys, it kinda sounds like its a long ways away..." said Preyas earning a scowl from the frog.

"Just ignore him..." Scylla said to the elder frog.

"We'll go to the spring for you..." Pinkie said to him.

The elder handed Marucho a water bottle. "Take this... you can bring water back in it." he said to him.

"Great! We'll be back in a jiff!" Marucho ran off with Pinkie.

"Wait! You're not serious are you?!" Preyas asked them.

"Oh suck it up Preyas and roll with it!" Scylla said to him as she held onto Pinkie. Meanwhile, the old frog was letting out a few coughs, but looked to where they went. He smiled and held up a peace sign as he let out an amusing chuckle.

At the Mountains, Marucho and Pinkie were climbing up the mountain to find the spring the old frog told them about. By the time they reached the cliff, Marucho took a chance to rest while Preyas leaped to the ground letting out an exhale. "I'm beat..." he said to them.

"You were only holding onto Marucho the whole time, so don't act like you're tired..." Scylla said to him with a scowl.

"Well excuuuse me Princess!" Preyas shouted as both Bakugan were knocking heads together.

"Stop it you two..." Marucho separated them. "Well we finally made it up the second mountain pass." he said as he looked around.

Till suddenly... "Oops, that was the third one..." said Preyas earning a shocked look from both Pinkie and Marucho. "Guess we went too far."

"Too FAR?!!!" Scylla yelled in rage only to hear a rock slide. She and the others turned only to see rocks falling towards them, they began to panic as both Marucho and Pinkie were tackled by two large rocks, going back down the mountain. They screamed as they fell straight into the water spring the frog told them about.

They resurfaced and looked around the area, and swam for the shore. Preyas meanwhile was bouncing like crazy. "COLD! COLD! COLD!" he exclaimed as he opened up from his ball form. "If this outfit shrinks, I'm gonna be so ticked off..." he said to them.

"I'm already ticked with you Preyas, so keep your mouth shut." Scylla said to him.

"We're all wet too..." Pinkie said to them.

Suddenly, Marucho realized and looked to the spring. "Guys! Look, its the spring!" he pointed out.

"No kidding, I guess going down that mountain was faster climbing down it..." said Preyas as Scylla quickly clobbered him, hearing him yelp in pain.

They later returned to the old frog to give him the water he requested. Marucho approached him and held out the water to him. "Here we go, drink up." he said to the old frog.

He took it from Marucho and smiled. "Ah, still cold..." he started guzzling the water down and started feeling refreshed from it. Once he finished, he took his staff and leaped into the air with easy and landed behind Marucho and Pinkie. A smoke cloud burst out of no where, and the elder frog, revealed himself to be Frosch. "Ah, that's better..." he said as he looked to himself.

Preyas was stunned from when he saw him. "Hey! I know you!" he exclaimed.

"You're the Ancient Aquos Soldier! Frosch!" Pinkie cried out.

Frosch smiled behind his mask as he floated into the air glowing blue. "You both have a pure heart that is willing to help others in need, I dare say you both just may have what it takes to become the new soldiers." he said to them.

"Aww, you sly old devil you!" Preyas complimented him.

"Pinkie, I think I get it now, this was our test... wasn't it...?" Marucho asked as he was on his knee's.

Frosch chuckled and looked to them. "No, sorry... your real test begins right now!" he used his powers to allow water to rise out of the ground.

"Water?! But I don't eve have my bathing suit!" Pinkie exclaimed as she jumped into Marucho's arms.

"I think I got splashed a little." said Preyas as the arena of water filled the whole entire area. Swiping them away as both Marucho and Pinkie tried to hold their breath. "I am so sending him my dry-cleaning bill!" he exclaimed.

Marucho and Pinkie surfaced catching their breath and swam to a lily pad and looked to where Frosch was who was chuckling in amusement. "Well my little castaways... if you entertain the slightest hope of seeing your friends again, you MUST defeat my warriors." he said to them as two warriors appeared before them. It was two cloned copies of Marucho and Pinkie Pie... only... this Pinkie was much more flat haired. Therefore... it was really Pinkamena Diane Pie.

Pinkie was surprised when she saw her standing next to the other Marucho. "Ohhh boy, that's not good..." she muttered.

"Hey... hang on, if you're here... then how come you're over there too?" Preyas asked in confusion but freaked out looking to the fakes. "AHHH! There's two of both of you!" he exclaimed.

"No, don't be ridiculous Preyas..." Marucho stood up looking to the copies. "There can't be two of us... they have got to be an imitation of me and Pinkie." he theorized.

"Hair looks good, but no crazy about Pinkamena... I heard a lot of nasty things about her..." Preyas said to them earning a scowl from Pinkie.

Frosch meanwhile landed on a rock next to his champions. "Yes, I thought so too... now! Let's begin!" he said to them.

"Good, this'll be fun." said Fake Marucho as he held out a Gate Card. "Gate Card Set!" he tossed it to the field.

Pinkie turned to Marucho curious of what to do. "Well Marucho? Should we get started?" she asked him.

"Well I guess we don't have a choice... Gate Card Set!" Marucho tossed it to the field.

"This'll be fun alright, alright Frosch! Give us your best shot!" Pinkie said to him.

"With pleasure..." Frosch replied and looks to Fake Marucho. "Why not start with Aquos Warius...?" he said to him.

"Okay..." Fake Marucho pulled out the warrior Bakugan out. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed him to the field. "Aquos Warius Stand!" he called out as the hulking warrior emerged on the field, growling at his opponents.

Marucho looked at the Bakugan and looked to Frosch. "As an Aquos Soldier, its only natural that we choose to brawl with water attributed Bakugan... I'll do the same and go first Pinkie. Remember, we're both tied to the same life points... so we need to use our skills carefully." he said to her earning a nod from her as he held out a Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed Limulus to the field. "Limulus Stand!" he called out as Limulus emerged on the field. "Bakugan ready." said the Bakupod.

"Hmm.." Frosch observed the field Limulus was on. "Lets see... use Aquos Siege..." he said to Pinkamena.

"Yes... a wise choice. Gate Card Set!" she tossed it to the field seeing it expand. "Get ready for this, you haven't seen anything yet. Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed Aquos Siege to the field Limulus was on. "Aquos Siege Stand!" she called out as Siege emerged on the field, landing in front of Limulus without his lance. "400 G's verses 350 G's." said the Bakupod.

Marucho smirked at seeing it. "I can change that, Gate Card Open! Energy Grab!" he called out as the card glowed bright, transferring power from Siege to Limulus. "100 G's of Aquos Siege power transferred to Aquos Limulus. Aquos Limulus power level now at 450 G's." the Bakupod informed them.

"In your face Aquos Siege!" Preyas laughed at him.

But Frosch only smirked at them. "Didn't your mother teach you that its not nice to steal...?" he asked them.

"Ability Card Activate! Aquos Javelin!" Pinkamena called out.

Pinkie panicked seeing it fly down. "Should've seen that coming..." she stated.

"Aquos Siege, look alive!" Frosch called out to him as Siege caught the javelin and pierced it into the gate card. Forcing it to switch cards, catching Marucho by surprise as he looked to his Bakupod. "Gate Card's exchanged..." the Bakupod informed them. "Aquos Javelin can interchange adjacent gate cards, pretty nice huh...?" he asked them as Limulus lost the power that was given to him.

"He just stole my Energy Grab card!" Marucho panicked from seeing it.

Preyas fumed from seeing it as he looked to the Bakupod. "Y-Y-YOU THIEF!" he exclaimed. "100 G's transferred back from Aquos Limulus to Aquos Siege." said the Bakupod.

Frosch smirked seeing their despair and glanced to Pinkamena. "And now...." he gained her attention.

"Gate Card Open!" she called out as she held out her hoof. "Because this is Aquos Siege's character card, his power level doubles." she said to them as Siege took his javelin and struck Limulus down, forcing it back into ball form as it rolled next to Marucho's feet.

Marucho, and Pinkie were shocked of what they just witnessed. "Unreal... I've never seen an ability like that one before." he stated as he watched Siege go back into ball form.

Pinkamena caught him as Frosch smiled proudly. "Good girl... that's my dear Pinkamena, you and Marucho are such obedient children aren't you...?" he asked them.

"I do hope so Master Frosch..." Pinkamena said to him.

"WHATEVER! Those little puppets are just doing what that old guy is telling them to. Come on you two, don't listen to any of this hooey! You're not like those imposters!" Preyas stated as he fumed with anger.

"Good girl...? Such an obedient child...?" Pinkie looked to Pinkamena trying to figure her out.

Meanwhile, Frosch point his staff to Fake Marucho. "I expect you to win the next round Marucho, don't let me down." he said to him.

"Yes... I promise I will live up to your expectations..." Fake Marucho said to him as he looked to the field.

Meanwhile the real Marucho looked at him and Pinkamena starting to see a pattern. "Then they're..." he muttered.

"Spit it out kid, you're making me nervous..." Preyas said to him.

"Preyas, don't you get it...?" Scylla gained his attention. "That Marucho and Pinkie Pie aren't imposters... they are every bit as real as they are." she said to him.

Preyas nervously chuckled at hearing it. "That's crazy talk... if they're the real Marucho and Pinkie, and these two are the real Marucho and Pinkie, then-" he theorized a bit.

"They're different versions of us... they existed a long time ago..." Marucho said to him and looked to the clones.

"And we.. we thought they were gone..." Pinkie said to them as she remembered her days on the rock farm while Marucho remembered his past from when he was but an obedient boy.

He was eating dinner with his family, feasting on his favorite dish. Shouko looked to her son with a soft and gentle smile. "Marucho dear... your economics tutor will be arriving later this afternoon. Please come straight home as soon as you finished school, all right...?" she asked him.

"Yes mother, of course..." Marucho replied to her about to talk to them about his friends.

Meanwhile, Kyosuke was busy wiping his mouth of the food he ate and interrupts him. "I know you'd rather play, but you have to apply yourself to your studies." he said to him. Cut to a scene where Marucho was walking through the school grounds, watching the other kids play soccer, knowing he couldn't participate due to his families wishes. "You don't have time to fritter away like the other children, I'm sure you understand... don't you Marucho...?" his fathers words echoed in his head.

"Yes father... I understand..." Marucho replied. He remembers all the tutors he was being given, and his parents just would not let up. Not even in the slightest... the poor kid couldn't catch a break.

As he wen through his studies, his parents were looming over him to no end. "I know it seems unfair, but its important..." Shouko said to Marucho.

"The future of the Marukura family name is in your hands my son..." Kyosuke said to him as he and his hand on his sons shoulder.

Marucho, the past version smiled at his loving yet very overbearing parents. (Dear god, my parents are the same way! Only more work and less tutoring...") He looked to them knowing they will be proud of him. "Yes, I promise I will live up to your expectations." he said to them as the flashback ended.

Pinkie meanwhile was experiencing her own past, when she lived on the rock farm with her family. Limestone, Marble, and Maud Pie. Her parents, Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz, were quite strict when it came to the rock farming business. While the sisters were in the farm, collecting rocks, Pinkie was by her lonesome trying to gather as much as she could. "Pinkamena, art thou almost finished with thy rocks?" Igneous asked her.

"I'm almost done father..." Pinkamena responded to him as she gathered a few more and rushed to deliver them.

Seeing her bring good quality rocks, Cloudy smiled and patted her head. "Well done Pinkamena... thou have come thus far, thou may even lead the rock farming business one day..." she said to her.

Pinkamena forms a small smile from hearing it but it immediately faded away as she looked away from them. "But, what if-" before she could respond.

"No what if's Pinkamena... thou art part of our family, and nothing else would matter." Igneous said to her. "I know it seems harsh my dear, but this is our life... our legacy..." he said to her as he gestured to the rock farm where her sisters continued to work.

Pinkamena looked upon it and sighed feeling disappointed. "I understand father..." she said to him as she looked off into the distance as the flashback ended showing the Pinkamena standing before them.

At that moment both Pinkie and Marucho were getting frustrated with what was going on. "Stop it! Just stop it! Wipe that obedient smile off your face!" Marucho yelled at his past self.

"Yeah, and you!" Pinkie pointed at Pinkamena. "How can you stay so gloomy?!" she asked her.

Meanwhile, Frosch was chuckling as he stroked his beard. "Looks like we touched some nerves, doesn't it?" he asked as he looked to them. "Tell me, what's wrong with your old selves that obediently fulfilled all your parents expectations, and how gloomy your past self is because she worked on a rock farm, and did their very best to please their parents?" he asked them.

Glaring at them, Marucho soon started to realize what needed to be done. "So that's it... I think I get it now. Our test is to learn to deal with our past selves, am I right?" he asked them. Pinkamena and Past Marucho were surprised as they both looked to Frosch who looked to them sharing a similar expression behind his mask.

Meanwhile, Pinkie smirked as she looked at them. "In that case, we'll show the two of you just how much we've changed." she said to them.

"Whoa, hold it there Pinkster... you can't be serious, she-" before Scylla could stop her, Pinkie held out a gate card. "Oh dear..." she muttered.

"Gate Card Set!" Pinkie tossed the card to the field, seeing it expand next to Warius'.

Pinkie reached out for Scylla. "Pinkie, wait a sec-" she tried to escape but Pinkie grabbed hold of her.

She turned towards the field ready for battle. "I'll even show past me that I'm not the same as I was back then, Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed her to the field.

Scylla screamed as she headed to the field. "YOU'RE CRAZY!!!" she cried out.

Pinkie watched as she made it to the field Warius was on. "Scylla Stand!" she called out as the nymph appeared on the field.

Emerging on the field, Scylla immediately turned to Pinkie with a glare. "Darn you Pinkie, what do you think you're doing?! Ever since we got to this point, you have been acting like the really harsh Pinkamena." she said to her.

"She's got a point there kiddo, even I'm not feeling well about this. I mean I've been craving sour fruit for some reason." Preyas said to her only to see Scylla look to him. "What...?"

"Is that, my lemon you're holding...?" Scylla asked him.

Preyas looked to it and looks to her, chuckling nervously of it. "Didn't see your name on it..." he said to her.

The whole area became silent, like a graveyard at nightfall. Even Frosch was getting a cold chill up his spine as he looked to Scylla, who stood with her back towards him. She stood still but suddenly started to twitch knowing that her lemon had been stolen by Preyas, she burst into a maniacal laughter as she twirled around. "Preyas~, come here~!" one of her wolf heads grabbed him and made him stand on the field. He panicked as Scylla pulled him underwater and started beating the crud out of him "SPIT IT OUT RIGHT NOW, OR I'LL GAG YOU WITH A TOOTH BRUSH AND EAT THE LEMON SEEDS OF EVERY LEMON YOU'VE STOLEN FROM ME IN THE LAST 48 HOURS!!!!" she beat him up to where his face looked like it came out of boxing arena, like he called Mike Tyson a sissy. He wanted to cough up the lemon he took from her, but failed. "TRY AGAIN!" she pounded him one last time and resurfaced with him, dropping him on the ground. "Whatever... I'm here for a battle, not a constant round of beating the clown..."

Frosch looked upon the injured and was scared stiff of what he was gonna face, he looked to Maurcho and Pinkie hoping for a straight answer. "Should I be worried...?" he pointed towards Preyas as a tooth fell out of the Aquos Bakugan's mouth.

"He's used to it by now, he'll bounce back..." Marucho said to him.

"Says you...." Preyas muttered as one of the wolves coiled around him making him scream.

"Pay attention Preyas, seeing that Scylla forcefully brought you into battle, I need you to change to your Darkus Attribute." Marucho said to him.

Preyas tossed the lemon away and looked to him and Pinkie. "What the heck's up with you two today Marucho? I mean, you're both not your usual fun-loving selves." he pointed out to them.

"Actually, I have to agree with Preyas on this... ever since it started, you both have been acting aggressive towards your past selves." Scylla said to them.

"We can't lose this battle Scylla..." Pinkie said to her. "So quit messing around, and both of you get focused. Got it?"

Preyas panicked seeing it. "Yeah, yeah...got it." Preyas said to her and looked to Warius as his torso glowed purple. "Alright you big lug!" he yelled as he leaped into the air. "Attribute Change!" his blue skin changed to purple as he looked to Warius. "Darkus!" he called out with a grin.

Frosch meanwhile was no amused. "Now you think you can win by using an attribute change, is that it? If you keep this up, you'll never win against my Marucho and Pinkamena." he said to them.

"No matter his attribute changes, Preyas is always Preyas... he's still my best friend in the whole world, there's no way Preyas would lose to the old me, he's worthless and weak." Marucho pointed out.

"Neither will Scylla against my old self!" said Pinkie.

The Aquos Soldier smirked behind his mask and looked to Marucho and Pinkamena. "Well, why don't we just see about that...?" he said to them.

Past Marucho nodded to him and looked to the field. "Gate Card Open, Switch Back!" he called out.

The field beneath Preyas glowed, and Preyas was freaking out. "What the heck is going on?! Switch Back is not good right?" he asked as his attribute changed back to Aquos. "HUH?!! OH NO! Switch Back has made me turn back into an Aquos! And that's bad! I'm talking bad, as in really, really bad!" he realized and turned toward Warius seeing him raise his club.

Preyas screamed as Warius went to crush him, but Scylla blocked it as Marucho pulled out a card. "Ability Card Activate! Blue Stealth!" he called out.

"I'm disappearing!" Preyas vanished into thin air, leaving Scylla to deal with Warius. "50 G's transferred from Warius to Preyas." said the Bakupod. Scylla avoided a strike from Warius as her wolf tripped him over. Preyas grabbed hold of him and threw him over slamming him on the ground. He leaped and stood on Warius' back pinning him down, grinning as he stood victorious. "Oh how the mighty have fallen!" he called out as Warius reverted to ball form as well as he and Scylla and they returned to their masters. "WHAT?!" he cried out as he is caught by Marucho. "Oh man... I feel even worse than before... and its not because of Scylla beating me up over a lemon..."

"Which you deserved by the way..." Scylla said to him scowling at the Bakugan.

"I'm sorry Preyas..." Marucho apologized to him. "But its like he see's through all my tactics and anticipates my every move..." he said to him.

Chuckling at their surprise, Frosch thought it wise to tell them. "Well of course, you are battling yourself after all... past or present, you are completely the same." he said to him.

"But we aren't the same... I am nothing like the rock collecting filly I once was, and Marucho isn't like the boy who mindlessly did everything his parents told him to!" Pinkie said to them with a scowl.

"Do you really hate your old selves that much...?" Preyas asked them.

"Even I must admit this isn't like either of you..." said Scylla as she was held by Pinkie.

"Yes, we do... we despise those we once were." Marucho said to them as he thought back to the old days. "No matter how hard I worked, it was never enough... and when I wanted to tell my parents how I felt, all I could do is smile at them. A fake meaningless smile... but the moment I came across the Bakugan, everything changed." he explained to them.

"Its the same with me, all I wanted was to see my family smiling... but that could never would have happened if Rainbow Dash performed her sonic rainboom. I finally got them to smile like I wanted, and I became the best party planner in Ponyville... and then I met my friends, and now I'm here... when we met the brawlers, the Bakugan, and our partners, Preyas and Scylla... Me and Marucho learned to think for ourselves. We learned to brawl, and the laugh, and live life to the fullest." Pinkie explained to them.

Marucho looked over to Preyas. "So you understand why there's no way we could lose to our old selves..." he said to him.

Frosch scowled at their explanation. "Foolish children..." he let out a small chuckle. "Is that really all you've learned from your friends...?" he asked them.

Pinkamena turned to him with a proposal. "I'd like to go into a Triple Battle..." she said to him earning a nod from Frosch. She pulled out a card and looked to the field. "Gate Card Set!" she tossed it to the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed Siege back onto the field. "Aquos Siege Stand!" she called out as Siege slammed his javelin on the ground.

Marucho held Preyas up and smiled at him. "Let's do everything we can to pass this test, okay?" he asked him.

"Yeah, okay... but-" before Preyas could say anything.

"Bakugan Brawl" Marucho tossed him onto the field seeing him reach it. "Preyas Stand!" he called out.

Preyas emerged on the field but turned to him still holding Scylla's lemon. "Hey! I told you I wasn't feeling good!" he took a bite out of it as his face squinted. "So sour, but so good."

"PREYAS!!!!" Scylla screamed at him.

"I'm sorry okay?! But I can't help it, and I can't fight two brawls in a row!" Preyas stated to his partner.

"Don't you worry, just leave everything to me." Marucho said to him. "Siege 400 G's, Preyas 340 G's." said the Bakupod.

"Quick, hit me with an ability!" Preyas said to him.

"Right, I'm on it! Ability Card Activate! W-" before Marucho could complete his command...

"Water Refrain!" Pinkamena called out as she tossed the card to the field.

Marucho was surprised of what she did. "Wait, I wasn't finished!" he said to her as the card activated.

Seeing his card was countered, Preyas began to worry. "Marucho's card was preempted by the other Pinkie, and that means..." he panicked as he turned seeing Siege charge at him. He screamed trying to avoid his attacks. "I'm in trouble!" he cried out.

"Preyas, no!" Maruch cried out.

Preyas avoided very strike Siege threw at him, while Frosch was getting a good laugh out of it. "Not looking good for you..." he stated.

Siege managed to knock Preyas down to the ground, seeing him writhe a bit. "Preyas!" Marucho cried out as he fell to his knees. "Oh no... Preyas, you have to get up... you can do it..." he said to him.

Groaning in pain, Preyas looked to him feeling weak. "I'm sorry old buddy... I... I guess I couldn't live up to your expectations." he said to him.

Marucho closed his eyes feeling defeated. "No, its my fault... I was so caught up in my own problems, I didn't listen to you tell me yours..." he said to him.

Preyas looked at him and smiled weakly. "Its okay Marucho... you know I'm just happy to have battled along side you. Preyas is always Preyas... thanks for saying that, but... if that's true, then doesn't it mean that Marucho is always Marucho...? Just as Pinkie is always Pinkie...?" he asked him earning surprised looks from Marucho and Pinkie Pie. "You both were just blindly doing what your parents wanted... I think back then you honestly wanted to make your parents happy and proud of you both..." he said to them. Scylla watched him and looked to Pinkie seeing she had tears in her eyes from listening. "You are a generous person Marucho... just as Pinkie is a fun loving mare who wants people to smile. You both were then... and you both are now... I'm sure you both made sacrifices, but if that smile you both put on your faces made your parents happy then... there's no way it could have been anything but sincere. You both had to make all those sacrifices just so you could grow and become the plucky little guys you are now..." Preyas sat up and looked towards Siege. "The two guys we all like..." he laid down on his back. "So please remember never to forget your past okay...?" he glanced towards him. "Do that for me...?" Marucho looked at his partner as tears ran down his face, but he nodded to him in response. "Good... I'm glad, just keep being the Marucho we all... that we all know..." he groaned as he started feeling inside pains. "I can't hold it...!" he groaned as a tiny little Bakugan Ball shot out of his... well... best you don't want to know. This surprised Marucho despite what it was as Preyas exhaled feeling relieved. "Oh... so that's what it was... I thought it was a bit strange I wasn't feeling well. But now it all makes sense... its no wonder I was craving sour foods like that."

"Uhhhh.... so then, are you feeling any better now?" Marucho asked him.

Preyas immediately stood up and turned to him. "Are you kidding?! I feel fantastic! I'm on top of the world!" he said to him as he did a couple of stretches to show just what kind of shape he was in and let out a laugh.

"Good..." Scylla clocked him in the head as she appeared on the field. "You've really pulled some nasty moves on us before, but this was takes the cake!" she said to him as he panicked waiting for another clobber. "However... what you said for Marucho and Pinkie earlier... it made me realize that you aren't really such a clown after all. You can be wise, even in the hardest situations... I can't express how moved I was about it, and no it does not mean you can hug me. Because I'm still rip roaring made at you for stealing my lemon..." she said to him as her wolves snarled at him.

"But still Preyas... we are so relieved, and happy... you helped us remind us of the good memories we had." Pinkie said to him as she smiled brightly. "I can't thank you enough, and hope maybe after this, we can have a real party, where everyone can laugh and have fun together." she said to him. Suddenly, a light shined around her neck, catching everyone by surprise. "No way!"

"Pinkie, what's happening?!" Marucho asked as he shielded his eyes from the light.

From around Pinkie's neck, the Element of Laughter appeared around her. Surprising her to no end... she even looked to Scylla as water shot up from beneath her, forming a water vortex around her. Frosch observed what was happening, as a blue light emanated from the vortex. Pinkie didn't know what was happening, but she knew exactly what was going on. the vortex fell, revealing Scylla in a brand new form. "No... way..." Pinkie muttered as she looked upon Scylla.

Her crown had five pointed tips, he frill was around her neck like a collar, fins were now part of her arm bracers, and her wolves were now covered in jewels. Scylla's eyes snapped open as water swirled around her and her pets. "I am Tethys Scylla... if you want a piece of Preyas, you're also gonna get a piece of me!" she said to her opponents.

"Scylla... you look AMAZING!" Pinkie cried out with a bright smile but snapped back to reality. "Which leads me to the question, how did my Element of Harmony came back...? I thought it was stuck with the Tree of Harmony..." she stated.

"In realizing your mistake, you found what was important to you Pinkie Pie..." Scylla said to her, earning her attention. "Seeing the smiles of all your friends is what makes you happy the most... that resulted in he return of the Element of Laughter to you, giving you the strength to keep on smiling." she said to her with a smile. "Now... what do you say we get back to business?" she glanced to Preyas.

"Alright, enough of this... we have a battle to finish!" Preyas turned to the new Bakugan ball. "Are you ready my brother...?" he asked it.

This automatically confused both Marucho and Pinkie. "Brother...?" they asked in unison and looked to the new Bakugan Ball.

It rolled on the field, the new Bakugan finally spoke. "You called, brother dear...?" it asked in a posh tone. Upon opening up on the field, the Bakugan emerged on the field... revealing itself to be a new species of Preyas. Only... this one had angelic wings, yellow, and green eyes compared to its older sibling. "Aquos Preyas... Angelo... at your service..." he said to them.

"WHAT?!!" Marucho exclaimed when he saw him.

"No way!" Pinkie cried out.

"I don't believe it!" Frosch exclaimed seeing him.

"That's true, you see... my evolution involves multiplication." Preyas explained to him

"Evolution...? Wait are you saying...?" Marucho started putting it together.

Preyas chuckled looking to him."No flies on you... you see, your task was to recognize and accept your old selves you guys, when you were finally able to do that, then I was finally able to evolve and multiply, capiche? Oh, and it definitely helped Scylla here..." he pointed out to her.

"Charming..." Scylla said with a scowl.

"I think we get it..." Marucho looked to Angelo. "I suppose that means you're the evolved Preyas...?" he asked him.

Angelo looked to him and smiled. "Oh, oh goodness... where are my manners...? It is a pleasure to meet you both, I'm Aquos Preyas Angelo... I look forward to battling with you young master." he said to him.

"Uhh, yes..." Marucho bowed to him. "Yes, nice to meet you..."

"By the way... I am water attributed, but I have the powers of a light attributed Bakugan as well." Angelo showed sparkling lights floating around him. "This is probably as good a time as any to mention, I get tired easily and require frequent breaks. I get every second Monday off, and oh! I don't do windows." he said to him.

Scylla facepalmed hearing it. "Right... we got a neat freak. You sure this is a good idea Preyas...?" she asked him.

"Angelo steps up to the plate when it counts Scylla..." Preyas said to her and pointed to Siege. "Show'em brother!" he said to him.

Angelo took flight staying next to his older sibling. "Yes sir, Preyas sir!" he replied.

Preyas also stood ready for battle. "Lets show them together!" he stated.

Both Pinkamena and the past Marucho were surprised of what they witnessed, but Frosch wasn't that impressed. "Big deal..." he muttered.

"Oh, by the way!" Preyas pointed to the gate card beneath them. "The Tripple Battle Card has been activated, but I guess in Scylla's case, this is a Quadruple battle now!" he said to him.

"WHAT?!" Frosch panicked seeing it happen. "Not good!" he muttered as Preyas and Scylla gained more power from the card.

"Preyas power level increased to 400 G's. Scylla power level increased to 540 G's." said the Bakupod. "Oh man I feel great! I mean check out these boys!" Preyas flexed his muscles from the power.

"I hate to interrupt brother dear..." Angelo interrupted him. "But we have work to do!" he reminded him.

"Oh yeah!" Preyas put his focus back onto the battle. "Preyas and Angelo total power level 800 G's. Combined with Scylla, 1340 G's." the Bakupod informed them. Scylla charged at Siege first and knocked him straight into the air as Preyas and Angelo leaped into the air and kicked him straight in the chest, forcing him back into ball form as he landed next to Pinkamena.

Frosch scoffed from seeing it as Marucho and Pinkie caught their partners. "Yeah! We did it guys!" Marucho cheered.

"That was totally amazing!" Pinkie cheered as she held Scylla.

"Well, well... it looks like you're both finally getting serious. Time to break out the secret weapon!" Frosch state as he left his humanoid form and reverted to ball form, floating to the Past Marucho. He opened up in his hand and looked to him. "You know what to do, don't let me down." he said to him.

"Don't worry, I won't... Bakugan Brawl!" Past Marucho launched him to the field. "Frosch, stand!" he called out as a blue flame formed, and a giant frog leaped out from it.

Frosch croaked at Marucho and Pinkie seeing them scream. "What the heck is that thing?!" Pinkie asked.

"Don't worry..." Scylla said to her.

"That's just his true form..." Angelo stated to her.

Frosch croaked a bit and looked to them. "I bet you're about to use a Tripple Battle Gate Card, you're so predictable..." he said to them.

"Oh yeah? You think you're so clever do you? Well I hate to disappoint you... Bakugan Brawl!" Pinkie tossed in Scylla to face him. "Scylla, stand!" she called out as the sea nymph emerged before them.

Scylla chuckled at him as she crossed her arms. "You certainly have a serious case of fly breath..." she said to him.

"Gate Card Open, Quadruple Battle! Marucho, send in Preyas and Angelo!" Pinkie said to him.

"On it! Bakugan Brawl!" Marucho tossed them onto the field. "Preyas and Angelo Stand!" he called out.

Preyas appeared on the field, but in the process of standing, rather than seeing Angelo... we got something else. Same colored eyes, but we got dragon wings, and demon horns with red patches and an orange frill, along with a goatee. "I am Aquos Preyas Diabo... in the flesh!" he stated to them. "So! Which one of you Jokers woke me up from my nap?!" he demanded to know.

Marucho was surprised when he saw him. "Whoa, who's this guy?! And what happened to Angelo?!" he asked them.

"You see Marucho, Diablo is Angelo's alter-ego. Its sorta like getting two Bakugan for the price of one." Preyas explained.

Marucho began to realize that it was definitely like a Jekyll and Hyde routine here. "Of course, how silly of me. Well... there's just the one opponent to deal with right now, so let's see what you're made of Diablo!" he said to him.

"You gotta be kidding me..." Diablo marched toward him. "You woke me up for a brawl with a frog? What a waste of my time! I'll give him one of these! One of these! And a whole lot of this!" he flexed his muscles to show how tough he is.

Scylla groaned in annoyance knowing now that she will have three Preyas' to deal with. "Will the nightmare ever end...?" she asked them.

"Hey, if Diablo's power level is 400 G's..." Marucho looked to his Bakupod to add it up. "Preyas and Diablo total power level 800 G's. Combined with Scylla power level 1340 G's. Against Frosch power level 500 G's." said the Bakupod. "Alright! We can take him down no problem!" Marucho felt excited.

"Don't count your chickens till they hatch." Frosch warned them.

"Ability Card Activate! Aquos Cyclone!" Pinkamena called out as water cyclones formed around the battlefield.

Frosch grinned seeing it and looked to Marucho and Pinkie. "See what I mean...?" he asked them. "Frosch Power Increase by 200 G's. Preyas, Diablo, and Scylla decreased by 100 G's." said the Bakupod. "Sorry to break it to you... but you're about to be sucked up by my water tornado!" he said to them.

"But this can't be!" Marucho panicked.

"Don't just stand there!" Diablo got his attention. "Use the Diagonal Relation Ability Card!" he advised him.

"Diagonal Relation Ability?" asked Marucho asked him.

"I have Pyrus Attributed powers too... if my brother changes to a Darkus, then you can use the Pyrus and Darkus Diagonal Relation. If you don't snap to it and do something fast, I'm gonna get real angry!" Diablo warned him.

Marucho panicked seeing it. "Right, sorry about that!" he apologized.

Scylla turned towards Pinkie with an idea. "Pinkie, use my new ability... it will help out." she advised her.

"Right!" Pinkie pulled out the card standing by. "Ready when you are!"

Preyas began to glow purple. "Here it goes! Darkus! Attribute Change!" he changed himself from Aquos to Darkus. "Ready!" he stated to Marucho.

"Ability Card Activate! Pyrus and Darkus Diagonal Relation!" Marucho called out as Preyas and Diablo's power began to rise up. "Preyas and Diablo total Power Level increase to 800 G's." said the Bakupod.

"Ability Card Activate! Tsunami Barrage!" Pinkie called out as water began to build up in the mouths of Scylla's wolves. "Scylla Power Level Increase to 540 G's." said the Bakupod.

She grinned at Frosch which got him scared. "Now you will find out why I am terror of the sea's...!" she said to him.

Frosch panicked from hearing it. "Oh nuts...!" he croaked.

"Alright, do your thing guys!" Marucho and Pinkie called out in unison.

Preyas charged ahead as Diablo followed in pursuit. "Save some for me!" Diablo said to him.

Frosch watched as Scylla blasted her Tsunami Barrage at him. "YIKES!" he cried out as he got hit by it.

"BYE-BYE FROGGY!" Preyas and Diablo punched him to the ground, forcing him into ball form.

Pinkie and Marucho leaped into the air cheering. "OH YEAH!" the yelled out.

Preyas let out an exhale. "Our work here..." he glanced to Diablo.

"Is done..." he finished the sentence as he and Preyas reverted to ball form with Scylla.

They returned to their masters as both Marucho and Pinkie caught them, letting out cheerful giggles as they looked to their partners. Preyas opened up and looked to him. "So... what do you think Marucho...?" he asked him.

Diablo opened up looking to him. "He'll be feeling that tomorrow..." he said to him as Angelo took over.

He opened up and looked to the young master. "Glad I could be of service to you..." he said to him.

"You did an amazing job today Pinkie... I'm proud of you..." Scylla expressed how proud she was of Pinkie.

"Awww... it was nothing..." Pinkie soon noticed that both Pinkamena and Past Marucho were about to leave. "Hey, wait...!" their lily pad swam to them.

Pinkamena and Past Marucho looked to them. "What...?" they asked in unison.

Pinkie and Marucho approached them to tell them what they needed to hear. "We're sorry about how we behaved you two... thanks to Preyas, I think me and Pinkie understand things now." Marucho said to them.

"So from this moment on, we promise we'll be happy with the people we used to be. So, thank you..." Pinkie said to them catching their past selves by surprise. "And I hope can be friends if there are no hard feelings...?" she asked them as she and Marucho held out a hand and hoof. Their past selves looked at them and smiled reaching over and taking them, in the process, they turned into pure aura and vanished turning into sparkles.

Marucho and Pinkie were amazed but smiled knowing that answered their question, Frosch meanwhile watched them from a distance and smiled proudly for them. "Well done you two, very well done... you won the battle and you passed the test." he said to them knowing they were listening to his words.

Marucho smiled hearing it. "Thank you Frosch..." he said to him.

"Hope we see each other again, because I need to plan a party!" Pinkie said to him.

Frosch smiled at the thought of it, but there was no time to waste. "I will now send you both back to your friends, my new Aquos Soldiers." he said to them as his power flowed around them.

Marucho smiled as he and Pinkie glowed brightly. "GOODBYE!" the shouted in unison and disappeared together to join Julie and Applejack. Who will the Legendary Soldiers train next? Find out, when we face the element of wind.

Author's Note:

Skyress: Greetings everyone, Skyress here... coming up on Bakugan Legends of Equestria. We are sent to a city where the sun doesn't set. The laundries hung out to dry, the streetcars are running, and the Hallo Dome Tower is under construction...
Avion: But there are no people living here... it is an empty deserted city. Till suddenly, out of no where this girl appears, and challenges Shun and Rainbow Dash to a Bakugan Brawl.
Skyress: The sun that never sets, is it merely an illusion...?
Avion: Or something else...? Coming up on Bakugan Legends of Equestria, the sunset is crying!
Skyress: Wake up Shun, you do not belong in this world!

(Hey guys, here is the next chapter of the story. You might even get a kick out of what Scylla will do to Preyas when you read it. :rainbowlaugh: Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, and if there are a few spelling errors... just let me know. Just don't be rude about it...)