• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,387 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Runo Rules

The next day at Dan's house, the Rarity and Fluttershy were helping Miyoko clean the living room. Fluttershy was humming her the song Dan sang for her when she was hurting, this immediately caught Miyoko's attention. "That's a beautiful song Fluttershy." she said to her with a smile.

"Oh, thank you... It was a song Dan sang to me one night." she said to her only to surprised Miyoko.

"I... I didn't know he could sing..." she said to her as she looked to the stairs. "What else could he be hiding...?" she wondered.

"Oh don't worry Miyoko darling, I'm sure Dan likes to keep most things to himself. Even if he has to hide it from his friends or family." said Rarity as she cleaned the table for her.

Miyoko only smiled knowing she was right, suddenly she remembered something. "Oh my goodness, I almost forgot! Daniel!" she called out to him only to get no response. "Daniel!" she called for him again and crossed her arms. "He can't still be sleeping, its way passed lunch." she said out loud.

"I'm sure he's wide awake, knowing Twilight, she'll wake him up with an alarm clock." said Rarity as she dusted off some of the vases.

Meanwhile upstairs, Dan was actually talking to his friends online. "Awww... That's so nice to hear that you and Drago are back together again!" said Julie as she smiled at him.

"Yeah, and it was all thanks to Twilight and the others." said Dan as he looked to both Drago and Twilight.

"Well I thought... After you threw Drago into the river, we'd never hear from him ever again." Alice mentioned as she looked to Drago.

"Actually Dan, I'm surprised that your Bakugan decided to come back to you." Runo blurted out with a smug grin as she forgot about what she went through last night. "I know how you can be sometimes." she said to him

Dan only scowled at her, which also got Rainbow's attention. "Ha! Like you're one to talk Runo! You don't know anything about how to treat a Bakugan." she said to her with her hooves at her hips.

"Oh yeah? Well we get along just fine Rainbow." she said to her as she held up Tigrerra.

Tigrerra turned to face Rainbow Dash. "I must admit, she treats me rather well." she said to her.

Rainbow scowled at the little tiger, meanwhile Runo started to nuzzle her. "Aww, isn't my little Tigrerra a little cutie?!" she said as she squeaked a bit.

"Sorry to interrupt." Marucho chimed in. "But we should focus on Masquerade, he threatens us with his scheme to steal all our Bakugan." he mentioned to them, only to get a lot of anger from Runo.

"HEY IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT JERK BEAT ME!" she yelled at him.

Footsteps are soon heard on the other side of Dan's bedroom door. "Daniel! Are you in there?!" Miyoko asked as she opened the door to his room. "Get out of be-" she soon noticed that Dan was already out of bed. "Daniel... why didn't you answer me?" she asked him

"Gee mom, guess I didn't hear you calling me." he said to her surprised.

"Well you had me very worried about you. Now then..." she held a bag to him. "I have a little job for you today."

Dan saw it surprised and willing protested. "What? Can't you see I'm busy with my boys right now mom?" he asked her.

"Never mind your boys, I want you to scoot on over to the super market." she said to him, only to get further protests.

"Huh?! But mom, you're killing my chilling time!" he whined about it.

However, Miyoko had a little trick up her sleeve. She pulled out a flier which had his favorite food. "Grocery Town is having a sale on Loin Tips, your favorite." she teased him with it.

Dan's eyes widen seeing it. "Aw sweet, we haven't had them in months." he said and began to drool. The Mane Six giggled at the scene noticing how much of an oddball he is.

Dan left for the supermarket, meanwhile he was also chanting Loin Tips out loud given the fact how much he loves them. Drago at the moment was sitting in his jacket pocket listening to it. "Ugh... I will never understand humans..." he said out loud.

"You and me both darling." said Rarity as she walked beside them.

Drago looked to her. "May I ask why you chose to come along Ms. Rarity?" he asked her.

"Please Drago, just Rarity... Miyoko insisted I'd come along so I could take a look at the latest Fashion in this world. On our way to Grocery Town that is." she explained to him. "Most of all, if we are to become Battle Brawlers ourselves, we could at least battle in style." she said as she walked down the road.

Drago knew there was no way to question her motives, so he just let it go for the time being.

Meanwhile at the park, a group of kids were showing off their Bakugan. Then out of no where, a kid came out and knocked the bucket that held all his Bakugan out of his hands. "What the...?! Hey! What'd you do that for?!" he asked furiously

The kid who knocked the Bakugan out of his hand, was Tatsuya, he's a Pyrus Brawler and is a bully to the local kids, but most of the time, instead of brawling them, he just harasses them. Also he talks a lot more than he fights. "Well maybe I felt like it ya little freaks! Besides, you're too young to be messing with Bakugan." he said to them with a smug grin on his face.

The three kids glared at him for being such a jerk to them. "Who do you think you are?!" asked one of them in a serious tone.

"Yeah, why don't you just beat it?!" yelled another only to get a different response from Tatsuya.

He shot an intense glare towards them, sending chills down their spines. "No, you twerps should beat it!" he yelled at them seeing them run away. "Ha... yeah that's right, run to mommy."

"Hey kid..." called out a familiar voice.

"Huh? Wha...?" he looked to a tree and saw Masquerade sitting on a branch. "What's up with the costume you freak?" he asked him with much arrogance.

"My name is... Masquerade." he introduced himself only to get a different response.

"That's nice, who cares...?" asked Tatsuya holding his neutral expression.

Masquerade smirked at him sensing how arrogant he is. "It appears you think you're quite the Bakugan Brawler... so are you willing the test your metal Tatsuya...?" he asked him as he held a confident smirk across his face.

Tatsuya also formed a smirk believing he can beat him. "Oh yeah, bring it!" he accepted his challenge. Masquerade leaped out of the tree and landed on the ground. Both players pulled out their Bakugan Cards.

"Bakugan Field Open!" they called out as the Attribute Circle appeared beneath them, bringing them into a Pocket Dimension Battlefield.

Masquerade smirked as he pulled out the Doom Card. "I'll start... Doom Card set." he dropped the card to the field, letting it absorb the card sending a wave of Negative energy through the battlefield.

They soon pulled out a Gate Card. "Gate Card set!" the yelled out as they tossed them to the field, letting them grow on the field.

Tatsuya pulled out a Bakugan getting ready for battle. "Guess its my turn! Bakugan Brawl!" he threw the Bakugan onto the field, it opened up revealing itself as a Pyrus Mantris. "Bakugan Stand!" he called out as Mantris appeared in its true form, hissing at Masquerade. "You don't stand a chance against my Mantris!" he boasted about it (smug little punk.)

Masquerade smirked as his mask scanned Mantris's data. "Nicely played... his Mantris has Fire Attributes, but he's not nearly strong enough." he thought to himself. He then loaded a Bakugan into his shooter. "I think its time to Exterminate your Mantris. Bakugan Brawl!" he shot his Bakugan to the field, revealing it was a Darkus Siege. "Bakugan Stand!" he called out as Darkus Siege emerged in his true form, unlike the Aquos Siege, its Lance was different, more demonic in a way.

Tatsuya only smirked at it knowing he was hardly intimidated. "Ohhh so scared! Like your overgrown tin can has a chance! How shall I counter?" he wondered, but it didn't take him long to decide. He grabbed a new Gate Card and threw it onto the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed a new Bakugan onto the field, revealing it as a Pyrus Stinglash. "Bakugan Stand!" Stinglash emerged in its true form, hissing at Masquerades Bakugan. "Okay... my Gate Card gives me another 200 G's, so that brings my Stinglash up to 560 G's. That should do it." he thought to himself. "Your move!" he said to Masquerade.

Masquerade held onto a confident smirk, knowing Tatsuya's strategy is going to fail. "Gate Card set!" he tossed a new Gate Card onto to field. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot a brand new Bakugan onto the field. "Bakugan Stand!" it opened up revealing a Centipede type Bakugan, its name was Darkus Centipoid. It is based on the insect the Centipede. It has two pincers that are larger than its head, which can penetrate hard armor. It has two tails that are razor sharp and antennas that sense predators miles away. It travels underground for sneak attacks and has an unbreakable, exoskeleton shell. It has fifteen pairs of legs. It emerged in its true form, hissing at its opponents with malice intent.

Tatsuya was not impressed. "Ha! That's what you call a counter move?! You're going down in the first round you creep!" he yelled at Masquerade, who is still smirking at him for his arrogance.

"Not after I throw down this card." said Masquerade as he held it up. "Ability Card Activate!" he tossed the card into the sky, allowing it to form storm clouds.

Tatsuya saw it surprised. "I'm in trouble!" he panicked a bit.

"You talk big... but can you... back it up punk?" asked Masquerade. Lightning soon struck Centipoid and streams of electricity flowed from its body. Snaring both Mantris, and Stinglash, it began pulling them onto the same Gate Card it was standing on.

Tatsuya noticed it and his confidence began to rise again. "Ha! My Mantris and Stinglash are gonna eat your Bakugan for Breakfast!" he said to him with a smirk, unaware it was really a trap.

"You don't know who you're dealing with, do you? Gate Card Open!" he called out as the Gate Card began to glow. Darkness was beginning to fill the Battlefield, Tatsuya began to panic seeing it. In the dark void of despair, Centipoids eyes glowed brightly, and it charged at Mantris. Biting down on it, throwing it towards a portal to the Doom Dimension. It soon went after Stinglash, who went on the defensive, but that wasn't going to stop Centipoid. Energy shot out from between its two large pincers, shooting the ground allowing it to burrow beneath the surface. Stinglash soon found itself trapped in the sand, trying desperately to escape. But Centipoid emerged beneath it, grabbing Stinglash with its pincers and throwing it through the portal to the Doom Dimension.

Tatsuya was shocked beyond belief. "Whoa... he took both of mine out..." he said with a shocked expression.

Masquerade watched as the portal closed, he then looked towards Tatsuya. "Unfortunate for your Mantris and Stinglash, but there is no escape from the darkest power of this card. And now they're heading for the Doom Dimension." he explained to Tatsuya, seeing him fall to his knee's.

"I'm... so wasted..." he admitted defeat.

Masquerade smirked and started walking towards him. "Hate to break it to you, but your Bakugan are never ever coming back." he said to him as he stepped up to him.

"You're kidding right...?" Tatsuya asked him.

"When it comes to Bakugan, I'm deadly serious!" he said to him as the Battle quickly ended in a two win battle.

Meanwhile at Runo's house (well its also a restaurant, but still...) Runo was having the worst time of her life. "AWW YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" she yelled out in her parents restaurant. "Why do I have to work in here Daddy? Why?! WHY?!! I hate being a waitress!" she complained to her father. "Its like the most boring job in the whole world." she said to him.

"Aw come on Runo, your mom and I love having you around." said her father Tatsuo. He has a tendency to smother Runo and the cafe is flooded with pictures of her and his actions as an over-protective parent get on Runo and his wife's nerves. However, he is very devoted to his family and loves them very much.

"Whatever... but a girl can't get rich when the place is deserted." she looked around the restaurant seeing no one around.

Tatsuo also looked to it. "I call it a midday slump." he said to her.

"You should be very proud of your family business Runo." said Runo's mother Saki, although she tends to criticize her husband, they both love Runo very much and they support her no matter what. "While your father is constantly bragging about you, have a look around dear." she gestured to the pictures of Runo when she was growing up, which to Runo... was pretty embarrassing. "Your father has turned this place into a shrine for his little princess, you would think there would be more than one picture of me, but no. Now you know why I'm in therapy." she chuckled a bit.

"Yeah well, can't a father be proud of his only daughter?" Tatsuo asked them.

"Weeeeellll... I have got the freakiest parents on the planet." Runo pointed out.

Saki soon realized something and turned to her daughter. "Say Runo, seeing as we're a little slow around here, would you mind running a little errand for me this afternoon...?" she asked her.

Runo thought about it, but since she has nothing else to do. "Yeah, I guess."

"I read in the paper that Grocery Town is having a giant meat sale, and if you go, maybe I'll just make you some Liver Kebobs." she offered to her daughter, and got the right reaction out of her.

Runo gasped in delight at the thought of it. "I just adore Liver Kebobs!" she blurted out. But soon she just realized that Dan might be at Grocery Town, causing her to groan in frustration. "Oh well great! I bet I'll see Dan there!"

On her way to Grocery Town, Runo was singing to herself about her favorite food. Tigrerra soon popped out of her bag to speak to her. "Runo... forgive me for interrupting, but are you alright? You didn't sleep very well last night." she mentioned to her.

"Huh...? Oh... its nothing Tigrerra, honest." Runo tried to reassure her.

"Runo, is it about this Dan boy?" Tigrerra asked her, knowing Runo had something to hide.

Runo looked down trying not to think about last night. "Its... complicated Tigrerra, but don't worry... there is nothing going on between me and Dan, I swe-" before she could finish her sentence, she bumped into Dan on the way, and fell to the ground.

"Ow...! That hurt..." he said as he rubbed his head.

"Daniel darling, you okay?" Rarity asked worriedly.

Dan rubbed his head a bit. "Yeah, I'm okay..." he soon looked to who he bumped into. "Runo?"

Runo soon looked to him as she got back up. "Dan? Do you live around here?" she asked him

"Y-Yeah... how about you?" he asked her.

"I totally do, just around the corner." she mentioned to him.

Dan soon smiled a bit. "Well, so we finally meet." he said to her while scratching his head.

"Yeah, I guess we do... I mean after talking online for such a long time." she pointed out as she looked to Rarity. "And you must be Rarity, wow, you're even prettier in person." she complimented her.

"Well, thank you darling, I can honestly say the same about you. Though your hair would look much prettier if it were down." she pointed out to her mixed with a compliment.

Runo blushed at the compliment and looked away with a smile. "Thanks... I guess..." she said to her with a little bit of gratitude.

"Well, looks like we could be neighbors or something." said Dan as he smiled.

Runo soon thought of something as she smiled. "I got an idea." Dan looked to her surprised as Runo stood on her feet. "Lets have... a Battle!" she said as she held out Tigrerra.

Rarity was surprised by her offer. "You mean like right here?" she asked her.

"No silly, how about we meet later in the park?" she asked them.

Dan thought it over for a bit as he stood back up on his feet. "Nah... I wouldn't want to take your Bakugan. I'm a pretty good Brawler." he mentioned to her.

Rarity walked up to him. "Daniel, why don't you get going, I'd like to spend some time with Runo, get a chance to know her more." she said to him as she looked to Runo.

"Okay, well... catch ya later, and don't cause a scene." he said as he ran off.

"What...?!" Runo watched as he left and turns to Rarity. "So... from what Dan told me, you're a fashion designer?" she asked her.

"Very much so, in fact the best in Equestria. On our way here, we stopped by a few fabric stores and purchased some very unique pieces." said Rarity as she showed her the fabrics she chose.

Runo looked through them and was amazed by the quality. "Wow... you really do have a good sense of fashion." she complimented her.

"Aww... you should see the dresses I made for the girls back in Equestria." said Rarity, suddenly something caught her eye. "Huh...?" she used her magic to pick up what appeared to be Dan's Bakupod. "Dan dropped his Bakupod." she said as the Bakupod activated. "Welcome Dan." the Bakupod said as it revealed he got a message.

Runo noticed it and took the Bakupod. "He's... got a message." she said as she checked what the message was, and shocker... it was Masquerade.

"Hello Dan... Masquerade here with a little invitation for you." he said in the message.

Rarity scoffed at seeing him. "Well if it isn't the fashion nightmare himself!" she blurted out, only to get shushed by Runo.

"Meet me at the river this afternoon, around 3:00pm, and come alone if you know what's good for you." Masquerade said in a threatening tone.

Runo ended the message as her blood began to boil. "I just hate that creep!" she yelled out.

"You and me both darling, we need to find Dan and tell him." said Rarity as she was about to go after Dan.

"No..." Runo said as she clenched the Bakupod. "Someones gotta stop him before he ruins everything... and that someone... is going to be me." she said as held the Bakupod tightly in her hand.

Rarity noticed it and was willing to protest. "But Runo, what if he takes away your Bakugan again?" she asked her worriedly. "You might even lose Tigerra." she pointed out.

"Ms. Rarity, I know you're worried about Runo, but this is something Runo wants. Try to understand, she has come too far to back down now." Tigrerra said to her.

Runo turned towards Rarity to face her. "Besides, even if Masquerade knocks me down, I'll just step back up." she said to her with a confident smile.

(Parody of Steppin' Up from Elena of Avalor.)


The climb to the top is oh so steep

Got a lot to learn to make that leap

But we're gonna stay strong

And keep hanging on

Each step that we take it's hard to see

The finishing line where we need to be

Rarity watched her amazed, not just by how beautiful her voice was as she sang. But how confident she felt in wanting to face Masquerade. Runo looked to Tigrerra and held her in her hands.


But we're gonna stand tall

Even when we fall

Cause we're steppin up

We are here to stay

No matter what they say

We're gonna win the day

We're steppin up

Giving all we got

There's no way we'll stop

Until we reach the top

Rarity smiled at her and walked up to her.


Practice will make it perfectly right

You gotta keep going to keep up the fight


Yeah I'm gonna push through

It's what I've got to do

Cause I'm steppin up

I am here to stay

No matter what they say

We're gonna win the day

Runo & Rarity;

We're steppin up

Give it all we've got

There's not way we'll stop

Until we reach the top

We're steppin up

We're steppin up

We are steppin up

Runo smiled and looked to Rarity. "Lets get to the river." she said to her as Rarity nodded to her. They both ran out of Grocery Town to meet with Masquerade.

Meanwhile, Dan was still running his head off to get the Loin Tips he was supposed to purchase. "Oh man, I really gotta step on it. I'm late, Mom's gonna be steamed." he went to look at his Bakupod to check the time, but when he looked at his wrist and found it wasn't there. "Hey... my Bakupod!" he then realized what happened to it. "Oh man... I gotta go back and get it." he ran back to where he last saw Runo and Rarity hoping to find his Bakupod, but it was no where to be found. "Aww.... you gotta be kidding, where did it go?" he searched for it everywhere he looked. "Its gotta be here..." then a thought just popped into his head. "Unless maybe Runo and Rarity saw it first and snagged it up." he ran off to find them.

Meanwhile at the river, Runo and Rarity arrived at the river hoping to encounter Maquerade, but instead of Masquerade himself... they found Tatsuya. "So... who are you supposed to be...?" he asked her.

"Name's Runo, and it looks like Masquerade sent me here to battle against you." she theorized, and she couldn't be more right.

"Ha! My Battle is supposed to be against a guy named Dan, not some lame girl and her little pet pony." he teased her with his usual snarky attitude.

Rarity scoffed at him. "A PET?!! How DARE you! Runo, teach this boy a lesson!" she demanded.

Tatsuya was surprised. "What the..?! What kind of freak show did I get myself into?!" he asked himself.

Runo scowled at him and looked away shutting her eyes. "Dan's the one who's lame." she said to him. Rarity heard it surprised, but somehow she knew she didn't mean it.

Tatsuya thought of something the might have happened. "You mean you... you beat Dan?" he asked in disbelief.

"Who cares about Dan?! Did you come here to battle or what Mr. Not-so-Big-Shot?! I'm challenging you!" she pointed to him, Rarity looked at her figuring that she was only stalling Tatsuya. She knew she needed to win a battle, and this could be her only opportunity.

Tatsuya smirked as he reached and pulled out a Bakugan Card. "Okay... but you'll be sorry, because I'm gonna whip you good." he said to her.

Runo smirked as she pulled out her card. "You ready Rarity...?" she asked her.

"More than Ive ever been, and I cannot wait to wipe that little punks smirk off his face!" she blurted out shooting a glare at Tatsuya.

Runo and Tatsuya held up their cards as they both glowed with their respected Attribute colors. "Field Open!" the called out as they were starting to enter the Pocket Dimension Battlefield. Then all of a sudden...

"HEEEYYY!!!! HANG ON!" Dan called out as he activated his card, quickly entering the Battlefield. He ran up to Runo and Rarity. "Runo, Rarity, what do you think you're doing?" he asked them.

They turned to him surprised. "Here's a better question, what do you think you're doing following me...?" Runo asked him curiously.

"Well... I thought you might have found my Bakupod." he said to her as he scratched his head.

Runo smiled and took the Bakupod from Rarity and handed it to him. "Is this it...?" she asked him. "You dropped it back at the mall, so we picked it up for you." she informed him only to see him snatch it out of her hands. "Hey! Is that the thanks I get for finding it?!" she yelled at him.

Dan looked and saw he had a message. "Man... got a message." he then looked to Tatsuya and realized what was going on. "Hold on, you're not Masquerade." he pointed out.

"Took you long enough to figure it out." said Rarity.

Tatsuya then crossed his arms. "Hello! Waiting to battle over here!" he exclaimed to them.

Runo rushed up to Dan with pleading eyes. "Please Dan, I know what you're thinking, but let me battle him! Masquerade set up this battle, and he's the one who stole my Bakugan from me! I want to have my revenge Dan, I want it!" she pleaded to him. "I know its no big deal to you, but its the whole entire world to me." she said to him.

Dan looked to her seeing her eyes, noticing that she truly needs to win this. "I don't know..." he said as he thought about it.

Tatsuya started walking toward them. "Come on! Come on, lets get this show on the road already!" he exclaimed to him wanting to start the battle.

Dan soon had a confident smirk across his face. "Keep your shirt on, you in a hurry to lose?" he asked him surprising the young brawler. "Cause Runo is gonna whip you big time!" he said to him.

Rarity was surprised from what he said, she knew that Dan was gonna want to battle Tatsuya. But for him to let Runo battle in his place, it shows signs that has a good heart underneath his rough exterior. Runo looked at him with a faint blush over her face. "Really...?" she asked him, only to receive a nod from him, she smiled cheerfully and turned to Tatsuya with a determined expression. "Alright ya little punk! Lets get this battle started!" she declared.

Tatsuya glared at her and pulled out a Gate Card as well as she did. "Gate Card Set!" they threw their cards onto the field.

Tatsuya soon pulled out the Doom Card forming a confident smirk. "Doom Card Set now!" he threw it onto the field as the battlefield absorbed it.

Rarity saw it feeling the force of Negative Energy, she shivered from it. "That Masquerade has no shame what so ever...!" she blurted out as she shot a glare at him.

"Okay Runo, this is your one chance, its all or nothing!" she thought to herself as she pulled out a Bakugan. "Everything rides on you Juggernoid... Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed it to the field. "Bakugan Stand!" she called out as Haos Juggernoid emerged in its true form, roaring out at Tatsuya. "So what did you think of my opening move?" she asked both Dan and Rarity.

"Not bad..." Dan complimented her.

"I think it was smashing.... and I must say, Haos Bakugan certainly have a lot more to them than I ever realized." Rarity said as her mind went into her own little Fashion World.

"Now to put the plan into action!" Runo declared as she stood ready.

Tatsuya meanwhile... was not amused. "Ha... tell me you're joking! Your Bakugan's a turtle? The only thing he can do is crawl!" he blurted out as he started laughing trying to get on their nerves, and surprisingly, it was working.

Rarity shot a fierce glare at him. "That's it! I've had it with you, ya little brat! Runo, choose your next move carefully." she advised her.

Runo smirked confidently. "I'm just a girl... what do I know about battling anyway?!" she asked only trying to mock him.

Tatsuya loaded a Bakugan into his shooter with a smirk. "Now its my turn to play! Bakugan Brawl!" he shot it out to the field. "Bakugan Stand!" he called out as his Pyrus Gargonoid emerged in its true form, shrieking with much malevolence. "Gate Card Open!" he called out as the Gate Card began to glow. "Lets do some damage!" he said to Gargonoid as flames surrounded its body.

Dan checked his Bakupod to see its power level. "Gargonoid Power Level 430 G's." said the Bakupod. Gargonoid shrieked and shot a stream of fire at Juggernoid.

Runo prepared herself for this. "Okay, my turn! Ability Card, Lightning Shield Activate!" she threw the card over Juggernoid, as a shield of light formed above it. "Gargonoid Power Level decrease by 100 G's." said her Bakupod.

Rarity panicked from hearing it. "Juggernoid doesn't have enough power!" she cried out seeing Gargonoid charge at Juggernoid, tackling it into a portal to the Doom Dimension.

Runo was shocked from what happened. "How did he do that?!" she asked them.

"No clue... his Bakugan was only 10 G's stronger than yours." Dan explained to her.

Runo glared at Tatsuya for what happened. "This is not looking good for me... Ive got to stop this losing streak before I lose all my Bakugan." she thought to herself.

Dan noticed her expression and started to worry. "Hey Runo, are you... okay...?" he asked her

Runo looked to him with a smile. "Yep." she pulled out her next Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" she threw it to the field, as it stood on the field, it revealed itself as a Haos Saurus. "Bakugan Stand!" she called out as Saurus emerged in its true form, snarling at Tatsuya. "Only two left... gotta make this work." she thought to herself.

Meanwhile Tatsuya, was only laughing at her with a smug look on his face. "You kill me! You really think you stand a chance?! Or do you wanna pack it in?!" he asked her getting on her nerves even further.

Runo was trying to keep herself under pressure, then Tigrerra floated up to her. "Let me finish this." she said to Runo.

"Runo, listen to Tigrerra, she could be your only chance to defeat this rotten little child." said Rarity wanting the need to teach Tatsuya a lesson for the that one insult.

Runo however shook her head in response. "No... this is my battle you two, I have a great strategy worked out. Just wait." she said to her with much determination in her heart.

"As you wish." Tigrerra willingly backed down.

"Are you sure about this Runo?" Rarity asked feeling worried about the battle.

"Mmhmm... trust me Rarity, I got this totally under control." she assured her.

"But-" before Rarity could intervene.

"Its true I haven't been the best brawler in the past, but I know I can read this guy. Dan gave me this chance, now let me prove myself." she begged of her to give her this chance.

Dan noticed how determined she was to defeat Tatsuya, he knew she was stubborn, but he knew this was her one chance to end her losing streak. Meanwhile, Tatsuya let out a dark chuckle as he loaded Gargonoid into his shooter. "Your little love fest is making me sick! Bakugan Brawl!" he shot it to the field letting it stand on the field. "Bakugan Stand!" he called out as Gargonoid emerged on the battlefield. "Ability Card Activate! Fire Judge!" he called out as he tossed the card to Gargonoid. Flames swirled around it as its power began to increase. "Gargonoid Power Level increase to 430 G's, Saurus remains stable." said his Bakupod.

Runo pulled out a counter ability. "I'm down to my last chance to win. Ability Counter Activate!" she called out as sparkling lights shined around Gargonoid, extinguishing the flames around it. "Counter Attack neutralizes Gargonoid power increase." said her Bakupod.

Tatsuya only let out a dark chuckle from seeing it. "Nice try!" he continued to tease her.

"He's right Runo, that wasn't much of a move. His Gargonoids got power, and loads of it." he said to her as he looked at his Bakupod.

Tigrerra knew she might lose Saurus, so she turned toward her. "Utilize me!" she pleaded to her.

"Yes Runo, send in Tigrerra before its too late." Rarity begged her to send her in.

"No! I can do this!" she said to them with a confident smile, Dan noticed it and started to figure out what she has planned.

"Okay, lets get this over with! Gargonoid attack!" he called at as Gargonoid charged at Saurus preparing to send him into the Doom Dimension.

Runo smirked at him knowing he fell right into her trap. "Just like I thought... Saurus! Gate Card open!" she called out as the card began to glow beneath Saurus. "Okay, watch and learn guys! With this card, Saurus' power level will increase to the same level as my strongest, Tigrerra!" she explained to Dan and Rarity, surprising them.

"No way!" Tatsuya cried out.

"Saurus Power Level Increase to 340 G's." said her Bakupod. "Yeah! Come and get it!" Runo called out as Gargonoid charged right at Saurus. However Saurus, pulled its large fist back, and quickly punched Gargonoid with much force sending it flying back. Gargonoid writhed in agony as it reverted to Ball Form, returning to Tatsuya. Runo watched him groan in frustration as she caught Saurus. "I win!" she called out with a smirk.

"Settle down..." Dan advised her. "You just won one round, you didn't win the whole battle." he explained to her as he watched Tatsuya carefully.

"He's right darling, you may have won this round, but you still have two more. And given that Tatsuya lost this round, I have a feeling he's done playing around." said Rarity as she advised her.

Runo pulled out a new Gate Card. "I'm just getting started!" she tossed it to the field letting it expand onto the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" she threw Saurus back onto the field.

"You only get one chance at being lucky girl! Bakugan Brawl!" he yelled out as he shot out a Pyrus Griffon onto the field. Both Bakugan stood on the field, and emerged in their true forms, preparing for battle. "Ability Card Activate! Fire Wall!" he called out as a pillar of flames circled around Griffon. "Too bad you don't know how to fight Fire with Fire! Because my Fire Wall is gonna drop your power level over by 50 G's!" he warned her as Griffon snarled at Saurus with much ferocity.

"Man he's good, for real!" Dan panicked as Griffon charged at Saurus.

"Pyrus Activate!" Runo called out as the Gate Card opened. Griffons power level was switched with Saurus. "Sensing Power Level change." said her Bakupod. Saurus charged at Griffon and clobbered it forcing it back into Ball Form.

"My goodness, you really planned that through Runo, I'm impressed at how brilliant you are." Rarity complimented her.

Tatsuya was shocked at how he was outsmarted. "NO!" he cried out.

"How does it feel to lose to a girl?" Runo asked with a smirk across her face. "Huh Tough-Guy? I just pulled the old power switcheroo on you and it worked to perfection." she explained to him.

"That was awesome, how did you figure out that counter move?" Dan asked her curiously.

Runo shut her eyes and smiled a bit. "It was easy..." she turned toward him to explain. "He battles like you, so you're kind of predictable." she said to him.

Rarity snickered at hearing it. "You know, she is right about that darling, even when you're hot headed." she said to him.

"AM NOT!!!" Dan yelled out defensively.

Rarity smirked seeing it. "That proves my point." she said as she flipped her mane.

"Gate Card Set!" Runo tossed out another card, and grabbed Saurus. "Okay Saurus, its up to you! Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed him to the field for a third battle. "Bakugan Stand!" she called out as Saurus emerged in its true form.

"That's it! You're going down!" Tatsuya yelled furiously. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot out a Pyrus Fear Ripper onto the field. "Bakugan Stand!" he called out as Pyrus Fear Ripper emerged in its true form. "Do your worst Fear Ripper! Show no mercy and rip her Saurus apart!" he ordered Fear Ripper, who willingly obeyed and charged at Saurus.

"Gate Card Open! Activate Now!" Runo called out as the Gate Card began to glow brightly, forming a barrier between Fear Ripper and Saurus. Fear Ripper tried to slash its way through the barrier with its gigantic claws, but fails to do so.

"What are you doing?! You're not Battling!" yelled Tatsuya.

Runo scowled at him. "That's right, I don't have to..." she said as her thoughts when to seeing her Bakugan who were sent to the Doom Dimension. "I'm tired of losing my Bakugan, this is supposed to be a game!" she turned to Tigrerra and held her in her hands. "Right Tigrerra...?" she asked her.

"You humans are full of surprises." she said to her.

Runo smiled at her. "Ive been saving the best for last... I figured with your power, we could finish off his Fear Ripper, and walk away with a win." she explained the rest of her plan.

"Your wish is my command." Tigrerra said to her.

"And Tigrerra, if you do go out there, be sure the battle with style." said Rarity.

"Of course, I will personally give this boy a reason to regret his actions." Tigrerra said as she looked to Runo.

"We can't afford to lose this one, its all or nothing. Saurus is waiting for you..." Runo pointed out as Tigrerra looked to Saurus. Saurus turned to her giving her a nod.

Tigrerra saw it surprised and she turned to Runo seeing how well she planned her strategy. "I'm impressed by your patience human, by my calculations... your strategy may yet be successful." she complimented Runo.

"Hey, I appreciate the Vote of Confidence." Runo said to her with a warm smile.

"You can rely on my to defeat Fear Ripper." Tigrerra said proudly as she prepared for battle. "Lets get this over with shall we?!" she asked as she curled up into Ball Form.

Runo nodded at her and looked to the Battlefield. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed Tigrerra onto the field. "Bakugan Stand!" she called out as Tigrerra stood on the field. Light shined around her, and she emerged in her true form. She took on the form of a White Tiger, with blades running down her back, and armor around her body. She rose her head and roared out with much ferocity.

Rarity was amazed at how she looks. "My goodness... so this is what you really look like, so majestic..." she complimented Tigrerra.

"As much as I love the compliment, but we are still in the battle Ms. Rarity." Tigrerra said to her as she focused on the battle with Fear Ripper.

"Lets Brawl!" Runo and Tatsuya called out as the Barrier between the three Bakugan disappeared.

Fear Ripper charged at them tackling Saurus to the ground, but was unaware Tigrerra was behind him. "YOU'RE MINE!" she snarled and went to strike at Fear Ripper, but it deflected her attack and struck at her. Tigrerra dodged it and slid on the ground landing next to Saurus. "Are you ready Saurus?!" she asked him.

"Never more!" he replied to her and got back up. Fear Ripper when to knock him back down, but Saurus blocked his attacks, and grabbed him by his arms. Fear Ripper was surprised by this action as Saurus turned to Tigrerra. "Spring Board! NOW!" he called out to her.

Tigrerra took her chance to strike, she charged towards Saurus and leaped onto his back, and leaped above him and Fear Ripper. Fear Ripper struggled to get away, but Tigrerra roared at him with much ferocity. "Ability Card Activate! Crystal Fang!" Runo called out as Tigrerra's claws extended. She snarled at Fear Ripper and struck him down, forcing him to revert to Ball Form.

Tatsuya was shocked by this development. "How did she...?!" he asked as Fear Ripper landed next to his foot. "Fear Ripper Eliminated." said his Bakupod.

Dan was amazed at what happened, even Drago was impressed by what happened. "That was sweet! Ive never seen teamwork like that before." he admitted as Tigrerra and Saurus roared out in victory. They soon returned to the real world, and Tatsuya... was less than happy with what happened.

"No way! There's no way I could have lost to a girl! There is just no way, I want a rematch!" he cried out.

"This kid doesn't know when to let it go." said Runo as she cracked her knuckles. "Oh well, might as well teach him the hard way..."

Rarity soon stopped her from doing so. "Let me handle this darling..." she walked toward him.

Runo was surprised by what she's doing. "Uhhh... what's she doing...?" she asked Dan and Drago.

"I don't know, but I can't wait to see the result." said Drago as he watched what was going to happen.

Tatsuya watched as Rarity walked up. "Oh what? You want a piece of me?! Because I have no problem with hurting a little-" before he could finish, Rarity's horn glowed as her magic wrapped around him. "Whoa, hey!" he struggled but felt his body float into the air, he began to panic as Rarity made him hang upside down over the river.

Runo watched it surprised at what she's doing. "She wouldn't..."

"She would..." said both Dan and Drago.

"I'm going to give you this one chance to apologize, right now for everything you did." she said to him as she held him over the river.

"And if I don't?!" Tatsuya asked her.

Rarity only formed a devious smirk across her face. "I can think of a few things that would amuse me..." she dunked him into the river.

Tatsuya cried out as he got dunked several times in the water. He tried to catch his breath, till finally he couldn't take it anymore. "Okay! Okay I'm sorry! I'm sorry for what I did! Please stop!" he pleaded to her.

"That's better..." she pulled him to shore and set him on the ground. "Now I'm warning you young man, if you so much as bully another innocent soul... then you will answer to me... are we clear...?!" she asked him with much anger inside her eyes.

Tatsuya looked like he was about ready to pee his pants just by seeing it. "Y-Yes ma'am... crystal clear ma'am." he replied to her with much shakiness in his voice.

Satisfied with the results, Rarity let him go. "That's all I needed to hear... but remember young man... Ive got my eye on you." she gestured to him as she walked away.

Meanwhile, Dan, Runo, Drago and Tigrerra were shocked to see that side of her. "And here I thought Fluttershy was scary..." said Dan.

"That sweet little pony? Scary...? She probably has nothing on Rarity..." said Runo as she watched Rarity walk to them.

"Stranger things have happened though..." said Drago

Dan and Runo soon smiled and decided to lie down on the grass, to get a chance to relax after everything that happened. Dan smiled as his eyes were closed as he thought about the battle. "Not bad Runo... you sure showed him..." he complimented her.

"I appreciate it Dan... I tried my best." Runo replied to him with a warm smile.

"Uh, excuse me human, but I too must say how impressed I was, congratulations." Tigrerra said to her.

Runo sat up and held Tigrerra in her hands. "You're sweet Tigrerra." she complimented her.

"Your patience and skills surpassed anything Ive ever witnessed before." Tigrerra said to her.

"Wow... coming from you, I am totally honored." Runo replied with a warm smile. "But you do realize it was both you and Saurus who did the dirty work." she informed her and realized something. "Oh, and I hope you don't mind me saying... you were kind of cute back there." she said to her only to make Tigrerra blush from the compliment.

"No.." she replied with a light chuckle and a faint blush on her face. "I don't mind..."

Dan noticed it clear as day. "Hey look, she's blushing..." he pointed out as both he and Runo started laughing together.

"I'm so funny, you know..." Runo said as she laughed with him.

Even Rarity joined in the laughter for a bit and smiled at Dan. "Daniel, what you did for Runo was very sweet of you." she said to him.

Dan blushed a bit and scratched his head a little. "W-Well... I knew she needed that battle more than me, I mean... I could have taken over the battle myself given the fact I'm always looking for a challenge." he looked to Runo. "But I knew that it was more important to her than anything else." he said out loud.

Runo blushed from hearing his words. "Y-You really mean it...?" she asked him curiously.

Dan tried to hide the blush that was forming across his face, but it did not go unnoticed from Rarity. "Yeah... well... most of all, I'm just glad that your Tigrerra and Saurus are safe and sound." he said to her

Runo couldn't believe the words that were coming out of Dan's mouth, sure he may be a hot-headed idiot sometimes. But deep down, he's a kind and generous person. "T-Thank you Dan..." she expressed her gratitude.

Tigrerra floated up next to Drago. "Drago, are you seeing, what I'm seeing...?" she asked him.

"Though human communication is still new to me, I can easily tell there's something between these two. Like if they are somehow connected." he said as he observed them.

Rarity was also watching it, and new crystal clear, that they were two flawless diamonds that were made for one another. "I'm sure things will be just fine you two, its nothing you need to worry about." she said as she secretly planned something.

This did not go unnoticed from Drago, for he learned a little bit about her, and what ever is running through her head. He knew for a fact she was going to do something crazy.

Later that evening, Dan and Runo's parents got together to have a little Beach Barbecue. The rest of the Mane Six also joined them, but they brought salad with them to avoid eating Dan and Runo's favorite meats. "It looks like Dan and Runo are getting along, and I'm glad you both could join us out here for our little Beach Barbecue." Miyoko expressed her gratitude to Runo's parents.

"Say honey? Think there's any of your world famous Loin Tips left?" Shinjiro asked her.

Tatsuo looked to the Mane Six curiously. "Sure you girls wouldn't like to try out our famous Liver Kebobs?" he asked them

"Thank you Mister Misaki, but I think we'll stick to our vegetarian diet." Twilight responded kindly to him.

"But I'll take you up on that offer!" Spike called out as Saki gave him some Liver Kebobs.

"Its perfectly alright dearie, after all, I'm saving most of them for our dear little Runo." Saki informed them.

"I think you might be spoiling her." said Rainbow Dash as she ate her salad.

Applejack quickly elbowed her. "Come on Dash, I'm sure she's just looking out for her daughter. You would do the same thing when you have kids." she pointed out.

"Yeah, that'll be the day..." Rainbow said sarcastically.

Meanwhile, Dan and Runo who were supposed to be getting along, were actually fighting over the food. "Hey, quit hogging!" he yelled at her.

"Me hogging?! You practically ate everything!" Runo yelled back at him.

Dan pointed his chopsticks at her. "Nobody comes between me and my Loin Tips, you got it?!" he said to her.

"I didn't even touch your stupid Loin Tips, Beef Breath!" she yelled at him.

Drago and Tigrerra were observing the scene between the two bickering kids. "Just when you think you had them all figured out..." she said as she watched them argue.

"Tigrerra my friend... I don't think we'll ever understand these humans." Drago pointed out as he watched them.

Rarity looked over to them watching them argue, she only smiled knowing that they will have their good days and bad days. Fluttershy noticed it wondering what she could be thinking. "Rarity, what are you thinking about...?" she asked her curiously.

"Ohhh.... nothing much..." she said to her reassuringly, but secretly... she was lying.

"Come on Rare, what's going on...?" Applejack asked her.

"Well... somehow I see sort of a connection between Dan and Runo." she pointed out as she looked to them. "It is like destiny brought them together... its like the Red Thread of Fate playing its roll." she explained to them.

"Yeah, I do see what they have in common, they both like Bakugan, they're both skilled Brawlers, and the-" Rainbow Dash soon stopped herself as she soon realized something. "Waaaiiit a minute... you're not seriously thinking..." she suggested as she gave Rarity a suspicious look.

"Either that... or I could let things run its course." Rarity said as she looked to them.

Twilight looked to Dan and Runo seeing what Rarity see's, true they have much in common. But could they really afford to meddle with their relationship? Who knows what might happen? "Well girls, if there really is something connecting Dan and Runo, we should leave it alone for now. And no secret romance plans Rarity." she pointed out to her.

Rarity frowned hearing it. "Awww..." Rarity complained.

Back in Equestria, Princess Celestia and Luna looked at the Tree of Harmony, sensing what had happened in the human world. Celestia let out a soft chuckle seeing the two young brawlers together. "These young brawlers really are special." she said as she looked to her sister.

"They are... in their own way of course." Luna replied as she looked to the Tree. "But why choose them...? They're only children..." she pointed out.

"They were chosen because they have something special within their hearts." said Solaria as she approached using her magic to form astral projections of Dan and Runo. "Though they are young, they are the only ones who can restore the balance." she explained to them.

Luna looked at the projections of the young brawlers. "But if that's true... what balance has been disrupted, and where...?" she asked her.

Solaria looked to the chest seeing the Attribute Symbols. "Vestroia..." she replied as she approached it. "A world full of wonder... it was where all Bakugan came from. But there was one... who was foretold to steal one of the very cores of that world. The Silent Core..." she explained as she looked at the center circle on the chest. "The Source of all Negative Energy... I will never forget the dark power it possessed." she said as her eyes squinted. "Or the dark being... that took your father from us..." she mentioned as tears formed in her eyes.

Celestia and Luna noticed it and looked to each other concerned. They walked to her placing a wing around her. "We miss him too mother... but the only way we can honor him is remembering all the good times we spent with him." Celestia said to her trying to comfort her.

Solaria felt her tears roll down her cheek but she smiled as she spread out both her wings wrapping them around Celestia and Luna. "You're right... he would want that more than anything." she looked to the Tree of Harmony watching the young brawlers and ponies. "For now... we will watch over the young ones, and see how far they may progress." she said to them as they both nodded in agreement. Solaria smiled and turned her attention to Dan. "Dan Kuso... you remind me so much of my husband, and I pray that you will prove yourself worthy... of being the hero I know you are." she thought to herself. The three mares sat next to one another, watching carefully as the events in Dan's world unfolded. Little did they know of the Dark Power that was growing in Vestroia.

Author's Note:

On the next Bakugan Legends of Equestria, I help out Twilight in her first battle. She's pretty good, but she's still got some training to do. Meanwhile Runo and I take on a pair of twerpy twins who think they're cool, but luckily for Runo's last battle, me and the Mane Six learned strategy and teamwork are everything, and that's just how we play it. With her Saurus and Tigrerra, and my Drago and Twilight with her Pyrus Griffon, we take on their Reaper. The battle is intense, and no matter what they throw down... we're right there to battle back. How will it end? You're just gonna have to wait and find out, trust me. I'll be intense. BAKUGAN BRAWL! See you there.