• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,387 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Secret of Success

In the middle of a battle, an Aquos Juggernoid roared out facing off against its opponent Darkus Warius. Juggernoid slammed its massive feet onto the ground, snarling at Warius standing its ground. Warius was twirling its club and went into a battle stance. Charging into battle, Juggernoid sought to finish Warius, but its power level was much higher than his own. So Warius took its club, and struck Juggernoid down forcing it into Ball Form. A young boy, who is the owner of Juggernoid, watched in shock seeing his partner get defeated. "Oh no... Juggernoid!" he cried out as they returned to the real world. He watched his Bakugan roll onto the ground landing near his feet. "Not again...!" he complained as he fell to his knee's.

An older boy, who was the owner of Warius, chuckled at the young kids despair. "You must like losing... lets see now, I beat you three times in a row Christopher." he laughed mentioning the kids name. "Want to make it an even four tomorrow...?" he asked him with an evil grin.

Christopher, the young boy who was on his knee's... was unsure of what to do. "I don't know... well..." he hesitated to even speak.

"My little friend here says you'll show up..." the teenage boy laughed at Christoper and walked away whistling.

Meanwhile, Christopher picked up his Bakugan as tears began to form in his eyes. "I hate losing... especially to you!" he cried out knowing that he was through with it. But somwhere in the tree's, a pair of yellow eyes were watching him sensing his despair. This strange figure felt sorry for Christopher, knowing exactly how he felt.

At Dan's house, Shinjiro arrived home and immediately went to the kitchen. "Okay, lets see what's in the old refridgerator..." he started looking through it to see what was inside. Till finally he spotted what he was looking for. "Ah, pudding!" he said with glee and excitment. "Okay, dibs on the pudding." he said as he walked to the living room with it.

"What do you think you're doing dear...?" Miyoko asked him. "I was saving that for Dan when he gets home..." she informed to remind him.

"Aww, please honey...?" Shinjiro complained but realized something. "Speaking of Daniel, just where is he...?" he asked her as he sat down on the couch.

"With his friends and the ponies... they should be back any time now." said Miyoko as she looked out thinking about her son and the mane six.

Letting out a sigh, Shinjiro pulled the spoon out of his mouth. "I miss the boy too hon..." he was about to dig into the pudding, but suddenly the earth started shaking and he started to panic. "What the heck...?!" he tried to hold his footing, but he and Miyoko fell down. "Earthquake! Quick, right there, lets get under a doorway!" he suggested as he ran with Miyoko to a glass door, but when they opened it, the wind was blowing really hard. They looked to the source, finding that it was Marucho's private airplane.

In the back door of the plane, stood Dan and the Mane Six. "Hey mom! Dad! We're home!" he called out to them.

"Hey Miyoko! Did you miss us?!" Pinkie called out to them.

Night fell, and Dan got into the bath taking a chance to relax as he let out a sigh from the warmth of the water. "Oh yeah, there's nothing like a warm bath to start off the evening." he submerged his head half way.

"I'm not sure I enjoy this activity Daniel..." said Drago feeling very uncomfortable.

"Oh just relax... we've got plenty of time to search for Wavern and the Infinity Core." Dan said to him. "And besides... the next step is to get everyone's Bakugan to evolve like you. Every brawl from now on is gonna be tough, that's why we all have got to be totally ready for anything Masquerade throws at us."

Even though things were calm at the moment, Drago knew that they needed to get stronger, no matter what it takes. "You're right... I concur, a little sabbatical is in order." he said to him in agreement.

Smiling and starring off to the sealing, Dan took the chance to relax. "I hope the rest of the brawlers and the ponies are getting some R&R..." Dan thought out loud.

"As do I... but I must know... why is it that Twilight is in here with us?!" Drago asked looking to where she was.

Dan also looked and saw she was using the shower, he panicked and quickly kept himself covered. "Twilight! What are you doing?! You can't be in here while I'm bathing!" he complained to her.

"Oh relax Dan, its not like I'm a human girl..." Twilight reminded him of what she was.

"Y-Yeah but still..." Dan was blushing knowing it was really awkward for them to be in this kind of situation. "Could you at least give me a heads up next time...?" he asked her receiving a silent nod from her as Twilight resumed to using thower head on her mane. Dan sank half his head in the water. "How did I get myself into this mess...?" he asked while his mouth was still under water.

Meanwhile at Marucho's house, he and Pinkie and Applejack were giving Julie the Grand tour of his house to get familiar with it. Julie meanwhile, was awestruck just looking at everything around her. "Oh wow... is this your house or a five star hotel? I gotta admit Marucho, I appreciate your parents letting my stay over."

"I'm sure after such a long flight, you'll need some beauty sleep." Pinkie said to her.

"Yes well, I'm sure you'll find your accommodations most comfortable Julie." Marucho informed her of her living conditions.

"And remember Julie... we need all the rest we can get for our next few battles." said Applejack as she walked beside her.

Preyas soon poked his head out of Marucho's bag to speak. "Me casa Su Casa! Me amigo holy!" he chuckled trying to act spanish.

"I haven't the faintest clue as to what that jester is saying." said Centorea as she rested on Applejack's setson.

"Believe me sister, I've been trying to understand what's been going through that head of his since the day we met him." said Scylla as she was inside Pinkie's pocket.

"Hey! I heard that!" Preyas yelled only to get firm glares from both female Bakugan.

Meanwhile, Julie opened a door looking inside and gasped in awe believing its her room. "Wow... this is my room?!" she looked around only to get a laugh from Applejack. "What's so funny...?" she asked her.

"Oh Julie... you and your ironic sense of humor, this is the bathroom silly..." Applejack pointed out to it.

Starring at it surprised, Julie let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh right.... the bathroom..." she chuckled even more.

"Well, least you'll have company...." Preyas said to her only to get clobbered by Centorea and Scylla.

"GET OVER YOURSELF!!!" They yelled at him and left him in pain.

At Shun's, he and Rainbow Dash were meditating together given that Shun promised to teach her ninja techniques. Meanwhile, Shun couldn't help but think about Joe. "If Joe isn't the spy... then I need to find out who it is..." he thought to himself.

Trying to focus, Rainbow Dash's brows started to furrow and twitch causing her to yell out in annoyance. "I can't get this meditating thing! How can you even sit so relaxed and not even complain?" she asked him.

"Its simple... it takes patience, and once you get the hang of it... you'll understand." Shun explained to her.

Letting out a sign of annoyance and her body laying down on the floor. "I picked the wrong teacher..." she said to herself only to see a stick almost hit her causing her to yelp.

Old Man Kazami was standing over her with a firm glare. "Are you complaining about my grandson's teachings?!!" he asked her in a furious tone.

Quickly panicking and getting back up to continue her meditation. "No problem here! No problem at all!" she was sweating like crazy trying to avoid getting hit by Old Man Kazami. Shun saw it happen and smirked letting out a small chuckle.

Meanwhile at Runo's restaurant, she and her friends were working overtime. "Heads up!" she cried out as she and Rarity were working on giving everyone their drinks. "Two Boca Grande's, coming up!" she called out to her customers.

"One Espresso for the gentlemen in the back." said Rarity as she used her magic to transport it.

Meanwhile, Runo's father was taking pictures of it happening. "Its so nice to have Runo back, and with Rarity help working at our little cafe." he said as he took more pictures.

"Yes dear, and if it wasn't for her... this place will be a ghost town." said Saki as she cleaned the dishes.

One of the customers was looking around for a certain someone. "By the way, where's Alice...? he asked.

"She's out running a few errands with Fluttershy... I'm sure they'll be back in a while..." Saki said to him.

Runo was listening to them wanting to see Alice, and she started to get irretated. "HEY KNOCK IT OFF!!!" she screamed at them knowing that they were pushing her to her limit.

Tatsuo meanwhile was taking more pictures of her. "You'll always be number one with me my little precious." he said to her taking a few pictures.

"Oh dear, Tatsuo I don't think that's a good-" before Rarity could warn him however...

Runo screamed at the top of her lungs. "YOU'RE EMBARRASSING ME DAD!!!" she snatched the camera out of his hands and smashed it to a billion pieces causing him to scream. Rarity always knew that she had a temper, but she never thought she'd go as far to break her fathers favourite camera.

Meanwhile, Alice and Fluttershy we walking through the park enjoying the afternoon. "What a beautiful day to be outside..." said Alice as she breathed in the fresh air.

"Yes.. blissful isn't...?" asked Fluttershy, but she soon noticed Christopher at the river. "Oh...? Who's that...?"

Alice looked to where he was, and smiled noticing his Bakugan. "An up coming brawler..." suddenly, she noticed him raising it and realized what he was about to do.

Christopher held up his Juggernoid and his eyes began to squint showing much frustration. "I hate losing!!!" he was about to toss it into the river.

"No! Don't do it! Stop!" Fluttershy exclaimed about to stop him.

Suddenly, Christopher's arm was grabbed by someone else. Or rather, something... he looked and saw an armored pegasus standing before him. "What the...?!" he panicked and fell into the river. He resurfaced coughing a bit and looked to the pegasus surprised. "Hey, why'd you scare me like that?! Get me outta here!" he exclaimed.

Alice and Fluttershy rushed over and pulled him out of the river. Fluttershy meanwhile was looking to the pegasus, wondering who he was. "You're an Equestrian... aren't you...?" she asked him.

The Pegasus didn't respond, and remained silent for a moment. "I used to be..." he responded and looked to Christopher. "As for you young one... why would you throw away something so important to you...?" he asked him.

Christopher didn't respond, but he knew that they needed to know. "This guy named Travis forced me to battle him every day..." suddenly he let out a sneeze that caused Fluttershy to jump. "Oh... excuse me, sorry about that..."

"Its okay... but, he forced you to battle him every day...?" Fluttershy asked him.

Lowering his gaze, Christopher nodded to her. "Yeah... Travis did it because he's a mean old bully, and knew he'd win." he explained to them. Tears began to brim in his eyes knowing what Travis said about him was true. "I'm a loser..."

"No you're not..." said the Armor Pegasus as they turned to him surprised. "You're just not yet experienced with Bakugan yet... and you were just in a bad situation, that's all." he said to him as he folded his wings.

Alice was amazed of how wise he was in saying those words, and smiled knowing he was right. "He has a point... you just have to learn how to win Bakugan." she said to him.

Christopher however, was not convinced."That's easy for you guys to say... because you're probably good at it." he said to them and looked away. "I've had enough of losing, and I'm not gonna put up with it anymore." he placed his head on his knee's and looked away from them. "Cuz I'll never play Bakugan again..."

Fluttershy gasped from hearing it, knowing he was serious about it. But the Armored Pegasus, was not convinced. "So you're willing to run away from everything that you love most about the Bakugan...?" he asked as Christopher looked to him surprised. "Because like you... I too made many sacrifices in the land where I came from..." he looked out to the river starring at his reflection. "Had to experience love... loss... and pain... knowing that it will always be there inside my heart." he said to them remembering his past experience.

Fluttershy stared at him, sensing it deep within his heart. The love he shared with someone, the loss he experienced, and the pain that he felt. She couldn't help but feel sympathy for him, but soon she turned her attention to Juggernoid... and reached over picking him up. "Christopher..." she turned to him. "Let us teach you to win..." she said to him earning a surprised expression from him.

Alice smiled knowing where she was going with this. "She's serious, and you've got nothing to lose..." she said to him.

Christopher starred at Juggernoid and looked to her. "You think.... I could learn...?" he asked.

The Pegasus nodded to him and smiled under his helmet. "You may not realize it young Christopher... but you're stronger than you believe you really are. But it will take much practice and training to master your skills as a brawler... which is why we're here." he gestured to Alice and Fluttershy, as well as himself.

Fluttershy smiled and looked to Christopher. "So do you believe you're ready...?" she asked him. Christopher didn't know what to believe, but he knew he couldn't just keep losing to Travis, so he needed to end his losing streak. He looked to them and nodded his head. Fluttershy smiled but realized something, and looked to the armored Pegasus. "By the way... who are you...?" she asked him out of curiosity.

Taking a moment of silence, the stallion turned to her answering with one simple answer. "Saber..." he responded, lying about his true identity. Because under the helmet, was the former ruler of the Crystal Empire... Knight Incursio Valiant.

Back at Runo's restaurant, the customers were complaining about their orders, demanding to have them as well. Runo meanwhile was running like clockwork. "Coming up!" she cried out trying to get their orders to them. "We're out of Multi-brand Soy Muffins!" she replied to one customer while one customer complained about his coffee. "Sorry... I forgot..." she said to him.

Meanwhile, Tigrerra and Lancelot were watching her feeling sorry for the poor girl. "Humans... what a strange species..." she said out loud.

"Agreed... well at least it can't get any worse..." Lancelot said to her.

"Please Lancelot, let's not jinx it darling..." Rarity pleaded to him as she began to sweat knowing what might happen if Runo heard him.

At that time, Runo started to lose it. "That's IT!!!" she looked outside. "You better get here quick Alice, or else...!" she said with a menacing glare that sent chills in all the customers spines.

Back at the park, Alice was looking through Christopher's deck to see what type of cards he's got. "Hmm... lets see..." she muttered and set the cards down and picked up one of his Bakugan. "Not bad Christopher..." she observed each of the Bakugan and Cards that he has.

Christopher meanwhile, was not highly convinced of her methods. "Boy... I wonder if she even knows how to play Bakugan..." he thought to himself.

Fluttershy was also looking at the cards and looked to Christopher. "You sure have some amazing cards here Christopher, not a very big selection of attack cards... but some decent ability cards that should get you through almost any battle." she said to him.

"She's right... for example, your Aquos Robotallion... it has a low power level. But, if you hook it up with a trap sensing command card, it'll trick your opponent big time." Alice explained to him.

"And since you're an Aquos attributed battler... always remember this... always stick to your Aquos abilities, and I bet you'll see a world of difference." Saber said to him.

Christopher was amazed of how much they knew about the Bakugan, and he felt all his doubts be laid to rest as he smiled at them. "Yeah..." he looked to his cards. "Man... I never really there was so many ways to battle in Bakugan before." he looked to Alice.

"There are... and it all depends on your choices. If you put together the right power combinations, you'll be surprised how good you can be." Alice explained to him.

"Do you get it now Christopher...?" Fluttershy asked him.

"Yeah, right I get it now...!" Christopher replied with a bright smile, letting Fluttershy and Alice giggle at how happy he is.

Saber was also as happy for him as anyone would, but he knew that Christopher needed to face his mortal enemy. "Okay Christopher... I think its time for you to challenge Travis..." he said to him.

This surprised Christopher, he didn't know whether or not he could. "Huh?! But.. I wouldn't know which ability card to throw down, or even when to throw it down." he said to him.

"I'm sorry... but those aren't my decisions to make... they are entirely up to you young one." Saber said to him.

"Up to... me...?" Christopher asked him but lowered his gaze. "I can't... and every time I tried, I've messed up and thrown down the wrong card. You got to help me pick the right ones." he said to them.

"No way..." said Fluttershy. "If you want to become the best brawler... you have to play with confidence." she said to him.

Christopher sat in a moment of silence as he looked at the shy pony. "I don't think that could ever happen..." he looked down to his cards.

Knowing that he had a lot more than he gave himself credit for, Saber reached and touched Christophers shoulder. "Your most powerful weapon is confidence... more important than power. We all know that you deeply love Bakugan... now you have to master the game, as well as master your own destiny." he said to him.

"Well I'm not sure I can... but..." Christopher thought about it and knew that he was done being pushed around by Travis. He looked to them determined. "I'll try..." he said to them.

Alice smiled at him and nodded to him. "Believe in yourself... and before you know it, you'll fall in love with Bakugan all over again." she said to him. Christopher took their words to heart, knowing that this is exactly what he needed.

Meanwhile, back at Dan's place... Dan was scrubbing Drago down with a tooth brush, to the point he was enjoying it. "Ah yes... that's it, right there... a little harder..." he said to him as Dan continued to scrub his back. "I can learn to like this..." he said to himself.

Meanwhile Dan was still feeling rather uncomfortable with Twilight being in the same bathroom as he was. "Aw snap... how did I get myself into this situation...? Oh wait, I totally forgot..." he thought to himself.

Twilight took a bucket of water with her magic and dumped it on her head and sighed from the warm feeling. "Just like back home... only more refreshing..." she muttered.

Suddenly a small splash came out of no where, and Drago was starting to sink into the tub causing him to panic. "Help! Help I'm sinking! Get me out of here! Hurry!" he panicked to Dan trying to stay above water.

Back at the park, Chrstopher, Alice, Fluttershy and Incursio came to face Travis, and luckily... he was waiting for them. "So you came back for more punishment, huh Christopher...?" he asked him and noticed Alice. "And who's your girlfriend with her pets...?" he smirked.

"Hi, my names Alice... and you might say I'm Christopher's coach..." she said to him knowing secretly that Fluttershy and Saber will be the real ones helping Christopher.

"Really...? Ah who cares...? I'm still gonna woop the little pipsqueak's butt. Ain't that right kid...?" Travis asked Christophetr with a grin.

Fluttershy looked to Christopher, seeing how scared he is at the moment, but she placed a reassuring hoof on his shoulder to help calm him down. "Just remember, confidence..." she whispered to him.

Taking a deep breath, Christopher nodded and calmed down. Meanwhile, Travis pulled out his card preparing for battle. "This is boring, lets start..." he said to them.

Christopher pulled his card out as well feeling nervous, but suddenly he felt something grab his hand, and saw that it was Alice who was holding it. "Its okay... just believe in yourself..." she said to him with a warm smile on her face.

Face turned red, Christopher knew that she believed in him, as well as Fluttershy. Knowing this, he got his mind into the game and held out his card along with Travis. "Bakugan Field Open!" they cried out as they entered the Pocket Dimension Battlefield. As they entered the battlefield, they each pulled out a specific gate card to throw down onto the field. "Gate Card Set!" the tossed the cards in seeing them expand.

"Ready or not kid...?" Travis asked him.

Nervous about it, Christopher didn't know what to do. "Alice... which Bakugan should I use...? I'm confused..." he panicked, only to see that Alice wasn't with him, only Saber and Fluttershy were there beside him. "Alice...? Where did she go...?" he asked them.

"I don't know... she was with us a second ago..." Fluttershy said to him.

Feeling fear in his heart, Christopher knew that he was in trouble. "Hurry Alice... hurry..." he panicked.

Meanwhile, Alice was still in the real world... only... she was the only one who was able to move. She looked around feeling surprised of what was going on. "What's going on...?" she asked as she looked around the park. "Did time just stop...?" she walked towards a bench and sat down. "And where exactly am I...? It's like I'm in a different dimension..."

Suddenly... "Hey, what the heck happened to your coach?" asked Travis but was no where to be seen.

"She... She just disappeared!" said Christopher feeling panicked.

Hearing it, Alice knew that he was feeling scared. "Christopher...?"

"I bet she split because she knew you'd lose..." Travis chuckled.

Then within the mysterious void... "She would never do that you ungrateful jerk!" Fluttershy shouted at him.

"Whoa! Did that pony just talk?!!" Travis exclaimed.

Alice felt her nerves tightening just from listening to them. "Too freaky..." she muttered.

"You don't know Alice the way we do, and if you so much as bad mouth her again, I will make it personal... got it?!" Fluttershy asked the bully sending shivers down his spine as she simply gave him the stare.

He tried to look away, but it was almost near impossible. But he managed to shake his head, letting go of his fear. "Alright you freaks... here!" Travis tossed in a new gate card. "Don't worry, this won't take long." he said to them and pulled out his partner. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in Warius. "Darkus Warius Stand!" he called out as Warius emerged on the field, growling at its opponents.

Christopher panicked from seeing it. "Oh no... I'm doomed..." he said to himself.

"No Christopher..." Saber said to him. "You are giving up too easily... Travis may have a stronger Bakugan, but he's not invinsible." he said to him.

"But what am I supposed to do...?" Christopher asked as he looked at his Bakugan and Cards. "If I don't do something quick, I'm gonna lose again!" he exclaimed.

Suddenly, out of no where. "Trust your instincts!" Alice called out from the other dimension. "You can do this Christopher!"

"What...? Alice...? Where are you?! I need you!" Christopher called out to her.

"Just listen to me Christopher, I know we can't see each other... but imagine I'm right beside you with Saber and Fluttershy..." Alice responded to him.

Christopher was still in a panic of what was going on. "But I need you here..." he said to her.

"Listen carefully Christopher... understand...? What Bakugan is he using...?" Alice asked him knowing that she couldn't see what he's facing.

"Travis sent in his Darkus Warius, and according to my Bakupod, its at 350 G's..." Christopher explained to her of the situation at hand.

"Good..." Alice said to him.

Travis noticed that he was talking out loud, and wondered if he's lost it. "Hey kid, what's up? It's your move..." he reminded him.

"Okay, he brought out his big gun to finish you off... what you need to do is jump his ace before he knows what hit him." Alice said to him knowing Travis couldn't hear him.

"So... what do I throw...?" Christopher asked her.

Alice smiled a bit. "Don't you worry... there's plenty of things we can use to stick a wrench into Travis's game plan." Alice said to him knowing he can win this.

"She's right Christopher... you just need to trust in yourself to win the battle." said Saber.

"But... uh... you sure...?" Christopher asked.

"First, pick a gate card, and throw it down. Then go with Limulas, its your best shot at beating him Christopher." Fluttershy said to him as she placed a hoof on his shoulder. To reassure him that he could win this.

Christopher saw it in her eyes and nodded to her. "Right... Gate Card Set!" he tossed the card to the field seeing it appear on the top right side of the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed Limulas onto the fiel. "Limulas Stand!" he called out seeing it appear on the field. "Limulas has entered battle, at 310 G's." said the Bakupod.

Travis only laughed as he tossed in his Mantris to the field. "Right back at ya! Mantris Stand!" he called out as his Darkus mantris appeared on the field. "Mantris enters at 340 G's." the Bakupod calculated.

Alice listened to the battle knowing that Mantris was a tough opponent. "Okay... listen very carefully, use your Dive Mirage Ability Card." she said to Christopher.

"Okay... I will... Ability Activate! Dive Mirage!" Christopher called out as Limulas dove into the liquified gate card and appeared on the other card next to it.

"Very good... now let us see what Travis will do..." Saber said to him.

"Oh give me a break! What are you doing, running away?!" Travis asked as he prepared himself.

Christopher panicked knowing that he was gonna be in deep trouble. "Need... help..." he muttered.

"Ignore him Christopher, you're all set to battle..." Fluttershy said to him.

Christopher turned to to face her. "Are you sure...?" he asked her.

"Remember... you have to play with confidence, just open your eyes and you'll see the strategy." Fluttershy advised him of the situation and looked to the field. "You see...? Travis's Bakugan are in a different field, that means they won't be attacking you." she pointed out.

"Fluttershy's right Christopher, that gives you plenty of time to figure out an offensive strategy, and set up a trap against him." Alice said to him from the otherside.

Amazed at how much that's happened, Christopher smiled brightly at Fluttershy. "Yeah, that makes perfect sense! Boy, its almost like Alice can see the battlefield!" he said as he looked to the field.

"Now... what you have to do, is determine which of Travis's Bakugan is weaker..." Saber said to him and looked to the field looking between Warius and Mantris.

"Well... I'm pretty sure its his Mantris..." Christopher said as he held up his Bakugan.

"Then go attack it, set your third card, and go with Revive." Alice advised him.

Christopher nodded and hardened himself. "You got it! Gate Card Set!" he tossed in his card seeing it expand.

Alice smiled hearing it, knowing what he needed to do. "I think you know what to do next... go get him Christopher!" she cheered him on.

"Right! Bakugan Brawl!" Christopher tossed in his partner Juggernoid. "Juggernoid Stand!" he called out seeing his partner appear on the field. "Ready or not, here I come!" he said as Juggernoid came out of his shell and roared out. "Juggernoid has entered battle." said the Bakupod. "How am I doing so far...?" Christopher asked his friends.

"You're doing great Christopher, you certainly learn fast when brawling." said Fluttershy giving him a compliment. Christopher could only blush from hearing it as he rubbed his head chuckling nervously.

Travis observed what happened as he looked to Christopher. "This kids been practicing..." he said only to form his signature grin. "But he's no match for me! Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his Darkus Fear Ripper. "Fear Ripper Stand!" he called out seeing Fear Ripper appear on the field. Readying its claw, preparing for the kill. "Fear Ripper has entered battle." the Bakupod showed it on the screen as Fear Ripper was facing Limulas.

Panicking from seeing it, Christopher knew he was in trouble. "Whoa... he's at 320 G's!" he exclaimed.

Alice knew he was in a tough spot, but she wasn't going to lose faith in him. "Hang tough... just wait until he activates his ability..." she advised him.

"Ability Card Activate! Slash Zero!" Travis called out boosting Fear Ripper's power. "My Slash Zero ability just boosted my power by 80 G's!" Travis explained as Fear Ripper's power raised up to 400. "Looks like you're behind the eight ball kid!" he warned Christopher knowing he was going to win the battle.

"Alright Christopher... you know what to do..." Saber said to him and looked to the field.

Christopher nodded to him. "Gate Card Open! Level Down!" he called out as the field card glowed and Fear Ripper's power decreased by a hundred G's.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Travis panicked seeing it. "Level Down ability decreasing Fear Ripper power by 100 G's." said the Bakupod. At that moment, Limulas charged at Fear Ripper... and slashed through him, forcing him into Ball Form. Travis panicked seeing Fear Ripper land next to his feet. "That's impossible! How could you have known to counter my Slash Zero?!" he demanded to know.

"Like we would ever tell a bully..." Saber said to him with a glare.

"I did it! I won!" Christopher cheered.

Alice smiled hearing it. "Way to go Christopher!" she cheered him on.

"What's next Alice...?" Christopher asked her.

"You have to listen very carefully... if you mess up, it could mean the whole battle..." before Alice could finish.. Christopher was filled with excitement, but was still a little nervous.

"Oh boy, I don't know if I can handle all this preasure." he said to her.

Alice only giggled knowing how he's feeling. "Throw down your Robotallion at Mantris." she said to him.

"Huh?! But Robotallion's power level is lower!" Christopher panicked as he looked to the giant insect.

Fluttershy touched his shoulder to help him calm down. "Don't worry about that, his card is a trap... remember, you have two Bakugan in play. But Travis is down to just two, soon to be one." she advised him as she looked to the field. "And if you look at what's in your hand, you've still got a Double Battle Card to play."

Realizing this, Christopher totally forgot. "Oh yeah! With my Double Battle Ability, I can throw down another Bakugan anytime I want. Awesome!" he cried out.

"I know... and it also means Travis is stuck only playing one Bakugan. That puts the odds at two against one... and the odds are in your favor." said Alice as she smiled. "But watch out for Mantris-" suddenly, time began to pick up, and Alice felt the wind blowing around her. "What's happening...? Time is moving again..." suddenly the ground beneath her began to glow. "Something is wrong... this has never happened before... how can time start before a brawl is over...?" she asked.

Christopher heard Alice starting to panic. "What's going on Alice..." he asked her.

"Listen to me, you can do this! You can win! Believe in yourself, that's all you have to remember!" Alice called out to him as an aura of light shined around her.

"Alice! What's happening?! Don't go, Alice!" Christopher cried out to her unaware that she disappeared within the light.

Back in the battle, Christopher looked around trying to figure out what happened. But her efforts were pointless. "Oh no... now what do I do...? Oh this is so not cool..." he said out loud.

Fluttershy turned to Saber feeling worried. "Saber, what do you think happened to Alice...? Do you think something terrible happened...?" she asked him.

"She'll be fine... she's a stronger young woman, don't forget that..." Saber said to her and looked to Christopher, what matters right now is helping Christopher with this battle in Alice's sted..."

"Right... now Christopher, she said you should throw down your Robotallion... now go for it." Fluttershy said to him.

"Okay... Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his robotallion to face Mantris. "Robotallion stand!" he called out seeing his Aquos Robotallion emerge on the field.

Travis observed this feelign surprised. "What's he doing?!" he exclaimed seeing it. "Battle 2 Commenced." the Bakupod advised them. Showing that Mantris stood with a power of 340 G's, while Robotallion stood at 290 G's.

Christopher inhaled and exhaled. "Confidence... Gate Card Open! Double Battle!" he called out as the card glowed. He watched as his Limulas shot out to the field landing beside Robotallion. He smiled a bit hoping Alice was right. "I can do this..." he muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, Travis was not amused from seeing it happen. "Oh pretty tough using two Bakugan... but not for long kid! Try this on for size! Ability Card Activate!" he called out as Mantris took flight and grabbed onto Limulas carrying it into the air. It flew over to the card that Warius was on, and dropped it down seeing it land on its back.

Christopher panicked from it. "Oh no, Limulas!" he cried out.

"This is bad...!" Fluttershy panicked.

Travis laughed at Christopher seeing how scared he was. "Looks like I got you good punk! Because with my Sling Blazer, I can attack on any battle area." he explained to him as Mantris went on the offensive, and struck down Robotallion... forcing it into ball form winning the battle.

Warius also went in for the kill, taking out Limulas forcing it into ball form. Christopher watched as both his Bakugan rolled up to him, and looked down in defeat. "Oh well... I guess I'm not as tough as I thought..." he muttered. "Warius wins, Power Level 720 G's." said the bakupod.

Christopher laughed at how humiliated he was, and reveled in his victory. "You're down to only one Bakugan twerp! And I'd say this battle is pretty much a done deal! Not even your little ponies will be able to help ya!" he said to him.

This did not go unheard, Saber knew for a fact that Christopher went way too far with what he just said. His eyes snapped open glowing, catching by Travis by surprise. "You... arrogant little ingrate... you dare to insult this young boy, when he hasn't done anything to you to deserve this cruelty!" he roared out in anger catching both Fluttershy and Christopher by surprise. "He loves Bakugan, and you're treating him like he's nothing! Well I can tell you... he is more of a man than you will ever be...!"

Travis knew the Pegasus was serious, but he didn't care otherwise. "If he's that big a man, he should prove it! So lets say we end it here and now!" he tossed his Mantris back onto the field seeing it emerge in its true form. "Ability Activate! Slice Cutter!" he called out as Mantris's scythe formed arms glowed and blasted Juggernoid, weakening him. "Juggernoid Power Level Decrease by 50 G's." said the bakupod. "Well kid, you ready to give up or what?!" Travis asked him.

Fluttershy turned to Christopher, noticed how worried he was. "What do I do...? I wish Alice was here..." he slowly fell into despair.

Suddenly... "I am here Christopher... and remember what I said, you have to believe in yourself." Alice said to him

Fluttershy's eyes widened from hearing it, but she turned to Christopher with a determined expression. "She's right Christopher, its not always about skill or brawn. Confidence wins battles." she said to him knowing he can still win this.

Juggernoid growled a bit but turned to his partner with a hardened expression. Christopher saw it surprised but nods to him and looked to Fluttershy. "You're right Fluttershy, I can do this...!" he turned his attention to Juggernoid. "And I will! We've got work to do Juggernoid!" he called out to his partner.

Then out of no where. "I'm with you!" a voice called out, surprising Christopher. He looked to where it came from and saw that it was Juggernoid. "Your confidence gives me strength..." he said to him.

"HUH?!! Whoa! I didn't know you could talk!" Christopher exclaimed in surprise.

Juggernoid chuckled a bit. "You also didn't know that Bakugan feed off the emotions of their human masters." he explained to him.

"Whoa... that's freaky..." Christopher admitted to him. But despite how freaked out he was, he hardened himself, ready for battle. "I'm ready! Gate Card Open! Ability Activate! Depth Tornado!" he called out as Juggernoid's power skyrocketed to 380. "Ability has increased Juggernoid's power level by 100 G's, no other data available." said the bakupod as it recalculated.

"What the...?!" Travis panicked.

"Sick'em Juggernoid!" Christopher called out as Juggernoid spun out of control charging at Mantris. Crushing it with his own weight.

Travis flinched from it and saw what happened. "NO!!! No, no way!" he cried out.

"Yes way..." Christopher mocked him as he caught Juggernoid. Suddenly the Ressurection Card activated, and Robotallion and Limulas reappeared. "Robotallion, Limulas...!" he spoke to them and saw them revert to ball form as he caught them.

Travis observed what just happened feeling shocked and surprised of what he just saw. "Oh wow... somehow his command card let him bring back his Bakugan..." he muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, Juggernoid floated to Christopher and opened up from his ball form. "Your victory os the result of your confidence... in battle, I commend you. You have done well my friend." he complimented him on his victory.

Saber smiled at Christopher feeling proud of him. "Well done Christopher, you should be proud of yourself." he said to him.

"Because we are..." Fluttershy smiled at the young brawler.

Nodding to his friends, Christopher looked to the field. "Thanks to you... I think I can win this. Bakguan BRAWL!" he said to them as light shined around them.

The battled ended, and Alice didn't know who the winner was. She looked around to find him. "Christopher...?" she looked and found them standing where they last started the battle.

Travis slumped down in defeat, knowing he lost the battle fair and square. "Oh rats..." he complained.

Christopher looked and saw Alice and smiled. "Hey!" she pointed out to her.

Fluttershy looked to where she was and smiled. "Alice!" she leaped to her holding her.

Alice giggled from it as she held her in return. "Fluttershy, Christopher..." she smiled at the both of them.

Meanwhile, Travis was growling at them, but Christopher paid no attention to him as he walked up to Alice. "Alice, why in the world did and Fluttershy you help me...?" he asked her.

Alice and Fluttershy smiled at him knowing the answer. "That's easy... when we first saw you, we knew you were special. Even though you said you don't like Bakugan, because you don't like to lose... you really didn't mean it." she explained to him.

"She's right, in fact you really love the game." said Fluttershy as she smiled at him.

Christopher knew that he didn't really hate the game, he loved Bakugan more than anything. So he smiled, and looked to them. "You're right..." he said to them.

"Christopher!" Travis called him out.

Looking to him, Christopher could only guess what was running through his head. "Yeah...? What is it...?" he asked.

Travis stood silently for a bit but shut his eyes and smiled calmly. "We've got to have another battle kid... you beat me big time." he admitted to him.

Christopher looked to Alice and Fluttershy seeing them nod to him. He then turned to Travis to give his answer. "Yeah, sure... but I won't go easy on you, you understand...?" he asked him.

Travis smiled as he and Christopher did a fist bump. "You got it." he said to him.

Alice and Fluttershy smiled at how the two have gotten along after the battle. "Way to go Christopher..." Alice said to him.

Turning to them, Christopher had a bright smile on his face. "Hey Alice, Fluttershy, thank you both for teaching me to look inside myself for confidence." he expressed his gratitude.

"It was our pleasure." Fluttershy said to him.

"And mine..." a familiar voice called out surprising them. Christopher knew exactly who it was, and held up Juggernoid. "You've learned your lesson well my friend." he said to him.

Travis was surprised and looked to Christopher. "Hey Christopher, who are you talking to...? Not your Bakugan..." he said to him.

"Actually... I am..." Christopher replied and smiled. "And you know what I learned the most important thing about Bakugan...? Its to have fun..." he said to him.

Fluttershy smiled knowing he was right. Suddenly she just realized something and looked around. "Hey, where's Saber...?" she asked.

Alice looked around for him. "He was just here..." she looked for him,

Within the woods, Saber, going back to using his name Incursio... watched Christopher enjoy his victory against Travis and smiled at him. "Well done young brawler..." he turned and walked to the woods. "Catch you and the rest of the Battle Brawlers soon... Alice..." he said as he disappeared into shadows.

Meanwhile back at Dan's house, Dan emerged from the water in the bathtub panicking. "I almost forgot!" he cried out.

Twilight jumped from it and turned to him. "What?! What is it?!!" she asked him worried.

"I just remembered the most important thing in my life!" Dan said to her feeling panicked.

"Daniel, what is it?! Tell me!" Drago pleaded to him.

Dan quickly grabbed his towel and wrapped it around him. "Lets go Drago!" he grabbed him and ran for the kitchen. Twilight quickly dried off and followed after him. Dan reached the fridge and opened it up, looking inside and found his pudding. "Yes! My pudding! Mom and Dad remembered I was saving it!" he cheered out.

Meanwhile, Drago, Bahamut and Twilight gave him a blank stare from seeing it happen. "Humans..." they said in unison.

At Runo's restaurant, Runo gasped in realizing something important. "Oh no!" she cried out. "This is horrible..."

Rarity looked to her and rushed over to her. "Runo, what is it darling?" she asked her.

Runo turned to her with a worried expression. "I just realized something I should have realized a long time ago." she said to her.

"Well don't keep us in suspense Runo, what is it...?" Tigrerra asked her.

"Well... its about the time all of us went to see that kid Joe in the hospital, and found out he wasn't spying on the brawlers for Masquerade. You know what that means guys...?" she asked them.

Rarity shook her head in response. "Not exactly Runo dear... what does it mean...?" she asked her.

"It means that... one of the brawlers is a spy and telling Maquerade everything..." Runo said to them.

Gasping from hearing, Rarity and Tigrerra couldn't believe it. "A spy...? You sure...?" Tigrerra asked her.

Lowering her gaze and looking to the photo of her and the brawlers and the mane six. "Yes... but who...?" she wondered. Rarity and Tigrerra looked to each other worried, wondering who exactly would want to spy on them for Masquerade, and why...?

Author's Note:

Dan: Okay... if Joe isn't the spy... then who's been yapping to Masquerade about what the brawlers are up to?

Twilight: Beats me Dan, that is obviously problem number one... number two... your old nemesis Shuji and his brother Akira show up with their little sister and challenge you and me to a battle.

Dan: At first, I figured it would be bit of a cake walk, let me put it this way... big surprises sometimes come in small packages.

Twilight: And you won't believe how this one turns out... trust me, you don't want to miss this episode of Bakugan Legends of Equestria.

Drago: Boosted Dragon!

Bahamut: Crimson Fury!

Dan & Twilight: Bakugan Brawl! See you there!

(Hey guys, here is the next chapter that I would work on for ya. Fair Warning, I may work on my next story, the Mortal Kombat one, and work between both stories. Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls is still on Hiatus, until I figure things out. Also, my character Incursio may only make a few cameo appearances in this story. Until then, enjoy... and please don't be too hard on me. I don't take criticizm well.)