• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,387 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

Play Nice Runo

"Ever since we came to the Doom Dimension in search of Dan, Twilight, Drago and Bahamut, the Brawlers have been put through a series of tests by the Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia. To see if were worthy to help them save their home... and now... it looks like its me and Fluttershy's turn..." Runo explained as she, Fluttershy, Tigrerra and Elvia were on their way to their test.

Following them to their test were Tigrerra an Elvia, who struggled to get their bearings as they traveled. "RUNO/FLUTTERSHY!" they cried out as the entered the test of Lars Lion, the Haos Soldier.

Upon arriving in the area where they are to be tested, Runo and Fluttershy looked around seeing a lush green forest around them. It was beautiful, but at the same time... a little spooky. The owls were watching them, the silence was unbearable, and being separated from the others... was not settling well for either Runo or Fluttershy. "So... where are we...?" asked Runo.

"I'm not sure... but it looks like we're on our own." Tigrerra replied.

"You're right Tigrerra... its more than likely we've been separated from the others." Elvia said to her.

This immediately had Fluttershy in a panic. "Rainbow Dash? Applejack! Pinkie, Twilight! Rarity!" she tried calling out to them.

Runo looked around and thought it would be best to call our her friends. "Julie! Shun, Marucho! Dan! Anybody, hello?" she tried calling them out, but no response.

While off in a distance... Lars Lion, the Haos Soldier appear, hiding within a hallow tree. She watched them in secret, to keep an eye on them, mostly on Runo as she silently chuckled. "Welcome you two, to the enchanted forest of testing... understand, I can see in your minds. Your thoughts, your dreams... your deepest, darkest secrets... and I can see through your lies." she said as she looked at the crystal ball. She soon began to glow as her form started to change. "You can hide nothing from me...!" she said as she changed into an old woman and chuckled.

Meanwhile, Runo and Fluttershy were wandering the forest in hopes of finding the others before they ran into Lars Lion. Suddenly, a large butterfly flew by catching their attention. Fluttershy was enchanted by the butterfly's colorful wings as she let out a smile. "So beautiful..." she complimented it.

"Yeah.. but this place is creepy..." said Runo as she watched it fly by.

"Yes, this place is rather peculiar..." Tigrerra agreed with her.

Runo thought about it for a moment, and an idea came to her head. "Hey wait, maybe we're making a big deal about absolutely nothing." she said to them and looked to Tigrerra and Fluttershy. "I say we pick a direction and see if we can find where the other brawlers are hiding." she suggested.

"Then I suggest you lead the way Runo, after all, you are more capable of trying to lead us out." Elvia said to her.

But Runo gave the little fairy a scowl from hearing it. "Not sure whether or not to take that as a remark of saying I have no sense of direction..." she said to her and looked around. "So, which way do you think we should go...?" she asked them only to feel more worried as a thick fog began to appear. "Oh man, I really wish Dan were here... I sure bet he would know what to do..." she thought to herself.

Soon enough, she and Fluttershy spotted someone in the fog. The fog began to clear, revealing a young boy from the mist. Wearing a yellow t-shirt, a red vest and blue shorts. His hair even looked similar to that of Dan's, even his eyes. He smiled at her as he approached. "Hey there kiddo, how's it going?" he asked her.

Runo was surprised as she started at him. "Oh wow... it can't be..." she said to herself as she thought back to when she was a child. Sitting comfortably on boxes that were just moved in to their new house, her younger self however, didn't have the long ponytails... she mostly had buns.

She was clapping her feet together as she sat on the boxes, only for her father to approach her feeling concerned. "Runo honey, what's the matter...? Why aren't you outside in the sunshine?" he asked her.

Runo simply looked at the restaurant. "Don't wanna..." she replied.

"But why...?" he asked her.

Runo turned to him showing how sad she was. "Because we just moved here, and there's no one to play with. That's how come..." she stated to him.

Tatsuo smiled at her knowing what to do. "Well, you won't make any friends by just sitting inside." he said to her as Runo looked away feeling sad about the thought of it. "Trust me Runo... if you go out, I'm sure everything will work out just fine..." he stated, even though Runo was still feeling unsure about it.

At the park, Runo walked through the park as the other kids played together, keeping her distance from them. "Boy I hate moving... I miss all my old friends so much..." she thought to herself as she watched the other kids play together. She sighed and sat down feeling alone. "I wish I was back at my old house..." she thought and looked down. "And what's worse... there's no one to talk to..." she said as she noticed a ball roll up to her.

"Hey! Hey kid!" called a familiar voice that caught Runo's attention, and saw that it was young Dan Kuso. "Chuck back my ball!" he said to her.

Runo scowled as she stood up with the ball in her hand. "I have a name you know!" she stated to him.

"Yeah, tell someone who cares.." Dan said to her.

Runo's scowl turned into an irritated glare. "For your information, the names Runo!" she threw the ball at him.

Dan quickly caught it, but felt the intense force of the throw. He shook his hand from it and smiled looking to her still in pain. "Nice to meet you too... man you got a mean throw." he said to her and got an idea and looked to her. "Hey, why don't you come over and play kid...?" he asked her.

Being called kid managed to irritate Runo further. "I said my name is Runo!" she yelled.

"Yeah, whatever... do you want to play?" Dan asked her as he smiled at her.

Runo blushed a bit as he looked at him, but decided to join the game as she took the ball while Dan went up to bat. She looked at it feeling worried, because of one particular reason. "I've never played baseball before..." she said to him.

"Oh come on, throw the ball already..." Dan said to her as he held up the baseball bat.

Runo smirked as she held the ball. "Okay, here goes nothing!" she threw the ball as it flew towards Dan. Seeing it come, Dan swung the bat and managed to land a homerun strike as the ball flew through the air. Once retrieving the ball, it was Runo's turn to bat as she walked up to the plate holding the baseball bat. "Okay, show me your stuff!" she said to him.

Dan chuckled as he held the ball. "Okay, here it comes!" he threw the ball toward her. Runo went for a swing, but as she swung it... she missed the ball by an inch, and spun out of control and plopped onto the ground. "Strike One!" Dan said to her as her eyes were spinning like crazy. Evening came, and Runo was swinging until she could get a hit while Dan teased her every time she missed. Tired and exhausted, Runo let out her frustration by screaming and grinding her teeth together, but Dan was getting a good laugh out of it. "Whoa kid, you sure are feisty..." he said to her.

This completely crossed the line. "I SAID MY NAME IS RUNO!!!" she screamed at him.

"Right..." Dan stood up and looked to her. "Well, give me a call when you learn to play. Later!" he gave her two peace signs and ran off. "Nice meeting you kid!" he said to her.

Runo finally had it as she swung the bat around. "MY NAME IS RUNOOOOO!!!!!! GOT THAT?!! RUNO! RUNO! RUNO!" she roared out as we all return to present time as the older Runo looked at the young Dan. "Wait a sec, he's the same kid from when I was little." she thought to herself but realized he called her kid. "MY NAME IS RUNO! AND IF YOU EVER CALL ME KID AGAIN, YOU ARE SO HISTORY!!!" she yelled at him.

Elvia was surprised from her outburst as she and Fluttershy looked to each other sharing their surprised expressions to each other. Tigrerra was equally surprised from what she saw, and looked to Runo. "What's wrong Runo?" she asked her.

"That kid... its him, he's a little creep Tigrerra..." Runo said to her as she scowled at little Dan, not realizing who he was.

"No Runo, that's not nice, he's just a kid..." Fluttershy said to her.

Dan chuckled and looked to her. "See ya!" he ran off into the forest.

"Hey! No wait! Where are you going?!" Runo ran after him to catch up. But by the time she reached the tree's, Dan disappeared into thin air. She looked around for him, but saw no trace of him. She panted a bit and took the chance to relax. "Now why did he just up and take off like that...?" she asked.

"What's wrong Runo, and what's so important about this boy anyway...?" Elvia asked her out of curiosity.

Thinking back, Runo looked to her and Fluttershy to explain. "Well, I'm not exactly so sure myself..." she said to them.

Tigrerra gave her a look not feeling convinced. "Are you being straight with me young lady?" she asked her.

Surprised of her question, Runo knew she had to be honest. Otherwise if they do get back home, Applejack would scold her. "Yeah, of course I am..." she said to her.

Suddenly a twig snapped, and Fluttershy yelped as she turned towards the sound. "What was that?!" she asked.

Out of the wilderness, was Lars Lion disguised as the old lady from before. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you... but are you looking for someone my dear...?" she asked them.

Runo and Fluttershy were surprised when they saw them. "Uh, hello...?" Runo responded.

"I overheard your conversation..." Lars Lion stated to them.

Feeling nervous around her, Runo had to tell her something, or else they weren't going anywhere. "Yes, we're looking for our friends... all together, there's for of my friends, and five of Fluttershy's... and for whatever reason we were sent out into this forest..." she explained to Lars Lion of what they went through.

"I see... but are you both sure its your friends you are looking for, and not someone else?" Lars Lion asked them, specifically Runo as she glanced towards her. "Or maybe... is it a little boy whom you seek...?" she asked as she earned a shocked expression from Runo. The Haos Soldier smirked from seeing it. "Tell me, am I right...?" Runo could barely find the words to tell her, but Lars Lion turned away. "Well if I am right, then you will find him in that shack over there..." she pointed towards it.

Seeing the shack, Fluttershy shook her head in disbelief as she stared at it. "Didn't see that there before... but, thank you so much ma'am. Well Runo, I guess we better get going now..." she ran ahead of her.

Runo followed after her while Tigrerra looked back towards Lars Lion feeling troubled. "What was that all about...?" she asked.

"No clue Tigrerra..." Runo responded as she and Fluttershy ran towards the shack.

Meanwhile, Lars Lion was looking into Runo's soul seeing how dark it was becoming. "Your soul is getting darker my dear, very dark indeed..." her eyes glowed as she floated into the air, changing into her ball form as she floated to the shack.

Unaware of what just happened, Runo and Fluttershy approached the shack and looked around the area. "Okay... so where is he...?" Runo wondered.

"I don't know if I should say anything..." Tigrerra spoke up and looked to Runo. "But that old woman back there gives me the willies..." she said to her.

"I must agree with you Tigrerra, in fact there was something off about her..." Elvia stated to her as she and Tigrerra obtained the attentions of both Runo and Fluttershy. "We detected a quality about her, that's not quite... well... human." she said to them.

Fluttershy smiled a bit and patted her head with her hoof. "Its just your imagination..." she said to her.

"Yeah, I mean besides... she's just a harmless old lady..." Runo stated only to hear the door slam open and saw young Dan running out.

Dan looked to her surprised, but smiled at seeing her. "Hey, its you guys again..." he said to her.

Runo panicked as she looked at him. "Y-Yeah...?" she replied.

Dan smiled as he reached into his pocket. "So... you wanna battle?" he held out a Haos Bakugan.

Both Runo and Fluttershy gasped in surprised from when they saw it. "WHAT?!!" both Tigrerra and Elvia exclaimed in shock.

"Didn't you two follow me so you could battle...?" Dan asked them.

"Sorry, but we're confused..." Runo replied to him.

Dan's smile faded as he looked at her feeling sad about it. "You mean you don't remember me at all...? I'm Danny... but you can just call me Dan..." he said to her.

"What?!" Runo asked in shock from learning about it.

"You mean you're Dan...?" Fluttershy asked him as he nodded. "But you don't mean that you're...?"

"Yeah Dan, that's me... live and in person. Ain't I a cutie...?" Dan asked them as he smiled.

Putting it together and seeing the similarities between the younger and older version of Dan, Runo began to realize who she is dealing with. "Hey then, the brat I met when I was a little girl, was really Dan?" she asked.

"For real!" Tigrerra looked towards Dan feeling surprised.

"You're serious?" Fluttershy asked her.

Runo nodded in response and looked to Dan. "I know it sounds weird you guys, but a long time ago I met this kid in a park. I never caught his name back then, but now... it all makes sense. It was Dan..." she explained to them of her past.

Elvia looked at the young boy and began to speculate what this could mean. "I can only guess that the Legendary Soldiers have brought him back to this place, but why...? Especially after all these years...?" she wondered.

Runo also began to speculate what it could mean, but soon started to realize what it was. "My test... our test, Fluttershy's and mine... Fluttershy may not have met Dan way back when, but its her test as well." she said to them.

"That's it! You're right Runo... which means..." Fluttershy looked towards Dan with Runo and smiled.

Runo also formed a smile across her face as she looked at him. "We accept your challenge Dan..." she said to him.

"Alright! Lets get busy!" Dan declared as he prepared for battle.

Runo looked to Tigrerra and smiled as she was on her shoulder. "You ready Tigrerra? This is my chance for a little pay back... and now that I know its Dan, we've gotta win." she said to her and looked to Dan. "He was so rude to me back then..." she stated.

"I'm in Runo..." Tigrerra responded to her.

Runo scowled at the younger Dan knowing she won't hold back. "Sure Dan is my best friend, but he's also my rival... and I've got to pass this stupid test!" she declared.

Fluttershy smirked as she looked to her. "You sure he isn't more than that Runo?" she asked her with a goofy grin.

Runo's face immediately turned red from hearing it, she quickly shook her head and gave her a look. "Now isn't the time to be playing Cupid Fluttershy..." she said to her and looked to Dan. "Are you ready?" she asked him.

"Yeah!" Dan responded as both he and Runo held out Bakugan cards.

"Gate Card set!" they tossed their cards out to the field, seeing both of them expand across a field of grass.

Runo scowled at the young boy remembering what she went through as a child. "This time, you're going down!" she said to him.

Dan chuckled at hearing it, knowing there was no chance of that happening. "I don't think so! Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed his Haos Robotallion onto the field. "Haos Robotallion Stand!" he called out as Robotallion emerged in his Haos form on the battlefield. "New Battle Engaged." said the Bakupod.

This surprised Runo, but she immediately glared at him from seeing his Bakugan's attribute. "Ohhh, and here I thought you of all people knew how to play this game, Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed in her Hynoid to the field. "Haos Hynoid stand!" she called out as the wolf Bakugan emerged on the field facing Robotallion. "Hynoid has entered battle." said the Bakupod.

"Should you be playing your high hand first...?" Tigrerra asked her.

"I'm with Tigrerra on this Runo, I mean Dan could be planning anything... he may be a Pyrus the way we know, but this is not our Dan." Fluttershy said to her.

"Don't worry you two, I know exactly what I'm doing." Runo assured them of her plan.

Fluttershy however, was far from convinced. "That's what I'm afraid of..." she said to her.

Meanwhile, Dan prepared his next move. "Hey, nice move... but its my turn again. Gate Card open!" he called out showing it was a triple battle card. He then tossed in his Ravenoid to the field next to Robotallion. "Haos Ravenoid sharing the battle!" he called out as Ravenoid emerged on the field in front of Hynoid. "Take him down Ravenoid!" he called out as Ravenoid stood ready for combat. "Haos Ravenoid increases Robotallion to 420 G's." said the Bakupod.

Runo only chuckled from seeingit . "Oh nice try Danny boy, but now its time for you to watch and learn." Runo pulled out an ability card. "Ability Card Activate! Rapid Haos!" she called out as Fluttershy's Tuskor went into battle. "Go get'em Tuskor!" she called out as Tuskor appeared on the field, roaring out as it slammed its feet on the ground. "Power Surge to 740 G's detected." said the Bakupod.

Dan was impressed from what he saw. "Wow, that is one wicked counter move... but too bad for you, its not good enough." he said to her.

Fluttershy formed a face of confusion mixed with concern for what he said. "What do you mean Dan...?" she asked him.

"Oh you'll see, Ability Activate! Ability Counter!" Dan called out as Tuskor roared out and was forced to go back to ball form and return to Fluttershy. "My move makes your Rapid Haos move useless." he explained to them.

Fluttershy caught Tuskor, but quickly got on Runo's bad side. "Why you...!" she clenched her fists at him. "Counter move correction..." said the Bakupod as it showed Tuskor removed from battle and Hynoid's power was reverted back to 360 G's. At that moment, Ravenoid used its powers to restrain Hynoid to keep him still. While Robotallion charged at the wolf Bakugan and punched him in the face, forcing him into ball form as both he and Ravenoid did so as well, returning to Dan. "But, but that's impossible! NO! Something's wrong, I should never have lost!" she exclaimed.

"But you did Runo, you were too confident..." Fluttershy said to her.

"She's right..." Lars Lion spoke up as she floated down to Dan. "In your haste to win, you lost... its that simple my dear." she said to her as she formed into the old lady from before.

Fluttershy was surprised when she saw her. "Look, it's that old lady from before..." she pointed out.

Elvia meanwhile was not convinced that she was an ordinary old lady. "I smell a rat...!" she stated to them.

"You're not the only one..." Tigrerra agreed with her on the subject.

Smirking at them, Lars Lion glowed bright yellow and revealed her humanoid form to them and floated into the air. "I am Lars Lion... one of the Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia, and my task is to break you of your stubbornness Runo..." she said to her.

"Stubborness?!" Runo questioned her point of view of her.

"As well as purge Fluttershy of her fear..." Lars Lion caught the shy Pegasus pony by surprise of what she said. "Listen and learn... a Bakugan must be more than confident, they must be honest with themselves. A trait Applejack is familiar with during her fight with Clayf... wouldn't you agree Fluttershy...?" she asked her as she nodded in agreement.

"Hey! I know what I'm doing! So why don't you just back off!" Runo shouted at her and looked to Dan. "Okay squirt, ready when you are!" she said to him.

Lars Lion merely chuckled at her knowing she will be hard to handle, but it never stopped her from breaking someone before. "Alright my dear, let the battle begin... Dan, its your turn to start this round." she said to him and looked to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, since you still have Tuskor, this will be your chance to test your courage... if you can manage it." she said to her.

Fluttershy was already nervous about it, knowing her fear was still lingering, but she couldn't let that stop her. She needed to return to her friends, no matter what got in the way. Dan meanwhile was ready for battle. "Alright, you got it... Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed Ravenoid to the field. "Haos Ravenoid Stand!' he called out as Ravenoid emerged onto the field. "New Battle Recognized." said the Bakupod.

"Oh give me a break, is that the best you can do? Watch this Tigrerra... Fluttershy is gonna demolish that Ravenoid" Runo said to her with a chuckle.

"Slow down Runo, not that I trust that old woman, but you'd be wise to heed her words." Tigrerra said to her.

"Hey, I know what I'm doing, now just back off okay? Fluttershy's got this battle in the bag." Runo said to her with a chuckle.

Fluttershy meanwhile, was not amused. "Don't let revenge blind you... if I learned anything from these battles, it will only take your focus off the task at hand. But in my case... hoof..." she stated to her knowing exactly what's running through her mind.

"Fluttershy, I've waited for this forever, and now its payback time. You and I have to win and that's that..." Runo said to her.

Tigrerra was finally fed up with it, and decided to confront Runo straight on. "I don't think you're telling us everything, are you?" she asked her, knowing she really is hiding something from her, and the others.

Frustrated, Runo chose to ignore it and looked towards Dan. "All you guys need to know is that we're gonna win this." she said to them.

But Fluttershy pulled out her gate card and prepared for her turn. "If that's true, then why did you blush when I mentioned your feelings for Dan...?" she asked her earning a much bigger and brighter blush from her. Giving her a smirk in return and looking to the field, Fluttershy prepared herself. "That's what I thought, Gate Card Set!" she tossed the card to the field, seeing it expand across the ground. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed Tuskor onto the field. "Haos Tuskor stand!" she called out as Tuskor emerged on the field. "Tuskor has entered battle." said the Bakupod as it calculated the power levels. "I'm counting on you Tuskor, don't let me down." she said to him feeling nervous of what mat happen.

"Oh man, no disrespect Fluttershy, but if you think you could win with that move, you're off your rocker." Dan stated to her.

"Hey, you mind butting out Dan?" Runo said to him, catching him by surprise. "Now its time for Fluttershy to finish you off!"

"Gate Card open! Super Pyrus!" Fluttershy called out as the field began to glow and both opponents switched power levels.

Dan panicked from seeing it. "Oh no!" he cried out. "Advantage, Tuskor... Opponents powers have switched. Tuskor leads by 10 G's." said the Bakupod.

"Please don't hate me after this battle Dan... we're just trying to get home." Fluttershy said to him.

At that instance, Lars Lion giggled at seeing her kind hearted nature. "You really are an interesting one Fluttershy, you and Runo both. You are kind, while Runo is bold and makes moves without even thinking. But your choices can be reckless sometimes... and when advice is given, you and Runo dismiss it without a second thought. You both must look inside yourselves... otherwise, your future is rather bleak. Like the time when you believed you became a monster... by Iron Will if I recall..." she stated.

Fluttershy's eyes widened from hearing it, remembering how she mistreated her friends and all those around her. But Runo was having none of it. "Hey lady! You're not the boss of me or her!" she said to her.

"Too late, you lost." Dan said to her as she looked to her surprised. "Ability Activate! Spark Out!" he called out as Ravenoid pulled out four kunai's and threw them at the field card they were on. One on every corner of the field, as they nullified the fields ability. "Looks like your gate card is pretty much useless, and I'm up by 50 G's." he stated as Fluttershy looked to her Bakupod. "Recalculating battle score." it showed as Tuskor's power was reduced to 380 G's while Ravenoid was at 440 G's. Then Ravenoid charged making clones of himself, ramming against Tuskor while the final one landed a hard punch against him, forcing him into ball form as he landed next to Fluttershy.

"What?! Tuskor!" Fluttershy picked him up and frowned. "We lost another battle..."

"Hey, don't sweat it... besides... why would I be mad at you? You're the most kind, most gentle pony I ever met..." Dan said to her earning a surprised look from her. "Don't you remember...? You found me in the woods, I was scared, alone, but you were there... you looked out for me..." he stated.

Fluttershy's eyes widened when she heard what he said to her. Her memories came rushing back to when she was just a filly, when she heard the cries of a young boy... who was lost in a forest. The young shy little Pegasus filly slowly approached him to see if he was okay. "Hey, are you okay...?" she asked him. Dan turned around seeing her, and panicked as he backed away, only to hit his head on a branch from a tree he was under. He cried out in pain, and Fluttershy frantically looked around but looked to him. "Oh, no its okay... don't worry... everything will be alright, you'll see..." she wrapped her around his head and closed her eyes, hushing him as she hummed a soft melody to him.

Dan listened to her melody, as it began to calm and sooth him of his pain. He looked o Fluttershy sensing that she was a good person... or pony in this case. Fluttershy finished her melody and looked to him to check and see if he was better, and so he was. "Wow... that was beautiful, where did you learn that...?" he asked her.

"Ohhh..." Fluttershy looked away, hiding a blush. "It is something I sing to myself sometimes... but this is a rare occasion..." she stated to him and looked him over. "What are you...? I've never seen a creature like you before." she said to him.

"Well, if you want to know... I'm a boy..." Dan stated to her.

"Yes, but a boy what...?" Fluttershy asked him.

"J-Just a boy... what, you've never seen a human before...?" Dan asked her only to get a simple no from her seeing her shake her head. He sighed knowing he wasn't home anymore... but he looked to her and smiles. "Well, it doesn't matter... but..." his smile faded as he looked away. "I'm all alone out here..." he said to her.

Feeling sympathy for the young boy, Fluttershy sat next to him and nuzzled him to comfort him. "If it makes you feel better... I'm alone here too. Everypony in Cloudsdale was always picking on me... but here...?" she looked to the forest seeing all the animals around as they gathered. "They're like family to me... they even helped me realize my talent to communicate with them." she said to him as she looked at her cutiemark. She smiled and looked to him, knowing that he was the first person she ever told about it. "I never asked you your name..." she stated.

Dan smiled at her as he stood up with her. "My name is Dan.... Dan Kuso..." he introduced himself to the shy Pegasus as the flashback ended. The current Dan looked to her and smiled at her. "Ever since that day, we would see each other... but then one day, I woke up back in my home town." he explained to her.

Fluttershy was stunned from learning this, but Runo was completely confused of the situation. "Wait, wait, you mean to tell me... that somehow, Dan went to Equestria, and met Fluttershy?!" she asked them in disbelief.

"It's hard to believe, but its no wonder I have such a strong connection between you and Dan, Runo... he was the little boy I met so long ago when I was a filly. But how he was transported to Equestria, I do not know..." Fluttershy stated as she looked at Dan, but soon looked to Lars Lion. "But I have a hunch she knows..." she said to Lars Lion knowing that she's hiding something.

Nodding her head, Lars Lion may be a legendary soldier, but she wasn't a liar. "Dan had a rough day when fighting with his friend Shun, and ran off... that's when I decided to take matters into my own hands. I was watching over both you, and Dan since you were young, dear Fluttershy... the bond you share is no mistake. But I know for certain that the friendship between him and Runo is more than what it seems, she just chooses to hide it from everyone, even herself." she stated.

Runo's face turned bright red, but she glared at her in denial. "MY FEELINGS ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS LADY!" she exclaimed to her.

"In the realm of light, it is my business..." Lars Lion said to her.

Runo started growling at her, knowing that she was pushing her buttons to the point she was about to blow a fuse. But Tigrerra decided to get through to her, before she loses it. "I beg of you Runo, take your time... use your head, not your heart in battle." she said to her.

But Runo turned to her, feeling fed up with her words. "I've had enough of your advice! I know what I'm doing, so just back off!" she cried out.

"That's enough Runo, Tigrerra is only trying to help you, but what do you do? You yell at her, and deny that you need help. Which in this case, you do!" Fluttershy stated, knowing that Runo is stubborn as usual.

Lars Lion chuckled at their argument, knowing it was quite amusing. "As long as you remain stubborn child, you will never win this battle. It's that simple..." she said to her.

But Runo wasn't going to listen, given she will always be this stubborn. "I am sick and tired of everyone harping on me! Now lets finish this!" she yelled at her.

"Here it goes, Bakugan Brawl!" Dan tossed in Ravenoid. "Take care of this Ravenoid!" he called out as Ravenoid emerged on the field.

Runo tossed in a gate card, seeing it expand on the field next to Dan's. "You're up Tigrerra... okay...?" she was about to grab her.

But Fluttershy grabbed Elvia before Runo could go in. "Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed her onto the battlefield before Runo could get Tigrerra in. "Haos Elvia Stand!" she called out as Elvia emerged on the field, spreading her wings as she looked to Ravenoid. "Sorry Runo, but you head is clearly not in the game... you are too stubborn, and too eager to finish this battle. But me...? I'm focused, but at the same time, I am scared..." she stated to her earning a surprised look from Runo. "I admit it... I am scared that we will never see how friends again, and scared of what you are turning into... if you can't heed the advice of a Legendary Soldier, then you can't face the truth of yourself."

Runo was stunned from what she had said, slowly processing it as she looked at her. "Fluttershy..." she muttered.

"But now if you will excuse me, I will finish this... Gate Card Open! Character!" Fluttershy called out as Elvia's character card activated. Elvia's wings spread as she took flight and swung a kick down towards Ravenoid, slamming it against his neck. Ravenoid shrieked from it, and received another hard kick from Elvia and soon reverted to ball form, landing next to Dan.

Dan was impressed from how she pulled it off. "Oh wow, that was a pretty sweet move... now its my turn. Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed Robotallion onto the field. "Robotallion Stand!" he called out as Robotallion re-emerged on the field.

Runo saw this as an opportunity and grabbed Tigrerra. "Amateur... lets show him. Bakugan Brawl!" she tossed her to the field. "Haos Tigrerra Stand!" she called out as Tigrerra emerged and roared at Robotallion. "Okay, I got this, I got this... Gate Card Open!" she called out as the field formed light crystals around them, boosting Tigrerra's power up. She snarled at the Robot Warrior Bakugan and clawed him in the chest, forcing him to revert to ball form. "Yes!" Runo cheered as Tigrerra returned to her. Fluttershy smiled knowing she was starting to focus more on being there for her friends, rather than herself. But knowing her, she's still looking for payback. "Hey there Dan, you impressed or what?" she asked him.

"No..." Dan replied feeling smug. Because you just used up all your gate cards." he said to her.

Runo was surprised as she looked towards Lars Lion. "You now each have one Bakugan left... so here's my question. Are you brave enough to continue the battle?" she asked them as she changed from her humanoid form to her ball form, floating down to Dan as he caught her.

Meanwhile, Runo was getting bad vibes from the situation. "Something's weird, I get the feeling he's got a trick up his sleeve." she turned to Fluttershy. "Do you get the feeling too...?" she asked her.

"I've always had it... in fact I'm sure we all do." Fluttershy replied to her.

Dan pulled out his final card and held it out. "Here goes nothing!" he tossed it to the field.

"Its now or never you two..." Elvia said to them as she looked to Dan.

He reached over and grabbed hold of Lars Lion. "Okay, time to finish them off! Bakugan Brawl!" he tossed Lars Lion to the field, seeing her reach the center of it. "Haos Lars Lion Stand!" he called out as Lars Lion appeared before them, looking almost as though she were a goddess in her true form.

Fluttershy was amazed by her appearance, unable to look away. "She's pretty..." she complimented her despite that they're in the middle of a battle.

"I am Lars Lion... the most powerful of Haos Soldiers. observe as I show you how a light attributed Bakugan should battle." she warned them knowing that what she will do to them will be painful.

Runo's eyes widened looking at her. "Holy cow, we're done for... what do we do...?" she asked Tigrerra.

"I wish I knew..." Tigrerra said to her knowing they were in big trouble. "Lars Lion has entered battle, at 500 G's." said the Bakupod. Tigrerra turned to Runo knowing what they needed to do. "This is our moment Runo, do not enter this battle without a plan." she advised her.

Runo shook her head and looked to her. "I've never battled without thinking ahead..." suddenly she just remembered something Dan said to her when they were children.

A quick flashback popped into her mind seeing Dan at the park. "Wow kid, you sure are feisty..." he said to her as the flashback ends.

"Tigrerra's right Runo, making rash decisions will only lead to failure Runo." Elvia said to her as she floated next to Fluttershy.

Runo stood in silence for a moment as she looked towards Tigrerra. "Tigrerra..." she looked at her but smiled. "I know... I'm going to use my Lightning Tornado ability and finish this fight." she planned it ahead of time before she made a bad decision.

"Runo, are you sure this time?" Fluttershy asked her.

Runo smirked and looked to the field. "Oh yeah, I'm sure." she said to her as she grabbed hold of Tigrerra. "But I will need your help with this Fluttershy, I can't win without you." she said to her.

Fluttershy smiled and nodded her head to her and looked to the field grabbing Elvia. "Bakugan Brawl!" they both tossed in Tigrerra and Elvia to the field at the same time. "Tigrerra/Elvia stand!" they called out as both the tiger and the fairy Bakugan appeared on the field.

Lars Lion meanwhile, chuckled at their bravery. "So you've come back for more... what a stubborn little girl Runo is. So stubborn, she couldn't even admit her true feelings to the Dan she now knows." she said as Runo's eyes widened with surprise. "Yes child... I know of your feelings for Dan, your love for him is pure. But you are drowning it in the darkness, trying to deny those feelings. Like you, I too have feelings for a Bakugan I have known for the last 2,000 years. But I wasn't afraid to tell him how I felt... and if you don't learn to let go of that stubbornness, you will lose him forever. This is also part of your test Runo..." she said to her.

Dan smiled and held out Lars Lion's ability card. "Ability Activate! Sagittarius Arrow!" he called out as Lars Lion formed a bow around her wrist.

Runo was surprised when she saw it. "Oh no..." she panicked.

"The most powerful Haos ability... watch as the Golden Arrow brings forth the Haos Soldier!" Lars lion summoned an arrow into the air as it came back down and landed on the ground. Bringing back both Ravenoid and Robotallion. "Activated Arrow ability, increases power to 1220 G's." said the Bakupod.

"And there's more! Check this out, Gate Card open!" Dan called out as the entire field turned into an area of pure light. "Sensing another power surge." said the Bakupod as it showed another surge of energy given to all Haos Bakugan on the field.

This immediately had Runo worried as she saw it was raised to 1520. "Wow, I've never seen a power level that high before." she panicked.

"Me neither..." Fluttershy felt worried of what would happen.

Dan smirked as he shot up a fist to his Bakugan. "Do some damage Robotallion! Go get'em Ravenoid!" he cheered them on as both Ravenoid and Robotallion prepared to end the battle.

Just as Lars Lion readied another golden arrow. "This battle..." she aimed it towards Tigrerra. "Is over..." she stated to Runo and Fluttershy knowing their defeat was at hand.

Dan smiled at her knowing it as well. "You could never beat me kiddo." he said to her as Runo let out a gasp in remembering those words, but in a different pattern as she saw a flashback to when they were children playing a silly game of baseball. "You can never beat me kiddo..." he said to her younger self.

But young Runo wasn't having any of it as she threw a fit. "JUST WATCH ME!" she said to him.

Dan merely smiled at her knowing she wasn't joking around. "Well, hope we can battle again sometime... see ya." he said to her as the flashback ended.

Runo looked at him in disbelief, realizing what he meant by those words. "He knew... that we'd meet again, but how would he be able to predict something like that...? Especially when he was just a kid...? This is getting too freaky..." she stated as she looked at him.

But before she could theorize, Lars Lion shot the arrow at Tigrerra, only to see Elvia get in the way and get shot in the shoulder letting out a scream. Fluttershy gasped from seeing it as she snapped out of it. "Elvia! NO!" she and to them with Runo.

Both Tigrerra and Elvia constantly received shots from Lars Lion, as Runo and Fluttershy stood in their way. "That's enough!" she exclaimed as she looked to Tigrerra while Lars Lion readied another arrow. "I'm so sorry... this is all my fault. I'm so sorry Tigrerra..." she said to her.

"It seems..." Tigrerra stood up and looked to her. "You're starting to learn your lesson..." she stated to her.

"Yeah..." tears began to form in Runo's eyes as she looked at both her and Elvia. "I only thought about myself... but putting you both into danger like that, was just me being stubborn..." she said to her as she lowered her gaze letting her tears fall. "I never wanted to get either of you hurt..."

"Runo, Fluttershy, you both still need to finish this battle..." Elvia said to them as Runo looked to them. "Making rash decisions does have consequences, and now that you understand this... the battle is yours to win." she said to them.

"Then you mean..." Fluttershy began to realize what she meant.

"Yes... being true to yourself... that is the key, do you understand?" Tigrerra asked them.

Runo looked at her and nodded her head to her, turning towards young Dan and seeing a vision of his older self. "Now I get it... Dan wanted to battle me, as much as I wanted to battle him. No matter how badly I treated him, and even though he could be stubborn and rude, all I would do is think about myself... yet through it all, Dan was always there for me..." she said as tears brimmed.

At that moment, Lars Lion readied the arrow. "Sayonara Tigrerra, and fair well Elvia!" she shot it towards then.

Runo watched it happen as she stood between them. "It's all so clear..." she shut her eyes. "I understand now..." she stated as she began floating in the air, surprising Fluttershy. "We're friends forever Dan..." she said as the arrow stopped in front of her, earning a gasp from Lars Lion. "Friends, forever... in fact... maybe even more, and nobody in this great big crazy world can change that, nobody! You hear me? FOREVER!" she called out as Lars Lion avoided a lightning storm.

Tigrerra smiled at seeing it. "That a girl Runo, I'm proud of you." she said to her as the arrows vanished from both her and Elvia.

Lars Lion watched them feeling amazed. "The power... incredible..." she stated as lightning struck both Tigrerra and Elvia.

Tigrerra let out a powerful roar as it happened, and a light shined from her as Runo and Fluttershy watched what was happening. "Whoa, what's going on here?!" she asked as she looked to her Bakupod. "Sensing Tigrerra power surge." said the Bakupod. "Incredible..." Runo watched but saw something shine from Fluttershy and looked seeing her Element of Kindness appear around her neck. "Fluttershy, is that...?"

Fluttershy nodded to her and smiled. "It's the Element of Kindness!" she stated as she looked to Tigrerra and Elvia who had shot into the sky.

Lars Lion watched it happen as she backed away. "They're... evolving..." she watched it all happen.

From the light, Tigrerra emerged with a humanoid body, masculine, but feminine in general area's. (Design will come later when I get to it, FYI.) She had long saber fangs spikes over her body armor, claws on her arm bracers, and blades on her shin guards. She let out a powerful roar as she let her blades extend all over her body. "Blade Tigrerra, reporting for duty!" she said to them.

Runo looked at her surprised of what she's become. "Is that, really you Tigrerra...?" she asked her.

Fluttershy looked around for Elvia seeing no sign of her. "Where's Elvia...?" she asked but soon heard a gentle song coming from the sky and looked to it seeing lights shining through the sky. The light soon started to become brighter as the clouds slowly began to part. An orb of light swirled in the sky, causing Lars Lion's eyes to widen, as a new form of Elvia appeared before her as she spread her wings, making the clouds spread out as she let out a powerful shriek.

Her form still consisted of her original, but her wings were much larger, and her patterns were slightly different. She even had three fingers rather than the traditional five. She even had two toes showing her more insect type qualities, and her hair was much smoother and she even had a fur collar around her neck. She glared at Lars Lion clenching her fists. "Guardian Elvia, ready and waiting..." she declared as she descended to Fluttershy.

"Elvia... you... you look beautiful..." Fluttershy said to her.

"Because of your kind heart, I was able to evolve, but sometimes you needed to give a little tough love towards Runo, to snap her out of her stubborn streak." Elvia explained earning a scowl from Runo. "But... you had to in order for her to realize her true feelings towards Dan... they may be friends... but I feel there may be more than friendship for her in the future. But it was your kindness towards her that allowed your Element of Harmony to return to you..." she stated.

"Elvia's right, in fact Runo... once you realized your stubbornness, it allowed me to evolve." Tigrerra stated to her.

At that moment, Runo and Fluttershy gained two new ability cards. "Our ability cards..." she looked to Fluttershy and smirked with her looking to the field. "My ability will decrease my opponents power level by a hundred G's and cancels their ability." she explained her ability.

"And my ability allows Elvia to increase the G's of all team Bakugan on the field by one-hundred... looks like this just got so much better." Fluttershy stated as she smirked.

"And now that we've both evolved, we will finish this battle!" Tigrerra roared out displaying her fearsome fangs.

"I'll go first Fluttershy, Ability Activate!" Runo called out as the card activated. "Velocity Fang!" she called out as Tigrerra extended her claws letting out a snarl.

Lars Lion began to panic. "Oh no! My ability has vanished!" she cried out.

"We're in trouble!" Dan stated feeling panicked. "That means Robotallion and Ravenoid are toast!" he watched as Tigrerra slashed through Robotallion first causing him to revert to ball form, and turned her attention to Ravenoid and charged at him, slashing through him forcing him to ball form as well.

"My turn! Ability Card Activate! Titania Exodus!" Fluttershy called out as Elvia fly's her wings as sparkling light glimmered from her wings towards Lars Lion. "Titania Exodus is an ability that strengthens both Elvia, and the Bakugan she's fighting beside. Not only that, the opposing Bakugan is immediately defeated once it is activated." she explained as Lars Lion's eyes widened in shocked from hearing it. "Power reduction of100 G's." said the Bakupod as both Elvia and Tigrerra went in for the attack. Elvia soon unleashed a powerful blast of lightning across the glimmering lights as it shocked and paralyzed Lars Lion as Tigrerra snarled and slashed through her.

Leaving her in a state she couldn't move from as Tigrerra landed on the ground. "We did it Tigrerra!" Runo cheered as Lars Lion's bow fell apart.

Fluttershy smiled from seeing it. "We bested you Lars Lion, now surrender!" she said to her.

Looking at them, Lars Lion could only smile knowing she had been beaten at her own game. "I concede defeat... you both have surprised me young ones." she said to them as young Dan floated up to her shoulder. "Now go, join your friends... and tell them of your victory... especially Dan, he will be so proud of you." she said to Runo.

Runo was surprised when she heard it, as young Dan smiled at her. "It was a blast Runo, catch ya later!" he said to her as both he and Lars Lion vanished from the area.

Seeing them gone, Runo smiled as she sat down on Tigrerra's shoulder and looked to her and Elvia. "Way to go you guys, you were both awesome... and I really gotta thank you both and Fluttershy for teaching me not to be so stubborn." she said to them with a smile.

"Even work on your stubbornness about admitting to Dan about how you feel about him?" Fluttershy grinned at her knowing it was something she couldn't avoid.

Letting out a nervous chuckle, Runo knew she couldn't get out of that predicament. "I have you to thank for allowing me to evolve, me, and Elvia... Runo." Tigrerra said to her. Elvia nodded to her wishing she could show a smile, but suddenly... sparkling lights soon descended around them. The four of them were amazed of how beautiful they were, but knew it was a sign that they had completed their test... and were sent to rejoin the others. Who will be next on the Legendary Soldiers list? You will find out in the next chapter.

Author's Note:

Rarity: Greetings everyone, Rarity here... coming up on the next Bakugan: Legends of Equestria. Lancelot and I are sent deep into the darkest pits of where we were to be trained. As far as we knew... we were all alone... no one to help us in this battle.
Lancelot: Then things start getting crazy, we came across someone who looked much like Rarity, too much like Rarity.
Rarity: In fact, it was a blast from my own dark past... Exedra brought back the one thing that I despised most in my life. How will this battle end? I am not sure, but I will not let my own darkness remind me of who I was... see you all next time, on Bakugan: Legends of Equestria, Bakugan Brawl!
Lancelot: See you on the other side.

(Hey guys, sorry it took so long, I've been having family issues at home, and believe me, you don't want to know what it was about. Anyways, here is the next chapter, and I couldn't help but do a few plot twists here and there. I hope you guys enjoy it.)