• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,388 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Bakugan Stall

It was a beautiful day in Dan's home town, in fact so beautiful, Alice started working at Runo's place. Things have been busy ever since she started working there, and the townsfolk were mostly admiring Alice for how beautiful she is. (I mean who wouldn't?! She's drop dead gorgeous!) She served another table and hear the doorbell ring. She turned to the new customer with a warm smile. "I'll be right with you." she said to them as the blushed from seeing her. She turned to the other tables serving their drinks. "Okay, one non-fat expresso..." she gave the customer his drink and walked to another table with some dessert. "Sorry for the wait guys, but here you go." she served them their food.

The four teens couldn't help but stare believing they were looking at a goddess. One of them decided to stand up. "Excuse me, but do you hear the fire alarm...?" he asked her.

"Um, no why?" she asked him.... and here it comes...!

On of the other teens stood up blushing. "Because you're smoking..." he said to her as the others decide to join in.

"SMOKING HOT!" The cried out in unison.

Though it was embarassing, she couldn't help but giggle at the situation. "Easy boys..." she said to them as she got caught up in her train of thought. "I wonder if I told Runo that my grandfather is Hal-G... will she ever speak to me again...? I wonder if I should tell anyone else, I mean Fluttershy knows, but how will her friends will react?" she thought to herself.

Over by the stares, Fluttershy was watching her knowing what she's thinking. Meanwhile, Tatsuo was filled a customers coffee mug. "Oh wow, that waitress is sure good for business. Your place is packed." the customer said to him. "Its just too bad I can't say the same about your food." he said meaning it to be a joke as he laughed.

Tatsuo chuckled a bit. "You're a regular comedian aren't ya?" he ask him but soon leaned in. "But listen up... not so loud, my daughter Runo might hear ya." he advised him, knowing how mad Runo might hear ya." he warned the customer.

Fluttershy sneaked to the kitchen and see's her cleaning the dishes, but notices just how sad she is because of what happened. Tigrerra peeked out of her pocket noticing it as well. "Runo, you seem so distant... what has you troubled" she asked to her only to get no response from her. Runo was too lost in thought as she remembered what Shun said to her after their humiliating defeat.

Fluttershy noticed her gripping the cup tightly out of anger. "Oh... my..." she started to worry as Alice walked in.

"Oh Runo-" before Alice could ask her anything, the cup which Runo was holding slipped out of her grasp and smashed on the ground as she snapped out of it. She turned to her surprised forgetting what happened. "Do you have second to talk...?" she finally got the chance to ask her.

Runo at the moment... refocused on the shattered pieces of the cup. "What about...?" she asked her as Fluttershy helped sweep up the pieces.

"Oh, uh..." Alice hesitated a bit as thoughts began running through her mind of what could happen. Fluttershy saw it knowing she was still scared about how Runo will react.

But she decided to step in and help her out. "Alice, why don't you grab the dust pan, we can't leave these pieces on the ground right?" she asked her forcing an innocent smile.

Alice snapped out of her fear and forced a smile. "Right, sorry..." she said as she walked away to get the dust pan. "Oh what am I thinking? The timing isn't right... maybe I'll tell her later." she thought to herself as she grabbed the dust pan and headed back to the kitchen.

At nightfall, at Shun's estate. Shun was practicing with his leaf whistle beneath the star light, and Skyress was watching him as he practiced. "Shun... are you alright...?" she asked him with concern.

He stopped practicing and opened his eyes looking out. "I don't know..." he said to her. He took a moment of silence as he remembered why he quit playing Bakugan in the first place.

Skyress knew exactly what he was thinking about... she didn't want to pressure him about what happened. For it would only hurt him more than anything.

At Dan's house that night... Dan was looking through the rankings to find where he was ranked at. "Dan ranked 97 of 100." said the computer.

"Wow! 97, you've really moved up since last time." Spike said to him.

"Hold on..." Dan looked and saw Runo was in as well. "What?! What's Runo doing in there...? How did she move up so fast...?" he asked curiously.

Twilight and the others started to panic knowing that he needed to find out. Meanwhile, Spike looked at who's number one. "And at Number 01, for the most consecutive weeks is a jerk, Masquerade!" he yelled at the screen.

Dan soon noticed something he didn't expect. "Shun...?" he looked at his rank seeing he really wasn't Number 01 anymore. "You're really letting yourself go, slipping into sixth place..." he said as he looked at the screen.

Drago looked at him noticing how worried he was. "Dan... is it true that he was Number 01 before Masquerade came along and beat everyone...?" he asked his human partner about Shun.

"That's what we would like to know... Shun must have been an incredible battler." Twilight said as she walked up to them.

Dan leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed. "Yeah, he ruled the game... until he dropped the ball and never bothered to pick it up again..." he said to them.

Spike grabbed him by his collar pulling him down clashing his head with his. "He no longer battles Bakugan?!!" he asked him out of shock.

Dan groaned a bit but pulled away rubbing his head. "Yeah..." he said as he looked out taking a trip down memory lane.

Seven years ago, before the Bakugan entered the human world. Young Dan and Shun were outside playing outside playing with a toy robot. "Shun and I were the best of friends... we did absolutely everything together." he said as he remembered how he and Shun fought a lot and their mothers had to break them apart. "You couldn't tear us apart... and when Bakugan started up, we're the ones who laid down the law, and wrote the rules together. Shun was lead in breaking down all the moves."

"Okay, how about for the wind Attribute, we invent a backdraft ability to force out any opponent that's standing on the battle field." Shun suggested as he explained to his friends how it would work. "Totally blowing away the competition." Dan looked at the idea nad smield giving him a thumbs up.

"He was on a roll..." Dan said to the ponies. Dan also thought about the good old days, and the bad... "And then he started pulling this disappearing act, sometimes leaving right in the middle of a chat session...

"He did...?" Rainbow asked interrupting him in the middle of the middle of his story.

"Yeah... none of us knew why... but I was slowly figuring it out." Dan said to them to her. "Well Shun? What do you think...?" he asked him.

"Sorry... I have to go now..." Shun said as he immediately left the screen.

Dan was surprised from the way he acted. "Huh...? But, Shun..." he looked down wishing he knew what was up.

In the present time, Dan opened his eyes looking to the ponies. "You know... it was weird, like something changed him when his mom went into the hospital..." he mentioned only to receive a gasp from the ponies, Rarity at that point fainted from hearing it.

"His mom was hospitalized?!" Pinkie asked in shock and disbelief.

"How horrible..." Twilight said feeling sympathy for Shun despite the way he treated them.

Dan didn't want to admit it, but knowing it happened, was also hard for him. "Yeah... and I believe it was harder on him more than anything." he said to them.

At the estate, Shun stared at the moon in silence thinking about his mother. Meanwhile Skyress was growing more concerned about her human partner. "Shun, I wish you wouldn't beat yourself up over this..." she said to him. But he did not respond as he only stared at the moon thinking about that day at the hospital.

A year ago, at the hospital, Shun was watching over his mother. "Mom... are you okay...?" he asked her trying not to show his fear.

His mother, Shiori Kazami, was an extremely beautiful woman, who had long black hair and green eyes. She wore a pink long-sleeved hemp and a long white skirt. But is currently wearing a white hospital robe lying in bed. She looked to her son and smiled a bit. "Oh, Shun... you're here..." she said to him with a weak smile.

"Y-Yes..." Shun felt hesitant about seeing his mother like this.

"Shun...? Could you go get my purse...?" she asked him. "I have something... that I've been saving, I think you'll like it." she said to him.

Shun smiled at her knowing he shouldn't. "But... I don't-" before he could continue.

"Just give me my purse silly." she asked him to get it for her.

"But... I don't want anything..." he assured her of it. But that didn't stop her.

"Yes, I know... but sometimes a mother wants to give her son a gift just because she loves him. Now go home and get my purse before I get emotional." she said to him as her smile grew wider. "You're such a good boy."

Shun looked at her worriedly but smiled and nodded to her. "Okay..." he said to her and headed out. As he walked down the hall, his smile faded as he looked down. "Boy, I wish my mom would quit worrying about me so much and look after herself... she practically does everything for me. And now when she needs me the most, she's still trying to make sure I'm happy. Man... I feel so useless... when she gets out of here, I've got to step up to the plate." he thought to himself as he still felt worried about his mother.

When he arrived at home, he was getting an instant video message, and guess who it is... its his grandfather! Showing off his angry expression as usual. "Shun! Still there?! Stop goofing off and get back here now! Things are gonna change under my house rules." he said to her only to hear Shun drop the remote and run out.

He quickly ran out the door. "No! He's not the boss of me!" he yelled out as he got into the elevator. His anger was beginning to rise as the elevator went down. "He makes me so mad...!" he slammed his hands against the wall as he heard his grandfathers words echo in his mind. He heard the doors open and ran outside to try and get to the hospital.

"If I had my way, he would spend less time playing with his friends and more time studying to be a real warrior!" his grandfathers words echoed in his head even more causing his blood to boil.

"Change of plans old man...!" he thought to himself as he ran as fast as he could.

Back at the hospital... Shiori was soon wearing an oxygen mask, her condition was getting worse. The doctors were doing everything the could. But there was little improvement, the nurse looked to the doctor worriedly. "It looks like... she's stabilized..." she said to him.

Shiori's eyes were closed as she tried to rest. "S-Shun..." she tried calling out to him, but was too weak.

Out on the streets, Shun stood on the sidewalk lost in thought as people walked passed him. But as one walked by him, he vanished. Knowing him, it was obviously a ninja technique. But there was a reason for it, Shun then showed up at a parking lot, finding himself facing Dan of all people. Dan looked at him with a serious expression knowing he meant business. "So you finally came back... didn't think you had the guts to show up." he said to Shun with a smirk. Shun only returned it with a fierce glare. "Since you're so out of practice... still ready to play?" he asked as he held up a card.

Shun held out his card. "Oh I'm game..." he said to him. "Question is, are you...?" he asked him.

They both flipped their cards around. "Bakugan Field Open!" they called out as their cards glowed brightly, taking them into the Pocket Dimension battlefield.

"So... you guys actually started battling, even when Shun's mom was sick?" Rainbow Dash asked him.

"I knew at the time... but I was so focused on the battle, I didn't realize how serious it was... but yeah, we battled each other that day. Unaware of what was happening to his mom." Dan said to her.

As Shun and Dan entered the battle field, they each pulled out a Gate Card of their choosing. "Gate Card set!" they tossed them to the field preparing for battle.

Dan landed on the ground holding onto his confident smirk. "Look what I have here, its your name, and its spelled out loser!" he tossed the card to the field. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his Saurus to take the first round. "Saurus Stand!" he called out as Saurus emerged in its true form as it roared out and growled at Shun. "Bring it on Shun!" Dan called out to him.

Shun gladly accepted his invitation. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his Ravenoid to join the battle. "Ravenoid Stand!" he called out as Ravenoid emerged on the field in its true form screeching.

But to Dan's disbelief, Shun threw Ravenoid to a different card opposite of Saurus. "What?! All talk and no show again? Fine then, I'll start! But first... I'll need some reinforcements!" he pulled out his next Bakugan. "Been a while since we had face time..." he tossed in his Bakugan which was a new Bakugan called Warius. "Warius Stand!" he called out as Warius emerged in its true form. Warius is an ogre-like Bakugan that loves to brawl. It swings a mace studded with lethal spikes to attack its foes. Spiky horns cover its head and shoulders protecting Warius from damage and impaling opponents. Its dense armor covers its body and legs. "Ravenoid 310, Warius 290 G's." said the Bakupod as Dan pulled out an ability card. "Ability Card Activate! Ring of Fire!" he called out as he tossed the card to Warius as flames surrounded it. Ravenoid immediately felt the heat of the flames as it backed away. "Ravenoid Power Level 260 G's." the Bakupod calculated the power levels. "Dude, you are so going down! And let this be a lesson in the mastery of Ultimate Kung Fu moves!" Dan said to Shun.

Shun only scowled knowing that Dan made a huge mistake. "Not so fast grass-hopper... Gate Card Open!" he called out as wind emerged from the Gate Card. The winds then swirled around Ravenoid increasing its power level. "Ravenoid up 100 G's to 360 G's." said the Bakupod as it recalculated.

"What?!" Dan cried out as Ravenoid used its power to blow out the flames around Warius. It stumbled a bit feelings its fire go out, and when Warius wasn't looking... Ravenoid charged straight at it and kicked it down forcing it back into Ball Form landing next to Dan as Ravenoid returned to Shun. Dan reformed a confident ssmile not willing to give up. "Keep rolling hot shot!" he encouraged Shun to keep playing.

Meanwhile, Shun held onto his firm expression while thinking about his mother. But in the meantime, he needed to finish this battle, quickly. He pulled out his next card. "Gate Card Set!" he tossed it to the field landing in front of the card Saurus stood on. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his next Bakugan to the field. "Ventus Falconeer stand!" he called out as Falconeer emerged on the field in its true form.

Dan saw that he wasn't going straight for the kill. "Again? No first strike? What is this, chess?!" he asked as he pulled out his next Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his next Bakugan to the field. "Pyrus Griffon stand!" he called out as Griffon emerged on the field, roaring out. It then leaped into the air taking flight and charged at Falconeer.

"Battle Begin!" both Dan adn Shun called out, as Griffon charged at Falconeer going in for a tackle. But Falconeer dodged its attack and charged at it, tackling it head-on.

"Gate Card Open!" Shun called out as wind began to surround Falconeer. It was then surrounded by a tornado, and its eyes glowed brightly as it charged at Griffon. "G Level up 100 G's to 390 G's." said the Bakupod.

Dan was started to get angry at the situation. "Amateur!" he tossed in an Ability Card. "Ability Card Activate!" Griffons wings were soon engulfed in flames of the Wing Burst Ability Card. It started charging at Falconeer with the intent of finishing the battle. It rammed Falconeer down and flapped its wings sending barrages of flames at Falconeer, forcing it to catch fire, and return to ball form. Dan smirked as Griffon returned to him. "There, ball's in your court!" he called out to Shun.

"Gate Card Set!" Shun tossed in a new Gate Card. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed his Ravenoid back onto the field. "Ravenoid Stand!" he called out as Ravenoid emerged on the field preparing for another round.

Just like before, Shun tossed his Bakugan to an opposite card, and this was driving Dan nuts. "EERRR!!! Don't just stand there move!" he shot an angry glare at Shun. "Hey! Quit stalling and show me you got game!" he yelled at him out of anger and frustration, but Shun didn't even flinch from hearing him. It was almost as if he was only focusing on the battle, meanwhile Dan pulled his Griffon back out. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed it to the field seeing it land. "Griffon Stand!" he called out as Griffon emerged on the field facing Ravenoid.

"Bakugan Brawl!" both brawlers called out. Griffon went in for an attack, but Ravenoid was avoiding its strikes, and blocked his tackle. It soon pushed Griffon away as they faced each other with menacing glares.

They charged at each other head on, but Dan looked to Shun angry and confused. "What is up with him...? He should be wiping the floor with me by now. Then ringing me out and wiping again..." he thought to himself as Griffon tackled Ravenoid. "We're just butting heads, something's going down..." Griffon's wing lit up in flames and it continued its charge at Ravenoid. Till suddenly...

"Gate Card Open!" Shun called out as the card glowed brightly, surrounding Ravenoid in an aura of energy. "G's approaching to 520 G's." said the Bakupod as Griffon tried to halt its charge, but it was too late. Ravenoid dodged its charge and grabbed hold of Griffon and started diving towards the field, and just when they were close to hitting the ground... Ravenoid quickly let go as Griffon slammed into the ground going back into Ball Form.

Dan saw Griffon land next to him and looked to Shun. "Still slacking off? This is one messed up game plan." he thought to himself as he saw Ravenoid return to Shun. "Come on Shun! Lets brawl!" he caleld out to him.

Shun held out his next Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed in his Ventus Monarus to the field. "Monarus Stand!" he called out as Monarus emerged on the field spreading her wings facing Saurus.

Dan was surprised as well as disappointed. "What? You gotta be kidding me!" he shook off his disappointment and focused on the battle. "Oh well, bring it on!"

Shun held out his Ability Card. "Ability Card Activate!" he threw it straight for Saurus seeing it land a direct hit. Saurus felt the cards affect and was forced into Ball Form.

Dan was surprised as he caught Saurus. His memories went back to when Shun mentioned the Backdraft Ability Card, he new it was effective, but this was a different ability card compared to the Backdraft Ability. That was where he put down the line. "What is up?! Is blowing me off part of your strategy?!" he demanded to know only to get a smirk from Shun.

"I have my reasons. Why, are you getting tired...?" Shun asked him trying to get under his skin.

Dan knew he wasn't going to let that slide. "Yeah, tired of you goofing around!" he said as he tossed his Saurus back onto the field. "Saurus Stand!" he called out as Saurus emerged on the field growling at Monarus.

Shun anticipated he would do that as he pulled out the card he needed. "Ability Card Activate! Backdraft!" he called out as he tossed the card to Monarus making her return to Ball Form returning to him.

Dan was about ready to flip his lid. "What the heck?! Are you trying to trick me?!" he asked him.

"Just keep playing..." Shun said to him as he pulled out another card. "Cause I don't ever want to stop..." he said to him.

This immediately caught Dan's attention. "But... why...? What's going on...?" he asked starting to feel concerned.

Shun looked down trying to forget about his mothers condition... but it was hard, even for him. "Let it go... you wouldn't understand..." he said to him.

Dan was growing more and more concerned for his best friend. Never before did he ever think to see Shun like this, but he needed to know the truth. "Aw come on... look it can't be that bad... we can talk after we finish the game." Dan said to him as he tried to help him.

But Shun started to show how panicked he is. "No don't! If my mom stays in the hospital, its game over for me!" he said to him as he looked away. "That is if my grandfather has any say... so stop stalling and keep playing!" he tossed in his Ravenoid. "Ravenoid Stand!" he called out as Ravenoid emerged on the field.

"He wanted to continue battling? Even when his mother was still in the hospital...?" Twilight asked Dan in the present time.

"Yeah... I wanted to know why, but I needed to do something to help him. But it was a lot harder than it seemed." Dan said to her in the present time as he continued his trip down memory lane.

"Gate Card Open!" Dan called out as the Gate Card Saurus stood on began to glow, and a field of fire emerged on the field causing Ravenoid to shield itself and avoid the flames. Meanwhile Saurus started charging at Ravenoid snarling at it. It landed and solid blow against Ravenoid forcing it to go back into Ball Form returning to Shun. Saurus went back into Ball Form and returned to Dan. "But why...? All we're doing is shadow boxing... this isn't even a real game." he said to Shun as he gripped Saurus in the palm of his hand. "You're just using me to avoid your stupid grandpa, and what's worse is that your mom is paying for it!" he cried out causing Shun to realize his actions. His thoughts immediately ran to seeing his mother in the hospital bed, hearing the slow sound of her heart monitor. Meanwhile, Dan pulled out another Gate Card. "There!" he tossed it to the field as well as Saurus to emerge on the field.

Shun at that time, was having conflict within himself. "No, he's wrong! I have to continue the game! But he has the Pyrus Saurus." he thought to himself as he looked around the field. "Concentrate... I'll use the Air battle ability. What ever it takes."

"Hey! Your little plan isn't working, so just throw in the towel and go, okay?!" Dan tried to reach out to him, but he had a feeling his words were falling on deaf ears.

Shun held up his next Bakugan readying for the next battle. "Bakugan..." he was about to finish his sentence, but his tears were starting to form, blurrying his vision. It was hard for him to focus, but that wasn't going to stop him. "Brawl!" he tossed in his Monarus, only to find that he tossed her to Saurus' card. "I overshot?" he asked himself.

Monarus emerged on the field, and Saurus prepared for battle. "Gate Card Open!" Dan called out as Saurus felt its power increasing from the power of the Gate Card. Monarus could only prepare for what will happen next, but she charged at Saurus hoping to knock it off its feet. But her attack failed as Saurus grabbed her by her leg and threw her down to the ground. As she fell, she returned to her ball form landing next to Shun. At that point, the battle was finished. Saurus returned to Dan, and Dan looked to Shun with a sad expression. "I think its game over... for the both of us..." he said to him.

Shun at the time, fell to his knee's in defeat. Knowing all his efforts to save his mom... were in vein. "So you actually beat him?!" Pinkie asked Dan in the present day.

"Yeah... but I knew he needed to get to the hospital as quickly as possible, and luckily... my dad was there." Dan said to her and the others.

As Dan and Shun returned to the real world, Dan's father Shinjiro was on his way to getting a parking spot after having to wait for a while. "Oh jeez, finally after two hours a perfect spot." he went to get his car in a parking spot, but he stopped seeing Dan in his way. "What the... Dan?"

"Dad, quick! To the hospital!" he cried out to him as he and Shun got into the car. Shinjiro knew it must have been an emergency, so he quickly stepped on it and headed straight for the hospital. As they arrived at the hospital, Shun quickly got out and ran inside. Dan got out and looked to his father. "Thanks Dad!" he said to him and ran after Shun.

Inside Shiori's hospital room, Shiori's condition was getting worse... but she could feel that her son was close. "S-Shun...?" she tried calling out to him, but was too weak.

Shiori's father was watching over her. "He'll be here shortly... at least I brought you your purse..." he said to her.

The door eventually opened, and Shun came rushing in. "MOM!!!" he cried out as everyone turned to him. He ran to her as everyone watched. "Mom..." he approached her in both worry and sadness. Dan watched as his best friend... sat next to his mother, knowing what may happen. "Mom...?" Shun called out to her hoping she would respond.

At that time, Shiori began to slowly open her eyes, and she looked to her beloved son and began to smile. "S-Shun..." she reached over and touched his hand. "What took you so long...? I was just about to fade... thank goodness you made it." she said to him as she grasped his hand. Tears began to form in Shun's eyes as he feared the worst. "So... tired..." Shiori started to lose strength.

Tears started rushing down Shun's face seeing his mother starting to let go of her spirit. "Don't worry son... she'll be fine, she still has time..." the doctor said to him as he looked down with a sad expression.

Dan watched on feeling the sadness within his friends heart. "... Shun..." he spoke his name.

"The doctors right Shun... even though I'm fine right now, I won't have much time... but you must go home and Grandpa will look after you..." Shiori said to him with a weak smile. "But here... I got something for you..." she gathered her strength to pull something out of her purse. "Its... what I wanted to give you... I know its what you really love Shun. Now... go have some fun..." she said as she placed it in his hand.

Shun felt it and looked to what it was. It was Skyress. "R-Really...? You wanted to give me a Bakugan...?" he asked her.

"Well duh! But you are not going to get a chance to play with it. Because you will be practicing ninja moves with me. And under my house rules, you'll be coming home from school and staying home." Grandpa Kazami said to him. "None of this disappearing act, and none of that Bakugan business either. Do you hear me?" he asked him.

Shun only looked at Skyress for a moment. "Now it makes sense... why it was so important..." he said as he looked at Skyress as tears ran down his cheek. He soon looked to his mother feeling the sadness in his heart getting deeper. "But mom..." he was about to say a few words, but he felt his mothers hand touch his face.

Shiori smiled at her son knowing what is best. "Shun... I know it is hard... but you mustn't hold onto the past, especially this second of time. I want you to do what you think is right... promise me... you will continue playing... promise me Shun..." she begged her son to make that promise.

Shun hesitated, knowing it would only break both his and his mothers heart if he didn't. "I... I promise mom..." he said as tears fell. He soon rested his head over his mother knowing what is going to happen.

Shiori only smiled at her son and stroked her hand over his head. "Thank you Shun..." she thanked him as tears formed in her eyes. "And I promise... I will always... be with... you..." Shiori's life started to slowly fade as her tears fell. Her eyes closed and her heart monitor flat-lined.

Shun's eyes widened from hearing it and he looked to his mother with tears of sadness. "Mom... no..." his tears ran down his cheeks. He quickly shot his head towards the sky. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!" he cried out in sadness as he held his mother in his arms letting his emotions go out of control. The nurse placed a hand over his shoulder to help comfort him, and Dan only watched as Shun mourned for the loss of his mother, and felt that he was to blame.

In the present time, Shun looked at the moon remembering that day. "She knew all along that Bakugan was what I really wanted to do. Man... how could I have been so blind...?" he asked himself. "I guess sometimes you just have to listen to your gut." he said to Skyress.

"What is your plan now Shun?" Skyress asked him.

Shun remained silent for a bit. "My Grandpa wants me to be a ninja super star like him." he said to her knowing it wasn't what he wanted.

"But why did you shut out your friends? You love to battle, and one day soon, you will..." Skyress said to him only to see he wasn't listening. "Shun...? Shun are you even listening to me?" she asked him and realized he wasn't going to respond. "Well... the day will come and you must make up your mind." she informed him like a noble grand master would instruct her pupil. "I'm sure you'll make the right decision... and so does that pony with the rainbow colored mane."

Shun looked to her surprised. "You mean Rainbow Dash...? But... why would she-" before he could continue.

"You saw much potential in her, as well as I did. She could help you, as well as her friends. But only if you learn to accept. It won't be easy, but just give it time..." she said to him as she looked out to the night sky. Shun looked at her and looked to it as well. He knew that he couldn't stand by while his friends are facing the enemy alone... but will he help them? Or forever remain in his Grandfathers shadow?

Meanwhile at Dan's house, Dan had finished his story, the ponies, even Drago felt sorry for Shun. Meanwhile Pinkie had tears filling up her eyes. "That was the saddest story I've ever heard..." she cried out as her tears flowed out like a fountain.

"It is an unfortunate story." Drago agreed with her.

"... Yeah, sure is... I still haven't seen him, or heard from him for that matter. Folks say he moved in with his grandpa and disappeared. Never to touch a single Bakugan ever again." Dan said to them. "As far as I know... I think..." he thought about it but let go of his thought. "Anyway, the game won't miss a no-show hasbeen... and neither will I..." he said to them. But that didn't slide with Rainbow as she heard it. She flew up to him and slapped him across the face. "OW!!! What was that for?!" he asked her.

"You don't get it! Shun did battle, and it was with me, Runo and Marucho!" Rainbow yelled at him.

"What?!" Dan looked to the others. "You guys knew about it and didn't tell me?!"

"We're sorry Dan, but it was Runo's idea to talk to him, and we couldn't tell you... at least not yet because of what was going on between you and Shun." Twilight said to him. "And now that we know what happened between you two... its clear that you two need to relight the friendship that was between you two."

Dan sighed wishing he could. "I wish I could Twilight... but this isn't Equestria... you should know that by now." he said to her.

"And we do.... but you must understand Daniel, that this isn't about you, this is about Vestroia, and your world." Rarity said to him. "Without Shun... you won't be able to stop Masquerade, and who knows what that awful brawler is doing...?" she said out loud.

Rainbow reached and grabbed his shoulder. "You might blame yourself for what happened to Shun's mom... but if she were here right now. She would ask you to help Shun in any way you can, even if you have to battle him to get him to join. I know, because I faced him... and believe me, he's not as much a hasbeen than you think he is." she said to him with a smile.

Drago looked to his partner knowing what he was going through. "Dan, as much as you wouldn't want to hear it from me, but you need Shun on this team. We need the help of all six attributes." he said to him.

Dan felt a tug on his pants leg and looked to Spike. "Come on Dan, this is Shun here... you know he needs your help. Are you going to just stand here and do nothing...?" he asked him with pleading eyes. Dan didn't know what to do... but one thing was for certain. He needed to help Shun in any way he can, but... will Shun join his team if he asks...? We may never know.

Elsewhere, at Masquerades hideout. Masquerade was looking at all the top rank Battle Brawlers, seeing their scores and letting out a small chuckle. "Perfect... more battlers are joining daily. But which Bakugan holds the highest power level? Filter on..." he clicked the mouse to check the highest ranking Bakugan. As all the scores disappeared, only one was left standing as it revealed the picture of a Hydra type Bakugan. Masquerade smirked knowing that it was his Bakugan on the screen. "Excellent... my Hydranoid is still in the lead."

Then out of no where, from behind Masquerade, the wall began to move revealing the face of Hal-G. "Of course you're in first place, all these so called battlers you send out keep getting beaten! Explain yourself... for Dan and his crew are gaining considerably in power!" he said to him.

"I have my reasons... those kids were just disposable pawns in our overall strategy. They gave themselves willingly out of their own greed, and their sacrifice will help help us create the ultimate of opponents. We need the highest evolved Bakugan to get to the Infinity Core, and as you know, the more you achieve... the more evolved you become." Masquerade explained to Hal-G as he looked to the screen. "We need to pull our resources into one central entity, and so what if it is Dan's? He's so cocky and sure of himself, he'd be willing to blow it all in one shot! He wouldn't see it coming till with was too late."

"But making one player so powerful could prove fatal, and Naga is anxious for one loss in particular." Hal-G explained to him as a vision of Naga appeared.

He growled for he was still trapped within the Silent Core. "The Fate of Doom must be sealed for that little snake in the grass!" he said to them.

"Snake in the grass?" Masquerade asked his master.

"He speaks of Pyrus Dragonoid. The one they call Drago." Hal-G mentioned to him as Masquerade looked up his information. "For some reason he has a grudge against this particular Bakugan." he said to him.

Masquerade looked at him and smirked. "So this calls for a different kind of player, a battler they'll never expect." he searched through the battle brawler listing, and found exactly what was searching for. A sly smirk formed across his face as he looked at the picture. "And I know the perfect one... the perfect one...!" he said as he looked at Shun's profile letting out a dark and evil laugh.

"There is still the issue with these... ponies... where did they come from...?" Naga asked them.

"And why do they interfere with our business...?" Hal-G asked Masquerade.

Masquerade only smirked knowing what to do. "Doesn't matter, because if they plan to interfere any further... me and Hydranoid will destroy them. For good!" he said darkly as Naga couldn't help but chuckle at the young brawlers confidence. Because nothing will stand in his way in retreaving the Infinity Core. Not Dan and his group, not Drago, not even these six ponies that stand against him.

Author's Note:

Dan: Dan and Rainbow here! Filling you in on the detail of what's coming up!

Rainbow Dash: Did me, Runo and Marucho lose it with Shun? Yeah, pretty much. And I mean battle wise.

Dan: Did my friend Shun get back in the game? Or has he become a card carrying member of Club Masquerade?

Rainbow Dash: Either way, we couldn't let him go without a fight. Get ready for some serious brawling!

Dan & Rainbow: Coming up on Bakugan Legends of Equestria!

Dan: See you then!

(Hey guys, here is the next episode. Reason why Shun's mom dies in this one is because... well... there are two different stories of what happened to Shun's mother. One where Shiori goes into a coma, and the other she dies of her illness. It was a difficult decision, but with help from MaggiesHeartLove, she figured it would be a little PG, so she suggested I go for Shun losing his mother. To give the Mane Six, especially Rainbow Dash a reason to try and help him.)