• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,364 Views, 1,112 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Doom Dimension or Bust

In a city far from Wardington, a Bakugan battle had already taken place. Who was involved in that battle? It was Julio Santana, and who else...? Big shock, it was Masquerade... turns out he didn't take the betrayal lightly, and decided to hunt down all his former acolytes. Starting with Julio... during the battle, Hydranoid had sent all of Julio's Bakugan, even Tenticlear to the Doom Dimension. As they exited the battle field... Julio collapsed gaining the attention of the citizens around him. "Oh my goodness! Somebody call an ambulance!" a female civilian called out.

Meanwhile, Masquerade was walking away from the battle with a smug grin on his face. "Nighty-night... Julio..." he said to the fallen Haos brawler as he left the area.

Back in Wardington, at Runo's Restaurant... Runo was looking through all the Bakugan that she had, and of course... it wasn't looking good. "Looks like I'm running low on Bakugan..." she said as she stared at the basket filled with a few Bakugan she had left.

Fluttershy looked them over and looked to her. "At least no one has been using the Doom Card that Masquerade has been handing out. That's one good thing..." she said to her.

Runo nodded her head but turned towards a picture of her and her Bakugan. "I just... can't bear to lose anymore..." she shut her eyes tightly remembering the painful memories of losing her Bakugan.

"Don't worry Runo, everything will be alright..." Tigrerra said to her.

"Tigrerra is right... no matter how many Bakugan have been lost in this fight against evil, we will avenge them." Elvia said to her as she stood next to Tigerra who looked to her surprised.

"I never took you for the vengeful type Elvia..." Tigrerra pointed out to her.

The fairy Bakugan looked away remembering those who lost their lives. "You're not the only ones who felt the same loss as I have..." she leaped to the window and looked outside. Runo and Fluttershy grew concerned as they looked to each other knowing things might get a little tough.

In Chan Lee's home town, she was walking through the market, smiling at how happy people were. But her instincts detected that someone was following her... she made a mad dash for an alley in hopes to lose who ever it was that was following her. She turned around to face who it was. "What do you want?!" she asked seeing that it was Masquerade.

He smirked at her as he stood before her. "Why... I just wanted to see you Chan..." he said to her.

"I don't believe you Masquerade... now spill it!" Chan said to him as she glared. Masquerade merely grinned at the brave young lady as she held out a card. "I win, you answer my question..." she said to him.

"Bakugan Field Open!" they called out as they entered the pocket dimension battlefield.

Back at Runo's house, she set her Bakugan down on her desk and turned to Tigrerra who was sitting comfortably on her shoulder. "Tigerra... I'm so, lucky that you're my Bakugan..." she said to her with a smile.

Tigrerra listened to her voice and felt something was amiss. "Do I detect that something is amiss Runo...?" she asked her.

Runo was surprised over her question and shook her head. "No, no, nothing..." she tried to deny it.

Tigrerra however, wasn't buying it. "Rrrright..." she looked to Fluttershy who shared a look of concern for the Haos Brawler.

Back with Chan Lee and Masquerade, Chan had already won her first fight against him and readied for round 2. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed in her Pyrus Warius onto the field. "Warius, Stand!" she called out as Warius emerged on the field holding his spiked club.

Masquerade readied his next Bakugan for battle. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot it onto the field. Who was it...? Big shock, it was Hydranoid. "Hydranoid Stand!" he called out as Hydranoid emerged on the field growling at Warius. "Battlefield, Open." said the Bakupod.

Chan Lee smirked seeing it. "You're all mine... Gate Card open! Tripple Battle!" she called out as it activated. "Sorry, but you're finished!" she said to him readying her Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed in her Pyrus Centipoid. "Centipoid Stand!" she called out as it emerged on the field. "Now watch and learn..." she said to him as she looked at her stats. "Centipoid combined with Warius has increased power leve to 690 G's." the Bakupod informed her. "Sorry Masquerade, but your Hydranoid is outgunned... attack!" her Warius and Centipoid charged at Hydranoid to finish him, but Chan heard a chuckle come from Masquerade that immediately surprised her. "What...?"

"Ability Card Activate! Auragano Revenge!" Masquerade tossed the card to the field as a dark mist flowed around Warius and Centipoid. "Try that on for size..." he said to her. "Ability Activated, Hydranoid power increase of 100 G's. Each opponent power level decrease by 100 G's." said the Bakupod. "Hey Chan, you might want to check your Bakupod again." he said to her as she checked her Bakupod. "Calculation complete, Hydranoid now at 550 G's." it informed her, leaving her in a state of shock. "Hydranoid... lets go... and make it quick..." he said to him.

Hydranoid snarled as he scared both Warius and Centipoid. "You're mine!" he roared as he swung his tail, smacking both of them right into the Doom Dimension.

Chan was shocked from what she just witnessed. "Impossible...! You did it with one move..." she said to Masquerade.

Hydranoid returned to Masquerade as the evil brawler grinned at her. "Oh, I'm only getting warmed up my dear... Bakugan Brawl!" he shot Hydranoid back onto the field where Fourtress was. "Hydranoid Stand!" he called out seeing his partner emerge on the field.

Chan Lee glared but was still in a state of panic, she needed to do something. "Gate Card Open!" she called out as it activated. "Now to use my Fourtress character card." she said as it was her only option against the Darkus beast. "Fourtress Power Level increase to 730 G's." said the Bakupod.

Fourtress stood up and looked to Hydranoid. "Observe my mystical powers grow!" he roared out at Hydranoid.

Whom at that moment, was not intimidated. "What a fool... do you really think your power will be enough to stop me?" he asked them as he grinned.

"You're the fool, watch this! Ability Card Activate! Face of Rage!" Chan Lee called out as Fourtress felt its power flow into him.

He quickly changed his face to the symbol of Rage as he snarled. "Fourtress power increase by 100 G's." said the Bakupod. "The roaring flames of Fourtress' anger, will burn you Hydranoid!" he laughed as he pulled out his swords.

However, Masquerade was far from finished. "Ability Card Activate, Merge Shield!" he tossed the card to Fourtress, canceling his ability and catching Chan Lee by surprise. "My Merge Shield ability here, allows me to steal all the power G's you gained during our little battle. What do you think Chan...?" he asked her.

She quickly checked her Bakupod as her eyes widened from seeing the results. Hydranoid's power was at 870 G's, higher than Fourtress who stood at 840 G's." Impossible...!" she cried out.

Hydranoid devoured all the power he obtained from Fourtress and growled at them. "If you thought that was hot, try this!" he snarled as he launched a blast of his Darkus energy at Fourtress, literally obliterating him.

"FOURTRESS!!!" Chan cried out seeing her partner defeated.

Fourtress cried out in agony as he grabbed onto the edge of the gate to the Doom Dimension. "Chan! You must warn Dan and Princess Twilight! They're the only ones who can stop that monster!" he said to her.

"Fourtress, hang on! I'm coming!" Chan ran to save him.

"It's too late for me Chan... this... is goodbye my friend..." Fourtress changed his face to Sadness. "I will never forget you Chan..." he lost his grip over the gate and fell into the Doom Dimension as it closed.

"NOOO!!!!" Chan cried out seeing it was too late as she fell to her knees. "You... win... this time." she said to Masquerade as he let out a dark chuckle as the exited the battlefield. He left her to mourn the loss of her friend, she took it hard... harder than anyone she could imagine as tears ran down her face. "I'm sorry Fourtress... I'm so sorry..." she cried holding her hands to her face.

Back at Runo's Restaurant, Dan, the Brawlers, and the Main Six received shocking news from Runo. "What was that?" Dan asked her in disbelief.

"Yes, do you mind repeating that Runo...? Marucho asked her.

"I said, from now on, I'm retiring my Bakugan." Runo said to them.

"Girl, you for real? You can't do that!" Spike said to her.

"Why? That makes no sence..." Julie said to her, having a hard time understanding her.

"What's up...? I remember when you couldn't go an entire day without a battle." Dan said to her.

Fluttershy walked up to her with Elvia. "Dan's right Runo, you can't go through with this..." she said to her.

"Don't worry guys, its no big deal." Runo assured them of her choice.

"Of course its a big deal, you're a brawler, you're part of the team, our friends... our family..." Spike said to her.

"I'm curious as to what changed your mind..." Marucho said to her.

Runo hesitated on her answer as they looked at her. "I don't know, its hard to explain... but... I've made my decision, and that is that..." Runo walked out of the room.

"But Runo..." Dan watched her go.

Twilight watched it and looked to Alice. "I suspect that there is something deeper than she's leading on..." she said to her.

"I don't know if this means anything... but lately she's been kind of down..." Alice said to them.

Julie turned to Tigrerra feeling curious. "Did she... say anything to Tigrerra...?" she asked her.

"Not that I can think of..." Tigrerra said to her and looked to Fluttershy and Elvia. "Not even Fluttershy or Elvia knew about this..."

"This is literally the first we've heard of it... I just can't believe she'd go through with something like this." Fluttershy said to them. Dan looked at where Runo went, knowing that there was no denying that there was something bothering her.

Later that evening, Dan was walking home with Twilight while Spike stayed at the restaurant after hearing about Runo. "Man what is up with Runo...? Doesn't she realize we need her to defeat Masquerade...?" he wondered.

"I'm sure she has her reasons... and in her own good time, she'll explain herself Daniel..." Drago said to him.

Dan let out a sigh and looked ahead. "Yeah... guess this means we'll never brawl again..." he said as he looked at the sky.

Twilight looked to him seeing his worried expression. "Dan... are you worried about Runo because you like her...?" she asked him

Caught completely off guard by her question, Dan's face turned red as he panicked. "What?! No, its not like that!" he denied it.

The pony princess smirked at him and crossed her hooves. "I'm not convinced... you like her Dan, you can't deny it, no matter how hard you try. You care about her, you want to see her brawling right by your side. You two are so inseparable its adorable... you can't deny that deep down, you really care about her and her Bakugan." she said to him.

Dan looked away trying his best to deny it, but his red face said otherwise. "You know Daniel, she has a good point... you two have been together ever since we started uniting the brawlers. Deep in your heart, you know its true..." Drago said to him.

Dan groaned from hearing it and shot his arms into the air. "YOU GUYS!" he groaned feeling frustrated and ran off.

Twilight and Bahamut laughed seeing it, suddenly she got a call on her Bakupod and looked at it. "It's Chan Lee..." she answered it. "Chan...?"

"Twilight... he's gone..." Chan said to her.

Twilight was confused from what she meant but slowly put the pieces together. "Gone...? Who's gone Chan...?" she asked her.

"Fourtress... Masquerade sent him to the Doom Dimension..." Chan said to her, earning shocked looks from both Twilight and Bahamut. "He went after Julio first and took his Tentaclear... I was next on his hit list. I have reason to believe Masquerade is targeting Billy, Komba, and Klaus next... then he's going after you and Dan. You need to be careful Twilight, his Hydranoid has gotten a lot stronger than before... what ever you do, don't battle him... I can't bear to see you and Bahamut face the same fate." she said to her.

Twilight didn't know what to say, she didn't even know what to do at that point. But her magic aura wrapped around a lamp post, bending it as a way of showing how angry she was. "Chan... I'm sorry but I can't just sit by and let that animal get away with what he did to you and Fourtress... if anything, I'm going to help Dan fight him... no matter what..." she said to her.

Chan looked at her but let out a sigh. "I figured as much..." she said to her but smiled at her. "What ever happens, just be careful... okay...?" she asked her.

Twilight nodded to her as she turned off her Bakupod and sighed. Bahamut floated in front of her knowing she is scared, but is trying to hide it. "Twilight, we have to tell Dan..." he said to her.

"We will... just, not right now... he's already got enough on his mind regarding Runo..." she said to him.

Back at the restaurant, Runo was cleaning the dishes alone as she scrubbed a palte. "So many dishes... I'll never get this done..." she muttered as she tried to quickly put the plate in the dish drainer. But it slipped and fell towards the ground, but Rarity quickly caught the plate, giving Runo a sigh of relief.

"Runo darling, are you sure about your decision...?" Rarity asked her. "Because you're frantic, you're panicked, and you're rushing things to the point you almost destroyed this plate." she pointed out to her.

"Yes, you're clearly not thinking straight..." Tigrerra said to her.

"I'm sure you two..." Runo said to them.

"Its just that, well..." Tigrerra looked down feeling worried about her.

"That's sweet you two are worried about me, but I made up my mind and that's the end of it." Runo said to them. "Hey, its really no big deal... I would find a broom, but you prevented a major accident..." she said to Rarity.

"Are you sure Runo...?" Tigrerra asked her.

Runo stood in a moment of silence from hearing it. "Yes Tigrerra, I'm sure..." she said to her and walked away.

Rariry watched her go, feeling that she's unconvinced of what she's telling them. She walked over to Fluttershy and sat down. "Oh Fluttershy, I'm really worried... Runo just isn't being honest with herself... I know honesty is more Applejack's thing, but even I know a lie when I hear one." she said to her.

"She just needs time to figure things out... she's scared, we all are... Masquerade has attacked a lot of innocent people, sending their Bakugan to the Doom Dimension. All to make his Hydranoid even stronger... there's no telling what he might do next..." Fluttershy said to her.

"You said it Fluttershy..." Spike leaped onto the counter and sat down. "Every time I hear that name it makes my scales crawl..." he shuddered even from thinking about him. "Still gives me nightmares..."

"For once the knave has a point..." Lancelot stood next to Elvia as he spoke up. "Masquerade is spreading fear like a wild fire... I feel that the betrayal of his former acolytes did not go well for him. He is likely to target them for leaving Naga's good graces, all to make sure he finds the Infinity Core..." he said to them.

"Lancelot is right, I fear something terrible may have already happened..." Elvia said to them as Rarity, Spike and Fluttershy looked to each other in fear.

Meanwhile, during a battle between Masquerade and Komba... Komba had his El Condor and Bee Striker out on the field, and he was feeling confident on this battle. "I know you think you're pretty tough Masquerade, but you better not underestimate me!" he warned the Darkus Brawler.

"Ha! Bakugan Brawl!" he shot Hydranoid onto the field El Condor was on. "Hydranoid Stand!" he called out as the massive hydra emerged, letting out a vicious roar. "New Battle detected." said the Bakupod.

"Sam old trick, Gate Card open! Reinforcement!" Komba called out as the card activated. "With this card, my power level shoots up a hundred times the number of Bakugan the same attribute in play." he explained as El Condor felt power flowing into it. "El Condor power level increase, to 440 G's." said the Bakupod.

"Sorry Komba, but you're still no match for my Hydranoid." Masquerade said to him.

"Yeah, but I'm just getting started. Time to pull out my ace! Ability Activate!" he called out as he held out the card. "Hot Blast!" he spoke the cards name as El Condor's mouth opened unleash hot air against Hydranoid. "Now your lame Hydranoid is gonna drop a hundred G's!" he said to Masquerade. "Hydranoid power loss detected." said the Bakupod.

"You're starting to bore me..." Masquerade held up an ability card. "Ability Activate!" he tossed it into the air. "Thought I'd give you a little buzz with your Bee Striker... with my Chaos... of the... Darkness...!" he said to him with a dark tone. Lightning came down onto Hydranoid, and he unleashed a blast of Darkus Energy onto Bee Striker.

Komba was shocked when he saw it happen. "Oh no!" he cried out seeing his Bee Striker sent to the Doom Dimension. "He canceled out my ability!" he exclaimed as he looked to the field. "El Condor power decrease of 100 G's." said the Bakupod. Hydranoid meanwhile still had the Chaos of the Darkness ability still in effect as he blasted El Condor as well, sending El Condor into the Doom Dimension. "H-How in the world did you do that?!" Komba asked him as Hydranoid returned to ball form.

Harpus flew up to him looking eager. "Komba, put me in! You need me, I can beat Hydranoid!" she said to him.

Komba turned facing her. "But Harpus... what if...?" he didn't even want to think of the possibility.

"You know I can do this! Please! I won't let you down, I promise!" Harpus rolled into ball form, flying to Komba.

He took her feeling unsure, but he couldn't lose faith in her. "OKay, you're on... Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed her onto the field. "Harpus Stand!" he called out as Harpus emerged on the field.

She let out a screech as she appeared. "Time for new girl power!" she giggled.

Masquerade let out a chuckle from seeing her. "I hope you like the Doom Dimension Harpus." he said to her.

"Oh no, if you're trying to scare me, you're not doing a very good job. But you're still cute... but not as cute as that big hunk, Avion." Harpus said to him.

"Love to stay and chat... but, Bakugan Brawl!" he shot Hydranoid back onto the field to face Harpus. "Hydranoid Stand!" he called out as Hydranoid emerged on the field, growling at Harpus.

"Scary! And I'm not just talking about your dental work!" Harpus made fun of him and turned to Komba. "Kombat! You ready to play?" she asked him.

"Yeah! Gate Card open! Energy Merge!" Komba called out as the card activated. "Harpus power increase to 470 G's. Hydranoid power decreased to 350 G's." said the Bakupod. Harpus laughed at the hydra as Komba pulled out another ability. "You're done Masquerade! Ability Card activate! Feather Blast!" he called out.

"Ready for a little feather dusting?!" Harpus unleashed a whirlwind of feathers against Hydranoid.

But before it could make an impact, Masquerade had another trick up his sleeve. "Chaos of the Darkness...!" he called out as Hydranoid unleashed a ball of Darkus energy against the whirlwind.

"Nice try, but you're low on power... and if you haven't already noticed, Harpus is up to 570 G's." Komba said to him.

But Masquerade didnt'c are one way or the other. "Fusion Ability activate! Destruction Blaster!" he tossed the card to the energy blast as it strengthened it more. "Fusion Ability voids Feather Blast ability. Chaos of Darkness increases Hydranoid power to 550 G's. Harpus decreased to 470 G's." said the Bakupod.

"No way!" Komba exclaimed in shock. Harpus panicked seeing what happened, as the blast made contact with her leaving Komba in a state of shock. "NOOOO!!!!" he cried out.

Harpus struggled to stay strong, but the blast was weakening her. "I'm melting!" she cried out as the blast finally knocked her out of the sky.

"Harpus!" Komba cried out seeing her fall.

The harpy fell to her doom as tears brimmed in her eyes. "I guess I lose... sorry Komba..." she apologized to him for failing him.

"Harpus no!" Komba watched as the gate to the Doom dimension opened bellow Harpus.

She fell towards it in defeat. "Goodbye... Komba..." she fell to her doom as the gateway closed behind her.

Komba fell to his knee's as he looked to Masquerade. "Masquerade... you win..." he said to him before passing out on the ground as Masquerade chuckled darkly at the fallen brawler.

Back at Runo's, the poor girl was having a hard time sleeping as she tossed and turned having a bad dream. In the dream, she is confronted by Masquerade who challenged her to a battle. "No! I said I'd never battle again!" she said to him as he walked towards her "And you can't make me! Go away! I mean it! Leave me alone!" she warned him. But the gate to the Doom Dimension opened behind him as Tigrerra appeared in her full form. She cried out as she was pulled into the dark dimension, shocking the blue haired girl as tears ran down her face. "TIGRERRA!!!!!" she cried out, only to wake up from the dream as she gasped and sat up looking around feeling more panicked than before. She panted harshly knowing it could happen to her. "What a nightmare..."

Tigerra sat in a small doll house as she looked at Runo. "Are you alright Runo...?" she asked her concerned.

"Yeah I... I dreamt that Masquerade had me cornered, and then he sent you to the Doom Dimension..." Runo said to her still feeling scared out of her mind.

Seeing it, Tigrerra knew that she couldn't stay in hiding forever. Fluttershy believed that too as she work up and looked to her. "Runo... don't you think its time you reconsidered...?" she asked her.

"Fluttershy has a point Runo... I know you believe you are doing the right thing. But running from your fears is not the answer... if you let this get between you and your friends, you will never truly be happy..." Elvia said to her as she was living in the same little doll house as Tigrerra. "And that my dear, is selfish... what would Dan think of you...?"

"Elvia...!" Tigrerra exclaimed to what she said.

"I am merely making a point here Tigrerra... if she wants them to be safe, then she needs to face reality..." Elvia said to her and went to her separate room in the doll house. Runo meanwhile, had much to think about.

The next day, during a battle between Masquerade and Billy. Masquerade had already loaded Hydranoid into his Bakushooter. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot him onto the field facing Manion. "Hydranoid Stand!" he called out at the hydra emerged on the field. "This is the end Billy!" he said to him. "Hydranoid enters battle at 450 G's." said the Bakupod.

Cycloid turned to Billy knowing what will happen to Manion. "Boss! We're in trouble, so what do you think we should do now?" he asked him on what to do.

Billy panicked knowing how powerful Hydranoid is, but he had to take a chance. "Gate Card open! Quicksand Freeze!" he called out as the card activated. But that didn't stop Hydranoid from using his tail to smack Manion straight into the Doom Dimension. The quicksand slowly began to bring Hydranoid down into it. Billy chuckled seeing it. "Looks like I got you up against the ropes... now... Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his Tuskor onto the field. "Tuskor Stand!" he called out as the elephant Bakugan Emerged onto the field. "Ability Activate! Grand Slide!" he called out as the card slid towards the one Cycloid was on. "There's no way you can get to my Cycloid now Masquerade!" he said to him as Cycloid hopped over to the card knowing they had Hydranoid in a pinch. "Cycloid power level increase to 680 G's. Hydranoid decreases 50 G's." said the Bakupod. "Okay... get him!" he said to Cycloid and Tuskor.

But Masquerade wasn't about to give them the chance. "Ability Card Activate! Auragano Revenge!" he called out as he tossed the card letting a powerful dark mist surround Cycloid and Tuskor.

"What the...?!" Cycloid panicked. Even Billy panicked from seeing it. "Hydranoid now in lead." said the Bakupod as the power levels changed.

"Take this!" Hydranoid blasted at Tuskor with a stream of dark fire, sending him to the Doom Dimension.

Cycloid panicked as Hydranoid turned to him and blasted him away, Cycloid struggled to stay standing, but the attack was too much to handle. "Hey boss... I'm hit...!" he said to him as he got blasted and Billy screamed from it, rolling on the ground. "I'm gonna... miss you Billy!" he cried out as he got pulled into the Doom Dimension.

Billy struggled to get up and saw it happen. "Oh no... Cycloid..." he struggled, only to pass out as Masquerade claimed his victory.

Meanwhile at Julie's place, the toy cowboy fell on the table earning Julie's and Applejack's attention. "Whoa, how did that happen...?" Applejack asked as she picked it up.

Julie at that point, gasped in realizing what had happened. "I have got a really weird feeling about this..." she panicked.

"Dost show signs of a bad omen... a sign that Lord Billy may have been in great danger..." Centorea spoke of it as she looked to Gorem.

"I'm with Centorea on this... if something happened to Billy, he will contact us if it has..." Gorem said to them.

Julie was only more concerned from hearing it. "Fear not Miss Julie... thou must not fear for Lord Billy. Yes something terrible has befallen Lord Billy, but thou must have faith that he is safe..." she said to her in hopes he will contact them. Julie wanted to have faith, and she knew that Centorea was right.

At Runo's place, Runo was still sitting in her room with Tigrerra thinking over what Elvia said last night and looked to her. "Tigrerra...?" she spoke up.

"Yeeessss...?" Tigrerra responded to her.

"Do you think everyone's upset...?" Runo asked her and looked down. "Is it my fault Bakugan have been sent to the Doom Dimension...?" she asked.

Tigrerra pondered the question a bit and looked to her. "I would say they are more worried Runo... like me, Fluttershy, and Elvia. Your friends don't understand your decision to quit Bakugan, as you know I always be there for you. Whether you battle again or not... I am your friend and that will never change, and deep within my heart... I trust you know what you are doing." she said to her partner.

Runo was actually touched by her words as she smiled at her Bakugan Partner. "Thank you..." she said to her.

"You're welcome my dear..." Tigrerra said to her. Suddenly a tap is heard at the window as it caught their attention. "It looks like I'm not the only one worried about you..." she pointed out.

Runo walked to the window and opened it and found Dan and Twilight outside. "I can't believe you just threw me!" Drago yelled at him.

"Relax Drago, how else was I supposed to get her attention?" Dan asked him.

"Well next time, try using a stone Dan..." Twilight said to him.

Dan soon turned his attention seeing Runo in the window. "Runo! Brought you something..." he tossed it up to her seeing her catch it. "Its an energy drink... when you said you were through with battling yesterday... I noticed you were kinda drained. So I brought you my special juice, its loaded with lots of good junk..." he said to her as she was surprised by it. "See ya!" he said to her and ran off, only to feel Twilight use her magic to pull him back knowing he wasn't finished. "Oh, and its cool you don't want to brawl anymore... I'll cover ya, later!" he ran off.

Runo watched him go, still feeling surprised of what happened. "S-Sure..." she said to him seeing him go.

At that moment, Twilight flew up to her. "Word of advice... don't drink it, I tried it myself... and its really bad..." she said to her and looked to where Dan went. "One more thing, he was really worried about you yesterday..."

Runo looked to her surprised. "He was...?" she asked as her face had as light redness on it.

"You should have seen his face when I asked him... turns out he's worried that he really cares about you." Twilight said to her as Runo's face turned even more red from hearing it. "Anyways, Bahamut and I better catch up to him before he gets into trouble again... see ya..." she flew off after them.

Runo watched her go as Tigrerra looked to her. "My, my... seems Dan is quite a softy after all..." she said to her.

At that moment, Runo's face was still slightly red as she smiled leaning against the window frame. "I guess he is..." she said to her. Unaware that Fluttershy and Rarity were watching as the smiled looking to each other, because the finally saw the connection spark between Dan and Runo.

Meanwhile, a battle was taking place between Masquerade and Klaus as Masquerade grinned at him. "So... you ready to lose Klaus...? Bakugan Brawl!" he shot Hydranoid onto the field. "Hydranoid Stand!" he called out as the hydra reemerged on the field roaring out. "Ability Activate! Gravity Chamber!" he called out as power flowed around Hydranoid. "This is the power of darkness!" he said to Klaus as a whirlwind of darkness flowed around Hydranoid.

"Oh no...!" Klaus panicked seeing both his Aquos Griffon and Stinglash get sucked into the dark storm. "I must hang on... Ability Activate! Dive Mirage!" he tossed it to Griffon, saving him... but wasn't able to save Stinglash. "Oh no... I'm so out of my league..." he said to himself.

Masquerade chuckled as he looked to Hydranoid. "Yes Hydranoid... believe in the power...!" he said to him, as Hydranoid's power has finally gotten him to evolve just like Drago. His form changed to a two legged being, with two heads, and a large buzz saw in his torso. Turning the hydra... into Dual Hydranoid.

Klaus was shocked from what he was looking at. "Unreal..." he said as he stared at Hydranoid's new form.

A chuckle came from Masquerade. "Well Klaus, what do you think of my new evolved Hydranoid?" he asked him.

"He... evolved...?" Klaus asked still feeling shocked.

Sirenoid soon approached him. "Listen Klaus... use me, its your only chance." she said to him.

Klaus turned to her not willing to. "I can't Sirenoid... I can't risk losing you in battle." he said to her.

"You don't have a choice... once you put me in play, throw down your Mind Ghost ability. Trust me!" Sirenoid pleaded to him.

But Klaus was still uncertain... there were too many strings attached. Was it worth the risk...? "It just might work..." Klaus said to her, but still feared the risk.

"But we must hurry... now play me Klaus..." Sirenoid said to him.

"Okay... but we have to be extremely careful. Here it goes..." Klaus tossed the card onto the field.

"I won't let you down Klaus..." she said to him as he took her in his hand.

Klaus held her for a bit, but looked to the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed her to the field. "Sirenoid Stand!" he called out as Sirenoid emerged on the field. Just at that moment, Hydranoid appeared before her.

Masquerade chuckled seeing her. "Ability Activate! Gazer Exedra! Hydranoid... do some damage to that Griffon!" he said to him as Hydranoid turned his attention to the Griffon, launching two energy blasts at it gets blasted away into the Doom Dimension.

Klaus, was not pleased with what happened. "You'll pay for this...!" he warned the Darkus Brawler.

Masquerade only smirked and looked to Sirenoid. "Oh, and now its your turn Sirenoid..." he said to her.

"I won't let you destroy me...! Never...!" Sirenoid glared at him.

"Yes... we'll see about that..." Masquerade said to her as Hydranoid roared out.

Klaus at the moment hesitated, but knew what needed to be done. "Gate Card open, Peacemaker!" he called out as both Hydranoid and Sirenoid returned to ball form.

Sirenoid was shocked as she looked to Klaus. "What's wrong why didn't you listen?! I told you to use your Mind Ghost ability! You can't defeat the evolved Hydranoid without it!" she yelled at him.

Masquerade chuckled seeing their little quarrel. "So... are you saying you want to surrender...?" he asked them.

Klaus glared at him holding onto Sirenoid. "Not a chance... there's no way I'm putting Sirenoid at risk against you. But watch... Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed Sirenoid to the field. "Sirenoid Stand!" he called out as Sirenoid emerged from the depths facing Laserman.

"Gate Card open!" Masquerade called out as it activated. "Laserman power level increased to 670 G's." said the Bakupod.

Klaus looked over the stats knowing this was bad. "Sirenoid can't even come close to that kind of power in battle... that is enough! Ability Activate! Dive Mirage!" he called out as the field became water. "Swim to another card Sirenoid!" he said to her only to see her swim to the card on the right. "What? No Sirenoid, not there! That's a Mind Ghost Card, what are you doing?!" he asked her.

"My purpose is to serve you Klaus, however your strategy can only lead to failure. I'm sorry, but I must defy your orders..." Sirenoid said to him and looked away.

Klaus was shocked as he looked at her. "Sirenoid, you're wrong! You can't do this!" he said to her.

"Oh, problems in paradise?" Masquerade asked them as he readied Hydranoid. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot him to the field Sirenoid was on. "Dual Hydranoid Stand!" he called out as the hydra emerged on the field, growling at the siren.

Klaus panicked from seeing it. "I wasn't expecting that..." he muttered.

At that moment, the Gate Card glowed as Sirenoid looked to her master. "Everything will be fine Klaus..." she said to him as she leaped towards Hydranoid. "YOU'RE MINE HYDRANOID!!!" she exclaimed as she charged at him.

"SIRENOID!" Klaus cried out seeing it.

Meanwhile, Masquerade only chuckled at her choice. "So your little plan is to sacrifice yourself for that idiot you call your master huh...? Not very bright..." he said to her. "Ability Card Activate! Grand Down!" he tossed the card to the Gate Card and nullified it.

Sirenoid gasped from seeing it. "Sirenoid, turn back!" Klaus said to her.

"Little late, your Gate Card is completely useless... and your Bakugan is on a one way trip" Masquerade said to them.

Sirenoid looked to the hydra and panicked as he blasted her away. Klaus saw her flying back and rushed to her grabbing her hand. "Sirenoid no!" he struggled as the gate to the Doom Dimension started pulling her in.

"Klaus, you have to let me go... or you'll be pulled in too...!" she said to him.

Klaus struggled to hold on to her. "I won't...!" he said to her.

"Let me go Klaus..." Sirenoid pleaded to him.

"I'm not letting you go!" Klaus exclaimed as tears brimmed.

Sirenoid saw them as tears brimmed in her eyes. "I wish we could have been together... if only I were human..." she said to him as her hand let go of his wrist. Klaus' eyes widened seeing it as the gate started pulling her in, he struggled to hold onto her... but his hands were too sweaty and her hand slipped out of his. "Goodbye Klaus... I will never forget you... GOODBYE!" she said to him as she fell into the Doom Dimension.

"SIRENOID!" he cried out seeing her disappear right before his eyes. "It wasn't supposed... to end like this..." he struggled only to pass out.

Meanwhile, Masquerade turned away from the passed out brawler and chuckled. "Okay Brawlers... I'm coming for you next... even you Princess Twilight..." he said as he grinned.

Back at Runo's place, Runo just gave the brawlers and the Main six another big announcement... which literally stunned them. "WHAAAAAT?!!!" the asked her.

"You can't be serious..." Dan said to her.

"C-Could you please repeat that Runo...?" Marucho asked her.

Runo smiled at them. "I said... I'm retiring from retiring from Bakugan battling. Which means, I'm back in the game." she said to them.

"Yes but... what changed your mind this time...?" Pinkie asked her out of curiosity.

"Yeah sugarcube, is everything alright...?" Applejack asked her.

Alice turned facing Runo. "Weren't you worried about something Runo...?" she asked her.

"Well, yes but... I'm just being kind of silly." Runo said to them and noticed Elvia looking at her. "And... maybe a little selfish, kind of feeling sorry for myself. Turns out... I was letting down my friends, and realized I could never let that happen. You guys, and you ponies... are all like family to me." she said to them with a smile.

"Well, if that was a friendship lesson, it certainly was a good one... right Twilight?" Rarity asked her.

"You're right about that Rarity..." Twilight replied to her.

Dan stood up from his seat and smiled at her. "That a girl Runo, nice to have you back again." he said to her with a smile.

"Alright!" Julie cheered as Marucho, Alice and most of the Main Six along with Spike nodded.

"Thanks a lot guys, this really means a lot to me." Runo said to her. "Now, who's hungry? What'll you have...?" she asked them.

"Let me think..." Dan thought about it, and got a wild idea. "Everything on the dessert menu!" he said to her.

But the response he got... was not what he expected. "Hey! Don't push your luck buster! Besides... you're looking a little pudgy lately. Here..." she gave him a glass of carrot juice. (Or was it...? :ajsmug:) "Have some nice carrot juice..." she said to him.

Dan panicked knowing what it really is. "T-Thanks, but no thanks... oh man, this stuff smells nasty..." he tried not to gag.

Runo giggled seeing it. "Its the same juice you brought by my house yesterday Dan... it might have gone bad, why don't you try some..?" she asked him.

Dan only plugged his nose and gagged at it. "Well, it looks like everything's back to normal..." said Marucho as she watched them.

Even Applejack smirked seeing it. "They make a cute couple..." she pointed out.

Alice nodded in agreement. "Yes, they do..." she said to her.

"Hey, knock off the couples stuff!" Runo said to them.

"Yeah, we're just friends!" Dan exclaimed to them.

The group laughed at them, seeing their blushing faces. "Hey, what's so funny?! Seriously!" she said to them knowing that this was far from funny, it was embarrassing. But she looked at them knowing that deep inside her heart, she couldn't deny it was actually quite true. But they still needed to prepare for what was coming... because Masquerade and Hydranoid... we just getting started.

Author's Note:

Dan: Rainbow Dash, Shun, you guys better get ready... cause we've got a date with destiny.
Twilight: You see, Masquerade's been knocking off his soldiers Bakugan and sending them straight to the Doom Dimension.
Dan: Now he's after the Brawlers... lets just say, I'm not gonna let that happen.


not gonna let that happen...?
Dan: Right... our teams are all set up to face Masquerade. Even Shun and Rainbow Dash are gonna join the party, so you better watch out you masked freak... cause me, Twilight, Drago and Bahamut are ready for a little action, and its gonna get rough! Bakugan Brawl!
Twilight: See you there!