• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,388 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Trust Me

The next day in Runo's restaurant, Alice and Fluttershy walked over to some new customers. "What can I get for you today...?" she asked them getting her pen for writing.

"I'll have a liver kebab..." said a male customer.

"Sounds good, I'll have the same." said the customer next to him.

Meanwhile, Runo poked her head out from behind the counter with Rarity. "Excellent choice, okay that's two liver kebab's coming coming right up." said Fluttershy as she turned to Runo and Rarity noticing their expressions. "Huh...? I something wrong you two...?" she asked them.

Panicking, Runo and Rarity acted casual to hide their suspicion. "Uh, no, no! We're good... right Rare...?" Runo asked the white unicorn.

"Certainly darling, nothing wrong at all." Rarity responded with a forced smile.

"Yo! Can I get a glass of prune juice over here?" asked a customer.

"Yeah, sure!" Runo ran off to serve the customer, Alice meanwhile watched her confused, but looked to Fluttershy who shared a confused expression.

"I wonder what's gotten into Runo... she's been watching me all day..." Alice said to the yellow pegasus.

"Who knows... maybe she and Rarity are just even more jealous because you're pretty popular with the customers..." Fluttershy said to her.

Hearing it from a good distance, Runo and Rarity turned to them with a galre. "WE'RE NOT JEALOUS!!!" they cried out in unison. But one look from Alice and Fluttershy, told a different story.

Meanwhile at the park, Dan was drawing in crowds to get a chance to challenge him. "Step right up! Come see the legend for yourself! Today could be your lucky day, come play against one of the great Bakugan Battle Brawlers! Now who wants to take me on...?" he asked each of the kids to who wants to battle him. "Fore a small fee, you can battle the best. Chance like this only comes once in a life time, you know our motto... we do battle any time, anywhere."

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack were watching the scene knowing this might end bad. "There goes Dan stroking his ego again..." said Applejack as she had a deadpan expression over her face.

"Who can blame him...? He's like this every once in a blue moon..." Twilight replied to her sharing the same expression.

"Now, don't be shy... I know you wanna play..." Dan said to them only to accidentally kick his radio. "Oh no, the tunes!" he panicked.

Julie soon stepped up to speak. "Hey come on, we love a good challenge..." she said as she turned to a young boy and walked over to him. "Hey young boy... I'm looking for a big strong Bakugan player to roll with... and you're just my type..." she smiled at him.

Panicking from how close she was, the boy didn't hesitate to speak up. "I don't know..." he replied feeling unsure of the situation at hand.

At that moment, Applejack and Pinkie grabbed her and pulled her away. "Would you quit being so grabby Julie?! You're smothering the poor kid!" said Applejack as she helped Pinkie Pie pull her away from him.

"Kid! How about me?" Dan asked him. "I be you and I could have a great brawl." he said to him with a smirk, a wink, but the kid ran off screaming.

"Hey wait!" Julie called out but saw him run away.

"Boy... talk about sensative..." Dan muttered and looked to the other kids. "So then..." before he could even speak, the kids all ran away from him. Seeing nothing but a leaf blowing in the wind, Dan flipped his lid. "What is wrong with kids today?! Don't they like to have fun anymore?!!"

"I think Dan really needs to work on his sales pitch..." Drago muttered.

"You said to Drago..." Gorem agreed with him.

"Yes siree!" Preyas agreed.

Suddenly, Julie noticed Rainbow Dash and Shun walking by. "Shun...? Rainbow Dash...?" she watched them walk by.

"Nah, Those kids wouldn't like them either..." Marucho said to her.

"No look...! Its Shun and Rainbow Dash right over there." Julie pointed to where they were.

But by the time Dan and the others looked to where they were, Shun and Rainbow Dash were already gone. "Where...? I don't see anybody." said Twilight.

Julie around for him. "What? But I just saw them..." she assured them.

"But there's no way you could have... Julie, we dropped him and Rainbow Dash at his dojo remember...?" Dan reminded her.

"And if he was in the area, I'm sure he would have contacted us." Twilight said to her, suddenly her stomach and that of Dan's started to growl. "Oh dear..." she muttered.

Groaning a bit, Dan knew the same feeling. "Oh man... I'm so hungry... hey, lets go eat. We can try this again later..." he said to them. "Come on guys...." he grabbed his radio and walked away with Twilight, Pinkie and Marucho.

But Julie and Applejack stayed behind looking to where Julie saw Shun and Rainbow Dash. "But I really did see Shun and Rainbow Dash, I know I did..." she though to herself.

Back at Runo's restaraunt, Dan rushed into the restaraunt in a hurry. "Yo! You guys think you can make me something to eat?" he asked them.

Rarity only gave him a look of disapproval due to his tone. "Not with that attitude we aren't..." she responded.

"Hi Dan, what do you want...?" Alice asked him.

Runo meanwhile turned to him, placing her hand on her waist. "Everything's been put away, we closed an hour ago. Can't you go somewhere else...?" she asked him. Suddenly she noticed a few missing parties. "Hey... where's Marucho, Pinkie Pie, Julie and Applejack...?" she asked him and Twilight.

"Marucho said he had to go home and check something on his computer, Pinkie Pie went with him. Julie and Applejack decided to go with him..." Twilight informed them of what they were doing.

Dan crossed his arms closing his eyes. "I think they're scared to eat here because your food gives them gas..." Dan thought out loud only to get on Runo's badside... again.


"Calm down Runo, I'm sure its just Dan being Dan..." Fluttershy said to her.

"Yeah sure, whatever..." Dan and Twilight sat down at a table. "Me and Twilight just need to get something in our guts..." he said to them. "So, could you feed us please...?" he asked as nice as he possibly could.

Meanwhile, Dan looked to the camera pulling a forth wall break. "You know Dan will eat anything... watch this..." she said to the audience who may be reading and turned to Dan. "Okay, give me a minute." she said to him as she walked by.

"Oh, let me help Runo..." Alice offered it to her.

"That's alright... you stay here with Dan..." Runo responded as she walked passed Dan and Twilight.

Watching her head to the kitchen, Alice couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. "Runo..." she muttered feeling worried.

Noticing it, Twilight looked to Alice curiously. "Hey, is something wrong...? What's with Runo today...?" she asked her.

Sighing at her question, Alice turned facing her and Dan. "Dan, Twilight... now I know its true, Runo suspects me..." she informed them.

"Suspects...?" Dan asked but realized. "Oh, she thinks you're Masquerades spy...?" he asked her.

Alice nodded her head in response. "But that's ridiculous darling... you would never be involved with that ruffian." Rarity said to her.

"I know... but all day long, she's been watching everything I did, and everywhere I went..." Alice said to her and looked down feeling depressed. "She trusts me anymore... its all because my grandfather Michael happens to be Hal-G." she said to them and saw Runo coming back with some food.

"Here you go..." Runo set the dish on the table showing what it was. "It's all the leftovers at the back of the fridge..." she said to him. "And for Twilight, nice fresh veggies..." she set her bowl down on in front of her.

"Wow, thanks Runo..." Twilight expressed her gratitude.

But Dan... was less than pleased with what he got. "Yeah... thanks a lot..." he said to her.

Watching Runo how she's been acting... Alice soon remembered something. "Oh, that reminds me, I have to go and pick up some groceries." she walked out as Runo looked to where she was going. "I'll be back real soon, bye!" she called out as she walked out.

Runo's suspicians are growing bolder by the minute, meanwhile Dan and Twilight were eating their meals. But Twilight took the chance to ask Runo a question. "So why are you so suspicious of Alice...?" she asked her.

"Oh, so you happened to have noticed huh...?" Runo asked her and Dan.

"Huh...? Oh, yeah..." Dan responded but kept the fact Alice already told them to himself as well as Twilight.

"Okay..." Runo crossed her arms looking out. "To be honest, I do think something is up with her... I mean, Alice doesn't have her own Bakugan, and she doesn't battle. What's up with that...? So how come someone like her is even on our team?" she asked them.

"Runo, don't you think that's going a little too far...?" Rarity asked her.

"Rarity's right, I've been with her the whole time, and nothing seems to be wrong..." Fluttershy said to her.

Runo crossed her arms as she shut her eyes. "I still think its suspicious..." she responded to them.

Dan sighed and looked to her. "Okay I'll bite..." he said to her knowing there may be no way of convincing her otherwise.

Runo leaned towards him getting close to him. "It's simple... she wants to stay close to us, so she can get our Bakugan. All she does is watch our moves, then she reports them back to Masquerade." she theorized to Dan.

Dan looked at her feeling unsure. "Our Alice...?" he looked away. "She wouldn't do that..." he muttered.

Twilight looked to him feeling worried, she placed her hoof on his shoulder. "I know its hard to believe... but we can't believe she would do anything like that." she said to him and looked to Runo. "Most of all, we can't just judge her just because she doesn't battle like everyone else..." she said to her knowing she is right.

Meanwhile at Marucho's house, Julie explained to him, Pinkie Pie and and Applejack to what she believes, to the point... that they couldn''t believe their ears. "Huh?! No way, you think Shun works for Masquerade and Rainbow Dash is in on it?!" Marucho asked her.

"Now that's just plain ridiculous! Rainbow would never do that!" Pinkie exclaimed to her.

"Pinkie's right Julie, your mind is playing tricks on you." Applejack said to her.

"I'm telling you, that was definitely Shun adn Rainbow Dash I saw today. They were probably wondering what we were doing in the park, you didn't think that anyone could see him, but I did." Julie said to them and closed her eyes. "Come on, think about it you guys, Shun's always gone off on his own hasn't he...? That's because when he's by himself, no one knows for sure where he is, or what he's doing." she explained.

"Yeah you're right, but I'm not convinced..." Marucho replied to her.

"Marucho's got a point there sugarcube, I mean Dan would certainly have something to say about it. Most of all, Rainbow Dash would easily bust him for it if he were." Applejack said to her.

"That's because she's keeping quiet about it, most of all Dan doesn't even suspect Shun!" Julie cried out and crossed her arms. "He's been so busy pumping up the brawlers, that he doesn't even realize what's going on in front of him. So I'll have to show him."

"You go girl, go get him!" Gorem cheered her on.

Centorea smacked his arm just from hearing it. "Don't encourage her you fool!" she exclaimed.

"You know Shun could be in this house right now, watching everything we do. But I won't let him get away with it, I'm gonna get some proof you guys, you wait here till I get back. Come on Gorem." Julie said to her partner as he leaped into her hand and took off in a hurry.

"Wait Julie!" Marucho watched her run out, and he let out a sigh and touched his keyboard opening it up. "Julie's plan has disaster written all over it." he started typing some keys looking to his screen.

"What are you gonna do there partner...?" Applejack asked him.

"If there is a spy in the brawlers, there's only one way to find out who it might be is to approach this problem logically." Marucho replied as he searched the web. "I'm gonna check out our websties history and see if there are any unusual patterns of activity." he explained to her.

"Good idea, while you're doing that... I'll go after Julie and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid..." Applejack said to her and ran off to catch up to her.

"Good luck! You'll need it!" Pinkie cried out to her.

Meanwhile down the hall, Julie was running at full speed and determined to prove her theory. "Look out Shun and Rainbow Dash, here I come! I know you're around here somewhere, and I will check every room in this house if I have to!" she ran to a door and forced it open. "Ah-ha!" she cried out only to see she ended up in the bathroom again. "Oops... bad place to start..." she rushed down the hall and found another door. "Oh now I've got you!" she pushed the doors open only to see Kato surfing.

"Woohoo! Come on in Miss Julie, these waves are indeed gnarly!" he said to her.

But Julie was already grossed out, and took off to find Shun and Rainbow Dash in another room. "She opened the door only to find a field with a herd of cattle. At that very moment, she lost her nerve. "IT'S NO USE!!! THIS HOUSE IS TOO BIG, AND IF SHUN AND RAINBOW DASH ARE HIDING HERE I'LL NEVER FIND THEM!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Meanwhile at the market place, Alice was working on getting some good food for Runo's restaurant. A shop owner had he basket filled with good food and handed it to Alice. "Here you go Alice, everything should be there..." he said to her.

Alice took the basket and smiled. "Oh thank you very much..." she bowed to him and turned noticing Dan, Runo, Twilight and Fluttershy walking by.

"Dan, if the spy is one of us... who do you think it is...?" Runo asked him.

Dan thought about it for a moment. "Well, if I have to guess... I suppose Alice is probably the one who could contact Masquerade easiest... she's got the connections, what with her grandfather being Hal-G and all." he said to her.

She was watching them, and she lowered her gaze. "Oh no... Dan thinks I'm a spy and doesn't trust me anymore..." she said to herself.

"But there is no way to prove it, we can't just suspect her of being Masquerade's spy right off the bat you know." Twilight said to him unaware Alice was right behind them.

"Twilight's got a point Runo... don't get me wrong, I doubt Alice is working with Masquerade. But if anyone has any inside info one who's spying on us, I believe Alice does." Fluttershy said to her.

Suddenly... "Hey Brawlers..." called a familiar yet annoying voice.

"Are you two up for a challenge...?" asked another voice.

Dan thought about it for a moment but nodded in response. "Oh yeah, sure anytime..." he looked to who it was, and saw it was Shuji and Akira.

"Long time no see... we haven't seen you around much since your rankings went up. But do you think you're better than us...?" Shuji asked them

"Yeah, what's up with you Dan?!" Akira asked him.

Surprised from seeing them, Dan shook his head a bit. "Huh?! Not these two...!" Dan panicked.

"Ugh... just when this day couldn't get any worse..." Twilight muttered.

Meanwhile, Shun and Rainbow Dash were waiting by Wardington Tower. Julie at that moment poked her head out of the bushes and found them. "At last I finally found you Shun and Rainbow Dash..." she muttered.

"You just can't control yourself can ya...?" asked a familiar voice.

Julie yelped and turned seeing Applejack standing behind her, and giving her a disappoving look. "AJ, are you trying to trying to give me a heart attack?!" she whispered to her.

"I'm trying to stop you from letting your ego get the best of you, Shun and Rainbow Dash ain't spies, I know because I've known Rainbow Dash all my life. There is no way she would be a spy for Masquerade..." Applejack explained to her about her friend.

"Yeah well, maybe you didn't know your friend as well as you think...!" Julie exclaimed and looked to where Shun and Rainbow Dash were. But suddenly someone approached them. "Who's that?!" she asked seeing an old man approach the young brawler. "Why would Shun and Rainbow Dash be meeting a strange old man like that here...?" she wondered, but soon realized something. "Oh! That must be Hal-G come to exchange secrets!" she exclaimed.

"Julie, now you're just being paranoid! That isn't who you think it is-" before Applejack could stop her, Julie ran off to follow Shun and Rainbow Dash. "Hey!" she watched as she followed them, and let out a groan in frustration. "She is seriously asking for a good kick in the rear." she followed after her.

Back with Dan, Twilight, Runo and Fluttershy, they were in the middle of a face to face with Shuji and Akira. Dan meanwhile was beginning to lose his nerve with these two. "Shuji and Akira..." he let out a sigh knowing he wasn't in a mood. "Oh no man, I can't battle you guys today... things are too mixed up in my world right now." he explained to them.

"So, sorry... maybe next time..." Fluttershy said to them as she walked away with them.

"What?! You're bailing on us?!!" Shuji asked them.

"Huh... I heard you say you'd battle anyone, anywhere any time Dan!" called out a rather unfamiliar voice.

This immediately caught Dan's attention as he turned around to see who it was. "Who said that...?" he asked.

Out from behind Shuji, walked out a young little girl. With pinkish hair, purple eyes, wearing a white shirt with a light violet bowtie. Her skirt was a light blue, and she wore white socks, she looked at Dan with a smug grin on her face. "I think you owe Shuji and Akira a battle Dan... or are you gonna run away because you're too scared?" she asked him.

This immediately annoyed Twilight knowing she was as much a bully as the two brothers. "What was that?!!" she asked her.

"You heard me..." the little girl replied to the Alicorn Princess.

Meanwhile, Shuji and Akira were acting like total goofballs reacting to her. "He's chicken..." he said as he floated into the air.

"He wants to go home..." Akira floated beside him.

"Dan, just who is this little girl? And how does she even know you?" Fluttershy asked him.

"Nene...? You know them...?" Dan asked her.

Puffing her cheeks in frustration, the little girl he called Nene glared at him. "Of course! I taught them everything they know, they're my brothers!" she exclaimed catching them off guard.

"They're your brothers?!" Twilight asked in shock.

"You taught them everything you know?!" Fluttershy asked them in surprise.

Nene nodded her head in response. "Got that right... well, are we battling or not?!" she asked as she pulled out a Bakugan Card. "I'm ready to brawl!"

Starring at the little child, Twilight knew that this had to be some sort of joke. "Young lady, you can't be serious... you sure you even know how to play Bakugan...?" she asked her.

"Oh don't get me started little miss high and mighty! And don't think that Dan will be the only one we'll be facing! You and your pony friend here are gonna be part of the battle!" Nene said to her as she crossed her arms showing how serious she was about it.

Seeing it, Twilight began to realize that she wasn't joking... not even the slightest. So... how else will this be resolved...? Settling this in a Bakugan battle, whether they liked it or not.

Meanwhile at Wardington Tower... Julie and Applejack were still following Shun and Rainbow Dash who were with Shun's grandfather who were viewing the sights of Wardington. "Oh my, you can see the whole city from up here." he said to his grandson and let out a soft chuckle.

Julie meanwhile was watching from a distance, with Applejack in tow. "I wonder what Hal-G is looking at." she thought to herself and looked through a telescope. She looked and found Marucho's place, and jumped to the number one conclusion. "Ah, so that's it! I knew Shun and Rainbow Dash were up to know good, but I didn't think they would be so bold to meet Hal-G out in the open like this! But now they're looking for a way into Marucho's house! I'll stop them before they can carry out their evil plan!" she sneaked towards them with a toy hammer.

Seeing it and feeling panicked. "Julie no! It's not what you think!" she cried out, but was too late.

"I feel like I'm on top of the world..." said Shun's Grandfather.

"If you had wings, you'd see how amazing it would be to sore through the sky." Rainbow Dash said to him.

Then out of no where... "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS HAL-G!" Julie screamed out holding up the toy hammer.

Seeing it, Shun's Grandfather was in a daze of confusion. "What?! Who are you?!" he watched as Julie swung the hammer, he went to catch it... but he missed it and Julie smacked it against his face.

Applejack panicked from seeing it as Old Man Kazami passed out from it. "And that's one for the good guys." said Julie as she held the hammer.

"Julie? Applejack, what are you two doing?" Shun asked them.

Applejack stepped up to speak before Julie could run her mouth like usual. "Shun, I can explain... this was not my idea, I swear on my honor, if my name isn't Applejack." she said to him.

"I can tell you're not in on all this, but clearly Julie has a one track mind..." Rainbow pointed out.

"You have no idea..." Applejack muttered.

"Out of the way AJ...!" Julie walked in front of them. "Shun, Rainbow Dash, I know what you're up to, but I'm gonna end it hear and now! Come on, lets battle." she challenged them letting her ego get the best of her.

"Battle...?! Julie you can't be serious-" before Shun could explain, it was too late.

"Field open!" Julie's card started glowing in front of them. Applejack wanted to stop her, but there was no convincing her outside the battlefield. So... she needed to convince her inside it.

Back with Dan, he got fed up with Nene's attitude and needed to teach her a lesson. "Lets go it, I'll take all three of you on at once if you want." he cried out.

"Three of them...? I think you're going to need my help." Runo said to him.

"Mine too Dan, Shuji can be a real pain... but his sister I can tell is twice that much." Twilight said to him.

Shuji chuckled as he held out a card. "That's more I like it..." he grinned.

They all held out their cards as they began to glow. "Field Open!" the cried out, but as it happened. Alice jumped out of no where and grabbed hold of Dan as they entered the pocket dimension battlefield.

As they entered the battlefield, Dan and Fluttershy looked to Alice in surprise. "Alice...?" Dan said to her.

"What are you doing here...?" asked Fluttershy.

Alice inhaled and sighed looking to her friends. "Listen... its not me..." she said to them earning a surprised look from Dan. "The spy, I'm not the one you're looking for. You gotta believe me." she said to them.

Looking at her, Dan knew for certain she was listening to what they said. "Alice... I knew you heard us..." he said to her.

"You heard us...?" Runo asked her.

"If I have to battle to make you believe me, I will... I'm proud to be one of the battle brawlers. Honest, I really am. I want you guys to trust me." Alice pleaded to them to trust her.

Unsure of how she will help, Runo walked up to her. "But how are you going to battle? You don't even have a Bakugan..." she pointed out to her.

"She's got a point Alice, you're the only member of the battle brawlers without a Bakugan..." Twilight said to her.

Alice knew for a fact that they were right. "I'm... not sure..." she muttered.

Dan looked at her and smiled a bit. "Don't worry... leave that to me and Twilight, Alice." Dan said to her.

Meanwhile on the otherside of the battlefield, Shuji let out a chuckle... but Akira was growing impatient. "Hey! What's the hold up?! Lets do this!" he yelled out to them.

"Yeah, yeah, keep your shorts on junior!" Twilight mocked him.

Akira fumed with anger from what she said to him. "You'll pay for that!" he exclaimed.

"Gate Card Set!" the Brawlers tossed their cards onto the field.

Meanwhile with Julie and Applejack, Julie was prearing to battle Shun and Rainbow Dash believing them to be traitors. "Alright you two, time to prove that you two are nothing but a bunch of spies! You with me Applejack?" she looked to her right to find Applejack, only to find that she wasn't next to her at all. "WHAT?!!" she looked over to the other side seeing she was with Shun and Rainbow Dash. "AJ! What are you doing?!!" she asked her.

"I'm sorry Julie, but I'm not with you on this." Applejack said to her.

"WHAT??!! Don't tell me you're with them!" Julie accused her.

"I ain't no traitor Julie, you're just too blind to understand that you've become paranoid as a bat." Applejack pointed out to her earning a surprised look from Rainbow Dash.

Shun then looked to Rainbow Dash sharing the same expression. "She's definitely honest..." he said to her.

"That's AJ for ya..." Rainbow Dash said to him.

Fuming with anger and betrayal. "Darn you AJ, first Shun and Rainbow Dash, and now you! I won't rest until I take down every single one of you traitors! Gate Card Set!" she tossed the card in seeing it expand.

Looking to Applejack, Shun needed to know what was going on. "Care to explain what's happening...?" he asked the cowgirl.

"Well, here's the short version... Julie thinks you're all working for Masquerade, and thinks your gramps was Hal-G." Applejack explained to him.

Centorea floated towards them in her defense. "Its the truth, she thought thou to be suspicious, so she coerced her into following you two." she said to them.

"Is that so...? Well then, that explains why she accused us of being traitors..." Skyress pointed out as she looked to Avion.

"Convincing her isn't going to be easy... especially with her ego." Avion said to her.

"That's what I tried to tell her!" Applejack exclaimed and looked to Julie. "Whether or not she'll listen, she needs to get some sense knocked into her thick skull."

"I hope you're not considering on doing that literally..." Shun said to her referring to her back hooves.

Chuckling from the thought of it, Applejack looked to him with a smirk. "I may be tough, but I wouldn't hurt my friends... even if she's currently acting like a nutcase." she said to him. She soon turned towards Julie preparing for battle. "Alright Julie, if you won't listen to reason, I'm gonna make ya listen! Gate Card set!" she tossed her card to the field beside hers.

Meanwhile, back with Dan and the others. "The Bakugan Battlefield is now open." said the Bakupod. There were three Bakugan currently out on the field, Twilight's Pyrus Siege, Runo's Haos Griffon, and Shuji's Darkus Garganoid. "We're ready when you are!" Dan called out to them.

Hearing it, Shuji let out a chuckle. "We're always ready..." he responded and looked to his younger sister. "Hey Nene, what do you think...?" he asked her.

"Shoot Subterra Centepoid at Pyrus Siege then drag Shuji's Darkus Garganoid into the battle with an ability card." Nene instructed them on what to do.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Akira launched Centepoid onto the field. "Subterra Centepoid stand!" he called out as his Bakugan emerged on the field and pulled out a card. "Ability Card Activate! Attractor!" he called out as Centepoid burrowed underground causing Darkus Gargonoid to fall through the ground and appear on the same card as Centepoid and Pyrus Siege.

This got Dan worried as he saw Gargonoid stand on Centepoid's head. "Not two at once!" he cried out.

"Then we'll do the same! Ability Card Activate! Cut In Saber!" Runo called out as Tigrerra appeared on the field. "Bakugan Tigrerra has entered the field." said the Bakupod.

"You think you're gonna get away with that?!" Akira asked them.

"We already have shorty! Dan, now!" Twilight called out to him.

"Gate Card Open!" Dan called out as the card lit up in flames. Garganoid and Centepoid cried out in agony as Siege and Tigrerra struck them both down forcing them to revert to ball form. Siege and Tigrerra did the same and returned to their masters. "Alright!" he cheered out.

"Nice job you two, keep it up!" Twilight said to them.

"Lets keep rolling!" Runo tossed in her next Bakugan. "Haos Tuskor Stand!" she called out as Tuskor emerged on the field roaring out slamming its large feet on the ground standing next to Haos Griffon.

"Oh yeah? I can do better!" Nene tossed in her Bakugan to the field. "Ventus Ravenoid stand!" she called out as her Ravenoid emerged on the field spreading its wings. "Ability Card Activate! Blow Away!" she called out as the ability forced Tuskor to blow straight off the card it was on to land on the card Ravenoid was standing on. "Like that? Check this out, Gate Card Open! Energy Merge!" Tuskor felt its energy being drained as it transfered over to Ravenoid. "Ventus Ravenoid at t470 G's." said the Bakupod.

Tuskor panicked as Ravenoid charged at it and rammed against its chest, forcing Tuskor to revert to ball form landing next to Runo. "Huh?! What happened?!" Runo asked in surprise.

"She took down Tuskor like it was nothing." said Fluttershy as she saw what happened.

"Yeah! Nice work Nene!" Shuji cheered for her.

"Yeah Nene, you really showed them!" Akira cheered.

"That was a clever move combinding an air strike with a trap card." said Alice as she observed what happened in that battle.

"Yeah, that kids pretty good." Twilight muttered as she scowled at Nene. "But she's trouble with a capital T..."

Nene grinned as she prepared for the next fight. "Alright, my next move will put them in their place!" she said as her brothers cheered her on.

"Yeah! Bakugan Brawl!" The brothers called out.

Meanwhile, Dan, Runo, Twilight and Fluttershy glared at the three siblings knowing that this battle will not be easy. This also had Alice worried for them. "Dan, Twilight, Runo, Fluttershy..." she muttered as she watched them.

Back in Shun's battle, two gate cards were set on the field as Julie glared at Shun and Rainbow Dash. "Shun, Rainbow Dash you no good double crossers! What are you doing hanging around with Hal-G?!" she demanded to know.

"Hal-G? You got it all wrong Julie..." Rainbow Dash said to her.

"Don't play dumb! I saw you two and that old man looking at Marucho's house!" Julie exclaimed as she glared at them.

Skyress knew for a fact she was more blind than a bat. "This girl needs help..." she said to her partner.

"You said it Skyress..." Avion agreed with her.

"AJ, do you really believe that we're what she thinks we are? I mean come on, you know me better than that..." Rainbow Dash said to her.

She nodded to her in response. "I do know you Rainbow, but reason as far as I can tell isn't he best forte..." she said to her.

Back in Dan and Runo's battle, there was a Darkus Stinglash, a Subterra Manion, and a Bee Striker with an El Condor agaisnt Runo's Griffon. Things weren't looking good for them at this moment and time. "Its Your move!" Akira called out.

"Oh no... I'm surrounded...!" Runo panicked.

"Now its time for the biggest fight!" Nene tossed in her Ravenoid. "Ravenoid Stand!" she called out seeing him emerge on the field.

Runo panicked knowing she was done for. "I have to do something... Gate Card open!" she called out as Griffon's power level increased to 400 G's.

Nene smirked as she pulled out a card. "Ability Card Activate... combined the abilities Triangle of Hexagonel Magic Circle!" she revealed as the powers of Ventus, Subterra and Darkus combined.

This shocked the brawlers and the ponies from seeing it. "No way!" they exclaimed.

"It's called the Tripple Node ability." Nene said to them with a smirk. "Combined Power Level Increase detected, and transfered to Bakugan Ravenoid to 570 G's." said the bakupod. Ravenoid ambushed Haos Griffon and lifted him into the air. He dove towards the ground and slammed Griffon on it, causing him to revert back to Ball Form.

Dan was stunned from seeing it happen. "I wonder where she learned that trick...? I've never seen the Tripple Node used before..." he wondered.

"You and me both, Marucho knew the triangle between Pyrus, Haos and Aquos... but for her to know Ventus, Subterra and Darkus? That's a new one for me... even if she is a little child." Twilight said to him.

"What should we do?" Runo asked him.

"I don't know, but we need to come up with something fast... or else Shuji's losing streak comes to a close..." Dan said to her.

Meanwhile, Alice looked at the battlefield, looking mostly at Nene. "This shouldn't be happening, Shuji and Akira wouldn't be so tough to beat if they have Nene to make all their plays for them." she thought to herself. Suddenly, an idea came to her as she looked to Dan and the others. "We need a new strategy..."

"Okay, we'll have to counter-attack with our own triple node with Pyrus, Aquos and Haos." Dan said to Runo.

"Okay, then I'll let you or Twilight shoot the water attribute." Runo suggested earning a disgusted look from Dan.

"What? I'm Pyrus Dan, I'm a fire battler, come on you know that." Dan objected.

"Who cares? If you don't do it, we can't do the triple node!" Runo argued with him.

Alice grew worried of the situation. "I'm going to have to do something about this, Dan and Runo aren't thinking straight." she thought to herself and looked to Fluttershy "Fluttershy, I need you to get their attention..."

"How...?" the timid Pegasus asked her, only to realize what she meant. "Ohhh... myyyy...." she shuddered knowing what it was she was suggesting.

Back in Shun's battle with Julie, Julie was still not convinced of what was going on. "This is you Shun!" she held a thumbs down at him. "You big cheater! You and Rainbow Dash, even AJ!" she cried out. "You made a big mistake when you decided to work for Masquerade. You almost got away with it, but now I'm going to make you pay." she said to them.

"She's definitely a brawler at heart, I like her style." said Skyress as she floated by Shun's shoulder.

"Do you...? Then maybe we should battle her..." Shun suggested.

This surprised Applejack as she and Centoria turned towards him. "No offense Shun, but have you completely lost your mind?! That'll give her more reason to suspect you of being with Masquerade." she said to him.

"No AJ, I think Shun has an idea there... Avion, we'll join him." Rainbow said to him as she loaded Avion into her Bakushooter while shun grabbed Skyress.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Rainbow Dash and Shun launched their Bakugan partners onto the field. "Skyress/Avion, Stand!" the called out as both their partners emerged on the field.

Julie meanwhile was scowling at them both as she gripped her fist. "I knew you'd show your dark side eventually, now its lights out for you!" she was about to send in Gorem.

"WAIT!" Skyress called out as she approached with Avion. "You're confused child... that old man you saw with Shun was actually his grandfather! It wasn't Hal-G." she said to her catching her by surprise, letting out a gasp from hearing it.

"Yes, in other words, you just assaulted an innocent, harmless old man!" Avion said to her with a scowl.

"I think he's anything but harmless..." Rainbow Dash muttered as she earned a disapproving look from Shun.

Back in Dan's battle, Nene and her brothers were preparing for the main event. "Ha! Time for the big finish!" she called out.

Dan and Runo were completely out of options at this point. "The only Bakugan we have left are Drago, Tigrerra, Bahamut and Elvia..." he said feeling frustrated.

"I never thought they'd get this far either Dan..." Drago said to him as he looked to the battlefield.

Shuji at that moment let out an amused chuckle. "Its your turn, lets go!" he said to them

Runo held up two cards and looked them over. "The next card I use will be the most important card of all..." she looked through them carefully and decided which one to use. "Got it...!" seeing it, Alice let out gasp from seeing it. "Lets take out as many Bakugan as we can... its up to you Tigrerra..." she was about to throw her in.

Reacting quickly, Fluttershy got in the way giving her the stare, paralyzing her. "Runo, wait!" she said to her

Runo shook just from looking into her eyes. "I... I can't...!" she said to her trying to look away.

"What is it Fluttershy?" Twilight asked her and Alice.

"They're setting up a trap for you Runo, me and Alice think you should shoot your Bakugan at an empty card." Fluttershy said to her.

"But that's just like running away!" Runo said to them.

"Its not... Haos Bakugan are strong, its just dangerous to go onto a card when you know there's going to be a trap." Alice said to the stubborn blue haired girl.

"Tigrerra is tough, she'll make it out all right... I don't need your advice Alice..." Run said to her as she turned away from her.

"Uh, Runo..." Dan was about to stop her.

"Bakugan Brawl!" Runo tossed Tigrerra out to the field.

"No, Runo!" Alice exclaimed, but it was too late.

Tigrerre landed on the field and stood. "Tigrerra stand!" Runo called out as Tigrerra emerged on the field.

At that moment, Nene grinned seeing it. "Good, she fell for it. Gate Card Open! Triple Battle!" she called out, catching Tigrerra by surprise. Nene then turned her attention to Akira. "Go on! Shoot your second Bakugan now Akira!" she said to him.

"Right, Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his Subterra Centipoid. "Centipoid, Stand!" he called out as it emerged on the field. Both Centipoid and El Condor slowly approached the white tiger having her backed into a corner.

Dan panicked as he watched it happen. "You're cornered... there's nothing I can do to help you now Runo. It looks like you're on your own..." he said to her.

"Fine, don't worry about it, I suspected they might try and come at me with two of their Bakugan again. If my plan works, I can get both of them at once, I just have to use the right ability card." she said to him.

"Runo, use the Haos Freeze card!" Alice said to her.

"Why?" Runo turned facing her. "Trust me Alice, I know what I'm doing, and the Lightning Tornado card will do the job." she said to her.

"No it won't, Nene's been calling out their plays, and she's used a hat-trick of attacks. That's her pattern, you can't win with a Lightning Tornado card." Twilight informed her as she stood by Alice's side. "Runo, please just this once, this time you have to trust Alice... so set that stubborn ego of yours aside, and listen to her!" she exclaimed earning a surprised look from Runo.

Meanwhile, Nene was growing impatient with them. "Akira, activate your ability card." she ordered him.

"Sure thing... I will use the Attractor card again and get Shuji's Darkus Stinglash in the game, and then this battle will be our." Akira held out the card.

"With the Haos Freeze ability card, you can bring any battle to a standstill, and while time is stopped you can add any other Bakugan you want to the game." Alice informed them of what they could do.

Dan and Runo soon began to realize that there was no denying it. "She's right... it would put either Drago or Bahamut in..." Dan looked to Runo feeling determined. "Runo, do it!" he said to her.

"But Dan... we can't be sure they're going to add a third Bakugan." she said to him.

"Come on! This is no time to second guess yourself, we're just gonna have to trust Alice this time." Dan said to her.

"But Dan, I don't think she knows what she's talking about..." Runo said to him as she looked to Alice. "How could she? She's never been in a battle before." she pointed out.

Alice looked at her when she heard it and smiled. "Yes I have..." she said to them as they had surprised expressions on their faces. "I've been right by your side in all of your battles, and whatever battles we face in the future... I'll be there too. When we face Masquerade, I want to be there to protect the Bakugan. We have to stay strong if we're going to save Vestroia, and together we can do it!" she said to them. Runo looked away still feeling unsure of what to think of her. "Trust me Runo... please..." she pleaded.

But knowing Runo, she is still stubborn. "I have to win this battle on my own Alice, that means I have to throw down the cards I think will work, understand...?" she said to her earning looks from Twilight and Fluttershy.

Meanwhile, Akira held out the Attractor card and grinned. "Yeah, this card will take them down!" he tossed it out onto the field.

Twilight saw it eyes widened and looked to Runo. "Hey Runo!" she called out.

"Look!" Fluttershy pointed out seeing it.

"This is the one!" Runo held out the card she picked.

"Ability Card, Activate!" Runo and Akira both called out.

"Attractor!" Akira called out as Centipoid summoned Stinglash to the field.

"Haos Freeze!" Runo called out as lightning surrounded the area and captured Centipoid, Stinglash, and El Condor.

"What is that?!" Nene and her brothers asked in shock.

"Runo!" Alice smiled at her.

"Alright, get going Bahamut, because you're up!" Twilight called out as Bahamut went onto the field, and emerged next to Tigrerra, roaring out as he glared at the trio for all their tricks. "Okay, time to turn up the heat. Ability Card Activate! Crimson Fury!" she called out as flames filled Bahamut's mouth. "Bahamut and Tigrerra combined power levels by 90 G's. said the Bakupod. Bahamut unleashed a stream of fire against Centipoid, El Condor, and Stinglash as they reverted back to ball form.

Shuji cried out knowing they had just been defeated again. "How did they get so powerful?!" Nene asked in shock and bewilderment.

Meanwhile, Akira lowered his head in defeat. "We lost..." he muttered.

Meanwhile, Bahamut and Tigrerra returned to Twilight and Runo. "Hey, Alice was right... good move Runo..." Dan said to her.

Runo smiled at hearing it. "Thanks Dan, I can always trust Tigerra, she never lets me down." she said to him and looked to Alice. "That goes for all my friends... Alice, I just want to say I'm sorry for not trusting you." she apologized to her.

"No, no, its okay... you made the right choice in the end, and that's all that matters." Alice said to her.

Runo smiled and rushed over to her holding her hands. "Thanks Alice, for being there for me." she said to her.

Alice giggled seeing it. "Sure..." she smiled with her.

Dan smiled seeing it as he rubbed his nose a bit. "Well, I guess we can scratch Alice off our list of potential spies..." he said as he stood next to Twilight and Fluttershy.

"But when we find out who is spying on us, and we will... we will make sure they never get near the Brawlers ever again." Twilight said to them as Runo and Alice nodded in agreement along with Fluttershy.

"Hey! We want a rematch, right now!" Nene called out.

"Yeah! We're just getting warmed up!" Shuji said to them.

Dan and Twilight looked to them and looked to each other, forming a confident smirk as they looked to them. "Sure, why not? Runo, Fluttershy, Alice, you ready?" Dan asked them. The nodded to them as Dan and Twilight got ready for another battle. "Bakugan, brawl!" he called out as they began another battle with the trio, who will win? We may never know... more than likely its going to be Dan and his friends.

Marucho's House

After the battles, Marucho was trying everything he could to find some form of information. Suddenly, he managed to find something. "I knew it... do you see it Preyas?" he asked him.

"I see it, but what does it all mean?" Preyas asked him.

Scylla approached and swatted him. "You numbskull, it means someone got into the chat room..." she said to him.

"Yes... they hacked their way in... and it looks like they copied a bunch of files about the brawlers past battles too." Marucho said to them.

"Uh, what does that mean?" Preyas asked him.

Pinkie walked up and looked at it. "It means someone used a remote computer to access all our files, even me, Twilight and the others. They've analyzed every move we ever made, and now they know everything about us. Including our strategies, and the names of our Bakugan, we need to tell the others like right now!" she exclaimed and ran off.

Back at Wardington Tower, Julie and Shun finished the battle they had after listening to the misunderstanding, and Applejack immediately kicked Julie in the rear for being a paranoid nut case. They walked out of the tower with Shun's grandfather and he turned to them with a smile. "This day has suddenly been full of surprises, you know I had no idea Shun had so many wonderful friends from all over the world, even little ponies from another world." he pointed out.

"Oh yeah, we're global..." Dan said to him with a smile. "So tell me sir, did you come to the city just to see Shun...?" he asked him.

"I always wanted to see the sites, so I dragged him out of his dojo and he brought me here with Rainbow Dash." Grandfather Kazami said to him.

Meanwhile, Julie lowered her head in shame. "I'm sorry sir for bonking you on the nose sir, but I thought you were someone else..." she apologized and looked to Shun and Rainbow Dash. "Shun, Rainbow, I shouldn't have called you both all those mean things either.." she heard a throat clearing and looked to Applejack who gave her a look. "And yes, you too AJ, I'm sorry dude." she bowed.

"Oh don't apologize, none of that would have happened if Shun and Rainbow Dash would have told us what he was up to in the first place." Dan pointed out.

Shun lowered his head in shame for not telling them. "Sorry..." he apologized.

"Oh its not that big a deal.." Alice said to him.

Fluttershy stepped up and touched his leg. "That's right, everyone and every pony here is still your friend." she smiled at him.

Shun smiled and gentled patted her head. "Well that's good to know..." he said to her.

Julie giggled with glee and looked to them. "This calls for a party! Party time!" she cheered out.

Suddenly, a limousine drove up, and Marucho and Pinkie got out of the passenger door. "Hey, guys!" he called out to them.

Dan and the others looked to them surprised. "Oh, hi Marucho, Pinkie..." Dan greeted them.

"Hey, what's going on...?" Runo asked them.

Marucho looked at them seeing they were having a good time, and he didn't want to ruin it. "Nothing... did Pinkie and I hear someone say something about a party?" he asked them as he rushed over with Pinkie.

"Yeah, you're just in time..." Twilight said to them.

Julie smiled as she held her fists in the air. "LETS PARTY!" she cheered out.

"We can take the car back to my house." Marucho offered them a ride.

"We'll need some snacks." said Runo as she looked to Fluttershy and giggled.

"I can go for some squid." said Dan as he was feeling hungry.

"I'm totally up for that!" Rainbow Dash called out for it.

"I feel like I'm eighty-five again!" Old Man Kazami cried out.

"You are eighty-five!" Shun reminded him as everyone laughed at the old man who was a tad embarrassed of his blunder.

Author's Note:

Runo: Coming up on Bakugan Legends of Equestria, I get a real shock when I realize I only have a few Bakugan left. Most of them have been sent to the Doom Dimension, and I won't be able to sleep if I lose any more.
Fluttershy: We especially don't want to lose Tigrerra or Elvia... nor can we back down from a battle...
Runo: If it means we can take one of Masquerade's gang out of the picture. Tigrerra's tough like me while Elvia is sweet and gentle like Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: Thank you Runo...
Runo: No problem, but I don't know how we will be able to do it in a one on one battle against that creep, there's only one way to find out. Bakugan BRAWL!
Fluttershy: see you next time!