• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,387 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Just for the Shun of It

The next morning in at Runo's place, customers were pooring in, mostly because of Alice. (Who wouldn't in this situation? I mean seriously, give the girl some space!) "Hurry up Runo, I'm starving!" one of the customers called out to her.

"Yeah, a little service will be nice!" another customer called out for her.

"Step on it Runo!" the third customer called out.

And just in a split second, Runo came rushing out trying to hide her anger. "Hold your horses!" she yelled but hid her anger by giggling a bit. "Wow, I've never been this poppular in all my life." she thought to herself but formed her joyful face into a scowl. "Or am I?!" he yelled at the three boys that are adoring Alice. "Oh who am I kidding...? Its Alice who they're gaga over, not me! Boys, who needs'em!?" she thought to herself to keep her anger hidden.

At one of the tables, Dan and Marucho were watching the scene. Even the ponies saw how angry she was because of the fact Alice was getting all the attention. "Business definitely seems to be getting big, but gee wiz Dan. I never imagined I'd see Runo jealous of anyone." Pinkie said out loud, but Dan took the chance to shush her.

"Hey, keep it down Pinkie, never get involved in a cat fight." Dan advised her.

"I must say I have to agree with Dan, girls can get very upset when it comes to being less popular than other girls. It will be like a fierce Tiger facing off with an angry Lion." Rarity said to them.

Fluttershy was cleaning up some of the crumbs that fell down to the floor as she looked to them. "She's not that jealous of Alice, I mean true, she doesn't have-" before she could finish. Runo immediately shot a menacing glare toward her, causing Fluttershy to yelp and quickly change the subject. "What matters right now, is that she's still just as pretty. Right girls?" she asked them as they nodded in agreement.

"Sheesh... Runo shouldn't take it personally." Spike said as he sat next to Dan.

Rainbow leaned back in her chair holding her hooves behind her head. "I know! I mean looks aren't everything." she said out loud.

Rarity gasped from hearing it and snared her with her magic pulling her down. "Now you listen here Rainbow! Looks are just as important as style, me being a fashion designer would know that more than anyone!" she said to her with a glare.

Rainbow panicked from seeing her glare. "Okay, point made little miss overreact." she pushed away from Rarity getting out of her snare.

Alice turned to where Runo was standing. "Runo? A little help please?" she asked her for help.

"Huh? Can't believe this..." Runo turned to Marucho with hiding her serious expression from Alice. "Marucho, go get some coffee, Alice is totally useless...!" she whispered as he walked away.

Marucho at the moment, didn't know what to do. So he had to do what he had to, otherwise Runo would yell at him. "Yeah, okay..." he said feeling depressed.

"I'll show you where the coffee is Marucho." Fluttershy said to him as she walked with him.

"Hurry up Runo!" one of the customers called out.

"I'm starving!" another called out.

Meanwhile at Dan's table, Preyas rolled up to him. "Yo! What up homeboy?" he asked him noticing he had something on his mind.

Dan looked to him knowing he had to know the full story of what happened. "Yeah Preyas... I need to know what all happened the night you went to see Shun." he said to him

Meanwhile in the storage room, Marucho and Fluttershy searched through the coffee grinds. "So where does Runo and her family keep the coffee?" he asked her.

"Over here." she lead him over to the pile.

Marucho's eyes widen seeing the pile. "WHOA! THE MOTHER LOAD!" he went and grabbed one in the middle trying to pull it out. "Come on...!"

"Oh! Marucho, I wouldn't do that if I were yo-" before she could stop him, he pulled the bag out and hit the ground. When he looked up he started screaming as the entire stack of coffee bags fell down right on top of him and Fluttershy.

Back in the restaurant, Dan was surprised of what happened. "What? You serious?!" he asked Preyas.

"Shh! Zip it would ya? Marucho would put me in new shoes if he found out I squealed. Lets just say they dropped by his house." Preyas explained to him.

"Exactly what we told him, but he wanted to hear it from you." Rainbow said to him and looked to Dan noticing his surprised expression.

"I gotta tell ya Danny Ol'boy, it was the weirdest place I ever seen. This house had ninja booby traps hidden all over the house." Preyas explained even further about what happened.

"Spears came out of the walls with everything." Rarity mentioned to him.

"Not to mention the throwing stars." Rainbow Dash added

"I'm lucky I came out of there alive, I swear." Preyas said complimenting himself.

"EXCUSE ME?!!" the ponies and Spike glared at him getting ready to give him a pounding. But Dan slammed his hands on the table causing Runo and Alice to scream dropping a coffee mug on the ground.

"Alice, what is it?!" the three boys asked in unison and turned to Dan with a scowl. "Hey pal! You mind? You're scaring Alice!" they yelled at him only to see Dan turn to them with a fierce glare. The boys panicked from seeing it and quickly turned away.

"Uh-oh... he knows about Shun. Guess the ponies must have told him what happened." Runo thought to herself knowing just how upset he is.

After explaining everything to Dan, Runo and Marucho will filled with regret for not telling him sooner. "WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!!" they cried in unison as they bowed their heads.

Twilight touched Dan's shoulder to try and calm him down. "I know this doesn't look good Dan, but they were going to tell you before us... honest." she said to him.

"Its just that we need Shun on our side to beat that creep Masquerade." Marucho added to the explaination and lowered his head. "And after all that, Shun told us to get lost."

"Might I interject...?" Preyas asked only to get a glare from Tigrerra.

"Keep out of this!" Tigrerra said to him holding onto her glare.

Preyas immediately backed up from seeing it. "You don't have to tell me twice!" he said in a panic.

"Remind me not to get on Tigrerra's badside..." Spike said worriedly to Twilight.

"We're so sorry Dan..." Marucho tried to apologize to him.

Drago looked to him seeing how upset he is. "Well Daniel...?" he asked him only to get nothing but silence from him.

Runo scowled at him knowing what he's thinking. "Ha! He's just stubborn. If he doesn't want to talk, that's his problem." she said as she looked at him.

"But Runo-" before Marucho could say anything however...

"But nothing! He's being a big baby!" Runo said as she looked to Dan.

The ponies gasped from hearing her and saw Dan turn sharply to her. "You're the baby!" he yelled at her.

"Would you grow up?! Just how many Bakugan does Masquerade have to steal before you realize we need Shun?!" Runo asked him only to finally get a small gasp from Dan. "I wish for once you'd swallow your pride and listen for a change! But if you're willing to go it alone, and lose Drago to the Doom Dimension, be my guest! Marucho and me want no part of it! SO BE A JERK, WHO EVEN CARES?!" she yelled at him.

Dan immediately stood up from his chair. "That's enough!" he yelled back at her.

Marucho quickly got between them and stopped them. "Come on guys, calm down! WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!!" he cried out.

"What ever!" Runo turned away from Dan crossing her arms.

Twilight flew up to Dan and touched his shoulder. "Dan, as much as I know you wouldn't want to hear it... but Runo's right, you have to park that stubborn pride of yours." she said to him while hearing her friends gasp hearing it. "I know its harsh, but its true." she looked to Dan knowing it will be hard for him to admit it. "I know you miss him... he was your best friend, how can you just sit by and let him spend his life in solitude...?" she asked him as Dan looked down in thought. It is almost impossible for him to let go... but will he be able to let go...? Or let his guilt get in the way...?

After a while of thinking it over, Dan finally decided to join the others in talking to Shun. Runo meanwhile... was less pleased with the situation. "Thanks for coming Dan..." she said to him while sticking her tongue out at him.

"Hey, I couldn't just let you two go alone." Dan said to her as he crossed his arms. "You need me to beat that creep."

Marucho couldn't help but force a smile. "That's the spirit, we'll have Shun in our hands in no time." he said to him still feeling a little worried.

Meanwhile, Preyas only scoffed at the thought of it. "Like that'll ever happen." he said out loud.

At that moment, Tigrerra and Rarity shot another glare at him. "ENOUGH!!!" they yelled at him.

"I know, put a lid on it... sheesh, talk about grumpy." Preyas said to them with his back turned to them.

"What we really are Preyas is annoyed!" Rarity yelled at him with much anger in her eyes.

"WELL EXCUSE ME!!!" Preyas said as he hid behind Marucho.

Fluttershy at the time, looked to Dan feeling worried. She calmly approached him and touched his leg. "Dan...? You going to be alright...?" she asked him.

Dan was still silent, but he took the chance to get out of his moment of silence. "I'm just worried about this mission... about seeing Shun after so long." he admitted to her unaware he got a surprised glance from Runo. "Ever since his mom passed away... I felt that it was all my fault it happened. If I hadn't ended the battle, his mom would still be alive."

The ponies looked to each other, feeling exactly what was in his heart. Meanwhile Pinkie got an idea, and dashed away, leaving Dan in a state of confusion. She immediately rushed back with a cream pie, and a banana peal. She tossed the banana peal to the ground and walks toward it with the pie, only to slip on it on purpose as she slid across Marucho's private plane screaming. When she slid back towards them, she flipped backwards as the pie flew into the air. When she hit the ground, the cream pie fell down landing right on her face. "TA-DA!!!" she cried out as she bowed to them licking the pie off her face.

Dan's and Runo's cheeks puffed up and they laughed so hard they couldn't breathe. Runo took the chance to calm down and looked to Dan seeing him actually laugh and smile after so long. "You know... even though he can be a stubborn idiot. The ponies somehow manage to bring out another side of him." she thought to herself as she looked at him with small smile on her face.

Meanwhile at Shun's house, Shun and Skyress were having a discussion about Shun's decision. "I see... you haven't decided have you...?" Skyress asked him knowing what the answer is.

"All I know is that I will battle Dan... once I've defeated him, I'll make my decision whether or not to keep playing Bakugan." Shun said to her with his back turned towards her.

"And what about your promise to your mother...? Does that not mean anything to you anymore...?" Skyress reminded him of his promise to his mother. Shun looked down from hearing it knowing she was right. Then all of a sudden, the door behind him started opening and he turned around to see who it was.

Outside the estate, Runo, Marucho and the ponies were sneaking around trying to find a way in. But Runo started getting a funny feeling all of sudden. "This place is quiet..." she mentioned.

"Yeah, a little too quiet." Spike said as he looked around.

Marucho walked up to them. "We better keep our eyes pealed... remember all those booby traps?" he reminded them.

"Don't remind us..." Rarity said to them and saw Dan walking to the wall. "Daniel, what are you doing?" she asked only to see him climbing over the wall. "Daniel no!" she cried out to him.

"Don't leave us!" Preyas cried out. But it was too little too late. Dan made it on the other side of the wall and headed straight in. Runo and Marucho were trying to call out to him, worried that the traps might go off.

But all they heard, was complete and absolute silence. "Hey... nothing happened." Marucho said as he looked to the wall.

"Maybe that old man took out his traps." Pinkie said as she and the others started climbing over. "Lets check this out." she said as she helped Marucho climb up only to fall down with him, Runo, and the rest of the ponies onto the ground. Only to fall through a hole in the ground.

They grabbed onto a cliff and held on, meanwhile Twilight was giving Pinkie a look that did not mean happy. "Took out his traps did he...?" she asked her causing her to chuckle nervously.

"OH COME ON! WHY DOES EVERYTHING ALWAYS HAPPEN TO US?!!" Runo complained as she held onto the ledge. With Marucho holding onto her waist.

Twilight then looked to Rainbow Dash knowing she's the only one fast enough to catch up to Dan. "Rainbow, go help Dan, I'll try to get everyone out of here!" she said to her.

"You got it Twilight!" Rainbow said to her and flew out to find Dan.

Spike at that time was looking down at the dark abyss and gulped. "Well... at least it can't get any-" before he could finish his sentence however.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT!!!" Runo yelled at him.

Meanwhile by the house, Dan and Drago were looking around for Shun. "Be careful Dan, trouble may be afoot." Drago advised him.

"Dan!" Rainbow called out to him as he turned to her. "Glad I caught up to ya... the others are trapped in a hole." she said to him.

"And you just left them behind?" Dan asked her.

"Twilight told me to catch up to you so that we could talk to Shun! I would give up a wing to help him." Rainbow said to him as she remembered his story from the other night. Suddenly her ear twitched as she heard something. "Quick, get down!" she went to hide with Dan and looked to where the sound came from.

Dan looked to it, and saw that it was Shun walking out of the bamboo forest. "Shun...!" he called out as he and Rainbow stepped out of hiding.

Shun looked to them as they came out of hiding. "I've been expecting you... Dan, Rainbow..." he said to them holding his firm expression. "But I didn't think this day would come so soon."

Dan hestiated as he looked at his old childhood friend. Rainbow saw it and nudged him to say something, at first he didn't know what to say... but he worked up the courage to speak. "I-Its good to see you Shun..." he said to him.

Rainbow smiled a bit but noticed a familiar masked face and gasped. "Masquerade!" she cried out.

"What is he doing here?!" Drago asked in disbelief.

Dan didn't want to believe it, but it could have happened. "Better question is... why is Shun hooked up with him...?" he asked as he looked to Shun only to see a shocking sight. "The Doom Card?!"

Rainbow saw it shocked and glared at Shun. "Shun! What are you doing hanging out with scum like him?!" she asked him furiously only to get a chuckle from Masquerade.

"Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow... when will you and Dan learn?" Masquerade asked as he walked behind Shun. "Well Shun, I think its time we eliminate them." he said to him. But Shun took to Doom Card and threw it towards Dan, causing him to dodge it as it smashed a stone lantern. Masquerade was shocked from what happened and looked to Shun. "Didn't you you hear me...?!" he asked him as anger started to build.

Rainbow looked to Shun starting to see what he was trying to do. "I play this game solo... so don't think you're the boss of me, because you're not." Shun said to Masquerade.

"Not your smartest decision Shun... but I respect it. That leaves me with only one choice... and that's to bring Dan down personally." said Masquerade as he held out a card.

"Hey! You want to battle?!" Dan asked him.

"Bring it on you masked freak!" Rainbow welcomed the challenge as she and Dan held out their cards.

"Your time has come Masquerade!" Drago said to him as he prepared for battle with Dan.

Masquerade prepared only to see Shun block him. Shun glared at him as he held his Bakugan Card. "Out of my way... my house, my battle!" he said to Masquerade.

Dan watched them but something came into his mind. "I have an idea... me and Rainbow will take both of you losers on at once. You know, take out two birds with one stone?" he said to them.

Rainbow gave him a look. "You do realize that only means one Brawler against two right...?" she asked him.

"Okay so I'm not good at math, sue me!" Dan said to her as he looked to Shun and Masquerade. "Unless of course those two birds are big ol yellow belly chickens!"

"You talk big, but can you back it up?" Shun asked him as he put his gloves on.

"This is our chance Shun..." Masquerade said to him as he pulled out a Bakugan Card.

"Bakugan Field Open!" they called out in unison as they entered a pocket Dimension Battlefield, leaving Runo and Marucho in midflight as time slowed down.

Masquerade smirked as he pulled out the Doom Card to start off the battle. "Doom Card set..." he dropped it onto the ground, letting the battlefield absorb it.

Rainbow glared at him but looked to Shun knowing that he is filled with conflict. Dan at that point touched her shoulder. "Rainbow, stay focused, we can't let personal feelings get in the way of this." he said to her.

"I know that... but what he's doing is wrong..." Rainbow said to him as she pulled out a Gate Card along with Dan.

"Gate Card Set!" they threw out their gate cards to the field.

As the cards expanded on the field, Masquerade was the first to start the battle. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot in a new Bakugan, one that they've never seen before. "Laserman Stand!" he called out as Laserman emerged on the battlefield, revealing itself as a giant robot. Laserman is one of Masquerade’s favorite Bakugan to use to send opponents to the Doom Dimension. He is a giant of a monster with four laser cannons at the top of his shoulders, strongly resembling a machine from Classic Battletech. Each cannon has its own unique laser that can extinguish fire, freeze water, and explode rock.

"Whoa, never saw that Bakugan before!" Rainbow said in surprise as she looked to her Bakupod. "Battle begins. Laserman opens at 370 G's. Awaiting Opponent." said the Bakupod as Rainbow looked to it. "My Falconeer stands at 340 G's, I doubt it will be enough to take on this clown." she said as she looked at Laserman.

"Just play it cool, we'll have to be smart about this... I'm going in." Dan said as he pulled out his Stinglash and tossed it to the field. "Bakugan Brawl! Stinglash Stand!" he called out as Stinglash landed on the field, and emerged in its true form, hissing at Masquerade.

But Masquerade only laughed as he pulled out an Ability Card. "Nice try! Leap Sting Ability Activate!" he called out as Laserman's ability activated. Laserman turned the top portion of his body, facing Stinglash.

Dan's eyes widen seeing it. "Oh no!" he cried out as Laserman fired at Stinglash from behind. "Whoa... talk about fully loaded..."

"He attacked Pyrus Stinglash with a completely different Ability Card!" Drago said as he watched it happen.

"How is that possible?!!" Rainbow asked with concern.

"My Leap Sting is a unique ability which has the Darkus Attribute that allows me to attack pretty well anywhere! And lets just say that its pretty versatile!" Masquerade informed them.

Dan panicked and looked to his Bakugan. "Stinglash!" he cried out as Stinglash shrieked in pain as it was sent to the Doom Dimension. "I can't believe it... you sent Stinglash to the Doom Dimension!" he yelled at Masquerade as Laserman returned to him.

Shun saw the Doom Dimension feeling its Negative Energy, and hearing the cries of all the Bakugan that were in there. "So that's... the Doom Dimension...?" he asked Skyress.

"Yes... once a Bakugan has been sent to there, they can never return. Its the place we fear the most Shun." Skyress informed him as Shun was in thought, she turned to him. "Knowing this... do you still wish to continue...? Well...?" she asked him if he was still willing to continue the battle.

Shun's answer was clear, as he held out his Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his Monarus to the field. "Monarus Stand!" he called out as Monarus emerged on the field. Rainbow didn't exactly know what to think of Shun at the moment, she didn't know whether or not he was on their side, or Masquerades.

Speaking of, Masquerade smirked and looked to the field loading his next Bakugan, and guess who it is... "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot in a familiar skulled face Bakugan. "Reaper Stand!" he called out as Reaper emerged on the field. Causing Drago to growl in anger. "Reaper Power Level 370 G's." said the Bakupod.

"Heads up kid..." Reaper warned Dan as he held his scythe.

"Aw man, is that the best you can do? Gate Card Set!" Dan tossed his card behind Monarus's card. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed his Gargonoid to the field. "Gargonoid Stand!" he called out as Gargonoid emerged on the field. "Still processing data." said the Bakupod.

Shun pulled out his next Gate Card. "Okay Dan, lets get this started! Ability Card Activate! Air Battle!" he called out as Monarus flew out of her battle zone.

"Looks like Monarus is flying out of her Battle Zone." Rainbow said as she watched Monarus flew around the battlefield.

"In Air Battle Mode, Shun's Monarus possesses that unique ability. It's Also a wind attribute that allows it the freedom of movement beyond the cards bellow." Drago explained to her.

"Yeah, I remember, Fluttershy has a Monarus of her own." said Rainbow as she remembered the battle with Takeshi and Kosuke.

"That's not all you two. When I'm in Air battle mode, neither of your Gate Cards will open." said Shun receiving a shocked expression from Dan. "Monarus, attack!" he commanded as Monarus charged at Gargonoid, causing a whirl wind to force it to crash. She hovered above him as sparkling lights glimmered from her wings attacking Gargonoid while it was down. Gargonoid roared out in pain and was forced back into Ball Form.

Dan was releived that Gargonoid wasn't sent to the Doom Dimension, but was shocked that he was defeated. "Snap, this is nuts! I lost again!" he cried out as he turned to Shun who was smirking as Monarus returned to him.

"Good job Shun..." Skyress said to him.

"Gargonoid defeated, second battle loss, Dan." said the Bakupod as Masquerade smirked. "Looks like you're just down to just Drago." he said to him as he held out a card. "But not for long!" he tossed in his next Gate Card behind Reaper. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot his Laserman back onto the field. "Laserman stand!" he called out as Laserman emerged on the field. "Commencing third battle." said the Bakupod.

"This is intense... Dan, you got a plan?" Rainbow asked him.

"Its a long shot, but think you can handle Shun?" Dan asked her.

"If it means winning this, I'll try my best..." Rainbow said as she looked at her Falconeer. "I lost last time... but he won't get the better of me this time."

"Good... okay, this is our last chance Drago. And heads up, they can attack from anywhere." said Dan as he held Drago. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed Drago onto the field. "Drago Stand!" he called out as Drago emerged in his true form, roaring at Reaper. "Battle Begins." said the Bakupod.

Drago growled at Reaper preparing for battle. "En garde Reaper!" he challenged him.

"I'm ready when you are Drago." Reaper gladly accepted his challenge.

"Gate Card Open! Third Judgement Activate!" Masquerade called out as the Third Judgement Gate Card started to activate.

"Come on Drago, go get him!" Dan said to him, but Drago was paralyzed by the Gate Cards effect.

"What's happening?!" Rainbow asked feeling panicked.

Reaper grinned and readied his scythe. "Prepare for the Doom Dimension my friend, the Third Judgement Card will make sure you have a pleasant journey there!" he said to him.

"This is it..." said Masquerade as he looked to Shun. "Can you feel it...? Our moment of victory is here Shun." he said to him with a dark smirk.

Rainbow at that moment, looked to Shun worriedly, and finally decided to tell him something important. "Shun, please don't let him do this! Don't let your mother see you for who you are!" she cried out to him as Shun's eyes widen from hearing it. "Yeah... I know about your mom... and I'm sorry for your loss. But she wouldn't want you to do this! Please Shun, you have to listen! Don't forget the promise you made to her!" she pleaded to him.

Shun looked at her as his memories rush to back to his mother, seeing her in the hospital bed, the promise he made, all of it. If Shiori was with him now, she would show just how disappointed she would be with him. Meanwhile, Masquerade had just about enough of her. "Don't listen to her Shun, she knows nothing! Now lets finish him!" he said to him clenching his fist.

For a brief moment, Shun lowered his head in silence still hearing Rainbow's words about his mom. But finally... he raised his head and glared at Masquerade. "Sorry... but I play solo. Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed his Monarus back onto the field. "Monarus Stand!" he called out as monarus emerged on the field. "Sensing new Brawler." said the Bakupod.

Masquerade glared but readied his next Bakugan. "You asked for this... Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his true Bakugan Partner. "Hydranoid Stand!" he called out a large Hydra type Bakugan emerged on the field. Hydranoid... has finally revealed himself. Hydranoid is a hulking hydralike beast with sharp spikes all over its body. It is even more ferocious than it looks. This vicious Bakugan is known for being cruel and merciless in battle. It takes pleasure in pounding opponents with its tail. He let out a monstrous roar that could shake the very battlefield.

Drago saw it as he was still paralyzed by the Third Judgement Gate Card. "Three agaisnt one?!" he asked but finally felt the Third Judgement affect deactivate.

"What is that thing...?!" Rainbow asked feeling all the negative energy it was giving off. She looked to her Bakupod and her eyes widen in shock. "Whoa! Insane...!" she cried out. "Hydranoid at 450 G's" said the Bakupod. "I've never seen a Bakugan that strong!"

"Me neither!" Dan cried out as he starred at Hydranoid.

"Very observant you two... for I am the most powerful Bakugan ever!" Hydranoid snarled at them. "And I have no limit, I feed off the Bakugan I send to the Doom Dimension. Just as I'll feed upon his precious Drago!" he said to them.

"That ends here and now Hydranoid!" Drago roared at him in anger.

Dan pulled out his Ability Card. "Ability Card Activate! Boosted Dragon!" he called out as Drago unleashed a fireball against Hydranoid landing a direct hit.

"This is revenge for all the Bakugan you cast into the Doom Dimension!" Drago said to Hydranoid as the flames slowly consumed him.

"Thataboy!" Dan said only to hear a dark chuckle. "What the...?!"

"Is that the best you can do...?" Hydranoid asked as he laughed in amusement. He then roared out extinguishing the flames.

"No!" Drago cried out as Dan and Rainbow panicked.

At that point, Hydranoid swung his tail at Drago. "Bonvoyage Drago!" he went to finish Drago off for good.

"DRAGO!!!" Dan cried out, but then... something unexpected happened.

"Ability Card Activate! Crimson Twister!" Shun called out as his Monarus flapped her wings causing Drago to vanish and appear on her card. "Attack now!" he called out to Monarus as she attacked Drago antagonizing him. But Drago retaliated and struck Monarus down with his tail forcing her back into Ball Form.

Drago returned to Dan and he looked to Shun. "But Shun... your Monarus..." he said to him.

"You sacrificed her... to save Drago...?" Rainbow as him.

"Don't get too excited, trust me, our battle is far from over. Just you, Dan, and me Rainbow." Shun said to them.

Reaper turned to Dan with a glare. "That's only one down human! Your pathetic pet lizard doesn't stand a chance against me! Now... to end this!" before Reaper could finish however... he turned around felt a sharp pain in his torso causing him to scream out in pain. Rainbow's eyes widen seeing that it was Hydranoid who struck him down with his spiked tail. Dan and Shun were shocked as well from seeing it, Reaper tried reaching out to Masquerade. "N-No... I beg of you... don't do this master...!" he pleaded to him.

Masquerade only smirked seeing what his partner did to Reaper. "Sorry... but only one Bakugan can survive Third Judgement." he said to him.

Rainbow gritted her teeth in anger from seeing it. "Oh man this is insane! You're going to send your own Bakugan to the Doom Dimension?!!" she asked Masquerade with a glare.

"Yes, his services are no longer needed." Masquerade said to her with a big grin on his face.

Reaper glared at him as he was slowly pulled into the Doom Dimension. "You will pay for this...!" he warned him as he was trapped in the Doom Dimension.

Dan looked away from seeing it. "How could you do something like that Masquerade?! There are rules, and you just crossed the line!" he yelled at him.

"Sorry Dan, but I play by my own rules." Masquerade said to him as he grinned. "Lets get back to our little battle, shall we gentlemen... and mare...?" he asked as he tried getting under Rainbow Dash's skin, and it was working.

Rainbow's glare intensified as she gripped her Falconeer. "You insufferable, back stabbing low life!" her anger started to awaken something within her as her body glowed with Ventus Aura.

Drago see's it sensing it but looked to Dan. "So now what?" he asked him.

Dan held out a card as he looked to his partner. "We finish it." he said to him boldly.

"You can't be serious." Drago said to him as he looked at the Gate Card. "You decide... play it if you must..." he said as he let him.

Shun looked to Rainbow seeing her intense Aura. He began to wonder if something was triggered. Meanwhile, Dan held up his Gate Card readying for the next battle. "Gate Card Set!" he tossed it to the field and grabbed Drago. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed him to the field. "Drago Stand!" he called out as Drago emerged on the field.

Shun at the moment only looked at Rainbow coming up with a plan. "Gate Card Set!" he tossed it to the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his own Falconeer. "Falconeer stand!" he called out as his Falconeer emerged on the field. "Fourth battle commencing. Collecting Data.." said the Bakupod. "Rainbow, time to prove your metal!" he called out to her.

Rainbow gladly pulled up her Falconeer. "If that's what you want... Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed it to the field. "Falconeer stand!" she called out as her Falconeer emerged to face its double. "Hope you brought some good cards, because you'll need them!" she warned him.

"Trust me... I got plenty to spare." Shun said to her feeling confident.

Masquerade looked at him wondering what he could be planning. "You confuse me Shun..." he said but focused his sights on Drago. "Bakugan Brawl!" he shot Hydranoid back onto the field. "Hydranoid Stand!" he called out as his partner emerged on the field snarling at Drago. "Displaying current Power Levels."

Dan looked at them but looked to the battlefield hoping the card he sent out will work. "Gate Card Open! Tripple Battle!" he called out as the card began to glow. "Watch and learn boys! A Tripple Battle Command Card engages when three Bakugan go head to head!" he said to them.

"Nice move!" said Masquerade as he turned to Shun. "Danny boy thinks he can team up with you to beat me..."

Rainbow heard it and looked to Shun, she knew Dan had a plan. But will it work? Skyress looked to Shun with the same curious expression. "Well...?" she asked him.

Rainbow watched in worry. "Come on Shun, you gotta help us." she thought to herself.

Masquerade continued to smirk. "Lets see... if these two jokers try to blind-side me, I think I'll counter with my Darkus Gravity. And then bring Laserman in to do the dirty work." he thought to himself as he held out a card. "Between my Hydranoid and Laserman, they'll both be in the Doom Dimension in no time."

Shun opened his eyes looking to the battlefield. "Skyress... listen up... time to join the battle." he said to her.

"Done." said Skyress knowing what he was thinking.

Masquerade felt wind blowing around him, and looked to Shun seeing the same Aura that was around Rainbow Dash. "Masquerade... I've had enough of your games! You just use people, and you destroyed their Bakugan! he yelled at him.

Dan and Rainbow smiled seeing it. "Alright!" they said in unison.

"You're finished! Bakugan Brawl!" Shun tossed in Skyress to join the Tripple Battle. "Skyress Stand!" he called out as Skyress emerged in her true form, descending from the sky.

She glared at both Hydranoid and Masquerade and let out an echoing screech. "Nice to have you back Shun... now... lets get busy!" she said to him. "Bakugan Battle Begins." said the Bakupod.

"Way to go Shun! I knew you wouldn't let us down!" Rainbow said to him.

"Are you and Dan ready?!" Shun asked her.

"Yeah!" Dan and Rainbow said in unison.

Hydranoid looked to Skyress and growled in anger. "Welcome to the party Skyress, too bad you won't be around to enjoy it." he said to her.

Masquerade pulled out his Ability Card. "Ability Card Activate!" he tossed it into the sky and started to grin. "Chaos... of the... Darkness!" he called out as lightning began to strike. It then struck Hydranoid empowering him. He absorbed it an launched an energy ball at both Drago and Skyress landing a hit against Drago.

Dan quickly pulled out a defensive card. "Ability Card Activate! Fire Wall!" he called out as he tossed it to Drago protecting him. from another shot.

Hydranoid fired more shots but Drago's Fire Wall was too strong. Skyress managed to avoid the shots, causing Hydranoid to lose his temper. "Its not WORKING!!!" he cried out as his power started overloading. It even reached Masquerades card causing it to disappear.

Dan and Rainbow were surprised to see it happen. "His card... disappeared!" he said as he watched Hydranoid blast everything, Shun's Falconeer was eventually hit and sent straight to the Doom Dimension.

Shun saw it in shock and unleashed a glare towards Masquerade. But he smirked in return. "Hydranoid is evolving... thanks to you boys and this mare." he said to them.

"He's what?!!" Rainbow cried out as Hydranoid began to unleash his power against all who stood in his way. The blasts soon reached Laserman forcing it to go into the Doom Dimension. "This is insane! Hydranoid's destroying everything!"

"We gotta stop him somehow, but what are we supposed to do Shun?!" Dan asked him.

"Aim at his mouth!" Shun said to him.

"Right! Rainbow, I'm gonna need your help with this!" Dan said to her.

"You got it! Ability Card Activate! Jump Over!" Rainbow called out as her Falconeer leaped over to the Gate Card Drago, Skyress and Hydranoid were standing on. "Alright Falconeer, get that overgrown garden hose to take its aim off of Drago!" she called out as Falconeer charged at Hydranoid and scratched at its head.

Hydranoid shrieked from it. "Stay out of this you weakling!" he started blasting at it, but Falconeer managed to dodge the blasts keeping him distracted.

"Alright, come on Drago! You gotta penatrate Hydranoid with one clean shot!" Dan called out to him.

"I will help divert his attention!" Skyress said as she charged at Hydranoid to help Falconeer. Hydranoid felt her talons scratch against his armor. He snarled viciously at her about to destroy her.

"Drago! Boosted Dragon!" Dan called out to him as Drago unleashed a fireball at Hydranoid. Skyress managed to dodge the blast as it landed right in Hydranoid's mouth.

"No! Hydranoid!" Masquerade cried out as Hydranoid exploded from the inside and was forced back into Ball Form. Drago and Skyress along with Falconeer returned to their partners, they looked to Masquerade knowing it was far from over. "You got lucky this time... but remember, soon you'll all be heading to the Doom Dimension!" he yelled at them as he took his coat throwing it around him as he quickly disappeared.

"We won!" Dan cried out as he looked to Shun.

Shun looked to him and Rainbow. "Yeah... and now our Battle is about to begin." he said with a smile.

Dan felt shocked at first, but he smiled knowing that Shun was back in the game. He and Shun tossed in Drago and Skyress onto another Battlefield. Rainbow wasn't going to miss out on this, so she tossed in her Falconeer to join the fun. "Bakugan Brawl!" they called out in unison.

"Ability Card Activate! Fire Tornado!" Dan called out as Drago unleashed a stream of fire towards Skyress, but she dodged it as she charged at him. She tackled Drago knocking him down to the ground.

Drago quickly got back up and looked to her. "Nice moves Skyress!" he complimented her.

"Well thanks for noticing Drago." Skyress thanked him for the compliment as Shun pulled out an Ability Card.

"Time to turn up the heat a few degree's... Ability Card Activate! Green Nobility - Violent Winds!" he called out as green flames surrounded Skyress. "Skyress Power Level 720 G's." said the Bakupod. Skyress charged right at Drago about to finish the battle.

"Falconeer!" Rainbow called out as Falconeer got in the way and took the hit. It soon returned to Ball Form and returned to her. "Well... it was worth it..." she admitted. Just when it was safe... Skyress wasn't finished. She charged at Drago and went straight through him, causing him to return to Ball Form. Skyress let out a screech knowing she was victorious. "Well Shun, looks like you won..." she said to him.

Shun only smiled as Skyress returned to him. "You're not gonna continue the next two rounds?" he asked her. "I'm dying to see how far you've gotten in your training."

"I'm not as good as you are... besides, I'm far from ready to beat you." said Rainbow as she stood down. "Least I know an awesome Ventus Brawler who could teach me to be a great Ventus Brawler."

Shun looked at her and smiled as they all returned to the real world. Meanwhile in the hole, Twilight accidentally lost focus in using her magic dropping both Runo and Marucho. Seeing Runo land right on top of Marucho causing him to scream out in pain. Meanwhile, Dan looked at Shun knowing he really was back in the game. "You won Shun... that Green Nobility move you used back there was pretty slick. I gotta tell ya, I'm impressed." he said to him.

Meanwhile Shun looked to him as his smile faded. "No, I helped you to get Masquerade out of the way. It wasn't a win!" he yelled at him.

"We defeated him together Shun!" Dan yelled back at him.

"No Dan! That battle was for me..." Shun said to him as he remembered their last battle. "For my own selfish reasons... I gave up this game, and I thought it was for good. Now I'm not so sure..." he turned away from him as he admitted everything to him. "I'm sorry Dan... I tried..." he started walking away.

"Man you're stubborn!" Dan said as he turned away. "You wouldn't know a compliment if it hit you in the face, would ya?!"

"Dan, hold on..." Rainbow Dash said to him as she looked to Shun. "Hey Shun, Dan's sorry for walking out on you..."

Dan frowned knowing she was right. "She's right Shun... I am sorry... I'm sorry for pushing you so hard, I'm sorry for what happened to your mom.... I guess I just... wanted to win." he said as he looked down. "But I should thank you for what you just did back there... you saved Drago... and Rainbow's Falconeer." he thanked Shun and earning a proud smile from Rainbow Dash.

Shun stood in silence for a moment, but he lifted his head and smiled a bit. "No... I should be thanking you." he said to him as Dan turned to him surprised. "You made me see things in a different light..."

"What do you mean...?" Dan asked him.

"Its like this Dan... a few months back, I guess I gave up on playing Bakugan. I was kind of confused... oh sure, I was number 01, but I was bored." Shun explained to him and Rainbow.

"You can't be serious Shun!" Dan exclaimed.

"Why would you get board with being number 01?! I mean, I have dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt, but I never found a reason to just throw in the towel like that... though there was that one time with Lightning Dust. But that's-" before Rainbow Dash could explain...

"You're missing the point Rainbow..." Shun said as he turned to them. "Battling with Dan showed me something... its not how high you're ranked, its all about real friendship." he said catching both Dan and Rainbow off guard. Never before did the believe he would say that. "And we've got a mission... to defeat Masquerade once and for all." he said as he held up Skyress. "This is our game... and we have to save it."

Rainbow watched in surprise but smiled at him. "Wow Shun, that's some speech..." she said to him.

"But of course she's just goofing... glad to see you're back to your old self bud." Dan said to him only to get an elbow to the gut by Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow scowled at him but looked to Shun. "But in any case, you're right... we gotta beat Masquerade once and for all, and you never know... you might even beat Dan one day... and someday... I may even beat you." she said to him with a confident smile.

Shun smiled and started walking to them. "You and Dan are true friends Rainbow Dash... more importantly... I should thank you... for reminding me of the promise I made to my mom." he said to her as he held out his hand. "If you need a teacher to show you everything you need to know about Ventus... then I'm just the brawler for the job. I might even teach you some ninja moves while I'm at it."

Rainbow's eyes widen in shock and amazement from hearing it. "Y-You serious?!! OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH!!! YES!" she cried out in excitement as he shook his hand.

Shun smiled as he shook her hoof. Dan watched them with a smile, meanwhile Runo and Marucho were crying just by watching the scene. "How touching! Does anybody have a tissue? I'm leaking like crazy!" said Preyas as he was crying.

Tigrerra only let a smell tear form in her eye. "Humans are so strange..." she said as she sniffed.

"I know darling... but the moment is so beautiful I..." tears brimmed in Rarity's eyes just from watching. "I... I can't help myself...!" she and the other ponies started crying tears of joy for their human friends.

"Seriously! Leaking! Big time! A little help over here someone, somepony?" Preyas asked for a tissue. But no one and no pony was listening to him.

Meanwhile in Equestria, Solaria watched as the Element of Loyalty was glowing intensely from within the Tree of Harmony. "How interesting..." she said to herself as Princess Celestia and Luna walked up.

"What is it mother...?" Celestia asked her.

"Has something happened in a previous battle...?" Luna asked as she was feeling worried.

"Actually, its nothing bad..." Solaria said as she turned to her daughters. "In fact... a rather very interesting incident occurred... take a look at the Element of Loyalty..." she turned to the Element as she pointed out to it. "It was dormant at first... but now it glows brightly." she explained to them.

Celestia carefully observed the Element, true she and Luna had a connection to them a thousand years ago, but this was beyond anything she ever saw before. "What does this mean mother...?" she asked her.

"Did Ms. Rainbow Dash do something in her current battle...?" Luna asked in curiosity.

"As a matter of fact, she did..." Solaria said as she turned to her. "She somehow managed to tap into the Power of Ventus... though she unleashed it out of anger. It managed to awaken something within the Element of Loyalty."

Celestia and Luna looked to each other surprised, never before have they heard of something like this happening. They looked to her wishing to know more. "Mother... the Elements... where exactly did they come from...? We know you know..." Celestia said to her knowing she had the answers.

Solaria could only let out a sigh as she turned to her and Luna. "I know where they originally came from... but... that is a story for both you, and the Ponies. So you will have to wait until they have completed their journey." she said to them only to see them look down. "But I can tell you this... the Elements are not only connected to Equestria... but to Vestroia as well. Come... I will explain as little as I can in Canterlot." she said as she walked passed them.

Celestia followed her with Luna by her side. She eventually smirked and looked to her younger sister. "Sooo... I hear you finally told Incursio out you felt. Must have been nice to see him after so long, wasn't it...?" she asked to her only to get a blush from her.

Luna's face turned cherry red as she turned to her. "HOW DID YOU KNOW?!!!" she cried out demanding to know how. But it soon hit her like a ton of bricks as she turned to Solaria. "Mooootheeerrrrrr...!" she scowled as she looked to her as Solaria began to sweat.

"Oh, look at the time! Gotta head to the mares room!" Solaria said as she ran away from her cherry faced daughter.

"Come back here! I demand to know why you told Celestia! Don't you know the meaning of privacy?!!" Luna exclaimed as she chased her mother leaving Celestia alone.

Celestia giggled watching it, but eventually turned back to the tree looking at the Element of Loyalty. "So... there is more to Equestria and Vestroia than I understand... and the being who appeared before me all those years ago..." her memories rushed back to when the strange being appeared before her after banishing her sister. "Could he have come from Vestroia...? If so... who was he...? And how did he know our mother...?" she thought to herself but she decided to let it go. She turned away and followed after her mother and sister, leaving the Elements be for now.

Author's Note:

Dan: Hey, this is Dan and Twilight. Coming up on the next Bakugan Legends of Equestria. We try to get the low down on the mysterious dude Hal-G.

Twilight: The Brawlers and Ponies decide to leave home, and take a little road trip to an old mansion in the country.

Dan: Once inside, we find out its totally high tech. Filled with the most bizarre gear you can imagine. Its like something out of a crazy Sci-fi movie times a million, and creepier.

Twilight: You have to check it out and see for yourselves. Bakugan Brawl!

Dan: See you there!